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File: 57 KB, 389x600, Subterranean Animism Reiuji Utsuho Cosplay Costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12261657 No.12261657 [Reply] [Original]

Friend of mine promised to cosplay as Oku for me at next con IF i would be the one to pay it for her, it would fit damn well for her and she's quite good looking.

Should i do it /jp/ or is she just using me? and what would be best place to get one of these?

>> No.12261663

ask the sluts at >>>/cgl/

>> No.12261665

What, she's going to make you pay for her cosplay and you get the privilege of looking at her wearing it in return? That sounds like a pretty shit deal. She should at least let you fuck her while wearing it.

>> No.12261678

This, if she's willing to have some fun with you in bed with it, then you should consider it. Otherwise shes just using you for your wallet.

>> No.12261682

Why dont you just wear it instead

>> No.12261687

Like all women, she's using you, or didn't you understand A woman's psyche operates solely around what is a benefit to her on a microlevel?

You have the following options:
>Get it, but tinker with the fabric so it will come off after minor stress resulting in an amusinf wardrobe malfunction
>Make your own, make sure it looks like those horror/amusing costumes like the almighty THUR or gundam box, and steal her current clothes as she get's changed so she's forced to wear it
>Buy a wireless vibe egg, sew into the crotch, Profit.
>Place a stink bomb in the fabric of the panties so that when pressure is applied via sitting down, it's contents are unleashed causing much embarassment
>Additionally, seal in the deal adding packets of pigs blood to make it look like she's having the mother of all periods
>Do the Vibe thing but instead, something to electrocute her clit silly.
>Make the panties weak at the seams for wardrobe malfunction
>Cut out the costume, sew it up weakly so she has breast flaps without her knowing.
>Put sex toys in the pockets and make it so that they fall out via weak seams
>Report her when any of the sexual things happen, pressure her with security guards after workign out a deal
>Blackmail sex, oh yes.

>> No.12261688
File: 508 KB, 1000x842, 1400539987570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds rash, but >>12261665 has a point.
It's not about being a good deal or not; you shouldn't have to buy her willingness to wear it.
If she's just broke right now and plans to repay you later/you want to split the cost between you out of charity, but she really wants to cosplay Utsuho, then by all means, do it.
If not, you're basically hiring a whore.
For the place to get one, just check eBay. Most of the time, they're willing to do some alterations if you ask them nicely, to accommodate specific measures.

>> No.12261760

Don't do it because cosplay is disgusting and an insult to Okuus beauty

>> No.12261773

That looks like a really cheap dress. Probably fits a cheap whore really well, though.

>> No.12261776

I think its nice that they are expressing their love for her, even if they aren't nearly as beautiful as she is.

>> No.12261785


>> No.12261790

It's like drawing when you're a shitty artist.

What you produce will be an abomination, but at least you tried.

>> No.12261792

So its not right to pay homage to Okuu in that way?
Should I sacrifice a bull instead

>> No.12261800

You're totally being used, you pathetic fuckstick
If she was your girlfriend, then that would be different, but you are going to be paying potentially hundreds of dollars for a "friend" to wear a one-time outfit.
At least if she was your girlfriend, you could have cosplay sex whenever, but not in this situation.

Take to >>>/cgl/ too

>> No.12261804

The person you're quoting is completely right, having someone cosplay Okuute, unless they're 10/10 or better, is a very vile and evil thing and should be avoided at all costs.

If you do it regardless, we must banish you into the depths of hell itself, /cgl/.

>> No.12261805

As long as you have love you'll probably be alright. There's someone who made an Utsuho plushie here which came out... substandard, but since everybody could see the pure feelings he poured into it, it was fine.

>> No.12261823

Even if the most beautiful person in the world would cosplay as her it would look wrong and ugly because it's not Okuu, it's someone without her personality putting on a costume

Cosplay has nothing to do with pure love or effort, it's all about fucking a girl with a shitty costume on so you can pretend in your head

>> No.12261828

And a drawing of a pipe's not a pipe, but we take what we can get.

>Cosplay has nothing to do with pure love or effort, it's all about fucking a girl with a shitty costume on so you can pretend in your head
I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who wants to engage in a cosplay. OP's question is so dumb I don't even want to think about it.

>> No.12261858

I wish I could sew well so I could do something neat like that

>> No.12262089

Do it, dude. She might even let you watch her suck off some Chad in a Nudist Beach outfit.
