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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 3.06 MB, 2900x3656, 20160324_222026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14971971 No.14971971 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of oppai mousepads? I think they're a fun and cute novelty, with the oppai having a useful purpose of supporting my wrist.

Mine is cheap though, and has fraying threads already. I'm embarrassed about how much money I spent on it, because I don't know if there's a proper way to care for it besides not using it. Does anyone like them? I've seen detailed care guides for things like dakimakura, but these don't seem very popular...

>> No.14972114

I never understood why people use these. How can you think it's okay to rub your mouse all over a 2D girl's face? Buy the oppai mousepad for display or masturbation purposes, but please, do not use it as an actual mousepad.

>> No.14972201

anybody tried fucking it

>> No.14972220

It's harder than it seems

>> No.14972232

They are far too small to function as a proper mouse pad

>> No.14972361

They're gimmicky, overpriced, and stupid. The type of shit normies guffaw over and buy because it's so CRAZY and OTACOOL. Also. if pic is yours then your taste in anime and girls is cancerous. Also completely unsurprising that a fan of that fuckshow buys 3D mousepads.

>> No.14972545

I'd rather just buy one that has a wrist support but no actual image on it, just all black, why would i want people to know i'm a weirdo?

>> No.14972561

>How can you think it's okay to rub your mouse all over a 2D girl's face?
I was never interested in these, but I kind of want one now.

>> No.14978229
File: 80 KB, 720x540, 217001011569h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of want to preorder this one for display: https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=157347

Not technically oppai, but there's just something about it that's appealing to me.

>> No.14981751

I have the one that was made for my waifu, but that's. Just to look at, i would never use it, i don't want it to get dirty

>> No.14981752

What anime is this from?

>> No.14981796

seeing this makes me wish I got the shiro one.

>> No.14981835

If that's your pad, can i get some moar?

>> No.14981919
File: 174 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_No_Game_No_Life_11_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[2BEC8A81].mkv_snapshot_12.01_[2016.01.12_14.01.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, did they make a Jibril one? I want to rub those Flügels like no tomorrow

On topic, I want one but they're too expensive for my shoestring NEET budget and I'm not shameless enough to let anyone see it anyways. Maybe when I move ouot.

>> No.14982151

They're nice, after a while you get really used to em and dont want to go back.

Just a suggestion though, don't cheap out too much. I've had chinese ones break on me in just a few months, but all mine from Japan have kept in really good condition in comparison.

>> No.14982185
File: 3.17 MB, 4528x2720, 20160326_210835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on getting Shiro at some point. The only reason I got the Steph one first was because I was paranoid about people seeing it at the time, and I figured a grown woman might be at least a little better. But hey, I think they're neat and comfy on my wrist and I only use my computer at home, so why not?

I am not a photographer, but here.

>> No.14982193

Where are you planning on getting it? I just thought it was sold out and game over, I'd like to have it to display with my growing collection of Shiro figs.

>> No.14982212
File: 2.98 MB, 2962x4422, 20160326_210853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14982213

Holy shit you guys realize this is /jp/ right? What the fuck are you newfags doing in here? Go back to social media you fucking normies.

>You let normal people in your home

>> No.14982244

I hadn't planned on looking for it until I had the cash to spare, ^^' but it was on my wishlist on hobbysearch, which is where I was able to get my Steph after a lot of waiting for back orders.

>> No.14982249

Lots of people.

>> No.14982252
File: 336 KB, 1076x807, DSC00606-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you're flossing yours on /jp/ here are my DAL oppai mouse pads.


Currently using this since it's a bit damaged. Got dusty and visible stains on the cleavage and accidently used a semi-rough brush to wash it and damaged the material a bit.

>> No.14982265
File: 407 KB, 1076x807, DSC00607-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Will use this some day. If i was quick to catch my favorite characters before Japanese websites close their reservations i'd have a lot more. Re-sale prices get ridiculous for oppai mouse pads.

>> No.14982282

I'll suck your cock for a Kurumi mousepad.

>> No.14982312

They have it listed as "long sold out" unfortunately.

>> No.14982326

I'd buy you one for that.

>> No.14982388 [DELETED] 

This, they're the definition of LOL SO WACKY niwaka shit.

>D-d-do I fit in yet, guys?

>> No.14982442

Oh no overpriced anime goods. Who would have ever thought, man that's not what ANIME IS ABOUT! I should know I started the whole thing back in 1979 we always wanted it to be expressly downloaded via torrent.

