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File: 970 KB, 1920x1080, perfume-541f57cc87e0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12651206 No.12651206 [Reply] [Original]

Perfume thread #7
do you think perfume will stick around after they disband or do you think they will scrap pta and stay off tv?

previous thread

>> No.12651243
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>> No.12651257

Some members may disappear completely, most likely Nocchi, while other linger a little bit more in the modeling scene, tv talk shows, or variety shows, which is where most retired musicians go when they don't want to leave the entertainment scene.

>> No.12651336

Is A-Chan still doing her radio show? She might continue that after they disband. No idea what Kashiyuka would do since she doesn't like singing.

>> No.12651342
File: 215 KB, 525x600, 40931092_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A~Chan: probably just get marry, rising kids and stay out of the entertainment world, she is mother material

Yuka: I think she would pursuit her own career as a photographer or anything she wants to be not being an idol.

Nocchi: Although I think she has the most potential for a solo career, she is also the one that lacks the motivation if A~Chan is not around. She will most likely just sleep and play video game all day. LoL

>> No.12651356

Modeling? Blogging? Acting?
To be honest, the sky's the limit for these girls considering very few groups have reached the strata of popularity these girls are in right now.
I doubt A-chan will stay out of the entertainment world, if anything she's the most likely to stick around, with Yuka close behind

>> No.12651359

We've been over this before, Kashiyuka will board the mothership, and return home.

>> No.12651424

Nocchi will live off her Perfume money as long as possible before finally getting a job at a local grocery store.

>> No.12651430

Do they even like eachother outside of Perfume?

>> No.12651455

Hard to say.
I want to say that they're really close to each other, but neither Yuka or Nocchi knew A-chan went to London till she said so in an interview, and that seems like something your friends would know.

>> No.12651465


>> No.12651476

Who's more likely to go the way of JAV?

>> No.12651486

Kashiyuka I hope

>> No.12651516
File: 130 KB, 500x330, 4L2sp3784kjzawr5ClcHYIlJo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not helping my newly forming EHH? fetish

also that sound Nocchi makes

>> No.12651656

Does Nocchi have bipolar disorder or something? She seems to switch between relatively normal or shy and reserved.

>> No.12651693

Are you basing that off how she acted during the Happy! and other translated stuff or nowadays?
Cause she's pretty stable nowadays

>> No.12651855

It seems totally normal in the case of Nocchi, the autisic goddess.

>> No.12651868

should I shout "daisuki A-chan" in the middle of the LA concert?

>> No.12651893
File: 96 KB, 600x942, tumblr_ned3lxw8e61qjg79go1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she has. She just seems to be a different person on and off the stage.

>> No.12651979

No, you should shout "busu!"and "yariman!" and maybe even "kutabare!"
I'm sure they'll love that

>> No.12651997


>> No.12652431

what do those mean in japanese. for real.

>> No.12652456

do they go bare legged or are they using nylons?

>> No.12652471

Mostly bare legged. It's pretty obvious when it's nylon.

>> No.12652555
File: 51 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lbfaq251121qzbaz8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aachan “Later, I sent him a New Year’s greeting card, and wrote a message, like, ‘I very much appreciate what you've done for me. Please come to our concert also in the future.’ But, that was the very last time I heard from him. I've received no fan letter from him once since then. I still remember, and think, ‘Why was that?’ What’s more, he was good looking, so I’d been expecting something till then. XD ‘Cause I wanna get married with somebody who is a fan of Perfume.”

>A~chan will never personally invite you to a concert in hopes of getting to know you better and possibly marry you
why live?

>> No.12652594



>> No.12652630
File: 195 KB, 737x1086, img_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from an’an magazine No.1895 March 5th 2014 'How come it’s going to be like that? vol.17'

saw it on the perfume facebook fan page

first part to add context

Aachan “Come to think of it, when I was 17, something like a wedding ring was presented me. It was a diamond ring from a fan. He’d been attending our in-store concert without missing even once. It was accompanied by a letter. It said, ‘I’ve got to love Nishiwaki Ayaka not as a member of Perfume but as an individual person. So I don’t go to the concert of Perfume any more. I want to present this for the last time….’ And I thought, like, ‘Oh, he said he is going to leave. Why? And this is the present for a person he’s going to start with, not put an end to.’ XD”

just another reason to why A~chan is my favorite grill

>> No.12652723 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 800x450, 1413644053842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of this stuff

Aachan “If I had brought chocolates to school, our teacher would have confiscated them. So I made a call to deliver the chocolates personally. In your case, NOCCHi, what was that chubby boy like, huh?”

NOCCHi “Er…, yeah! I presented a white chocolate I just poured into a foil and let set to the boy I like, upon which he gave back and said, ‘Too sweet!’ So, I took it home and ate it alone, and found it partly eaten.

>> No.12652729
File: 257 KB, 800x450, 1413644053842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of this stuff
Aachan “If I had brought chocolates to school, our teacher would have confiscated them. So I made a call to deliver the chocolates personally. In your case, NOCCHi, what was that chubby boy like, huh?”

NOCCHi “Er…, yeah! I presented a white chocolate I just poured into a foil and let set to the boy I like, upon which he gave back and said, ‘Too sweet!’ So, I took it home and ate it alone, and found it partly eaten.”

Aachan “Oh, you really enjoyed that. XD”

NOCCHi “A day after at school, I said him I’d eaten the chocolate, and he said, ‘I licked the whole of the chocolate, you know?’ “

>> No.12652872
File: 1.99 MB, 500x600, nocchivoice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stories about Nocchi being a goof take me to maximum comfy levels

>> No.12653481

Did he kill himself? It sounds like he killed himself.

>> No.12653530
File: 25 KB, 400x511, 1413567027231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12653684

Hello I Kashiyuka Thank you!

>> No.12653745

no probs :3

>> No.12653747

checked on the status of LA concert on a whim today and was surprised to see there's still tickets left

>> No.12653790

there are still tickets left*

>> No.12653800

so? are you going then?

>> No.12653832

nope, crowded places like concerts make me nervous

>> No.12653886

what a shame, i guess you will never get to see kashiyuka's legs live.

>> No.12653912
File: 87 KB, 500x419, 1413648560930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't remind me of the pain. i actually want to go but me mum wont let me

they'll come back next year, right? r-right?

>> No.12654015
File: 12 KB, 250x206, wpid-Photo-Sep-2-2011-518-PM-250x206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think its really him guys?
the profile picture makes it seem like its not, but you never know, he could just have a lot of self hatred. he is probably in this thread right nowhe may even be one of the mods spooky

>> No.12654038

i bet yuka has a tumblr

>> No.12654039


how many jp anons here are going to the LA show anyway?

fuck it's next sunday already

>> No.12654239

I am, I won the PTA ticket lottery months ago. I leave on Friday for LA.

>> No.12654251

Do you get to meet the girls?

>> No.12654377

Why is it so tough to find info about how the Taiwan/Singapore shows went?

>> No.12654441

Nah, the meet&greet event is seperate. I entered to see if I could go but I might not be able to swing going to both.

They've got an honor system policy with the people who go and ask them not to spoil the setlists.

>> No.12654694
File: 319 KB, 1528x1090, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12654759

I'll be going.
Waiting for this concert has been excruciatingly long. Also wish they announced it just weeks before like the Babymetal concert.

>> No.12654761

Holyshit, Nocchi fags really are the most autistic

>> No.12654768


i've been beat orz

>> No.12654958


Is this Vine account official?

>> No.12655070

someone post the pic of discussing a-chan/kashi/nocchi

>> No.12655074


well I'm done

>> No.12655850
File: 1.61 MB, 4996x1680, 1413566601830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried to warn you guys

>> No.12656006

I hope that image isn't implying Kashiyuka fans are children.

>> No.12656253

cause we don't want to ruin your fun by giving away spoilers.
also, there's this reminder before and after the show not to give out spoilers for the sake of those fans who are waiting for the leg of the tour on their countries

>> No.12656304

but I want to know how long it is so I can plan travel accordingly >:(

>> No.12656397

nice work!

>> No.12656577

London as well still has a lot of tickets left. At least 1,000 haven't been sold yet (capacity of the venue is 3,500), so about a third will be empty. And that's without counting people not showing up etc.

There's also only one date in Europe this time. WT2 had London and Paris.

>> No.12656639

confirmed for last time coming to Europe

>> No.12656679

The date is just bad really, it's the middle of the week which prevents many fans from abroad to come over. If it was a Saturday night, fans from France/Germany etc. could easily come and spend the weekend in London.

But mid-week, it would force them to take at least two days off work (the day of the concert + the day after) and not everyone can do that.

