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File: 24 KB, 220x330, r11_anzu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3240060 No.3240060 [Reply] [Original]

This was posted here 2 days ago. Seems like a pretty awesome game, and is apparently one of the best incest games out there. Here is the original post:

Incest guy here again. I put this game off awhile even though it's rated among the best of the incest games. And they were right. There's no need to say more

10 out of 10

Official site: http://products.rune.jp/catalogue/r011hatsukoi/

Download: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=80050

For those having trouble with the seeding there's no way for me to help. My copy is from a long while ago and is incompatible. Apologies and good luck.

It's what I believe would happen if two siblings really did fall in love. I don't want to spoil things but ... Anzu isn't a stereotype, she's not just some tsundere or deredere I've found typical in other imouto games. She's sweet and playful but can get pretty angry. She simply likes her brother and as the story progresses their friends make them realize they're in love. It's a slow progression too so you see it all play out.

My only complaint is there's 30,000 choices in this game. I don't think even 1/3 of them have any effect on the outcome but it's the absolute most choices I've ever seen in a visual novel. Since they don't seem to have much effect on the ending (i'm going through for a second run to see) I won't complain about it.

>> No.3240064
File: 27 KB, 220x330, r11_yusumi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3240070

Are you the one that's planning on translating it?

>> No.3240078

So why are you posting it again?

>> No.3240081

>30,000 choices
That's just horrible. Sure everyone is asking for more choices, but christ, quality over quantity.

>> No.3240103

I think he was over-exaggerating. That's hardly even possible.

>> No.3240113

By the way, the DDL links for it in the other thread have been deleted. Could someone upload it again?

>> No.3240117

He didn't say, this thread seems to lack direction. And is full of paedophiles.

>> No.3240124

It's a 1GB game, that would take so long. Just use the torrent.

>> No.3240126

Torrent is dead. Unregistered torrent.

>> No.3240132

I got that too, still worked though.

>> No.3240134


Direct link to torrent:


If it says Unregistered torrent or something like that, it's probably the program you use to download torrents. I'm using uTorrent, and I'm having no problem. The torrent is very much alive.

5 No.3240126

>> No.3240149


>> No.3240183

Ca someone seed this? I seem to be stuck at ~58%ish. If I get it all, I'll seed for a few days. I have ample GB of upload to spare.

>> No.3240190

Just get it from >>3240149

>> No.3240191

Thank you.

>> No.3240202


Is this real? The torrent is over 2gig, while the megaupload is only 875mb. I don't care how good your compression algorithm is, this doesn't look possible.

>> No.3240206

Probably a dummycut

>> No.3240212


wtf is a dummycut?

>> No.3240232

That torrent has another game in it.

>> No.3240266

I think it means that the original had junk files in it to make the game larger and harder to share, whilst the dummycut has those files cut out of it; but I'm not completely sure.

>> No.3240379

Incest guy here. I AM willing to translate it. Anyone willing to extract the text files?

>> No.3240433

That is indeed what it means.

>> No.3240557

Suise can extract the script files with the axruneg plugin. They're still encrypted/compressed though.
This is no known format but it looks like it'd be possible to reverse it.


>> No.3240774

Hmm. That's an interesting dilemma.

I tried opening some of the files in a hex editor (I don't know what I'm doing but it worked well enough for Little Witch Parfait) and I'm getting nothing of value.

>> No.3240841

Well, first there's BCS \0. Then I can see 5 4-Byte big endian integers. Try to find out what those mean.

>> No.3241158

google is all I got since my knowledge of programming is 0. .bcs can be a few things but there's one called Infinity Game Engine Compiled Script so I guess it's that. No idea how that helps. I'm gonna head over to http://forums.novelnews.net/ see what they have that can help.

>> No.3241226

I hope this is still on the front page when I finish my next class.

>> No.3241235


>> No.3241241

The last reply was two minutes ago. What the hell are you doing?

>> No.3241291

I really hope this gets translated.

>> No.3241305

I downloaded Insani's guide to hacking

but I'm so bad at this I don't even know how to open this file. php, that's an internet protocol isn't it? God I'm so stupid I don't even have the first clue what in hell's name I'm doing.

>> No.3241329

>but I'm so bad at this I don't even know how to open this file. php, that's an internet protocol isn't it?

Ha, wow. That made me laugh.

>> No.3241330

It's broken. You can still view it archived though.


>> No.3241344

did you miss the part
>God I'm so stupid I don't even have the first clue what in hell's name I'm doing

so, what is php? google tells me it's an internet language. so .....

>> No.3241354

You probably were trying to view or download the the data from some cache or god knows what since it's apparently down, hence the php. You didn't actually get anything, at least not anything usable.

>> No.3241361
File: 62 KB, 800x600, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musume Shimai is superior.

>> No.3241364

I fapped to this game until my dick was too sore to keep going.

>> No.3241373

>Blood-related Father/Daughter Incest
Fuck. Stop making me download so many eroge, /jp/. Seriously, I still have over 100 in my back log.

>> No.3241376

What is it about?

>> No.3241393



>> No.3241406

A father molesting and fucking his daughters. I really liked the art, the voicing and the sex scenes. It's probably my favorite eroge.

>> No.3241430

I can hardly wait to play this, but I'm trying to learn a little more Japanese so that I can fully enjoy it. I just hope I can make it through the first half and get to the good scenes without feeling like such a shameful failure as a human being.

>> No.3241449

I just know a few words I learned from anime/eroge, and that was enough to follow what the lolis were saying in the sex scenes.

>> No.3241493

I suppose it's probably easier on your mind in the lead up to the sex scenes if you're unaware of what's actually happening...

