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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13423274 No.13423274 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13408513

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know how it goes.

>> No.13423284

Immaculate taste right there.

>> No.13423403

Who's the gurl i like them white gurls pls i wanna know

>> No.13423446

Kazuki from Grisaia.

>> No.13423484

is grisaria good?

I played the translation as i came across it once it was well done but had tons of dirty jokes kinda seemed like cheap laughs.

>> No.13423509
File: 194 KB, 1112x488, asdas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So about Atlach-Nacha. I've tried to make it run, got the version for Alice no Yakata, used _inmm.dll on it and there are two things I wanna ask.

About the music tracks, I extracted the ones from the CD and set it up. Should I leave the first line in the ini file free or not? As in the picture.

And also about the beginning of the game. After starting the game from the menu, I just get music playing, some thunder sound effects and then after some time this CG, which quickly changes to to just black screen with text on bottom. Is that correct or am I having problems displaying some CGs?

>> No.13423511

Do you get text along with the music right at the beginning?

>> No.13423521

Nah, no text before 月下.

And then before it there's also a black/white screen that changes with clicking it and I need to click though it few times to continue.

Makes me thing it's some CGs not showing correctly.

>> No.13423537
File: 179 KB, 1277x719, puramai3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MILF autist is rolling in his grave.

>> No.13423541
File: 459 KB, 634x872, Hirasaka.Hatsune.full.605216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatsune is great as usual

Up to chapter seven of Evenicle.

Pretty fun.

No room for a sequel though

>> No.13423555

>No room for a sequel though
They could considering the ending but I doubt they will and will just make another game with QD planning stuff for the future.

>> No.13423580
File: 278 KB, 1280x720, kami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished kami no rhapsody.

The game was pretty fun but needs balancing since on normal mode it gets way to easy nearing the end.
I didn't go for 強化ポイント at all and my characters never seemed too weak.
Since it's one of the most annoying parts of the game you might as well skip it if you're going to play on normal.
Anyone here played on hard? How is it?

The scenario seemed like something they quickly made to stick to the game though.

The hscenes range from ok to great. First game I've seen that does threesomes properly.

Also, the last boss was a joke. Should have had more hp and 1 hit everything it touches.

In the end, I can't say it wasn't enjoyable so I'd still recommend it.
I think the people on EGS are over reacting because the scenario was too simplistic, but then again, this was my first Eushully game so I don't know what to compare it to.

>> No.13423593

i don't see any milfs in this picture, post cute milfs

>> No.13423600

Well, personally I was greatly offended by last chapter.
1. Whole "abundance is bad, people need to suffer and die from hunger to be happy" bullshit. What the fuck, Eushully?

2. Protag boasting for 9 chapters how he's going to do his best to make everyone happy and how he shouldered everyones dreams but when he actually got chance to do something, he just ran away with heroine.

Whole story sounds like bad anti-communism pro-Pinochet propaganda.

>> No.13423611

Then you got the wrong version, it needs to be version 1. 05 and Alice no yakatA's may be differen. I can upload it if you want

>> No.13423612

Just checked EGS and that's a lot lower score than I expected.

Evenicle is fairly high but it has the same score as Rance IX which feels about right.

Still going to try Kami no Rhapsody.

Nobody really plays Eushully games for the scenario or plot though

>> No.13423631

Meant 3.5.

>> No.13423644

The version from Alice no Yakata is game version 1.05 and runs on System 3.5.

That's what I think should be used with _inmm.dll. The later appearently somewhat censored re-release runs on System 3.8.

>> No.13423648

Then it's weird, I had the problem you describe but because of a wrong version of the game.

>> No.13423651

Please don't encourage this guy to keep spamming.

>> No.13423660

So we can't post Dies Irae and we can't post moege.
What the fuck are we supposed to post then? Do you even read eroge or are you just here to shitpost?

>> No.13423668

So you had CGs show right after this >>13423509

I only had one more, some backyard shack. And then I skimmed the text during the black screen and it was appearently a H scene. You had CGs with it?

>> No.13423670

Just ignore him and post whatever you want if its not offtopic. You are doing only worse by trying to argue with him.

>> No.13423676

Angel Beats trial is out and uploaded on nyaa (non-ero one). Anyone going to try it?

>> No.13423687
File: 100 KB, 640x480, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first CG I got, then two Hatsune ones, the second ones being while text scrolls onscreen.

>> No.13423691

I've already watched the anime so do I need a trial?

I probably won't play it because it's Key.

Though Rewrite at least tried some new concepts

>> No.13423694 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 640x480, 1430660912580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now spoilered for the board.

>> No.13423695

Well shit, clearly it's fucked up for me then. Can't be helped I guess. There was a fix for the CD music, but I guess I'm screwed with this.

>> No.13423705

I've had same problem with black screen instead some CGs and couldn't find any working fix. But people I've asked around said they didn't have such problem.
Maybe its different version of game causing it?

>> No.13423715

I've only tried the Alice no Yakata version.

The problems are probably related to Win 7 or something. I guess a theoretical fix could be running the game in Win98 virtual machine. _inmm.dll seems to support that too through _inmmbridge, but I don't really feel like fiddling that much with it, so I guess I'll forget about the game for now.

>> No.13423722

Yes, I've had it with Yakata too. I had same bug on WinXP, so its not Win7 problem.

>> No.13423729

MIne was in windows 8, with yakata version.
Fuck if I remember where I downloaded the version that works, at least without the music it's basically nothing.

>> No.13423743

Hmm, only confirms Win98 would be the way to go then.

The re-release is easy to find.
But I don't know if the music fix would work with it.

>> No.13423749

The rerelease creates the same problem because immdl is made for a previous version, so it only works as long as you don't use the music.

>> No.13423753

Wait, so you're saying using the music fix creates the problem?

>> No.13423757

I had black screen instead some CGs even without music fix.

>> No.13423768

Hmm, so I guess we're left hoping Alicesoft would release it fixed for free like they did other titles.

>> No.13423773

It did for me in the more recent version, only reason I noticed the instability in the first place.

>> No.13423787

try asking Arunaru

>> No.13423825

God the Leyline series is so boring

>> No.13423921

What is the best Eushully game?

>> No.13423929

IM Zero?

>> No.13423948

Of those I played definitely Zero.

>> No.13423955

Zero > Verita > Genrin 2 > Arterial > Madou Koukaku > Memoria > Kamidori > Rhapsody > Himegari

>> No.13423965

Tried asking, he didn't encounter the issue, so he doesn't know a fix.

>> No.13423984

How is Zero the best? Is it the best storywise?

>> No.13424115

Nah. It's just Stockholm Syndrome. The first third of Zero is horrendous, and then simply dropped from the entire rest of the game, which is admittedly much better, but doesn't excuse a third of the game being absolute shit.

