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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19048725 No.19048725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

japanese girl and her gay parents
best jdrama of the year

>> No.19048761

it's called my brothers husband

>> No.19048770
File: 142 KB, 722x1024, 3b8a7b86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a good drama anyway, watch it if you have time
its adapted from a manga

>> No.19048800

I don't read/watch fag shit.

>> No.19048967

don't worry anon, Japan will be a have for LGBT soon, you'll be forced to watch them soon, in anime, in manga, in game, everything. Japanese parents had complained about this >>19048725
drama because they let a small little girl to have a role in some gay shit family sitcom. but who cares?

>> No.19049192

>you'll be forced to watch them soon, in anime, in manga, in game
Gay shit has been all over those forever, especially in the last couple decades.

>> No.19049480

Japan at least knows how to have those kinds of characters in media without making it feel forced or pushing an agenda.

>> No.19049488


Sucks for you, missing out on kino.

>> No.19049552

As I recall, her father isn't gay, but is instead homophobic and feels awkward around his dead brother's gay husband

>> No.19049561

wtf? I love this drama now

>> No.19049828

This is basically that fag show "Modern Family" but the ginger bearded dude and the fat dude are reversed.

>> No.19049937

get out.

>> No.19050137

Of course the other dad is a stinky gaijin. White piggu go home!

>> No.19050176

>t. Yurifag

>> No.19050372

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19050389

I thought it was a jav

>> No.19050528

its a japanese drama, watch it, it's pretty good

>> No.19052063

That's a cute loli.
The guy in the green raglan looks a bit uncomfortable.

>> No.19052434 [DELETED] 


>> No.19052478

where do you watch this

>> No.19052485

Is this the roree thread?

>> No.19052497

The loli from Cha no Aji will always be the best.

>> No.19052651
File: 120 KB, 900x900, 1526668978052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of these replies
>this thread

>> No.19053015

Plot twist: they are just pretending to be gay so they can adopt a cute loli.

>> No.19053281 [DELETED] 


>> No.19053515

CP has been banned few years ago anon.

>> No.19056787


>> No.19057005

Just gay infiltration of certain parties seeping into the japapese media since 2014. Degeneracy is put into place so to gain control of nations.
Babymetal is a good example along with pomyu.

>> No.19057409


>> No.19057559


Isn't idols being huge lesbo only for show ? Or are the babymetal girls REALLY gay for each other ? Because if that's the case I need a QUICK RUNDOWN.

>> No.19057862


>> No.19057911

I like how this board is too stupid to figure out that's not what it's actually about.

>> No.19058228

Japan is sort of like the US attitude in the 90s before it went full rah rah faggotry. Schoolgirl and lipstick lesbianism is seen as better. "Two girls making out is hot, two guys making out isn't", etc.

For one, it's almost expected that young girls have or have had closer-than-friends relationships with their other friends...to a point. It's seen as childish, something to leave behind once you're no longer adolescent. It's probably why girls groping each other's breasts in the onsen is such a common trope. Idols being lesbo for each other plays into all this.

Proliferation of camp stereotypes, crossdressers, light lesbianism from idols and what not in media notwithstanding, Japan still largely thinks homosexuality IRL isn't acceptable and is even damaging to the thought of the family unit.

Even mainstream porn knows where to draw the line so as not to alienate the audience. Many times in JAVs where a cover promises the girls doing each other, as well, I rarely see anything more than light kissing and touching.

>> No.19058276


The anime with lesbian cannibal magical bear-girls was about this dichotomy I think ? Yuri Kuma arashi was it ?

>> No.19058302

Homosex used to be a sacred bond between two men (lesbianism was uncommon but not looked down upon) in Japan but western piggu cultural infiltration changed it so that it became taboo. Now, westashit culture is pushing campy degeneracy as normalcy. I miss based conservative homoeroticism.

>> No.19058328

Western occupation was also responsible for the porn censorship laws that continue to pixelate pussies to this day. And no politician was to burn his hands by discussing that law. Western influence also made real lolis illegal in the late 90s.

White piggus should just kill themselves.

>> No.19058352

>but not looked down upon
It was actually.

>> No.19058365

what era and source pls

>> No.19058414

well /jp/ doesn't know Japan LGBT has been taken over that country since the 80s.

>> No.19058502
File: 21 KB, 312x235, hardgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone look down on this man?

>> No.19058512

He's not a lesbian.

>> No.19058522

meant to quote >>19058502

>> No.19058619

I doubt a culture that pre-western influence looked down on female sexuality, any type of love involving women, and viewed women as impure by default wouldn't look down on lesbians.

>> No.19058681


>I miss based conservative homoeroticism.

Being gay/bi in the greek or roman sense today is the worst. I want manly friendship and trap bed slaves not to put ostrich plumes up my ass and parade while elton john plays in the background.

>> No.19058746

>there is abundant material on male homosexuality in Japanese history, knowledge of which was brought to Europe as early as the sixteenth century by the Spanish Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier, who wrote about the prevalence of sodomy (Hirschelf 1914: 618). It is unlikely that he actually saw men having anal intercourse but it seems that men did little to hide their sexual interest in each other.

