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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 7 KB, 168x251, 1251460572286s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3277033 No.3277033 [Reply] [Original]

old thread died

Usage: bcs.exe in.bcs out.bcs

This will give you completely decoded scripts, but there's still work to do (figuring unknown variables). Of course we're still far from encoding and the game won't eat the decoded scripts (though it'd be possible with some patching).

>> No.3277059

>>old thread died
And why do you think that is? Fuck off.

>> No.3277192

Support your local translators faggot, this is what /jp/ is about anyway.

>> No.3277201

Translations are for people too lazy to learn a relatively simple language and a few thousand kanji. Reported.

>> No.3277205

Yeah, I dont know what this is.

>> No.3277223


...a few thousand? Maybe for the easiest to read ones

>> No.3277237


Awesome! We are almost there!

>> No.3277240


>> No.3277252

Hatsukoi. This thread is about reverse-engineering the engine to extract scripts and replace the text.

>> No.3277270


Thanks so much for all your efforts!
Can you explain in a bit more detail how this works and what it is intended to be used for? (for the people like me who are feeling somewhat computer illiterate right now...)

>> No.3277285

Looks like I woke up not a minute too late... for those who missed it, you can patch hatsukoi.bin (renamed to hatsukoi.exe) following the instructions of my posts in thread 3247959 to bypass the initial check for env.key/user.key.

Why exactly is your decompressor almost the size of the game engine itself?

>> No.3277299

well, the exe is just 24KB but I have to ship it with the Qt dll.

>> No.3277312
File: 5 KB, 107x127, qt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why exactly is your decompressor almost the size of the game engine itself?

ITT Bloated, Overrated Shit
(pic related)

>> No.3277315
File: 27 KB, 220x330, r11_yusumi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who where not there last 2 treads, here is the info:

This is the continuation of the tread in which we where working together to translate Hatsukoi.

Hatsukoi is rated among the best of the incest games. From the original poster: "It's what I believe would happen if two siblings really did fall in love. Anzu isn't a stereotype, she's not just some tsundere or deredere I've found typical in other imouto games. She's sweet and playful but can get pretty angry. She simply likes her brother and as the story progresses their friends make them realize they're in love. It's a slow progression too so you see it all play out."

You can download the game here:


Official site: http://products.rune.jp/catalogue/r011hatsukoi/

>> No.3277342

These are the steps we need to follow:

1. Decode and figure scripts
2. Create a tool for translation that can replace the text without breaking the scripts
3. Encode the translated scripts

We're close to finish step 1. There are still some things to figure before we can proceed to step 2.

>> No.3277345

That's the game with the route with that Senpai character who dies and then gets reborn into the body of another girl and starts going to the school the protagonist is now teaching at because RUNE is a company made up entirely of lolicons and she was just too old right?

Oh, the memories.

>> No.3277357

it was that or php or spending a week coding basic functions already available in frameworks like qt

>> No.3277399

Or you could use ANSI C.

>> No.3277415

I'll be working on packaging the scripts back into the archives, and maybe some BCS stuff after I'm done the compressor.

>> No.3277498
File: 26 KB, 220x330, r11_komomo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is some more info and links that where lost when the old tread died, in case any of it could be usefull:

Someone extracted the script files, using Suise with the axruneg plugin. You can find them here:


Someone managed to extract the entire japanese text from the dump file of the game. It can be found here:


It is kind of hard to read, but it was mentionned that by using a terxt editor, one could ssearch and replace 00 with 0D0A or 0x00 with 0x0D 0x0A or something like that, to increase legibility, like these 2 parts here:


Also, a very generous person proposed to translate the Japanese texts, as long as we can provide him with the text files.

>> No.3277503

Why don't you guys start a project on TLWiki or something?

>> No.3277550
File: 28 KB, 220x330, r11_karin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, just before the last tread died, someone provided us with a "light" version of the game, without the graphics and sounds. But, oh stupid stupid me, I lost the link to it. Someone has it? (I don't know if it can be useful to anyone, but if it could, can you post the link again?)

