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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13393108 No.13393108 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13379829

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know how it goes.

>> No.13393143
File: 1.08 MB, 1037x631, PxC walk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im an EOP, im allowed to post?

In the meantime PxC 2, i actually liked PxC 1 even if only because of Sakura and Leche.

>> No.13393167
File: 85 KB, 192x187, 1329932231240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully there will be less cucks this thread.

>> No.13393168

So how's puramai impressions are so far?
Is it do-M oriented, with constant protag bullying?

>> No.13393174
File: 23 KB, 250x300, Mifuyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come one there is nothing wrong with Milf heroines at least.


>> No.13393175

How can you read PXC if you're an EOP?

>> No.13393177
File: 113 KB, 1386x687, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /r9k/ro

>> No.13393178


>> No.13393184

Hey friend.

>> No.13393190 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.13393191


>> No.13393214


>> No.13393223

It's similiar to Ren0, family comedy game with high school background.

Aisa = The most autistic but definitely the best girl.
Tomoe = Tsundere S slut.
Mei = The most bor..normal heroine in the game. Imouto but doesn't give any imouto vibe.
Kyouko = Brocon
Minori = Gamer , autist , tsundere and anti-social.

I think it's better than Ren0 so far.

I don't get it, if you have enough time to play eroge with MT why don't you use it to learn Japanese instead?

>> No.13393258

This thread is moving so fast these days.


My nigga. I'll also add Uchi no Imouto no Baai to the list, though it's only NTR in the bad ends.

>> No.13393307

Japanese is too hard for me, i can hardly learn english.

Though i didnt felt like PxC was that long.

>> No.13393310

English is harder than Japanese.

>> No.13393335

>Minori = Gamer , autist , tsundere and anti-social.

Also is Tomoe really a slut or is it more like Ellina from Dracu riot where she jokes a lot?

>> No.13393337

I dont feel it that way, memorizing isnt really my strong point and that seems like a must for say Kanji.

My english is entirely from playing games and watching movies wich is like the reason i understand it.

>> No.13393340

i love the insightful discussions on this board

>> No.13393344

But that's just two stupid crossies spouting one-liners

>> No.13393345


>> No.13393356

stop treating kanji like some mystical arcane code, they make up words and words are something you have to learn for any language

kanji aren't what make japanese hard

>> No.13393357

kinda lost on what is going on in the OP

"Should I hit you? If I'm not embraced by a guy,the one who can't keep calm is me"

Did I get it right?
no bully pls...

>> No.13393372

Sorry, I can't text-hook images, so I can't help you.

>> No.13393388

I'm not sure either but I think it's more like " I won't calm down if I don't hit you or get embraced by a man"

>> No.13393395

Is she saying she will cuck protag?

>> No.13393398

You're overlooking the か after 男に抱かれる. That should set you on the right path.

>> No.13393399

That's why I said she's a slut.

>> No.13393408

Fucking slut.

>> No.13393409

Why are sluts raiding moege?

>> No.13393543

Okay thanks get it now i missed the か that means or.

I can't believe i messed that up


>> No.13393564

I completely glossed over か too. Shit happens

>> No.13393574

She's a slutty girl

>> No.13393589

Stop this meme please.

>> No.13393596

At least its not like 浮気 workspring

>> No.13393605


>> No.13393705

Virgin or non virgin heroine? what do you prefer?

is this the rise of a new le epic meme?

>> No.13393716

If Tomoe is not a virgin I'm picking this up.

>> No.13393781

There's just a couple of autists who get mad when you tell them their fetish for cuckoldry isn't shared by most others.

>> No.13393862

What do these words mean? Please explain.

>> No.13393866

these threads sure have been shit lately

>> No.13393906

What are you doing to improve the thread other than complaining "this thread is shit guys XD" ? Fucking faggot.

>> No.13393919

not much

>> No.13393972

Getting fucked by a man

>> No.13394260

OK faggots, I'm getting sick of this shit. Does she have a hymen or not? I need an answer.

>> No.13394306
File: 344 KB, 1280x720, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing all maps as soon as they become available, but recently (beginning of chapter 3) I feel like I'm becoming too strong, so I decided to do only the plot ones for now.

>> No.13394348

Really hard battles start around chapter 6, when enemies can deal up to 50 dmg and kill most of your chars in two hits.

>> No.13394351

Who is this "she"?

>> No.13394359

Tsumugi is best. Why wasn't she available as option in choice? Eushully, you went full retarded with "routes" here.

>> No.13394485

Tomoe from puramai wars

>> No.13394539

Do you think this thread and 2ch will be this calm if they found a heroine in moege is not a virgin? or just look at the CGs in Exhentai damnit.

>> No.13394548

It's a moege. Gee I fucking wonder whether or not she's a virgin.

>> No.13394568

She's still a slut, she's going to cuck MC in the future

>> No.13394585

Please keep your fap fantasies out of this thread.

>> No.13394628
File: 265 KB, 720x1280, thatarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art in this game is so inconsistent. Some stuff look absolutely terrible.

>> No.13394700

Yeah, Chesus, that arms.

>> No.13394711

Getting blood on your dick is gross. Heroines should just pop their cherries with a dildo or something.

>> No.13394744
File: 103 KB, 799x599, 13551646123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what condoms are for

>> No.13394825
File: 259 KB, 500x715, c837023package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know Cosmic Cute is coming out with another game, I thought they were dead. I enjoyed their first two games so I will give it a shot. The OP is almost as good as LOVESICK PUPPIES

>> No.13394851

Both of their games were really really good. I think lovesick puppies is almost the perfect moege, and while there were some parts which they could improve gleamgarden was also a pretty good game. I'm looking forward for this.

