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2551890 No.2551890 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say the girl on the left here was 21 years old. If a man finds her attractive, would he be labeled as a pedophile? Or would it be okay, because she's 21?

>> No.2551898

I don't know what do you think carl?

>> No.2551901
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Oh, you're talking about Konata's Dad Syndrome.

>> No.2551902

I think the answer is pretty obvious, so I fail to see what you are trying to accomplish with this thread besides the lolicon theme.

>> No.2551906

having sex with children

>> No.2551909

How old is she now? Must be close to 18, huh?

>> No.2551910

If he finds all girls looking that way attractive one could say he had a fetish for the body type.

People will label him as a pedo anyway. It really depends on the motives though, read some wikipedia or something.

>> No.2551921


>> No.2551927


She's born 1993 so something along the 15-16 years would be correct.

>> No.2551931

If a girl is beautiful then she's beautiful.
Age is irrelevant.

>> No.2551934
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What if a man finds this lady attractive and she's 12? Pedo?

>> No.2551942

I think age has very little to do with it. If you're attracted to girls that clearly look underage, you're probably a pedo.

>> No.2551948

Sad thing is, even though many people like the OP body type, she'll feel so ostracized all her life by people telling her it's not normal she'll get breast implants or something. Become a real freak. What a waste ;_; I'd have loved her.

>> No.2551953

Since a good personality attracts me more than physical beauty, it would all depend on what kind of a person she was.

>> No.2551955

According to what I have read in the past, pedophilia usually is more of a sexual attraction to an age, rather than an appearance, so my verdict would be no.

>> No.2551957

The ignorant society would label him as such, indeed. Said society would also deny her the right to love and happiness because she looks a bit different.

>> No.2551967

Here in America if you're into someone who looks young, regadless of their age, you're still a creep.

>> No.2552029

Paedophillia isn't just an attraction to physical beauty.

You're not a pedo if you think that smokin' girl in the ass length skirt and B-cup bra is hot.

You ARE if you walk up to her, she giggles like a 12 year old (because she is) and goes on talking about how much doing homework for pre-algebra sucks.

What I'm saying is:

A pedophile is attracted to a young body AND mind.

That, or they like pre-pubescent physical traits.

>> No.2552050


>> No.2552070

Wait, are you disagreeing with the "ae" or the "ll"?

>> No.2552079
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Let's say the girl on the left here was 500 years old. If a man finds her attractive, would he be labeled as a pedophile? Or would it be okay, because she's 500?

>> No.2552081

You're a pedo as long as the judge say you are, enjoy jail.

>> No.2552096
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Doesn't matter if she's 1470.

>> No.2552098

see my previous statement

>> No.2552186

You find her attractive because if you were her age you would probably like her and that perception of attraction is still inside of you even if you are older now.

>> No.2552212



>> No.2552232

What if shes 1509?

>> No.2552242

If you like flat-chested women, you are a pedophile.

>> No.2552260

Who would care about age when there's love? Love is absolute, Anon. People who try to convince you that "This is no love" are pretentious hypocrites.

I cannot help but find it so very arogant when people speak about love as if they would understand it. Love can't be explained by logic. Thus, limiting it would be wrong. What I am trying to say is that when I truly love someone then, despite what people say, it is completely legitimate.

>> No.2552288

What people do not understand is that "pedophile" doesn't mean "rapist".
I don't want to touch little girls and I don't want to have sex with them. I see cute girls as something pure. Destroying it would be an unforgivable sin.

All I want is the right to openly express my love to everyone. Being accepted by society would be great too, but the time for that hasn't come yet.
Maybe, one day people will allow us to live.

>> No.2552295

Considering pedophilia means attraction to prepubescent girls/boys and she definitely doesn't look like she hit puberty yet, yes, it makes you a pedophile.

>> No.2552325

Yes it does. You want sex with childrens. It's impossible to have sex with children without it being rape. Therefore ped = rapist.

>> No.2552327
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>I see cute girls as something pure. Destroying it would be an unforgivable sin.