I also lost most of what was said in the last few posts. Things about env.key/user.key, someone posted a link to the env.key and env.dll. Other info that seemed to indicate we where really REALLY close. (I was watching the tread from work, but I can't post from there). If it could be of some help to anyone willing to give us a hand, could whoever said it reiterate?

>> No.3277564


If you guys do that, don't forget to tell us, so the rest of us can follow you there!

>> No.3277566

/jp/ has an archive.

>> No.3277579


Really?, how do I see it?

>> No.3277605


>> No.3277620


>> No.3277623
File: 58 KB, 512x512, tread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and it's "THREAD", dimwit

>> No.3277690

Ah, well, for easy access, if anyone cares:

lite version cg's and sounds removed:

env.key and envkey.dll:

>> No.3277799

the env.key is unique so it's useless to post another one's, a fix was explained in the archived thread

>> No.3277816

Patched hatsukoi.exe (doesn't require env.key)


>> No.3277839

I finally traced the generation of the unknown variable from the GMS header. It's calculated (depending on calculations done from the previous loaded scripts) and overwritten at runtime, so we can leave it like that.
I'll proceed now with the BCS header.

>> No.3277959

Any ETA as to when we'll get the thing to eat our scripts?

>> No.3278132
File: 28 KB, 640x480, anzu start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you guys are doing a great job on your end. I tracked down where Anzu's route starts which helped alleviate the confusion I was having on the opening lines and started translation today of the files I was given last week. Figured if you guys are putting in this much effort I gotta do my best.

Interestingly enough (whether anyone cares) the first part of Anzu's route is when you have the dream about Komomo and not later when your saves start displaying her face.

>> No.3278233

For now I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow I'll do a quick dirty packer and think how the translation tool should behave in order to have easy maintainable scripts.

>> No.3278235
File: 45 KB, 640x480, jin's line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right, the reason I stopped translating.

Can someone explain why Anzu's name appears prior to the lines spoken by Jin (default name for the player)? Sorry it's just infuriating to not know from the text who's line is supposed to belong to whom.

 ――Will she be jilted? ――Will she be strong?
 Anyhow――Sakurai-senpai will just be my ordinary senior and I'll be her ordinary junior――probably――。

"Onii-chan! It's morning!


"…………Ah, you're already awake."

"……You're awfully noisy this morning Anzu."

>> No.3278264

Looking at it now it should be obvious that the prior two lines with the kanji for Jin mean the lines upcoming belong to him regardless of Anzu's name appearing immediately preceding it so I suppose it should be easy enough to continue unless something awfully weird comes up later. Anyway, just a bit awkward, I suppose I won't be translating anyone's names for now. I'll leave them in kanji for now.

>> No.3278282

I have no idea how I could help since I can't read Japanese or code, but thank you for this. Seriously.

>> No.3278323

Damn, i miss those big eyes of RUNE's games.
They got smaller nowadays.

>> No.3278413

"The better to see you with, my dear..."

>> No.3278730

I've got a working GML_ARC extractor/importer done, but does anyone else notice that scenario.xp's directory has a corrupted entry? It has an entry named "KOMOM\0.BCS" while the engine is looking for "KOMOMO.BCS", so the script fails. The scripts extracted in >>3277498 also have a "KOMOM" file but otherwise they're byte-identical to the output of my extractor, so we're both triggering some subtle bug in our decompressor routine. The engine finds KOMOMO.BCS in the archive fine, so its decompressor is OK. This could be a little problem since I've heard the .BCS themselves are compressed using the same algorithm.

>> No.3278990
File: 22 KB, 594x784, scrotum20090831200047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I've fixed it. OP, make sure your decompressor supports RLE-type chaining, the Susie plugin was also broken like that.

>> No.3279010

holy shit, i want to be like you someday.

>> No.3279201

You mean you wish to be the middle-aged girl?

>> No.3279396

Why hasn't a TLWiki page been made yet? You don't need permission to make one. Just go ahead.

>> No.3279402

Let's at least have a few slides translated first.

