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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21348082 No.21348082 [Reply] [Original]

Newer guide:
Older guide:

Previous thread: >>21338882

>> No.21348085

first for heres ur fuckin happy motivating toho music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tc8iu0XFUQc

>> No.21348086


>> No.21348093
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>> No.21348098


>> No.21348099

Anyone know how to make Yomichan or Nazeka not shit themselves on pages with vertical text?

"Pages with vertical text" being pages using:
>writing-mode: vertical-rl;

>> No.21348104

i tried in both firefox and chrome after you mentioned performance and i couldnt see a noticeable difference on my end

>> No.21348105

I wish I could kill myself. Knowing I can't makes it being alive even more unbearable than it already it.

>> No.21348113


>> No.21348114

whoever that anon was that posted the manga panel about 手ックス、drop the manga title i gotta read that shit

>> No.21348122

haha i laughed at someone trying to write japanese. that will surely indicate that i know japanese myself won't it? xdddd

>> No.21348142

How do I install Axanaeru

>> No.21348157

what files do u have

>> No.21348165

The one I downloaded.

>> No.21348167

morph. py

>> No.21348174

ur not very good at receiving tech support
different releases are gonna have different shit

>> No.21348175

I have thisisnotdolphinpornツ.exe.

>> No.21348178

Having trouble installing Leyline. Anyone know a good iso?

>> No.21348182

>I feel confident saying that Baldr Sky has the best ratio of "good gameplay" and "good plot' I've ever seen in any game ever. Some games I ignore the bad gameplay for the plot, some games I ignore the bad plot for the gameplay. Never have I found both to be 10/10, until now.
is he right?

>> No.21348184

what's wrong with it

>> No.21348220
File: 185 KB, 381x378, 1552200285021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried restarting your monitor?

>> No.21348224

ur final challenge is to read this and axanael will be urs

>> No.21348226

I haven't been able to find an anime I really like in 3 months. I'm dying here.

>> No.21348234

stop being picky

>> No.21348237

I still watch stuff that's just meh but I miss loving a show

>> No.21348240

watch 食戟のソーマ I'm getting lonely here, going to cook myself some raw eggs and die of some shitty americajin disease if I continue down this path.

>> No.21348241

daily reminder that

1. there isn't just one way to do or teach meditation, which means any given study you read on it might be discussing the results of a technique that could be more or less effective than another one. so any attempt to lump all meditation together without being very specific about the actual technique being practiced, is a disingenuous and ignorant thing to do.

2. as of right now, ZERO studies exist on the effects of following the specific meditation manual, "The Mind Illuminated", which has been rated as pretty much the meditation guide of the century with a 4.6 on Goodreads (over 1,000 ratings) and a 4.7 on Amazon (over 300 ratings). this means there is a significant chance that the results from currently existing studies on "meditation" are nothing like what the results would look like for a long-term study specifically on people following the book The Mind Illuminated.

so shitting on meditation based on the studies that exist currently in response to being presented with a specific manual and meditation style that has trumped all other systems to date but does not yet have any scientific studies on it, is simply false equivalence and also very disingenuous.

>> No.21348245
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>> No.21348246

what the fuck is ur problem lol

>> No.21348254
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>> No.21348256


Learn hiragana
Install texthooker
Play Axanael

>> No.21348258

seen it

>> No.21348264

lol so funny and original

>> No.21348266

learned these cool words
亀頭 - glans (of penis)
膣分泌液 - vaginal secretion

>> No.21348268

didnt read this either lol

>> No.21348269
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>> No.21348273

>亀頭 - glans (of penis)
in vncore

>> No.21348281
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btw the charts finished
its now in read only mode

>> No.21348289
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>> No.21348290

>doesn't pose a question

>> No.21348294


>> No.21348305

to illustrate those points further, a review pulled from goodreads:

"Best book on meditation that I have ever read, by far. Detailed instructions and goals for each level of skill, as well as discussion of obstacles previously encountered on that stage, allowed me to get forward in my practice after I'd hit roadblocks that previous instructions hadn't adequately prepared me for. Also has extensive theoretical models, using language derived from cognitive psychology rather than anything mystic and esoteric, for understanding what is going on in the practice.
Probably one of the top five or so books that's improved my life the most so far."

pay attention to where he says
>discussion of obstacles previously encountered on that stage, allowed me to get forward in my practice after I'd hit roadblocks that previous instructions hadn't adequately prepared me for.

this kind of comment is extremely common throughout discussions of The Mind Illuminated. "i was meditating other ways and i never got past x point or x obstacle. TMI described how and i finally reached levels i never could before".

one flaw in many meditation and mindfulness systems that have had studies done on them so far, is that they tend to be relatively surface level, cookie cutter practices that the average joe or random, not-very-invested person would be willing to do, usually aiming just for calmness and stress relief, mild cognitive improvement. think duolingo for language learning.

they don't address going deeper, accessing subconscious traumas and stubborn mental patterns, moving through difficult emotions etc. how significantly you're able to transform the quality of your mental activity depends hugely on the quality and depth of instruction.

>> No.21348311


>> No.21348322

it's implied
you can just hang a かもしれない behind it
it's ok

>> No.21348334

>it's implied
or they just don't know how to use もしかして

>> No.21348348

Personally just the fact that it helps me practice Japanese has made a lot of stuff enjoyable that I would have otherwise not even considered watching.

>> No.21348360

watch high score girl

>> No.21348378

When using the innocent corpus dictionary with Yomichan, does a high number indicate it is a common word or uncommon? It doesn't seem to correlate with either.

>> No.21348397

no it's a question
the intonation goes up

>> No.21348401

You're lucky I can't stop myself from egosearching when I wake up, because I happen to be the only person on the planet who knows about this.


It's a bug.

If you put vertical-rl on the body element instead of the html element it'll be better, but the page will originate in the top left instead of the top right like it should.

>> No.21348416

so if he switches to chrome he'll be OK :)

>> No.21348453

>Just finished Baldr Sky. Wow, what a ride. Who knew that a critically acclaimed and beloved-by-all kamige would be so good? Great characters, pacing, plot, music, gameplay, etc. Definitely one of the best games of all time, no doubt about it.
>I feel confident saying that Baldr Sky has the best ratio of "good gameplay" and "good plot' I've ever seen in any game ever. Some games I ignore the bad gameplay for the plot, some games I ignore the bad plot for the gameplay. Never have I found both to be 10/10, until now.

is he right?

>> No.21348472

>the intonation goes up
You have no idea if it does or doesn't just by what's given. That's like the sentence "This is a dog" - it could be said as a question, but without a question mark we can't tell, or reasonably assume, what the writers intentions were. Either the writer did mean it as a question, and either forgot the question mark or didn't care to include it, or they don't know how to use もしかして

>> No.21348481

distilled autism

>> No.21348488

no you are wrong
you got all the information you need
this is a dog sucks because it's a correct sentence and the 1. interpretation is a simple declarative sentence
but if that didn't make sense you'd obviously assume the other version that did
which is what you should do rather than making dumb guesses and purposefully misinterpreting correct sentences to have something to complain about in your head lol

>> No.21348494

my once beautiful chart・_・

>> No.21348500


>> No.21348508

its ok i think that reaction is just overblown cuz most vns are trash and u rarely get a solid presentation

>> No.21348509


>> No.21348516

>purposefully misinterpreting correct sentences
The only way the sentence is correct is if the writer meant it as a question, which we can never really know, only they know. It's possible they meant it as a question, but it's much less certain given that they don't include a question mark. I'm questioning whether or not you're the one who wrote the sentences given how upset you're getting that someone is reasonably critiquing one little sentence.
>you got all the information you need
In your own words, "no you are wrong"

>> No.21348524

okay answer me this how do you know this is a question https://streamable.com/ypmd7

>> No.21348537

mostly the ね 今

>> No.21348541

Are you autistic?

>> No.21348542


>> No.21348552

For some reason, I can't link anki to yomichan together. Has anybody come across the same problem?

>> No.21348554

anki connect

>> No.21348590

I have to say that I quite recommend reading 「ひげを剃る。そして女子高生を拾う。」, it's pretty comfy and it has furigana for most words. I was pretty shocked when I saw that, I wasn't expecting the first LN I'd read would be so beginner friendly.

>> No.21348591


>> No.21348603

I started RTK1 yesterday, at 180 kanjis that i perfectly remember already, but im afraid that it will get harder and harder, whats a good ammount to learn per day for brainlets like me?

>> No.21348606

that's what yomichan is for my man, with the added bonus that i don't have to use yomichan and can try to read a sentence without seeing the readings first, which is impossible for me to do with furigana (can't help looking at it).

>> No.21348608

I did around 25 a day and ended up fine, be sure to listen and read aswell

>> No.21348609

I did like 20 to 25 a day for classic RTK (without knowledge of Japanese, just learning to write characters.) I wouldn't recommend you do what I did though

>> No.21348620

optimum amount is around 25 a day if you want to study like 90 minutes a day. if you are willing to study more a day then go for it

>> No.21348624

10-20. i did 25 and had good retention throughout but it was mentally draining and made me not want to do other things. and i don't think you should do all of RTK if you're just using it to improve your recognition skills. stop at like 1k.

>> No.21348626

i feel lost
i have no goals, purpose or passion in life
the only thing that enjoy is reading japanese shit and i can't spent all day doing it...
just want my life to end already

>> No.21348631

Well, im learning kanjis just for how relaxing it is to image little stories behind every kanji, i know 0 grammars or verbs, guess i will do 20-30 a day and see if i can keep it up, thanks!

>> No.21348635

That also happens to me but I bought a physical copy to force me to not procrastinate, yomichan really isn't of much use for me, I just write the kanji with the furigana or use radical search on jisho

>> No.21348636

no more than 30, but I think a good median is 20 to 25 - not to many, but not too little.

>> No.21348637

Watch 黄金の風

>> No.21348641

Yeah it's fun but if your goal is to learn japanese you're gonna regret it. At least do the 1000 most frequent lazy kanji thing if you really wanna do rtk

>> No.21348649

make a life to where you can do that for as much time in a day as you can.

>> No.21348653

same but it's time to accept the void or whatever (heh i'm so poetic)

>> No.21348663

when did this place become r/depression?
minna genki?

>> No.21348669

I suggest you to at least read sakubi or tae kim's guide to learn the basics of Japanese grammar.

>> No.21348670

depression is a social construct

>> No.21348677

these nuts are a social construct

>> No.21348679

I haven't studied Japanese for about 6 months now. Everytime I want to start I get stressed out: it's as if I'm choking!

I've studied Japanese for 2.5 years almost every day and today I found out I barely passed my JLPT N5 so I decided to pick up learning Japanese again. However when I read about others who passed their N5 after a couple of months of study it feels like I'm choking!I also have no idea what to study nextwhich causes that choking feeling to become even stronger. Has anyone ever experienced the same thing? How do I stop this feeling? I want to study Japanese so bad but I have no idea where to start anymore... Should I just quit? Thinking about quiting also gives me this choking feeling but will that make it stop by not thinking about it anymore?

>> No.21348682

depression is a defense mechanism for individuals whose statuses are threatened, who could potentially hurt themselves navigating social environments, so they shut down in an attempt to get them to fix their problem so they can be social again.

>> No.21348687

This is my I think 3rd or 4th time taking N5. In the exam 2 days ago I feel like I'm gonna fail it again and been crying since, but after recollecting myself, I think I finally understand why I'm failing.

Little background of skill level: I haven't actually studied Japanese seriously until maybe a few years ago. I memorized Hiragana and Katakana many, many years ago via sheer exposure (sister was full-weeb that time so I got so I got to watch her play Japanese video games a lot), and then around 2-3 years ago I started grinding vocab via lexikeet, I think, which helped me understand radicals and learned how to write kanji correctly

And then 0-1 years back from right now I've mostly been learning Japanese via Anki, did some translation projects for some 4komas and game content, but I never did take the effort to learn these vocabulary like putting them in an Anki deck and grinding each day. Right now I talk to some Japanese acquaintances every now and then online in a community I'm in, using mostly vocab to deliver broken-but-understandable Japanese. I even got a sponsored trip to Japan last month for my translation work.

Anyway, cutting straight to the point, it seems that grammar is my weakest point, and listening also still needs some improvement. I'm pretty sure I aced vocab minus one question (I had no idea what みがいています meant at the time... but ironically I knew what the kanji 磨く means, so I would have gotten it right if the question used kanji instead of full hiragana). Heck, my gf who passed N3 a while ago didn't know the kanji for 砂糖 but I did, lol

Constructive advice would be appreciated, thanks. I'm thinking of immediately retaking this July, and hoping that my grammar would be fixed by then.

>> No.21348688

This place has made my body react strongly against those two characters, don't even mention the full name.
I don't find that place as bad as it's said, it's just a small community that makes me stay away, just like this website's /b/ and /pol/

>> No.21348695

nice its high time to post some emo bangers


>> No.21348702

>Heck, my gf who passed N3 a while ago
there you go, talk more to your gf about japanese, see how she learned it, study with her, do stuff together
it's two birds with one stone

>> No.21348707

if my gf was n3 i wouldnt even let her sleep in the house

>> No.21348713

if i had a gf and she was learning japanese i would be slightly happier about life

>> No.21348715

If you truly want to learn Japanese, quitting is only going to make you regret not learning Japanese. If you're going to learn Japanese, you need to just accept, or somehow manage to not give a fuck, what your current level is and how long it's taken you to get there, and keep learning. The main thing you need is input, so if you don't know what to learn, just keep getting input, listening and reading, while looking up words or grammatical structures you don't understand to improve. If you haven't already I suggest skimming a decent grammar guide of the fundamental grammatical structures used in Japanese. If you want to be able to write kanji you should start doing rtk or some variant, while getting as much input in a day as you can every day. You most likely won't ever forget the time aspect of your situation, but know that the only way forward is continuing to learn in spite of it and not dwelling on it - you can't change it, you can only control what happens from now on.

>> No.21348721

till u realize that ur gf is just an adult child with emotional problems and now ur caught up in all her stupid bullshit

>> No.21348728


>> No.21348729
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>> No.21348732



>> No.21348733

if i had a gf

>> No.21348737

who would've thought there are some red-pilled 外人 on reddit

>> No.21348739

why not just have a 2d girlfriend and get all the good with none of the bad

>> No.21348743

Jared Taylor

>> No.21348750

Fuck no. The characters are all unremarkable and most of the plot relies on characters being imbeciles at every step, and each route is resolved with deus ex AI wizards coming in to save the day. The gameplay is okay, but the pacing of how things are unlocked is fucked up, it's far too easy on even the hardest difficulty, and exists in a completely different dimension from the writing.

>> No.21348753

is the other guy right then? are these VN/eroge translator/enthusiast dudes just used to bad writing in VNs?

>> No.21348754


>> No.21348755

He was probably pretty good back in the day, but his Japanese now, for someone who grew up there, is not impressive. Understandably so though

>> No.21348757


>> No.21348759

Probably. I think Baldr Sky has the reputation that it does because Baldr Force was regarded as a classic and was very popular, and the final route goes full 中二病, which Jap VN fags and weeaboos eat up.

>> No.21348764

Thoughts on "Japanese The Manga Way"?

>> No.21348767

why is every1 so anal about every1s japanese ability lol

>> No.21348770

to intellectually flex on one another because we're still primates who are competing for mates.

>> No.21348775

how long did it take you to get to n5?

>> No.21348778

a month

>> No.21348781

a week

>> No.21348782

it's been about 8 months and i haven't hit it yet.

>> No.21348783

but i can't hug her :(

>> No.21348784

40 years.

>> No.21348785

The real question is "Why are people in general so concerned about their skill level and others in any given field that they care about?" Answer this question and your question is necessarily answered as well.

>> No.21348787

Instructions became exotic I now know chinese.
Anybody w I n n I e t h e p o o h here?

>> No.21348788

i just mean like can u show me this same level of anal wrt other languages ?

>> No.21348793

Other languages are easy or some shit no-one cares about.

>> No.21348794

do ppl do it about chinese or korean ?

>> No.21348795
File: 510 KB, 698x768, european languages are ez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no because japanese is a hardcore language for intellectual signalling that people actually give a fuck about

>> No.21348796

Why are people so concerned about the JLPT? 1. The JLPT isn't a good measurement of fluency, and 2. If you are (genuinely) fluent you should necessarily be able to pass the n1, but the other way around isn't the same story.

>> No.21348797

No-one cares about those gook languages.

>> No.21348801

no one or just not the megaweeb autists lol

>> No.21348806

I haven't seen any, and for English natives you probably won't find one, but for other natives with (some) other langauges I'm sure you could find similar people.