>> No.13424122

>The first third of Zero is horrendous

I'd say quarter. Still Verita has two boring ass prologues instead of one.

>> No.13424127

Kami no Rhapsody's not worth playing for the game part either. It's a bunch of gimmicks thrown together, most of them poorly thought out, and even with it explicitly designed to prevent grinding, it's still full of it.

You're also underestimating how bad the plot is. Literally the entire game is training and making your party/band.

>> No.13424139


>> No.13424146

What was so bad about the first third? I actually liked the first third of Zero. In fact since I went into it blind I didn't really expect anything else from the game.

>> No.13424148

What format is the Nyaa one?

Hilariously, recently some people in /vg/'s H-game general were defending their machine translation usage by saying they don't care about the story in KamiRhap and that the gameplay is fun.

>> No.13424157

I kinda like the gameplay actually and don't see what's so bad about it. Maybe it will be another story if as other anon said it gets too easy by the end, but so far it has been fine. And what's so bad about training and building the party? It was kinda obvious from the premise.
Anyway, so far in every aspect I like it much better than Kamidori which was supposedly well-received in Japan and has much higher ratings on EGS.

>> No.13424210

Well I've already downloaded it so I may as well try it out.

I can't see why they would do that but it would explain the shitty reviews it's getting

>> No.13424213


>> No.13424216
File: 546 KB, 903x538, 22560190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the weakest person that could beat Spinne for dies irae? /jp/

>> No.13424217

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13424222

It's one of those CD-ones where you have to manually extract each individual track from the CD, or something. I couldn't figure out how to play it or do anything with it.

>> No.13424229

That's not how that works.

>> No.13424300

Probably because it's so insultingly easy that they can fumble around and still come out barely winning, and they're used to struggling to figure out mechanics so the ridiculous ways a bunch of shit is implemented to them doesn't stand out. The interface is a cluttered mess, and again, gimmicks gimmicks everywhere, with no thought put into them. The bingo boards. The medal system making every character functionally identical except for attack range and ZoC (which hardly matters). The block/dodge mechanics. The lack of contextual actions. The missions that are literally just "beat this map 5 times." There are so many bad ideas and I can't imagine how they all made it in.

>> No.13424316

Not to mention there's that one map where you have to kill your protagonist 20 times. Ridiculous!

>> No.13424320

So just extract it.

Also if it includes a CUE file, then ImgBurn should be able to burn it on a read CD with no problems.

>> No.13424332

>The bingo boards.
What about them?

>The medal system making every character functionally identical except for attack range and ZoC (which hardly matters).
You can make them identical or you can make them different yourself.

>The block/dodge mechanics.
Yeah, I sure liked it much better when you could just equip items that grant you 100 evade and never get hit at all no matter what you do.

>The lack of contextual actions.
How about interacting with the terrain?

>The missions that are literally just "beat this map 5 times."
You can clear most maps on the first or second time.

>> No.13424334

I'm guessing it may be a case of the dev team brainstorming bunch of interesting ideas but not being willing to let enough of them go so they implemented a bit of everything, leaving everything a bit incomplete.

If you were to take some of them separately and put them into a more traditional game as a spice they may work fine but the bizzare combination of gimmics led to rather shallow game.

>> No.13424356

They're retarded.

That's completely missing the point.

If we're just making shit up, then I also hate how Rhapsody sprays acid in your face every time you load it.

How about providing contextual actions so that the only action you can possibly do is the default one?

Yes, and there are also a number of maps with missions that are literally impossible to clear without playing them 5+ times.

>> No.13424366
File: 23 KB, 250x300, Mifuyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is cute in the harem pregnant route were she is worried that when her daughter gives birth to a baby she will be technically a grandmother or in her route end were she begs for sex saying that she needs her husband milk to make baby milk.

Sure its a nukige but finding MILFs with routes in moeges is hard as fuck.

>> No.13424437

>If we're just making shit up, then I also hate how Rhapsody sprays acid in your face every time you load it.
I was talking about how in Memoria, for example, you had ★フールマールズ which gave you +50 evade when fully upgraded and you could equip two of them or other items granting high evade.

>How about providing contextual actions so that the only action you can possibly do is the default one?
So you want it to be simpler? Though I agree that it would be nice if the game remembered the last action you did instead of making you choose it again every turn.

>Yes, and there are also a number of maps with missions that are literally impossible to clear without playing them 5+ times.
You don't have to complete those missions if you don't want to.

>> No.13424440

well sluts don't belong in moege.

>> No.13424458

>The first third of Zero is horrendous
Says someone, who considers Rance 6 ridiculous shitplot to be "masterpiece".

>> No.13424474

Has anyone played クロノクロック? What do you think of it?

>> No.13424481

It's trash. Looks like Hapymaher was just a fluke for Purple Software.

>> No.13424503

But they arent sluts, lik say the mother heroine lost her husband and the MC confort her! Moms can be moe as fuck.

Also sluts Do exist in moege, remember cuck worksprings?

>> No.13424588

What are its problems?

>> No.13424603

Wives who don't join their husbands in death are shit tier.
Would not marry.

>> No.13424732

>mother heroine lost her husband
You know what the word 未亡人 literally means, right?

>> No.13424821

Anyone here played 恋する少女と想いのキセキ?
In Ena's route, why couldn't the MC bring her memories back?

>> No.13425480

>if you don't like IM0, you must love Rance

The fuck did that come from?

I mean besides your paranoid delusions.

>> No.13425712
File: 209 KB, 1280x720, there will be no shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went through a bit of it. My impression so far is that it's a superior retelling of the original anime, which I remember having various developments that just happened too suddenly. The story flows a lot better here than in the anime.

Otonashi actually thinks about whether to join the SSS or not this time around, though he ends up joining them anyway because the choices leading to just spending his time as normal student are locked. He also doesn't remember his name immediately and gets a choice of what to have the other members calling him. Naturally, I went for "Lolicon".

On that note, one other problem with the anime was that it didn't seem to be sure if it wanted to be serious or a comedy at times, and that doesn't seem to have changed. Still too early to tell, though. Maybe we'll know in 2050 when all the beats are finally released.

It reuses the anime's soundtrack, though there are some tracks I don't recognize. Or maybe I just don't remember them.

Might be worth trying if you liked the original concept. Maybe it won't be wasted potential this time.

>> No.13425716

What is the easiest way to find out exactly how far you are through a vn? Every time I try to extract a script to try and see they are always encoded.

>> No.13425743

>Maybe we'll know in 2050 when all the beats are finally released.
Hee hee.

>> No.13425803

If you don't care about spoilers, you can check to see how many CGs you have left on an online gallery to get a decent indication.