I don't see the big issue with it. Getting told what I should do with my money by society is actually slightly more appealing than getting told what to do with it by some foreigner otaku purist.

>> No.14982447

Just to follow up, what's the huge issue with NGNL? It was a pretty entertaining mess of Kaiji and TWGOK.

>> No.14982544


Please leave.

>> No.14982698

>Who would have ever thought, man that's not what ANIME IS ABOUT!
You're doing yourself no favors strawmanning the people who actually care about the culture beyond the latest generic pair of tits the on the hot new Danny Choo (tm) Culture Japan (tm) approved merch. Sorry that some of us have actually been into this before the hyperconsumptive "fashionable otaku" niwaka trend and understand that it's a little more than that.

If you even have to ask then there's probably no point to even try explaining, but I'll try anyway. It's horribly written wish-fulfillment bullshit that thinks it's much more clever than it actually is and is nothing more than a vehicle to relentlessly pander to niwaka ota.

It's for normies who want to pretend to be losers to feel special: "Wow look at me, I'm a cool, edgy, young, and attractive Hikki NEET Gamer Otaku Genius with a retarded loli brocon sister who is also these things. We do incest-baity things but fuck you if you actually like incest cause I like this boring titbitch instead whoops lol. Somehow I'm a virgin even though girls can't help but throw themselves on me, wow I'm so unpopular virgin NEET hikki. 'Reality is a shitty game!' haha wink wink guys, 'OBJECTION!!' haha catch the reference, dude? Here let me do it again, "OBJECTION" haha. Us Gamers, bro ;)" It somehow manages to rip off every popular LN plot and cram in every hackneyed niwaka-bait LN cliche AND tired-as-fuck pop-culture reference and I can only imagine the writer chuckling self-indulgently like a piece of shit as he writes this embarrassing tripe. Meanwhile, idiot viewers who got into anime next week chuckle to themselves arrogantly like "hah, wow I caught that really obscure Phoenix Wright reference! This guy is totally me! I'm such a Misunderstood Hikki NEET Gamer Otaku, especially during summer break from school when I Game all day haha!" It's for idiots who think they're geniuses. And it's like Fashionable Loserdom for people who have never actually felt the pain of being treated like a loser. The type of people who buy titty mousepads and pat themselves on the back, thinking "oh man, I'm SUCH an Otaku! I got one of those booby mousepads that all Otaku have!" Nah.

And the one fucking thing it COULD have excelled at, the GAMES, it fucks up. Instead of mind-games and probabilities, actual risks and rewards, you know, a chance for it to actually demonstrate cleverness or well-contemplated writing, we get asspulls, fantasy magic bullshit, and the thickest fucking plot-armor. Like I'm just supposed to believe that that faggot MC is a genius because shit just magically goes his way whenever it's convenient for the plot. I can only take this as a sign that the author is actually too stupid to write anything coherent. And yet, here he is self-inserting as a Cool, Edgy, Hikkikomori, NEET, Gamer, Otaku Genius. Holy shit, fuck off and die. If I wanted to have a pathetic piece of shit jerk off all over me I'd go to a /jp/ meat-up.

>pretty entertaining

>> No.14985377

Well have fun being a miserable piece of shit I guess.

>> No.14985526
File: 43 KB, 400x400, ücretsiz-kargo-3d-japon-büyük-göğüsler-seksi-belle-anime-ergonomik-tasarım-mouse-pad-bilek-aittir-akemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who HOMU here?

>> No.14985952

Your points are all valid, but you come across as a very negative, unhappy person. If you don't want to be one of those miserable elitist intellectuals that kill themselves, I suggest you start taking things a little less seriously and learn to enjoy lower-brow media from time to time or, conversely, just not let it bother you that other people enjoy things that you don't.

>> No.14986950

Thanks kind anon

>> No.14986986
File: 140 KB, 420x420, 1458778689796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're pretty fucking gay and a waste of money, but since I'm not the one wasting my money on it I don't really care who has them. At least it has a utility purpose and just doesn't sit around and collect dust like some run-down shitty museum a lot of weebs seem to do.

>> No.14987394

Stop with the "normie" shit and other /v/ vernacular. Spend time here before posting again and take it easy.

>> No.14987467

I don't understand how alleviating your wrist is considered "comfortable".

Unless I'm missing something here, that sound so fucking painful and annoying.

>> No.14987510

this is a pasta right

>> No.14987524

It makes your wrist more level with your hand as it's on the mouse. I guess it's supposed to be better for your hands or something.

