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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 230 KB, 800x709, 2b5d5af40a245c6e1bf1791738da434f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2540707 No.2540707 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ stay in shape? We can't all be fat fuckers.

>> No.2540721

im not fat, im just not fit
not eating to save money helps

>> No.2540728


>> No.2540740

>not eating to save money
I wouldn't go that far to enjoy my hobbies,

especially since most of them can be enjoyed for free.

>> No.2540749

I'm about as in shape as Patchouli (not the mockery of her in the OP's picture) for roughly the same reasons. I'm a skinny, weak nerd with pasty skin from never going outside.

So no, OP, you can be underweight and out of shape at the same time.

>> No.2540763

I'm at a healthy BMI, but I could stand to lose five pounds.

Girls aren't attractive unless they're underweight, anyway.

>> No.2540764


The figs, man, the figs!

>> No.2540779
File: 108 KB, 744x700, pushup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Push ups are fucking easy

>> No.2540801

Now do 100 with your nose touching the ground on each push.

>> No.2540807

I'm more fit than the guys at /fit/.

I owe it all to the videogame music that I listen to while working out.

>> No.2540826
File: 140 KB, 787x904, heya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.2540846


Hougaku Play vol. 3

>> No.2540855

190lb 6'1" male


>> No.2540857
File: 158 KB, 546x800, d6a1ae0d0ab166f33a19e653bf2e15a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit underweight although my face is a bit chubby.

>> No.2540870

not a single person saw what they're reading?

>> No.2540884

That doesn't make sense, look at her legs

>> No.2540887

I jog about 9 or 10 miles weekly. It's not much, but I don't have a car or anything so I have to walk a lot. Plus, I eat relatively well.

>> No.2540897

I'm 5'8 at 125lbs. If anything I need to get heavier.

>> No.2540901
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also, fapping

>> No.2540930

>We can't all be fat fuckers.
This isn't /v/.

>> No.2540946

/v/'s full of casualfags

>> No.2540981
File: 349 KB, 900x1200, 1240851525591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working out daily with the intention of (eventually) forming oni-like abs.
Currently not paying off, but keeping trying.

Perhaps, as >>2540870 pointed out, the Pnakotic manuscripts would be suitable reading.

>> No.2540984

Last time I weighed myself I was about 160 pounds.
We also didn't have enough money for a proper amount of food at the time though.
That problem has gotten better since then, but now I worry that I really am going to get fat.
An apple a day keeps the dentist away, but a totinios a day makes the fat stay.

Anyway, I may not be overweight, but that doesn't mean that my body is in any decent kind of shape.

>> No.2541018

I weigh 300lbs and am 19 years old, please help me.

>> No.2541026

*punches wall, is 19 years old*

>> No.2541035

I'm around 5'8" and 115 ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ

>> No.2541039

You're so cute and delicate, ponpo-kun.

>> No.2541054


So moe I died.

>> No.2541084

i'm 183cm (6') and 65kg (143 lbs)
couldn't be better

>> No.2541087

I'm 5'11" and 119 pounds.

>> No.2541099

5'11'' 120lbs
I'm not skipping on meals to save money, I just do it because I don't feel like eating and I'm afraid of getting fat.

>> No.2541115

5'11", 180 lbs

I've got a bit of a gut, but far from fat, at least.

Isn't that anorexia?

>> No.2541116

184 cm
68 kg
0 stamina

>> No.2541117

You skinny fucks need to get on some meds and fatten up.

>> No.2541128

>I'm afraid of getting fat
Good. More people should be. Being fat is being rude to everybody around you. All the time.

>> No.2541130

You can see my ribs and internal organs clear as day when I suck my stomach in.

>> No.2541132

>Isn't that anorexia?

のワの Probably. You don't hear much about male anorexia.

>> No.2541135

I'm physically fit. I lift weights regularly and I practice Aikido.

5'10" and 150 lbs. I'm currently at 10% body fat.

>> No.2541139

6'1'' 130lbs and no muscle to speak of.

>> No.2541156

Holy shit, my own clone.

Well, 135 lbs. Same height.

>> No.2541158

6'4", 220 lbs, I'm somewhat in shape, I don't have a gut at least.

I practice Boxing so that may help

>> No.2541166

Yes I'm overweight but I can still do 40 push ups etc so Im not that out of shape, I just enjoy eating just that simple

>> No.2541207

5'11" about 100 pounds

>> No.2541212
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/jp/ skeleton crew.