>> No.13394884

I agree man about their game quality, I still haven't finished all the routes in lovesickpuppies but the ones I have finished are pretty good. I liked the VA choices in both games, hopefully this game has good ones too. VAs can make or break these types of games.

>> No.13394937

W-why they don't use the artist from LSP? I like his art.

>> No.13394974

I'm definitely going to check it out. The writer is the Gunjou no Sora wo Koete guy, which is... an interesting choice.

>> No.13395446

but right afterwards the other girl laughs at her for saying such a joke despite being a virgin

>> No.13395514

Yeah all of routes were really good, but Yuki's route was absolutely at some other level. Its not like there was some twist or interesting theme in her route, but her relationship with mc was so good that all other routes felt like just playing house. If you didn't play her yet, play as last heroine or you wont be able to play other heroines.

>> No.13395533

Why is Japanese humor so shit ?

>> No.13395730

I loved everything about Yuki, VA, character design (brown hair + eyes are my favorite combo), Osananajimi (my fetish), personality etc. The confession scene is one of my favorites in the whole of fiction. Her interactions with the MC were good, sorta playful and not really much blush blush nonsense.

I played her's first sadly, I never save the best for last. Orie's was pretty good too but not near Yuki's.

>> No.13395802

Huh, looks like there's a Vita port of Himawari coming out. I played it way back before the fandisk was even announced and never got around to AA. Should I reread the game before Aqua After? I've forgotten a lot of stuff since it was a while ago

>> No.13395973

Do you think if you never encountered VNs you would have a girlfriend?

>> No.13396076

It's the other way around; I used the social skills from VNs to fake being a nice, social guy and got a qt3.14 GF.

>> No.13396105

I haven't played that game yet. Unless that isn't a game and you really think eroge is reality.

Naw, I am who I am. Eroge is fun though, I don't think RL would change my reading habbits, I bet a GF would probably not like me reading anything other than chuuni stuff with little romance.

>> No.13396170

Which version of kuon no kizuna is the best?

>> No.13396295

Condoms are just as, if not more, disgusting than that though.

>> No.13396312

How long do you read per day on average?

How long do you read during your most hardcore periods?

>> No.13396354

About four hours. On hardcore, Probably something like 16 hours, that's what I remember from stuff like Sora's route. I wish I read something as engaging and that once more.

>> No.13396364

Around 10-12 hours the most? I like sleeping.
per day I can read 2-3 hours normally, maybe a standard route.

>> No.13396458

Probably about 5-6 hours per day if I minus the time spent on 4chan and such, as for hardcore sessions (immersive games only cause these sessions to happen i.e Evenicle) I read until my body forces me to stop which could be up to 30~35 hours in a row.

>> No.13396512

You should reread Himawari with the voice patch and read the 2 extra stories before AA too
The extra stories are available on the android and ios stores

>> No.13396630

I'll usually read for a couple hours or so, but if I really get into something, I can easily sit down for 12-16.

>> No.13396743

Her left arm holy shit this is actually creepy.

>> No.13396750

Bansenjin uploaded by Russians: http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4995884
Fuck mikocon and his vip schemes.

>> No.13396752

It's a group of chingchongs

>> No.13396774

I read VNs late at night.
1 - 2 hours on average.
2 - 4 hours on hardcore.

>> No.13396812

thank you slavs.

>> No.13396824

Yeah, 12am is usually the time I start to read. Only games I'm really hyped for get earlier attention. I usually read until 6am with some short breaks in between.

>> No.13396839

Good thing I'm registered there.

>> No.13396856

5-12 hours

>> No.13397095

2-6 hours on average. Usually don't have much time or enthusiasm left over after work and workout.

But I can easily read the entire day from waking up to going back to bed during weekends, if something really enchants me.

>> No.13397125

Still no Bansenjin?

>> No.13397130

Read the thread retard.

>> No.13397176

Kasumi route sure is boring in Dies Irae.

>> No.13397177

Damn Bansenjin doesn't want to work even with alpharom

>> No.13397197

Just like all light novels.

>> No.13397201

Kei's route is when the game really starts to shine.

>> No.13397210

Oh I just needed to update the game first

>> No.13397216

That's rather weird, considering the bundled AlphaROM is the one from February 2014, isn't it?

Why would it work on updated Bansenjin and not on the base one? Unless the base game itself is broken without the update or something.

Well, the important thing is that it works after all.

>> No.13397219

How much more do I need to go through if I'm like at half of the Pied Piper chapter?

>> No.13397240

Kasumi's route is the shortest route in the game by a large margin, the other routes are like 3x times longer, it shouldn't take you too long.

>> No.13397245

That's the chapter of the common route where it actually branches between Kasumi and Kei's routes. I think you can get to Kei's route even before finishing Kasumi's but it's recommended to finish the latter first so pick the この刺青を抑制する choice. After that it's 5 more chapters.

>> No.13397714

Do you prefer if VN's pander to Western tastes and culture? Does it feel awkward when they try to do that just like most Western-centric Japanese games?

>> No.13397717

What do you mean by that? Anyway, the answer is likely no.

>> No.13397726

Do you mean like in Grisaia where they made a bunch of Western jokes?

>> No.13397740
File: 302 KB, 1282x721, capture_003_27012014_083433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13397821

Screens of that? I am curious of what kind. Knowing the series though it's probably antiquated military in-jokes.

>> No.13397825

I don't mind, and I'm not sure why I should.
They do have strong stereotypes and myths about western culture, but not that I mind.

>> No.13397870

That usually ends up being pretty cringeworthy and the rest of the time it's american shit, which is just as foreign to me as japanese shit meaning I'm probably going to be confused by it anyway.

>> No.13397871

You mean like some of Nitro+ stuff? Any kind of variety is welcome, especially brands that specialize in some very specific niche.

>> No.13397912

You must've had an experience trying to read through Rose Gun Days or Django.

