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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 98 KB, 520x390, Kira kIra.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2860450 No.2860450 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, im currently downloading Kira Kira, am I in for win?

>> No.2860462


>> No.2860460

Yes, no, maybe.

>> No.2860463

I don't know why don't you just play it and find out for yourself, you stupid fuck?

>> No.2860467 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2860466

Its pretty meh. Dont expect anything world changing and youre not going to be dissapointed. Its a fun little story, and thats about it.

>> No.2860482

Kira Kira, pretty good.

>> No.2860487


Shit-ge confirmed.

>> No.2860490

It's decent, but the only girl that interests me is Chie.

>> No.2860495


Stop that

>> No.2860503


6. Baldr Sky DIVE1: "Lost Memory"
7. Himawari
8. Ayakashibito
9. Sense Off
10. Sayonara wo Oshiete
11. Symphonic Rain
12. Kira Kira

Kira Kira, so good.

>>61. Umineko no Naku Koro ni
>>58. Fate/stay Night

Fate amd Umineko, not as good.

>> No.2860508


I'm sorry, I can't hear what you're saying what with that cock stuck in your throat.

>> No.2860510

You sure love to suck Asceai's cock. It's like no other opinion exists other than his.

>> No.2860518 [DELETED] 

Stop what, my dear anon?

I belive that gif captures your current state quite well.

>> No.2860522

Wow, not even samefag. Anon sure thinks alike.

>> No.2860527

Stop what, my dear anon?

I believe that gif captures your current state quite well.

>> No.2860529


zun is incapable of forming his own opinion and relies on charts.

>> No.2860536

This. Nevertheless I enjoyed it.

>> No.2860541


Hmmm oh /jp/ is talking about some eroge, let's consult this list I have here hmmm yes, it is number 15, sounds pretty high I guess so I'll praise it. Oh wait no I misread it, it's actually not on the list. Sage, garbage game, /jp/ doesn't know what it's talking about.

*wipes sweat off neckbread* Phew, it's tough work being a bland and completely uninteresting person who can not form his own opinion.

>> No.2860542

How long does it take to complete anyways?

>> No.2860544


Like I said last night in the Mugen thread: I give credit where it's due.

No one else on /jp/ has even played through so many Japanese VNs. Is it so wrong to give proper respect to someone with a higher power level than myself and everyone else here?

>> No.2860560


tl;dr: I'm a troll and I hunger for cock, hide my posts once you're bored of exposing my fangirlism and me ignoring it

>> No.2860572

Try the goddam Japanese.

I'm sure there are many more Japanese fans who have played more games than your beloved G-Senjou fanboy. You never mention their opinion. Where else do you think Asceai got his opinion when he started out? He had to have consulted the thriving Japanese eroge scene for what to play, because the English eroge community was even shittier when he started out compared to what it is now. You should start giving credit to where it's actually due, cock sucker.

>> No.2860594


I think there's just a lot butthurt/jealousy from the "less than 5 VNs played: last Umineko" hordes of people we have here. Because let's be honest: most people here would sit and play Japanese VNs 24/7 if they had the necessary reading skills. But they don't.


I don't troll, bro. I'll never stoop that low; you'll never see me shouting out random curse words and insults like some of the other Anons in this thread.

>> No.2860596

Looking at a list to decide what game you are going to play next is fine. Not having any other opinion about the game other than the list even after you played it, not so good.

>> No.2860607

Yes, because it means that everyone is supposed to respect you for your "over 10000 games played" nonsense. Nobody really cares how many games you played. You are just as bad as people bragging about their post count on forums.

>> No.2860610
File: 39 KB, 600x450, vomit-195..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN !barYV1VtIA

>> No.2860618


It's also as bad as /v/irgins bragging about their gamer scores or whatever that xbox epeen meter is. It doesn't matter how much shit you've played if you're a slave to others' opinions.

>> No.2860648


All right, perhaps respect was the wrong word. Let's just stay that I just trust the opinions more of a person who really knows his hobby inside and out. I'll honestly listen to the guy with experience over the guy with barely any.

And that's sorta the main reason why I prefer /jp/ over both /a/ and /v/. No, I don't want to see some kids who haven't even touched a Sega Saturn talk about how they love Brolo 3, Team Brotress 2, or Bros of War. And /a/ is just the Crunchyroll imageboard. I'll stick with my fellow super geeks on /jp/.

>> No.2860649


Ho ho ho ho, you're still here, fine I'll play with you for a little bit.

The basis behind having an opinion is an average sum of forming your own opinion and hearing other people's opinion. You however do not do this, not only do you not form your own opinion but you only take from one person's opinion. You are worst then essentially every troll on 4chan by not only being someone who throws an opinion about something without having his own, but someone who exclusively uses just one person's.

You piss me off, you make me vomit blood out of my eyes. Does one need to have watched over 800+ anime to then consider themselves an Anime Expert who is then the lead authority on all things anime? Someone who read his first electronic book is unworthy of forming his or her own opinion about the subject despite possible experiences with other forms of literature and arts?

What makes one person's opinion that much superior to hundreds of dissenting opinion? What is that makes you want to blindly listen and accept completely to just one person's opinion?