It's really hard to find anything on lesbians pre-Meiji, but everything points to them not getting the same respect or acceptance as male homosexuals. Not surprising considering Confucian influence, Buddhism, and Shinto beliefs. Apparently men had to undergo ritual purification after having sex with a woman before engaging in any Shinto related activity, but didn't have to after gay sex, which I find hilarious.

>> No.19058783


Supposedly the prostate was the center of spirit energy and plowing it good was thought to actually empower you. While draining your balls into a hoe made you lost spiritual energy.

Women a shit.

>> No.19058864

Why are Gaijins trying to spread the big gay to Japan?

>> No.19058892

The West finally realizes that Japan has always been gay and they are trying to revitalize it


>> No.19058893

said the gaijin

>> No.19058904

this series isn't even written by a foreigner

>> No.19058921

Japan has never had ridiculous modern gays until PC culture took over current social standards on what could be considered acceptable.

>> No.19058943

Where's "ridiculous modern gays" here?

>> No.19058967

Not talking about the series in the OP but shit like drag, transgenders, and overtly flamboyant celebrities.

>> No.19058971

So you're going completely off topic for the sake of it.

>> No.19059005

PC culture has always been part of Japan, though. That's why their language is so obsessed with honorifics, keigo and saying things in a roundabout way. All that bullshit is annoying enough already.

>> No.19059015

Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.19059169
File: 102 KB, 1000x562, 1517312681285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this mental disease is becoming mainstream in gookland as well
Nuke this gay world

>> No.19059198
File: 121 KB, 442x276, Maiddog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the FUCK might you be quoting? Did you even read the thread? Get out.

>> No.19059273

I remember seeing the first chapter of the manga and laughing at the concept, but I never expected a live-action to be made.
Japan is changing again.

>> No.19059302


>> No.19059315

Are you seriously saying that on this board of all places, were 90% of the posters are the incarnation of mental illness, depravity and lack of selfcontrol?

>> No.19059325

Hey, I don't have a mental illness.

>> No.19059402


I have many mental illnesses while being someone with great self control (except regarding alcohol). It is a living hell.

>> No.19059452

being horny is healthy, being homosexual isn't

>> No.19059460

being horny and homosexual are the same state you know.

>> No.19059464

none of you will ever reproduce so it amounts to the same thing

it's about even about ````defending your hobby'''' in this thread because there isn't anyone in this thread who knew or cared about this dorama before OP decided he'd use it as a situation magnet

>> No.19059472

shitpost magnet*

>> No.19059497

"Homosexuality" and "heterosexuality" are arbitrary concepts invented by humans. They don't exist in the natural world. The very notion of "sexual orientation" is unnatural.

>> No.19059505

I remember when politics was discouraged on this board.

>> No.19059513

Everyone can do as they please as long as they are cool with what I do or leave my hobbies alone.

>> No.19059518

Show us one (1) post that has anything to do with politics on this thread. That's right, you can't.

>> No.19059520

The idol threads, including gravure and JAV, are always full of /pol/, /r9k/, and /v/ tier posts. Explains a lot of about posting patterns around here lately.

>> No.19059545

the entire thread is full of political-laced whinging.

>> No.19059555

There is nothing weird or unnatural about liking dicks. What I don't get about gays is why the fuck they don't like girls.

>> No.19059644

Exactly. Bisexual master race.

>> No.19059701

Lolis > teen girls > cute boys = women >>>>>>>> cockroaches > teen guys = men

Prove me wrong.

>> No.19059722

t.self-hating cuck

>> No.19059750

Pedos are gross!

>> No.19059751

This. Hairy adult dicks are incredibly unappealing.

>> No.19059756

Is that some Yotsubato?

>> No.19059768


Lolis (male) > lolis > teen girls (male) > Mommies > teen girls >>>>>> everything else

Prove me wrong.

>> No.19059772

Please, don't use the C-word. I have a roachphobia.

>> No.19059782

teen boys > teen girls > lolis > mommy milfies > traps > men

prove me wrong.

>> No.19059784

Where do you think you are?

>> No.19059798

/jp/ - saggy hag tits culture

>> No.19059802

Oh, for fuck's sake. Stop joking around. You'd rather suck a hundred adult penises than let a cockroach crawl on your hand and you know it.

>> No.19059805

/jp/ - smooth loli manko culture

>> No.19059865
File: 264 KB, 650x778, a3eef3a5345411a9400d3eed8892a3aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least you placed lolis correctly.

>> No.19059887

Cirno sucks. I like human lolis, not stupid fairies.

>> No.19059889

another meta thread?

>> No.19059902

You just winned the faggot award!

>> No.19059905

This. It's a pretty great movie about a super cute loli who hallucinates giant floating heads with her face. Hideaki Anno plays one of the characters.

>> No.19060358

This thread is totally indistinguishable from /tv/ garbage. I even checked my address bar just to be sure I hadn't made a mistake. Literally delete this.