>> No.21348837


>> No.21348842

アクセント = ゴミ

>> No.21348844

matt is way better

>> No.21348851

He sounds like マット様 in that April Fools video, but his grammar is more basic.

>> No.21348852


I'M TRYING TO FOLLOW THIS SHITTY FUCKING GUIDE BUT ITH WILL NOT WORK.. I tried the Win 10 fix, everything. The updater won't work, and I can't hook to my VN. I'm about to throw my fucking laptop WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO??!

>> No.21348857
File: 289 KB, 640x497, 7616f5f9a2a30fd1cc75d97f9ebe50d61530561905_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally starting to understand the subtle nuances of the 桜 blossoms.

>> No.21348860



>> No.21348862

download and run textractor. click on "launch game" and navigate to the executable of the VN you wanna play. if it asks "emulate locale?" click yes.

that's all you have to do. unless textractor's locale emulation is tied to locale emulator, but then all you have to do is install locale emulator.

>> No.21348863

an auspicious occasion!

>> No.21348864

dont reply to copy and pasted reddit posts please

>> No.21348866

It will just make you worse, the git gud is in the struggle. Why would you need to memorize words when you can hit a hotkey.

>> No.21348868

The thing that always gets me is that there is no possible excuse for Reminiscence. It's 10-15% of the script that is recapping the worst fucking parts of the first four routes. It's generic high school harem bullshit shoved into the middle of a cyberpunk conspiracy. Imagine if you got halfway through Altered Fable, and then it forced you to replay an entire random route of Extra from start to finish. It drags everything to a complete stop, and despite being longer than most of the actual present day routes, the only new thing it reveals contradicts something else that it already set as established. There is no fucking excuse.

>> No.21348874

Mina genki?

>> No.21348877

No. I'm pretty pissed off.

>> No.21348881

high, genkey des

>> No.21348886

pretty good alternative to Tae Kim. There's a deck for it out there, too.
try ITHVNR and Textractor

>> No.21348888


>> No.21348894

Does anyone know about your studying of the nihongoes? What do they think?

>> No.21348899

i'm on test period so i'm pretty down

>> No.21348901


>> No.21348906

You using anki 1? Upgrade. Sounds stupid but I didn't realize that was my solution. Forgot to switch.
Card's names might not match the coding too. Either way, gtg, hopefully one of them helps. If not, sorry.

>> No.21348962

I've been shitposting here for 5 years but not n5 yet

>> No.21348966


>> No.21348968


>> No.21348978


>> No.21348982


>> No.21348983


>> No.21348984


>> No.21348996



>> No.21349000


>> No.21349001

Mom walked in on me studying japanese once

>> No.21349012

i'm not done with the game yet, only about halfway through, but i'd definitely say that both the plot and gameplay are good. great? fantastic? remains to be seen, storywise. the gameplay is definitely the best i've seen in a VN, though.

>> No.21349013

What'd she say?

>> No.21349028

for some reason i've always found it extremely funny that there's randomly just a pic of nasu instead of a game in the 普通 column. why did you make that design choice jamal, i'm really seriously genuinely interested

>> No.21349041
File: 35 KB, 255x351, wha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hell is this

>> No.21349052

well most vns dont have gameplay

like i said i think the overall direction of the game is just a step above the average crap

its right up there with the big nitro+ shits etc

>> No.21349055

Guess by context.

>> No.21349060
File: 62 KB, 720x285, 2342352525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21349065

Go away, faggot.

>> No.21349068

yeah it's just that i personally think the gameplay of baldr is so good that it almost stands on its own, if only the weapons leveled a little faster it'd be truly great.
and yeah i agree w/ you the direction is good, which REALLY helps not only with the overall pacing but also in distinguishing itself from muv luv which it'd probably draw more comparisons to if it weren't the way it is

the school life stuff is just as important as the cyberpunk present day stuff, if you don't personally like that aspect of the game that's fine but IMO it was pretty necessary to put all that shit perfectly in order for the player to a. catch back up on all the foreshadowing and sneaky writing stuff they had during those segments as well as b. help give the finale the impact that it has

>> No.21349070


>> No.21349077


>> No.21349080

everytime i read your shit ass gayjin japanese i regret it

>> No.21349086

thank you

>> No.21349088

amazing thread tip if u wanna avoid permanently crippling ur nihongo learning just add all kanas to ur filter


>> No.21349096

あの人は… カッコイイ人だ!!

>> No.21349108

amazing tip to increase the quality of the thread. just add all english to your filter

>> No.21349112


>> No.21349117


>> No.21349126


>> No.21349128


>> No.21349132

can someone explain who jamal is? I'm kind of curious

>> No.21349138

motivational post of the day: Japanese people start learning English in elementary school, and most of them can't string together a completely coherent sentence in English by the time their 20 if their life depended on it! So even if you're fairly early in your Japanese studies, you're probably on near or par with what the average Japanese person can do in English. Keep pushing and you'll be able to flex on those japs in no time!

>> No.21349141



>> No.21349143


>> No.21349146
File: 1.68 MB, 500x364, 1556862677185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21349150

also remember literally only one tiny island even uses the language you've dedicated your life to

>> No.21349151

>new as fuck
hi new friendo

>> No.21349158

it's okay they have cute girls

>> No.21349161

to add to this: one tiny island full of a bunch of slope heads who all HATe u

>> No.21349166

it's okay most of us aren't interested in talking to them anyways, only consuming their media

>> No.21349171
File: 603 KB, 1700x2480, ゆるゆり_4_013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is your brain on grammar study

>> No.21349175

as it turns out ur wrong as hell


all japanese kids can actually talk like this but they dont cuz hiding ur powerlevel is more ftw

this is why engrish still exists in places where it makes u scratch ur head like how did they not have someone who knows english look at this this seems illogical and impossible

>> No.21349192
File: 38 KB, 419x610, 1556134469942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tiny island

>> No.21349193

walking through tokyo as a gaijin and speaking japanese is like walking through a forest and speaking the language of the birds

>> No.21349194

do u even know nihongo?

>> No.21349199

>the school life stuff is just as important as the cyberpunk present day stuff

Fuck no.



>> No.21349201

wow even the best of the best make mistakes like this and have an accent (which might be eternally fucked considering how much she reads vs how much she seems to work on speaking). that aside, no, most of them actually suck

>> No.21349217
File: 1 KB, 245x23, anki_2019-05-14_21-35-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many morphs you guys know? You fluent yet? I feel like I'm halfway to where I want to be

>> No.21349229

We should give up japanese and consider Russia, India, or maybe China because they're bigger countries guys

>> No.21349237


>> No.21349242

itsu demo ii yo

>> No.21349243

morphs ? is that another buzzword for trannies ? i dont knowany trannies besides the meditation one lol.

>> No.21349253

there's a meditation tranny? link

>> No.21349257


>> No.21349261

they post in these threads just look for any long wall of shit abt meditation and thats them lol

>> No.21349264

i miss nuke...

>> No.21349270

He's in a better place.

>> No.21349284
File: 630 KB, 2179x2855, 10-reasons-meditation-is-so-beneficial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21349317

this is the meditation thread?

>> No.21349336

away message: currently meditating namaste lol

>> No.21349347

No, this is actually the Daily Meta-Japanese Thread.
It's more or less about as strongly related to the Japanese language as metaphysics is to physics, or masturbation is to the act of sex.

>> No.21349363

to you nigs ever meditate? shits tight ngl

>> No.21349379

thanks matt ill be sure to go buy a copy of themindilluminatedtm now

>> No.21349390

Buy a copy of some Buddhist sutras in Japanese instead.

>> No.21349395
File: 134 KB, 1200x900, DkhAteiXcAAkRm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he bought a copy of that meditardation book

>> No.21349397

This never gets old

>> No.21349404

smart purchase, he's probably going to be one of the few that make it

>> No.21349409

>brain science
Calling neurology or cognitive science "brain science" sounds like what I'd expect some uneducated dumbfuck say.

>> No.21349418

isnt make it subjective?

>> No.21349422


>> No.21349482

? all the japanese posts are pointless and gay.

>> No.21349504
File: 1.47 MB, 1460x1068, rip carbin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then look how he ended up

>> No.21349538

>He used every trick in the book to achieve his aims.

I don't understand this. doesn't 選ばなかった mean didn't choose in the past? so isn't it more like

>He didn't choose anything to achieve his aim, right?

>> No.21349553
File: 246 KB, 480x360, 1358992900084.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motivated me anon

>> No.21349560

手段を選ばない is a set phrase
i guess you interpret it as he didnt settle for just one method

>> No.21349575

Come the fuck on, man. Two seconds on Google will show you thousands of results about how that's wrong.

>> No.21349576

wow japanese is retarded, thanks. Rather than choosing a method, he chose a goal. So the method doesn't matter, only attaining the goal.

>> No.21349580 [DELETED] 

not you though you're a little faggot boi

>> No.21349587

dont sub(you)

>> No.21349599
File: 78 KB, 611x537, 2342355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we live in a 社会

>> No.21349612

Don't post here again

>> No.21349630

>(For those seeking fluency or above) Begin a meditation practice (ongoing)

>> No.21349677

Is the name Asa a female or male name in Japanese?

>> No.21349687


>> No.21349696

btw jisho has a names search just type the name and #names after

>> No.21349704

That's kind of like me. I lived in japan when I was a kid then when I got to america I had a bunch of japanese friends. I dated two japanese girls. I love the japanese people. I always knew a bunch of basic words but never too much further than that. Then it hit me one day, why the fuck not? So I did a bunch of japanese books, watched japanese tv all day, programs, and japanese classes in college, rosetta, all the apps you can think of.
I kind of always considered kanji impossible. I figured I'd never be able to read japanese. I'd seen a youtube video where a guy had been living in japan for 15 years and he said he was still terrible at japanese and that the language was impossible. So I gave up for 5 years. Then last year I stumbled upon ajatt. The testimony of so many people there and the motivation of khatz really reinspired me. I realized I was never really giving it my all. Maybe like my 10%. So I went super hard into it. 9 months later I finally know the joyo kanji, I can read about 7k words, I can hear abuot 4k words, and speak a few thousand at a whim now. I think I might actually make it. I'm starting to play VN's and use monolingual dictionary more and more. To think I wasted years doing it half assed.

If you want it and you know you do, then don't waste time. You still have to be patient though.

>> No.21349707


i’m not a transsexual, and you know nothing about me other than i know about and practice meditation and i study japanese. and because you’re biased against the word “meditation” despite knowing nothing about the actual process whatsoever, you call me a transsexual to distract from the points i bring up about it.

it’s really immature and kind of disturbing if you’re an adult who behaves like that. if you don’t want to hear about meditation then either 1. block me or 2. just ignore and do something else with your time.

>> No.21349710

how bad would it be to have that name and be male if i visited Japan

>> No.21349713

man this wacko really can't help but spread his cult here

>> No.21349721

very bad ud be teased and laughed at right to your face

>> No.21349728

lol really thats kinda funny, maybe i should visit Japan

>> No.21349735

you made me to remember Asa-senpai :c

>> No.21349744
File: 310 KB, 700x699, alex_grey_adi_da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not attaining the infinite wisdom of the cosmos by connecting to it for a few minutes every day in simple mind exercises

>> No.21349747

holy fuck it really is a girls name in Japan, i wonder what they would actually think

>> No.21349782
File: 162 KB, 391x402, 1553949188563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are there any nip names that end with "san"?
>isn't it weird addressing them with "-san"?
>ex (not nip ik) "Busan-san"

>> No.21349785

got any tips for a beginner wanting to get into meditation?

>> No.21349790

then yo uget a cool nickname like ぶさんーざん or ぶーさん

>> No.21349794

btw those are - not the lengthening things i hate using an ime

>> No.21349805

or busaiko

>> No.21349857

how long have u been "meditating" and how much of this can u "understand"

>> No.21349863

Newbie here. What's the difference between the horizontal line to indicate a long vowel sound and the small "tsu" to indicate a long vowel sound?

>> No.21349868


>> No.21349874

vowels and consonants

>> No.21349883

Ah, I am dumb. Thank you.

>> No.21349898

っ can become a vowel when singing that might be what gave you that idea

>> No.21349906

The "small tsu" doesn't indicate a long vowel, quite the opposite actually.

>> No.21349945
File: 1.06 MB, 250x190, 09547447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear me out.
A phone lock screen that makes you do anki to unlock.

>> No.21349959
File: 39 KB, 367x458, 1530385779008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set phone to never automatically lock the screen
>never manually lock the screen

>> No.21349960

what if u just do ur fuckin 10 minutes

>> No.21349968

give me a couple hours, working on it.

>> No.21349974

I mean, I feel like I won't be saying anything that you don't already know, but you should consult an actual grammar guide and listen to a bunch more of material. I think I took too much time with them, but I used Genki 1 & 2 when I was first learning Japanese (before I knew anything about input, Stephen Krashen, AJATT, and other stuff regarding language learning). There's still grammar that I have to look up because I haven't encountered it, but for the most part I haven't really had much problems with grammar after going through those books. If you want to pass the n5 just going over Genki 1 should be good enough I would think, though I've never taken it myself so take my comment with a grain of salt. I can only recommend them from experience, but alternatively people say Tae Kim is pretty good so you could check out his grammar guide too. There are also websites that specifically showcase grammar that's apparently on the n5 exam, so maybe just look into that instead. Either way, take enough time to try to understand how the grammar works in the examples given, but the best thing is to just consume content that uses them, which considering that n5 has the most basic grammar which you can find in content for kids all the way to academic papers, you're bound to find multiple examples of those grammar points being used in any given native show you watch or text you read.

Regarding listening, find content interests you and listen to it - and watch it if it has a visual component. I think visual materials are probably the best as they're (generally) the most engaging for people. When consuming visual materials, like anime for example, do NOT use subtitles. Long story short, if you want to improve your listening, LISTEN, don't read. I don't know what your listening skills are at right now, so you may be at the point where you don't understand much of what's being said in any given material, but, sadly, that's the way it is. The (seemingly-but-not-really) paradox is that the only thing to help you is to listen more. I personally recommend looking up certain words here and there that you can make out but don't know the meaning of when listening/watching material, but some people recommend looking up entire lines when you don't understand a line. I'm not completely convinced on that being the best way to go about it, but people say it works for them, so maybe test out each method and see what works best for you. Or just go with what sounds the best and don't look back. And when I say listen to a bunch of materials, I mean a BUNCH. I think the bare minimum you should be striving for every day is at least two hours of listening, but even then, if possible, I would say bump up the minimum to three hours. This isn't a completely valid rule, but, generally speaking, the more listening input you have the better your listening comprehension will be. 頑張れ

>> No.21349983

>Buy a copy of some Buddhist sutras in Japanese instead.
even better, get this book. it takes buddhist sutras and interprets them into modern japanese, making them immediately applicable to modern human problems.


>> No.21350015

>Reported: 11 months ago
Guess I shouldn't get my hopes up about them fixing this any time soon then. Fug.

Suppose I'll have to stick to reading LNs with horizontal text for now. Out of curiosity, have you tried Nazeka with vertical text in Chromium/Chrome? Does that have the same problem too?

>If you put vertical-rl on the body element instead of the html element it'll be better, but the page will originate in the top left instead of the top right like it should.
I already tried that after reading >>21346303 in the last thread but it makes virtually no difference on my end. Guess that what I get for not upgrading my PC at all in the last 7 or 8 years.

>> No.21350024

>got any tips for a beginner wanting to get into meditation?

first, accept the fact that as a result of you being a human on this planet interacting with other (sometimes not so friendly) humans, and being exposed to the countless messages and images perpetuated by society, your subconscious mind has absorbed a tonnnn of shit, most of it useless, distracting or damaging. and that stuff will be drudged up into your conscious mind during meditation so that you can work with it and eventually clear a lot of it away. as much as you can, do not judge what you encounter. do not blame yourself if certain thoughts arise that disturb you. it’s all a part of the process. self-compassion, seeing your own humanity, will also be vital.

also, in the beginning your mind will wander a lot. it’s completely normal. when the subconscious stuff starts arising it will shoot up like a fountain. as you practice attention via the instructions in TMI (or whatever system you use, but imo TMI is really the best), the mind wandering will significantly increase until it eventually disappears entirely and mental/emotional clarity is your default.

and lastly, watch this. https://youtu.be/Mzlk1iq_LRs

>> No.21350030

I did try opening the LN I'd switched to vertical text in Chromium but it seems like Yomichan doesn't work on local files for some reason because even after I tried switching the text back to horizontal the popup just wouldn't appear.

