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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 28 KB, 576x195, kagewaka is butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16253532 No.16253532[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, do you care about an artist's opinions of how you appreciate their art?

>> No.16253535

Literally who?

>> No.16253544


>> No.16253545
File: 1.38 MB, 1500x1788, __imaizumi_kagerou_and_wakasagihime_touhou_drawn_by_orz_kagewaka__d8375897753fe8d86b9c970bc2839c3e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This artist, she has a distinctive watercolor-like style.

>> No.16253557

I don't even know what thread she's talking about

>> No.16253565

That's nowhere near distinctive or in any way like watercolor

>> No.16253567
File: 207 KB, 550x750, 1395461802151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are people who have expressed feelings of wanting to copulate with their favorite Touhou while posting images of that quality?

>> No.16253571

You mean distinctive Tumblr style, right?

>> No.16253574

Looks like mefomefo's posting to be honest.

But we do have Yuri threads but apparently about the wrong ships it looks like.

>> No.16253579

okay that, whatever.
She's definitely a tumblrite though because she's physically disgusted by heterosexuality and wants to force everyone to be gay or go into the oven or something

>> No.16253581

It's nothing that special though.

>> No.16253588

I hope Twitter screencap threads don't become a commonplace here

>> No.16253609


I doubt it, we don't have enough western artists to be outraged about, and most of /jp/ doesn't understand Japanese anyway.

>> No.16253617


This coming from the artist who drew this.
I love hypocrisy

>> No.16253622

pls do not sexualize the waka

>> No.16253628

403 forbidden you clown.

>> No.16253629

He is obviously proud of how far his art has made it, but is too ``tsundere'' to admit it

>> No.16253632


Can't stop my hips thinking how good this could be for the fishing industry!

>> No.16253634
File: 1.98 MB, 450x250, HEAVY_BREATHING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16253644

Well, now the obvious is to use as many of her images as possible for our lewd threads, right?

>> No.16253654

Yep low quality futa porn.

And they even baaaaaaaaaawed at the danbooru staff to DELET THIS.

Not entirely "BANNED ARTIST" but no it's "don't show that I approve of futanari instead of purely gay art".

Shaking my head. What a bitch.

>> No.16253670

Reuploaded it for you. http://i.imgur.com/TeQLaGz.png


Hey orz please reply to me I know you're reading this thread.
"place your bets on how much hate im going to get sent today"
Don't act like this isn't your fault for being a whiny baby.

>> No.16253682

I mean, Kagerou and Waggisaggi know of the other's existence and don't actively hate each other, that's better than usual for yuri ships

>> No.16253706
File: 660 KB, 1198x557, wakasagi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16253771

Never seen or heard of her.

Don't give a fuck.

>> No.16253782

why the fuck does that fish have legs?

>> No.16253789

I like the hairy man legs on kagerou. Took me a minute to realize it wasn't a third person hiding behind her.

>> No.16253803

Who cares what some obscure artist on twitter thinks, do we really need a thread for this?

>> No.16253815

I think OP really hates her for some reason and is trying to instigate a hate mob or something.
She's just a dumb teenager OP. Just ignore her art and focus on the good Touhou art, it's not like there's little of it

>> No.16253898

The fact that someone liked it enough to post this garbage on the jay is worse.

The daily disposal of ones random thoughts on social media is also disgusting to me. Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.16253929

I try to respect creator's wishes in general, even if they're not that reasonable. People ridicule the people (both nips and westerners) who put the "do not lewd" warnings on their MMD but it's never occurred to me that I would use other people's work in ways they don't want.

If I don't like an artist I just cut their art out of my life entirely. This isn't always because the artist is being unreasonable; sometimes I really don't like some of the stuff they draw, and then I don't save or browse through pictures of their other stuff because I associate art with its creator.

>> No.16253947
File: 107 KB, 800x1119, 50a5f006ee574274ba3862ea095f77e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing you idiots. She's not a twitter artist, but a tumblr one, that's why she gets all triggered whenever "those creepy sexists at 4chan" reposts her stuff.
The sooner you stop giving a fuck about what WESTERN TUMBLRITES think the better, when's the last time you've ever heard of a Japanese artist being autistic about fans posting their work on some imageboard?

>> No.16253974
File: 1.81 MB, 1587x1994, CKmtUEa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16253978

That pixiv guy who did ZUN style art and recently took down everything because people were sharing his pictures without permission

>> No.16253981

I thought Japanese creators were famous for autism that made the rest of the world pale in comparison.

>> No.16253992

Pretty often actually? Not for the same reasons as this though. And calling it "autistic" does you no good, there are some legitimate concerns artists have in the age of the internet where you can lose control of your art almost entirely.

Really most of the thread so far has been "that's dumb" and "why does this even have a thread". Nobody seemingly gives a shit but OP.

>> No.16254005

>Nobody seemingly gives a shit
Thank the Lord.
Maybe this thread can now get trashed, there are already enough accepted and yet kuso threads up, no need to have another one.

>> No.16254017

P-p-people like my pictures!!


Also you got archive?

If they wanted no one to share em why not go full Western and patreon to paywall em off.

