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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1375631 No.1375631 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese Banks are taking over profitable holding and parts of America's biggest banks.

How does it feel America? Are you afraid, or happy that you now are a little bit more Japanese than a week ago?

>> No.1375633



>> No.1375634


>> No.1375638

This troll thread is bad and you should feel bad.

Although I admit I laughed at the filename.

>> No.1375642

Why would I be afraid or feel a bit more Japanese about this. Our banking system is fucked up royally. Do these banks even know that the US is about to hit the biggest depression since the '30s? It'll be 5 to 10 years before our economy can right itself due to the abhorrent lending practices that have gone on for the last 10 years. If the Japanese really want a part of that or think they can fix it ... more power to them.

>> No.1375652

You should have posted about this in the late 80s, when people were literally saying that Japan might buy enough land on California to actually take it over.

>> No.1375881

what does it mean in economic terms for Japan?

>> No.1375895

Hi Anonymiss

>> No.1375968

mmm i'm not anonymiss, srsly

>> No.1375974

Hi Anonymiss
Hi retard

>> No.1375973

You should have posted about this in the mid 80s, when people were literally saying that Japan might buy enough land on Earth to actually take it over.

>> No.1375977

Japanese banks haven't been profitable in 20 years.
Lies and Slander, one bank is not representative of the entirety of them.

>> No.1375979

I don't think anonymiss of /jp/ is a real woman.

>> No.1375981

mmm i'm not retard, srsly

>> No.1375984

I think you cannot interpret thing well enough.
if things go bad, that 1930's krach will seem like wishful thinking.

>> No.1375987

They are buying in to American Banks.

The Japs must have some serious faith in you guys. Holy shit.

>> No.1375991

America will ask for more money from Japan though.

>> No.1375995

Not really, it's just that we owe them so much money, they can't afford letting us die.

>> No.1375997

America has been asking the whole world for money for a while already.

>> No.1376001

Japan is unstoppable, I hope that they take over the world.

>> No.1376003

ITT butthurtfags whining because their amerikka is now less rich than japan lolololol

>> No.1376025
File: 15 KB, 290x196, 1222515758810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, America's really going down the drain.

>> No.1376029

Oh that old trick. Man, you'd think the rest of us would be smart enough to cut America adrift.

>> No.1376043

Yeah, I know.
It'll last until people realize that it's their savings that are being given to America, I guess.

>> No.1376047

too bad the chinks already have the american economy in their hands. fucking trillions of USD reserves and killing off the dollar when they want and need to, if america wasn't their biggest trading partner they can find the most awesome excuses for war.

>> No.1376068

And the best part is, america can just go "fuck you" and say they don't owe them anything anymore.
And everyone would shut up.
Because they've already done it before.

>> No.1376235

Amerikan economy is danger?

>> No.1376254


>> No.1376272
File: 38 KB, 434x563, 1222521369138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1376274


>> No.1376284

Wh the fuck is italy there, they're the shittiest developped country in europe, even worse than france.

>> No.1376291


>> No.1376307

Eat my UNKO

>> No.1376311

You are the God of /jp/. But you must wear a tripcode so we can distinguish you.

>> No.1376319
File: 60 KB, 319x705, 1222521916657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god damn it...we're (supposedly) the greatest nation in the the world and our corruption makes the 3rd world kind seem like petty shit.

How is it that these CEOs, politicians, lawyers and other motherfuckers feel the need to constantly steal money? Don't they have enough? And then to top it off, when they do get caught fucking around, they just resign or quit and run away with what they've made already (Enron, WorldCom, this shit that's happening right now).

Amerifags...it's about that time. I propose that punishments for white collar crime get turned up a notch or 2. Something along the lines of death by stoning or impaling (Vlad would be proud), anything to make these faggots think twice b4 stealing money for the People or investors.

After that, we need to clear out Congress and put people in there that actually work For The People. We run the gov't, not the other way around.

Finally, we start up some economic R&D to make enough money to pay off all these foreign motherfuckers we supposedly owe money to. This way, we don't owe anyone shit and still keep our credibility.

TL;DR Fuck corrupt ppl that cheat normal citizens, kill them, reform everything

>> No.1376321

Don't be deceived. I am Jap is not Japanese, I think.