>> No.2541242

Nah, you're not overweight.

You're obese.

>> No.2541285

About 5'4", somewhere between 65 and 70 kilos. A little overweight. Horribly unfit. I also seem to be the shortest person in this thread (゚д゚)

>> No.2541294

179cm, 87kg (BMI 27)

>> No.2541298

It's because you're a girl. Would you like to go out with me?

>> No.2541313

/jp/edos are unexpectedly tall, we have quite a few here 6' and above.

>> No.2541318


Is that considered tall? Most people living here are that tall or even taller

>> No.2541368

Up until just before I joined the Navy, I was also completely out of shape. Then I started working out in preparation for enlistment, and managed to get into good enough shape to complete Boot Camp, but not good enough shape to avoid fracturing my heel while doing so.

>> No.2541374
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>> No.2541401

6'3", 180lbs. here
I'm fat.

>> No.2541408

>>2541318 6' is well above the world avarage, it is considered tall.

>> No.2541483
File: 207 KB, 720x480, Hinako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you trained with Hinako today, /jp/?

>> No.2541499

Training my right arm, yeah.

>> No.2541508

I do aikido and tae kwon do

you don't need to ask

>> No.2541531

Lots of outdoor work is my form of exercise, my job also helps with lots of heavy lifting and cardio vascular as well. Within the span of a few months I dropped from 200 to 170 lean and fit.

>> No.2541546

5'3" (or 5'2"? I forgot) here ;_;

>> No.2541557

5"7 135 pounds Fuck you /jp/ ;_;

>> No.2541558
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what the fuck, are you two like 12 years old or are you midgets? I don't know which would be better but jesus fucking christ you're smaller than an average teenage girl.

>> No.2541594

185cm (6'1") and 62kg (136lbs) here.

>> No.2541598

She actually inspired me to start doing push ups. The video itself is kinda bad, though.

>> No.2541606

~180cm, ~60kg.
Haven't measured or weighed myself in about a year, but I never change.

>> No.2541609

5'10, 155 pounds. Exceedingly average.

>> No.2541615

5'1"! Ha!

>> No.2541626

About 170cm and 57kg. I don't gain weight anymore for some reason. Too bad; I've always wanted to try out how it feels to be fat.

>> No.2541631

How are all of you so skinny?

Are you not as NEET as I led you to believe, or are you just bum-fuck depressed?

>> No.2541636

I'm ashamed to say this pose is fucking hot... the things you could do to her like this...

>> No.2541639

It's all fucking lies. Of all places I would have expected /jp/ to be more honest about this stuff.

5'9" 235lbs

>> No.2541644

about 170bs, eurofags can do the math

fuck year

>> No.2541649

Why is that a shameful thing to admit? It's a pretty common thing.

>> No.2541650

6'2 175lbs

>> No.2541653

5'11, 128 pounds.

High metabolism. Also, just because I spend almost all my time at home doesn't mean I also eat a fucktonne of food.

>> No.2541670

This is how I imagine Pygma-chan browsing /jp/.

>> No.2541671


Do you really want us to prove that we are as skinny as we say? I think I'll spare you from seeing my sickly figure.

>> No.2541708


Maybe you're just overly tall, did your mom feed you steroids as a kid? ):

>> No.2541711

Spending all day inside doesn't mean spending all day eating. I always thought the tall skinny nerd stereotype was pretty common.

>> No.2541715

6ft 1in, 180 lbs, I work out regularly and take supplements.

>> No.2541721


I bench press 315.
I squat 355 atg.
I dead 435.
I clean 285.

eat your OATZ and do your SQUATZ. I find being an anon of /fit/ and /jp/ to be weird.

>> No.2541723

I'm only a little over 6', so no.

>> No.2541762

I'm 19. It doesn't help that I can look and sound like a shota, either.

At least I'm taller than my parents...

>> No.2541766


Not strange at all. There are plenty of fit virgin geeks in /jp/.

I know I'm one of them; my fitness power level is maximum just like my anime and video game power levels.

>> No.2541782


Hey man, fuck you. I'm 23, and I can hardly be blamed I stopped growing at like 14 ;_;

>> No.2541801
File: 121 KB, 468x349, Mr. bean wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck does this thread have to do with /jp/?
We're all obese lolicon neckbeards who haven't showered in months.
That's it.