>> No.13397967

Any VN's centered around the Muslim world?

>> No.13397994

Not that I'm aware, if generic fantasy desert people/definitely not egyptians don't count. I can't really see a VN writer have much interest in it.

>> No.13397995

Muv Luv Alternative

>> No.13398003

A heroine that wear hijab would be nice.

>> No.13398009

Seven Bridge, kinda

>> No.13398024

There was an otome game where the MC was an Arabian princess and you are surrounded by hunks that look like the characters from that Free! ending song.

>> No.13398063

What the fuck happened with FlyingShine? Looks like they didn't made any new stuff for almost 6 years now apart from a cheap nukige from one of their imprints. Weren't Cross Channel and Swan Song pretty successful titles? Are they gone for good?

>> No.13398097

Same thing that happened with D.O. They don't have any staff left.

>> No.13398136

Having 2 succesful titles which came out 10-12 years ago is not enough for surviving you know. Well except Typemoon, they are earning a lot of money even if they dont do anyshit.

About your question, People are looking for writers & illustrators before buying visual novels. If you have lost all of your good staff, having some succesful history wont save your ass.

>> No.13398206

You know why Tanaka Romeo have the name as grand as "Brand Crasher", right?

>> No.13398207

Type Moon is doing a lot, they just aren't making that many new VN.

>> No.13398231

Besides Girls Work, what other original property are they even doing?

>> No.13398235

I remember Elf now as a shadow of its former self. Well, at least it's better than completely wasting away like Flyingshine.

>> No.13398238

Hey now, nobody said anything about original. I don't deny they're miking Fate and their other IPs, but they're hardly "not doing any shit".

>> No.13398242

Type moon is the most overrated eroge company ever.

>> No.13398244

This is the VN thread so it's common sense to question what the company's been doing on that front which is nil.

>> No.13398247

Don't badmouth CIRCUS. They can live for another 10 years just by making more Da capo.

>> No.13398251

The moment any company loses its main writer they're pretty much finished. It's much smarter to rely on multiple writers instead.

>> No.13398252

Can't be overrated when they don't make much eroge to begin with. You've better luck to call out Nitro+ or KEY that.

>> No.13398253

Is Da Capo even good.
I've never played a single one.

>> No.13398267

It's not bad, but it isn't very fantastic either. It's a textbook example of an "ordinary" eroge. I think the fans love it just as much as there are people who love comfort food.

>> No.13398270

It's your average moege. Not really bad, but nothing outstanding.

>> No.13398275

The first one was one of the first eroge I played and it was ok. The second one wasn't awful either, but nothing to write home about. They feel more grounded than a lot of stuff these days.

>> No.13398285

The first one is shit and the second one is just your average moege.

>> No.13398297

I enjoyed the original releases for the first and second one albeit a bit bland but I never really cared enough about the whole Magic tree thing to continue reading the rest/reading the remakes.

>> No.13398300

>I think the fans love it just as much as there are people who love comfort food.

Wasn't Da Capo 1 the game which set pretty much the standard formula for moege? There might be the reason.

>> No.13398308

No, I think it was To Heart.

>> No.13398318

They're the generic moege from ten or so years ago. Not bad and most of the characters are likable but nothng too special.

>> No.13398319

Completely forgot about that game. You're right.

Is it still worth reading?

>> No.13398323


>> No.13398324

If you're the type who's hard to please and is tired of 2000's anime archetypes, then no.

>> No.13398325

Not really.

>> No.13398328

Why I rarely see /jp/ talking about key? No one hyped for angel beats?

>> No.13398338

I never liked Key to begin with. Not a big fan of utsuge and the art is too crappy.

>> No.13398346

Not particularly but I'll probably give it a read somewhere down the line.

>> No.13398348


Is this a new codename for nakige?

>> No.13398351

I might have been five years ago. Or if Maeda was writing the whole thing. Or if they weren't releasing it in multiple pieces.

>> No.13398352

It's a bit weird to see the game related to the anime that came out half a decade ago.
I guess it might have been interesting if it was a real eroge but otherwise I'd rather wait until key makes something new.

>> No.13398354



>> No.13398355

Why the hell that artist is not fired yet? Even Kurokami artist is better.

>> No.13398361

I didn't go past prologue for any key games.
I guess I'll try AB1 when its out, but I doubt I'll finish it, so no hype.

>> No.13398371

/jp/ hates Key because they like to be special snowflakes and only hype edgy untranslated stuff.

>> No.13398386

What will be the next big hit in the eroge scene? I know there's Sakura no Uta, the last Rance game and the Romeo x Matsuryuu game (feat Takahiro).
Are there any other big titles that can generate much interest in the eroge community? Kinda sad to see recent games on EGS getting so few votes.

>> No.13398391

Eroge is dead kid.

>> No.13398393

Which is the best 2012+ eroge?

>> No.13398394

Only pirates vote in egs so it's not it's an important place to judge whether something sell or not

>> No.13398398

Maybe they're close friends. You know nepotism runs rampant in a close circle such as eroge devs.

>> No.13398406

Your statement holds no water when most of what /jp/ talks about are average moege. Hell, no one really likes Chuuni here unless it's from Light or Eushully.

>> No.13398407

There's a new Steampunk game coming too.

>> No.13398416

JQV for me I guess. Maybe Senshinkan

>> No.13398425

Are moe and chuuni the only two options?

>> No.13398427

Moogy cocksucker detected.

>> No.13398448

Nukige has it's own thread; charage are often lumped with moege, bam you've got a false dichotomy.

>> No.13398454

I liked Clannad and most of Little Busters. I thought One was crap. Kanon was alright but I didn't finish all the routes. It had it's moments.

>> No.13398460

Tsukihime remake will be biggest hit, if it gets released at some fucking day of course.