>> No.12656826 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 709x768, pf1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to leave it criptic but the message its trying to relay is that when people talk about nocchi its always about how she was better with the fringe, how depressed she always looks and over analyzing everything she does to find a deeper meaning.

when talking about A~chan its always A~chan fags talking about how underrated she is and how they used to like one of the other girls but saw the light and now worships her.

when talking about kashiyuka its always fun lighthearted conversation about how cute she looks or acts. it rarely ever goes deep.

all conversations are great in my book. its just funny to see how the atmosphere of the thread change like a terraformed planet once the topic changes to another girl

TL;DL: talk about nocchi and the whole place starts to feel like underground society trying to uncover a secret, talk about A~chan and it starts to feel like a hospital church, talk about kashiyuka and it starts to feel like a playground or party.

god even the tl;dl was long

>> No.12656831
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, pf1875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait did you draw this? i thought it was just someone sharing a picture.

real good work man the best drawing i have seen of any of the girls by far, no joke.

>> No.12656845
File: 145 KB, 709x768, pf1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to leave it criptic but the message its trying to relay is that when people talk about nocchi its always about how she was better with the fringe, how depressed she always looks and over analyzing everything she does to find a deeper meaning.

when talking about A~chan its always A~chan fags talking about how underrated she is and how they used to like one of the other girls but saw the light and now worships her.

when talking about kashiyuka its always fun lighthearted conversation about how cute she looks or acts. it rarely ever goes deep.

all conversations are great in my book. its just funny to see how the atmosphere of the thread change like a terraformed planet once the topic changes to another girl

TL;DL: talk about nocchi and the whole place starts to feel like underground society trying to uncover a secret, talk about A~chan and it starts to feel like a gospel church, talk about kashiyuka and it starts to feel like a playground or party.

>> No.12657300
File: 1.31 MB, 400x225, hey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw man, for some reason i thought it was on the friday and was gonna' buy a ticket tonight, but wednesday? achh

>> No.12657415

If you still plan to come, tell me, I got one extra ticket (bought 3, but a friend of mine couldn't come) and it's just impossible to sell my ticket back since no one is buying them.

I don't mind giving it away for free.

>> No.12657478

what seat is it?

>> No.12657486

Nothing great. Circle / Row O / right in the middle (seat 40ish).

I could have sold it if it was a Stall seat. But Circle Row O have literally no value since they can still be purchased (Row S or above).

>> No.12657502

When do we find out if we win the meet & greet?
I'm kinda basing whether or not I take a 12 hour flight to New York that I can barely afford on that.

>> No.12657522

how long will the meet and greet actually be? seeing as perfume can't speak a word of english. how will it work exactly?

>> No.12657534

>confirmed no one giving a shit about them outside of their country

>> No.12657759

They bring interpreters with them. You should check out their PTA dvds, they're up on Jpopsuki and the recent 2 have shown clips of their meet&greets from WT1/WT2. Its just them with about 20 fans chatting with fans in a hotel room using interpreters.

>> No.12657824

can you invite me to jpopsuki?

>> No.12657850
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>> No.12657914

Got my phone today getting simcard tomorrow, i'll give you my number through email if you're still up for meeting

>> No.12657966 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, pf1888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lost my phone at a party a few days ago so I'm currently phoneless. though I still would like to meet.

I'm not a grill

>> No.12657972

how are we gonna sort it out then? >:|

>> No.12657979
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, pf1888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lost my phone at a party last week ironically. just email me and hopefully we can arrange things like that.

don't get hyped, I'm not a grill

>> No.12658074

I know london like the back of my hand. we will meet at a land mark. we can make this wort. I hope T.T

>> No.12658086

well the last time I went to London for pleasure was when I was a child, but i've got google maps on my phone so I wont be completely lost. Any landmarks near Apollo?

We don't have to make any concrete plans now, still have more than a week to decide

>> No.12658199
File: 884 KB, 3220x966, here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well we can meet here

>> No.12658215
File: 2.24 MB, 1600x907, pf1689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably shouldn't have shared this with everyone but something tells me nothing bad with happen. if any of you guys out there have no one to go with and prefer not to go alone then come join the kool kidz club.

>> No.12658240

sounds good, what time are you thinking?

What's the worst that could happen, someone arriving uninvited?

>> No.12658356

If you don't get an email by 11/15 JST, ya got fucked

>> No.12658363

3-4pm would work. its early enough to make sure we don't miss anything significant and also we can use the time to meet some people before the show. 4 hour wait until the venue opens may be a bit early but 3 hours may be pushing it. I say you decide between the two

>> No.12658365

no its 11/5
why lie?

>> No.12658368 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 1600x1200, 1415059297731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, let's get there at 3

>> No.12658413 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 1440x810, 1413617726500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome. you had to pick the worst photo didn't youits just so weird without context

>> No.12658433 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 960x720, robert2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you understand that these pictures mean that we will never meet. I will not be seen hanging around a 3/10. I was so naive to think you would actually be cool and normal, but you're ugly and your whole facebook is just the cringiest thing. It's like you're being ironically weird and goofy but that just isn't the case

>> No.12658490 [DELETED] 

but I am cool and normal. don't you think that's a little dark for a perfume thread?though thanks for alerting me before hand though I'm seriously curious to see a man who judges another man by their looks. its not really common. better to not respond too it. there is no point making a perfume thread about this autistic ass shit. no point shitting it up further.

>> No.12658525 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12658568 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 900x1080, 1413625524860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much as I should ignore you for the sake of the thread. I feel I have been good enough to indulge myself. so I will take the bait.
why do think i should be embarrassed by a combination of picture i took as and picture I took when I was 16? why do you think I should be upset about how I look when I'm not a woman? why in 2014 you think you can successfully troll a person on 4chan? /jp/ or not, remember the site you are on.

again I feel like having this conversation in a perfume thread way off topic but at this point the thread is temporarily off rails. may as well enjoy the turbulence until its back on course.

i'm actually getting warm fuzzy feelings as this reminds me a lot of old chan. to conclude "who exactly do you think your upseting?"

>> No.12658583 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 900x1080, 1413625524860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much as I should ignore you for the sake of the thread. I feel I have been good enough to indulge myself. so I will take the bait.
why do think i should be embarrassed by a combination of picture i took as a joke and picture I took when I was 16? why do you think I should be upset about how I look when I'm not a woman? why in 2014 you think you can successfully troll a person on 4chan? /jp/ or not, remember the site you are on.

again I feel like having this conversation in a perfume thread way off topic but at this point the thread is temporarily off rails. may as well enjoy the turbulence until its back on course.

i'm actually getting warm fuzzy feelings as this reminds me a lot of old chan. to conclude "who exactly do you think your upseting?"

>> No.12658599 [DELETED] 

The HELL is with the secret boxes man

>> No.12658609

>why do you think I should be upset about how I look when I'm not a woman?
M8, not that guy but you need to reevaluate your life, sexism is so 1800s.

>> No.12658626

>gets upset
>proceeds to write a long paragraph about how unupset he is

Boy did you show me

>> No.12658649

>thinking men have to be handsome to get mad vag.

its not sexist its just an obvious observation. while women love an attractive man, they are equally impressed with a confident and interesting person.

>> No.12658651

>he took the time of day, s-so... he MUST be mad
are you sure your not just projecting what you wanted to happen?

>> No.12658658

Don't pretend like you've got "mad vag"

Girls also don't have to pretty to get a guy, there are plenty of ugly people with spouse

>> No.12658694 [SPOILER] 
File: 335 KB, 676x485, 1415066126784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you making assumptions based on nothing

that's the problem with talking shit to people over the internet. nothing you say has any impact because its always stabbing in the dark.
why fling shit hoping you will catch my weakness and I will get upset for the rest of my day when we could be talking about pefume. or at least flinging shit at each other over perfume.

>> No.12658715

Nice memetext, maybe if you had not made the stupid assumption that only girls have to care for their looks, maybe I would not have made my accurate assumption

>> No.12658738

I never said that only women have to take care of their looks. I said that being unattractive is less of a disadvantage to a man than it is to a woman.
I still think men should keep themselves hygienic and keep themselves at a reasonable weight. optimally they should try to build some muscle too. though I'm not advocating for /fit/ to be the standard, that would be stupid.

also nice calling a person out on greentexting shows you have even less to say then he does.

>> No.12658744

You've got autism

>> No.12658756

down to your last words already hey? a real game hunter enjoys a challenge. you already claimed the advantage by getting my facebook account. are you going to hang up your rifle and give up already?

you lack commitment.

>> No.12658964
File: 221 KB, 1280x720, (183).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please go back to talking about perfume

>> No.12659201

I dreamt the girls were at an amusement park, and Nocchi suddenly turned to the other two and said something like "This place would be better with meatballs... Actually, everything would be better with meatballs!"

I kek'd

>> No.12659479

Lol you can find it all in Perfume-city forums

>> No.12659501

thats the weirdest thing ive ever heard

>> No.12660213

peefume are alright

>> No.12660869

As a new fan I can see why people were disappointed with JPN but it does have some great singles

>> No.12661189

JPN era does have the best music, I just wish nakata would have gave the album better flow. seeing as the era had so many contrasting songs he should have skipped a few and added some album originals. at the very least he could have made more album mix's that stick to 1 consistent theme.