I tried going to other websites to make sure there was no problem with Yomichan itself, and indeed it worked just fine on those.

>> No.21350040

you know what has a built in yomichan like feature and supports vertical text perfectly??


>> No.21350045

Good stuff. Gonna check out the vid right now, thanks.

>> No.21350071

essgeddit fellas and ladies https://youtu.be/2gJfmmMnO1k

>> No.21350085
File: 50 KB, 356x339, 1530312895131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"big update"? guess i'll watch it...

>> No.21350115

>click link in description
>locked behind paywall

>> No.21350116

>hey guys fat neckbeard here

>> No.21350130

someone be a boss and upload it

>> No.21350131

If i get 5 replies ill give the link for the beta testing add on

>> No.21350137

How long until M*tt becomes an ace in js and completely dumps Yoga, keeping all that MIA お金 to himself?

>> No.21350138
File: 524 KB, 1276x700, for you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21350143

Ok, but how the fuck does that help me read lolidom h-manga?

>> No.21350145

Actually im not gonna wait cuz thats boring
https://www.mediafire com/file/y4k9bi5l89az11k/MIAJapaneseSupport.rar/file

>> No.21350148

with better concentration, you'll be able to learn nipponese faster, therefore your path to reading lolidom h-manga will shorten. you're welcome

>> No.21350152

Just do do this you dingdong.
I know what you're initial impression is from the URL but, it's not a bad site. :^)

>> No.21350160

hai domo, matt here. delete this

>> No.21350161

lol imagine being yoga and letting yourself be cucked out of thousands upon thousands of dollars because up until this point you were making addons so that m*tt could collect 20x the amount you were

>> No.21350163

what the fuck

>> No.21350171

Hey Yoga.

>> No.21350173
File: 153 KB, 716x371, 1536276621808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, he paywalled it?

>> No.21350179

Oh, so that's why he lets Yoga LARP as "co-founder" of his method. I was wondering about that.

>> No.21350183

What the fuck is this?

>> No.21350186


>> No.21350196


>> No.21350198

Is there a term for Japanese words like 我々 or 人々 that use the same or repeated sounds?

>> No.21350213

>mfw the reading of 々

wow the japs... they sure are clever

>> No.21350217

yeah, they're called 単語

>> No.21350220



>> No.21350226




>> No.21350236


>> No.21350237

Oh shit, they ripped all the audio from the NHK Accent dictionary.

Worth grabbing for this alone.

>> No.21350271

nazeka only works on firefox so

>> No.21350276

There's an experimental Chrome version, but you have to build it yourself.

>> No.21350280

this addon is useless because if you’re pausing to hover over a word or spend more than 5 seconds on a card you're already wasting too much time in anki
i don’t need yomichan for anki cards i’m not reading inside anki i want to read actual content

>> No.21350285

haha, get fucked, I patroned, theyre actually doing shit at least

>> No.21350293

useless to you, sure, but to people who care to learn pitch accent it's very useful

>> No.21350306

it's always seemed to me that Matt was the mastermind behind the whole MIA thing, but Yoga befriended him and slowly but surely would mention in the podcast how they are cooperating and would force this narrative of it being their mutual work to the point that Matt gave in and now he's talking how they really came up with it together
it really sounds like he's saying some speech that Yoga prepared for him for PR reasons lol

>> No.21350311

Has anyone managed to unarchive this shit yet? I'm at 30% and the ETA keeps getting bigger instead of smaller. It's now telling me I've still got another 45 minutes to go.

Also, I can't believe people are still using fucking WinRAR in 2019.

>> No.21350328

why is the /int/ djt so much better than this shithole?

>> No.21350331
File: 2.13 MB, 852x480, 1538268432659.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DJT proving again they're too low IQ to learn Japanese
>MIA Chads get the manko while virDJTs fap to their loli foxes like the cucks the are

>> No.21350343

you can hear the pitch accent in the audio, this is pointless

>> No.21350345

Whoever packaged this as a .rar archive when .rar has even worse compression than .zip which comes free as part of Windows is the low IQ one.

>> No.21350346

jps djt is layered in multiple layers of irony in addition to all the learning tips. it's more difficulty to understand so I guess I can understand you choosing the easier platform.

>> No.21350352

7zip ftw. It saves like 30% of the total space my backlog of hundred games take last time I checked.

>> No.21350355
File: 123 KB, 1572x404, Screenshot 2019-05-15 at 08.38.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically think this is the hardest thing about the Japanese language.
Harder than any kanjis or grammar.
It's impossible to remember these stupid onomatopoeias and they make no sense at all.

>> No.21350371

Beginner here. I was reading a manga and the term どつき合う祭 showed up when the character was explaining what was a festival about.
What does どつき mean? I feel like it's delinquent slang, but I still can't tell what it means.

>> No.21350378

even people with a good amount of listening input but no active time studying pitch accent or practicing discerning it in speech have trouble understanding the pitch accent in a word or sentence, so just imagine how a beginner would do doing the same thing. again, maybe to you it's useless, but that it wouldn't benefit many is demonstrably wrong - let your ego go.

>> No.21350434

no it doesn’t help beginners to tell them they need another thing on their cards to remember and oh btw that thing happens to be behind my paywall
it makes their reps longer and harder to try and remember 3 things at once. although if they’re repping sentence cards their reps are probably already taking forever

>> No.21350439

People are allowed to make money you communist pig

>> No.21350445

They're going to release it for free.

>> No.21350457

So you enjoy not getting any reward when you contribute to something or do you just not contribute? The hate against those two is so misplaced, even for djt, we gotta admit when they do something good. Although I'll be waiting for the free refined version.

>> No.21350465

Pretty sure he didn't want to suddenly change course for his viewers too fast, Matt and yoga are irl friends I don't think he'd lie that they worked together, nice anime subplot though

>> No.21350469

refugees who can’t afford matt’s discord have flooded in to post here instead i guess

>> No.21350485

>i don’t need yomichan for anki cards i’m not reading inside anki i want to read actual content
I think this would actually be really useful... if it wasn't a pitch accent look-up but rather a J-E word look-up. It would be immensely helpful for someone wanting to switch to having J-J definitions on their cards but whose vocabulary is just not at the level where they can really pull it off yet.

As it is though, I agree that it's kind of pointless. Rather than having to drag your mouse across the text, it would be better to just utilize the feature they show where you can change the color of words to reflect their pitch accent patterns, then you don't have to keep switching back and forth between your keyboard and mouse and can just see the pitch accents at a glance.

That said though, it seems to me that having pitch accent info displayed for anything more than a single word in isolation is a bad idea. As I understand it, the pitch accent of a word can change depending on where it is in a sentence, so a lot of the time this add-on is probably going to be telling you the wrong pitch accent for the word you're looking at in the context that you're looking at it in.

>> No.21350489

>Time elapsed: 1hr 30mins
>ETA: 46 mins

>> No.21350496

They'd better considering they're using NHK's audio without permission :^)

The fact that they've paywalled the beta version is really fucking stupid. One of these days, Matt is going to get himself into trouble doing this, and I guess Yoga will be going down with him now that they've merged their Patreons.

>> No.21350497

>no it doesn’t help beginners to tell them they need another thing on their cards to remember
you do realize you can make cards just for pitch accent, right? There's not necessarily anything extra being added. Even then, if it's someone's goal to get pitch accent practice, using that add-on allows them a way to get that practice, so it does help them. Just keep digging that hole anon.

>> No.21350504

Yeah, I can honestly see that.
He talks about piracy and shows it off all of the time with tutorials.

>> No.21350510
File: 76 KB, 626x470, matt about nuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what pisses me off about those dumb YouTubers, they talk about "gentlemen's agreements" (cuck agreements) and try to virtue signal by not sharing some content yet on the other hand they don't have any restrains from sharing other content illegally either by linking to it or incorporating it into their content without permission

>> No.21350522

>you have to hover every rep to see where the drop is
no even for that it’s still shit

>> No.21350532
File: 437 KB, 518x291, Screenshot_2019-05-15 Mass Immersion Approach is creating a comprehensive path to fluency Patreon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21350543

>foreigner unironically calling themselves and others "外人"
is there anything more cringe?

>> No.21350544
File: 76 KB, 584x490, Screenshot_2019-05-15 Mass Immersion Approach is creating a comprehensive path to fluency Patreon(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ready /DJT/?

>> No.21350559

bruh switch those around, yoga is a fat neckbeard virgin compared to chad matt, learning a new language would be a lot more content

>> No.21350578 [DELETED] 

nice gyno

>> No.21350585

I don't think I want to see what happens in this 24/7 livestream ... like, what do these guys do once you leave them alone?

>> No.21350593

kek this fuckin picture

>> No.21350601

has anyone ever counted the number of unknown words on each page of a book or manga they were reading. just to get an idea of where they’re at?

>> No.21350605

that's stupid, just highlight them and you'll have more viceral representation of what you don't know

>> No.21350610

yeah highlighting first, counting after.

>> No.21350611

still laughing at how this guy thinks no one can notice anything wrong with his accent until after he tells them hes non-native

isnt yoga married? why doesnt matt just move out of his parents house instead

>> No.21350615

it seems to me like the person who has more to lose had to move out

>> No.21350616

at least 5 or 6 per page

I've read about 5 real novels and a few light novels so far

>> No.21350619

imagine having to tell your wife youre moving to portland so you can make youtube videos with your eceleb boyfriend lmao

>> No.21350621

According to yahoo japan, a light novel has around 100-150k characters. If I read that much of a webnovel, does that kinda count if I read one novel out of a series?

>> No.21350640




>> No.21350651

based anon

>> No.21350658

i find it hilarious that yoga has 0% sex appeal

>> No.21350661

fuck you made me click on this now he has like one female view
also you're right he looks like shit

>> No.21350667

wanna be my gf?

>> No.21350670

The first thing that comes to mind when i see どつき is 突く with a ど in front of it. 突く is a can be used to mean punch (殴る).

The ど in どつき has no real meaning to me but just makes the word sound more rough and impolite.

For example; アホ could be translated to dumbass then どアホ could mean something like dumb fuck.

どつき合う, since it has 合う, would just mean to punch each other or in other words, fight or brawl.

This word is fairly normal for people in 関西 and will probably see it in standup or other 関西 shows but to anyone else its just slang they heard on tv.

>> No.21350673

tits or gtfo

>> No.21350706

listening to this while reading moe manga feels so contradictory and yet cool

>> No.21350717

>24/7 matt
jesus christ please no

>> No.21350733

the ultimate way of making his followers stop learning japanese completely

>> No.21350740

this would be some creepy ass shit

>> No.21350743

How do I explore the nuances of 敬語?

>> No.21350753


>> No.21350756

hey, think positive. It's better than matt watching any of us for 24/7

>> No.21350771


>> No.21350784

you know what they should call that 24/7 stream?
itsu demo ii yo

>> No.21350801

>They will start learning a new language from scratch, and spend 3 months using MIA full-time
If they use MIA for 3 months they'll still be on meditation and bilingual sentence cards mined from grammar guides when they reach the time-limit.

>> No.21350804

holy fucking shit lmao it's time someone takes matt down forever now this is getting out of hand

>> No.21350807
File: 156 KB, 698x768, 1550137584357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Patreon will vote on which language they learn.
What's the betting that they'll restrict the options exclusively to Category I languages from pic related?

>> No.21350813

Thet should try Arabic.

>> No.21350816


>> No.21350818



>> No.21350825


>> No.21350833

"This left Yoga with a strong desire to once again become bilingual, and led him to begin learning Japanese in 2009. His experience learning English had taught him that immersion was the key to language acquisition [ ... ] Yoga began intensive Japanese study. By the time he moved to Japan two years later, he was fluent in the language. And after an additional year of intensive study in the country, he was comfortably in the top 1% of foreign Japanese speakers."


>> No.21350841

I can't fathom how he actually expects anyone to believe this.

>> No.21350844

They will either do something with a lot of similarities to Japanese or a lot of similarities to English. They won't make anything like Arabic an option because they know they will be nowhere with it after 3 months.

>> No.21350861

Hey /djt/ what is your favourite japanese podcast? I already went through all of hiikibiiki

>> No.21350862
File: 95 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190515-122713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many words is 6000 anyway?
It feels a lot less than it should be especially since words like 自然 are listed twice (as nature and naturally) and I think that's completely pointless

>> No.21350867

How do RTK friends read 尿瓶?

>> No.21350870
File: 99 KB, 320x202, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he just didn't immerse this week guys come on

>> No.21350871

urine flower pot

>> No.21350873

>flower pot
There's no flower in 瓶

>> No.21350874

natives are good 24/7 under any conditions tho :/

>> No.21350875
File: 389 KB, 1708x946, Screenshot 2019-05-15 at 12.34.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it beneficial to do pic related from the start or very early on?
Should I switch to a Japanese-Japanese dictionary even though I'm only 3 months in?

>> No.21350877

Piss jug

>> No.21350881

i didnt make the keyword i just use it dude

>> No.21350882

Also, general thoughts on this video?

>> No.21350884

6000 is just to get you started. Later you sentence mine to reach about 25k at least. If you do core decks, be ware that most of what you find is very poorly formatted, which impedes learning. Sentence in kanji should be on the front, everything else on the back. And the task is to read and understand the whole sentence.

>> No.21350886

I doubt this image is correct

>> No.21350887

what do you mean

>> No.21350890

try it and see how it goes

>> No.21350892

>Later you sentence mine to reach about 25k at least
are you fluent

>> No.21350901

Name a more epic 二人

>> No.21350908

what's a good online J-J dictionary?

>> No.21350919

By most people's definitions yes. By my own not yet. I am still working on mining my 25k sentences.

>> No.21350923

No. Either you won't understand the J-J definitions at all, or to understand a definition of 1 word in the J-J dictionary you'll have to look up 5 new words from that word's definition just to make sense of it.

You're also going to make it harder for yourself to understand things when reading because the J-J definition will knock the sentence from which you're looking up the word out of your short-term memory.

>> No.21350930

it was made by a japanese person

>> No.21350936


>> No.21350947
File: 148 KB, 400x408, Capture12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with the dots? I see them in dialogues sometimes

>> No.21350952

What's best?
Reading the manga I want to read beforehand in English so I get better context for when I read it in Japanese,
Reading the manga I want to read after I read it in English, to see if I got the general meaning of the story right,
doing both
or doing none of those?

>> No.21350969

>Reading the manga I want to read beforehand in English
>Reading the manga I want to read after I read it in English
you just rephrased it
but read in japanese, then read in english if you'd like

>> No.21350974

if you're a beginner, reading in english then in japanese is very helpful because it makes the japanese more comprehensible

>> No.21350996 [DELETED] 

This may not be the right place to ask, but if I order a book from amazon.co.jp used and it says "ships from Japan", that means that it ships to my location, right?

>> No.21351113 [DELETED] 
File: 405 KB, 865x524, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read in Japanese only, only check out the translation if you really are stuck in a sentence.
Beware that most scanlations are full of made up translations, so find official releases which are generally more trustworthy.

>> No.21351142

i didnt evne notice this post

well it saves space and nasu is a pretty regular boy

just a regular guy that nasu

>> No.21351150

yah and u gotta pay out the asshole for ems (eat my shit) shipping or w/e lol

>> No.21351165

its the internet dude just lie lie lie

discard ur own honor and integrity and misguide tons of zoomers and waste their time just so u can make less than a minimum wage job lol

seems like a good deal to me

>> No.21351174 [DELETED] 

unethical. reported to the mods

>> No.21351176

How can someone brag so much and be unable to read 広義?

>> No.21351177

>doing none of those

>> No.21351183


>> No.21351185

Which mods?

>> No.21351187

haha was just an honest mistake dude


>> No.21351192

>アホ could be translated to dumbass
sounds like asshole to me

>> No.21351201

well yea i think the point is to prove that what takes people years to accomplish anything in a category 1, they could accomplish in 3 months using MIA.

>> No.21351206

i am aho

>> No.21351209

OK vlad

>> No.21351212 [DELETED] 


>> No.21351217

4chan mods

>> No.21351222

yo mama aho

>> No.21351225

why make it harder on yourself than it already is

>> No.21351227
File: 178 KB, 599x965, crippled language.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the acting was so bad in GTO that i'm now trying Kekkon Dekinai Otoko which has been like a 5% improvement. the problem is that I FUCKING HATE LISTENING. i hate that i could recognize a lot of these words in text but can't fucking hear or process them in spoken sentences. by far the WORST aspect of learning japanese.

>> No.21351228

How new are you?