>> No.13398465

Is that supposed to be Air?

>> No.13398471

Charage is just glorified moege.

>> No.13398474

There are also non-chuuni scenarioge (last Looseboy, new Fujisaki fantasy title, etc) and gameplay titles.

>> No.13398475

Please enjoy all eroge niches...

>> No.13398477

No. I haven't played Air yet and I always forget One isn't a Key game. My mistake.

>> No.13398492

Don't tell me what to do nerd.

>> No.13398525

Hits don't come when you expect them. They are always sudden.

>> No.13398530

Anyone here post on Fuwanovel?

>> No.13398537

The next 新島夕 title will be the big hit I hope.

>> No.13398542

Uploads for ラブだくしょんっ! and ディベートスクールナイン never. Liking niche eroge is suffering. I may end up buying them.

>> No.13398563

Buying niche stuff shows companies that there is money to be made in those niches, making them more likely to make more.

>> No.13398620

Is there truth to this? Is there a sudden surge of ratings after games get released to trackers?

>> No.13398641

Yeah. Games which aren't uploaded tend to have no votes except for very few titles everyone knows about. Those titles get sometimes even votes without the game being released at all.

>> No.13398655

Fuck me, I thought he was talking about VNDB. Ignore that. I can't browse EGS so I can't say anything about their voting behavior.

>> No.13398709
File: 287 KB, 1176x981, senshinkan_japs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs have to rely on russians to get their eroge. Its funny how there were no votes on bansenjin prior today.

>> No.13398746

You say, while torrenting it yourself.

>> No.13398760
File: 341 KB, 1281x722, ss+(2015-04-29+at+04.41.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like she wasn't that much of slut after all.

>> No.13398808

Japanese piracy community is complete shit. They are all just fucking leechers and rarely ever upload anything themselves. They also rarely ever seed. Interesting if you look at something like a subbed episode of anime on nyaa and a raw, both with similar download counts and upload times, 1 month later the raw is torrent is almost dead while the subbed one keeps getting seeds.

>> No.13398815

Surprise, surprise. A population known to buy media doesn't have a very good pirating community.

>> No.13398820

No reason to seed a raw torrent when a subbed torrent has softsubs.

>> No.13398825

The threat of going to prison tends to put a damper on things.

>> No.13398829

Japanese torrents always die really quickly though. Not just anime.

>> No.13398835

The penalties for uploading material in Japan are quite severe. They're scared since with torrents you see the IPs. That's why they use encrypted anonymous shit like Perfect Dark or Share, and even with those they have arrested a few uploaders. Besides, if the laws are tougher, society also collectively acquires an exaggerated perception of piracy as a crime.

>> No.13398839

Yeah, the longer you are on the torrent the higher is the risk to be caught.

>> No.13398842

I have to ask, are you looking at public trackers only? Because there are a lot of english subbed that's dead on Nyaa but very alive on Bakabt.I know Bakabt is a mixture of public and private, so it's probably not the best example, but it is what it is.

>> No.13398894

Not sure what your point is really. Show me a site like bakabt for raw Japanese media.

>> No.13398899

My point was my question
>are you looking at public trackers only?

>> No.13398900

This so much. It's not because they don't want to, it's because they're gonna get more than just a C&D letter or any other pansy method Overseas ISP's try to get people to "stahp pirating"

>> No.13398930

There are no Japanese private trackers is my point, plus I literally said nyaa in my post.

>> No.13398965

I'm a pretty big Key fan (though really more of a Maeda fan) but I never bring them up here because /jp/ hates them now so you never get a decent discussion.

I'm moderately excited for Angel Beats. I wish it was a brand new story and wasn't a serial, though.

At least egs has the other writers listed as sub writers. Hopefully they'll only have a small role. But Maeda has always had help from other writers and has made good games regardless.

>> No.13398970

anyone know what day in-game pretty x cation 2 goes til?

>> No.13398999

>But Maeda has always had help from other writers and has made good games regardless.
That's the thing, his parts of the games are the only parts that aren't utter crap. I'd be way more willing to play Key games if he was the only writer.

I hope the writers will be cleanly separated by route or whatever so I can just ctrl through the non-Maeda parts.

>> No.13399014

She's one of the founders of the company.

Taiyou no Ko has potential if it ever comes out. As of earlier this year they're still planning on releasing it.

Eroge is getting boring because makers are playing it so safe. There's little chance of masterpieces when no one takes risks.

>> No.13399078


Can't take risks when autists bombard you on twitter for writing a joke

>> No.13399126
File: 257 KB, 1280x720, イブニクル_20150428_205254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My expectations weren't too high, but Evenicle has been very enjoyable so far. This scene with the three of them drinking in particular was really funny, and I'm pretty sure it's entirely optional.

The art can be a bit wonky in certain places, but I like the unique style.

>> No.13399168

>That's the thing, his parts of the games are the only parts that aren't utter crap.

I only agree with that for Little Busters. Hisaya Naoki did fine with Kanon, all of Air's routes were good, and Clannad's non-Maeda routes ranged from mediocre to good.

>> No.13399318

Ashbel was a bro ;_;

>> No.13399329

It's less boring than the stuff after it.

>> No.13399373
File: 161 KB, 1281x688, you should be able to solve this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you solve this mystery /jp/

>> No.13399381

two guys

>> No.13400157

You're from Europe, aren't you.

>> No.13400377

>They are all just fucking leechers and rarely ever upload anything themselves

You are fucking dumb and ignorant. Before 2013 the Share eroge scene was so big you had several dedicated uploaders ripping every game day zero pretty much. The first arrest happened and it all went to shit.


>> No.13400750

Just finished reading Reminiscence and really liked it, anyone can recommend a vn like that? With battle of wits and case solving. I've read G-sen already.