The oh /jp/ doesn't even know how to read japanese, /jp/ is full of inbreds who only play translated games etc etc is a hurrrrrrr durrrrr comment. I can read japanese, and I'm sure the others who are always vocal against can read japanese too and know alot more of what they're talking about than you.

>> No.2860654

>Try the goddam Japanese.

Why don't you use erogamescape rating instead of sucking Asceai cock. Never look through the whole list since he upload it into youtube.

>> No.2860657

>>Ho ho ho ho, you're still here, fine I'll play with you for a little bit.

C'mon bro. Like I'm really gonna read that when you just want me to play post tennis with you back and forth. I'm about to move on to another thread and/or fap.

>> No.2860659


Having ADD must be terrible.

>> No.2860663

As a fellow supergeek, I wish that you'd leave. I don't need to consult a chart to tell me what VN I should play next.

>> No.2860666

why don't you tell where you downloaded it from so I could join you, been looking for a while.

>> No.2860681


What's the matter ZUN, can't take it when someone calls you out with a 'higher power level' than you?

>> No.2860683


I don't mind giant walls of text. Just don't put a little banner that reads "incoming troll post" at the very beginning.

Anyways, Kira Kira, better than both Fate and Umineko. I don't need a chart for this, because I have played all three games. If anything, I can personally confirm that at least one part of the list is correct. So that means something at least.

>> No.2860711

getting back on topic:

op, i just finished the game tonight. it's a solid game and worth the download. it has a good dose of light heartedness and drama and all the girl's routes are good. you're in for a treat just as long as you're not expecting something incredibly epic.

>> No.2860720

That list is just one guy, no one voted on anything. It's near worthless.

>> No.2860730

man i refuse to believe /jp/ pays for anything yet I haven't seen a torrent of this out...

you aren't really buying this are you?

>> No.2860740

To be honest I was expecting something mediocre, but it's surprisingly good. I'd probably give it an 8/10.

>> No.2860743

I just finished kirakira and this is what I think.

>> No.2860744

You haven't been around for the last 4 days have you?

You've just done the best route, Kirari true is nothing compared to Kirari normal.

>> No.2860745

About how long is it?

>> No.2860756

40 hours or so.

>> No.2860751

Finished Kirari's route, it was awesome.
Probably my favorite VN right now.

>> No.2860761

is trolling.

It's like 20.

>> No.2860763

look harder, bro. you should have seen how many people were spamming carp just cause they couldnt find a fucking crack

>> No.2860769


>> No.2860788

This was one of the first VNs I downloaded and I still haven't got around to playing it. Looks pretty meh.

>> No.2860794

It is pretty meh, but most of us enjoyed it.

>> No.2860795

I won't be satisfied till I find a VN written by Dostoevsky.

>> No.2860796

Any links for a walkthrough for this game?

>> No.2860797

much love anon.

>> No.2860801

Here's a Japanese one:
The English one is on japanesebirdcookingspagehtti.info or something.

>> No.2860809

Thank thee.

>> No.2860810


>> No.2860833

why is the protagonist a trap?

>> No.2860837

Why not?

>> No.2860839

Because he's spineless.

>> No.2860842

>>2860833 protagonist is a trap
I am suddenly interested in this VN.

>> No.2860848

Has anyone yet ripped a copy of it from mangagamer?

>> No.2860851

I'm playing it right now and I have paid $0.

>> No.2860854

Buy it you faget

>> No.2860855

Because they're a joke band.

>> No.2860858

Yeah same here, euros > dollars.

>> No.2860867

Win ? No. A couple of enjoyable days sure but that's it. Easily forgettable eroge with horrible art that has no redeeming features for a replay or to keep on hdd

>> No.2860883


>> No.2860884
File: 18 KB, 752x276, trol u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horrible art

>> No.2860918

What's the recommended playing order again?

>> No.2861684

All of you are fucking morons.
By the way what were the youtube links for the chart again?

>> No.2861776

Better than Edelweiss.

>> No.2861785


>> No.2861790

Sex Change end -> Sarina -> Chie -> Kirari Normal -> Kirari True

>> No.2861796

Just call it Ando end or whatever the fuck they were called.

>> No.2861856

I don't like Kirari, should I force myself to play her route?

>> No.2861857

She's shit.

>> No.2861862

Nope. Its not worth it, if you cant bring yourself to like her tardiness. The true end is something else though, so its a 50/50 situation.

Gambatte, Anon-kun!

>> No.2861863

Yeah, the last chapter of her route has the best character in the game.

>> No.2861864
File: 6 KB, 200x200, 1225165932293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2861874

Chie route > Sarina route >>>>>>>> Kirari route

>> No.2861879

Is his gaze so mesmerizing?

>> No.2861882

It was getting pretty dangerous.

>> No.2862067

I would like to thank you guys for viewing my post on my forum over 600 times lol.

>> No.2862077

btw I want to goodjob to everyone for not telling /a/ about this game, keeps the board a littler cleaner

>> No.2862082

I think you belong in /a/.

>> No.2862095

I don't think so Tim

>> No.2863020

who cares about your shitty forum.

>> No.2863028

gb2 /a/ cunt!