>> No.3241508

looks like an unromantic sexual fetish game. Uninterested

>> No.3241536

>looks like an unromantic sexual fetish game.
It is, it's quite a different kind of game to Hatsukoi. I think it was only mentioned because it was done by the same people. Still, it's great if you're just looking to fap.

>> No.3241624

People look for romance in eroge? I just skip to the sex scenes.

>> No.3241627


>> No.3241645

Considering that women are the gender stereotyped as being interested in relationships, I find you calling me that rather ironic.

>> No.3241663

I don't really bother with eroge at all. If I want pure fap material I'll watch some actually porn.
If I'm going to read a VN I want some fucking story there.

>> No.3241671

I thought you deserved Rika. I guess I was pretty wrong.

>> No.3241725

I can't do that as there's practically no loli hentai out there. And having voices does give eroge an advantage over simple doujinshi.

If I was actually looking for romance into eroge that would count as cheating towards Rika. While I do occasionally fap to porn not featuring her, I reserve all my feelings of romantic love for her.

>> No.3241825

I think the only loli hentai I've ever found good have been The story of Little Monica, and that was only just in the loli area, and 独蛾 THE ANIMATION.

>> No.3241885

There was one other starring a tough guy with sunglasses, but I found its quality too poor to fap to.

>> No.3242208

I want a cute imouto like this.

>> No.3243025

I'm going back to translating the game I was working on before. If someone manages to extract the text in a way that's easy to work with awesome, let us know and I'll start working on it. Till then trying to figure this stuff out makes my brain hurt. I'm a literature student, this stuff is beyond me.

>> No.3243382

Is there an anal scene?

>> No.3243386

I actually skip the adult content so I have no idea.

Maybe? I dunno.

>> No.3243446

>>3243386I actually skip the adult content


>> No.3243449

He said earlier that he plays incest games because he likes forbidden romance stories or something. Lots of people skip the ero in eroge, so it's nothing surprising.

>> No.3243457

Those people are called faggots.

>> No.3243474

Trolls are faggots too. Har har har.

>> No.3243480

Eroge rarely have decent H-scenes, I'd rather get back to the story than read boring scenes where the writing quality has suddenly dropped dramatically. I usually still end up reading through the H-scenes though because I'm worried there might suddenly be something important like character development in them. When eroge do have good H-scenes though, they can be really nice.

>> No.3243517

>I actually skip the adult content so I have no idea.

son, i am disappoint.

>> No.3243534

pedos don't have children, what son

>> No.3243539

don't worry, i am disappoint with you too.

>> No.3243546

I usually also skip H-scenes, when you have played eroge for a while they just feel like the same old thing. Rather get back to the story then.

>> No.3243565

i am disappointed with your nonesense babbling too

>> No.3243608

I don't skip H scenes, but anyone playing Hatsukoi for H is going to be disappointed I think.

>> No.3244173
File: 19 KB, 220x330, r11_coco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I'm back after a long day at work.
To Incest guy: I have a question for you. Apparently you and I share the same taste in this sort of things. I to much prefer the story and the love over the sex. Do you have suggestions of other good games like Hatsukoi, involving loli and/or incest, and with a really good story, not just sex, but translated? Or at least with some way or an other to read what they say? I'm into things like love, cuteness, adorability, cuddling, happiness...

Also, just by curiosity, what game are you working on translating at the moment?

>> No.3244187

Not incest guy, and normally I don't give a shit about incest, but the best blood-related imouto game in my opinion is CUFFS' Sakura Musubi.
Only thing is that the game is totally unvoiced, which is admittedly unusual for 2005. Beautiful music though, and the story is very touching.

>> No.3244252

Why is that?

>> No.3244266

Because the H scenes aren't that good?

>> No.3244274

Incest isn't absolutely necessary. As long as the story is very touching, loving and happy. But incest makes it even better.

>> No.3244906
File: 26 KB, 220x330, r11_komomo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping so Incest guy sees (and possibly answers) my question before this tread vanishes.

Also, if anyone else has such suggestions, feel free to share.

>> No.3245785

Well I just finished Anzu's route. I would give the entire thing a 7/10, but I have to say I was disappointed by the ending.

I hate the whole 'it's like nothing changed at all!' thing.

>> No.3245826

Anzu's route is not the best; keep playing.

>> No.3246015

I'm sorry, i found it perfect and the whole, not changed thing, they're holding hands on their way to school publicly showing to their friends that they're lovers now. I loved it.

Sorry you didn't enjoy it so much ..... anyway.

Nothing. The only thing you've got close to it is Wanko to Kurasou which 99% of /jp/ has played. For untranslated the closest I've come to how much I loved Hatsukoi is Oyatsu no Jikan. I would rate that one a 7 out of 10, best route was Chocolate's. Other than that Kiss Me! Me! is cute though it's not so great, 5 out of 10, it's ok. No incest or I'd have brought it up all ready. Neither is translated.

>> No.3246040

Eh? But it changed. You didnt see the brother and sister showing off their lovelove to Nishimura while walking to the school at the beginning of the story.
I actually thought the end was cool but the ride could be better. But Anzu's cuteness is a miracle of the universe, so whatever.

>> No.3246056

Get Shishunki now.
It's like Hatsukoi 2, except it has nothing to do with Hatsukoi.

>> No.3246076

Fuck yes Shishunki. <3 Setsura

She's not the imouto though

>> No.3246170

But she becomes your imouto by the middleway, if you know what i mean.

>> No.3246263

None of the other girls I find are very appealing.
Maybe I was confused, but the way they were talking about it made it seem like they couldn't have sex any more? Or at least until they're adults? Also Anzu's talking like how even when they are older she still wants different rooms and stuff.