>> No.12661470


sorry for the tumblr thing, but she's so fucking adorable.

>> No.12661520

Going from Triangle to JPN was a huge disappointment. Triangle's songs might not be as strong as JPN's singles but the arrangement of tracks really does matter. Take off > Love the World > Dream Fighter > Edge is one of the best parts of any of their albums.

>> No.12661521
File: 116 KB, 326x419, selca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's from a PTA video. A-Chan does vlogs, Kashi does selfies and Nocchi does whatever.

>> No.12661936

>Take off > Love the World > Dream Fighter > Edge is one of the best parts of any of their albums.
This. So much. As much as I love GAME, the first four tracks on Triangle have absolutely perfect flow. The intros of the next 2 albums are so lame/useless compared to Take Off as well.

>> No.12662014

Anyone got any vids where the girls singing can actually be heard over the backing track? I'm in love with A-Chan's performance here, even though it's barely ten seconds: http://m.acg.tv/video/av1654032.html (about 5 minutes in)

>> No.12662235
File: 77 KB, 565x800, 4th3rBzahZQL49geuCrpcx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold your hand from GurunGurun Tour

>> No.12662277


you linked the same vid

>> No.12662296

Amen. I rank GAME higher than triangle in my album rankings (GAME>Triangle>Level3>JPN) but the first half of Triangle is the tracklist of any of their albums.

I don't know why Nakata didn't keep going with the Triangle's sleek and chic style. I guess they started getting all of the Kirin promotional deals with Voice.

>> No.12662306

A-chan's got the best raw voice in the group
Like in this video: http://m.acg.tv/video/av1654032.html

>> No.12662326


so there's truly only one example existing on the internet

>> No.12662381
File: 563 KB, 385x200, AA81ND4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's Hold your hand from the GurunGurun tour
Based A-chan at 5:00

>> No.12662386


>> No.12662389


and fuck you you bandwagoning faggot

>> No.12662460

I want to kiss her nose

>> No.12662548

Cheer up.
Here have Hold Your Hand from the ぐるんぐるん tour
You can here A-chan's actual voice around 5mins

>> No.12662631


I really wish there were more Jazz covers/interpretations of Perfume and YSTK songs

>> No.12662651
File: 101 KB, 565x800, 47QzkT1RIE8oZtYzUuxXvC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry Anon, my mistake.
Here is A-chan sing Aiko

PERFUME- 明日もいつも通りに: http://youtu.be/VdLivLO4d_Q

>> No.12662688

A~Chan sing theme song of Totoro


>> No.12662822
File: 490 KB, 500x600, tumblr_n6ibdiURbs1tpur1zo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for introducing me to a tumbr with tons of gifs of A~chan ass

>> No.12662826
File: 1.80 MB, 500x564, tumblr_ne1i50FTMa1qdx3jjo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12662846
File: 1.74 MB, 245x300, tumblr_n7h3b7Szcs1s3afeso4_r1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know A~chan isnt the strongest dancer of the group but man, the combination of those hip sways and that wide smile while she dances is what keeps my eyes fixated on her.

>> No.12662868

le epik hold your hand meme

>> No.12662892
File: 53 KB, 607x709, pf1636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le epik le shit posting meme.

what you are doing is just as bad but less creative. congratulations

>> No.12663102

her angelic smile has a healing effect

>> No.12663224

Who's that girl on the left? Doesn't look like yuka or Nocchi to me

>> No.12663661

member of 9nine

>> No.12663704


shit, i really like their slightly sweaty with slightly mussed up hair look

can't wait to see it live this sunday

>> No.12663724 [DELETED] 

So, did anyone else win the meet and greet contest for Perfume? Because I know that I did.

>> No.12663738

congrats, take pictures
are you allowed to take pictures?

>> No.12663749 [DELETED] 

No only staff are allowed

>> No.12663873

Any one of us win a ticket for the meet and greet?

>> No.12663907
File: 30 KB, 500x566, 1365246505710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I really wanted to win

>> No.12663915

Still jelly that there isn't any meet and greet for London.

>> No.12663920

You guys had one before though

>> No.12663935

i wonder how many people won, 10 for each show?

>> No.12663959

I think so
Maybe 20

>> No.12663964

So little

I guess we don't have an emissary to take pictures for us

>> No.12663971

meet and greet winner reporting in
we have a gag order

>> No.12664100

Nigga this is an english anonymous image board
No hurt in talking a little

>> No.12664591

I won a PTA ticket for the show so I guess I'm disqualified.

>> No.12664630

who the fuck keeps putting the op in spoilers stop acting special you just look autistc

>> No.12664635

Winners get to be part of a media package for Perfume media

>> No.12664994

Doesn't that just mean you'll be in the PTA DVD and/or the Tour DVD?

>> No.12665045

and tv broadcast

>> No.12667003
File: 2.25 MB, 227x360, ZG2NNyJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is yuka so perfect?

>> No.12667039
File: 126 KB, 900x506, tumblr_mu4b6ghEyr1qei6p2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder you need an armpit fetish to truly appreciate her beauty.

>> No.12667065
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 1412713061129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the guy that converted me, one or two threads ago?

>> No.12667070
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>> No.12667077

ffs man. now you have seriously roped me in. i really don't need this shit on top of my foot fetish. hopefully its just yuka's pits. there so smooth i want to berry my face so deep into it that who ever could pull me out would be crowed king arthur.

>> No.12667082

They really are unbelievably smooth. I don't even think she has the ability to grow hair there.

>> No.12667264
File: 258 KB, 377x550, 26fdf2aee62a54bd058b-LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it cant be helped

>> No.12667297
File: 98 KB, 600x617, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw u don't get to meet and greet Perfume

>> No.12667302
File: 12 KB, 239x338, panic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad tbh. The meet and greets always look awkward as fuck on the PTA dvds. I won the PTA ticket raffle so I'm happy.
>tfw my flight is in 12 hours

>> No.12667337


I'm always afraid some weird smelly basement dweller will get a meet and greet and say/do something stupid and scare them away from America forever

>> No.12667380

should i dress up as Perfume444 for the meet and greet??

>> No.12667409

Give A-chan your sweaty headband.

>> No.12667505
File: 51 KB, 467x716, 10644803_863578067016221_4629147616818191318_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if they would understand/appreciate the reference.

>> No.12667590

You'll have to circle yourself when they share the meet&greet photo they'll take on facebook.

>> No.12667877

>i've worn these boxers nonstop since i first heard your music
*bows and extends arms holding boxers outwards

>> No.12669243
File: 1.95 MB, 500x344, tumblr_n8v93ptPxz1qdx3jjo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy that A~chan has her own radio show. she is so sweet and has so much character. she really deserves a solo career when perfume breaks up.

>> No.12669309 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12669346


Yuka confirmed for having good taste in games.

(I still love A-chan more)

>> No.12669474

Anyone get meet and greet??

>> No.12670320
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>> No.12670329
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>> No.12670342
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>> No.12670354
File: 24 KB, 184x184, damn right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horse face.

>> No.12670437
File: 57 KB, 500x656, tumblr_n6ufjnpWhr1smr1zno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need to be jelly. there is enough best girl to go around.

>> No.12670654

if ur part of the meet and greet but you don't want to be taped/photographed do u get penalized?

>> No.12670663

just wear shades. how bad can it be?

>> No.12671805

How did you get the meet and greet?

>> No.12672763

PTA lottery I believe.

>> No.12673010

>list of things perfume will never do again
sing live.

>> No.12673871

Are we going to have a /JP/ meet up at the LA concert? I flew down to LA from norcal. I-im all by myself...

>> No.12673897
File: 21 KB, 240x320, img_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no real need. there is a massive LA meet already. just turn up and they will likely receive you well. the people you meet on /jp/ wont make for a good time.

>> No.12674212


Captcha: ehate life

>> No.12674646

this might come as a bit of a shock and it looks like they're still moving forward but A-Chan has left the group she is a no show in LA and the other two are upset

>> No.12674752
File: 278 KB, 377x434, 1393557313959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People go to the concerts for the dancing. And even the legs.

>> No.12674809

ill be myself also but i dont think i want to meet /jp/ people

>> No.12675104

so did they already dole out the meet and greet invites?

I-I-I don't think I got it. Fucking kill me.

After the concert tomorrow at least though, hahaha.

Will they allow signs at least?

>> No.12675136

they're disbanding?

>> No.12675139


>> No.12675618
File: 2 KB, 126x122, 1281631685895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12675878


Kashiyuka and Nocchi arriving at LAX. A-chan was not on the same flight.

