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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12093068 No.12093068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12093087


mother is always right

>> No.12093095

mom, you don't understand fucking anything

>> No.12093097

Still, being considerate enough to :
- not throwing away the stuff
- leaving a cute note behind
Sounds like the best mother here. I wonder what happened next?

>> No.12093111
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>> No.12093113

Forgot the "Freezer is turned off".

>> No.12093115

what a shitty translation.

>Hi, do you have something to tell us? Fridge turned off.

>> No.12093116

I'm not into futa but that megane is really hnnngable.

>> No.12093117

>Fridge turned off.
I don't get it

>> No.12093120

Please don't ever say that again.

>> No.12093122

Maybe he broke it. Maybe that's what the note is referring to?

>> No.12093135


>> No.12093157

He probably had a shitton of ice cream inside it. His dad is telling him to come into the kitchen so they can fuck.

>> No.12093168

lol Swedes

>> No.12093219

I mother is also pretty chill.
She once found a usb flash drive of mine with a shitload of loli pictures and she didn't care at all.
She just laughed it off.

>> No.12093285
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>this girl(points at print of horo on the wall) looks too young
>you aren't happen to be a pedophile, anon-kun?
>pedophiles get castration and a prison term!
>i actually have fuckload of loli porn and cp stored on my pc
>o-of course n-not, mom
also she constantly says that i need an older woman to get me into relationships(she thinks that i'm a pathetic virgin who never was in one) and then whines that all the girls nowdays are sluts that would trick me. it's cute in a way.

>> No.12093291
File: 208 KB, 996x1200, 1391280213811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have what it takes to make an older woman happy? As girls get older they start demanding less things, in the end all they really want is their man to love them. It's very simple.

>> No.12093292

Take your greentext elsewhere, crossie

>> No.12093295


>> No.12093300


>> No.12093320
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would you really fuck your own mom, anon?my mom was on fucking qt of a loli though back in 70s. looked pretty much like satsuki. now she looks like cersei

>> No.12093326
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I am the mom, dearest anon.

>> No.12093331

get off jp, mom.

>> No.12093332

Because she is that poster's waifu

>> No.12093333

Greentext is here to stay. Get used to it dork

>> No.12093404
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>As girls get older they start demanding less things

>> No.12093473
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>mom doesnt care if I'm dating
>buy a marisa fig
>she sees it
>asks me if everything is alright
>bring over blonde girl daughters of her friends to meet me
>asks me if im gay

I just wanna keep jacking off to toons mom fug off...

>> No.12093491

"hnnngh" is so cringeworthy now.
Go on /b/ for a minute and you will see normalfags posting "HNNNNGH" in response to random 3D sluts that aren't even cute.
>random slag making a duckface
It makes my blood boil.

>> No.12093517

Why are you on /b/ you f*ckin' normie?

>> No.12093523

My family encourages me to buy figurines and all that, as far as I have understod I could get a daki and what not without them caring to much.

My step dad is a bit worried, but he thinks I'm actually a virgin, so whenever my sister brings over her friend he tells me that. Really annoying, but I can't imagine how annoying he would be if I told him I've done it. I'm not even interested in real girls, and I haven't been the last 4 years.

>> No.12093536

I go there for porn occasionally when I'm feeling lazy. Don't judge me, it's not like I post there.

>> No.12093547

>>literal /b/tards


>> No.12093551

Going on /b/ for porn? Disgusting.

>> No.12093552

it's like warosu but less ironic

>> No.12093555

They have loli hreads...

>> No.12093562

So do we. If you hang around enough you can check out /jp/'s superior taste in little girls.

>> No.12093570

Their loli threads are just dumps you could get on exh and discussions void of paternal instincts

Don't go there again okay?

>> No.12093579
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>scraping a thread for quick porn makes someone a /b/tard

Of course, but /jp/ is SFW, so actual porn gets deleted and you're just left with lewd feet and bellies.
Which are great too but sometimes I want to see some penis in vagina.

I've been here for years, I'll do whatever I want.

>> No.12093580

Sorry I'm not really into father-daughter so that kind of thing isn't really up my alley

>> No.12093584

wow when did /jp/ get so many unvirgins?