If anything is unethical, it's Matt and Yoga paywalling copyrighted material (the NHK Accent Dictionary audio) and seeking to profit from it. If you're such a moralfag, how about you go report their YouTube channels and Patreons for distributing copyrighted materials without permission?

>> No.21351232

>by far the WORST aspect of learning japanese
only because you haven't practiced it enough

>> No.21351237

unironically gonna go do this lol

>> No.21351240

probably. i'm gonna really enjoy watching anime when i'm able to understand even like 50% of what's said even though it'll just be the most frequent words without comprehending the meat of the sentence. until then, agony.

>> No.21351241

That will mislead anyone who wants to apply it to Japanese though (99% of people given the general focus of Matt's channel). They will get unrealistic expectations of what they can achieve in Japanese following MIA and then get really disappointed when those expectations aren't met.

In 3 months of doing MIA for Japanese, a prospective learner won't have even started consuming comprehensible input yet. All they will have done is meditation (lol), incomprehensible input in the form of audio immersion that they don't and can't understand, learned to recognize 1k kanji out of context, and reviewed some sentence cards taken from a beginner resource (either Tae Kim or the JLPT Tango books).

>> No.21351246

>how about you go report their YouTube channels and Patreons for distributing copyrighted materials without permission?
there is a gray area to what is ethical to distribute and what is not based on several factors. a hugely important factor here is that matt and yoga are just two dudes trying to make it in this world as opposed to large businesses. the latter can take a hit but matt and yoga can't.

secondly, those hypothetical businesses aren't actually missing out on anything. matt and yoga are distributing materials to people who otherwise would never use them.

so yea, enjoy getting reprimanded by a mod or at least a janitor like jamal.

>> No.21351250

matt and yoga have been pretty straightforward about it taking years to achieve fluency in japanese and i'm sure they would reiterate as much if they used MIA to learn a category 1 language. beyond that point you'd have to blame the stupidity of their audience if they interpret it as "i can get good at japanese in 3 months".

>> No.21351262

>these mental gymnastics
You are acting like they're giving this stuff away for free. They aren't. They are literally selling someone else's work without permission and profiting from it. There's absolutely nothing grey about this.

>so yea, enjoy getting reprimanded by a mod or at least a janitor like jamal.
You can't be serious. Just go back to your Discord containment channel before you embarrass yourself anymore, dumb cultist.
I'm not even >>21350145 by the way.

>> No.21351276

>There's absolutely nothing grey about this.
there is for reasons i just gave.
>dumb cultist.
baseless accusation because you can't meaningfully dispute what i said. sad.

>> No.21351277

look dude ima be real with u *takes a bite out of a sandwich* if u wanna get at them where it really hurts all u gotta do is start putting content out there showing specifically why these guys are bullshitters who only repackage or regurgitate good known content/information and best of all are painfully bad at japanese

i mean look at this guy just a simple inquisition about what hes trying to do and he bumbles around like a lost [man] child


all u gotta do is logically and concisely shit on them using all the great specific examples that are out there (u think the kogo incident was the only funny moment of matt demonstrating his inability in that dictionary vid or w.e lol)

we can make matt cry for real any time (i dont have the matt almost crying on cam clip 1 of u needs to post that)

and remember its not to be mean or evil its to one save zoomers who dont know any better and have no ability to check for themselves if who they are watching is a good reliable person and also its very much for matt and yoga themselves to stop pretending and accept that they dont know japanese lol

>> No.21351289

>there is for reasons i just gave.
those "reasons" are just moral appeals about muh corporations
legally this is cut and dry

>> No.21351307

it's not about the law. it's about ethics.

>> No.21351310

kys bro

>> No.21351321 [DELETED] 

ironically my plan has been if matt actually gets big to just in 1 fell swoop utterly destroy any perceptions about him being good at japanese and essentially steal his follower base and save them all while also getting them to pay me and pay me more

he can do the platform building and right when hes on the cusp of makin it ill just waltz in and be like otsukaresan and then proverbially pants him and give him the boot in front of his devoted idiotbase

and ill purify the land and go down as the guy who saved a few hundred zoomers from a couple retards

btw notice how matt deleted his patreon and changed it over to this



>> No.21351330



>> No.21351331
File: 566 KB, 1280x720, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21351341
File: 318 KB, 1150x451, 爆笑.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ima delete that post tho cuz i dont like linking ppls patreons unless its this guy and that post is still long and gay

>> No.21351350

it's unethical to steal other people's work and sell it

>> No.21351363
File: 635 KB, 1280x720, whoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21351371

so do somethin about it pussy boy

>> No.21351382

Whoever told me to stop focusing so much on Anki and play VNs/JRPGs. I thank you so fuckig much man.

Before I had to do cards for well over an hour in order to "learn them" (and unlearn them as soon as I close the program). But now I can do my cards really fast because either I know them already or they are very familiar.

Still, no more than 20 minutes spent on Anki per day.

>> No.21351384

is matt right about us being losers (remember he told QM that we're losers)?

all we do is post about him. like we have nothing better to do.

>> No.21351392

I lowkey follow Matt and take some of his advice.

What I have problems with, is his cult following.

>> No.21351402

100 iq people like to put themselves in a bubble where they make up imaginary losers

>> No.21351404

i don't give a fuck, i'm just saying your argument is shit

>> No.21351418


>> No.21351435

matt is at least 115 iq

>> No.21351445

>Patreon no longer says how much the fags are making a month.

Shieet, now we wont know when he is going to Japan.

>> No.21351446

its just thread meta right now to lol @ matt and george trombone

>> No.21351450

imagine being subbed to that patreon expressly for helping him reach that goal and he just took it away for stupid goals like t-shirts lmfao

>> No.21351475

i learned 誕生日 yesterday and encountered it in another show today :)

>> No.21351487
File: 32 KB, 246x363, 1548709348975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21351493

>Disclaimer: All images shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual hairline and body fat percentage may differ.

>> No.21351494

Studying JLPT grammar, ran into ~ないではいられない
How is this pronounced? Naidewa-irarenai or is it literally naide-hairarenai

>> No.21351504

Wait he is no longer going to Japan?

what the actual fuck that's a scam.

>> No.21351512

i wonder what yogas wife thinks of all this

>> No.21351516

She is a cuckqueen, she will only watch.

>> No.21351518

>New Camera! Matt still films his videos with a cheap webcam…… But once 750 patrons is reached, Matt will upgrade his filming setup with new lighting and a respectable camera, in order to make the main MIA videos the highest quality possible.
>the main MIA videos

>buy Matt a $1000 camera so he can use it for literally 2 videos/year

>> No.21351520


the は is marking the topic and therefore a particle hence it's the wa pronunciation

>> No.21351521

Betting it's going to be either Korean or Cantonese

>> No.21351522

how gay can the ass immersion approach get

>> No.21351523

>Take free method
>Tweak it here and there to remove Khatz's humor
>Low-key ask money for it.


>> No.21351527

where'd you get that fine 720p version?

>> No.21351530

the real service matt offers that is earning him so many patrons is that he's basically a motivational speaker because he understands "the real way" to learn japanese that "the schools won't tell you about". it's not so much about the number of videos or anything, but the brotherhood and cult. i think his patrons know it.

>> No.21351531
File: 3.61 MB, 1920x1080, 1526435783478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this random pic I found while cleaning my PC.

>> No.21351534

unfunny 9001 hours in paint
matt and yoga are doing something great for the east asian language learning world, unlike the genkishitter that you are

>> No.21351539


>> No.21351541

haha gay

>> No.21351546

>he's basically a motivational speaker
No, that was Khatz. About 50% of the AJATT table of contents is motivational and deprogramming articles.

Matt doesn't really do anything like that and compensates for it with elitist rhetoric aimed at insecure weeaboos ("other gaijin will look like ants to you", and so on).

>> No.21351552

>with elitist rhetoric aimed at insecure weeaboos
that's kinda what i'm referring to though. that unironically motivates his followers and it's why they have such a strongly negative reaction to someone like steve being "dismissive" toward matt.

>> No.21351553

>spreads the good word on reddit and youtube comments dropping language learning redpills
>optimizes my anki add ons
>purchases a kindle
>peruses matts latest patreon content
alright thats enough immersion for today

>> No.21351559

I believe it is best to use as little English as possible, but not to an extent where it hinders your progress, obviously. However, when you're a beginner, learning one word for something is hard enough, and you won't benefit much from synonyms, and nothing from Japanese definitions. Example sentences, on the other hand, are excellent; you do not only understand what the word means, but also how to use it.

>> No.21351590


>> No.21351596

oops sorry

>> No.21351600

They released the nhk audio for free already idiot

>> No.21351623

They're just here to bitch bro, forget facts wtf

>> No.21351635



>> No.21351645

care 2 elaborate ? : )

>> No.21351650

It is beneficial when you can understand the definitions.
You'll know when you can start using it.

>> No.21351657

theres things where it really doesnt matter cuz its practically 1:1 but yah reinforcing japanese with other japanese is always ideal

>> No.21351664

here you go
now shoo out of this thread, you absolute できない

>> No.21351668

nice self own or something not sure what ur post was supposed to be lol

>> No.21351683

Steve is a dabbling casualshitter in 9021 languages
Matt is a dedicated and hardcore master in the making in 2 or 3 languages (at least)

>> No.21351688

Yes, Matt covers this, you're allowed full English translations for the first 1,000 basic grammar sentence cards in MIA

>> No.21351698

average miatard cant even string together a 3 sentence paragraph with a clear beginning middle and end in japanese after a year or even two years

prove me wrong

>> No.21351718

matto didn't even do this so who cares

>> No.21351729

he did it in retroactive spirit you asshole

>> No.21351732

Exactly and when then finally go to output they'll sound fucked up like yoga. They'll talk in 3 word super bursts like autist.

>> No.21351737
File: 189 KB, 445x430, capitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another matt thread


>> No.21351750

matt vs. whatever

>> No.21351751

Are there any rules with な and の and whichever should be "used"(idk what verb would fit here) first?
I just saw the sentence
and obviously ひとつ is referring to some 忘れがちな手続 and I just wanted to know if its just one of the certified nihongo 'just read more lol'™

>> No.21351762

steve aint got time for this blah blah bullshit


what exactly is confusing 忘れがちな手続 is a noun described by an adjective but after a noun u wouldnt put な lol if thats waht ur saying

>> No.21351768

Matt sentence mined the entire Tae Kim grammar guide in early 2012, around half a year after he started his second AJATT attempt. So at least for this, he is telling you to do what he did.

>> No.21351774

When did he say that? Did he actually try to do AJATT twice?

>> No.21351776

mined the entire tae kim grammar guide in 2012

kogoing in 2019 https://streamable.com/6hm1z

what has he been doing all this time other than learning japanese haha

>> No.21351778

I was asking since の makes one noun out of multiple,that a way to correct the sentence would be that 忘れがち is modifying 手続のひとつ ,and if that's a correct way to interpret the sentence is there a rule for whichever particle gets like "understood" first (think pemdas)

>> No.21351780

correctly interpret* sorry i'm retarded and confusing too

>> No.21351788

wow is this what happens when you follow the miapproach?

>> No.21351789

i dont wanna call u retarded but i have no idea what ur talking about here

i guess on paper there might be a order of operations of sorts in some cases but like theres a reason nihongo reads in a single direction lol it would be pointless if u had to bend over backwards quite literally to understand everything

i still have no idea what im even giving that explanation to but there it is

>> No.21351795

well dont worry he mostly tells ppl to do things he didnt do so theyll suck even more than he does haha

>> No.21351802

>install MIA add-on
>spits error up on startup about not being able to copy the yumin font to the media folder
>try using it anyway
>it's broken and doesn't work properly (adding audio to cards doesn't work)
>delete it
>make a new profile
>get the same error message from before even though the MIA add-on no longer exists anywhere on my hard drive

What the fuck. Did this thing permanently modify my installation of Anki or something? What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.21351803

there's 3 things steve doesn't have time for.
pitch, matt, and pewdiepie.


>> No.21351809

lol if thats reproducible then maybe its a blessing in disguise and will nuke every1s flashcards thus saving them from their flashtard fate

>> No.21351810

Oh great, now Anki is broken completely and won't let me start.

>Anki was unable to open your collection file. If problems persist after restarting your computer, please use the Open Backup button in the profile manager.

Behold the programming genius of YogaPants.

>> No.21351813

reinstall anki and load one of the automatic backups it makes

>> No.21351817

matt cant teach
yoga cant program

truly a osoroshii combi lmao >>21351363

>> No.21351822

why not pay for it and get support... beta releases of any software are buggy as shit, you played any games ever?

>> No.21351826

you should use this as an opportunity to stop wasting your time on anki

>> No.21351827

steve really fuckin hates pitch and pewds lmao idgi

>> No.21351830

haha zoomer detected

sorry all ur generations games are all buggy unplayable trash on release ahahahahahhahaaHAha get FUcked

>> No.21351835

so true. fml

>> No.21351844

Okay, rebooted and Anki works again now thankfully, and the MIA error isn't showing up anymore so hopefully everything is back to normal now.

Won't be in any hurry to try that again any time soon.

>> No.21351857

Please point me in the direction of your coding library, I'd like to see your contributions

>> No.21351862


>> No.21351875

People consistently give me shit for studying on duoLingo.

Is there a reason or is it because it's a normie/beginner platform?

>> No.21351881

because it's shit

>> No.21351895

>Moments where you enter the right answer and they mark you wrong.
>no immersion whatsoever
>baby training wheels
Pick any.

>> No.21351897

Because it doesn't teach past the very basic things. Ditch it asap and do what m**t says.

>> No.21351902

zoomer mentality

u dont want more bad code u want less

unfortunately welcome to 2019 ppl who have no business publishing anything to the net are just 1 click away

>> No.21351910

do whatever u wanna do dude i didnt wanna study i just wanted to watch anime and read manga and so i did that and now look at me in 69 years old 420 kilos and just enjoying my retirement watching the next generations make all kinda foolish choices never becoming anything because their true "self" is firmly rooted in the cloud lmfao

>> No.21351923

its fill in the blank shite is not conducive to real language acquisition it's for plebs who think getting good means to take classes and memorize a dictionary

>> No.21351927

holy shit.

>> No.21351929

First sentence is right. Second sentence is somewhat right.

>> No.21351936

if you wanna listen to **** just ignored anything he said after 2017

>> No.21351944

>remember he told QM that we're losers?
Do we have "proof" that isn't a screenshot, which can easily be shopped, or simply word of mouth?

>> No.21351952

no but i think in his tokyosam interview he also said posting on anonymous forums makes you a loser. or something like that.

>> No.21351958

did you cum on matt's pic?
that's kinda gay dude

>> No.21351961

did that interview by any chance happen at lunch time in the bathroom stall

>> No.21351964

nah this is what they said about 4chan (rewind a bit to get context)

>> No.21351966

not my cum dude

>> No.21351970

congrats you got infected with miaids lmao

>> No.21351973

Please point me in the direction of your coding library, I'd like to see your contributions

>> No.21351974

in tkyosams case its physically impossible for him to conceal himself lol

>> No.21351980


>> No.21351983

what inspired you to join the fuckin yogapantsmia defense force

>> No.21351984

dont have anything for u unless u like qbasic lol

do u have anything for me ?

>> No.21352021

So has anyone actually done any studying today?

>> No.21352026

just more e-celeb stuff, djt is where you come when you want to pretend you study japanese while catching up on the gossip and shit talk

>> No.21352027

just listened to raw japanese (noise) for 80 minutes and wanted to die the entire time.

>> No.21352029


>> No.21352035

show me someone who "studys" japanese and ill show u someone who doesnt know japanese lol

>> No.21352037

Did my reps. Watch an anime episode and looked up some words from it. Going to read some manga soon. I don't even know who are these e-celebs that thread talks about.

>> No.21352043

did my anki reps, then watched japanese let's plays
going to watch two anime eps and read for an hour later

>> No.21352070

If you mean studying in the sense of がんばる then that's the only thing I ever do these days, and anyone who understands it to mean 学習 or 研究 is a faggot

>> No.21352072

installing all my addons from 2.0 to 2.1. let's see how epic this mia addon is.

>> No.21352093

basically i'm saying i should just ignore listening and join the eceleb shitposting. i don't know whether or not i'm supposed to sit there and absorb the garbled mess, or pause every other sentence and reveal the subtitles to see what i just heard, and then replay the audio until i can say "i'm familiar with this phrase when reading but now i know what it sounds like here even though i'll forget what i just heard if i try listening to that same phrase again tomorrow (which i won't do because rewatching the same thing would be boring)" rinse and repeat for a couple hours every day.