>> No.3279424

At least OP didn't write it in .NEET

>> No.3279675

Introducing Microsoft.NEET, the leading application developement framework for unemployed programmers.

>> No.3279770

so how much progress has been made on this so far?

>> No.3279904

bufptr &= 4095
is all it takes to make a ring buffer! Man, i'm so ashamed to work as a programmer without actually being one.

>> No.3279988

GML_ARC format: 100%
BCS format: 75%
Translation: ????

>> No.3280012

I can't stand the suspense!

>> No.3280052

so what's that table is there for?

>> No.3280061

Programmers know about hexidecimal notation, and why it might save your life.

>> No.3280083

Which table are you talking about?

>> No.3280107

After decompressing bcs, there's some table before the script part starts. Or maybe I misunderstood everything?

>> No.3280139
File: 43 KB, 800x450, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- My best guess.

Also, I just noticed the variant of LZ12/4 used in GML_ARC is slightly different from the one in BCS... no wonder I was getting strange output.

>> No.3280191

12bits offset, 4 bits length? And what are the usual tweak points in LZ algorithm? Also some easy to understand compression code would be nice.
And I think one of GMS header fields is a checksum.

>> No.3280260

There's a lot that you can change from the basic algorithm even after you've established the offset/length pair. E.g. what the buffer is initialized to, how the bits are actually assigned to length/offset, how big the indicators are (8, 16, 32, or even 1, as in no byte boundaries), what the buffer pointer is initialized to (4078 here), etc. They also added another layer of obfuscation by inverting some, but not all of the bits.

>> No.3280374

Erm... Why does the starting position of a buffer pointer matter? I mean, it's circular. Hope I'm not being too stupid

>> No.3280561

e.g. if you start it at 4078, then a match for a sequence starting at the first byte of the file (modulo 4096) will be at 4078. If you start the buffer pointer at 0, then the offset changes to 0.

>> No.3280620

What's RLE-type chaining ;_;

>> No.3280698

Those two tables at the start of each BCS are indices of some sort, since the script data itself doesn't look interpretable directly --- there are directives, labels, sound file names, and other stuff among the text, all separated by null bytes.

I'll probably be able to figure it out better after I get some sleep.

komomomomomomomomo.... basically each "om" sequence matches with the previous one and you can repeat as much as the length allows.

>> No.3281439

The "table" in the bcs is some sort of command address table. It's made of two dword pairs, one is a small number I don't know what is it for, and the next is the offset. The offset is relative to the start of the body of the script (after the 16 byte GMS header). Those offsets always land at the beginning of a command.

The amount of dword pairs is stored in the bcs header (unk_count and unk2_count). Why is splitted in two is a total mystery.

>> No.3281515

There are five types of pairs in the table:

01 00 00 00 XX XX XX XX
03 00 00 00 XX XX XX XX <--- The offsets you mentioned.
04 00 00 00 XX XX XX XX
0F 00 00 00 XX XX XX XX
00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00

No clue about the other four. The thing is, they seem to be in no specific order. Sometimes there are 03 pairs, then a few 61 41's and then 03's again.

>> No.3281571

>Why is splitted in two is a total mystery.
Let me try to eaplain with an example. ANZU.BCS has 0x15F1 as first table size. One element = 8 Bytes.

0x15F1 * 0x08 = 0xAF88
If you add the 24 Byte BCS header to that you get 0xAFA0 which is the offset of the first 03 pair.

Maybe the 03 pairs are the only important ones and the others are just junk data to confuse people...
I guess that doesn't make sense.

>> No.3281892

Oh, there's also 02 05 and 06 in some scripts. The only ones in the route scripts are 01, 03, 0F anf 6141 though.

>> No.3282096

Now if we could find out how the game knows which commands are dialogue...

>> No.3282152

check my old mediafire link from last week where I translated some 3 lines of text, if someone can get that to work we're golden.


I'm off to my first day of my new semester. Wish me luck.

>> No.3282204

That's not what I mean. I could dump all the 03 commands but there'd be a lot of irrelevant strings like ext001_e01.wav, @CMN0102, %text, etc. But the game knows which ones are dialogue, which are sounds to play, etc. so we need to figure how it does that.