>> No.13400758 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1296x758, 1430305888129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her true form...
I don't know what i was expecting but i don't think it was this

>> No.13401092

At this point, I'm not going to be able to calm down unless I either punch you or get you laid.

>> No.13401096

Ignore that last "you", mind fart.

>> No.13401167
File: 257 KB, 1277x717, makunouchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't expect to see this kind of reference in a game like this.

>> No.13401239

For anyone that wonders what it says it means "body, body, body!!! makuno uchinami's body!

>> No.13401301

Game also has a katawa shoujo reference if you missed it.
And Bansenjin references Kancolle

>> No.13401339

>And Bansenjin references Kancolle
And SnK, too.

>> No.13401347

How do I get over my autism to not skip anything?

I even read H scenes.

>> No.13401354

That's nothing to be ashamed of, man.

Please enjoy H scenes.

>> No.13401362

Having dedication and patience isn't a bad thing.

Abusing the spoiler function, on the other hand, is.

>> No.13401368

Amagami translation when?

>> No.13401374

How did you do that without a text hooker?

>> No.13401387

I believe you're in the wrong thread. >>13381858

>> No.13401395

Should I just drop 神のラプソディ if I'm having trouble with maps at the 3rd chapter?

It's not that I have bad character configuration, it's just that it takes me multiple tries to figure out how to do a map properly that it takes up way to much time.

>> No.13401403

I usually don't enjoy them though.

>> No.13401404

It's not that hard of a game but if you don't enjoy strategy games you probably shouldn't play them.

>> No.13401405
File: 362 KB, 1280x720, プテテットでもなれる.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're definitely doing something very wrong. Are you playing on hard? Try going to hetare dungeon.

>> No.13401414

Well, you are definitely doing something very wrong there. I'm at last chapter now, and overall I've had like 4 battles which took more than one attempt to complete.

>> No.13401433

Is it any good?
I want to finish Evenicle before trying another gameplay eroge and there is Verethragna that looks pretty tempting too

>> No.13401483

To be honest, its not very good by Eushully standards. It has very nice set of heroines and main plot is good enough, but like 70% of text revolves around protag and repeated "— you are so weak! — yes, I'm weak, but ganbarimasu and doryoku! — oooh, such cool doryoku, I've fallen for you, make me babies". It wasn't bad at first, considering that protag is supposed to be ordinary human who accidently got mixed up with best of best of half of continent, but this pattern persists right to the very end, when you actually able to one-hit 7-square sized monsters.
It also doesn't have routes and only 2 main heroines have personal epilogues. It just doesn't make sense that Tsumugi wasn't an option.

>> No.13401572
File: 177 KB, 1281x720, aya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Verethragna is very good. The gameplay isn't good (but neither was rhapsody's) but the writing is top notch. Two of the writers from 最終痴漢電車3 is on the staff is it shows through the writing. Though Akira, the MC, doesn't have something like Jin's infamous I'm just a chikan line, he inherits his bluntness with woman. The best part imo is how there is so many scene with multiple women bantering with each other instead of the regular just mc and a girl talking with each other.

>> No.13401581

Does it have a harem ending? I dont really understand why the hell eushully doesn't add harem endings to their every game.

>> No.13401583

I like card games so I'm pretty excited about it.
I'll finish Bansenjin and Evenicle first and then play it

>> No.13401589

No. You are forced to choose one of two main heroines.
Is 最終痴漢電車3 that good? I've completed first 最終痴漢電車, but it wasn't particularly impressive even for chikan nukige.

>> No.13401620
File: 113 KB, 720x360, top_tokyonecro_teaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else hyped? First real deal game PC game by them in 6 years.

>> No.13401623

>real deal game
>Shimokura shit
Are you crazy?

>> No.13401642


最終痴漢電車3 is easily the best chikan nukige ever made, everything from presentation, character, writing to the all important ero scenes are top of the line even to today.

>> No.13401659


I agree, I suppose it could work if there is a co-writer that somewhat chains down Shimokura on the meta.

>> No.13401693

I'm a wizard

>> No.13401715

Nope, I hate Nitro anyway.

>> No.13401731

>I hate Nitro anyway.
The fedora tipping is off the chart

>> No.13401793
File: 900 KB, 1093x697, 2015-04-29_09-32-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this something new or have I just never noticed it in eroge before? I'm not sure if I get the point of including it though.

>> No.13401872

Now your unvoiced protagonist can be a robot!

>> No.13401893
File: 189 KB, 1279x713, honami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl must be boredom incarnate, I don't even know why they are going out, there haven't even been romantic flags beyond her starting to like him out of the blue.
I expected some nice, bookworm girl but their conversations are so mundane.

>> No.13401912

Before starting KKK, is there some material I can read so all the buddhist references are understandable? Or is looking up half the fun?

>> No.13401915

Get the fuck out of here, racist.

>> No.13401923

Did you already read the FD?

>> No.13401967

Probably for the blind.

>> No.13402118

I recommend going to Japan and becoming a monk.

>> No.13402134
File: 668 KB, 1366x768, fucking casual gamer girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This girl must be boredom incarnate
>I expected some nice, bookworm girl but their conversations are so mundane.
That was my exact problem with PxC's Nozomi. She was advertised as an "otaku heroine", but her route was more about the "perfect girl who can't cook" cliche rather than actual fucking otaku hobbies. Even when they did talk a little about otakuish stuff it was extremely casual compared to LxC's hardcore gamer heroine Aya. At least Sakura's route in PxC was actually about movies.

