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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15962590 No.15962590 [Reply] [Original]

why good ends are permitted in vns?

think about it. what's a typical bad end like? protagonist is left alone and depressed, and possibly becomes an alcoholic. what's a good end like? they lived happily ever after.

now, recall that vns are designed for you to self-insert into. and what's gonna happen after you played through a vn? you go back to your shitty life of a degenerate bottom-feeding scum that you are, and never again meet the characters.

so bad end is actually what's happening in the real life, inevitably. therefore i postulate that all vns should only have bad ends.

>> No.15962695

I think you're missing the entire point of entertainment.

>> No.15962750
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don't tell me you don't feel dead inside when you close a vn and go to sleep. you are on jaypee, after all.

it's not about entertainment. how can you be entertained when you're one of us? it's about distraction.

>> No.15962769

I kinda know where you are coming from.
It's one of the reasons I don't play a lot of VN, nor watch story-heavy animes.
Why would I? Just to get invested temporarily on characters that I'll never see again?
I understand they're made to be entertaining and all, but... I don't think that kinda stuff was made for me. meh.

>> No.15962777 [DELETED] 

Have you tried going outside and talking to real people?

>> No.15962787

Let's go a step further and prevent anything good from happening in visual novels, ever. You have no adventures and the girls don't even talk to you.

>> No.15962789

>you're on /jp/ after all
Don't do that.

>> No.15962791

I have a different reasoning. I find it disappointing when books always have good endings, so VNs not having well-written bad endings is disappointing too.

>> No.15962812 [DELETED] 
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I always felt I was in the bad end of real life.
I wouldn't be here otherwise.

>> No.15962849

I would play this

>> No.15962860 [DELETED] 

>tfw I already play that irl

>> No.15962933 [DELETED] 

>I always felt I was in the bad end of real life.
Glad to know that I am not the only one with those thoughts.

>> No.15962998 [DELETED] 

do you have zany getting drunk by yourself and jacking off all the time chapters? these are the things I'd like to read in such a VN

>> No.15963011 [DELETED] 
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i have completely died inside around a decade ago, when i got out of school. so did all who are here, at some point. don't tell me you browse jaypee to find idol bands for your loving wife to listen to.
but it is the point. we are broken, basically. i don't know if we here are sociopaths, chronically depressed or anything. i just know that we are empty. you have to be, to constantly eat up those novels. i don't believe a normally functioning person would lust so much over manufactured self-insert tales. it's not normal to invest so much into a story about fictional life. and we do precisely because we don't have a life. can you honestly tell me that you ever felt anything like the things pictured in anime? have you ever even actually loved anyone, anon? i personally can't even relate to the world that's outside my mind, it's like i'm sleepwalking.

so, if vns are designed to service us- why do they have good ends? i mean just look at target audience, japanese otakus. they are grass-eating non-people that are shunned by their society. we are not japs, and don't really belong to a group, and that is the only reason same isn't true for us. but i think all here have been perceived with a mix of disgust and contempt through their lives, to some extent. because we're not really people.
it's just that you're not even a player character in real life. you are that badly drawn guy in the background, who's just painted there.

>> No.15963075 [DELETED] 
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also, anon, i'll tell you what's the problem with us. it's that we're not there. not really.

i've met a few people like us in real life, those losers, and i knew exactly why they were losers. they weren't there. they were socially out of place, out of human relation system, out of this social game that people play.
i too am like that. i remember my parents telling me that i'm not there, when i was something like 6. i remember teachers complaining about me not being detached. i had two girlfriends, just to try and get on with normal life like all the other cool kids, and i felt nothing towards them. i felt nothing as we made out, as i swore my love, as i cradled and kissed them, as i fucked them. no love, no excitement, there was nothing, no deeper meaning to my actions. i was just playing the game, but it was just a game in the end. and then i gradually realised that i felt nothing towards anyone at all. now i am so hooked up on waifus because fantasy has emotions and feelings that i long for. except it doesn't, its just an illusion. but at least this illusion is somewhat immersive.

the only difference between me and most of us here is that i am aware of us being not there, and you are not.