>> No.19061224

As opposed to figuratively deleting it?

>> No.19061325

Happy to see this manga got so successful. Everybody looks perfect for the characters.

>> No.19061475


>> No.19061504

God this looks absolutely degenerate, like a piece of news.

>> No.19061535

i remember when /jp/ wasn't complete garbage

well okay, that's a lie, but I do remember when it was at least it's own flavor of garbage instead of a copy of other garbage boards

>> No.19061587

It's weird seeing words like "cuck" and "degenerate" thrown around here so much lately and nobody having a problem with it. the resistance lasted longer than other boards at least.

>> No.19061744

True, that's why most of general are diarrhea.

>> No.19061758

Because truth leaks out.

Cuckoldry and degeneracy are bad.

>> No.19062031

Don't forget, we are here because we are not good enough for /a/

>> No.19062127

>The idol threads, including gravure and JAV, are always full of /pol/, /r9k/, and /v/ tier posts.
what is this even supposed to mean honestly

>> No.19062178
File: 360 KB, 600x450, 40423-full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
>100+ posts

>> No.19062193

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19065224

I wonder if the loli ever thinks about how her dads have sex.

Having gay parents makes a loli think about assholes being penetrated. Lewd!

>> No.19066417

The fuck?

>> No.19066485

The japanese guy looks hot but the fat guy is ugly.

>> No.19066513

>what is this even supposed to mean honestly
"hurrdurr niggers jews spics SEA cuck BLACKED ourgirl" all the time

>> No.19066521

>shit like drag, transgenders, and overtly flamboyant celebrities.
Are you so oblivious to reality?

>> No.19066619

They are just new meme insults. Being this angry is the same as being pissed about people calling each other things like fag and nigger

>> No.19066675

So where do I get this shit?

>> No.19067385

>best jdrama of the year
but thats not Hana nochi hare

>> No.19067497

>best jdrama of the year
but that's not Video girl Ai

>> No.19067532

Dind't know that Gengoro tagame could do things without guro and rape.

>> No.19068184

Good joke

>> No.19068191


>> No.19070174
File: 18 KB, 220x267, 220px-Ishihara_Mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up Yukio, you're already dead, stay dead.

>> No.19071035


>> No.19071065


>> No.19073768

They're very appealing. There needs to be a lot of hairy, you know, men.

>> No.19074563


>> No.19074636


>> No.19075145

janny OP here, delete my thread please, its flooding with irrelevant bump and shitpost.

>> No.19076484

Cute loli and two faggots.

>> No.19076802

define forced and pushing an agenda

>> No.19076816

>while elton john plays in the background.

you have a problem with rocket man?

>> No.19080253

Are fags finally allowed to adopt girls in Japan?>>19052497

>> No.19080296

why, does it give you hope :^)

>> No.19080306

I wish I had a friend willing to pretend to be a faggot with me so we could adopt a cute loli.

>> No.19080382

He means Japan makes shows entirely about cute girls who act like total fags naturally while the west makes shows like Stephen Universe where characters sing songs every episode about how special their gay love is.

>> No.19083467

This movie is hella gay.

>> No.19083480

Wtf I miss the times when Japan was a Christian nation

>> No.19086609

>best jdrama of the year
is it actually good

>> No.19087653
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, pomf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adopt a cute loli
mindblown. what are they gonna do with the loli?

>> No.19087943
File: 183 KB, 1600x1200, 1505553489556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19087954

I remember this shit.


>> No.19087977

I know a guy who went there. It's fucking real. People actually believe this shit.

I mean, it makes just as much sense as the rest of Christianity, but how can they believe this? His younger brother "Isukiri", who never went to Japan and yet has a Japanese-sounding name that looks like an anagram of Kirisuto (Christ)? And he "casually" decided to take Jesus' place on the cross, LMAO.

>> No.19087995

Actually, how could anyone deny that you are a gay couple if you were to try this? Would they examine your asshole to see if it's intact? It's a pretty big loophole that allows single men to adopt cute Japanese lolis and do the lewd with them.

>> No.19088024


>> No.19088043

They would examine the cute loli's asshole after a few months to see if the supposed "gay couple" did something with her.

They can't invade your privacy like that, especially if you are gay (that'd be homophobic! The horror!). But the loli's body belongs to the state. Not just because she's an orphan, but also because she's a kid. They can force kids to go to school, for example. And take them away from their parents if they refuse to let them get brainwashed at school. Kids belong to the government, so examining her asshole would be no problem for a couple of men in black.

>> No.19088055

this isn't even what the show is about. only one of those characters is gay

>> No.19088069

>men in black
Japanese guys are the opposite of imposing. That's why they don't have creepy secret agencies like the CIA.

>> No.19088279

Subs when?

>> No.19088368

I'll have them done in a few hours.

>> No.19088410

Is this true? Are lolis so pathetic that the government actually has control over their assholes?

To think that I had a crush on a loli classmates back then... She seemed so perfect, but now I found out that she was actually super pathetic! Lewd! It's like she's being humiliated through time! I'm humiliating a person from the past!