>> No.12675935

that must have been an awkward, quiet flight, then

>> No.12675962
File: 160 KB, 787x674, flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these two losers, buying flowers for them. What are they thinking? "Oooh, if I buy Nocchi flowers, she will choose me to date out of the millions of fans!" Ugh, so pathetic.

>> No.12675997
File: 58 KB, 900x810, 1412808931051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are seriously the worlds biggest sperg.
think of it like this, you have just been on a long flight without the only person who ever has anything to say, you have no idea how many fans are going to be waiting at the airport if any (remember they have never been to LA to do a concert) they don't know how they are going to act (they don't know much about their American fan base) then arrive to a modest set of fans cheering them on and giving them flowers.

I imagine it put them in a good mood again, I doubt anyone is stupid enough to think it will get them a date. I think you are projecting your retardation on to other people anon.

>> No.12676001
File: 1.96 MB, 569x440, flight attendant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, A-chan was working hard as the flight attendant. Passengers reported not being able to get a wink of sleep because of the noise, and mysteriously running out of tissues, but nevertheless they all had a fun and convivial flight.

>> No.12676034

What a shitty way to welcome their US fans. In Asia they often accept gifts from fans and let people take pictures.

I would have went to LHR, but after seeing this, not going to bother if it's the same shitty welcome.

>they don't know how they are going to act (they don't know much about their American fan base)

They know how many tickets were sold and how fast which a pretty good damn indicator on how famous you are in the country you're going to have a concert to. People coming to the airport will be at the concert obviously.

>> No.12676043
File: 69 KB, 640x960, 1413818150466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt they are told the numbers. likely only ever told when its sold out. If I'm not mistaken I don't think LA is sold out. so I really doubt they knew how many people would be coming.

besides If A~chan was there they would have stayed for pictures for sure, yuka isn't confident without A~chan and nocchi is introverted as hell. so its not a surprise. people are not just being fan boys when they say A~chan is perfumes driving force

>> No.12676093

A-Chan quit :(

>> No.12676180

X Doubt.

>> No.12676359

Nocchi didn't even look at the fans lmao. She went straight to the car.

How do they know what flight they're in anyway?

>> No.12676538
File: 133 KB, 525x523, deal with it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12676614
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>> No.12676777

Are perfume fans confirmed to be the ugliest?

>> No.12676806
File: 1.20 MB, 245x245, 1409703172177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a part of be genuinely believed that perfume fans would be exempt from the "all JPop fan are undesirable" rule. what a shame. unattractive is one thing but fat is where the line is drawn

>> No.12676851

I'll observe during the LA concert tonight and report back.

Judging from the nerds in that video where they greet them at LAX, perhaps. I imagine the only ones who are even aware of them performing tonight are the wota-types. They barely advertised this anywhere.

>> No.12676892

Tell us how long the concert is too

>> No.12676896

Of course it's wota types. What did you expect?

Perfume isn't exactly well known towards the typical American.

>> No.12677691

Currently at the front of the line. If you come up to the front and yell "Dr Pavel I'm CIA", I'll let you cut in front of me. 100$ srs

>> No.12677703

you don't get to bring friends

>> No.12677708
File: 23 KB, 625x626, 7b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really doubt someone that visits 4chinz is in the front of the line.

>> No.12677741

I'm like at the side of the building. Is that a good spot?

Also if you hear a loser shouting A-chan daisuki that's probably me

>> No.12677743

I'll post a time stamp and everything. I'm the guy in the black t shirt standing next to the black guy dancing. Come to the front and verify for yourself

>> No.12677754

What are you wearing m8 I'll come find you

>> No.12677824

I'm wearing a plaid shirt and shorts lol

>> No.12677862
File: 608 KB, 518x622, perfume444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, there goes our chance of them ever returning.

>> No.12677868

please tell me that's a joke

>> No.12677869


dammit frank
that is frank right?

>> No.12677877

Is that a pharmacy behind her?

>> No.12677878

Is that perfume444?

>> No.12677881

Yeah it's him. He's dressed up as the little girl

>> No.12677982

you've got to be kidding me...

>> No.12678004


Damn that got me hard.

>> No.12678109
File: 12 KB, 300x300, Gameperfume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question for you folks. Honestly I'm not a fan of Perfume (not that I don't like them, just haven't heard much of their music as I'm going to explain.). The only song I heard for the past few years that I bothered to get was Butterfly which isn't one of their famous tracks but I heard it from Super Robot Wars and love it. Now I just went on Youtube to listen to more of their music but Cling Cling didn't do much for me and 未来のミュージアム is alright but a little too cutesy for me.

However I did listen to Fake It and love it, are there any songs from them that's similar to Butterfly and Fake It? Reason why I'm asking you guys is that I found out that tickets to see them in NYC this Saturday is pretty cheap (Jesus Christ it's SO much more cheaper than seeing Miku) so I kinda figure why not go see them instead of sitting at home and jack off while downing some vodka.

Also >>12677862 WTF is wrong with people, reminds me of that old guy I saw at the Miku concert with the hat of her hair. Damn.

>> No.12678127

check their GAME, triangle, and Level 3 albums... GAME and edge are fantastic tracks

>> No.12678229

I'm going through a 1mm phase right now. Can anyone link me the original video for this?


>> No.12678272

Goddammit Frank.

>> No.12678446

I like butteryfly too!
Try Sleeping Beauty, it is Butterfly 2.0


>> No.12678502
File: 497 KB, 1280x852, Perfume_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah "Edge" is cool, it heavier and more mature than their cutesy stuff. It might suit your taste. But I prefer their triangle mix of Edge over the original. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjfOSigcQms

Yeah I agree about GAME. I feel like it has a similarity to Butterfly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWSx2HaY7BU

Maybe "Party Maker" is a bit like Fake It, because it is a dance/techno sort of track. Sounds like it was made for clubs because there is lots of pure beat at the beginning and end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaZKjIeC7Sg (have patience, the good bit starts around 3:15)

Lol if you like robot games, maybe you will like "Enter the Sphere". Robotic/technological sounds in it haha: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5OfHclDkz0
Maybe Daijo banai (now I am just guessing lol): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1N8fyAwIsQ
Maybe Laser Beam has similar electronic sounds to Fake It, just less exciting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoXvMWWdRwM

Otherwise, it is try your luck amongst these randoms (hey, I tried my best for ya):
Nee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbeGeXgjh9Q
Clockwork: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1rCtfZIrJk
Hurly Burly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1i7EB0VjgU
Spring of Life (my favourite): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PtvnaEo9-0
Night Flight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AmJt61N58U
Glitter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1iJWlSTLSk
Polyrhythm (a classic): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXy7fAaDvyo
Secret Secret: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LKHGiw6_1A
Dream fighter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBX5YGPNDbs

Also, don't forget cool remixes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3J8O1jQV68

>and 未来のミュージアム is alright but a little too cutesy for me
haha yeah, it sounded like a kid's song

>so I kinda figure why not go see them instead of sitting at home
Ooh you're so lucky. I would have to go on an 8 hr flight to see them T.T. Have fun!

>> No.12678516

>Try Sleeping Beauty, it is Butterfly 2.0
Lol so true.

>> No.12678547


>> No.12678641

So A-chan did the thing where she gives the crowd a fan name. Her choice for their first ever show in America?

"Cheese" and "Burger".

My fucking sides


>> No.12678650

were you an attendee?
how was it?

>> No.12678654

Sadly no, it would've been an 7 hour, expensive flight for me to even get to LA. I just follow a good number of people on Twitter who went, including the guy who posted that video.

Everyone's reactions on Twitter are really positive though.

>> No.12678707

Surprisingly, the concert and crowd weren't too bad. There was >>12677862 and some tranny looking fags, but I gotta say it was the most polite crowd I've had to slog through.

I liked how the workers didn't give a shit everyone was taking pictures. Fuck that merch line though. I wanted stuff but I might be better off buying online.

I really hope they come back again someday though. Maybe they'll be at disneyland tomorrow....

>> No.12678720

In-n-out is best. Perfume agreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.12678764
File: 2.33 MB, 800x600, perf1 4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They opened with Enter the Sphere. Pretty awesome show.

>> No.12678809


i'm tempted to ask for the set list but i'll just settle for asking what time the show ended

>> No.12678819

they started around 8:30pm and ended around 10:30pm. Not too bad length for their show I guess.

Incomplete set list just cuz i like ya:
Spring of Life
Cling Cling
One Room Disco
Dream Fighter
Chocolate Disco

A-Chan even sang a verse of Let It Go at one point.

I am sure I missed some. My head is still kind of spinning from all of this.

>> No.12678829


How was the crowd interaction? Awkward engish overload?

>> No.12678831


>> No.12678858

crowd was pretty hype. Perfume truly can't speak much english, but it was cute watching them try. A-Chan not surprisingly was the most relatively fluent. She did 90% of the talking during their breaks and dubbed us the Cheese and Burger crowds. Nocchi barely said anything.

Burger side strong. Hail burger side.