>> No.2541802

I bench press 4 gorillas every morning.

>> No.2541909
File: 150 KB, 589x800, 844e74015ccf95f0c0b9fa1859048ba4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around 5'10"-ish, 132 lbs. Was 128 a few weeks ago, but I tried to be less lazy in the kitchen and eat more, so I got it back.

Work out every week. Did work out 3x/week, but don't have the time recently. Aerobically terrible (may be an asthma-related problem), but I lift 130 lbs. using any of five different muscle sets, and doing Chinese martial arts left me with good balance and flexibility.


Pft. Bodyshaping isn't bodybuilding.

>> No.2541925

This thread is pathet... wait it's nighttime /jp/.

Need to wait for nite-owl. /jp/.

>> No.2542805

climb stairs
carry shit

it's a pretty good workout

>> No.2542818


yes i got some awesome arms, yet everything else is fat...

>> No.2542822

oh lol, and this isn't OP btw it's from a diff thread

>> No.2542823

120 lbs, 5'6"
Doomed to be a midget for eternity.

>> No.2542847

*punches wall, weighs 300 pounds*

>> No.2542851

I eat my Oatz and do my Squatz.

A few years ago I was taking Kyokushin Karate, even competed in a few tourneys and kicked some asses(as well as got my ass kicked in return) but then I fucked my knee up in a moshpit and had to quit. Sat on my ass for a year and smoked pounds of weed to the face. Now I'm back on the wagon.

>> No.2542861
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I do some weight lifting from time to time.

>> No.2543604

I'm about 180cm (6') and 63kg (140lbs)

Recently I've been thinking of getting in some sort of shape, I also need to correct my bad posture but that's another matter.

>> No.2543618

I'm skinny yet I weigh as much as you at 10 cm shorter.

>> No.2543651

6'2 at 200lbs

I did highschool football (Fuck I don't know why) so I've got some rippage around my arms.

Lost my 6-pack though and grew a girth ;__;

>> No.2543652

5'9" or so. 130 lbs. Not much muscle to speak of. I used to do some light exercise to stay in shape but I stopped for some reason. My body has managed to stay in decent shape on its own but I should really start exercising again.

>> No.2543696

I'm 5'7", gaining a few pounds would be good. I don't really exercise, but I walk a lot and I never use the elevator.

>> No.2543943
File: 85 KB, 530x745, 2e3b4229da9cd8deec188159788fcbe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some stretching and that's about it

>> No.2543982


150 with bad knees


>> No.2543998


>> No.2544004

162kg? How the hell does anyone get that fuck?

5'10 75kg here.

>> No.2544016


I wish I could afford decent meals. ;_;

>> No.2544029
File: 62 KB, 704x396, 1240239823605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80 Miles per week of running can't be wrong.

>> No.2544059 [DELETED] 

... I way that many POUNDS.

>> No.2544057

173 cm 70 kg (154 lbs)
God damn Americans use the IS system. You feet inch whatever you're using is bullshit.

>> No.2544063

... I weigh that many POUNDS.

>> No.2544087

I am actually pretty fat, even if I keep pumping iron.
I am pretty strong, but it has not made me any thinner

>> No.2544112

Less muscle building, more aerobic exercise
If you've got the muscle built up, you should burn through that fat in no time.

>> No.2544116

was at 52kg right now around 56kg

>> No.2544128

I believe I'm around 170cm and 80kg.
I like playing with my fat.

>> No.2544162

I can bench my enormous weight.

>> No.2544168

Oh god my own clone but i'm a lil'bit shorter ,about 170cm

>> No.2544182

Are you female?

>> No.2544193

6' and 195 pounds, trying to get up to 200, having friends go with you to the gym is a great way to keep at it

>> No.2544198

I'm the one in the maid costume last weekend

>> No.2544200

Around 55kg, I think.

>> No.2544201

5'9, 118lb. My cardio is terrible. I've been slacking off on my jogging, but I keep up decently with my weight training.

>> No.2544210
File: 24 KB, 502x391, laughing5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in shape

>> No.2544246
File: 168 KB, 1280x960, DSC06473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being thin =\= being fit

>> No.2544357

I'm guessing the fat NEETs just aren't posting.
I'm 6'2" and 195 pounds. So could lose a few.

>> No.2544375
File: 19 KB, 533x356, notthisshitagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related
Me after watching Hinako for 2 weeks.