>> No.1376322

sorry.I will try it

>> No.1376328

You put '[name] #[password]' into the 'Name' field.

For example 'I am Jap #japan'

>> No.1376326

CEOs stealing money is the smallest of problems for the US economy right now, every ceo in the S&P could steal a hundred million if he cared, it wouldn't be more than a drow of water in the sea right now.

>> No.1376327

Are you american ?
I am japanese .It is true

>> No.1376333

No, I am a Japanese. It's ture.

>> No.1376334


You're exactly right. But if people would stop breaking rules or going out of bounds and actually do they're fucking jobs, we wouldn't have to use 700 Billion dollars to bail our our economic institutions.

Gotta admit...I really wonder where we're going to find that kind of money. I bet China will be the first nation we ask

>> No.1376339

thank you


>> No.1376341

The entire world is stupid enough to give the US money, for now.
The real one to blame here would be the ones who created those shitty derivatives.
Had credit not developped in such a stupid manner, the US wouldn't have had such shit.
Blame 100:1 leverage.
It's not breaking the rules when it's actually allowed, even if it's bad.

>> No.1376348

Why did you thank me? lol

>> No.1376350

type miss

>> No.1376358

What is エンコリ?


'Enjoy Korea BBS'?

>> No.1376363

I dislike to call us Jap.

>> No.1376361

yes. It is very ugly area

>> No.1376366


They were loaning people money for houses even when they Knew they couldn't make the payments. Why the fuck would someone do that (with the exception of deliberately tanking them?)

It just confuses me how these faggots can't do anything right. I don't trust the gov't, they fuck everything up. You can't trust anyone else for that matter.

Fuggit, I'm moving back to Japan. I'll live in some shithole Aomori town and buy a rice cooker.

>> No.1376372

but I like

>> No.1376373

What does Enkori think of 4chan?

>> No.1376378

there are many japanese on 4chan these days it seems, i wonder if that article had anything to do with it.

many futaba users seem to have been on /w/ a lot too.

>> No.1376384

I call you 'nihonjin' when I dress up in my ninja costume in Tokyo.

>> No.1376383

You may like to call us Jap, but Japanese people usually dislike it, don't you?

>> No.1376386

More like China is taking over.

>> No.1376387

America gets the last laugh when the Japanese investors realize they still have to give out bad loans to Latinos who want to buy houses with no jobs. Enjoy being buttfucked by equality lending, you dumb tojos.

>> No.1376388

「ASSHOLE」needs to put on a tripcode to

>> No.1376391

yes . But it will be merely joke

>> No.1376397

i'm happier about it.

>> No.1376395

Japanese investors are used to losing money, don't worry.

>> No.1376396

japan has owned everything important in america since the 80s

>> No.1376400

Lol unis.
Going to some shithole in Seattle.
I guess it's still better than staying in my country.
At least I might be able to go to some renowned college if I get good results.

>> No.1376403

What is the age of virginity where I will have magic powers?

>> No.1376404

nothing in particular

enkori is the bulletin board that a Korean quarrels with Japanese.

>> No.1376411
File: 28 KB, 300x372, 1222523611615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a american?
It is about 23 age

>> No.1376423

Umm.. no
It's really bad joke, I didn't get it. Would you change your name from 'I am Jap' to 'I am Japanese'?

>> No.1376435


>> No.1376439

THANKS ありがとさん

>> No.1376443


What does sex with a girl feel like?

>> No.1376445

'I am Nip' would be a better joke.

>> No.1376449

feels good man

>> No.1376455

Is Nip a racial discrimination word?

>> No.1376466



>> No.1376469

Japan has owned near half of downtown Dallas forever now. Better than those fucking turban heads buying everything up.

>> No.1376481

Thanks, I hate it.

>> No.1376484


>> No.1376490

I am Japanese has gone somewhere


>> No.1376494

He has gone to have steamy sex with Hirano Aya, he just spoke to me on the phone and told me.

>> No.1376510


>> No.1376514

lol He's getting hit by her by now.

>> No.1376516


I still alive

>> No.1376597

It's saturday, you need to go to work!

>> No.1376608

In Japan, Saturday is holiday.
So Japanese don't need to go to work. YAY

>> No.1376702

If the American economy tanks, everyone is fucked.