>> No.16254024

>I thought Japanese creators were famous for autism that made the rest of the world pale in comparison.
They do. The primary difference is that when Japanese artists suffer autism attacks they respond by committing internet suicide and deleting their pixiv / twitter / website / everything else. And unlike Western drama queens, they don't come back. Think back to all the pixiv bookmarks you've seen vanish into thin air, or the Vampirish Night guy.

God forbid an on-topic non-general thread 404 naturally for once in its life. You're half the reason nobody makes threads anymore.

>> No.16254038

>western artist

Who cares?

>> No.16254042

>an on-topic non-general thread
Some retard drumming up drama out of a literal non-issue is hardly something I want to see more here

>> No.16254052

Yeah but what thread is she sperging out about?

I get that artists want control over their art but from the sound of it, she's just getting mad that it was posted at all.

>> No.16254055

So you feel a sense of purpose and fulfilment when "discussing" the lives and actions of not just irrelevant but also completely random internet people even though no one cares?
Whatever makes you feel better or something but I'd rather look at some NICE pictures of naked 2hus.

>> No.16254059

>Some retard drumming up drama out of a literal non-issue is hardly something I want to see more here
That's great. Deletions in /jp/ shouldn't be governed by your personal assessment of what you want to see less of unless it's actually off-topic. That kind of arbitrary governance chills thread-making for everyone. If you think the thread is shit just point out that it's shit instead of screaming for the censors.

>> No.16254077

>when's the last time you've ever heard of a Japanese artist being autistic about fans posting their work on some imageboard?
Literally within the last two weeks. There was even a thread on it here.

>> No.16254082


This thread

>> No.16254093

kuso thread.

>> No.16254101

It's ok >>16253737 fixed it.

>> No.16254119

I would like it if people on /jp/ posted my art. But she should know once your art is on the internet it's going to go places you won't expect/want it to.

>> No.16254181

Thank you, anon. I agree. Though I will probably now recognize this style from here on out because of it's consistent flaws.

>The fact that someone liked it enough to post this garbage on the jay is worse.
This, ultimately. It's much more frightening to think that these sensibilities are here.

It's not otaku culture. Hell, it's not even about touhou.

Digusting. Whoever made this thread should leave. /jp/ is not for western artist drama.

>> No.16254211

>It's not otaku culture. Hell, it's not even about touhou.
Touhou Project artists are on-topic, even if they are filthy Westerners. I didn't see you flipping a shit in the SHU thread, and in so far as the OP isn't about a specific artist it's about something that artists often do.

>> No.16254218

>/jp/ is not for western artist drama
Tell me, where in that thread the OP incites drama? It just seems like a normal 2hoe thread.

>> No.16254234
File: 85 KB, 419x296, 1365039775560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuso thread.

>> No.16254237

So it's fucking nothing?

>> No.16254242

Posting twitter drama is /v/-/tv/ tier.

>> No.16254244

The thread is obviously intended as a jab towards the artist for complaining about the previous thread.
I don't care if the OP thinks it's for the lulz or does it out of sheer malice . It's still shit.

>> No.16254251

Yeah, the artist is just bitching because popularity. Hell, I think he's the one that made this thread.

>> No.16254263

See, this is what I don't understand about artists. By /jp/ standards, this is about as innocuous as you can get, so what's even the point of calling it out? And every time I see someone whine about it, they never give a good solution to the "problem" other than something generic like, "Tell people to stop sharing my shit."

>> No.16254273

That's beyond boring. Just avoid giving attention to the attentionseeker.
Sounds like she did that thread on purpose too.

>> No.16254284

It's twitter drama for the sake of it. Playing a victim over nothing is Public Relations 101 on social media. Do not reply to the threads and definitely don't take part in it on other sites.

>> No.16254292

>create thread for drama
>wait until some /jp/sies throw fits
It's simple. Just stop replying.

>> No.16254345

There is a shitstirrer or two here, but most of the people throwing a fit are the people demanding that this thread go away. At least one person tried discussing the topic in the OP despite the fact the accompanying screencap featured an artist people don't give a shit about, much like thousands of artists they also didn't give a shit about.

>> No.16254353

Doesn't matter, since any fit keeps this thread bumped.

>> No.16254363

No, we're just too gross for her pure yuri sensibilities.


>> No.16254396

Might as well just say, "When I sexualize Touhous, it's okay, but when /jp/ sexualixes Touhous, it's bad."

>> No.16254403
File: 84 KB, 300x300, hecatia cry2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gross ;_;

>> No.16254404

If you don't want your art to be shared, don't share it on the internet. Easy as that.

>> No.16254410

I'm sorry, we have a penis. We're not fit for this world where only that artist's vision is correct.

>> No.16254425

You guys are engaging in a circlejerk almost as bad as the one the artist is, and arguably one that's worse since at least she wasn't actively shitting up /jp/ with her pity party until someone brought it here.

>> No.16254428


>> No.16254433

This is funny watching someone actively have a meltdown on twitter because a picture of Yuugi was posted accompanied by text they didn't like.

>> No.16254440

Please take your internet personality lampooning to /v/ where it belongs.