>> No.14987533 [DELETED] 

There are so many fucking newfags in here. Look how many people can't afford a mouse pad and decide to talk smack about people who can. Don't post if you don't like mouse pads. More importantly go back to what ever social media outlet you leaked out of.

>> No.14987573 [DELETED] 


>> No.14987593


I love her despite how much of a bitch she is.

>> No.14987608 [DELETED] 

Mousepads are cheap as fuck, if someone can afford Internet in the U.S. they can afford a custom mousepad, man. Having your own purely custom pad with your favorite character is great, but it's still pointless as fuck.

>> No.14987651

No, no, no. This does not help in giving you a good position for your hand. This assists in giving you Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, quite bad.

>> No.14987684
File: 2.95 MB, 743x2202, TPJCR5J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of me wishes the bra was permanently on, but i really like that the nipples are pinch able

>> No.14987814

>I suggest you start taking things a little less seriously and learn to enjoy lower-brow media from time to time
What exactly do you think anime even is? I'm sorry I have a limit to inane bullshit. If I can't enjoy it, I can't enjoy it. It's as simple as that. Dude wanted reasons and those are the reasons. I rarely hate a show; mediocrity is whatever to me. But NGNL just happens to press all these buttons and in such a smug, self-congratulatory manner to boot. It wasn't just a waste of time, it was insulting on top of it. If NGNL was a person I would definitely beat it up.

Suck my cock, dude.

>> No.14987850 [DELETED] 

>There are so many fucking newfags in here
>Don't post if you don't like mouse pads.
>go back to what ever social media outlet you leaked out of.
Holy HECK the irony in this post is palpable. Look at this little niwaka bitch trying to so hard to be an "oldfag" and getting buttranged cause no one likes his gay little memepads. Maybe you should go back to your Culture Japan shitbox, faggot, where you can show off your retarded otacool purchases without getting bullied. That you even manage to conflate /a/-tier "buyfagging" shit with involvement in the hobby and this board is absolutely ridiculous. No one is impressed with how much money you have, idiot. Kill yourself out of /jp/ you worthless fuck.

>> No.14987874 [DELETED] 

Not really that cheap actually. They're only cheap if you're buying bootlegs or something. Officially licensed 3D mousepads are easily 40+ dollars.

>> No.14990902 [DELETED] 


Custom made under $40 is utter garbage.


This is why this board is going to shit because of people like you that label every fucking thing that was great in the past as a "meme". Fucking leave already you stupid fucking little kid. We oldies have been doing what we do for fucking years. I'm sick of you little fucks who started watching anime last year getting booty blasted that you can't afford shit and label everything a fucking "meme" simply because it's the gate way to getting away with not buying what you can't afford. Stick to saving and uploading anime images and "memes" to the social media outlet i fore mentioned. Stop being so fucking mad and possibly suicidal like the rest of your generation that you can't even get a shitty job and interact with society and take it out on me because i'm better than you.

>> No.14991336

Have fun eating all that shit my nigga just spoonfed your ass. HaHA!

>> No.14992024 [DELETED] 

>that label every fucking thing that was great in the past as a "meme"
>you stupid fucking little kid
>We oldies
>started watching anime last year
>you can't even get a shitty job and interact with society and take it out on me because i'm better than you.
lmao is this real?

You're calling oppai mousepads, a niwaka trend no older than a decade or so, something that was "great in the past"? Anyone who's been into this longer than a week knows the mousepads are just another in a long line of gimmicky meme products for otacool idiots with expendable income. Again the irony in your post is unfathomable and I would call troll if I didn't already know that brain-diseased normalfags actually think like you do. You are contriving a ridiculous "poorfag" strawman after getting called out for making shitty life decisions, your merch purchases the fucking least of them. Nowhere did I say I did not buy merchandise or could not afford merchandise. I only said that your money says nothing about your involvement in a hobby and now you're getting so absolutely buttowned because you know it's true and that you've been overcompensating by buying stupid shit and deluding yourself into thinking you're "more otaku" than others. Come back with a cel or manuscript collection or something, you stupid, ignorant bitch. Show me your VHS collection of traded fansubs. Show me your garage kits or doujinshi collection or something. Show me all your signed idol shit; show me your shrine. Show me that massive LO magazine collection. Where's your hotglue, faggo? Your fucking memepad doesn't impress me. It doesn't impress anyone except for the other idiots like you who fell for a fucking J-list meme ad.