>> No.2544378

6 feet tall and 176 pounds. I have a kind of chubby face and I've put on quite a lot of weight over the past year, but I'm far from fat. The main problem, as someone above said, is the cardio. A sedentary lifestyle with sporadic sleeping patterns is bad for the heart, especially if combined with alcohol.

>> No.2544404

why do you look like a fat hamster?

>> No.2544488

no anon YOU are the hamster
and then anon was the hamster

>> No.2544523
File: 472 KB, 990x1599, 30kv9s0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I eat $2 worth of less food each day I can buy this in a month!

Yes, I onlt weigh 50lbs and have crippling malnutrition, what about it?

>> No.2544548

Too many lies in this thread.

Mos of you aren't as skinny as you say you are; if you are, get out of your depression.

>> No.2544553


>> No.2544558

I'm not depressed. I just don't have a strong sense of hunger and forget to eat.

Or are you a butthurt fatty?

>> No.2544571


Most people in this thread need to get on some meds and gain a few pounds.

>> No.2544675

5'11 and 174 pounds.

Not fat, but not exactly fit either.

>> No.2544681

And why would it be unreasonable that most of /jp/ is somewhat depressed? Though some of them do seem like exaggerations.

>> No.2544683

5'11 and 125-130 pounds, it changes depending on how much I've eaten and such.

I'm also a NEET and don't go outside.

>> No.2544684
File: 150 KB, 858x1144, 1188077001623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'6, 180 pounds

Yeah, I'm fat. But it's not like my situation was any different back in high school when I was thinner and only weighed 140 pounds. I actually feel a bit more confident about myself being "bigger", so to speak. Pic related, this guy looks disturbingly a lot like me.

>> No.2544691

6'1" 180 lbs
Scrawny arms, beer belly, sexy as fuck.

>> No.2544696
File: 140 KB, 1280x1024, DSC00007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assure you that I'm as skinny as I say I am

>> No.2544707

>Scrawny arms, beer belly, sexy as fuck.
Does not compute.

>> No.2544713

I can't even manage to perform a single pushup. And yes I have arms.

175cm 44kg

>> No.2544727

>175cm 44kg
Are you bullshitting me? Eat more. Of course you can't do a pushup--you've been starved of fuel.

>> No.2544739

wow I can't do pushups either but I can do pullups.

>> No.2544746

I assure you I am not fat.
My tummy might be a bit plum but I play basketball and football when I am not doing /jp/ stuff.

>> No.2544784

I wish I am kidding but I'm not, I also eat alot (roughly 2 full plates of rice 2 times a day).

>> No.2544795

you're supposed to have 3 meals per day and 2 plates of rice is no good

I eat 3 plates of just meat in nabe and 2~3bowls of rice and then a bear or 2 for lunch

>> No.2544805

oh wow, what a shitty weaboo diet

>> No.2544813

beers not bears....

>> No.2544817

184cm 63kg here.
My stamina is shit, I should try exercising once in a while or something.

>> No.2544819

Are you sure it's not bears? It'd be a lot more awesome if it were bears.

>> No.2544822

I like how you use nabe to try and be more Japanese, then I suppose you have one bin of beer

>> No.2544837

167cm & 54kg here ~

>> No.2544887

nabe is easier and shorter to type than hot pot

>> No.2544910

178cm and around 84kg.
Im pretty fat, i quess..I was like 90kg one month ago, though. I just started to take walks and stopped drinking energy drinks to lose some weight.

>> No.2544911

chocolate bears maybe

>> No.2545039

184 cm
102 kg

I should start to get in shape, but how...

>> No.2545093

eat less no twinkies just rice and bland foods like tofu and grilled salmon no fried things

>> No.2545142
File: 172 KB, 1024x768, 0b677056be1eef377b338c025abc832c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

train with her and become her man of dreams (and yours)

>> No.2545155

Why is she so fat-like in appearance?

>> No.2545159
File: 135 KB, 457x800, bd474cc28b1db5aeeac434d91921d553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Healthy and Fat are two different things, you know. Some of use like curves here.

>> No.2545160

>>2541115 I've got a bit of a gut, but far from fat, at least.
you're fucking fat

>> No.2545163

She stated outright that she needs to lose weight. Sorry, but she's fat.

>> No.2545168

I just lost 15 pounds.

By not doing anything.

Including eating.