>> No.12678960

Don't normally come here but some comments on the concert.

Perfume went to some strange places with the crowd talk. I can't tell if they were awkwardly trying to compliment to audience or if they were sincerely asking a room full of gaijin if non-Japanese have a higher body temp. Also A-chan's aside impromptu critique and review of showers - as expressed through a pressed fan translator from the audience. Why?

"Why american showers so psssshhhaw? I can't fit my body right under your inferior western shower heads. How I sit in tub? I'm not fat, tub just make me bloated. Burgers pls fix this!"

I don't keep up with Perfume much. Is this normal? But still, great energy. What a gal.

Also I swear I made eye contact with Kashiyuka.

Merch line was a safety hazard. If they ever do the same thing again organizers need to figure something else out. You could see people sweating just from the radiant heat of everyone stuck in a hallway waiting that was also the main exit for the entire theater.

>Burger side strong. Hail burger side.
Hell yeah.

>> No.12679064

Just got back. Probably one of the better concerts I've been to. The crowd was actually really great, especially compared to the Babymetal one in LA. Fuck that crowd. Lots of Japs who flew out to see them. I had some people in front of me who weren't really involved or dancing but I enjoyed myself.

Merch line was fucked, was able to grab my shit a solid minute before the show started, ran back and dove into the crowd to get a decent spot, which was honestly pretty much any spot in the venue. It didn't seem too undersold. Probably about 5-600ish more people would have filled it up.

A-chan's dream is to use a drive thru, apparently.

>> No.12679207

Really wish I went, maybe they'll be back in 10 years...

>> No.12679543


>> No.12679635

my sides were in orbit with the cheeseburger chants. they sure know how to play up an american crowd
my sides are still sore from laughing so hard.

surprised how many families were there, and white guys that weren't full awkward mode (though a large chunk of white people were full otaku mode).

>> No.12679642
File: 652 KB, 854x478, no one is safe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only fanbase ive ever been apart of in my life where one, single fan is pretty much actively ruining the entire fanbases reputation.

i bet the members, especially Kashi, think he's a serial killer at this point. that disturbing ass birthday vid he made for her, and now showing up dressed as her when she was like 13 years old is enough to convince me he is. i bet the sweaty disgusting headband he gave to A-chan was soaked in chloroform, too.

>> No.12679672

i dunno, there quite a few creepy white people there aside from him.

tall dude wearing black clown shoes that have like 3 inch platforms.
dude dressed like a woman.
dude wearing a fedora. etc etc. tons of weirdos there as well.

>> No.12679712
File: 31 KB, 482x362, 1412279557027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there'll always be people dressed in all sorts of weird clothes and plenty of oddballs at any concert you'll go to, but compare the amount of times we've discussed Frank to the amount of times we've discussed "tall dude wearing clown shoes". Frank is truly something special a.k.a he's a creepy freak

>> No.12679744
File: 59 KB, 900x900, 1406663847206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frank will forever be ingrained into the representation of western fans. he was their first impression after all. its why he is always brought up.

>> No.12679897

Thanks, you weebs are alright.

>> No.12679904

>need to figure something else out.
Like not at a shitty place like the Palladium. Standing in line AND standing throughout the performance.

>> No.12679919


The group in front of me in line were, I shit you not, vegan weaboos from Portland into visual kei.

>> No.12679929


i laughed my ass off

fucking hell
also not getting the side view of dem legs

tfw a girl tapped me on the shoulder and danced with me during a song

they talked quite a bit during the concert more than singing almost.

>> No.12679946

I saw a few visual key guys as well, probably passed by you in line without even knowing.

4chaners passing in the night.

>> No.12680008

>Like not at a shitty place like the Palladium.
The Palladium is amazing. The acoustics are pretty shit, but the place is still intimate for its capacity.

>sitting through a concert

>> No.12680031

palladium is a bit outdated in terms of venue but i do agree it felt pretyt intimate for the size.

>> No.12680056
File: 956 KB, 170x297, vP6lSM1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least your concert isn't seated.
>RIP any chance of having fun at london concert

>> No.12680058

I was at the LA meet and greet and it was great! I got to hug all three girls and A-Chan even massaged my hand when she shook it!

>> No.12680063
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, pf1817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you give her the dick?

>> No.12680069

No, but she and Kashiyuka pulled me off to the side to talk!

>> No.12680087
File: 42 KB, 600x408, 600x408xeventim_apollo_js_060913.jpg.pagespeed.ic.8PYVf4WvPT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck London?

>> No.12680102 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 750x545, 3f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh thats a shame.
tell me more about it. pretty interesting that kashiyuka pulled you aside to talk, i always thought she was shy.

>> No.12680105 [SPOILER] 
File: 436 KB, 750x545, 1415653395029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh thats a shame.
tell me more about it. pretty interesting that kashiyuka pulled you aside to talk, i always thought she was shy.

>> No.12680297

tfw really want to just sit through the whole thing but people will block my view and give me weird looks. Wish I got some circle seats right at the back, could bring popcorn and just chillax

>> No.12680371
File: 34 KB, 695x695, 10712867_862561910451170_4750868235780258833_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sitting at the back
>not wanting to get as close to kashiyuka's legs as you possibly can without going frank mode.

>> No.12680389

Kashi is the ugliest Perfume.

>> No.12680397
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x851, nocche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are that lame then you have transcended "frank mode".

Frank is pretty cool, I admire that his persistence has gotten him what he wanted.

He wanted to meet Perfume? He made it happen. That's some alpha shit right there, all you faggots wish you could do what he did but you're of course scared of what people will think of you on a stupid image board for teenagers.

You are some loser who wants to creep on a girl from afar, hoping she doesn't make eye contact because that'll make you spazz out like the socially retarded person you are.


Frank mode >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whatever mode you are in

>> No.12680400
File: 14 KB, 461x341, pf1873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah right kid.

>> No.12680405
File: 27 KB, 400x261, Tsu5Cn6AJn0z477sTWgj27qvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you be the ugliest and the most adorable?

>> No.12680409
File: 223 KB, 1370x712, 1413654015635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frank is pretty cool
yeah okay frank its nice to have self confidence but I would dare say you are coming off as narcissistic

>> No.12680412

Better to be narcissistic than socially retarded.

>> No.12680417
File: 104 KB, 1185x835, fece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, why do people make stab in the dark insults at people on the internet. you are the only one here showing any signs of social retardation frank.

>> No.12680418

>literally terrifying your waifu
What's alpha about that?

>> No.12680427 [DELETED] 

dude im in the meet greet
your gay argument is gay

>> No.12680428

Wanting to get as close to a girl without meeting her is social retardation.

You have affected her life, you are not just another face, you are not just blended into the background. The girls think of him every now and then and that is way more alpha than loving someone without them ever noticing you

>> No.12680430
File: 20 KB, 640x397, 1604747_1491532404456038_1926465767409762656_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that non of you stupid image board dwelling teenagers will ever be this alpha

>> No.12680437
File: 6 KB, 299x169, 1414097582904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did I say I didn't want to meet perfume? frank crashed the event and went full sperg. If i was to meet perfume it would be on their terms. not forcing my way to them. THAT is going "frank mode"

>> No.12680444

>You have affected her life,

>> No.12680465

I met them already before the concert XD

>> No.12680638


>> No.12680730

choke on a million dongs

>> No.12680736

phil fish please go

>> No.12680739

Palladium was all right.

But how is it that stupid cunt Kyary can get Nokia theater which is superior in every way to Palladium aside from historical value while Perfume can barely muster Palladium? I talked to a lot of the visiting Japan folks that knew some english and they were curious why Kyary has been to LA twice already while last night was only Perfume's first time.

>> No.12680757
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more mass appeal. most normal people in western society like things for the marketing and not the actual product. its not that her music is better or that her music is more accessible. its that she dresses funny and makes quirky music videos. the rest doesn't matter to them. seeing as that how the majority of Americans act you can see why most people prefer kyary to perfume while the people who actually care about Japanese music (the people that take time to visit japan) prefer perfume.

>> No.12680774

I don't know what's wrong with me. I finally got to watch Perfume live last night after almost a decade of longing to watch them live, but I'm feeling really down today. I feel like as if we saw history in the making and they'll never come back to LA again for whatever reason, be it they disband, shitty fans scared them, etc etc.

>> No.12680793

cheer up. while they don't have many years left in them they will likely do 1-2 more world tours at the very least. i really want to see them at the tokyo dome, a lot less likely for me.

>> No.12680797

Post concert depression is real anon.

>> No.12680816
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Thanks for the help guys! Diggin' Edge, 1Mm, and rocking out to Party Maker. Heh, yeah Sleeping Beauty is "Butterfly 2.0", love it. Still debating on buying a ticket in person in NYC but at least I like more of their tunes.

>> No.12680833

>Still debating on buying a ticket in person in NYC
Do it, otherwise you're gonna be back here in a month or two telling us how you're fucking obsessed, and totally blew it by skipping out on the concert.