To me it feels like the Cation series as a whole is heading up that way to blandness. LxC had a protagonist with a hikki personality and different types of girls with even some drama (some of it really shit though). From LxC2 onwards they started using a pure blank slate protag and almost no drama, but the girls were still extremely cute and memorable. I haven't played PxC2 yet, but the fact that one heroine's character design is a straight Kancolle ripoff is not giving me a good impression at all. It's like they started designing the blandest possible erogamer bait heroines in order to appeal to the largest possible audience while avoiding to accidentally "offend" anyone with heroines that have strange quirks or hobbies.

I just want Lovely x Cation 3 with the old staff.

>> No.13402153

Speaking of otaku heroine is there any eroge in these recent years who feature one? By otaku I mean a girl who play eroge and stuff.

>> No.13402162

>but the fact that one heroine's character design is a straight Kancolle ripoff
Just because of the blonde hair and the ribbon? That shit is completely common in anime/game design. It's not even supposed to be Shimakaze because she doesn't dress like a complete slut, which is mostly her only defining feature.

>> No.13402164

I was fucking glad when they dropped the drama for LC2, there was one route in the whole LC where the drama wasn't cringe worthy or the heroine wasn't annoying when it hit.

>> No.13402167

It's either Shimakaze or Chitoge, or just Shimakaze with Chitoge's ribbon and hair.

>> No.13402168
File: 50 KB, 1200x1200, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not what you're looking for though.

>> No.13402186

Is that thing a heroine?

>> No.13402191

She doesn't act like Chitoge and she isn't a slut like Shimakaze. She's neither.

>> No.13402215

Or Koromo

>> No.13402247

But she's so boring, also fuck her for having the two random items all crammed into her, retarded ninja cat fucking with my stat gains.

>> No.13402264

What is she playing, Pokemon?

>> No.13402333
File: 507 KB, 1284x724, capture_147_29042015_213827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13402429

Could someone recommend some games with run away situations? Something similar to the Rin's route from Little Busters! or the Makina's route from Grisaia no Kajitsu.

>> No.13402612

How do I stop myself from spending so much time finding games and looking up information about them instead of just reading them? I always download a bunch of games I'll never play, and then spend a bunch of time on vndb or egs looking at info.

>> No.13402643

Do the information part before you download it?

>> No.13402645

You stop spending so much time finding games and looking up information about them and just read them.

>> No.13402653

Exactly my illness. What's your taste looks like? Is there any game that you actually finished properly?

>> No.13402659

You are a true otaku. Being an otaku is all about accumulating useless knowledge.

>> No.13402669

Anybody else fucking tired of playing the nice boy in moeges? I want to be a badass that fucking deserves to fuck the girls, not some yasashii loser

>> No.13402672

Ever heard of Grisaia?

>> No.13402680

Yeah that's why I'm saying this, we need more protagonists like Yuuji and less shit like the tsujidou one

>> No.13402684

>tsujidou mc

Worst example. Nobody like that faggot piece of shit.

>> No.13402695

Uh dude I'm saying no protagonist should be like that

>> No.13402726

That's the point, there is no one worse than him.

>> No.13402737

Does he get better in the FD?

>> No.13402751


>> No.13402765

Well, fuck. He isn't exactly unbearable but certainly a nuisance. I 'like' how he still manages to be an asshole in every route despite being a yasashii shit.

>> No.13402781

He does have his moments in the FD but he really isn't that much better, that man to man fight is probably his best character moment in the series

>> No.13402915
File: 308 KB, 1280x720, n940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One heroine draws doujinshi for Comiket and the other one works at an eroge shop and plays a lot of it. Others may be too, but I haven't played their routes.

>> No.13402944

>the other one works at an eroge shop and plays a lot of it

Which one is that? Red hair? I figured the first one is brown?

>> No.13402945

Also, speaking of badasses, protagonist in there is not that bad either. Works as a blue collar worker, has a scary manly face that attracts people who want to pick fights with him and becomes a hero.

>> No.13402958
File: 300 KB, 1280x720, 212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, red hair draws doujinshi, middle one plays eroge.

>> No.13403161
File: 22 KB, 256x256, Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why you play Rape protags or those with gameplay, moege are boring as fuck because of shitty MCs.

>> No.13403223

There should be more nice boy badasses like Yoshiya from Senshinkan.
Pretty good protag.

>> No.13403311

Any eroge where the MC goes from Shinji-tier beta to Rance-tier badass? Bonus points if the the transition is actually believable.

>> No.13403318

Shinji isn't beta, moron.

>> No.13403387

He was pathetic, weak, quiet, and afraid of girls.
Sounds like a typical beta loser to me.

>> No.13403391

Neither is Rance badass, for that matter.

He just goes along with the flow, and by "the flow" I mean his penis.

>> No.13403410

Typical teenager, who grew up as the series progress. I think the ending really summed it up
>I'm a loser, cowardly, sneaky and weak! Everyone hates me!
>Can't you tell that's all in your head, moron!
I don't think real human bean == beta loser. Not to mention, throughought the whole series, Shinji steps the fuck up, rebels against his father, beats the shit out of angels, etc etc. Not beta at all. Unless your only concept of "alpha" is "OH SHIT MUSCLY BADASS KAMINA-SAMA"!

>> No.13403459
File: 132 KB, 800x595, 12166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /jp/. Some fuccboi told me that this VN inspired Saya no Uta. Is it any good? I can't find any DL links

>> No.13403549

>I can't find any DL links
Have you even looked? Serious question.

>> No.13403550


I guess you'll just have to buy it then. Go to Japan and ask around, you'll come across it eventually.

>> No.13403561

>He was pathetic, weak, quiet, and afraid of girls.
So, /jp/?

>> No.13403596



>> No.13403655

Most of the time, Japan only writes either worthless loser MCs or the socially retarded otaku's idea of a badass, i.e. an overagressive manchild.

I was hoping that /jp/ wouldn't make the same mistake, but I guess I overestimated it.