Depression sucks.

>> No.2545170

overweight =/= fat.

>> No.2545178

>overweight =/= fat.
overcoming your denial is the first step

>> No.2545182

6'8" or 201cm, 180lbs or 82kg. I've given up trying to be the trap, it just doesn't work. Still can't bring myself to sell my clothes, though.

>> No.2545183


Almost identical values to mine, I'm forced to lose some weight before army begins or else I'll die in there

>> No.2545187

5'5" 175 pounds

feels bad man ;_;

>> No.2545188

All Japanese girls think they're overweight, even if they're as thin as fishing poles.

>> No.2545190


>> No.2545205

I do weightlifsting at a gym three times a week, and have been doing so for a long time. I am in good shape, but not hueg yet and I am a regular of /fit/. My current weight is 190lbs and I am 6'2".
Dumbass. Muscle can make people's BMI say that they are "overweight", it doesn't mean they're fat.

>> No.2545220

I used to stay in shape. However, I find that I don't want to get out and do the sword training exercises or work in the smithy as much as I used to.

>> No.2545267

Sure, but I doubt many people here lift weights.

>> No.2545289

I don't life wieghts it will make my arms and legs thick and that will be bad when I wear my maid costume

>> No.2545292

How would you come to this assumption?

>> No.2545304

What, you never seen maid guy?

>> No.2545307

Generalize much.

Because he doesn't do shit, everyone else on /jp/ doesn't do shit.

>> No.2545309

Does that girl look like she has any muscle?

>> No.2545311

Another skinny fag here, I eat plenty (though I mostly make my own food and eat out about once a week) shit sux. 6'', 130-140 pounds. I walk a lot, started biking again as well. I do my fair share of squatz/standard easy shit, but it isn't like I do it on a consistant basis.

>> No.2545326

Well /jp/ is pretty lazy as a whole. If we were hard working, Little Busters, Recettear, and Fortune Summoners would all be translated by now.

>> No.2545393


I wish I could be a trap. I'm a foot shorter than you and 25kg lighter, but I have huge shoulders, jaw, hands and feet (but not penis ;_;). Damn my genetics.

>> No.2545591

having a huge penis does not make trapping easier

>> No.2545611

It doesn't make it harder, either.

>> No.2545635

it does when you're wearing tighter clothing as the buldge is really distinct

>> No.2545640


>> No.2545643

that hurts...

>> No.2545657

Usually people refer to erect size, the other being unimportant and having little no relation.

>> No.2545762


Damn, and I thought that I was bad with my 166cm and 47kg.

>> No.2546644

I work up a sweat playing Touhou. Is that enough?

>> No.2546722


I guess I should be losing some weight, if Im really gonna become a trap...

>> No.2546736

if you're built like a fucking twig, yeah.

>> No.2546756

167cm 62kg

Could be worse, not that fat.

>> No.2546758


You're short.

>> No.2546766


My weight/height ratio is pretty good.

>> No.2546779

I stay in shape. I am actually pretty muscular, but then again, I haven't always been into /jp/ stuff.

>> No.2546787


neither skinny nor fat - i should do some exercise from time to time to build some muscles

>> No.2546902

I'm pretty much normal.... but i always wanted to look like a fighting game character.

>> No.2546912

In the holidays, I run between five and three miles a day.
At school, I go on seven mile runs every three days.

I can do the five mile run in 30 minutes, the three mile run in 20 and the seven mile run in 50 minutes with 45 being my best time.

All these runs are up hill for the most part.

>> No.2546975

there are some average-looking characters

>> No.2548582

I ran a mile and a half earlier today. Felt good man.

>> No.2548599

In response to this, I went to the doctors today about this cold I've had for a few days and he was all concerned about my weight / weight loss since he last saw me and is making me get blood tests done tomorrow, ;_;

>> No.2548601

Would /jp/ date and eventually hopefully have sex with a BUFF muscle girl?

>> No.2548614

Are we talking "I eat cars" buff?

>> No.2548616
File: 403 KB, 695x900, 1227223750971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would.

>> No.2548624

I jog about 3 miles a day before work. I'm not buff by any means, just 'fit' and lanky. Once I'm out of training I'll probably go into some weight lifting since I won't be studying in all my free time.

>> No.2548628


As long as she actually smells like a woman.

>> No.2548655


Sword training exercises? explain

>> No.2549567

better than a fatty