>> No.12680843

oh god fucking this.
fucking what happened to me last year.

>> No.12680848

Reminds me of that Bjorkfan

>> No.12680891

Do it, absolutely do it.

>> No.12680956

couldn't you have just googled their name or just youtube surf related vids on one of their music videos?

>> No.12681001
File: 365 KB, 1600x1200, Pic0182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got back from LA (I live in Dallas) earlier.

I am so fucking angry at the PTA fanclub staff who promised us good seats if we entered the ticket lottery. I won, picked up my ticket and they sent me all the way back to the general admission line that had been forming since 11am.

I barely got a glimpse of Perfume because of how tightly packed the venue was. Made me so fucking mad I planned a 3 day trip to LA and thought I'd have a nice time only to get a can-of-sardines gen. admin clusterfuck

I'm definitely going to complain to PTA about this. We should've been let in early and gotten first dibs on tour goods.

>> No.12681109


We'll see, I have until this Saturday to make up my mind. Got to see when I have to stay on line and etc etc. Getting bad flashbacks from the Miku concert at the same venue.


That's what I did at first. First two song I selected from their YT channel I wasn't too crazy about. Instead of hitting random songs that I may not like I asked what song would fit my tastes and the other posters provided great feedback.

>> No.12681154

listen u entitled american faggot, that's how ticket raffles always work, you either get to enter for a GA or seated ticket or if you can't select, you get a random one. you didn't have to pay for your ticket now go eat shit and get back to reddit.

>> No.12681171

No man fuck that. PTA should give more privileges than the shitfest they gave me last night. If I had known what I know now I would've just shown up with a generic GA ticket and camped out since 8am to get a good seat.

They misled us.

>> No.12681190

Dude, the Palladium only has a general admission floor, and a balcony. Unless you're a manlet and stood in the back, you had a better view of Perfume than most will ever get.

>> No.12681197

are you like 15 or something dude? that's what you get for putting all your chickens into one bucket. consider it a life lesson.

>> No.12681201

I was in the back because they sent the pta members to the back of the line after they picked up their "special" tickets.

>> No.12681221

You could have crawled your way up to a better spot. Its not like the place was packed.

>> No.12681228

It was packed man. They didnt open the doors until 8 when they were supposed to open at 7 and the line was crazy, it looped around the block twice over. The mexican food carts were setting up there while we waited. So by the time me and the other people who waited in the PTA ticket line got all the way around back to the doors where they were checking tickets the balcony was packed and the floor was packed.

>> No.12681252

>mfw camped out for 12 hours (6 am - 6pm) and was at the front of the line
>mfw I at least got one other /jp/ anon to the front of the line
>mfw the two of us got front row positions and got caught on camera yelling the names of our waifus

it was an awesome concert for us at least. we got to see the girls in the flesh and had excellent views. the venue was pretty shit for the rest of the crowd though. I guarantee that 70% of the crowd didn't even see the stage half the time.

at one point during the show, I had this tiny little cosplaying bitch and her boyfriend try to shove themselves to the front since she couldn't see shit. they were legit pushing my so hard I almost fell over, but I managed to elbow the cunt in the face and i heard her crying after wards. it was awesome. It happened during Glitter too. I like to think Perfume gave me the strength to put that bitch in her place.

Richard if you're here. We were lucky. best seats in the house for an unbelievable concert

>> No.12681270

Yeah I really should've just done that. Put too much faith in PTA.

>> No.12681272

>didn't get in line till 6pm
>still enjoyed the show
>still had a good view
Didn't meet any /jp/fags though.

>> No.12681280

having seen the IRL, i can honestly say

nocchi > kashi > a-chan in term of raw looks

however it's a-chan > kashi > nocchi in terms of personality

nocchi is autistic, i swear to god

>> No.12681292

I feel ya. I was in the line too with a bunch of old japanese guys who obviously flew in for it and we had to circle all around the block too after picking up our tickets.

>> No.12681311
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>mfw they sang "Let it Go"
jesus christ seriously?

>> No.12681312

the best feeling of the show was when it actually started

we were in at 8:00, but they were just fucking around with us for half an hour. it wasn't until 8:30 or a later before it started, but when it started, it was fucking incredible

they opened with the enter the sphere graphics show being beamed onto the white screen, and then it was 100% chaos when perfume came onto the stage. "Enter The sphere" was blaring at 9000 decibels and the crowd just went ballastic. everyone screaming, jumping, just freaking the fuck out. they went from "Enter the Sphere" into 3 more really great songs (i forget the order, but they were all singles) and we didn't stop jumping for a good 12 minutes.

except the people on the balcony though. i don't know about how it's set up up there but those niggas didn't move at all during most of the concert. i assume it's because there were seats up there

>> No.12681317

Seeing them live only reaffirmed my belief that Kashiyuka is best. I could have listened to her talk about OK GO all night.

>> No.12681320

I'm pretty sure it was Enter the Sphere>Spring of Life and then Cling Cling.

Setlist was really strong and people went apeshit when GAME

>> No.12681335
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>mfw they played game

I legit had a hard on for the entire song. apologies to the girl in front of me who had to feel my little cling cling rubbing up against her.

also, to anyone else who was there. did anyone feel the bass during Dream Fighter?

>> No.12681338
File: 29 KB, 265x271, ......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw kashi forgets her engrish lines during the concert and has to go write them down

it was kawaii as fuck. she also came over to the burger side alot and i fucking screamed that i loved her and she kind of winced when she saw my face

it was worth it

>> No.12681343

Whore yer quoting?

>> No.12681344

>did anyone feel the bass during Dream Fighter?
I did. The audio felt weird the whole show for me honestly, their vocals felt extremely chipmunk-y during some of the songs.

>> No.12681347

it was a meme segment and yeah i kind of cringed but fuck it. i love them and it was cute. they were just trying to hype us.

>> No.12681362

I enjoyed it, mostly for Nocchi's Olaf, but at least they didn't do the hole song. They have balls pulling that shit in Disney's backyard.

>> No.12681376

apparently one of the fans threw something on the stage at A-chan and she kind of laughed and ignored it

do you know what that was all about? apparently it happened on the cheese side (fucking scumbags) and people on the facebook fan groups are shaming whoever it was. New york fans are starting to meme us with their East Coast vs. West Coast bullshit now too for our "bad" behavior

>> No.12681382

I wish A-Chan visited the burger side more. It felt like she mostly stayed in the middle and cheese side. Nocchi seemed to like staying around burger side though.

Man their fucking legs look even better in real life holy shit.

>> No.12681383

>cheesefags in charge of decency
I was on burgerside, and didn't have a view of the stage

>> No.12681390

I felt really out of place when Kashi started plugging OKGO for like 2 minutes awkwardly and when they sang that shit.
I think it was flowers or something. I couldn't see the goddamn stage though so I have no idea.

>> No.12681396
File: 1.91 MB, 599x334, WAKE ME UP INSIDE (CANT WAKE UP).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me and all the other manlets like the japanese fans just wound up staring at the projection screen and barely got a glimpse of the girls

>> No.12681400


like i said earlier the venue was shit for 70% of the people who attended cause you literally couldn't see the stage unless you were 6'2. all those tiny asian girls who showed up and were in the middle of the crowd essentially got an entire concert of loud music and weird men instead of cute idols.

burger side got nocchi and kashi the most. kashi did a lot of fan interaction on burger side. a-chan mostly stayed with the cheesers.

i noticed this too. I was seriously wondering of they put on some makeup on their legs or something, but holy fuck their bodies are so lithe and soft.

thank god. I thought he threw like a t-shirt or a fan art tube or something

>> No.12681405

i feel for you bro.

If you scroll up to earlier in the thread, I was bringing fellow /jp/ fags to the front of the line where I had camped out since 6 am. but only one guy was browsing that time. I was legitimately about to walk around with a /jp/ sign to take anyone else who showed up from our humble board, but the line got too long and i had to stand in line or lose my spot

>> No.12681410

Should have moved to the outside of the floor, sure you're a few extra feet away, but the extra height gave a great view.

>> No.12681419

Tried that. Was packed with people who were starting the line to the tour goods after the show.

did y'all get any shirts? I think I'm just gonna order from Asmart since I didnt feel like waiting around for 2 hours after the show when I had a plane to catch for san fransisco in 4 hours.

>> No.12681423

Hi, I am the one suggested Butterfly 2.0

You should definetly go see their live. The venue may not be as big as tokyo dome. That’s mean you got to see them closer. Also Perfume will not spread out on a huge stage and you got to see them dance in a close and ever transforming formation which is what their choreography is originally designed for.

Perfume’s music is like a virus, it will only grow stronger in your had overtime. So yeah, go to see their concert so you dont regret after 2 months as most of their songs will stuck in your mind by then.