>> No.15963076 [DELETED] 

>have you ever even actually loved anyone
Yes. I'm on /jp/ because I have strong feelings.

>> No.15963085 [DELETED] 
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towards you're waifu?

>> No.15963102 [DELETED] 

/jp/ is my wife*, dude!

>> No.15963115 [DELETED] 

No, towards a real man.

>> No.15963176 [DELETED] 
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Pretty much sums up High school.
You meet people, but after that you don't really meet with them at all in the end. Reminds me of that one episode where The Simpsons gets a nanny and then learned alot but in the end they went back to their old ways again and told the nanny that they enjoy it. So if you were to be one of those lucky ones to get into a huge adventure, surviving and ect. In the end of it all you will just go back and sit infront of your PC. So does that count as a bad ending or a good ending?

tl;dr Good & Bad doesn't exist. You enjoy what you enjoy, in the end we all die sooner or later.

>> No.15963189 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15963201 [DELETED] 

Around the same time I started using /jp/, I also started talking with people on the Google+ private beta. I shouldn't blogpost, though.

>> No.15963202
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Jokes on you my favorite VN is a three part series with routes spanning all three games as well as a sequel which has the original characters return AND a continuation of whatever route you chose. It also has PS2/Xbox releases with added content.

So I spaced the first three out over a period of seven years so I could continue enjoying it for as long as possible and have yet to play the sequels or console releases. I haven't even played all the routes yet.

I can enjoy my favorite VN for years to come and plan on doing so.
The thought of actually completing everything is an incredibly depressing one, but that should be many years from now.

>> No.15963237 [DELETED] 

Death is easy though, like flipping a light switch. Dying may be difficult. Watching others die many times more so, so please don't make suicide.

I think we naturally gravitate towards things that are best in. But if you're unhappy, clearly there is something missing, or you might not yet be who you are supposed to be.

>> No.15963253 [DELETED] 

Death isn't easy, the state and corporations are against suicide and make it very difficult.
Are you with the state?

>> No.15963456 [DELETED] 
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>Are you with the state?

>> No.15963544

I come here for the same reason I've been coming to 4chan for 12 years. It's an image board and I like hoarding images. /jp/ has the kind of images that I like to hoard.

As for VNs, I don't read typical harem moege. That's dead boring. But I still like good ends, they remind me of the good relationships I've had. Currently I'm alone, but I believe in myself.

>> No.15963583 [DELETED] 

I rarely finish VNs, or most anything really, because as long as I don't finish them they're not over. I can always go back and finish them at any time. And so, these peaceful days will continue to eternity.

There's probably something wrong you if you're afraid to part with fictional characters but I guess this thread is probably self-selecting for pathological people.

>> No.15963589

I rarely finish VNs, or most anything really, because as long as I don't finish them they're not over. I can always go back and finish them at any time. That way, those peaceful days can continue into eternity.

There's probably something wrong you if you're afraid to part with fictional characters but I guess this thread is probably self-selecting for pathological people.

>> No.15963646 [DELETED] 

nice blog thread faggots

>> No.15963650
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you don't even know.

>> No.15963663 [DELETED] 
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>discussion is a criminal offence
thanks meido, you asshole

>> No.15963693 [DELETED] 

>>>/r9k/ with the rest of the neet threads

>> No.15963791

I'm playing this already

>> No.15964130 [DELETED] 

I want to put my pulsating cock on her hand while she sleeps justvlike that.

Her fault for falling asleep on a YES pillow.

>> No.15964614 [DELETED] 

Why not delete the thread while you're at it? Just leave touhou quality discussion like >>15964130 up like you always do.

>> No.15966103

Not that guy but I'm nearing 140GB. YOU don't even know.

And I'm sure there must be an eldritch Anon around with even more.

>> No.15968979
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>why good ends are permitted in vns?
>now, recall that vns are designed for you to self-insert into. and what's gonna happen after you played through a vn? you go back to your shitty life of a degenerate bottom-feeding scum that you are, and never again meet the characters.
> therefore i postulate that all vns should only have bad ends.

>> No.15974692

how do you expect it to distract you from reality when they're the same?