>> No.2552332

I said I don't want to do that. Read the whole post next time, please.

>> No.2552333

>It's impossible to have sex with children without it being rape.
What if a little girl wants to have sex with a man for whatever reason? Would it still be rape if both sides want it?

>> No.2552336

Just because you want something doesn't mean you have to act on that impulse.
Learn some self-control you stupid nigger.

>> No.2552340

It depends on which definition of pedophilia you're operating on.

By the legal definition of pedophilia you're a pedophile if you've had sexual relations with a minor (usually anyone under 16 or 18 in the US).

By the psychological definition you're a pedophile if your attraction to prepubescent children causes you enough mental stress to keep you from living a relatively normal life.

So by either of those definitions you would not be a pedo.

>> No.2552345

Yes, because children are incapable of making those decision.

>> No.2552355

Yes they can, only pedos think they can't.

>> No.2552362

I don't expect someone like you to understand, since most of you are pathetic virgins, the only thing I can think is that you all must have some sort of hormone deficiency that limits your sex drive. Maybe the doctors accidentally clipped your balls when they were circumcising you, I don't know. Maybe your parents realized what you were and have been slipping you chemical castration drugs.

At any rate, REAL men NEED sex all the time. That's OK for me, because I have a healthy attraction to real women, plus I'm attractive. But a pedophile is like a twisted parody of this normal behavior. We can't expect anything of them other than to roam the streets, searching for children to rape until we put a bullet in their heads.

>> No.2552371

Heh, I was waiting for this.

That is what law says. But Anon, do you really believe it? Why would children not know what they want?

I am not trying to justify anything here. I just want people to see how stupid this whole "pedophiles are scum" thing is.

>> No.2552377

There's this thing called masturbation.
You might want to look into it.

>> No.2552387

Also, trollface.jpg.

>> No.2552393 [DELETED] 

I don't need to look into it. I've got a perfectly fine bitch washing up in my shower right now, we're going to have a good time tonight, let me tell you.... But, masturbation only goes so far. Eventually, your desires are going to overcome you, and you'll do something absolutely unforgivable.

>> No.2552400

consensual sex?

>> No.2552403

That's really only a fetish.

Sex doesn't have to be absolutely corrupting. It can be something tender and sweet.

>> No.2552414

There is no objective medical evidence supporting this theory. I never wanted to do anything to a girl and I'm sure that won't ever change.

>> No.2552429

And what about the real definition? You know, "being attracted to children".

>> No.2552438

/jp/ -Directionless/Pedos

>> No.2552445


If a child thinks they want to have sex with an adult, then they've they're taught that they should by some fucked up adult, and they don't know it's wrong. When they get to a point where they understand what happens, they'll be emotionally fucked up for the rest of their lives.

No matter what the circumstances, it will end up with the child needing psychological help.

>> No.2552450

OP said that for the sake of this argument we'll say that the girl is 21. She's not a child so he would not be a pedophile by your definition.

>> No.2552452

It's not wrong in the first place, only seems wrong because people makes a big deal of it

>> No.2552458

Why not back up your assumption with some evidence?

>> No.2552460

Please refer to

You have nothing backing up your words.

>> No.2552464

You mean inconsistent societal connotations? A few centuries ago it was normal for people to marry 13 year olds (and in some places it still is) but today having sex with a 17 year old will cause some people to label you as a pedo.

>> No.2552469

Legally, no. Psychologically, yes.

>> No.2552471

fuck off

>> No.2552480

>and they don't know it's wrong
So it's about pushing your morals onto everyone else? You don't care about the feelings of children, you just don't want them doing things you see as wrong, right?

>> No.2552481

you're retarded

>> No.2552482

That is a very important point. Some people make it look like common sense that liking little girls is disgusting.

However, it wasn't some time ago and I just read about this guy with a 9 year old wife. In his country, forgot which one, they could do nothing to force him to divorce. There, it is neither illegal nor not accepted by society to be like that.