>> No.3282359

Everything that starts with @, %, *or $ is no dialogue. Strings that are defined in D.BCS are also no dialogue. The engine can just check for that.

>> No.3283020
File: 23 KB, 336x302, girly-gun.1250886255568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3284110

Damn, the game doesn't like dummy compression because it ALWAYS assumes the compressed size to be smaller than the compressed size, so with dummy compression it doesn't fully copy the file to memory because the decompressed ouput is actually smaller.

Guess I'll have to code a real compression function.

>> No.3284554

I'm back from work!


Good luck! I hope it won't take too much of your time, we will need your help for the translation :)


Is that one of the endings of the game?


I hope it not to hard. I've studied compression algorithms during one of my computer classes in University. I don't remember much, but I do remember it was really fascinating. I couldn't believe how much you could compress data! It was like, this is clearly impossible to put so much data into so little data. Then you pass it through the algorithms and you get something like 10 times bigger. It looks like magic, but you are the one calculating it by hand (it was the exercises to understand how it works) so you actually see it as it unfolds. It was trippy.

>> No.3285040
File: 98 KB, 640x480, ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you somehow get this to work. In the meantime, try out this. It inserts the scripts directly into the games memory. Start the game and wait until you're in the main menu. Then start the program. It'll take the files from the script folder and write them to the right place.


Of course this is not actually meant to be used. You can play around a bit with it though. Like exploring how the games syntax works, etc. I just used this as an excuse to learn about memory editing.

The game takes the string sizes from that table at the beginning of the script (the japanese one it'll load at the beginning), so you can't change the length of a line. Since the size is stored in bytes, one Japanese character equals two Latin chars, which means that if the Japanese text is 8 characters long the English text will have to be 16 characters long. You can just pad the line with spaces (or better, 0x00) but it can't be longer or it'll screw everything up.

>> No.3285996

Wow, this thread's still here.

Yes, I had the feeling they were indices of some sort. But the values that you're getting are completely different from mine --- is my decompressor screwed up? The first table in ANZU.BCS looks like this to me:

F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 00 00 00 F0 00 00 00
F0 00 00 00 E1 00 00 00 F0 00 00 00 D2 00 00 00

However, the strings look fine:
$fset %anzu,0

>> No.3286175

>But the values that you're getting
I never actually posted any values. Our tables are similar. I have no clue what the first table is for. The string-offset pairs (03 00 00 00 XX XX XX XX) start with the second table.

>> No.3286202

Also, note how the character sprites are not mentioned in the script. I'm pretty sure that's what the 01 00 00 00 XX XX XX XX is for.

>> No.3286382

I figured out the weirdness in the tables: it inverts all the values, the inverts them again so that's why my strings still looked OK but the tables had all their bits inverted -- I was inverting at the wrong places.

I've noticed the first table, the one with all entries of type 0000000F, have the second dord as an index into the second table, and the entry there looks like it's always of type 01 (except for the first index).

I hypothesize the second table is an "object definition" table, since it contains objects of type 0x01, 0x03, and 0x416100. We know for certain that 0x03 always declares a string type, and its second parameter always indices into one of the strings in the string table (the part with all the text, that we thought was the script).

>> No.3286573

Does anyone happen to know where the entry point is in all these scripts? It'd help to be able to follow the flow and compare the script content with what's shown, since it doesn't look like it starts in ANZU.BCS

>> No.3287065

I'd guess somewhere in S.BCS

>> No.3287215

Is there a walk through for this game anywhere? I really want to get with the little brown girl.

>> No.3287255

Little brown girls are the best!

>> No.3287388

Damnit, this is one hell of a fucked-up engine design. I'm getting there... slowly...

>> No.3287769

Please do keep us up to date. I really want to know about this one.

>> No.3287770

Documentation of GML_ARC format and tools to work with the format have been released:


I've repacked scenario.xp with mkgarc and it works perfectly. This should be useful once we get BCS done.

>> No.3287893

Why don't you help?