>> No.13425826

Number of sex scenes left, after a route you know how the game distributes them through it.

>> No.13425837
File: 83 KB, 841x459, bestgirll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13425935

Most of games have same number of h-scenes per heroine for fairness or something like that, so just finish a route or check the number of h-scenes per heroine at exhentai. When you saw all of h-scenes most likely the route will end in 20-30 min.

>> No.13425982

Can you うp the music files somewhere?

>> No.13426045

Should I finish all routes in demonbane before starting on the sequel?

>> No.13426049
File: 963 KB, 320x240, 1410510469696.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit didn't know this existed...

>> No.13426138

It takes place after one of Al's endings, so at the minimum you should see both of those as the set up for the game references the other one if I remember right. Might be a bit of a spoiler for Titty Nun's route if you haven't realized that she's Metraton yet., otherwise I don't think her route had much to do with it at all. Don't remember about Ruri's route, but it may spoil that Kurou took the place of Ruri's grandfather
Though, I'd definitely recommend reading the first prequel LN that stars Azrad as he's has a pretty large role and a couple scenes will be a bit more poignant if you've read it, and maybe the second one, but I'm not sure about if the unfinished Demonbane is from the first or second one. I think that second spoiler may or may not be spoiled in the LNs too.

>> No.13426508

Undead person.

>> No.13426529

If you've finished a single route, then you can just check the omake gallery. If you haven't unlocked that yet, the answer is usually "less than halfway"

>> No.13426571

And what is figurative meaning?

>> No.13426574
File: 461 KB, 800x600, pojwyl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Natsumi's route in Hello, World, really enjoyable experience. Sure, it had some heavy slowdowns before the plot started kicking but it was certainly worth it. Right after the whole underground lab arc, just a bit after you get osiris? My heart wasn't ready for the ride. Really liked the action scenes in particular, they felt pretty different from the other action VNs I've read. The jet dog fight, Haruka's duel, Wakana's car chase, Kazuki's duel with his "clone"... Goddamn, a LOT of cool scenes happened one after another, they surely made up for all the wait. I also like how Kazuki's humanization had a major role against Osiris, and how all "arcs" still connected with each other despite being so different.

However, the events that led to Kazuki's confront with Osiris felt kind of forced, and so was the jet coming back to the base out of nowhere. And it just happened he infected the jet to bait him so they would finally face each other?

The normal end was pretty weird with both of them going to space while earth is devastated by natural disasters, but it did make sense considering their do-or-die situation. The title drop was awesome, though.. Will save the true ends for later.

Overall it was a very engaging action + sci-fi VN with a few problems on how to lead up to the better scenes. I still think some conflicts could have been settled or handled in a better way, Kirie's introduction was so sudden since she was barely mentioned before, and thenshe gets a big role in the last "arc", and Osiris' disappearance also felt kind of rushed. C'mon it happened inside a fucking jet.
I expect the other routes to handle this much better, and I'm particularly excited to get to Haruka's route since she was a villain in Natsumi's. Currently on Kaoru's now, then probably Mika, Haruka and then Wakana.

>> No.13426590

can i play zero as my first eushully game?

>> No.13426623


You shouldn't because every other eushully game would be an absolute disappointment after it

>> No.13426624

Yes. It is introduction to IM series and supposed to be played first.

>> No.13426630

What's the order for IM?

>> No.13426632


>> No.13426638

Zero -> Genrin/Genrin 2 -> Verita -> Memoria -> IM2

>> No.13426644
File: 938 KB, 1280x720, sr_a01_03f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baseson guy here. Just finished the Eiyuutan 1, and to be honest I wouldn't recommend it unless you're a fan of koihime series.

The reason is simple: the game have almost nothing but h-scenes so dont start it if you are expecting some kind of epilogue to series or quality ichaicha time. The first h-scene comes at the 15.-20. minute of game, And after that its just 5-10 min something else > h-scene > 5-10 min > h-scene etc etc. Since its just a low priced game I kinda expected that, but they should've make a little more ichaicha scenes at least. Yeah having 20-22 h-scenes at that price is great, but when you show them one after the other it becomes boring.

Well I still enjoyed the game though. Seeing / hearing those heroines again felt really nostalgic and great, I'm looking forward for the second part.

>> No.13426654

What about the first one? Shouldn't it come before Verita? Or is Verita a remake?

>> No.13426663

Oops, I mean Memoria.

>> No.13426686

Memoria has same plot and happens in same timeframe as IM1. Its a bit more than remake since it retcons some things and adds several routes.

>> No.13426741

Any good eroge with Ikemen protagonist? I'm tired playing ugly ass faggot.

>> No.13426748

Too bad about sei route would have be nice to see a route about a heroine going through that but nope. I thought the game was advertise with romantic couple cg but there is only 1 in the whole game and its use 3 time if you include the opening. weird

>> No.13426758

Where do you even find ugly protags outside specialized nukige?
Pretty much every normal eroge has ikemen of varying degree.

>> No.13426802

Yeah definitely it would be better if they focused on romance instead of making 20-25 h-scenes for sure. Or they could make just one big path for Shoku and a h-scene for every heroines instead of favoriting 3, but well better than nothing I guess.

>> No.13426911

I wouldn't call them ikemen, but they're definitely not ugly. Most MCs are average in everything, including their looks. Ugly protagonists are mostly a staple of netori nukige.

>> No.13426939


A vast majority of protags are chotto ikemen so people can self insert as them. Not fully ikemen as to not offend anyone but secretly ikemen enough that the self inserters can believe that they really actually attractive looking

>> No.13427124

I was considering reading TsuriOtsu, but can anyone explain which game uses the append patch? VNDB lists the append patch for TsuriOtsu's first game, but the only patches I can find on sukebi are for 2 and -ecole de Paris-.

>> No.13427147
File: 1.30 MB, 1296x778, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The all look the same...

I mean just with different coloured hair and eyes

I feel like dropping it, i don't know why i got this.

>> No.13427154

>The all look the same... just with different coloured hair and eyes
Welcome to anime art?

>> No.13427156

That art looks gross, good thing they got rid of the artist.

>> No.13427157

i mean isn't this creeping anybody else out?

>> No.13427175

I mean they could at least look different even like>>13426644
The have very different body types, and eyes, facial features even despite the age

>> No.13427182

Well the art is bad, but can't you differentiate between tsurime and tareme eyes?

>> No.13427184
File: 56 KB, 640x400, NP2_0000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PC-98 version controls in many ways unconveniently and the emulator also makes problems, the Saturn version is low-res and of course without H-scenes (but voiced), the Windows port has the awful CG art of the remake: is there really no way to play an optimal version of this game? Why can't the Japs learn to mod?

