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File: 266 KB, 850x601, UFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2754803 No.2754803 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is excited about UFO? I can't wait to play the hell out of it.

>> No.2754819

I can't wait to leave it on my HD, saying to myself I'll play the fuck out of it, but in reality only ever touching it sometimes when there's a danmaku thread up.

>> No.2754825

I'm still unsure why they replaced the recurring Sakuya with the inferior Sanae.

>> No.2754829

I somehow don't care too much about touhou anymore (I'm much more looking forward to Umineko anime and ep 5 release).

Probably has to do with the UFO gimmick and that I have trouble with stage 3 Lunatic.

>> No.2754827
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Can't wait to play green Reimu

>> No.2754832

I won't come to /jp/ the days it will be released. I don't want to characters spoiled.

>> No.2754840

Yeah, I'll do the same.

>> No.2754844

I just hope the new characters have sleeves so there can be smirks of them.

>> No.2754847
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>> No.2754863

Get out KoG

>> No.2754917

I want to play it too.

>> No.2754927

The main characters must be around 18 - 20 now. The plotlines of Touhou will start to get more mature. Maybe.

>> No.2754932

That might actually be a good idea.
It might be nice to be surprised for once.

>> No.2754935

they're magical lolis in an enchanted land or someshit
I'm sure there's plenty of valid reasons they can be lolis forever.

>> No.2754936

I lol'd.

>> No.2754946

Marisa grew some bust.

>> No.2754950

last weekend in august, right?

>> No.2754961


Sup KoG

>> No.2754969
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Going to be a while until I come bored enough of Deathsmiles to play another touhou. Didn't find the demo very interesting and the UFO system is dull.

I will play it at least one though, as I need to get the back story to my pornography.

>> No.2754972


>> No.2754982

fun fact: smirks were neither made, nor made popular by the people calling themselves KoG

>> No.2755027

I don't get it, we already know KoG just did the extremely shitty ones and killed the concept with his faggotry.

>> No.2755075

KoG is responsible for all faggotry on /jp/.


>> No.2755246

Oh man, I wonder how the new characters will come out.

>> No.2755306

I'll probably do some quick normal 1ccs for the endings because I'm an obsessive completionist but if it's as annoying to play as the demo I'll never go for anything harder

>> No.2755383

It is challenging, not anoying.

>> No.2755424

I'm cautiously optimistic. The UFOs seem to make gaining extra lives way too easy. Once I figured out how to use them I had no difficulty clearing the demo with a giant stock of lives, despite the fact that at the time I couldn't even 3cc (yes, three) EoSD/PCB/IN Normal or come anywhere close to beating MoF/SA.

>> No.2755503

>The UFOs seem to make gaining extra lives way too easy.
You're talking about Touhou, ALL of the games give you obscene amounts of lives. No-miss No-bombing the first three levels of a game is nearly a concrete prerequisite to all-clearing, so a demo really shows no sign of how difficult the game will be to clear.

That said, the UFO system is absolutely terrible much like most of ZUN's gameplay ideas... He tries too hard to concentrate on risk vs reward and not enough on the actual gameplay, so it results in a system that does not "flow" with the gameplay.

>> No.2755508

No, chasing UFOs through a screenfull of bullets while they change colors and go donk donk donk is pretty damn annoying. Going to stick with annoying here.

>> No.2755526

As a shitty player I find it the hardest to progress in. If I'm not doing well collecting UFOs I just get raped, and ZUN might as well have removed continues from the game (lol continues).

>> No.2755538

I want that Zun do something diferent now...
Like secret characters. ;_;

>> No.2755541
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Oh, time to pull out old faithful.

>> No.2755623

>donk donk donk

That fucking sound
God how I wish you could turn it off

>> No.2755706


Why would you want to use a continue anyway? Using one means you FAILED IT.

>> No.2755725

I want a return to the basics of EosD. Scoring is based on picking up score icons, extends for points and minibosses, the most complicated shot type is homing bullets (alright, Marisa can have her position-lock shots too).

>> No.2755726

Derp derp

>> No.2755753

The blue UFO score milking game? I'm not looking foward to playing it at all.

I am looking foward to the seeing what new music and characters Japanese ZUN comes up with next though.

>> No.2755773


>> No.2755806

MoF is good too, except for how it gives you too many P items and all the annoying spots where you have to ration your collecting while nothing happens.

I also like how SA plays, but you can abuse the graze meter way too much. If you couldn't perma-increase the multiplier, it would be fine.

>> No.2755861

I wasn't around when ZUN released the MoF and SA demo, so I have a question.

Does ZUN changes stuff from the demo to the full game based on feedback?

>> No.2755870

I have regular expectations for th12. I'm not to keen on the whole UFO system, it's not bad but I don't think it plays very well. What I would really like to see from ZUN though, would be some sort of sequel to PoFV with even more characters to play with.

>> No.2755871

Yes, only difficulty wise.

>> No.2755923

I think he's about due for another ensemble game. Personally I want another StB, but if not that then something that hasn't been done before.