>> No.3288114

game starts in common.bcs

>> No.3288130

Found it in common.bcs:

$fset %f_yusumi, 0
$fset %f_coco, 0
$fset %f_komomo, 0
$fset %f_karin, 0
$fset %route_AB, 0
$fset %coco_kimo, 0

>> No.3288179

The % strings at the beginning of each script define the structure of the sequence of objects which follow. Each object definition is introduced with opcode 0x01 in the second table, the parameter value being the object identifier. What follows are the string definitions (0x03) in the same order, and non-present values are indicated with 0x416100; example definition from common.bcs:


The first object itself in common.bcs has id 0x2710 and its definition appears as follows:

03 00 00 00 69 00 00 00-00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00
00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00-00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00
00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00-00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00
00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00-00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00
00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00-00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00
00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00-00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00
00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00-00 61 41 00 00 00 00 00

In other words, %line has value '@start', which is where the string record points in the string table. The other fields are not used so they are filled with the 0x416100. Similarly, the second object (ID=0x27D8) is "%line=$fset %f_yusumi, 0". Fields in an object are not necessarily string type, they can also be references to another object defined somewhere else.

The meaning of line, seq, cheffect, effect1, music, bg, cg, ov, truename, name, voice, st_center_name, st_center, and text are mostly self-explanatory. text would probably be the most important one.

I feel like I've achieved Satori.

>> No.3288187

And yes, that was me. I'll rest now. Expecting to have custom scripts ready by tomorrow.

>> No.3288255

I was messing about and got onto her route by choosing 2 bottom choices then 2 top choices, ignoring 3rd choices and repeat. Unfortunalty I didn't get her good ending (which seems to get you a 2nd sex scene).

I also got the imouto good end 1st go by choosing random choices and got the long-pink haired girls good end choosing 2 top then 2 bottom choices and repeating.

>> No.3288291

I noticed sBCSHeader.unk is always same as the first dword used in the first table.

So we finally got the headers completely reversed.

struct sBCSHeader
char magic[4];
unsigned int uncompressed_size;
unsigned int object_count;
unsigned int objectMark;
unsigned int objectparts_count;
unsigned int body_size;
struct sGMSHeader
char magic[4];
unsigned int checksum;
unsigned int unk2; //calculated and overwritten by the game
unsigned int uncompressed_size;

>> No.3288769

I added encoding support to the bcs decoder.

You'll need the dll from >>3277033

Decoding: bcs.exe in.bcs decoded.bcs
Encoding: bcs.exe -e decoded.bcs encoded.bcs

It's a bit slow, but works. Now the only thing left is a translation tool that replaces the strings and updates the script table.

>> No.3288851
File: 87 KB, 396x396, GJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works 100%.

>> No.3288876

The table update thing shouldn't be too hard to write. Basically it'll just have to update the %line and the %name values according to the new script. The first table can be left as is. It'd be good to have some kind of editor with a GUI.

>> No.3289153

You guys are pretty awesome.

>> No.3289968

You guys are indeed pretty awesome. So is this finally at the "get translated" phase? Or is there still a bit more work to do before that?

>> No.3290015

Hatsukoi is all well and good, but someone should really translate Ricotte already.

>> No.3290030

translation tool still needed

>> No.3290984

If someone is already working on it already please let me know because I'm going to start writing something now.

>> No.3291314

This thread is still here. Impressive.

After noticing that the engine looks for .csv before .bcs, and that the two tables and strings block looks suspiciously like a database file format I've worked with before, I came up with the idea that the engine works with tabular data. To test this, I took the simplest of the scripts, P.BCS, which contains exactly 6 records and created the following P.CSV:


And after renamin P.BCS to something else so that the engine won't find it, we see that it does indeed read our P.CSV; unfortunately, starting the game causes a crash after the intro. But maybe I had the wrong record format, should it be 1 record per line instead? The second attempt at P.CSV:


...start a new game, skip past the intro, and... IT WORKS!!!