>Stick to saving and uploading anime images and "memes" to the social media outlet i fore mentioned.
Says the dude that buys memepads. Yeah, back to fucking Figure.fm and Crunchyroll (tm) Forums with your stupid, trifling ass, you little stupid ass bitch. Get out of here and back on Danny Jew's fucking dick.

Also, congratulations on being a retarded normalfag and getting butthurt when you get called out for literally wasting your fucking life just so you can buy meme merchandise. Are you really going to grandstand on your capacity to buy titty mousepads? Is that how you're going to rationalize your pathetic excuse of a life? Nah, just kidding dude, you're a real "oldie" and really successful and better than me and that's why you're getting so owned on on the internet. Yes, you Work Hard and Contribute To Society and you have dank memepads with boring girls on them to show for it. You sure showed me!

>Stop being so fucking mad and possibly suicidal
Holy shit lol. Kill yourself already. Or actually, don't. Your tax dollars are probably helping out a lot of the NEETs on here. Good work!

>> No.14992532 [DELETED] 

>everything is a meme as long as i can't afford it

Damn you should take your own advise and kill yourself. That anon makes a point. You label anything a meme as long as you can't afford it huh?


No one shops there. Ever. Again take your own advise.


Says the guy who utilizes social media where he discovered memes.

>> No.14992536 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 1387155625080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"you're getting so owned on on the internet"
>By one person

Holy shit i wasn't aware millions of users on /jp/ were owning me.

>> No.14992582 [DELETED] 

get a load of this buugum

>> No.14993561
File: 45 KB, 400x400, 136069171549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexualizing a character you care enough to buy merchandise of?

Lowest of the low.

>> No.14993573 [DELETED] 

>You label anything a meme as long as you can't afford it huh?
There's tons of significantly more expensive stuff that gets discussed in /jp/ without our autistic friend tearing into them. If you want to defend your purchase then go ahead, but doing so by leveling obviously poor counter-accusations only makes you look worse.

>> No.14993596 [DELETED] 

>You label anything a meme as long as you can't afford it huh?
There's lots of significantly more expensive stuff that gets discussed in /jp/ without our autistic friend tearing into them.

If you actually want to defend your purchase, leveling poor counter-accusations probably isn't the best way to do it.

>> No.14993741 [DELETED] 

>That anon makes a point.
>You label anything a meme as long as you can't afford it huh?
lmao. I'm finding it exceedingly hard to believe that we have not one, but TWO Delusional Upstanding Citizens Faithfully Contributing to Society here getting their shits knocked in by my post. Still making the "poorfag" argument? Where the fuck do you think you are, idiot? Enjoy your minimum wage fuckjob that you're so proud of, I guess, as I refuse to believe your reading comprehension and reasoning capacity would allow for anything else.

>Holy shit i wasn't aware millions of users on /jp/ were owning me.
No, you're right, you're actually getting owned by literally a single person. And the fact that you were mad and desperate enough to poorly contrive two posts "agreeing" illustrates my point better than I ever could, so thanks. It seems you lack the mental capacity to even samefag properly. Then again, you're actually proud of having such a high-profile job where you can afford, gasp, memepads so I'm not really surprised. Damn, I'm so jealous! I'm so jealous that you have a job and are a Member of Society and can afford a $40 piece of garbage! The only thing more pathetic than wasting 40+ dollars to fit in with your otacool bitch buddies is the fact that you need to rationalize this with the delusion that you're better than anyone simply because you WORK. But thank you for working on my behalf, I couldn't get my autismbux otherwise!

>> No.14993750 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, look at my meme picture i'm a different person i swear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says the guy who utilizes social media where he discovered memes.
Wow, that other anon really has a point! It's quite weird and rather unlikely that two people would both have reasoning this poor, agree on such a stupid topic, and strawman in exactly the same way! They didn't even significantly alter their writing style. Weird!

P.S. I am definitely not >>14993741! Also, thank you for the autismbux, you dumb fucking idiot. Kill yourself.

>> No.14993861


>> No.14993933

looks uncomfortable

>> No.14994372 [DELETED] 

This is some serious bipolar/manic depression you have there buddy. Kill yourself already. Stop being mad at the rest of the word that's more successful than yourself.

>> No.14996259 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry guys, I didn't realize my overpriced merchandise would make everyone this angry. I assure you I wouldn't spend $80 on something just for approval from anyone on the internet; I just really like the LN, the show, and the character.

>> No.14996575 [DELETED] 

>Stop being mad at the rest of the word that's more successful than yourself.