>> No.13427193

I heard years ago that some guy did manage to port the voices and graphics from Saturn to the PC. But this was almost a decade ago. Never saw it myself.

>> No.13427209
File: 36 KB, 429x600, 44360939_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simply choose to ignore moeges.

>> No.13427215

Nope. I like the Clochette art style.

>> No.13427217 [SPOILER] 
File: 320 KB, 1280x720, 1430704156825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess i think think of them all as the same person

>> No.13427225

DID? haven't play a game with that trope since a long time ago.

>> No.13427227

meant to quote>>13427147
*I gues i can think of them as the same person

>> No.13427244

Its still kinda creepy

>> No.13427254

There are three games:
1. TsuriOtsu
2. OtomeRiron
3. TsuriOtsu2

The 2nd game comes with a big append patch for the 1st game. It adds voice to the protagonist as well as afterstory scenarios to the heroines.

>> No.13427256


Why is she showering with a bikini on in a bathroom. It's an eroge, take that shit off

>> No.13427261
File: 968 KB, 429x668, 1411000150356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13427274

Still not as bad as fucking Ken Akamatsu.

>> No.13427293
File: 341 KB, 270x480, url.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Navel sameface gif better. I don't really see the problem, though. At least the Clotchette artist knew how to draw awesome bodies.

>> No.13427303

Gotcha, thanks for clarifying. Seems like the game is rated pretty highly, did you like it?

>> No.13427442

At least his art is good looking unlike this shit >>13427293.

>> No.13427500
File: 299 KB, 1286x748, Seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just beyond sloppy

>> No.13427516

Welcome to japanese code optimization.

>> No.13427532

I know they are generally bad at it but this is the 4th time it's happened and I'm only maybe an hour or two into the game.

>> No.13427552
File: 1.11 MB, 316x195, 1430645887355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea how bad it gets. The japanese only care about presentation, and it shows.

>> No.13427596

You just try Haruka Kanata, it's the latest bug-ge experience.

>> No.13427604

>Haruka Kanata
Not touching that with a 10 foot pole, I remember reading those complaints on EGS and here.

>> No.13427786



>> No.13427883

I feel bad for the writers and artists, their hard work gone to the trash because of incompetent programmers. If they can't do it just use an existing engine like KiriKiri. The scenario was nice and Haruka was really cute, I managed to finish it but I remember it crashing literally every 2 minutes in some parts. I remember seeing Javascript (!) files in the data folder, I really hope the engine wasn't coded in Javascript, or that would explain a lot.

>> No.13427918

>just use an existing engine like KiriKiri.

That's something I also don't understand. I mean it's alright if you have a big ass studio (who have on the whole more competent coders, at least for eroge standards) and want fancy options in your game, but why should a small studio code their own engine? It's almost always way worse than KiriKiri.

>> No.13427989

>I really hope the engine wasn't coded in Javascript, or that would explain a lot.
It's literally HTML5, yes.

>> No.13428126

So are you guys fluent in jap?
Or do you use TA,ITH or other assisted learning tools?

I can read fine i guess although i use IT TA to find word definitions quick rather than going to jisho everytime there a new word i don't know.
Though i don't use it for all VNs i read

>> No.13428185

I constantly use TA's Mecab/JParser window with ITH. So many words I don't know. Need to get good.

>> No.13428189

I just look at the CG set and make up a story and post about it here.

>> No.13428242

i'm not fluent but I'm improving.

I need JParser a lot.

>> No.13428274

I also pretty much do >>13428185. Sometimes words come along that I can't remember the reading or an unknown kanji pops up that I have no idea how to read or the meaning. Recently I read 剥ぐ as むぐ and for some reason I checked TA later and I found the reading different. I also read 騙る as だまされる. This doesn't happen too often but I keep it running for stupid things like this.

>> No.13428505

Sorry, I already delered it all. But just download Alice no Yakata, get the Atlach-Nacha disc, mount it and extract the tracks.

>> No.13428569
File: 358 KB, 718x1000, d77ab8a32f4be92586ee563a401c123a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're looking for some high quality drama, no, it's not worth it.
On the other hand, the heroines are likable, the MC is cute enough as a trap.
Good character interaction, too.
Not to mention how god-tier Luna-sama is.

>> No.13428862

It's the first Eushully game that I can't bring myself to keep playing. Even Verethragna is more enjoyable.

>> No.13428875

Can't be worse than the card game one with the awful high school setting.

>> No.13428906

Arterial isn't that bad

>> No.13428908

In evenicle, no matter what, you can do only one love event with one wife per one chapter?
Are there enough chapters to do all events for all heroines or you have to replay several times to do all of them?

>> No.13428941

The events in the home progress along with the plot so there is limitations on how many you can do per chapter. There is 7 chapters and the last batch of home events is open in 7.

>> No.13428955

Yes it was

>> No.13429031

Do you guys have VNDB or EGS account? I'm wondering if I would continue to browse VNDB, I found this thread on VNDB https://vndb.org/t6468 and looked at OP's votes. He voted a lot of Japanese title including Muramasa. I refuse to believe someone that retarded know Japanese. I also see some people promoting machine translation there and that's really cringeworthy sometimes.

>> No.13429041

I'm dependent on machine translation.

I use ITH TA ATLAS with errzotl's dictionary. I understand simple japanese though.

>> No.13429045

So I decided to put aside Puramai Wars after playing my favorite girl's route. Like others have said: it's really funny, but that's it. And that's fine. But now I'm in the mood for something else.

By the way, Minori's H scenes are surprisingly funny and hot. You don't even need to turn down the volume, because she doesn't try to destroy ytour eardrums. Damn, I had to whip out my dick.

>> No.13429069

you will complete all the events in the one playthrough without any issues

>> No.13429118

I use it keeping track of my own list of played VNs and just to look things up quickly. The ratings are only useful for sorting nukige (and even then only barely) - for other stuff I know enough about what things people here like that I will never need to look at ratings or reviews.

>> No.13429121

In first chapter it let me choose between Ramius and Riche in "bride event" at home, but it wouldn't let me do Riche after I did Ramius even tho I accumulated enough love points, so its definitely not plot limitation.
If there are 7 chapters, but even Ramius and Riche alone have 10 bride events, how does that work?

>> No.13429124

I use vndb for its tags and the ability to keep your VN list. My IP is banned on EGS and I'm too lazy to turn on VPN every time I want to check it. I don't know why would you care about ratings and someone's opinions.

>> No.13429142

I use both sites quite a lot.

I had an EGS account until my IP got blocked. Now I just browse via google translate to read reviews, look at scores, check for new trials and stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of votes on VNDB come from people who entirely rely on MT. You simply can't trust the people there. The screenshots on there is nice though, and it's a lot faster.

>> No.13429199

Isaku, Shuusaku and Kisaku might be up your alley.