>> No.13403661

I like it way better than SnU. Story stops making any fucking sense around the last part but whatever.

>> No.13403719

Hey guys, I want to play Fate/Stay Night but I'm a bit confused, am I better off getting the original version and applying the Realta Nua patch to it, or getting the Realta Nua version and applying the translation patch to that?

>> No.13403722

Please keep your pretentiousness outta /jp/!!!

>> No.13403733

This is untranslated eroge sure, please go elsewhere!!!

>> No.13403735

Well it's untranslated until I apply a translation patch to it. So help me do this properly and then I will go to the proper place.

>> No.13403737

I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of that, the use of such extreme archtypes works better for the purpose of escapism, plus writing realistic characters is hard.

>> No.13403743

Please go to VNTS.

As you said, it's unrelated when a translation patch is mentioned.

>> No.13403745

Isn't VNTS just for complaining about translators? I don't think anyone there would be interested in actually helping me get a game running.

>> No.13403748

I never agree with that.

The easiest character to self-insert into is the everyday man, which is why it's such a popular main character archetype both in East and West.

>> No.13403757

Well, this thread is about virginity of heroines.

You can google the way yourself though.

>> No.13403760

Well, said characters aren't badasses, just sociopaths, so they don't fit into this either way. Same goes for people who enjoy escapisming via such characters.

Also, it's not so much that it's hard, it's more that otaku feel threatened.

>> No.13403763

You think I would have come here if I hadn't already googled it? I couldn't make heads or tails out of any of the info out there, that's why I'm asking you guys.

>> No.13403765

Just tell them you're only installing it because you want to see how shitty TakaJun is for yourself, then.

>> No.13403772

Why does this thread always go down to otaku-bashing?

>> No.13403774



>> No.13403777

Whatever, please go and ask VNTS.

>> No.13403779

Then what makes you think anyone in a thread about untranslated VNs would be interested in helping you?

>> No.13403782

Well maybe I can try later, but I honestly wasted most of my store of motivation for the day just posting here already, and I don't think I'll be able to do it anywhere else for several days at least.

In fact just responding to this chain of conversation has taxed me considerably, so if you people don't mind I'm going to go curl up into a ball of depression on my bed for the next hour or two, when I get back I'd be real happy if somebody had answered my question.

But if not that's okay too, I totally understand. Anyway thank you in advance if somebody does actually decide to help me... I know that it's more than I actually deserve...

>> No.13403787

Please don't feel victim, I don't feel pity for you!!!

>> No.13403790

I will never understand skipping. Do people flip past pages in books or fast forward through movies?

Pretty sure Nitro+ fans are the fedoras.

>> No.13403796 [DELETED] 

>not watching movies at 1.2x speed to get through them faster
But it adds up to hours over time...

>> No.13403802 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13403808

Just speaking the truth, m八.

>> No.13403809

I think it was fairly obvious from context who I was quoting... Are you new here?

>> No.13403813

No, I don't believe so.

>> No.13403818

No, sir, we don't do greentext aside from quoting here.

Please learn proper board etiquette.

>> No.13403825

I can see that, yes.

>> No.13403834

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know. I have deleted the post, I will be sure to never do that again here.

>> No.13403845

Thank you and welcome.

>> No.13403847

>Do people flip past pages in books or fast forward through movies?

>> No.13403866

Usually I only do that when I have read/watched that part so it doesn't count.

>> No.13403878

I have never met someone who didn't skip John Galt's 250 page speech in Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.13403888

I have never read Atlas Shrugged so yeah.

>> No.13403894

Underage b&

>> No.13403915

No, I'm in my 20s.

Just not interested in books that much, I only read some older erotica like 120 days of Sodom and Philosophy in the bedroom.

>> No.13403918

Just because he hasn't read your shitty Ayn Rand novel you're saying he's underage? Is that required reading in clapistan or something?

>> No.13403935


>> No.13403936

Movies are over in a couple hours, and it's easy to tell when something's not important in a book that can be skipped if you're just trying to finish it. I literally haven't read a book since high school, and even then it was easy to pick up on the main themes just by skimming.

No sense wasting time reading though an author's terrible attempt at pacing.

>> No.13403946

I guess I just have patience and I like reading H scenes.

>> No.13403956

No sense reading a book at all if the author's bad enough at pacing that you feel like you have to skip parts

>> No.13403958

At that point why even read a book? Same if you're skipping through an eroge.

>> No.13403965

H-scenes can be pretty entertaining to read some times depending on the characters involved.

>> No.13403986

>No sense wasting time reading though an author's terrible attempt at pacing.

So you just skip to the action? Sounds like a terrible idea. You'll miss out on the atmosphere and build up in a lot of cases.

Like in Fate/Stay Night. The food stuff was pretty bland and really tested the patience of the reader but it helped to shaped the contrast to the scenes where shit actually got serious.

There are exceptions, of course. I can't bring myself to read the treatise about whales at the start of Moby Dick, for example.

>> No.13403989

>Is that required reading in clapistan or something?
No. Some people just have political motivation to pretend Rand's works possess literary merit. I've never met anyone who had to read her in school but the Ayn Rand Institute tries very hard to get teachers to teach her.

>> No.13404003

Most common example would be a situation where you're already >50% finished an eroge but the heroines are starting to bore you so you fast-forward through some of the slice of life bits and girls that you don't care for so that you can finish it to the end rather than just dropping it.

>> No.13404118

Not to mention porn, too. I skip porn in non-nukige quite often.

>> No.13404122

Those whale lectures happen throughout Moby-Dick and they're definitely important. They help in building atmosphere, imagery, and Ishmael's character, but even more than that they're closely tied to the novel's themes and often serve as metaphors for Melville's theological meditations, for instance. They're also just part of the work's aesthetics and what makes it unique.