>> No.16254449

I think her mentality is illogical and commenting as such. If that's wrong, then this thread or my posts can get deleted. If not, then I don't see anything wrong with doing so.

>> No.16254452

Yeah, it sure is hilarious. Now fuck off, colBoh

>> No.16254459

Keep your people-watching amusement on Twitter. /jp/ isn't a place to import social media bullshit so you can laugh at it.

>If not, then I don't see anything wrong with doing so.
The rules tell you what's against the rules. They don't tell you what's not garbage.

>> No.16254477

>The rules tell you what's against the rules. They don't tell you what's not garbage.
The fuck do you care then? I get a kick out of this and you obviously don't. There's nothing to discuss.

>> No.16254481

I didn't make the thread. It was funnier before I realized how sad of a person they were from reading their horrible tumblr bio about all the kinds of cis people she hates but yeah whatever. This is a shit thread still. Funny, but shit.

>> No.16254486

>The fuck do you care then?
Importing and goggling over social media drama actively shits up /jp/. There are other websites you can use for that kind of garbage.

>I get a kick out of this and you obviously don't. There's nothing to discuss.
We can discuss how people who follow and rebroadcast social media garbage for entertainment are garbage.

>> No.16254487
File: 27 KB, 588x223, fuck off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm onto you.

>> No.16254492 [DELETED] 

hi! it's orz. ive always wondered what would happen if someone made a thread about me like this on /jp/ and i guess i know now, i'm a little speechless to say the least but i apologize if my whining has caused you any inconvenience! you can continue making fun of me if you want, i just thought i'd drop by and say hello

>> No.16254493

kys yourself orz

>> No.16254494
File: 73 KB, 608x627, banter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate when trashcan """""""{{{artist}}}""""""" think they have the right to talk where their """"art"""" takes as much effort as shitting in a bucket.

>> No.16254499

Fuck off with your le personal army /v/ bullshit

>> No.16254500

Draw a big red nose for us

>> No.16254501
File: 148 KB, 500x500, Fucking Do It You Subhuman Trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16254504

ITT: Tumblr artist gets triggered over inconsequential stuff, attempts to stir drama on 4chan in return
In other news, water is wet and the pope shits in the woods

>> No.16254505

>i fucking hate when trashcan """""""{{{artist}}}""""""" think they have the right to talk
They have the right to talk, because everybody has the right to talk. It's not a privilege that has to be carefully rationed out unless you live in a dictatorship.

>> No.16254508 [DELETED] 

Deviant Art-tier fujoshi bullshit. Fuck this bitch.

Also... WHO?

>> No.16254514
File: 10 KB, 559x62, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't handle the banter i guess :^)

>> No.16254516

I couldn't even find her on Twitter.

>> No.16254520
File: 25 KB, 1500x90, rule_one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attempts to stir drama on 4chan in return
OP is more likely to be one a professional drama-watcher than the actual artist.

>In other news, water is wet and the pope shits in the woods
I actually thought /jp/ was above this kind of garbage, but I guess times change.

>> No.16254525

So in a weak attempt at changing the topic

Who's your favourite western 2hu artist?

>> No.16254526

Again, no one gives a shit. You seem like the kind of retard that thinks posting generic insults on Twitter and screencapping them for your 4chan bros is epic. This is not /b/, this kind of shit is not welcome here.

>> No.16254529

Of course i mind.

This is the internet. Artist should have already expected that people are going to use your art for something you may not be comfortable with. If they go and make a statement of how disgusting people do to his/her art, all merits are lost.

The ideal artist is to do art and nothing else. They should not involved in public relationship because majority of them will show their true colors and we are there to judge them for their personal thoughts and deeds. And they will suffer because of it.

An ideal artist also must understand how people is. They cannot condemn or condone how a certain people act because it will alienate their fans on the other side of the spectrum. Artist has to be devoted to art and art alone. Not the people around them. If an artist can do that, they are definitely enlightened.

This is something usually Japanese artist do and good for them, they churn out stuff because they like it. Western fanartists need to learn from them and keep their ego somewhere else.

>> No.16254530

Not every thread should be salvaged. Some threads should just be left to die.

If you actually want to have a discussion about it, start a new thread.

>> No.16254533

This guy.

>> No.16254534

Does Setz count? He hasn't drawn Touhou in a while.
Mefomefo is great too but his characters look too boyish sometimes

>> No.16254537
File: 9 KB, 195x369, 1454730480051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mod seems to be enjoying it tho
He has no problem deleting my threads 30 seconds after I make them because I didn't use the right words.

>> No.16254539

The guy who has a bucket on his head.

>> No.16254540

>Mod seems to be enjoying it tho
I was actually arguing for this thread not to be deleted in >>16254059 but now that /jp/ has proven itself a bunch of shitposting drama queens I'm beginning to think I was wrong.

>> No.16254542


>> No.16254545

I miss when Magister posted here. Good boobs.

>> No.16254548

Do you enjoy giant dicks?

>> No.16254571
File: 146 KB, 750x750, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the last fucking thing I want people using my art for disgusting /jp/ threads about gross dudes fucking touhous
I got bad news, bitch.