Inspecting the two index tables again, all becomes clear. The first index consists of 8-byte entries, one for each row, the first dord being the number of columns and the second, the index into the row index. The row index also consists of 8-byte entries, although here, the first dord is the datatype (0x03 = string, 0x416100 = NULL, 0x01 = integer(?)) and the second is, if it's a string, the offset into the strings table. NULLs ignore the second dord, and integers are stored directly there.

In other words, BCS is simply an indexed CSV. In fact, I'm almost sure this is an existing database format I haven't seen before, because it sure looks like one.

>> No.3291374

Also, I just tested quotes, embedded commas, and other CSV parsing stuff, and it looks like the engine has a fully standards-compliant CSV parser.

I'll write a BCS<->CSV converter, and then whoever wants to can do the translation in Excel. LOL.

>> No.3291556

Oh wow, that makes sense but it also doesn't. What's with that complex format? Wouldn't something easy do too? Are they that afraid of people who want to steal the text of their games?
Anyway, amazing work figuring that out.

>> No.3291589
File: 83 KB, 1252x851, readytotranslate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...here we go.

>> No.3291651
File: 56 KB, 643x482, hatsukoisicp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess the developers had a database fetish.

>> No.3291678

Now the only problems left are word wrapping and the font being fullwidth. Any ideas what could be done about that?

>> No.3291706

No lie, if someone adds this to TL Wiki, This anon can translate it.
Seriously good job decoding the game.

>> No.3291751

I'll upload the CSV files once I get a few bugs in bcs2csv figured out.

>> No.3291777

>What's with that complex format
haha, you haven't seen anything boy, there's worse shit

>> No.3291780

Okay call me slow to the party, but who is this? I would go to jail for those apricots...

>> No.3291806

Every time I look at this thread I'm amazed at how fast you guys are progressing.

>> No.3291829


>> No.3292042

Here are the complete set of tables. Extract them to a scenario.xp directory and the engine will read them correctly:


For convenience, the set of tables is also available here as sheets in an Excel workbook:


The good thing about tabular format is that it's so versatile. The bad thing about tabular format is that it's so versatile.

>> No.3292115

Word wrapping: can be done manually.

Font: what's wrong with fullwidth?

>> No.3292133

>what's wrong with fullwidth?
It looks horrible. Maybe that's just me.

>> No.3292152

Honestly, I think that due to it being in CSV means that the line breaks and whatnot wont be much of an issue.
All that really needs to be done is to determine the exact length of the line..

Full width feels like I'm getting trolled on /jp/

>> No.3292157

You know that you can just drop in a custom font with the latin-1 characters overwriting the fullwidth character codepoints right?

Then they'd look exactly the same. Only thing you'd have to do is potentially change the text spacing in the engine (if it's hardcoded instead of using the glyph data)

>> No.3292273
File: 121 KB, 759x528, Picture 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excel haet UTF-8

To anyone working on the translation, using OpenOffice's Calc seems to be the workaround for this...

>> No.3292298

That's because you're using the Mac version.

>> No.3292365

but likes unicode, so convert them with notepad or another text editor

>> No.3292429
File: 614 KB, 1332x792, Picture[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does this even on the XP side.
Unless AppLocale is used...

>> No.3292444

If you're going to use Excel, get the XLS version from my link above. That one should work correctly irregardless of your locale. The CSVs are in Shift_JIS.

>> No.3292536

4000 Lines?
Short game
Shouldn't take too long.

>> No.3292560

And then I clicked the other tabs

>> No.3292594
File: 56 KB, 642x482, fontfail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we'll either have to fix the font or insert extra rows in the script, since English is far less dense.

>> No.3292727

It's closer to 32K lines

>> No.3292750


>> No.3292830

Alright, now that we have gathered enough knowledge to be able to start translating, it's time to work out our next steps on this project. There are a total of slightly over 30,000 lines of text that need to be translated.

How many translators will be willing to work on this? How many person-days do you estimate the work to take? Because of the format, would it be helpful to host a database anyone can connect to and update with the translations as they're done?

The approximate volume of the work is as follows:


( ´ω`) Discuss.

