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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12632897 No.12632897 [Reply] [Original]

>66-year-old Japanese law banning late-night dancing in clubs overturned

any chance that JAV will be uncensored?

>> No.12632906

Why would you even need license to dance in public so late at night? What if you're just practicing and just too shy to show people your amateur moves?

>> No.12632936

The Olympics will destroy Japan. Mark my words.

>> No.12632941

how so? billions of dollars to corrupt businessmen. its been keeping it going for the past 66 years

>> No.12632956

That goes for most countries, though probably not billions of dollars.

>> No.12632970

Hell, the World Cup nearly destroyed Brazil. And we still have to deal with the 2016 Olympics.

I mean, our planning was terrible, the cup was basically a rushed vanity project so the current political party could gain some popular votes there was a massive amount of money being laundered everywhere and we're still not done with all the infrastructural plans that were promised for the cup. The worst part is that the government squanders money left and right, favors Cuba in every way for some reason and is extremely anti-american, we botch up the cup and the fuckers GET REELECTED for a fourth mandate! Another four years of mensalão. Either that, or an impeachment.

My /pol/ slipped a little bit, even though I've never been, but these kinds of international events are seriously destructive to a country's economy if you're not well-prepared for them. Maybe Japan will be, though!

>> No.12632973

>in a holdover from a 1948 law to stamp out prostitution linked to dance halls.

Reading comprehension.

>> No.12632979

Japan isn't a third world country, so I'm sure it will be fine.

>> No.12632986

That law sounds like generalizing a large portion, effectively affecting those who just wants to have a good time while drunk.

>> No.12632988

I'm sure they'll be receptive to same sex marriage and islamic religions too.

>> No.12634101

Fuck your JAV, they need to uncensor 2D first.

>> No.12634699

Just proves that the Salt Lake Olympics were actually extremely well-run, even though everyone bitched at the time that they weren't flashy/expensive enough.

>> No.12635541

Oh that does do good things for indecency laws.

All foreigners are tattooed on their faces so now they have to lift that ban or arrests left and right.

>> No.12635552

These two things are completely opposite of each other. Also Japan is already annoyingly tolerant of religious propagation, sure-fire way for someone with no value to society to get a visa to stay for-fucking ever legally.

>> No.12635820

2020 Olympics is the worst thing to happen to japan.

These dance clubs will open a lot of yakuza owned clubs which will be fronts for gaijin-friendly prostitution rings.

Not only that but the amount of foreigners using prostitutes is going to sky-rocket, the likelihood of catching an STD will go up drastically worse than previous years.

Not to mention foreigners who have no clue what a soapland is or the etiquette involved in it will absolutely ruin the sex tourism trade for gaijin who are actually knowledgeable. Japanese will most likely bar gaijin from even MORE soaplands and pink salons after they get too many cases of tourists not knowing how to behave themselves.

The days when you can get a raw BJ at a pink salon are over, enjoy your shitty mandatory condoms.

>> No.12635836

Not to mention each time there is an olympics the entire world uses it as a main-stage for harassing another country's culture.

Just take the shit with the russian winter Olympics, Mind you once the japanese Olympics happens you will see outrage at all facets of japanese culture, bringing all of japan's dirty laundry out on display. everyone and your grandma will know about japan's well kept secrets and will adamantly want them to be changed or censored.

So enjoy japan while it lasts, cause its going to be just as shit as america.

>> No.12636312

RIP Akihabara

>> No.12636317 [DELETED] 

Japan will put its dirty laundry for the Olympics, and the four weeks thereafter, and then they'll bring it out again.

You hide your dirty books under the bed when mom visits, not burn them.

>> No.12636320


And I think only Tokyo will be quarantined anyway.

>> No.12636321

Japan will put its dirty laundry away for the Olympics and the four weeks thereafter, and then they'll bring it out again.

You hide your dirty books under the bed when mom visits, not burn them.

>> No.12636323

What do actual natives think about japan hosting the Olympics?

>> No.12636324

what the fuck does that have to do with the olympics

>> No.12636333

Japan as it currently exists is dying anyway. By 2020 the population is going to halve and the economy will be suffering. The influx of foreigners will be needed to populate the working class.

Hope you all like hispanic/pacific hafu.

>> No.12636346

I seriously doubt that, negative birth rate and again, but 2020 is just 6 years from now, and modern japanese live a very long time.

>> No.12636354

>modern japanese live a very long time
With healthcare paid by who, exactly?

>> No.12636357

The taxpayers?

>> No.12636362
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Which will be less numerous than old retired ones.

>> No.12636364

Old retired ones usually have their own insurance funds anyway.

>> No.12636376
File: 42 KB, 600x429, 10487319_915065200850_4227815871533590123_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sure that won't turn badly.

>> No.12636382

W-what are you going to do?

>> No.12636399 [SPOILER] 
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Me? Nothing at all. But you should know better than to trust a third party.

>> No.12636405

Well, I don't do much insurance myself, only keeping the straight cash, I'm just saying japonaise in general.

>> No.12636407


As opposed to the totally-reliable-definately-not-out-for-themselves government? Or are you suggesting you stash money under your mattress and live off that once you retire?

>> No.12636410

Seriously, the latter is the safest.

>> No.12636824

Did I acidentally step in Stormfront or something?

>> No.12636825

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.12636826

No, you just suddenly step into tru/jp/, you cocksucking scum.

>> No.12636851

Get out then, I was here first. I don't want to share my space with edgy grandpas.

>> No.12636854

Then mince yourself into the generals.

We tru/jp/ stay in the shadows.

>> No.12636894
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