You realize no one actually gives a fuck right? The NGNL thing was a drunk rant. In truth, the only people who actually care in these exchanges are those so desperate to maintain their fragile egos that they cling to the only "achievement" in their pathetic lives in order to rationalize their shitty life decisions.

I just can't stand normalfags who are so intellectually incompetent that they think the only reason anyone dislikes something is because they can't afford it. It's laughably absurd when you're talking about 40 dollars (considerably less if you get bootlegs).

>> No.14996590 [DELETED] 

Just because it's drunk posting doesn't make it less dumb. Don't post here drunk if that's the kind of drivel you're going to contribute. I stand by my original statement that you're a miserable piece of shit. Trying to discount your embarrassing Maddox-style shit posting because you were drunk is just pathetic.

>> No.14996602 [DELETED] 

>Just because it's drunk posting doesn't make it less dumb.
Yeah, it's dumb cause you got blasted, faggot.

>> No.14996618 [DELETED] 

No it was a drunk barely coherent rant that invokes the worst of petulant punk rock babies who ran around screeching about posers. It's indecipherable from the millions of maddox inspired garbage on the net. It might as well be a 2 hour video on youtube detailing why SAO is TEH WORST ANIME EVAR!!!!!!!!1111111ONE

>> No.14996711 [DELETED] 

Other people seemed to understand my points just fine. It's just people like you who have something to lose that don't. Weird.

It doesn't surprise me in the least that a NGNL fan is too stupid to understand valid criticism as they can't even see how their own show is an incoherent mess made to stroke idiot egos. I'm also not surprised that you like SAO as well and probably get just as butthurt by those two hour videos and so felt the need to draw the comparison.

Also, way to cling to the "drunk" point. Ironic that you're the only one using it to discount my post. If I didn't feed you that line I would assume that you have nothing to go off of. Keep in mind I did not once go back on my points and it's really a nonissue in the argument. I, and I assume others, have saved it as kopipe at this point. It was only to say that the argument itself is frivolous to me, but you're doing your damned hardest to save face. I could've not mentioned it and you'd still be an owned little bitch.

>> No.14996722 [DELETED] 

Well shit you can't. What else do you want me to say? No matter what you say it's not gonna bother me in the least. You are a fucking newfag around here. You that little nigga that heard of 4chan from the faggots you associate with on social media. Just because there are more of you around here doesn't mean we are passing the torch to you. You are fucking this place up with your social media language. Everything is a "meme" to you because you are a broke fuck that can't afford shit. You wanna know why you hate Danny Choo and OTACOOL's? Because you can't be them. You will never be someone. You will always be that little nigga who posts pictures on social media and take his anger out on 4chan. For the last time ahut the fuck up already you fucking woman. That's giving you too much credit to begin with since even women don't bitch and complain like this.

>> No.14996729 [DELETED] 

If you have this much energy to post a Tumblr blog entry use some of that energy to find a job you fucking loser.

>> No.14996736 [DELETED] 

>You are a fucking newfag around here
>heard of 4chan from the faggots you associate with on social media
>Everything is a "meme" to you because you are a broke fuck that can't afford shit
>You wanna know why you hate Danny Choo and OTACOOL's? Because you can't be them.
Keep it coming dude, this is gold. I don't even know how new you have to be to think stupid shit like this, but keep it up.

>> No.14996748 [DELETED] 

>use some of that energy to find a job
Shit like this is how everyone knows you're a crossboarding newfag idiot. Also an assblasted normalfag in denial to boot.

>> No.14996811 [DELETED] 

I've made like 5 posts in the entire thread, you're shadow boxing here. You can't even tell the difference between posters because you're too stupid.

You discount your own rant and double down on it because you're just that much of an ass. You talk about how no one cares but so heavily project your own investment on everyone else. Just like every other punk rock fairy getting upset about Greenday's American Idiot.

Face it, you bandy about terms like faggot because you're the guy sitting around hoping to get fucked in the ass. You talk about how no one gives a fuck because the only meaning in life you have is daring people to understand you on this shitty message board. I understand the criticisms of NGNL fine, however there is a huge gulf between something having problems and being entirely without merit. You can't differentiate between flawed and without merit because this fallacious of 'true otaku' thing is your actual identity, and that's just really fucking sad

>> No.14998085

I bought one, and found it pretty uncomfortable. Most of that was the material it was made of, but I also tend to rest my wrist on the desk, so the position it required felt unnatural.

>> No.14998105 [DELETED] 

This thread brought to you by your local hugbox enforcers.