>> No.12681428
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>Get home
>mfw I'm one of those butthurt PTA fans too
Feels so bad. I would've been better off getting a gen admin ticket and camping out for 12 hours.

we should complain.

>> No.12681441

I should have checked /jp/ when I arrived. I seriously would have >>12677691 to get to a better spot and hang out with other /jp/ers.

Luckily managed to get a spot near the burger side gate and get some pics at least.

btw, did anyone manage to get ANY merchandise at least? I wanted to get something but apparently the line wait was 2hrs long, even AFTER the fucking show. You can buy their stuff online at least, right? ..right?

>> No.12681469

what did you get to see, if anything at all?

at one point did you break down and start crying tears of frustration?

>> No.12681472

Richard here.
Just wanna say thank you for finding me dude. Next concert I'll camp out and you're welcome to the front with me.

The concert was amazing. I had a view of a Japanese guy's head most of the time but other than that wow.

I hope A-chan heard my 'A-chan daisuki'

>> No.12681483

>that one guy not wanting to stand and get into the concert


>> No.12681486
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top kek.

yeah no problem man. It sucks we couldn't have found more /jp/ers since i knew this shit with the GA floor was going to happen.

>mfw i was yelling my love for every member that went up to burger side
>mfw the people around me were genuinely embarrassed to be near me
>mfw this only fueled my passion even harder

I hope they caught us on camera. that staff member filmed us at least 3 times during the concert and twice outside of the concert.

I popped my shirt of you A-chan....../fit/ represent....

>> No.12681495

I cried when I got back to the hotel room. Showed up at 6 in the PTA will-call line, got in at 8:15 right before it started because the line moved so slowly and I barely got a glimpse of the girls.

I really thought the PTA member tickets would get us in early or something.

>> No.12681501

>I cried when I got back to the hotel room
are you a dude?

>> No.12681506


>> No.12681513
File: 44 KB, 601x695, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you gay tho?

there were tons of fruits there. it's ok if you're gay and you cry.

>> No.12681515

winced or winked
caused if she did wince, then i have bad news for you son

>> No.12681518
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she winced

my acne ridden neckbeard face offended her. I was drooling a bit when i yelled at her cause i was so tired

i hope she doesn't think all americans are like this

>> No.12681526

>people hating on frank

he is literally based. perfume think he's a sweet old man. they're not creeped out at all. all of you are just jealous you don't have his balls

>> No.12681534
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My dream was shit on. I had been waiting for 4 years to see them in America and when I actually got to it was shitty. Plus I was exhausted from jet lag.

>> No.12681537

Frank pls go. I was actually surprised I didn't see him around at the show.

>> No.12681539

haha I know how you feel. Every time I said A-chan daisuki this white girl gave me the strangest look.

Enter the Sphere, Polyrhythm, Dream Fighter, and GAME. So so hype.

>> No.12681546
File: 295 KB, 664x955, cryinggirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right? all that waiting through that shitty, repetitive music. then enter the sphere comes on and then it was euphoric

>> No.12681549

he was in the front of the line hanging around with mr. penguin

frank was in the green dress, penguinman went in the yellow dress. didn't see a third one in their group though.

>> No.12681550

I was a little disappointed they didn't do Electro World or Love the World. Those're their fucking staples, man.

>> No.12681553 [DELETED] 

wow Seattle

>> No.12681560
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hearing you suffer so much makes me happy. is this what they call schadenfreude?

>> No.12681572


damn, that is sad

>> No.12681582
File: 17 KB, 300x450, 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a clip of the opening for the LA concert. some fans are already posting vids

>> No.12681597

I know! It was like 30 mins of random music. That black guy was funny though not gonna lie.

Then bam Enter the Sphere and seeing the girls up close. Thats when you know the wait was worth it.

>> No.12681603

nothing like a sassy gay black guy to liven up the mood. His name was Ray and he was as hardcore as it gets. he cried when kashiyuka came over to the burger side and started doing fan service

>> No.12681606
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>smack dab in the middle of Cheese
>couldnt even see the GAME light sticks.
>couldnt see any legs

>> No.12681607

i'm sorry to hear that, but you haven't been to many concert venues have you?

Granted, I had some foresight in knowing since I've been to standing room places like House of Blues and such, but essentially the best spots go to the ones who camp in the line first and get let in first. And then you claim your spot at the front near the stage and hold on for dear life. There's no such thing as preferred spots and if groups like PTA tell you, they either don't know what they're doing or are flat out lying to you.

For all our sakes, let's hope Perfume comes back soon. Like next year soon.

>> No.12681610
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>can't even go to new york to try again because "lel sold out" and no shekels anyway


i feel bad for cheesers and anyone else who didn't at least get a balcony seat. this concert was shit for a lot of the people who came and there is vocal anal pain all across social media because of the venue layout

if they do come again, i'm going to show up with a /jp/ sign for all of us to gather. never again will i let our bros suffer.

>> No.12681612


I was hoping I would at least run into some /jp/ers to cling together to. We could've made a wedge formation and forced our way into the front.

>> No.12681614

Oh I've been to concert venues before. I was just thinking maybe the PTA thing would be different since I was coming all the way from Texas for this.

I'm all for giving it a second shot next year. We can camp outside that shit together.

>> No.12681618

the earliest guys were there are 3:30. that shit was no fucking joke. I got there at 6:16 and there was already a group of nipponjins camped outside. they were probably impervious to the early hours because of their jetlag. they used it to their advantage

crafty motherfuckers...

>> No.12681621
File: 2.64 MB, 400x336, 1362621586750.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stumbling out of the palladium in a stupor because I was drunk/felt like I was in a sauna from how packed the crowd was
>hear some pinoy faggot behind me say to his friend "I really liked the "middle one"
>"the middle one?"
>"yeah the one with the ponytail!"
>"oh AYY-CHAN?"
>"I thought the one with the ponytail was Notchi!"
Why do people even go to concerts if they don't know the song names/members? I heard people going "what song is this?" when Seventh Heaven came on.

>> No.12681627

just be glad a lot of people showed up. It means they will more likely consider visiting us clapistanians in the future.

>> No.12681630

Yeah it was worth the trip. I just hope they get a better venue next time than the shitty Paladium. The London theater is much bigger than last years right?

>> No.12681631

Maybe we can bribe them with more In-n-out.

>> No.12681650

>mfw the LA show didn't even sell out

at least the pinoys did us a favor by crowdstacking

>> No.12681657

Sure felt like it sold out. What took them so fucking long to open the doors?

>> No.12681664

the checked bag policy

the website said there would be a 2 dollar bag check, but they flipped on that and basically said no bags. so everyone had to go back to their cars and store their bags and lose their line spots. it was mayhem. that and they may not have been anticipating so many people. i'll admit i was butthurt at how long it took to actually begin.

>> No.12681685

anyone buy a shirt? ill buy it off of you for 50

>> No.12681711


is this even possible? didn't perfume do their usual introduction?

>> No.12681739

Yep. People are retarded.

>> No.12681797

Can someone seed this? Or maybe provide an alternate DL?
I've been stuck at 4.7% for a month now

>> No.12681836

i dunno what the fuck you complaining about, if you weren't such a fucking beta, you could literally slide your way to the front. I mean it sucks you didn't get muh "good seats", but holy shit, it's not like it's hard to wiggle your way through a sea of fucking scrawny as fuck nips.

>> No.12681843

>mexican food carts
>literally mexicans cooking hotdogs, and bacon covered hotdogs
>mexican food
top kek.

not only are you a beta-max faggot who isn't willing to squirm through fucking short as fuck nips, you can't even tell the difference between hotdogs and mexican food.

>> No.12681848

>mexican food carts
As in carts pushed by mexicans.

>> No.12681851
File: 228 KB, 3000x3000, smuganimegirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize I was on /fit/

>> No.12681918

I have an opera box seat for the nyc show, would it be okay if I went down to GA if I felt like it? Because I feel as if I will want to do that at some point

>> No.12681949
File: 62 KB, 400x300, 20141103_p02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bully

>> No.12682017

There was also a mexican food truck that was selling tacos in addition to hotdog stands. In general the local Mexicans got that shit on lockdown.

I wasn't sure from my position but did they almost cry a couple of times in LA? Kind of surprised a not even totally sold out mid (but admittedly decent, especially with no advertising) level venue got to them. Still sweet though.

I thought the thing thrown on stage was a shirt. I definitely looked like cloth to me. I'm kind of worried it was underwear. Normally I would think something like that was all in good fun, but since they're girls and there is no guarantee of them coming back you have to worry about lasting impressions.

>> No.12682023

A-Chan cried I think? I couldn't see.

I also didn't think people did the fan chant which was supposed to be Puppy Love.

