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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2412460 No.2412460 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you bother to keep on living /jp/? It's obvious hardly any of us are going to have a relationship with a girl. Let alone get married and have children.

What keeps you going?

>> No.2412465

Because I believe that I will get married, lead a successful career and have children.

>> No.2412464

Because marry and have children is not the only reason to live, dumbass.
I live for moe. Gimme more moe, Japan.

>> No.2412471

I must complete my dream of being a hero and helping others.

>> No.2412472

Because I enjoy life?
Is it really that hard of a question?

>> No.2412473


>> No.2412474

You guys worship women, it's disgusting.

>> No.2412475

what keeps me going?

>> No.2412468
File: 239 KB, 316x755, anicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much. /jp/ suicide meetup incoming.

>> No.2412477

We'll die anyway, so why haste the inevitable?

>> No.2412478

Maybe you guys should just turn gay.

>> No.2412480

you really wanna know?

>> No.2412481


>> No.2412484


>> No.2412486

I like physics and want to know everything about it.

>> No.2412485

I'm more afraid of dieing than continuing to live meaninglessly.

>> No.2412483

But I don't like dicks...

>> No.2412482


>> No.2412487

It's never really bothered me that much. After I learn to make friends, I'll be golden.

>> No.2412488

Because, despite the loneliness, life is pretty damn good.

>> No.2412490

What makes you think that the only reason to stay alive is to procreate? From an evolutionary standpoint you might think that, but to base an individual's actions on such a viewpoint is flawed. Anyone with 'undesirable' genes would be discouraged from procreating.

Anyway, why to I keep living? I am happy, that is why. I don't need to procreate to find happiness, so its absence does not preclude me from continuing to live a happy life.

>> No.2412494
File: 76 KB, 800x651, 5428d08865bcee9cfb1f293a4f6efba7ada45f9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that, lassie? OP is a faggot?

>> No.2412495

But my genes are godly...

>> No.2412496

This entire existence is pointless. I gave up searching for a meaning the day I truly understood this.

>> No.2412498

well, it just so happens i DID have a girlfriend.

it all started back in second grade, may was her name. smart and cute, we where made for eachother. we spent all hours laughing together and drawing eachother our favroite pokemon.

then one sad day, she came to me and said she was moving to colorado. i have never cried so hard in my life. then three weeks later as i bent down to collect my tickets from the skee ball machine at chucky cheese she walked past me. i tried to confront her but she ran outside and into an unlocked car.

and the sad thing is the exact same thing happened with a diffrent girl in 5th grade ;__;{/spoiler]

>> No.2412499

Old news

>> No.2412504

The world ends in 2012

May as well live as happily as you can now, and /jp/ is a good place as any to bullshit around on.

>> No.2412500

>Why do you bother to keep on living /jp/?
Oh hey this is an interesting topi-
>It's obvious hardly any of us are going to have a relationship with a girl. Let alone get married and have children.
You're a retard.

>> No.2412506

i live for my moeee, nothing else matters to me.

>> No.2412508

Because I enjoy fapping to little girls and mecha, and you need to be alive in order to do any of those.

>> No.2412509

It also was supposed to end in 2000-2001 and so on.

>> No.2412511

I live to live.

>> No.2412517

For Aiur.

>> No.2412518

Why would you stay alive for 2D things? Why not kill yourself and enter an eternal 2D dream under your control or maybe even be reborn in some 2D universe of your choice? Who knows ~

>> No.2412522


But this time it was the Mayans who predicted the world was going to end. Surely they knew what they were talking about.

>> No.2412525

/jp/=one person

>> No.2412528

Death dream world last as much as your last brain activity.
Oh yeah, never kill yourselves by shooting on your head or no Gensokyo temporary for you.

>> No.2412531

They never predicted anything, the calendar just stopped there, they got wiped out you know?

>> No.2412538

I don't know, they've only got those resource bonuses.

>> No.2412536


At the moment? House reruns, and my waifu, Horo.

Luckily, my unhappiness only stems from a broken computer. This will be rectified soon.

Fuck your reality.

>> No.2412534
File: 186 KB, 900x900, b649f7eef925f2f19036e9cf1f584378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lie because of the hope I have to oneday find my RL Ran and have children with her.

I savor the idea of coming home from a long days work and seeing my young wife reading to our child, and both of them can't wait to be held in my arms.


>> No.2412533
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>> No.2412543

I live because I don't have the balls to kill myself.

>> No.2412546


Because even the denizens of /jp/ are not mentally ill enough to believe they'll be transported to a world of 2D when they die.

>> No.2412547


If they Mayans were that intelligent, why aren't they around today?

>> No.2412556

2012 isn't the end of the Mayan calendar. It's the end of one cycle and it marks the beginning of another one. Only bullshit theory and paranoid conjecture has somehow concluded that this means the end of the world.

>> No.2412555

i will be your ran anon


>> No.2412553

You imply that the only reason to keep on living is having a relationship with a girl, which is simply not true. There's more to life than women.

>> No.2412561

They disappeared.
They didn't die out, they didn't go anywhere, THEY DISAPPEARED SUDDENLY.

>> No.2412563

Didn't get the El Dorado upgrade.