>> No.21352095

Feel so sorry for anyone who read the translation of the Overlord LNs that's on Nyaa. It's so bad, that in spite of being a >2.0 version of the translation. I dread to imagine what the v1.0 looked like.

>> No.21352099


>> No.21352104

>i didn't get better after 80 minutes
>time to quit!

>> No.21352106

i couldn't comprehend your english post on my first try and i thought i was pretty comfortable with english, allow that to make you think

>> No.21352111

Yep, I read and studied vocab

>> No.21352118


>> No.21352129

If it's a CSS problem you can just override it

>> No.21352136

can someone update kaku with kana lookups and ebwin support. Is there another app that does this better? I dont need ocr.

>> No.21352138

>says DJT
>actually just a thread for sucking the benis of this matt guy

>> No.21352141

more epic than hutari

>> No.21352142

holy run on sentence.

>> No.21352159

Stop bitching and keep listening. When I started I replayed phrases that I didn't understand a lot, looked them up in the Japanese subs and then made sure I could hear all the syllables because I felt like I was getting more out of a given episode that way. Either way, if you keep watching you'll get better, no matter how you go about it.

>> No.21352167

read manga in english, read vns/lns in japanese to learn how to read, once you can read you will never think about reading a english translation even if its less accurate in the beginning

>> No.21352169

i saw this late but you're welcome :) what did you think of the video?

>> No.21352175

imagine reading not just a light novel but a translated one


actually find me a "good" light novel that ppl really want maybe ill do something fun with that

>> No.21352188


>> No.21352195

honestly realized listening to japanese is more fun than reading japanese, bcuz kanji make my brainlet brain overheat

>> No.21352202

but kanji pretty

>> No.21352208

i know but i can only take so much of it

>> No.21352217

I thought it was good. Though I obviously haven't (yet) reached my own "awakening" through meditation, so I can't say I agree with Yates on an empirical level, I think what he said seems to make sense, and it makes me excited to hopefully reach my awakening some day.

>> No.21352224

I just used it and it worked fine. Did you close Anki first, download the RAR archive in full, extract it in full to */addons21/, and then once that's done start Anki again and test the MIA addon?

>> No.21352225

That's the beauty of it though. Reading Japanese with kanji and looking up the readings can be fun in its own right, because you become less of a brainlet each day. And before you know it you'll feel like a big-brained Chad

>> No.21352242

Legend of the legend's hero? wtf...

>> No.21352245

Legend of the legendary hero
At least that's the English title

>> No.21352249

but i heard one of the things that keeps people going is recognizing a new word or something every day.

>> No.21352254

I do not need to look up readings unless it's somebody's name or a yukio mishima novel. It is that I've failed to become the big brained chad. i just can't read fast and nothing is apparent to me unless i consciously apply my attention.

>> No.21352267

sentence farming with anki from interesting, compelling content while referencing grammar guides and dictionaries to break down those sentences, is the best route for beginners. its best if that farming is from anime, VNs or dramas so you can listen (and if you want, shadow) as well.

after 2,000 sentences or so, that's when i'd say just start reading, watching, and playing what you want while farming single vocab cards for a while (and even a few more sentences here and there if they have new grammar or abstract concepts you want to get down). get your vocab to around 5,000 doing that.

then, you can either keep farming vocab along with your immersion, or stop farming and just look things up as you immerse, hoping they stick with repeated exposure (increasing your vocab this way may take longer than farming those words and studying them in anki, BUT you'll be able to get through several times as much compelling content). japanese is your playground at that point.

>> No.21352282

don't worry so much about reading fast. remember that the most important thing is comprehension. if you want to get faster then timed repeated reading (of a small passage) might be helpful, but even that isn't something you can force. you'd still have to let yourself naturally get faster with each reading rather than "try" to read faster.

>> No.21352304

>i just can't read fast
the only solution: read more
>nothing is apparent to me
the only solution: read more

>> No.21352305

thanks... I hope in a year I can look back at myself and see the cause of my despair was temporary

>> No.21352316

reality is merciless

>> No.21352322
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the moment I realised I can read Japanese

>> No.21352325
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tried to get my addons to work, morphman does not work at all on 2.1. MIA addon is pretty worthless for me.
all in all, anki 2.1 is so bad. I'm def not switching to that garbage.

>> No.21352341
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Why is nihongo so hard

>> No.21352344

how am i supposed to keep up with eceleb lore and learn japanese at the same time?

>> No.21352353

hot legs

>> No.21352359

Get your input in for the day as soon as you can, and then spend the rest of your free time on /djt/ - 簡単すぎ

>> No.21352360

either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives
aka you can only do one thing unless you stop being a dumbass

>> No.21352373

I remember this anime where the girl wrote info around her body (including around her まんこ) to help the guy study.

Wish I had a japanese girl that wrote kanji around her body so I could study like that.

>> No.21352377

not true. I'm not 100% consistent with it, because I'm a lazy fuck sometimes, but I often get 3+ hours of listening input, read a couple Japanese articles, and still manage to browse djt in a single day

>> No.21352378

wish I actually had anyone to talk about japanese

>> No.21352384

I was joking lmao I read all day long and read djt any time it updates

>> No.21352389

you have us

>> No.21352442

lies, djt never replied to my posts

>> No.21352450

if you reply something to this, I'll reply you back, pinky promise.

>> No.21352451

explain to me how that isn't a good approach for learning introductory Japanese? For someone who hasn't taken an introduction course? I feel like I'm learning quite abit and understanding much more as I near the end of the tree.

I realize alot of the fuckers in here took Japanese in uni, but not all of us had access to that.

>> No.21352461

just how the hell I am going to learn 800 basic vocabulary for N5 if 80 % of it has N4-N2 kanji.
This is so niggerlicious.

>> No.21352470

whats up
you for you ?

>> No.21352481

I couldn't study as much as I wanted since I had an exam today, but I'm currently reading a webnovel and am getting better even though I still suck. Every time I can read a few sentences without having to look something up is a victory. And I ordered some books I wanted to read for a while.
How about you?

>> No.21352482

why are you studying for the n5 anyways?

>> No.21352483

it's a bit scary in here. マウンティングとか揚げ足取りばかりしてくるやつが多い。肝心の質問内容も無視されるの定番だしいざ日本語を語りたくなるとだいたい最悪。それ以外のときは普通に楽しいけど。

>> No.21352490

Never care about JLPT levels. Just get fluent and take the N1 after you are fluent. It'll be a cakewalk.

>> No.21352495

>all these plebs never having tried learning Chinese

>> No.21352504

I don't think N5 has N2 or N3 Kanji... I think you should study N4-N5 Kanji and be fine. Really though I don't think you should bother taking an N5 exam and wait until you feel you're like N3 or something (I'm assuming you want the paper for something job related)

>> No.21352536

I don't think it's useless to take a lower-level JLPT, I mean sure, you can't really use the paper for anything, but it gives you a sense of achievement and motivates you to study for it. Also, it's relatively cheap. If it were an expensive exam like the TOEFL, I'd say no way, but given its price of around 60 bucks, it's not the worst thing to spend money on.

>> No.21352541

mostly vn and shitposting lately but gotta cut down on the shitposting and make more progress on the vn
the rate of not havin to look shit up goin down is definitely cool
need to pick some more anime on my list to start cause my listening is still shit

>> No.21352549


>> No.21352550

This was my approach

1st month
Master hiragana and katakana.
Method: Brute force

2nd month
you can now shitpots on /jlpt/
go for the N5 kanji list, 16 kanji every 4 days (meaning, onyomi and kunyomi).
Method: RTK, brute force
while doing that go for Tae Kim pdf study 1 chapter a week.

3rd month
thanks to Tae kim pdf, grammar will be more familiar so buy genki books and complete them (workbook included)
you can now shitpost in 2ch
I'm stuck here
keep going through Tae Kim to reinforce
start gathering all the N5 vocabulary list. you will be familiar with 40-50 % by now.
start reading japanese books for N5 level

4th month
You should be ready for N5 exam.

I have that mindset, I will be taking N3 exam by December. N3 is my goal,
Reasons?: I have plenty of them, about 80 % is to understand my future sons and daughters.

It annoys me when learning vocabulary that has some kanji not on my level. How should I approach that? Should I master all kanjis then go for vocabulary?

I was doing both at same time while trusting the N levels roadmap but now I understand why they call it N5 to N1.

It is just a way to classify gaijins comming to Japan. Nigger5 to Nigger1 because this makes absolutey no sense at all.

>> No.21352552

What are you reading?
I'm more interesting in reading stuff at the moment, so I've thought to practice listening later on. I sometimes look up words to understand songs that I'm listening to, but not that often.

>> No.21352554

I just think that as you progress, it will not feel like a meaningful achievement compared to a higher level. I just personally think you should save your $60.

As you approach N5, you'll know you've accomplished that. Higher levels feel abit more uncertain I think. You won't need the paper to give you that achievement, but if you find test-taking to be fun or motivational than go for it.

>> No.21352568

>1st month
>Master hiragana and katakana.
one month? Seriously?
>meaning, onyomi and kunyomi
I did kanji study for the first kanji like this too, it sucks. Learn with words, or do RTK if you insist on it.
>buy genki books and complete them
Tae Kim is enough for grammar, I'd say. What do you need genki for? Just learn vocab if you don't want to go into content right away. Also, if you really want to do genki, don't waste that much money, dude ...

>> No.21352581

>Reasons?: I have plenty of them, about 80 % is to understand my future sons and daughters.
If you want to understand Japanese, then study Japanese; you can pass the n3, hell the n1, and not be that good in Japanese (though you will definitely be better than a lot of gaijin). You're looking at things from the wrong side and wasting time studying for an arbitrary exam when you should just be aiming to get fluent in the language.

>> No.21352582

>one month? Seriously?
yes, if you work, lift, and do hobby shit.
>Learn with words, or do RTK if you insist on it.
I know RTK but learn with words? how that works with the onyomi kunyomi reading?
>buy genki books and complete them
how do you test what you have learnt from Tae Kim? if you work, genki is not much money

maybe I will give RTK a try

>> No.21352585
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我们 一起中文学一学吧

>> No.21352587

Yep. Followed all the instructions from the video. My version of Anki is up to date, I put the add-on in the correct folder, I restarted Anki several times in hopes of getting it to work since I really wanted dat NHK audio for my cards.

>> No.21352590

伝説の勇者 - Legendary Hero
の - 's
伝説 - Legend

伝説の勇者 <-- The の here is basically turning 伝説 into an adjective to modify 勇者, just like if you were to say 「偉大な勇者」 or something instead.

>> No.21352592

ive put a lot more time into reading and that definitely made listening feel more approachable than it used to be so i think that strategy is fine
might want to do some voiced vns occasionally to help keep you in check on using the right readings
id probably get more out of it if i hold off longer until my vocabulary is bigger but i want to make at least a little progress on bein able to keep up

>> No.21352597


Help me understand why this quote is cool. It just sounds like regular depression to me. "Hey, everything is a lie, isn't it" or something like that. I don't understand.


>> No.21352600

>I know RTK but learn with words? how that works with the onyomi kunyomi reading?
You learn words and that way you also pick up the kanji and their readings. Learning readings separate gets confusing and is also a waste of time.
>how do you test what you have learnt from Tae Kim?
Well, I'd say by starting to read stuff. If you want to start easy, read something like NHK easy. Stuff meant for (not-child) natives is going to be slow for you for a long time, so take something easier if you don't want to bite your way through that. You shouldn't but up reading real stuff for long, though. I did that because I was scared and it massively stunted me.
>if you work, genki is not much money
It's too much if you can get the same stuff you need for free using TK
>maybe I will give RTK a try
It's not exactly popular here, but if you really want to get familiar with the kanji before reading it's the way to go. It doesn't teach you readings or words so technically you aren't learning Japanese while doing it so I'd recommend to read a bit every day on the side so that you aren't learning nothing for months.

>> No.21352603

I can't be fluent from home, I need to live in Japan for that, and for that I need a work in Japan and for that companies requires me to classify as Nigger5 to Nigger1.

>> No.21352605

relax with the n word dude

>> No.21352609

u know maybe i will cuz i can immediately trigger ppl with the title lol

ill keep it to the side and see how i feel about it

>> No.21352612

collateral damage from learning moon runes sorry. I will behave

>> No.21352621

btw it works both ways xD



lol much fun to be had jejejaja

>> No.21352624
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>> No.21352628

I also read a lot while learning English, listening came on it's own (it's probably a little different with Japanese because of the homophones but I think it'll work out somehow), I just mispronounce some rarer words I've never heard but only read. I don't have any VN's on my list that I want to read because I feel like most of the stuff that's recommended here is porn and/or on torrent which I don't do because I don't have a VPN right now. But I'll look into it (also, I've got Axanael lmao)
I wish I had an idea how big my vocabulary is, but I don't really use anki a lot so I can only guess. Which probably won't be correct.
How did you deal with kanji? Did you just learn words or did you something like RTK? I did all kinds of stuff, honestly. I learned like the grade one kanji with on and kunyomi and meanings from some flashcards I found online, then a bit of grade 2´two (school grades) like that and did up to grade 5 using kanji -> keyword with an memrise deck. Then I just memorized some others that I encountered, I know probably around 800-1000 now, most without readings though. I'm currently just learning vocab because I got sick of kanji study.

>> No.21352629

If you break it down like that it ends up being something like:
>The Legendary Hero Legend
instead though.

>> No.21352638

(which is grammatically fine, but the idea of a "legendary legend" doesn't really make sense)

>> No.21352641


>> No.21352651

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.21352665

Read 'this'

>> No.21352673

i love all the great manga i’m reading. reading manga is the best! I LOVE READING MANGA

>> No.21352691
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bought this baby today! time to have fun and get sum wordz

>> No.21352692

that was never funny

>> No.21352696

listening is way harder than reading, when you tackle something harder you will realize the kanji were actually making things easier.

>> No.21352703


>> No.21352719

I can read kanji, just not very fast and I'm tired before i have read as much as I'd like. but I can listen at the speed at which speech is spoken. which is faster than I can read and takes less effort!

>> No.21352721

i did a lot of different shit with kanji in the beginning too and also got sick of it
i think just learning words and lettin your mind build the connections on its own is the way to go
if there was a benefit from putting time into kanji it was just gettin familiar with the radicals and shit so i can remember differences more easily when i find a couple words are tripping me up
anki is optional but if you use it i think theres value in only tryin to get word readings down with it and lettin meanings come naturally from readin
flash cards work better when youre only tryin to remember one small clear thing

>> No.21352725

u can have more fun with it than that

its more fun than posting mattshit ill take what i can get

>> No.21352729

u should relax ur lookin hella retarded now

>> No.21352739

>I can't be fluent from home, I need to live in Japan for that
define "fluent" please. if we consider M*tt as fluent, which say what you want about his personality or whatever but he's obviously very skilled in Japanese, then you don't need to be in Japan to get fluent. Of course there are benefits to being in Japan as far as learning Japanese, but it has been demonstrably shown that you can get ペラペラ outside of Japan.

>> No.21352746

I wanna get ペロペロ outside of japan

>> No.21352750


>> No.21352751
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>> No.21352761

>i did a lot of different shit with kanji in the beginning too and also got sick of it
i think just learning words and lettin your mind build the connections on its own is the way to go
if there was a benefit from putting time into kanji it was just gettin familiar with the radicals and shit so i can remember differences more easily when i find a couple words are tripping me up
i agree with this 100% and feel like it should be the default perspective on kanji. all that writing it out and memorizing keywords and shit is SO UNNECESSARY like if you just read and learn words (i do think using anki helps a lot, especially for words that have new kanji or new readings for kanji you may already know) then kanji will become no big deal.

>> No.21352770

do u think matt can really talk to another human being of japanese descent about anything but how hes a gaijin who prides himself on speaking japanese for even 5 minutes assuming the japanese person doesnt get annoyed and switch him over to english or just end the convo before 5 mins is up ? lol

even georges wife couldnt tolerate him for 5 mins before lookin back at george and saying what the fuck is this shit george really ? and walking out cuz shes got more important shit to do than listen to a sniveling dork with no self awareness

>> No.21352771

oops accidentally didn’t quote the second part of your comment

>> No.21352779

bros wtf a ton of kanji have similar readings like wtf? i

>> No.21352785

>do u think matt can really talk to another human being of japanese descent about anything but how hes a gaijin who prides himself on speaking japanese for even 5 minutes assuming the japanese person doesnt get annoyed and switch him over to english or just end the convo before 5 mins is up ? lol

>> No.21352790

>use the japanese dictionary they said

(一)その物事を成り立たせている原型的なもので、種種の要素が付加されて複雑な形をとったり 多種多様な分化を起こしたり しているものも、すべてそれを踏まえて構築され、その延長線上に展開されていると考えられる要素。

>> No.21352795


>> No.21352796


>> No.21352802

If an author doesn't explicitly make it clear that 剣 is read as つるぎ, can I assume that it's read as けん?