>> No.13429203 [DELETED] 


>> No.13429207

The color in the remake is great, though.

>> No.13429218

You can multiple events per chapter.

It's just that you need to complete plot events to unlock certain events (and if you wait till a certain event in the sixth chapter you shouldn't be able to get either Ramius' last or second last scene)

>> No.13429230

Any other good erogeblog other than the ADVgamer guy? I don't like him but i find it fun seeing other people detailed opinion about the game I played.

>> No.13429256

Why don't you like ADVpal?

Because he only gives high scores to retro games?

>> No.13429259

Just because he gave bad scores to /jp/'s favorite games doesn't mean he doesn't give good scores to newer games.

>> No.13429260

How much did I miss if I played Tenbin first? I mean, other than Roka scenes with "it feels like I've seen this somewhere already" narration and other obvious references to the past nakamas and events, which piqued my interest and made me want to play other parts. It's a remake of the very first game, so why can't it be played first?

>> No.13429262

What are the best non-Masada Light VNs? Are the newer ones any good? Not really looking any masterpieces, just something with fighting and entertainment value

>> No.13429267

Try Naruto.

>> No.13429299

> It's a remake of the very first game, so why can't it be played first?
Its not "remake of first game", it is very clearly labeled "EPISODE 5" because it comes after EPISODE 4.

>> No.13429321

Leyline series, Hello Lady, Eustia, Kimikishi

>> No.13429332

Is that good?

>> No.13429338

7/10, the protagonist is pretty good if I'm remembering the story properly

>> No.13429388

Yea, like >>13429338 said. I finished it 2 months ago and enjoyed it. Protag is a cool guy and it also has a good true route, which outcome i kind of didn't expected.

>> No.13429398

Depends on the extent to which you can enjoy an actively antimoral asshole protagonist.

>> No.13429511

What about the first question?


Also would anyone be so kind as to upload the append patch for 戦女神Zero on mega? Googling doesn't yield anything and all torrents are dead.

>> No.13429612

>actively antimoral asshole
Sounds interesting. Does he also act rude towards heroines?

>> No.13429642

-I spoilered it for a reason.
-Depends on the reader's edginess level.
-No, he's a "we're the only ones who matter" type.

>> No.13429799

Try https://gareblogs.wordpress.com , https://goldensneer.wordpress.com/ or https://awesomecurry.wordpress.com/ .
Most of the threads are pretty bad but vndb is pretty handy specially with all the autists who already tagged the majority of seiyuu and staff members. Plus there's a wishlist feature and all those things.

>> No.13429808

>english eroge blog


>> No.13429821

I figured it wouldn't since they can read japanese just fine, and you're in a thread filled with people like that. And if you only wanted japanese opinions you'd be in pink channel.

>> No.13429824

*it wouldn't matter

>> No.13429953

I see, thanks. It struck me as a moege so I'm didn't expect great drama or whatever but good character interaction is always a plus in my book.

>> No.13430000 [DELETED] 
File: 3.42 MB, 645x367, HIGH TENSION.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed this more than i should have

>> No.13430007

That looks fucking stupid.

>> No.13430009

It was funnier in the game the gif doesn't do it justice really

>> No.13430012

Them quads

>> No.13430407 [SPOILER] 
File: 615 KB, 1280x720, 1430755751086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Bansenjin. Personally I was a bit disappointed by the antagonists this time around. Fan Jinlong felt like KKK's Hajun with a makeover. Both have a background presence throughout their respective games, but don't really show up until the very end and both of their "paradises" were essentially about rejecting human bonds, though for completely different reasons. I also didn't really like the game recycling the old antagonists as just dreams with a twist. I know that plot-wise it couldn't helped, but I still can't shake the feeling that instead of being proper characters they felt like excuses to repeat the battles and the themes they held in the previous game. I burst out laughing at Seishirou literally being Seijirou palette swap.
Also, I assume I'm not the only one who wished that Nanten had stayed as a major player to the very end and Nobuaki being a rosei wasn't just a clever lie. From the game's trial, the trailers and speculation that followed them I was really hoping the two to properly confront the Yoshiya & co instead of just pulling strings from the background for most of the game.

Overall I liked the game, though I'd rank it the lowest out of Masada titles I've played. Music was great as always and I fucking loved they used Ten no Toki's OP theme in this battle. It's criminal that these two didn't really get any proper development after this.

>> No.13430448

>pick a popular game considered a kamige
>sort votes from lowest to highest
>find users that rated the game really low
>read their posts if any

Have fun raging.

>> No.13430543

What? Definitely no. The remake has the absolutely disgusting "fin-de-siecle" colouring in which the Japs first learned how to use computer programs to do the colouring for them. The results were devastating and the vast majority of mange-derived art would look terrible until at least the mid-00's. I concede that the remake's backgrounds and character sprites look alright though.

>> No.13430562

Are machine translators that discouraged?
I mean i just use it to find definitons for words i might not know quickly rather than going to jisho

>> No.13430584

>append patch for 戦女神Zero
Nevermind, found it myself. Tags for archive: Ikusa Megami ZERO Append Disc


>> No.13430587

using jparser/mecab with a texthook to look up words is not machine translating. machine translating is was google translate or atlas do.

>> No.13430761

>non-ero one
is there an ero one? Why I don't know anything about this?

>> No.13430793

>Now I just browse via google translate to read reviews
Why don't you just read the Japanese?

>> No.13430833

Maybe he means he browses using the google translate tab as a sort of proxy.

>> No.13430835

there is no ero-version.

using google translate is just a way around the ip-block and you can turn the tl-function off.

>> No.13430838
File: 3.46 MB, 1158x1445, 1213231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you say no?

>> No.13430848

Makes sense, that's pretty neat.

>> No.13430855

I hope the soundtrack will be released soon. Nanten's theme is killer.

>> No.13430856

So I use the mouse usually to go to the next line, but I find myself accidentally right clicking constantly and bringing up the settings. Anyone else do this?

>> No.13430857

It seems a lot of people don't like minori games here, but I really liked Soreyori's OST, with this track (and it's variations) a lot. Uploaded to Youtube myself since it wasn't there before.

>> No.13430874

Do you happen to have the dmm versions of all 3 games? I've been looking for them for ages.

>> No.13430883

Hmm. If you don't mind the bugs and actual gameplay, the protagonist of Brave Soul may be what you are looking for.

>> No.13430885

>how could you say no?
By not having a fetish for Sylvester Stallone?

>> No.13430917


>> No.13430971

Yes, every time. I always try not to put any finger on the right button so it won't happen.

>> No.13430988

I hate right click for settings. Hide text makes much more sense since there is a menu button on the text window for setting in most cases anyway. Worst thing if you can't change it.