>> No.12093587
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I do hang around. You fuck up and they are killed by jani, because you start to talk about about abducting retarded children and mute kids.

You can have your cake and eat it too. Pixiv and the boorus are just additional resources, as the tan retard brigade.

>> No.12093588

I don't think anyone should care about being a virgin or not, it's really not a big deal.

>> No.12093590

You don't like father daughter? What are you, gay?

>> No.12093592

All the /jp/sies had an nsome with your mom

>> No.12093600

>you start to talk about about abducting retarded children and mute kids.

But that's only in jest, actually my plan for having my own dream loli would be knocking up a teen and win the custody

>> No.12093604
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>virgin boy being this distressed
do you feel uncomfortable around actual men?

>> No.12093605

I just plan on pretending to be gay and adopting.

>> No.12093608

they let gays adopt? what is the world coming to...

>> No.12093612

But babies are fucking disgusting.

>> No.12093613

I'm a gril

>> No.12093618

7-9 years isn't that long if you were a NEET

>> No.12093633

Someone did a radio story about /jp/ (click the little arrow below "Act Two")


>> No.12093704

My mom said my figures were cute. But only the first. Then she started asking me if I was ok and was disappointed in my money wasting. My brother and nephew visited and he said I had nice toys.

Why is it okay for mom to buy ugly china dolls with 0 articulation but my highly detailed and custom made model kits and figures are kids stuff?

>> No.12093706

>custom made
You must really be paying out the ass for those.

>> No.12093712

I DEMAND you tell me more about those custom garage kits.

>> No.12093715


No, I paint them and add my own details. They are special because my work is different from other people's. And so are yours.

>> No.12093735 [DELETED] 

That was an interesting listen, thanks for sharing.

>> No.12093769

You should just point it out.

>> No.12093770

none of my touhou doujins are adult though

>> No.12093777

I'll do it next time. But what exact stuff should I say?

>> No.12093800

If she mentions that you're wasting money, just mention how she wastes it on shitty china bootleg dolls.

>> No.12093840

I have a lot of figures. at start my parents goes with the "wasting money" moto.

Now my mom like them, my father still say i'm wasting money.

>> No.12093848

She doesn't buy them at the same frequency I do. She has like 4 or 6 total.

>> No.12093864

Then she wastes the money even more, since she buys things she isn't really into.
She spends money without passion.

>> No.12094074

"This is what you're into?"

"Well, yes. And other stuff."

Never, ever have a discussion about it again. I just assume my family is full of freaks, anyway, considering the things I saw in my grandma's "book" collection when I was younger.

>> No.12094203

Posing with dead black people?

>> No.12094278

Once you become a parent the definition of the word "hypocrite" vanishes from your brain.

>> No.12094305

Does your mom know you have children in the house?

>> No.12094312

You can't say something like that and then not elaborate. That's not fair.

>> No.12094322

I've actually dug through my dads physical porn collection and found some videos of latex wearing shemales so I don't feel bad about being into anything weird

I'm just my dads son!

>> No.12094335

One time my mom watched me play touhou and she was impressed by how I could avoid all the bullets and she seemed really proud of me and it made me feel good.

They just want you to be a better person than they are anon.

>> No.12094350

What a nice mom.

>> No.12094374

The only time I have been flattered by a family member while playing anything was once by my sister while I was playing osu and she said it looked really hard, it wasn't that hard, but I felt proud.

I really enjoy getting compliments, especially since I am not all bad at what I do, for the most part everything I play I usually become somewhat decent at, but rarely do I get compliments, so I get sort of sad.

>> No.12094377

Don't get sad, man. I think you're awesome!

>> No.12094397

I love how this guy uses ``nsome". You should make that into a real word, go post it to urbandictionary or sth, pal!

>> No.12094460
File: 362 KB, 450x453, 1391235167419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my dad praised me a few years back when he saw me beat IN boss Marisa on Hard
I didn't even see it as an accomplishment, but he thought I was doing impossible shit. Felt fucking weird.

>> No.12094475

>your family has seen you beat alot of hard bosses just like everyone else in the internet
>they have never complimented you because of it, though
Why is it that you guys have better families than I do?