>> No.2412562

If some people are smarter, then why they don't reproduce at a greater rate?

>> No.2412565
File: 62 KB, 400x400, slowku3gz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just in: Women do not improve the quality of your life.

More at 11.

>> No.2412567

I have Mayan blood, a lot of people do.

>> No.2412568

Most of you cant get women because you think of them like pets almost.

>> No.2412570

Woman spotted.

>> No.2412571

Their society structure collapsed and its members dissipated all over the place. They didn't disappear suddenly. Come on.

>> No.2412572

We don't, we love them more than anyone would.

>> No.2412575

I think of them as objects that exist only to have sex with then leave to never speak to them ever again.

>> No.2412576

Indeed, they did the right thing unlike some other civilizations. They knew the cycle of every civilization.

>> No.2412578

Some women are like cats; independent generally except for the rare times they show affection. This is when you're feeding them, petting them, or buying them toys. Others are like dogs; they love you unconditionally no matter how much you abuse them as long as you take care of them.

tl;dr women ARE pets.

>> No.2412579


I don't have a woman because they treat men like their pets.

>> No.2412585

So it's just me?

Here's hoping I'm right.

>> No.2412587

All women are submissive, feminism just means they get to be pickier about the guys who they submit to.

>> No.2412593


>> No.2412603

Well, I meant more along the lines of a fictitious / alternative universe type of thing rather than a literal never-ending dream.

>> No.2412608

Can I ask you something honestly /jp/?

Say you like a girl, is there anything wrong with thinking it's kind of depressing and sad if she's had sex before, if another man has defiled her and ruined her purity because he sweet talked her out of her virginity? Am I the only one who cannot stomach impurity simply because of the visualization it brings up?

The juxtapositions I basically mean, of sweetness and innocence contrasted with breathless fucking, being taken like a bitch and all that shit.

>> No.2412615

...did you just imply that women and children are a major reason for living? You're a funny guy.

The answer to your question: habit and obligation.

>> No.2412623

We'll, you're fucked. I only believe in science, everyone does.

>> No.2412619

I've always wanted an obedient girl who enjoys being treated like a pet, but I'm afraid I'd get sick of it, because there's no excitement when she always obeys.

Any advice?

>> No.2412621

Not this shit again...

>> No.2412628


There's nothing wrong with it, but sadly nearly every girl over the age of 18 will be a non-virgin.

I think it would be easier on your psyche to accept that fact instead of continuing to dwell on a woman's impurity.

>> No.2412638

I see it like shitting. It's not pretty to think about a girl shitting (unless you're into that) but who cares? Just don't think about it. It's an unrealistic and idiotic standard to hold to someone.

>> No.2412652

We have our pure and always innocent 2D waifus, why to bother with 3D sluts? If you can't accept that, get out.

>> No.2412653

I wouldn't call it idiotic, incompatible with female morality maybe. But not idiotic.

>> No.2412655

>All women are submissive

No. I know this short, cute redhead from Alabama. I want to be on top.

>> No.2412656

I agree. I need my first girlfriend to be pure.

>> No.2412663

Because life is enjoyable and it would be a waste to kill myself. I might not have a purpose but that just means I'm free to spend my days doing whatever I want.

>> No.2412664

This topic is full of closet normalfags, get out of here.

you are too unpure and unstable for /jp/.

>> No.2412670

Unlike with shitting, there is another person involved though. Let me tell you guys something, nearly all women are submissive, those girls who you think are pure? If they've had sex they've probably uttered the words 'fuck me like a slut' or something like that before.

>> No.2412674

Then who would keep my waifu company?

>> No.2412675

You don't know what that means.

>> No.2412687
File: 118 KB, 800x1080, 1231521959416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>OP appears to think a relationship and reproduction is all that matters in life

I tend to think it's these people that are the most insecure, not the ones who spend their days looking at anime/loli/gaeman/etc

Perhaps I'm a bit biased, but seriously. Out of everyone's mouths when they speak of quality of life, all they ask about is your virginal/relationship status. Unlike many anonymous, I have some friends, all of them are or have been in and out of relationships, and all they ever do is bitch about how hard it makes their life. I'm ronery, and I'm happy; sounds to me like my life is better for it.

>> No.2412692

By anti-r9k standards, everyone in a relationship or willing to be in one with a 3D person is a normalfag.

>> No.2412699

Truth is, it all depends on your IQ, there I said it.

>> No.2412713

Why do you bother to keep on living humans? It's obvious hardly any of you will be remembered and loved for eternity. You'll all disappear into nothingness. Why do you keep living?

>> No.2412715

I do not know how some of you guys can stomach your favorite Touhous or Animu characters saying that in doujinshi.

>> No.2412718
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1193544413367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>everything depends on an abstracted, questionably reliable "intelligence score"


>> No.2412720

But then, only normalfags would reproduce, then there would be only normalfags.
Plus, it's fucking animal instinct, denying it is stupid.

>> No.2412724

fuck sake, stop making me want to play mass effect again.

>> No.2412730

That's the joke

>> No.2412738

I don't look at doujins of my waifu and I don't really care how slutty other girls act in doujins.