>> No.2552484

same could be said of you, you just want children to be available for your sexual gratification

>> No.2552486

maybe you should move to yemen, they have very "consistent societal connotation"

>> No.2552490

most children want to eat candy all day and not go to school

how dare you force an education and healthy diet upon them

>> No.2552493

Why do you assume I'm a pedophile? I'm actually an ex-child (so are you, but I'm sure you've forgotten that) who remembers wanting to have sex with older women from as young as age 8. Lots of children are interested in sex.

>> No.2552494

Children needs to be fucked.

>> No.2552498

damn son, you're literally edgy as heck... posting on the edge, this is living. Join In.

>> No.2552501

I don't. It's as simple as that.
And what does education and health have to do with love?

>> No.2552504

aahhahahahaha get the fuck out

>> No.2552507



>> No.2552508

So you honestly believe that the definition of when someone is a child is the same for all cultures and all time periods? I'm not even trying to justify pedophilia, I'm just pointing out how that's a vague definition of pedophilia.

>> No.2552510

So the parents are always right so fucking your own kid is correct is what you're saying.

>> No.2552512

...and your point is?

>> No.2552519

the definition of pedophilia isn't vague, it's sexual attraction towards pre-pubescent children

you're retarded. culture and society changes constantly, i mean what's your point, should we go back to agrarian feudalism as well

>> No.2552523

nah but you're always wrong and your posting is shit

get out

>> No.2552532

Nope I'm right, read what you've wrote and tip your head in shame.

>> No.2552534


>> No.2552536

Be better than this post-modern post-industrial shithole we've got going on.

>> No.2552541

i reiterate; you're retarded

>> No.2552551

>I see cute girls as something pure. Destroying it would be an unforgivable sin.

pedos like this are the worst, because they don't see themselves doing anything wrong.

There are unrepentant pedos like most lolicon artists, and then there are honest rapists like xration and dishonest rapists like hoshino fuuta and his popsicle dick, but people who talk like >>2552288 are like horihone saizo. Fucking freaks who do shit like this:

>> No.2552558

The guy I was originally replying to defined pedophilia as "being attracted to children." Try to follow a thread before making stupid comments.

Not to mention that to most people pedophilia isn't just an attraction to prepubescent children, but also includes hebephilia and sometimes ephebophilia. For example most people would consider someone who is attracted to a 12 year old to be a pedo.

>> No.2552563

I wouldn't. That's disgusting.

>> No.2552571

haha wow, really? "most people" lacking proper knowledge of greek terms and psychological concepts? well i'd say old bean, i'd say

>> No.2552577

Girls can reproduce when they're like 12, so nature believes that girls should start having sex at that age.

Who are we to argue with nature?

>> No.2552581

naturalistic fallacy, kill yourself

>> No.2552588

The penis doesn't fit right at that age, tho.

>> No.2552596

Yours does

>> No.2552597

Maybe a 12 years old boy's would?

>> No.2552601

terrible burn, get the fuck out zombie cancer

>> No.2552609

It was a good burn, something is obviously wrong with you so you should leave before your buzzkill spreads.

>> No.2552620

It is ok becuase she is 21.... but even if you did not know her age it would be ok to call her attractive... but if you went and had sex with her while she was young then you sir are a pedo!

>> No.2552624

"bloo bloo i'm zombie cancer a gay nigger faggot who needs to kill himself asap"
- u

>> No.2552626

Depends on the girl, I've seen 10 year olds who could fit an entire adult penis in their vaginas without too much effort.

>> No.2552633

You've seen 10 year old vaginas eh.

>> No.2552634

Obviously it doesn't, or I wouldn't be typing this, idiot.

>> No.2552637
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>> No.2552641

Someone's sensitive.

>> No.2552644

Let's say I've seen some interesting videos involving 10 year olds and penises.

>> No.2552645

I can't really stand the tightness, yeah.

>> No.2552647
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let's post zany pics of animals ya'll

>> No.2552654
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>> No.2552663


>> No.2552740

It's pk whatever age...as long as your not caught...yeah, that's it

>> No.2552770

lol ftw silent bob

epic ^_^

>> No.2552790

This is a hilarious thread of clueless people