>> No.13431041

I personally loved Tapestry. Gunjou is very good too.

>> No.13431045
File: 836 KB, 801x604, Virgin of steel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crap I'm enjoying this too much.

>> No.13431054

I just use mouse wheel for reading if that works in the game. It's the most comfy.

>> No.13431100

I like playing any VN games. I don't mind playing Minori games too. All I hear who hates playing certain games are the "kusoge" haters.

>> No.13431109
File: 186 KB, 466x349, capture_008_30042015_204749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you gay?

>> No.13431142

It's happened 17 times inbetween now and then.

>> No.13431201

I want to try some of Propeller's eroge. What are some of their best titles?

>> No.13431202

>Madou Koukaku or Rhapsody higher than anything

>> No.13431211

>I personally loved Tapestry.

Yeah, criminally underrated game right here. I liked how, how should I put it, quiet? the game handled it's premise. I thought at the start that they'd go all out with retarded drama but the topic was on the whole handled pretty tactful. Also, awesome soundtrack.

>> No.13431226
File: 926 KB, 800x604, わん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I finished Dies Irae. That was a fun wild ride. Are the otherstory's worth reading?

>> No.13431228

asairo, Ayakashibito, Sukimazakura

>> No.13431236

All of them, especially the epilogues.

>> No.13431238
File: 143 KB, 1024x576, すきま桜とうその都会_2015-02-11_20-49-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should really finish that at some point.

>> No.13431241

Are they short or long?

>> No.13431279

I'll go with Ayakashibito then.

>> No.13431288

Enjoy! I personally liked it a lot.

>> No.13431298

Can I move on to Grisaia no Meikyuu if I only finished one of the routes in Kajitsu? I want to read more about Yuuji's past.

>> No.13431302

You must read Amane and Makina as the bare minimum.

>> No.13431309

Thanks. I already read Makina's route so I'll start on Amane's.

>> No.13431328

Besides Second Novel are there any worthwhile PSP exclusive VNs?

>> No.13431397

Maybe some of those licenced anime/LN spin-offs, if you're already a fan of the series in question.

>> No.13431433

Only sometimes.

>> No.13431765

Didn't even know there was a LN. Thanks.

>> No.13431807

The true question is whether or not they're uploaded somewhere. If you find them, share them please.

>> No.13431870

How come that guy could think the game is about stopping AIDS?

>> No.13431879
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, 335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Aisa route from Puramai wars and as I said before its really shitty. They didn't even bother with adding any drama or any kind of event at the route. Also "all" of ichaicha scenes are just:
"I know girly things doesn't fit my character"
"its not true you are cute"

Its it, really. I saw at least 10 times this dialog at her route. Other than this there is nothing, h-scenes just kept coming one after the other and the end. To be honest even the Ren'ai 0's routes were better than it. Now I'll try the little sister route, though most likely it will be about "we are family we shouldnt do things like that but I cant stop myself" drama, which is sucks.

>> No.13431904

Aisa was my favorite heroine at first but she got increasingly annoying I just ended up hating her. The route didn't help.

Honestly, Mei-chan is the best heroine and route, it was fun to see her true personality. Minori's route is also okay, but I didn't like her that much. Tomoe; I was afraid I would hate her at first but she ended up redeeming herself a lot in her route, points to her for that. Kyouko's route was shit.

>> No.13431906

You should just play the routes by the good writer

>> No.13431926

Which ones are those?
Yeah Mei is definitely the best heroine and really cute. I also liked Tomoe thanks to this route, leaving her alone and going school as all other family members etc. made me like her. I'm not really sure Minori, as you said she seems not good but not bad, pretty much average. And for Kyouko well as a heoine I kinda like her too, but I didnt play her route yet so I cant say anything about the route.

>> No.13431928

Kyouko herself is shit so it's no surprise. Her gimmick got old 30 minutes into the common route.

>> No.13432211

I really enjoyed Evolimit (despite the occasional silly face) and Tokyo Babel, too.

>> No.13433550

All of them only play chuuni and obscure shit.

>> No.13433616

I just did this. It's really annoying.

>> No.13433850

Non-ero was description of nyaa version, not game.

>> No.13433884

99% of eroge are obscure shit so of course anyone who reads a ton of them will be reading obscure shit.

>> No.13434239

Started playing Kami no Ue no Mahoutsukai a few days ago. Still somewhere in the common route but past the part where Kisaki dies... god fuck this isn't what I signed up for.
...Or so i thought but when I looked up the route choices for the vn afterwards, there was a Kisaki route listed so I guess not. But still, made me mad as hell.

>> No.13434247

Spoiler tags motherfucker.

>> No.13434252
File: 297 KB, 1274x717, 最高の妹.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to be mad as fuck again.

>> No.13434259 [DELETED] 

"Gomen", /jp/, but how is the slav/russian eroge scene?

Do they make some nice shit?

>> No.13434264

Pretty much nonexistent outside of unnotable doujin works.

>> No.13434270 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the answer, I have always been interested in Russian media to have a different perspective.

>> No.13434276

Here is a free russian VN on steam. Enjoy.

>> No.13434282 [DELETED] 

I don't use Steam so I'm just going to pirate it.

Background art is super impressive but chara sprites not so much.

>> No.13434380


>> No.13434410

Even worse, there isn't anything actually obscure (as in something you'd be hard pressed to find discussion of), it's just cult titles that get their share of attention and endorsement among certain circles.

>> No.13434422

Is there something wrong with that?

>> No.13434478

>it's just cult titles that get their share of attention and endorsement among certain circles

I'm interested in hearing what titles that don't get praised constantly by moogy circlejerk are actually worthwhile

>> No.13434486

A lot?

>> No.13434617

How do you fags even know what "moogy circlejerk" is doing? Are you sure you aren't a part of it?

>> No.13434645 [SPOILER] 
File: 712 KB, 802x607, 1430823935424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I finished the otherstory's as well. Guess I'll take a break and maybe start IM0 or Evenicle later.

>> No.13434753

Evenicle question: what should I do at second trial in Camelot?
I've tried to kill only male enemies and not getting female allies hurt, but apparently its something different.

>> No.13434761

Never mind, found answer in koyryaku.

>> No.13434892

Good luck finding people willing to discuss something like JQV in japan

>> No.13435155

Talking about discussing lesser known stuff, didn't someone suggest making some sort of "book club" once? Seems like no one ever bothered to go forth with the idea but it'd be pretty interesting, this thread gets much better when there are people actively discussing with each other.

>> No.13435221

Did any of you read Love, Vampire Flowers trial?

How was it?