>> No.21352812


>> No.21352818

Sometimes I really get confused while reading - like, I can read everything and understand what I'm reading, but I couldn't translate it into English in my head. Idk. This of course happened with English at some point for me (... considering I think in English 90% of the day at least) but it didn't feel like this. I think.
I agree on that anki thing. I just didn't really like it because it was like a chore and I'd rather repeat them on my own without an algorithm and then trust that the stuff I need will pop up again.
I've honestly learnt better with stuff I wrote down by hand. I have a notebook for vocabulary and go through it and test myself on them (I just use scraps of paper sometimes and test myself with them)
I didn't study radicals a lot but I see and recognize them now.
How did you go about starting to learn Japanese? I mean, how did you decide? I started to pick up some words from anime and wanted to know more about how the language works. I don't know at what point I wanted to try to get fluent at some point.

>> No.21352824

i usually watch youtube videos at 1.5 or 2.0x speed but matt is such an articulate and fast speaker i have to slow it back down to normal speed to understand him.

>> No.21352847

He's shown himself talking to natives about things other than him being able to speak Japanese, he's shown that he understands native material very well so coupled with his ability to speak there would be little problem speaking on most things in general, he has Japanese friends that he talks to on the regular (and they probably don't just talk about him being able to speak Japanese), etc. Love or hate the guy but the only people who think he's not actually skilled in Japanese don't want him to be, and filter anything he does through that disposition. The fact remains that you can undoubtedly get fluent outside of Japan, and he's an example of that.

>> No.21352849

really though there's the matt's-japanese-skills question and then there's the matt-as-a-person question. It's not like wielding a language fluently (e.g. the English language) is going to mean that people who speak that language are going to be interested in having conversations with you. or that you're going to understand everything in that language perfectly

>> No.21352859

honestly it doesnt matter when referring to like the sword itself

links ?

>> No.21352882

I think けん is kind of the generic way of saying "sword", whereas つるぎ means basically the same thing but has a more poetic vibe to it.

If someone is speaking in a more metaphorical, etc. way, it's probably つるぎ, whereas if they're literally just talking about a sword then it's probably けん.

I might well be wrong through. Try Japanese google to be certain.

>> No.21352896

it is more nippon like and certainly u can write in a way that leads the reader to read it one way or the other but otherwise its pretty w/e

>> No.21352899

theyre interchangeable
or you might say けん is cool and poetic because it's taken from kanbun and just sounds kakkoii in general and turugi is vulgar because it has no Chinese background

>> No.21352908

Are you non-native or something?

Matt speaks slowly with a lot of pauses.

>> No.21352914

no i'm native and i can tell matt slays verbally when he's had time to rehearse his thoughts. like 130 verbal IQ or higher.

>> No.21352919

imagining matt having his filler words rehearsed and ready thinking it makes him look more fluent lmao


>> No.21352936

Where is a good place to look up if words are written more commonly in kana than in kanji?

>> No.21352939

Can you post an example of where you think he sounds especially good? Or where you find him hard to understand at 1.5x speed?

>when he's had time to rehearse his thoughts.
Anyone can sound good if they're reading from a script. The fact that you needed to add this qualifier implies that when he's speaking naturally you find him to be an inarticulate and slow speaker.

>> No.21352947

if i think too much about some sentences i lose confidence in what i thought i understood
i dont worry too much about it cause so far its been getting easier just fine
i was interested in the language forever because of anime and games and looked into it a few times but never took it very seriously
not sure what made me start i just realized id wanted it for a long time and i could probably do it

>> No.21352955
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>Anyone can sound good if they're reading from a script
not what i said you fucking retard. i said "rehearsed", not reading from a script. as in it's something he's given a lot of thought to and has probably repeated to himself many times over. most people on youtube giving their rehearsed thoughts sound like complete shit. really getting sick and fucking tired of people trying to his big brain.

>> No.21352977

>i said "rehearsed"
>as in it's something he's given a lot of thought to and has probably repeated to himself many times over.
Again, anyone can sound good if they do this. If anything, reciting lines you've memorized and practised saying several times already is going to have you sounding even better than if you were reading off a script with no rehearsal.

If you're not saying something spontaneously and unrehearsed then sounding good isn't impressive at all. If you want an example of someone who actually has a "high verbal IQ" and speaks well with no rehearsal or script, look up a guy called Lindybeige.

>really getting sick and fucking tired of people trying to his big brain.
Are you okay dude?

>> No.21352984

>Again, anyone can sound good if they do this.
wrong. most people sound like shit regardless if they memorize everything they want to say because what they want to say is stupid. and no i'm not ok

>> No.21353000

haha what's up with that george and his wife, there's more information?

>> No.21353001

sorry to interrupt ur regularly scheduled matt posting but this is important



>> No.21353012


>> No.21353031

what's the point of becoming fluent in japanese if the things I tend to say are not interesting to begin with and I'm already dyslexic in not one but two languages so I can only expect being gloriously dyslexic and boring in my third one as well

>> No.21353038

bc u can read kamige and be taught human values that u never learned elsewhere and become a real rippana ass dude

>> No.21353044

ye it's worth a try

>> No.21353046

I finished the Kanas and tried to read but I failed miserably. Should I study the radicals or some vocab first?

>> No.21353047

I sometimes feel like I have mild dyslexia. Like sometimes I read several pages of a book and just notice I have no idea what I am reading and just have to back and reread from when my mind stopped following along. It's fine if I focus but it's hard to keep it up. Actually might be ADHD.

>> No.21353079

Why are you learning Japanese if everyone speaks English anyway

>> No.21353081

I can't read books easily, either. I think about other things, don't realize for ten minutes, and have no idea what I've read. I don't think it's dyslexia.

>> No.21353094

just look up the kanji words you can't read, behind all the kanji is kana

>> No.21353101

that sounds like what happens to me when i read boring shit
doesnt happen when im havin fun

>> No.21353109

Have you ever thought of continuing reading and getting better at it instead of diagnosing yourself with meme diseases?

>> No.21353114

>I can't read books easily, either. I think about other things, don't realize for ten minutes, and have no idea what I've read.
This happened to me as well when I got back into reading. You just gotta notice it and pull yourself back in, it'll go away with practice.

>> No.21353118

I read the news every day, other than that I can't really bring myself to read. I've tried a thousand times already.

>> No.21353119

god i fucking love japanese learning e-celebs and japanese learning e-celeb culture.

what a great topic to spend multiple hours of brain power on every single day.

>> No.21353122

What's the differenc of using 何 and 何という

>> No.21353150

the second one can be turned into なんつー

>> No.21353151

Can you spoon feed me on why you guys want to play this specific game so much? The vndb rating isn't extremely high. But it looks kinda promising. Is it fully voice acted? Since I'm focusing more on audio.

>> No.21353153

happens to me too
>get better at reading!
already hit my ceiling. i'd know because i've read every day for a decade and it hasn't improved.

>> No.21353165

ur 1st mistake is thinking any brainpower is involved here lol

>> No.21353175

That's it? wow, fuck nihongo

>> No.21353184


>> No.21353193

bola de tontos

>> No.21353198

i guessed the readings for this but not the meaning

>> No.21353224

This is great. Is it actually easy to understand, or am I getting into intermediate territory?
Currently I'm watching Rilakuma with great success, but it's obviously made for toddlers and stoners.

>> No.21353228


>> No.21353232

what was it about

>> No.21353238

my guess is about drugs

>> No.21353239

This is completely normal, sometimes your mind just wanders. It might be a sine, that the content isn't as interesting or that you already read for too long. Or you have simply other shit to think about that seems more important.

>> No.21353247

it was specifically and solely about not smoking weed

>> No.21353257

yeah you guys motivate me. I'm wasting 6 hours everyday sitting around anyway, so now it's 2 hours every single day for the next month. After that I'll see if I enjoy it and if I'll continue.

It's the 3rd day right now. I'm about 20 katakana and 25 hiragana symbols deep. I have to concentrate like fuck to remember them but I'm getting there.

>> No.21353259

Anki becomes less of a chore once you got some base vocab behind you and you are mostly just training recognition and recalling with it. Learning new words becomes faster over time too.

>> No.21353272

It's clearly a commercial about drugs being uncool kids. Basically same as this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjPXb6Eqxi4

>> No.21353294

Sentence cards are bullshit. Black out the i+1 target word and try to rep your cards. I’ve done this and still got 86% correct. It proves you don’t even need to learn to read the word from these cards.

>> No.21353296

>dat feel when you laugh at your own impressions of Steve Kaufmann but have no-one to share them with because nobody you know knows who the fuck Steve Kaufmann is as they aren't retarded or autistic enough to start learning a second language.

>> No.21353303

nope just 大麻撲滅 (check the end of the vid w. the logo : ) )

and the business lookin dude is actually a disgraceful fake ninja who fuckin lost a rap battle to a fucking laptop


>> No.21353304

anyone know how to get morphman to work on 2.1

it turns out that other anon was not retarded and morphman is hard to get working on 2.1.12

inb4 works on my mahine

>> No.21353307

consider becoming a 顔出し djt star

>> No.21353317

Today mark's my 4th day. Learned all of the hiragana and their combinations and I'm about 20 katakana in. Download kakugo on your phone and grind the hell out of it whenever you can. Works for me.

>> No.21353320

I see but as far as I can tell they didn't mention weed or even smoking during the video. It was more subtle, like so that maybe kids don't understand what it even is about?

>> No.21353321

a huge advantage of sentence cards is that they show you an example of how that word is actually used
>It proves you don’t even need to learn to read the word from these cards.
which is not a problem. this does not prove that you won't know the word when you see it in a different context later on, which is the important part

>> No.21353334

>it turns out that other anon was not retarded
he was and so are you

>> No.21353335

no weed is a big problem in japan right now theres lots of high profile ppl getting life sentences for smoking a joint and this is a campaign to save the next generation from going to jail forever for smokeing weed in japan

by the number of downvotes on that vid and the fact i only found it cuz some1 was dogging on it elsewhere it seems that actually what japanese ppl wanna do is smoke weed

let japan get high too

>> No.21353337

lol just automate subs2srs into morphman into anki and never have to actually learn japanese
free cards no reading required

>> No.21353341

I see your feel and I raise you major one

>tfw all your relatives and friends ask you but anon why are you learning japanese? isn't that such a hard language? why wasting time? why japan? come hang with us, it will be fun! but you cannot tell them the trust so just say 'eheh its fine, I need to study more sorry, we will all make it' but you clearly know they will be in deep ship in 20-30 years and that's why you are running away like a coward because you can't change that future but the only solution you have found is to avoid it.

>> No.21353346

the fuck did i just read

>> No.21353347

does watching jp subbed anime count as reading.

>> No.21353348

lmfao "deep ship"

>> No.21353355

I think to some extend he is right. But if you consider this in the big picture, you will see the same words in different sentences. At first you might really only understand the word in the context of this one single sentence. But after a while this word will become a word, that helps you learn other new words. It's really quite genius and the most effective way I can imagine on learning new vocab fast. Of course you still need to do other things as well like reading, listening, speaking and maybe even learning some grammar. But I really think that a good Anki deck can make things faster by factors. Especially to get your basic 2000-4000 words.

>> No.21353356

>a huge advantage of sentence cards is that they show you an example of how that word is actually used
you get that with normal cards with the example sentence on the back
if you don’t even have to look at the word how does the card help you develop the ability to look at the word and get meaning/reading from it?
be honest with yourself sentencefag, how often are you reading and you see a word you don’t know and realize it’s a mature sentence card

>> No.21353362

Japan is a great country, but their strict rule following is a huge problem and they really need to fix this. I think weed is really the medicine this country needs.

>> No.21353365

If you can recall and produce the word what is the problem? If you want to be strict you can put the word before the sentence (and hide the sentence if you want to go full autistic) and read that before the sentence forcing you to recall the reading/meaning from the kanji alone.

>> No.21353366

japans gonna be in deep shit in 20-30 years and I've all but thrown my chances of normal life away by learning their shit language that bullies me instead of going to college, top this feel

>> No.21353378

>you get that with normal cards with the example sentence on the back
do you read the example sentence on the back every time? chances are you only read the example sentence when you aren't actually sure what the word means

>be honest with yourself sentencefag
i'm not a "sentencefag" i mine both vocab and sentence cards as they both have their advantages

>if you don’t even have to look at the word how does the card help you develop the ability to look at the word and get meaning/reading from it?
i force myself to read the entire sentence instead of pressing "pass" because i recognize the first word like a retard

>> No.21353394

I know that feel, I'm pretty convinced that by the time I'm finally fluent enough to understand my beloved anime with confidence, the industry will long be gone and I will be eating rats and snails in a dirty cave.

>> No.21353409

>deep ship
and kids, that is what dislexia really is.
why not doing both? go to college and keep learning moonrunes
plus japan will be fine in 20-30 years

>> No.21353412

What's a "genkishitter"

>> No.21353414

I prefer sentence over vocab cards because I noticed that the constant exposure to material I had trouble with is incredibly helpful.

>> No.21353421

I installed using the addon code from here:

someone else had the issue.
I am retarded but since you're not please explain this to me:

Debug info:
Anki 2.1.12 (eef86bf3) Python 3.6.7 Qt 5.12.1 PyQt 5.11.3
Platform: Windows 10
Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=1

Caught exception:
File "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\900801631\__init__.py", line 9, in onMorphManRecalc
File "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\900801631\morph\main.py", line 317, in main
cur = util.allDb() if cfg1('loadAllDb') else None
File "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\900801631\morph\util.py", line 25, in allDb
_allDb = MorphDb( cfg1('path_all'), ignoreErrors=True )
File "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\900801631\morph\morphemes.py", line 159, in __init__
try: self.load( path )
File "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\900801631\morph\morphemes.py", line 194, in load
self.db = pickle.load( f )
<class 'ModuleNotFoundError'>: No module named 'morph'

>> No.21353422

Some who has healthy bowel movements.

>> No.21353425

someone who's not a sick fag byokishitter but has healthy shits

>> No.21353430

>not morphmemes
missed opportunity

>> No.21353436

install it manually as per github

>> No.21353456

same issue.

If I change the order of the folder structure to match the one in 2.0 it doesn't load at all. i.e:

Anyone using 2.1.12 with morphman?

>> No.21353494

literally just copy the morph folder from the zip file into AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21 so that AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\morph\__init.py exists

why are you people so stupid

>> No.21353500

>If I change the order of the folder structure to match the one in 2.0 it doesn't load at all
don't do this
stop doing random shit that makes no sense to try to fix things
computers aren't magic, they follow whatever rules the programmer decided to make them follow
if something doesn't work as intended then wait for someone who can actually debug it to help you
if you know what you're doing you can troubleshoot things for yourself but you clearly don't so just stop

>> No.21353505

the readme on that github page btw was last updated two years ago before anything resembling anki 2.1's current form existed

>> No.21353513

what's harder to install, morphman or axanael

>> No.21353517

neither is difficult to install if your IQ is over 90

>> No.21353534

i know reading comprehension is hard, but I was simply guessing what you will all tell me to do next which I guessed to be:
>do what the readme.md says
Which doesn't work because it's 2.1

This makes it so that the addon doesn't even load in anki. Addons in 2.1 require for the py to be in a folder inside the addon folder with all other dependent folders inside as well.

Obviously the first thing I did was install it normally and I got the result as per my previous post when trying to recalc. And I got the same result downloading from github.

morphman 2.1 is impossible to install in it's current form

>> No.21353546

>morphman 2.1 is impossible to install in it's current form
imagine justifying your incompetence with such blatant misinformation

>> No.21353547

ok it's not all your fault the thread is retarded too
tldr if an addon runs but throws errors then it's just inherently broken good luck trying to make it work

>> No.21353548

>japans gonna be in deep shit in 20-30 years
lol they'll be in way better condition than western europe

>> No.21353551

>This makes it so that the addon doesn't even load in anki. Addons in 2.1 require for the py to be in a folder inside the addon folder with all other dependent folders inside as well.

Correction this should work, but for some reason doesn't. gives the error.

>> No.21353560

by the way it should be __init__.py, not __init.py, I mistyped

>> No.21353571
File: 23 KB, 370x571, anki_2019-05-15_18-08-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, like that it doesn't load

>> No.21353573
File: 105 KB, 1200x733, _20190516_000644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to guess how to pronounce "axanael"...