The whale chapters are one of the most common complaints about Moby-Dick so I get where you're coming from, I'm only elaborating like this because they're actually a great example of how parts of a story that seem boring or unimportant can have importance and shouldn't be skipped. But Moby-Dick is one of the greatest novels ever written so it's probably not the best comparison for eroge.

>> No.13404329

I just skip the h-scenes and read them later when I want to masturbate, since some eroge companies make the h-scenes too fucking long. For example clochette had a h-scene which was longer than one hour, and reading that without fapping is seriously too boring.

>> No.13404542

Hello Lady had one.

>> No.13404562
File: 89 KB, 1270x716, subculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13404635

Is that bloodborne?

>> No.13404659
File: 342 KB, 1200x855, Dokyusei_00X3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13404664

No, that's Hello Lady.

>> No.13404700

He obviously means game she holds in right arm.

Also, what's the book in left? I'm quite sure I saw that cover before, but I've checked by copies of Ruitomo and PG14, and they have different cover. Still looks like ruitomo.

>> No.13404801 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.48 MB, 1044x642, 1430363381722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ancient 3,000 year old sex god
>still a virgin
You were right all along, /vn/

>> No.13404809

I think the reason behind that may be less that you couldn't get away with a non-virgin and more that it's funny(?).

>> No.13404831


Are you lost?

>> No.13404843


>> No.13404848 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 256x315, 9082[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every cover that has a topless girl on it is automatically kusoge, prove me wrong.

>> No.13404863

Just a slip of the keyboard. Ease off.

>> No.13404864

I guess it's a matter of what you're looking for.

>> No.13404865

Spoiler that shit you fucking retarded crossie.

>> No.13404869

Doesn't change the fact that you're a poster from that thread.

>> No.13404871

These threads have seriously taken a turn for the worst recently.

>> No.13404875

We're all VN fans here. No need to be analpained about something as trivial as which threads someone posts on. That's some trivial shit to get worked up about.

>> No.13404889

Who the fuck are you quoting, /vg/-kun?

>> No.13404894

Don't worry, summer is coming soon. The worst is yet to come.

>> No.13404898

There's seriously someone in /jp/'s VN thread that still believes the summer myth? And I thought we were free of newfags

>> No.13404908

Nice meme.

>> No.13404922

Nice meme.

>> No.13404981

>p-please don't greentext my autism can handle it :((
>I will meme him up eventhough he is on topic just because he don't play on my rules ;)

Fuck off and stop trying to fit in newfag.

>> No.13405032 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13405044


>> No.13405088

>believing Moot's bullshit

>> No.13405636

I'm in a mood for moege again so I'm reinstalling Tenshinranman and Tsuisou no Augument. I dropped both after finishing one route.

>> No.13405662

Augment gets really heavy to the point where I wouldn't call it a moege.

>> No.13405718

Whoah, its actually possible to grind in Rhapsody: there's item which increases hp in proportion to number of kills of character who wears it. So kill 1000 enemies with said character, and you become invincible.

>> No.13405727

Which one and from where?

>> No.13405742


>> No.13405772

天賦 raises hp, 覚醒 raises attack, 英雄 raises magic dmg

>> No.13405834
File: 1.01 MB, 1286x768, ss+(2015-04-30+at+05.58.10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I sue Eushully for causing blindness?

>> No.13405858

They're not guilty for your faulty gamma settings.

>> No.13405868

Is there something like the Eushully games but with a turn base combat? I'm not in the mood to pla a strategic game right now.

>> No.13405872

Wut? It says turn in the upper left corner so it's a turnbased game

>> No.13405875

All but madou koukaku Eushully games are turn-based combat games, wtf are you talking about

>> No.13405899

Are Takauchi and Misaki routes only available for the Vita?

>> No.13406011

Qurious rhapsody feature: if you complete one skill/level book (fill every slot), it raises limits on character's weapon upgrades (10 att bonus max => 12, 30 hp => 40). Wish I would find out this before reaching final chapter.

>> No.13406363
File: 285 KB, 1280x720, tenbin no la dea_(03072014_160435)_331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably looking for Tenbin. I also like it more when all party members participate in battle at the same time and don't just move around the map randomly.

>> No.13406981
File: 351 KB, 797x618, don't give up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to choose.

>> No.13407046

Why did Moogy lower his score of Dies Irae?

>> No.13407139

Does this thread's title say "Moogy's ask.fm" for you?

>> No.13407278

Because anime have been announced.

>> No.13407370

Wow, you're right, he changed all his ratings. His average used to be like 7.5 and now it's way lower.

>> No.13407499

Who are your favorite VNDB users who actually legit read eroge in Japanese instead of voting on CG sets? Here's mine: https://vndb.org/u7887

>> No.13407509
File: 138 KB, 800x600, 1429244748644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having favourite vndb users

>> No.13407518

>9.1 Dengeki Stryker
So legit, definitely knows japanese.

>> No.13407538

You should post you own vndb username. I want to see your taste. No sarcasm.

>> No.13407543

>legit read eroge in Japanese
ATLAS doesn't count as "legit".

>> No.13407566

I noticed he read https://vndb.org/v16871, I don't see how he'd go about MTing a PC98 game.

>> No.13407576

There's huge thread where he discusses how to hook pc98 games.
Also I remember him admitting using MTs on vndb forums, look through his posts if you are so interested.

>> No.13407578

Nevermind that. MT shitposter indeed.

>> No.13407890

he literally conquered the world fuccboi, and only through the restlessness of his barbarian soul

how in the world was this the template for moege? are you insane?

>> No.13408514



>> No.13410310

so you cant farm AT ALL in Rhapsody?

>> No.13412564

is this thread dead, do we move on?

>> No.13412580

Everyone already moved on, >>13408513