>> No.13435282

So yeah i heard about muramasa and wanna try it, but my jap isn't fluent and I'll be using a text hooker while to help with words i don't really know and save time looking them up

I however heard that i if i do this, it might not be as enjoyable and that i'd be better of doing it when im fluent and can do it without a text hooker

Should I, I'm not too sure...

>> No.13435305

Could someone with a Japanese proxy/VPN reupload this for me?


Normally I use VPNGate, but recently I've been having some problems with it.

>> No.13435307

Wait until you're more fluent and read something easier instead. There are plenty of easier VNs if you're still new to them. Try White Album 2 or Baldr Sky for example

>> No.13435308

Read a couple of history books and see how you do.

>> No.13435313

Use tor set to Japanese exit nodes

>> No.13435322

Just how good Sharin no Kuni and G-senjou no Maou really are?

I might be interested in reading them (in Japanese obviously), but tons of English praise they get are hardly something to follow. Although even EGS reviews are pretty positive. What does /jp/ think?

>> No.13435329

Sharin is mostly worthy of the praise that it gets but G-senjou suffers from a rather poorly done twist which really hurts overall it in my opinion.

>> No.13435330

Sharin is worth it, interesting enough, main story in the fandisk is worth it too.
G-senjou goes fullretard at times, but it's not a waste of time.

>> No.13435335

Depends what you're into. They're decent examples of that kind of stories but if you don't like the kind of thing they are, they aren't going to change your mind.

>> No.13435336

Cool, I'll try Sharin and see.

>> No.13435340

Enjoy. Please post your impressions here. You'll know when you should.

>> No.13435369

This thread is for untranslated games only.

>> No.13435375

Wrong. Read the title again. It has an "or" so all エロゲ is ok.

>> No.13435436

Did you seriously think those games are legit translated?
You are trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.13435448

This is why I was against changing the title of the thread. People here sometimes do read translated titles, but in japanese, and their input will obviously be different from those who read them translated, in many cases. Sharin is one of them.

>> No.13435459

How about we don't enter pointless meta discussion this time and just let him play the game and post opinions when he is done.

>> No.13435499

I read the title again and again and I didn't find a single "or".

>> No.13435509

It's e or ge. Which clearly means English or German and not translated to Japanese.

>> No.13435563

ロ is ro though.

>> No.13435568

I agree with you. I'm fine with discussing any Japanese visual novels here, whether they happen to be translated or not.

>> No.13435594

I believe "untranslated VNs" includes VNs with an English translation in their original untranslated form.

>> No.13435601

Everyone except this guy>>13435369
knows that.

>> No.13435609

Yeah, but ~some people~ still seem to be confused about that.

>> No.13435782
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x720, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is by far the worst CG I've ever seen (What the fuck is happening with Tsuki's legs????) but overall an enjoyable route and finally finished the first game.

Are the character after stories in Kyuujitsu worth reading?

>> No.13435943

Aya's after route is boring (except the scenes with Son), but every other after were good imo (if you liked the heroine obviously). Reika doesn't have an after, but has a new route (that she shares with Kyouka) better than the first one.
If you want Kaito's past story, you need to do every after and it is important for Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron, so you don't really have a choice.

>> No.13435969

If you're using ATLAS try getting errzotl's dictionary. I highly recommend it.

>> No.13436000
File: 450 KB, 600x849, Monobeno2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found out that Lose released 10 h-scene's for -happy end- for free on their website so i'm downloading/installing them now. I'll probably have to wait for the 11th one to get a crack since that one's in a adult magazine and it's a pain in the ass to ship adult stuff from japan oversea's


>> No.13436003

Wait, is this completely 10 new scenes?

Different that the previous appends?

>> No.13436018

Those ten scenes were released in a 10 month period a long while ago actually. The only new one is the sumi one.

>> No.13436028

Ah, right. I got confused about it at first.

>> No.13436041
File: 90 KB, 806x625, Capture2015-05-05-19.47.40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Albatross Koukairoku after a 2 years hiatus after I finished two routes (Kuro and Shisham/Kisara).

I enjoyed it a lot, even if is quite difficult to read (was the main reason I put it on hold for so long).

Rui was for me the weakest heroine but her route is good, the twins were unexpected sweet (unlike their looks and behaviour) and my only grip is with Kuro, that don't have a happy ending in her route (bittersweet at most).
After the unexpected origins of each heroine, I found the last reveal in the stowaway girl route quite satisfying (I expected an obscure maritime reference/myth/phenomenon but the truth was unexpectedly simple and logical if you think about it).

Is not a masterpiece, I don't think writting like a pre-war novel makes a story any better, but is easily in my top 20.

>> No.13436043


10 new one's different from the append patch's anon.


the backpack one? Since that's the magazine one

>> No.13436101

I wonder what's the "least hard" to read mareni VN. I've been wanting to read something by him for a good time.

>> No.13436118

Shinju no Yakata?

>> No.13436122
File: 170 KB, 800x598, alienfamily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened to the art style? The kid looks fine but Aselia looks like an alien.

>> No.13436143

Looks cute to me.

>> No.13436152

I was wondering the same. I think some of the art is reused from the last game while some of the art is new. At least it's not as bad as the spin-off game. I couldn't stand the art in that one.

>> No.13436186

You need some spoiler tags there, m80.

>> No.13436238 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 1276x717, 1430851123767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the dumbest CGs I've seen, how in hell does she sleep on her boobs on top of the MC?
It just looks both painful and uncomfortable.

>> No.13436253

I used to have a friend who slept on his stomach with his chin resting on his pillows.
People are weird.

>> No.13436255

She can't be sleeping in said position due to how the body relaxes and gravity

>> No.13436259

Imagine the spine problems from sleeping like that.

>> No.13436265

When did we get so many art critics

>> No.13436266

Where the hell is the elevation keeping her head in said spot and how hard do her breasts have to be to not part under her weight?

>> No.13436267

Anti-gravity breasts.

>> No.13436294

According to the game, she is, she wakes up and opens her eyes.

>> No.13436609


Only talk about the topics I like to talk about - autist

>> No.13436660

I was just joking, anon

>> No.13436667
File: 315 KB, 1152x1712, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not that hard to find, but here you go.
機神胎動 is the most relevant one and I guess 軍神強襲 sorta is too? But I threw all three of them for good measure.

>> No.13436705


>> No.13436714


I mean, thank you. Forgot to type it out the first time.

>> No.13436887


>> No.13436912
File: 322 KB, 1280x720, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever approved these uniform designs needs a fucking eye check.

>> No.13436920

Get rid of the tiebow thing and it's not that bad.

>> No.13436934

They still look like they belong in an idol group rather than a high school.

>> No.13436936

They remind me of some kind of band outfits. Is it a school for some kind of high class Elvis impersonators?

>> No.13436943

If we start discussing the suitability of eroge uniforms, we end up with a couple of reasonable ones a year.