>> No.2755944

I prefer a complicated scoring system and multiple shot types, ZUN just needs to do these properly.

The UFO system is just shit. If you don't learn it you get no extends, if you learn it you have extends coming out your eyeballs, and if you play it for score you have a napkin with colours written all over it to consult after every UFO pops.

>> No.2755957

I'm pretty sure you're the same Anonymous who in every thread can't stop jacking off to the idea of a continuous timeline in Gensokyo, despite the fact that there's been no evidence of such.

>> No.2756002


No, never. I mean lets face it, you even got a official manga that basically amounted to Yukari and Yuyuko plotting to steal the moons precious drink. At best you may get some slight hints of the more manipulative characters like Yukari and Kanako pulling shit off, but generally each story will be some light hearted barely threatening event that'll be solved with a bit of fighting followed by sake/tea at the Shrine.

I WOULDN'T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY. Let the fan works be all serious about things and let ZUN get on with his frilly magical fairy land.

>> No.2756085

Utsuho aiming to blight the surface world rates a bit more than "barely threatening" IMO. Then again Kanako would have taken away her powers before she did any major damage.

>> No.2756095


It is continuous, it's just not serious like some fans wish it would be. The only serious take ZUN ever attempted to do in Touhou was SSiB, and that turned out to be a joke.. literally.

>> No.2756093

I enjoy ZUN's 'frilly magical fairy land' more than any fan stupid interpretation. I must have started to like Touhou for some reason after all.

>> No.2756099

Oddly enough I find figuring out an optimal UFO order to be fun, it's just when I grab one 1/10th of a second after it changes and blows my combo and takes 2 more UFOs to correct that I want to stop playing forever.

>> No.2756108

Just like when you die on MoF and your faith gets drained, am I right?

>> No.2756135

Yeah canon touhou is a nice break from big serious anime plots where the world is in danger and onee-chan dies and people power up mid fight and everyone is really cool and half naked and screams a lot

>> No.2756139 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2756161

But I'm already trying to never die. Beating MoF without ever dying deserves having a much higher score than dying once.

>> No.2756171

I enjoyed doing that in titles like DDP and Progear because you can iterate your route each play through, free-style occasionally, there are several different routes (albeit one, harder amazing one) and the score system is much less abstract and innovative from the level design.

Conversely, finding the best route in UFO is like the opposite of that. I’m not even sure it’s something you would undertake in the game, outside of writing down positions, colours, point haemorrhage spots, etc. And if you have done a bit less than optimal you have to reengineer your entire route after it... Yuck.

If you drop faith in MoF it's not going to take you 2 minutes to get faith collection optimal again.

>> No.2756197
File: 5 KB, 171x163, arcsmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Yeah canon touhou is a nice break from big serious anime plots where the world is in danger and onee-chan dies and people power up mid fight and everyone is really cool and half naked and screams a lot

Touhou provides a refreshing change in a medium where almost everything is literally the same. Decently dressed female characters who do not look like arrant whores or harlots, light stories with quick conflict resolution, bright colours and almost no grimdark whatsoever.

It sort of reminds me of Brian Jacques's Redwall cycle, to be honest. Lots of similarities, such as the setting. Both are set in a rural woodland, where different tribes and species coexist peacefully with each other.

To be perfectly honest, GRIMDARK has no place in ZUN's canonical Touhou universe. It is fun to hypothesize and throw around ideas as to what a scarier, more adult-like Gensokyo might be like, but ultimately one must remember that doing so derives from the original works.

>> No.2756212

Well, it was dark in the PC98 series. Reimu and Marisa could have died when fighting Yumeko, Shinki, Alice, Yuuka, etc.

>> No.2756215

I actually agree, but it's funny hearing that coming from you.

>> No.2756257


That's entirely true, but... uh...

Are you sick or something?

>> No.2756255
File: 215 KB, 530x750, 4d83decbcbbc10c121efe7cee0cedae7e2feabbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>...but it's funny hearing that coming from you.

How so? Do explain.

>> No.2756267

The Fantasy Legend must be in that ship! Please ZUN, make it happen.


>> No.2756271
File: 82 KB, 630x570, SANAEpits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decently dressed female characters who do not look like arrant whores or harlots
You've got to be shitting me.

>> No.2756275
File: 76 KB, 800x651, 5428d08865bcee9cfb1f293a4f6efba7ada45f9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, but I give credit where it's due. ZUN didn't really construct a grimdark world of fantasy. He showed us that he was very much done with that by doing Silent Derp in Derp, and that we must disregard the PC98 games entirely.

>> No.2756279

Fanartist interpretation could make Queen Victoria herself look like a slut.

>> No.2756283
File: 70 KB, 128x256, UFOSanae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2756284
File: 310 KB, 591x443, 40033e2cd5874c41cccb23f6aa73131d07cd9c0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, when you compare Sanae to this lady...

..she makes Sanae look like a classy, refined, and very reserved good girl.