>> No.21353576

this should definitely be loading and if it's not loading then your version of anki 2.1 is very outdated or otherwise broken

>> No.21353581
File: 11 KB, 360x250, anki_2019-05-15_18-10-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this it does load, but fails at recalc.

>your version of anki 2.1 is very outdated or otherwise broken
it being broken is a possibility. but I downloaded and installed it today.

>> No.21353587

about to start rtk, what am I in for lads?

>> No.21353590


>> No.21353603

the path to japanese enlightenment

>> No.21353604

Chinese scribbles with English keywords

>> No.21353615

cult initiation and rtk brainwashing

>> No.21353639

we truly have it so good here it'll take way longer than that, at least until the minorities become the majorities you can expect western Europe to maintain western values

>> No.21353695

Watashi wa anon desu

>> No.21353700

you're gonna blow your own mind

>> No.21353703

you're gonna blow your own head off

>> No.21353708


>> No.21353709

djt is like blowing there frickin head off

>> No.21353718

吹っ飛ばせ 頭蓋骨

>> No.21353733

imagine wasting time on sentences cards for context when you could just have context through reading more crazy eh

>> No.21353751

make eroge cards

>> No.21353776

Anki for vocab is good and then just read. I think sentence fags are just obsessed with being able to see their progress in real time, but it's just an illusion. Reread pages of books if you want to feel your gains.

>> No.21353777


>> No.21353802


>> No.21353833

posting japanese scribbles in djt is worth it for the feeling that some ankidrone is going to add your scribbles to his d*ck which he reviews intently every day

>> No.21353843

but on second thought, that is rather kimoi

>> No.21353852


>> No.21353862

i don't blame anyone for not giving a shit but to fix that script that saves subs to a text file on your desktop in windows (and i think linux) i just had to change mp.add_key_binding to mp.add_forced_key_binding
it was just some default keybinding that changed the aspect ratio that was interfering.

this was the post where the original was made but i think the site that hosted the txt file is no around:

>> No.21353865

so, did Quizfag finally disappeared or desintegrated due to the shock of being beaten by Mattshit ? Is the Quizmeme finally dead ?

>> No.21353879

he'll be back. he has a low self-esteem and the only way he can feel somewhat important in life is by making his presence known in obscure forums until he can't take the negative attention and takes short breaks. and you know what? i'm happy to fuel that misery.

>> No.21353885

just look for a german flag in the int thread coupled with animego and ull know hes still out there and still alive lol

>> No.21353887

he was shitposting so hard he was afraid he was going to lose his bet to reach kanken 2 so now he only shitposts anonymously hoping that less yous will allow him to study more
if he ever lasts two weeks without announcing his presence i will be surprised

>> No.21353890

Not going to lie, I'd be worse than quiz if I spoke 4 languages and could shit on everybody here

>> No.21353895

i've never really liked jamal but i guess one of his key messages that you have to commend is that none of this language-learning shit really matters. you can still be a worthless and boring person. that describes quiz and probably you.

>> No.21353902

it's the natural order of things, if you work hard you deserve to shit on the fags that don't

>> No.21353908

well some of the language learning shit does matter but its after u watched 10000 hours of eng subbed anime that u start to see the benefit of it not before

not that any of it is mando

>> No.21353915


>> No.21353917

even for useful skills if u feel the urge to brag about bein better than a bunch a fuckin shitters ur prob still a worthless and boring person lol

>> No.21353929

what about ppl who brag that they are better at being able to have sex with women lol

careful with ur answer as to not come off as a incel : )

>> No.21353936

would u argue thats a useful skill

>> No.21353940

i mean as far as the purpose of all living things being to make more of themselves yah its pretty useful

>> No.21353948

there are so many directions to go i dont know which one to pick
sex is gonna happen u dont need to worry about that

>> No.21353950
File: 591 KB, 500x750, nah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the purpose of life is to bestow meaning upon the world and try to find a way "out" if there is one

>> No.21353962

idk dude i dont think its safe to say sex is gonna happen here for most of the boys

reproduction is even more unlikely

this is actually just a display of the illness that is the human conscious

>> No.21353964

yes according to Matt

>> No.21353978

this is just feel good cope for eternal plebs

>> No.21353980

u dont need everyone on the planet to have sex for mankind to be safe though
and it aint really just cuz djt doesnt represent the rest of the population
can u actually imagine a world where no one fucks it cant happen

>> No.21353981

you should watch mob psycho

>> No.21353982

no i shouldnt

>> No.21353985

>this is actually just a display of the illness that is the human conscious
you gotta embrace what you are
that's the human condition

>> No.21353999

thats not what i mean

everyone and everything naturally wants to make more of itself

so someone whos better at getting to have sex with women is genetically just superior to those that dont

its part of the survival of the fittest thing

imagine being a living thing that never got to reproduce because the natural order deemed u too defective to be worthy of passing anything on lmao

just jacking off to hentai wasting all those potential little lives all those little sperms could become

>> No.21354010
File: 491 KB, 794x1710, mattbenjomeshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21354014

and ppl said my low effort photoshops (actually i do them in the gimp cuz i dont wanna purchase photoshop lol) were over 9000 hours in paint and unfunny lol

>> No.21354018

whats your excuse for not spending every second of your life impregnating women

>> No.21354019

not gonna lie that matt pose put in other situations could prove very comical

my shits all dried up dude i dont do anymore fuckin

>> No.21354022

yea thats how it went down

>> No.21354025

moedork plz

>> No.21354043

i used gimp tho

>> No.21354056

i figured it out

i have to make a visual novel using the characters of djt

i think i can make enough character dolls to do it

but i also have to translate the entire legendary legends of heroes light novella series so well have to see lol

>> No.21354062

ur takin the ez way out sayin reproduction = good genes
if ur family tree is upside down and shits all fucked it sure aint good for the species
if u remove that assumption then if ur an evolutionary dead end isnt it useful if ur not impregnating women

>> No.21354064

i mean desu djt has quite its share of unique characters. it's actually kinda nuts. is there a general that can compare?

>> No.21354065

is mining nhk a good idea for getting basic vocab?

>> No.21354069

ur post is just more display of the cancer that is the human conscious

humans are incredibly short sighted which makes their attempts a reasoning and logic when talking about the very nature of life itself especially laughable

>> No.21354070


>> No.21354078

maybe? idk

>> No.21354080

to put it simply big beefy chads are fuckin cuz they are the finest specimens available at the time where mating is possible and maybe ur hypothesized superior genes are best served just dried up in a sock in the corner of ur closet

>> No.21354081

what's the meaning of 事もない

>> No.21354082

ok djt im done with the 100000 hours of subbed anime
now what

>> No.21354086

if u still arent fluent by now u should just give up

>> No.21354087

prove to me ur for real

im a anime pro so ill be able to tell

>> No.21354089


>> No.21354090


>> No.21354092

it means "and don't"

>> No.21354095

the opposite of 事もある ?

>> No.21354099

several of them are me

>> No.21354101

but all of them are me

>> No.21354102
File: 1.01 MB, 2581x2550, windows_scrot003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been a little over six months since I last asked for a handwriting critique. With daily practice I think ive improved a lot but I still want to get better at kana and kanji. thoughts?

>> No.21354103

i was sayin my hypothesized inferior genes are where they should be
u tryin to say no one fucks who shouldnt be fuckin ?

>> No.21354104

2+ are unironically me but they are minor characters.

>> No.21354110

lmfao chotto kakkoii

i mean u do only have to get 1 solid fuck and get 1 of ur sperms 2 that egg in ur entire life to not be a complete defect so thats the cool thing about life right now u have quite a lot of time to get that 1 life defining skeet in

>> No.21354112

im gonna be honest man you're pretty good

>> No.21354115

stop responding to obvious reddit reposts

>> No.21354118


>> No.21354120


>> No.21354125
File: 178 KB, 1280x905, ぷー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21354130

how do u practice for 6 months and not learn to 右払い
stop describin nightmares
so ur holdin a solid opposition to my argument that some people shouldnt fuck ?

>> No.21354133

can the guy copying jamal's posting style please just stop?

>> No.21354135

im saying those who are destined to fuck will fuck and those who are not will not its very simple

>> No.21354136


>> No.21354143

whos copying me

>> No.21354148

btw i guess u could put ur spunk on ice and hope some borderline defective whale squirts it up her マンコ also

>> No.21354157

u might as well say what will happen will happen
can u imagine hoping that happens lol

>> No.21354161

sorry but thats what it means to be human

nothing matters

>> No.21354162
File: 166 KB, 1000x882, radical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad, but you still have to pass the ultimate test

>> No.21354163 [DELETED] 

you guys ever have moments of lucidity where you wonder why existence exists since there's no god?

>> No.21354166

no i dont occupy my head with such useless drivel

>> No.21354175

almost believe ur bein real
askin meaningless questions like that is how people came up with god lol

>> No.21354179
File: 89 KB, 332x818, jamal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21354184

Other way around. Getting your sperm to the egg is the biggest fuck up of a lifetime. Literally no good will come of it. Besides them basically ruining your own life, your kids will only add to the clutter, and trust me none of your kids here are going to further man's exploration into space or solve string theory. Not that there's a point to any of that shit anyways but if you think having a baby makes you any less of a piece of shit you're wrong. It makes you worse in my book.

>> No.21354185

there is a god, the emperor of japan (regardless of what anyone says)

>> No.21354189

this is how i imagine anyone posting philosophy about eggs and sperm and whatever else here

>> No.21354193

this man you gotta live for yourself and seek your own pleasures that's the peak of living.parents are fucking slaves

>> No.21354203


>> No.21354227

antinatalism gang represent

>> No.21354254

How do I reset my core2k deck. i'm fucking retarded and made a mistake

>> No.21354271

this is only true if ur a literal adult child

once u have ur shit in order u dont feel this way

im not moogy lol

>> No.21354280

I don't how how to reset a deck, if that's possible, but you could just delete the deck and open the apkg file again

>> No.21354281

load a backup

>> No.21354285

isn't moogy asian?

>> No.21354287

do people unironically enjoy shit like hanahira? can somebody explain to me what the appeal of this is? I actually enjoyed yotsuba but this is just...

>> No.21354295

thats a pretty old pic of moogy w. a fedora and peepants shopped in

>> No.21354297

Why are there 2 readings for numbers? not talking about shi/yon ,shichi/nana, etc but Ichi/Hitotsu, Ni/Futatsu and so on. is the first one just for raw numbers and the second for counting things?

>> No.21354306

raw numbers lmfao

>> No.21354316

there are several readings for english numbers too. 2 can be read as two, twenty, seco, etc. english was pretty difficult to learn because of this but i'm so used to memorizing readings that japanese has been easy thus far.

>> No.21354320
File: 59 KB, 320x794, 1352750688899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit all u gotta do is type moogy tlwiki into gis and here u go str8 fuckin gangster at xmas with the 'rents lol

>> No.21354325

theyre used for some counters

>> No.21354337

ur not helping moefuck

ne1 who uses the word "counters" should get they peepee chopped off lol

ur just perpetuating the decoding of japanese instead of the learning of japanese w. that kinda shit

same goes 4 ppl who talk about "onomatopoeias" etc

>> No.21354341


>> No.21354342

dont sign ur posts

>> No.21354347

giving unhelpful answers is fun but you just get autismal every day cuz people use words like "study" and "verb" lol

>> No.21354349

but i still can't tell if this is just an image associated with him because of jp shitposts or what. i could have sworn he said he was asian but i could be remembering incorrectly.

>> No.21354357

Asking again anyone got the SCP LN? It's on the site but no download, and kind of fucked up since the redacted text is giant vertical rectangles for some reason

>> No.21354358


>> No.21354368

i guess its possible

back then i was aware of but actively avoiding the aids him and all those shit retards were putting out there quite frankly ruining eroges

? i just post from the heart

u just post like a retard everyday lol

>> No.21354375

You'll make it, anon

>> No.21354376


>> No.21354377

as they say

get rkt lol

>> No.21354378

minna genki?

>> No.21354381

why would u read a light novel u dont like lol

>> No.21354388

why do you like stuff before you read it

>> No.21354391

why would u read light novels when u can just read manga ?

>> No.21354394

Why would you not buy the mind illuminated to transcend time space and know which books you will like before reading?

>> No.21354403

im not u know if u like it before u start
im sayin if u dont like it u can fuckin stop
thought that was obvious

>> No.21354411



>> No.21354415

how far into mia do you have to get before you can start learning japanese

>> No.21354430

never understood the point of this pic desu.

>> No.21354465

getting it pretty much requires playing syarin no kuni

get to it boy its i guess a classic now

>> No.21354509
File: 29 KB, 396x228, 1470366258925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do?

>> No.21354524

gonna need a bit more context than that

>> No.21354530



>> No.21354531
File: 781 KB, 1024x576, A...A...A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do?

>> No.21354534

it means you ran out of kido

>> No.21354538

cannot 機動戦士ガンダム


>> No.21354543

just thought id say these are all me

>> No.21354551

lick her feet

>> No.21354558

yes but this doesnt tell me how to fix it

>> No.21354559

What game?

>> No.21354563
File: 25 KB, 420x420, pebkac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have u tried reading the fukken manual ?

>> No.21354572

it didnt come with one

>> No.21354575



>> No.21354591

not possible

>> No.21354592

how long should it be taking a beginner to finish a "medium" VN if they read a few hours every day?

>> No.21354598

there is no "should", these are all extremely vague terms anyways
you're done when you're done

>> No.21354601


>> No.21354604

do you mean "a month"?

>> No.21354605

3 months your first one

>> No.21354608

medium amount of time if you did rtk

>> No.21354613


>> No.21354617

a 30 hour vn should take u about 300 hours cuz u suck that bad

>> No.21354620

wait think i got it figured out now. thanks for all the help guys :)

>> No.21354629

ok that makes sense.

>> No.21354631

How do I install this game?

>> No.21354635


>> No.21354638

the first 5 hours of the vn will take 100 of them

>> No.21354658

"input your lisence key of 20 digit alphanumeric"

>> No.21354666

are u talkin about azanel

>> No.21354670


>> No.21354676


>> No.21354693

omg thankyou

>> No.21354696

How do I install axanael?

>> No.21354712
File: 64 KB, 248x210, 1556038387482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf that's not ok

>> No.21354718


wtf learning japanese does this to you?

>> No.21354726

i feel sorry for his wife and daughters he abandons to go fuck east asians he can show off his income to. but hey he's living the life

>> No.21354727

pedo from zero

>> No.21354735

For what purpose would he expose himself like this? Like if you wanted to play a non-erotic VN there are a shit ton of them.

>> No.21354741

loli games are essential

>> No.21354746

Name 10 non-erotic VNs that are actually worth playing.

>> No.21354753

you guys are neglecting the fact that it has to be on 3ds cuz he spent that money on that 3ds capture setup for whatever reason and he wants to use that for his games i guess idk i dont follow the guy

>> No.21354763

its also gotta be somethin he doesnt feel is threatening the publishers revenue so u better not have too much fun watchin

>> No.21354770

>Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken
>Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2: Naruhodo Ryunosuke no Kakugo
>Gyakuten Saiban: Yomigaeru Gyakuten
>Gyakuten Saiban 2
>Gyakuten Saiban 3
>Gyakuten Saiban 4
>Gyakuten Saiban 5
>Gyakuten Saiban 6


shit I don't know more, should have played more non--porn games

>> No.21354773


All these games are on the 3ds.

>> No.21354781

m8 you just linked all the games of one series, and besides that, fact is that its funny to see an old man play this little kids vn game.

>> No.21354784

lol his family is fine, go sjw somewhere else

>> No.21354785

little girls* vn game

>> No.21354791

Post the fucking DQXI clip.

>> No.21354793

go excuse asian fetishization and family abandonment on /pol/.

>> No.21354798


>> No.21354801

for once i agree with that fag kys its shit bait go find another thread to bait

>> No.21354804

oh shut the fuck up.

>> No.21354805

kys your self.

>> No.21354811


All are me

>> No.21354827

I didn't know pol had asian fetish, brb

>> No.21354829

doesn't /pol/ vouch for strong family bonds?

>> No.21354833

incels are conflicted about it.

>> No.21354836

he's from reddit they think pol is just a blanket diss

>> No.21354876

Hated this motherfucker at first.
Now it feels satisfying and looks sexy.

>> No.21354893

Ya feels good when you do a good one, still the hardest stroke though. I usually cheat and make it two.

>> No.21354929

i noticed in his latest video that *a** has switched to win10 which is a huge relief. he was a win7 luddite for a long time.