>> No.13436951

Exactly what I said. Nope, just a regular high school.
School days and Cross channel are in my top 2 high school uniforms.

>> No.13436966

Wouldn't it just be a lot of generic ones with an occasional strange one?

>> No.13436971

All of them have something fucking retarded attached to them.

>> No.13437131
File: 419 KB, 640x480, KK30SP.GGD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uniforms done right

>> No.13437152
File: 1.85 MB, 1280x1294, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of school uniform this one is my favorite, not too flashy but not too plain either . Also, CC seifuku looks too plain for me. I don't see the appeal.

>> No.13437166

>not too flashy

I'd love to know what you consider as "flashy" then.

>> No.13437174

Like this? >>13436912

>> No.13437209

Should I keep my OS win7 if I only plan to play eroge on my next computer?

>> No.13437263


>> No.13437279

tenshi_acti.zip 1.4 MB

>> No.13437313

That's a pure edge case. >>13437152 is too flashy for my taste. I like simpler designs.

>> No.13437339

Not counting the random nukige and stuff that he helped on, definitely Shinju no Yakata. Mareni's chapters of Teito Hiten are written like a raiL-soft game but with shorter lines, but the other chapters are written by random people and are easy to read, so you could go with that as well. Shinju no Yakata is a better game, though, since the "filler" writers are Romeo and Myougaya.

>> No.13437424

That design isn't so great. The individual parts are fine but when you put it all together it looks like a clusterfuck.

>> No.13437996


lmao holy shit that design is so busy it makes my eyes hurt

>> No.13438047
File: 56 KB, 277x585, nonoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inori just wears a lot of accessories, it looks better on other characters.

>> No.13438138

Looks like the uniform of some candy store.

>> No.13438236

Muramasa isn't difficult.

>> No.13438277

Its density is definitively not something a beginner should attempt, though.

>> No.13438300

It's among the most difficult.

>> No.13438313

most boring != most difficult

>> No.13438346

anyone has the walkthrough for the latest phantom game (the PC ported version)? I used the old walkthrough but there are some differences

>> No.13438359

Im not really a begginer just theres just a number of words i dont see often and have to look up.
So i use a text hooker to save time instead of searching for it in jisho

>> No.13438390

I recommend reading more VNs then because muramasa has heavy vocabulary. You could probably go through it since it's not THAT hard but you'll probably enjoy it more when you have a wider vocab.

>> No.13438410

When would you say are some intermediate or some kinda hard vns i could read to get better?

>> No.13438421

This isn't a japanese learning thread. Fuck off.

>> No.13438431

Try looking at tlwiki's scripts and picking up something with a higher kanji rate. It should work as a rough way of measuring vocab. Also I remember atlach nacha having plenty of vocab but it's short anyway. I'll stop here though because otherwise people will get angry.

>> No.13438434 [SPOILER] 
File: 231 KB, 1273x718, 1430881271590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have a question about Bansenjin.
Why does fulfilling the conditions for Nobu's kyuudan mean that Nanten is accepting mercy/healing? The condition is mutual understanding, not acceptance.
Maybe I'm just missing something.

>> No.13438598

Anyone know where to find 水仙花/Suisenka? I found it on a Chinese site but the .rar needs a password, and there's nothing on Clubbox either.

>> No.13438612

Do you still have the chinese .rar? Try @AMMYYK or ammyyk as the password.

>> No.13438646

Thanks anon kun

>> No.13438707

Don't have it but I can download it again. Thanks! That was the uploader's name so one of those should work.

>> No.13438929

Thank you.

>> No.13439171

Ookamikakushi. is the most great. game in Japan.
But. this is not translated yet...
I hope this wii be translated soon.

>> No.13439224

Can anyone upload the Hello World "(NoCD DVD Patch) AlphaROM 2.1~3.1汎用 rev4.exe" file from the Nitro+ pack? Avast blocked it and since it's a 3kb file I don't want to recheck all 80GB if I don't have to.

As thanks, I'll be seeding the torrent pretty much forever, as long as I have my torrent program up.

>> No.13439255

For Hello World itself you don't need it, just use this :

But in any case, there it is:

>> No.13439279

Thank you. I downloaded that tlwiki exe awhile ago, but I wasn't sure if I need the patch in the torrent too.

>> No.13439349

Someone in an earlier thread said it is a good idea to get a PSP. So what is the best version? I'll buy it second-hand.

>> No.13439356

Or just use PPSSPP.

But for PSP you have 4 versions. Any one of them can have CFW installed extremely easily nowadays, so no concern towards that.

PSP 1000 is the oldest and has lower RAM.
PSP 2000 and PSP 3000 should be your choices, they have some differences for example the colors of the screen, so look it up.
PSP Go might not be a bad choice too, if you're comfortable using it.

>> No.13439769

Fucken hell, thank you.

>> No.13439811

I installed Bansenjin like any other eroge but when I want to run it, it doesn't respond. Anyone got this problem?

>> No.13439841

>like any other eroge

Found your problem. Bansenjin is a Masada game, it's a kamige, you can't just treat it like any pedestrian eroge.

I'm guessing you didn't even perform the sacred rites honoring our lord and savior Masada (PBUH) for blessing you with his writing and his artistry.

>> No.13439843

Do you have also this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUicufUmEmY

>> No.13439849

B-but I did, anon-kun.

>> No.13439851

>but when I want to run it, it doesn't respond. Anyone got this problem?
Are you using Microsoft Security Essentials? For some reason it detected the game's exe as a trojan and deleted it so I had to disable real time protection and copy malie.exe from the first disc again, then exclude the install location from automatic scans.

>> No.13439858

I don't, my antivirus didn't detect anything at all and it didn't delete anything.

>> No.13439919 [DELETED] 

Anyone know how to edit text in Onscripter VNs? I would like to change the French version of Higurashi into having the English version's text instead so that we have a fully translated Higurashi with no Mangagamer bullshit, as last time I checked, even the music patches weren't able to fix several tracks being replaced with a single one in the Kai arcs (Confession and Solitude, Sheep Counts and Pros, and so on).

>> No.13439942

Anon, I...

>> No.13439984

>no Mangagamer bullshit
>>>/tumblr/ is that way.

>> No.13440005

New thread before another unnecessary discussion.


>> No.13440009

No matter what you say the thread is still gonna hang around for half an hour or something.

>> No.13440290

there are a few nitro+ games that work on 7 but not on 8. Otherwise no.

>> No.13441765


You need to crack it with Alpharom. Google it and download it, then just drag the malie.exe in your game folder to it and press ok when prompted. Open the game with the malie.exe in the game folder otherwise it wont run.

If this is your first light game this is an understandable mistake. If you already tried that you're fucked I guess.