>> No.12682138

The lesson being Kashi is obviously the best choice

>> No.12682144

6'2" fag here. Stayed in the backish on cheese side and had a clear view of them the entire concerts. Manlets everywhere. Went hard while everyone around me was struggling to see them

>> No.12682158

Didn't see perfume cause I'm up north but I saw Kyary back in Feb, people get fucking mad at tall bros. I'm 6"5 and I has the grumpiest motherfuckers behind me. Bought VIP tickets so I got in early. There was one tint girl between the stage and I. group of girls all asked to get in front me.

Didn't let a soul past. I paid good money for that VIP.

Tall bros wanna be at the front too.

>> No.12682181

Could have been pretty far up but decided to get merch. The line was fucked and people don't know how to handle that shit. Prices were posted online awhile ago. Literally walked up there, cash already out, and got my merch within 20 seconds. Don't know why this is so difficult for people.

>> No.12682210

Does anybody have any experience with using tenso to ship perfume merchandise off of ASMART?

>> No.12682277


Jpopsuki nigga

>> No.12682371

brit bros, we hype?

>> No.12682374

hype as fuck nigger.

>> No.12682477

I'm sad they didn't do Voice. They had ONE job.

>> No.12682606

it's easy, everything is in english

>> No.12682625

Easy to navigate but fucking expensive, because you basically get charged twice for shipping

Really wish we'd get an official site for this instead of the Tenso middleman. I spend more money buying a few shitty items off ASMART than expensive Kamen Rider merch from mandarake

>> No.12682691
File: 45 KB, 400x562, NaDkAd5l8nsgqx5b1xJh4nLQo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread when? all the london hype can't possibly fit in here

>> No.12682829
File: 33 KB, 330x480, 1408701254112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get hype

>> No.12682908

I'm glad the London venue has seats, I don't want people grinding or touching me

>> No.12683075

wait till page 8 or 9
/jp/ is too slow of a board to make a new thread now

>> No.12683132

Hammersmith looks shit


If everyone in front of me puts their hands up I wont be able to see shit

>> No.12683141

shouldve gotten an opera box seat

>> No.12683598

I'm D row, will make sure to put my hands up.

>> No.12684196

That and don't be like the Babyfuckers making a new thread when it's still on page 1.

>> No.12684212 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 900x900, 1396376690317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my video has hit 500+ views

And it's a shit video too. But feels nice, mane.

>> No.12684250
File: 34 KB, 500x375, (706).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people were talking more about mememetal than perfume outside the Palladium on sunday night.

>> No.12684257

Kashi looks pretty cute here.
I regret saying that she was the ugliest Perfume.

>> No.12684296


I was behind a Japanese couple. Believe it or not I was personally surprised to see them travel this far to see them. Damn them japs are tru fans.

>> No.12684354

Don't be salty because BABYMETAL has gotten more global fame in one year than Perfume have gotten in their entire career. And no that's not an insult to Perfume since I happen to like both, but it's just fact.

>> No.12684389

maymays burn bright. we all know what happens to flames that burn harshly.

>> No.12684394

I don't think it's specific to Japanese frankly. Lot of people in Europe are going to the States or Japan to see concerts as well. You just kill two birds with one stone when doing so.

Visit the country/city + attend the concert.

Not >>12684250, but still pretty sad that something as shitty as babymetal is getting that much traction. (Couldn't care if it's more than Perfume, the only fact that they're getting that much is sad.)

>> No.12684437

Kyary and Babymetal are meme artists. Perfume have no memes so they will never have as much international success.

>> No.12684442
File: 390 KB, 900x810, (282).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kashi is beautiful in a distinctive way. That's why she's my waifu.

>> No.12684826

Gangnam Style guy also achieve global fame in a month.

>> No.12684981

I was situated in the GA balcony floor early on and pretty much everyone had a good view from there. There are no chairs however. It's just a simple two-tier floor setup with rails.

Why most of us weren't jumping was probably due to the fact that the balcony doesn't feel like a dance floor. At least, that's what I would guess. Also when people did jump to the music, the balcony shook pretty hard. Also people in the balcony are probably the awkward turtles.

Friggin tall dude kept smacking lips with his tiny asian girl every five minutes of the concert and neither of them were getting hyped about the concert.

>> No.12685104

>Friggin tall dude kept smacking lips with his tiny asian girl every five minutes of the concert and neither of them were getting hyped about the concert.
There were sooo many people like that down on the floor. It was pretty annoying when people either didn't know what the song was so they asked people next to them or they were making out with their gfs.

>> No.12685168

Can anyone that's been to both a concert in the US and Japan explain if there's any differences in the atmosphere/feeling/etc?

>> No.12685178

I have no idea about the Japanese concerts but the fans at LA were all whipping out their goddamn cellphones to record stuff. It's very disrespectful/rude when the staff asked people not to leak the sets or record stuff.

>> No.12685264

I felt this was done a lot less here in comparison to other American shows. No one in front of me used a phone at all and only spotted a few off to my side. maybe it was more in the back.

>> No.12685815

I'll be wearing my mememetal shirt later and theres nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.12686080


Anyone else beside us going to the concert today?

>> No.12686097

Two more here, not sure what to think of the venue though

>> No.12686143

One more here, on the tube now

>> No.12686329

>being this anal over 5 sec instagram clip being posted.

>> No.12686672

Yeah, lets just ignore the wishes of the group and their staff when they asked us respectfully not to do spoil it for everybody else attending later shows on the tour.

>> No.12686813
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>> No.12686826
File: 57 KB, 600x580, 1410302103161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was at the GurunGurun concert, and I didn't see anyone use a camera during the concert. Then again, having it seated made it easier to conceal you using one anyway.

>Perfume+co picking a shitty location to hold a concert
>security not enforcing camera rules
>top kek

I was at the Utada Hikaru concert in NYC and saw people escorted out for taking pics.

It's easy to blame the concertgoers, but niggers gonna nig. Security should've done a better job and Perfume should've picked a better venue.

>> No.12686845


>> No.12686913

Yeah I felt like the staff really shit the bed for the LA venue.

>> No.12686925

Japanese audiences are more polite and when there is a chance for an audience response, EVERYONE participates in unison. It's awesome and the crowd isn't full of fucktards with their cellphones raised up high.

Babymetal is a quality act with an awesome stage show in Japan, stop hating, poor ass plebs.

>> No.12686933

same with Kyary, she puts on a pretty elaborate stage show in japan that is very entertaining

>> No.12686943

Sat in between 2 Japanese girls, shit was so good. One of them translated for me when perfumes translator was shit

>> No.12686975

u bone??

>> No.12686978

Nah, I don't understand why she did not want to marry me and have my kids :,(

>> No.12687042

i was surprised by just how many japs were there. I would have expected most of them to have gone to the concerts in america instead

>> No.12687053

What is wrong with you people?

>> No.12687069


Maeda-san wasn't a very good translator.

It was a great concert. Those legs are even more amazing when you see them for real.

>> No.12687147
File: 1.41 MB, 3000x2000, London_concert_3K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankly shit gets posted to places where people KNOWS that they will get spoiled by going there.

I understand that posting your shit everywhere randomly on SNS is annoying, but posting ITT, on Perfume City dedicated spoiler thread and what not is not really an issue imo.

It's natural for them not to want the audience to be spoiled. Spoilers are annoying when unwanted. You wouldn't be happy if someone told you what's happening at the end of whatever TV shows season. But if you are looking for spoilers, nothing's wrong then.

>Maeda-san wasn't a very good translator.
I was just behind him, frankly he did very well considering he's just a random guy. Translating live from Japanese to English when you're not fluent is hard as fuck. Add to that it was at a concert in front of several thousands and with your favorite artist asking you to translate something. Must have been intimidating.

[Picture from 4th row attached, spoiler in case you're going to NYC in 3 days. Very sorry for the shit quality, taken raw, didn't do post-editing.]

>> No.12687167


Were you at the last London concert? They picked a random guy from the audience to translate then as well, he did a really good job. Poor Maeda-san.

The Nandos thing was really funny though. Nocchis English is the cutest. WHAT

>> No.12687193

I wasn't sadly. Not saying he was the best or anything, but considering the situation I think he did well. I'm doing live translation myself at large events (not from Japanese) and it's not as easy as it looks.

Nocchis is the cutest but she didn't talk much. A-chan literally carried the whole show. (I love A-chan the most so was quite happy.)

Also her interaction with the crowd is at a completely different level than from Yuka and Nocchi. Even when performing, she was way more into it.

>> No.12687211


I don't mean to hate on the poor guy, it was all in good fun and the whole thing amused me to no end.

Achan did a great job. I love the little audience participation bits. Pa!

>> No.12687244

Can't remember the last time I sweat so much. Show was great! Set-list was great!

>> No.12687257

Also I failed at the left/right audience participation

>> No.12687309
File: 25 KB, 373x344, unnamed-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(heavy breathing)

>> No.12687317

me on the left

>> No.12687375

we are on page 10 people. we got to make a new thread


>> No.12689249

>5sec instagram clip
>spoiling anything