>> No.21354935

Just finished the JCAT and as I thought, I'm average.

>> No.21354938


>> No.21354954

>kana was typically written in katakana prior to the meiji period
wait what the fuck? for real? that is a pointless but neato fact. did women only write in hiragana.

>> No.21354956

did the front running axanael guy reach the op video cuz this race might be heatin up with some more people startin their first vn

>> No.21354967


>> No.21354969
File: 899 KB, 1021x569, 1531491558359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the first axanael guy and the one that is most behind.

I'm just taking it easy desu.

>> No.21354975

what'd ya get?

>> No.21354982

takin it easy is ftw as long as ur havin fun

>> No.21354986

237. I probably could have scored higher if I didn't panic and also if I put more thought into my answers. But whatever, I'm happy with this score because I haven't actually spent active time studying since I first started learning.

>> No.21354995

>because I haven't actually spend active time studying since I first started learning
Do you mean "studying" in the formal sense? Have you still been getting input?

>> No.21355010
File: 1.04 MB, 1023x579, 1551393494417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah its pretty fun VN dunno why people were saying it has weird bad humor.

>> No.21355015

Yeah studying as in progressively looking up grammar patterns, drilling vocab and kanji, etc. I've just been reading and watching for the past 2 years.

>> No.21355035
File: 6 KB, 1017x576, axanael_2019-05-16_01-05-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21355057

>bros wtf a ton of kanji have similar readings like wtf? i
yep! and for ones that are exactly the same, you can use your knowledge of that to help you remember them. have those lil groups in your head

く 区 苦
りょう 了 両 猟
かん 漢 感 姦 完
ろ 炉 露 路
けい 携 系 軽 形 経

if you know any kanji for a given reading then you can more easily learn more kanji with that same reading just by recalling any of those old ones

>> No.21355064

time to collect the endings

>> No.21355080
File: 179 KB, 849x1200, 248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help guys, I'm translating porn.
Is this like, I'll hold back because it's a girl? Is that what "won't take out my hand" means?
I don't get this line at all.

>> No.21355092

It's probably something like "just cause she's a girl I'm not going to cut corners or perform worse" (at whatever they're doing ). As for the other line, "if she cries it doesn't bother me" would probably work

>> No.21355160


>> No.21355161

It's actually the reverse for both of those.

>> No.21355171


>> No.21355178

Wow, thanks, I didn't realize how crap my dictionary is.

>> No.21355244
File: 169 KB, 318x308, 1535368360071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21355259

I just left the thread yesterday and only came back now, but thanks for clearing that up. It does make sense.

And yes, the character who said it is from 関西.

>> No.21355261

my latest thing is reading japanese advice columns. entertaining, helpful, sometimes depressing

>> No.21355328


>> No.21355338


>> No.21355341

fucking saved

>> No.21355382

i wonder how good you’ll get if you read like 100 vns

>> No.21355411

But this is like the opposite of 帰る

>> No.21355462




>> No.21355470

sauce my man?

>> No.21355479

I didnt do my reviews yesterday so I had to do 30 minutes of anki today. Holy fucking shit by the end I could barely focus and wanted to shoot myself in the head. How the fuck can people do this for 2 hours

>> No.21355484

I did so for 1 year straight.

>> No.21355517

>I've never been much of a gamer
>lists games he used to play a lot for the first two minutes
What did he mean by this?

>> No.21355521

Lmao, for no reason. I'm the last poster, I don't even want to play it. It was just posted on mega here a while ago because someone was struggling to download it and I downloaded it too because I don't usually get VN because I can't torrent.

>> No.21355631

why is the particle は here instead of を? is it like "as for you, killing [after all]"?

>> No.21355655

Decided to try that MIA add-on again today because I'm an idiot. Made sure I did everything exactly right this time, and it still doesn't work.

Here's the error on startup:
>Caught exception:
>File "aqt/progress.py", line 72, in handler
>File "aqt/main.py", line 136, in setupProfile
>File "aqt/main.py", line 277, in loadProfile
>File "anki/hooks.py", line 29, in runHook
>File "/home/username/.local/share/Anki2/addons21/MIAJapaneseSupport/models.py", line 80, in addModels
>File "/home/username/.local/share/Anki2/addons21/MIAJapaneseSupport/models.py", line 89, in moveFontToMediaDir
>copyfile(src, path)
><class 'NameError'>: name 'copyfile' is not defined

After this, you have to restart Anki or nothing works. You can add the pitch information to words, but it just shows up in square brackets on your cards, the same as it does in your fields, since all the Javascript which is supposed to be on the cards is completely missing for some reason.

When trying to add audio, it errors like so:
>JS error on line 88: Uncaught ReferenceError: cur is not defined

That thing Matt shows in the video where you can switch cards from normal cards to audio cards doesn't work at all, and no error message seems to show up relating to it. Cards are locked to being audio cards only (which is pretty useless considering adding audio doesn't work at all).

The only thing about the add-on that actually does work is the pitch accent coloring, but again, on first run even that is broken too.

Fortunately I managed to delete it today without it completely breaking Anki and forcing my to restart my computer, so that' something at least.

>> No.21355666

why don't you ask matt bro

>> No.21355687

His $100 Patreon tier for an hour long conversation with him is sadly sold-out.

>> No.21355702







>> No.21355742

You have to think about the time commitment of talking to someone for an hour with zero preparation on your side.

>> No.21355748

i think they are married actually

>> No.21355820

It's sold out on Patreon, but you don't need Patreon to book an appointment with the Matto:
>If you would like to get some real one-on-one time with me, I also offer hour-long video-call (Skype or Discord) consultation sessions for $60 (USD) a session.

>> No.21355826

imagine paying 60 dollars to tell someone their software is fucking broken

>> No.21355835

when it's software as good and revolutionary as matt's i don't really blame them.

>> No.21355846

Why don't you guys just rename these threads matt general, in line with its content?

>> No.21355853

why don't you make a cry general haha

>> No.21355860

will updating anki mess with yomichan? my fonts are all unreadable for some reason.

>> No.21355862

It's sold out on Patreon, but you don't need Patreon to book an appointment with the Matto:
>If you would like to get some real one-on-one time with me, I also offer hour-long video-call (Skype or Discord) consultation sessions for $60 (USD) a session.

>> No.21355871
File: 60 KB, 150x166, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread:


>> No.21355875

get that piece of shit out of my home, I don't want someone like matt have anything to do with my precious trash.

>> No.21355876


>> No.21355901

Why would it?

>my fonts are all unreadable for some reason.
In Anki? Make sure you set actually Japanese fonts for your fields and in your card styling.

It seems Anki 2.1 for Windows defaults to using Chinese fonts for Chinese characters if the specified font (e.g. Arial) doesn't contain the glyphs it needs to display the characters.

High quality Japanese fonts:

>> No.21355911
File: 51 KB, 967x212, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this and what does it mean? especially the "to"

>> No.21355924

but doesn't installing more fonts make your fingerprint more unique

>> No.21355927

imagine giving a shit
everyone has all your data anyways, unless you're connecting through other peoples' PCs there's always a way to fingerprint you

>> No.21355930

Figure it out retard.

>> No.21355932

it already took me too much time and i didnt come with anything

>> No.21355933

stop being mean you piece of elitist shit

>> No.21355949

I started learning this week and I'm currently halfway through memorising the Hiragana. I had 4 questions which might help me on my journey:

Itazuraneko guide says that Hiragana is the 'bread and butter for reading anything in japanese', but the article below says that 'it can actually be confusing to read young children's storybooks if they're predominantly written in hiragana without severaly slowing down their reading speed so they can pick things apart'. Am I to infer that manga and VN use a simplified form of written japanese language targetted at people with lower scholastic ability or am I misunderstanding what those two statements are saying?

I'm writing the characters as I learn them because I feel like that helps me distinguish characters with similar outward appearance that I often mistake with quick glances. Stuff like あ/お, は/ほ/ま/も and ね/れ. This feels easier, but slower than just doing Itazuraneko's flashcards. Am I wasting my time and is the recognition something that I will naturally just become proficient at with continued use?

It takes me about half a second to recall the sound or english pronuniation of a hiragana character and I dont feel like I could ever read any actual text at this speed. Is this something which goes away after a week or am I just getting a bit too old and my reaction time and memory recall response getting too slow?

Why are お and を different characters when they have the same sound/pronounciation?

>> No.21355965

you are fucking overcomplicating the easiest thing about Jap, don't think that much and ask questions like that, just memorise that shit

I learned kana in 2 days and then practiced it for 2 weeks and it was it, move on

>> No.21355966
File: 67 KB, 841x502, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21355968

y-yes that's it, what did he mean later on
in English version it's translated as
>Technology is incredible! You can now store and recall items and POKEMON as data via PC!

is that おくれる お+くれる as in give?

>> No.21355970

People can't tell you what it translates to because they lack context and if you want to know what と means you can look it up in any grammar ressource.
Don't ask stupid shit.

>> No.21355972

you are right i should've provided the whole dialog

>> No.21355977


>> No.21355980
File: 315 KB, 1140x1082, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this and what does it mean? especially the "to"

>> No.21355982

damn, thanks

>> No.21355986
File: 23 KB, 690x769, Screenshot_2019-05-16 Japanese dictionary search for okureru .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21355989

What's the best way to say gay in Japanese?

>> No.21355990

shut up retard that line by itself is very profound and easily understood if u know japanese as i will now demonstrate for our boy

データに仕て送れるんだと is what its saying

and furthermore the と is the "quoting" 1 and is there because hes not sure if this crazy world were livin in is agreeable or not so it puts that statement at a distance from himself but thats the way it is decide whats right for urself yung trainer

its actually incredibly profound for a childrens game

>> No.21355991

How do I say that I've changed my mind and want someone to cancel my order? More specifically, how do I say "order" as in for a product?

>> No.21355995

thanks for showin 'em how its done uncle jamal

>> No.21356005

thank you kind sir

>> No.21356009

idk try 注文をキャンセルしたいんだけど or something depends on the situation and how you want to come across

>> No.21356018

It's like something he heard from somebody else, distance is the right word. Pretty standard use of と
Maybe a tekitou translation would be "Power of science is amazing. Apparently you even can..."

>shut up retard that line by itself is very profound and easily understood if u know japanese as i will now demonstrate for our boy
No it's literally impossible to tell without knowing anything else about the situation. It could translate to a ton of different things depending on the context but you probably can't tell because you don't know shit.

I mean lol dude you are a joke.

>> No.21356022

My stupid ass ordered a book yesterday (from Japan via amazon germany) but now realized that it would be way cheaper to buy an entire set instead of every book on its own. It's used though, so I have to send the seller a message and hope that they cancel my order which isn't guaranteed. If it doesn't work out I'll lose like 7€ and have the first book twice which isn't that nice but not the end of the world.
I'd try something like "注文をキャンセルしてください", but I'm also adding the explanation in English and German (even though they probably don't speak German but yeah)

>> No.21356025
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1554432233621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on Windows and you're worried about a few widely-used fonts making your browser fingerprint slightly more unique?

>> No.21356028

idk i'd just take the one then also order the set also

>> No.21356032

Yeah, but I'd thought maybe they'll cancel it because idk if I get to sell that book here, because who wants the first volume of an old light novel in Japanese in Germany?
Thanks anyway

>> No.21356035

u should google that last bit if u wanna see where i got it from lol

but i did also find this on the way ftw


>> No.21356037

That's a pretty normal 変換ミス. You'd know that if you spent enough time on the Japanese internet.

>> No.21356043


>> No.21356052

御hio matto desu

>> No.21356060

the cool thing abt japanese is u dont even need to know words when it comes 2 common phrases u can just sorta hum the right pitch and every1 will know what u mean lol

maybe thatt matto was onto somethin with that pitch stuff haha

>> No.21356070

i noticed this when they do 食レポ on variety shows
they stuff their mouth with food so that they can't speak but hum something and everyone knows they meant to say MECCHA OISHII

>> No.21356072

Is regularly taking JCAT a good practice?

>> No.21356075
File: 4 KB, 296x50, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

仕送る has nothing to do with that sentence though dickhead.
It says データにして to make into data which is the normal する.

I've never seen it and I can't even reproduce it. There is no results on google either. You are full of shit.

DJT once again showing off how little they actually know and making one million excuses for their fuckups on the way.

>> No.21356079

there's not a lot of questions so your results will be skewed if you take it frequently

>> No.21356085


>> No.21356092

You should take a chill pill dude, imagine getting this worked up over a post on a malaysian basket weaving forum

>> No.21356093

no i know god ur a fuckin donkan bITHc dont ever @ me again quiztard

>> No.21356102

VNs and books are gay and aids but I know they’re the only way to improve... sad!

>> No.21356104

just play pokemon dude it teaches u about life and if u should just accept the way things are going

>> No.21356106

reading isnt japanese

>> No.21356107

yeah it's 読む lol

>> No.21356112

lolling at quiztard trying to barge in with his weak n3 muscles and not even understanding what hes googling lmfao

>> No.21356118
File: 96 KB, 277x350, fx32q0HKNh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is what i call comprehensible input

>> No.21356119

I'm beyond N1 though.

>> No.21356124

Any takers for these quick questions?

>> No.21356127

*beyond ever reaching it

>> No.21356133

alright dude

>Am I to infer that manga and VN use a simplified form of written japanese language targetted at people with lower scholastic ability
>Am I wasting my time and is the recognition something that I will naturally just become proficient at with continued use?
>Is this something which goes away after a week or am I just getting a bit too old and my reaction time and memory recall response getting too slow?
you're a kindergartener learning to read

>Why are お and を different characters when they have the same sound/pronounciation?
cuz を is really important and only has 1 purpose and makes japanese easier to read

>> No.21356136

i'll always be n5 and i don't mind it whatsoever so i'm the only one who can destroy quiznos in a battle of spirit

>> No.21356141

post buttbat

>> No.21356144

ヲ now that's a useless character

>> No.21356147

moedork now thats a useless character

>> No.21356148
File: 726 KB, 2085x2953, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21356163

That's not useless.
These are useless.

>> No.21356170
File: 1.24 MB, 1688x1090, 1527043665631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u really are good for nothing ill do it ,myself

>> No.21356173

Shitters need to know their place.

>> No.21356174

those aren’t useless
these are useless

>> No.21356179

>cuz を is really important and only has 1 purpose and makes japanese easier to read
Care to explain? Wikipedia says it means 'particle', but I dont really get how that makes it easier to read.

>> No.21356180


>> No.21356192
File: 489 KB, 958x673, 1546912459610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite simply を will never be used to spell words

>> No.21356199

but ヲ can and will

funny how that works lol

>> No.21356209

>"wow, japanese sure is weird with all these quirks and consistencies"
Its funny how I think that despite me looking past all the many more inconsistencies within the english language.

>> No.21356215

it's more that japanese's inconsistencies are fucking stupid and mega gay

>> No.21356220

only from the point of view of people trying to learn it :^)

>> No.21356221

yah well everythings different when u actually know something and arent just sitting there observing it never being in it lol

>> No.21356222


>> No.21356246

English and French are way more inconsistent than nihongo.

>> No.21356247

man fluency seems an eternity away. will i really get good if i keep reading?

>> No.21356255

i said the inconsistencies in japanese are fucking stupid and mega gay, not that they're more frequent. dumbass

>> No.21356258

if you're really just reading you're probably gonna suck cock forever
you have to get 口語 gains everyday

>> No.21356263

i may not like moetard the most but we do agree on 1 fundamental thing

u need to watch 10000 hours of eng subbed anime or ur not gonna make it

>> No.21356264

you mean the 広義 gains

>> No.21356273


>> No.21356282

dumbass retard moron dipshit

>> No.21356345
File: 29 KB, 756x294, ja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jamal needs to immerse more in english

>> No.21356367

dang 2 bad posts in 1 omigoto lol

>> No.21356425

thread got worse now that there's people posting regular unremarkable pieces of japanese while trying to present them as quirky as possible

>> No.21356440

best piece of mattposting today (at least)

>> No.21356444

I don't even do eceleb stuff usually but I just saw the opportunity and took it
guess I'm a natural born shitposter

>> No.21356455

im taking credit for that

>> No.21356463

it is useful
but this post is still more retarded. you'd think on /jp/ people could recall certain character names or that one anime that changed everything

>> No.21356483

stfu dude

>> No.21356486

it will be used to spell words, even in otaku media, even in very popular otaku media (although infrequently)

>> No.21356491

example: れをる
even though I think she doesn't spell her name like that anymore

>> No.21356495
File: 34 KB, 335x500, 41nvkwg1GCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