>> No.2756289 [SPOILER] 
File: 211 KB, 1279x964, saendingrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you guys saying SA plot was a bit more mature, did you even finish the game? Seriously, Utsuho is too stupid to do anything seriously.

>> No.2756291

I don't think that at all. If that was truth he would have written a total new personality for Yuuka when bringing her to PoFV.

I couldn't have say that better.

>> No.2756303



Yuuka is one of the holdovers from the old, Grimdark-esque times. Remilia is also an excellent example - she's supposed to be this terrifying vampire who tears humans apart like tissue paper and covers herself from head to foot in their blood, hence her name - SCARLET DEVIL.

I have yet to see her dismembering humans or drinking their blood at all in that fashion, honestly.

>> No.2756309

See OP's pic. Thats the closest thing to a real miko or priestess outfit. No bust shown.

>> No.2756310

She was a slut.She craved German cock.

>> No.2756312

No, she never drinks blood straight, she has her maid prepare it first. She does gets it all over her clothes, though.

>> No.2756322

>Brian Jacques's Redwall

I used to read that series, every book

then I grew up ;_;

last one read was Pearls of Lutra I believe

>> No.2756323

Her name comes from the blood spills on herself while eating, not killing.

>> No.2756324

Good point, losing the UFO chain somewhere can change the entire thing, especially because they carry over across levels. And sometimes hey you popped it a little too late and now it's in a bullet cloud when you need it. It's just way too variable.

>> No.2756325

World domination from a hell raven with nuclear power seems awesome and mature plot at the same time. And it still a ZUN's ending.

Well, thats agood point, but if ZUN have made a generic vampire the character wouldn't be as interesting. I mean Remilia as a character is great; a drinking tea vampire that go out at lightday with a parasol with a weird refined/crazy personality.

>> No.2756329


Wasn't that Flanders?

>> No.2756341


What I'm getting from this is that she has a [spoilers]drinking problem[/spoilers]?

>> No.2756350
File: 70 KB, 400x399, 49fce635e172d6c2bef34e1f8189b8989036343c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I, too, was fascinated by Jacques's tales, until I realized how formulaic the books were getting.

Then I moved onto Robert Jordan and the Wheel of Time Series. Once I got bored of HIS formulaic bullshit, I picked up George R. R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series. Still waiting for the next book in the cycle.

Goddamn it, GRRM, finish A Dance With Dragons or I shall go even madder than I already am.

>> No.2756359

>I have yet to see her dismembering humans or drinking their blood at all in that fashion, honestly.

What is really funny is how stuff in Gensokyo is supposed to be somewhat scary but we never actually see it. I mean, in several games, post windows ones, you hear Youkais that tear humans apart, Vampires that suck blood, spirits that carry corpses and eat them, life threatening situations (Reimu on Hell of Firing Blazes), characters constantly threatening to kill each other (I distinctly remember Yuyuko doing so to Marisa), etc.

I could go on but you get the picture. So I don't know, we are thrown in this universe that canonically seems to be lighthearted yet all those supernatural dangerous occurrences keep happening.

I always stood by that the games aren't to be taken that seriously story-wise, hell I play Touhou much more for its gameplay than for the characters, but I still like to point out that the place pictured in the games is very different from the Gensokyo we see in the official mangas.

>> No.2756364

every series is like that

the thing good about Redwall is that I could conjure an image on the storyworld vividly, the writing style provides uses a lot of details with regards to character and settings

>> No.2756362

I'm sorry, but I can't take anything you say seriously as long as you use an avatar.

>> No.2756367
File: 29 KB, 245x479, 2b476fd4c57c34bc76a9e14052ad95e8e8baee4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good god, man, why would you take anything anyone says on 4chan, let alone the Internet, seriously?

What a horrid idea.

>> No.2756374

Well, the art takes a big part on this too. Aki Eda style makes it less dark, but if it was drawn by ZUN it would have the games atmosphere.

>> No.2756378

Same here, though I still loved Redwall even after I realized each book was exactly the same. Stopped reading Wheel of Time around six or seven books in because shit got boring.

>> No.2756383

A manga drawn by ZUN?

That would be the greatest thing ever.

>> No.2756385


I still read Redwall on occasion. But after having to read about Morgaine folding her arms in disapproval at Mat and Perrin or Egwene sniffing frostily at Rand for the ten thousandth time, I shut Robert Jordan the fuck down.

>> No.2756387

Jordan is the worst fucking writer, holy shit.

>> No.2756394

Fucking get out. I know he got sidetracked into descriptions of pointless things even worse than Tolkien, but that's no reason to insult the memory of a great writer!

>> No.2756412

I hope you're trolling me, bro. He really was a bad writer, most of his character suffered the literary equivalent of sameface and he had absolutely no idea of what to do with the plot.

>> No.2756477

Fuck yes. It could just look like >>2756289 too, I've always liked his sketchy ending scene style.

>> No.2756512

Sanae looks like a fucking roadkill in UFO. Where's my Sakuya.