>> No.3292850

translation wiki

>> No.3292886
File: 153 KB, 646x505, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think the spacing width is hardcoded, I messed around with the font creation function and always has the same space between characters.

>> No.3292897
File: 151 KB, 646x505, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how the characters fall at the same position even with a smaller font size.

>> No.3292913

You mean the one that removed all their Nitro+ translations? Fuck no. Let's keep this on /jp/

>> No.3292953

Not surprising given that it was designed to slowly display text one character at a time.

>> No.3292954


>> No.3292959

It'll be hard to work together if nothing is sharable, and doing a project by sending rapidshare links to each other is a pretty shitty idea.

Use the Wiki. Unless someone has enough bandwidth to host a website.

>> No.3292971

Besides, if you put it on the wiki, you might find other people that are willing to help.

>> No.3292973

What sort of bandwidth requirements are you thinking of? I have a site.

>> No.3293107

Why doesn't /jp/ actually start a project for once
There are people who are fluent in Japanese here. It's not hard for someone to translate 50 lines a day. If 6 people were to do it daily, the whole game would be translated in 100 days, which is pretty respectable.

Translators aside, I'm sure there are more than enough anons willing to edit out there as well.

/jp/ has never done it's own project before so why not start? Make a /jp/ wiki of sorts and we'll translate Hatsukoi for the Loli Imouto love in all of us.

>> No.3293137




>> No.3293149

I'm all for it.

>> No.3293196

Some anon out there hacked the game for us
Least we can do is place the work somewhere so that any interested translators can work on it.

>> No.3293197

I'm setting everything up.

It'll be sort of like a wiki but simpler.

>> No.3293612

All right. I really would love help on the translations. I'm still working with the text files I got last week which is the start of Anzu's route and Coco's route both of which contain the lines that are the same which increases the amount of work but what can you do.

sounds like a grand idea. Besides the fact that I'm not the greatest translator I have school constraints this semester. After all the work you guys have put into this I won't abandon you if I'm the only translator you've got but help would get the work done faster. Otherwise I'm planning on only translating Anzu's route. I haven't even bothered reading the others.

>> No.3293616

Alright, how many here would be willing to/are able to translate if all they had to do was click on the line they want, type in the translated version, and submit?

>> No.3293679

I'll contribute what I can, although my language skills have atrophied due to lack of use.

>> No.3293705

I'll help. I won't be of too much use, but I'll try my hardest.

>> No.3293814

Great. I'm working on the web interface right now. Shouldn't be much longer before you guys can start submitting translated lines.

>> No.3293857 [DELETED] 


Hate to be the one to ask but, troll proof

>> No.3293858

Hate to be the one to ask but is it troll proof?

>> No.3293880

Could you elaborate?

>> No.3293913

Mainly, multiple submissions. Or if you set it up to take only one submission, would it cause other submissions to be locked out? Etc..

>> No.3293933

Basically, you'll be able to edit a record as many times as you want. Maybe I'll add row-locking functionality to "finalize" those lines that already have good translations which cannot be improved much further. It's almost like a very lightweight wiki.

>> No.3294419

Alright, everything's up and running here:


Have fun translating.

>> No.3294465

And in case you're wondering how it works, you select a file to start translating, find a line that you'd like to translate and click on it in the main view, then enter the appropriate values in the left column of the record editor. For your convenience, the original untranslated version is displayed on the right. Submit and your change will be saved.

>> No.3294518

So, we now need willing translators to plow through it, editors etc...
Perhaps I should start a TLWIKI page for this.

>> No.3294547

Let's wait a bit and see what anon can do before calling the TLwikifags.

>> No.3294726

This is where I was confused before but now things look more ... interesting. What's the difference between %name, %truename, and %st_center_name?

>> No.3294825

translate em all, let god sort it out.

>> No.3294982


>> No.3295007

This is better than I thought it would be. Good job.
Also, I do think it'd be best to lock all the columns from editing save for %name, %true_name, %st_center_name, and %text since they're the only columns that have anything that need translating

As best as I can derive is that it's to dictate the difference between what name shows up on screen, which name causes the changes, and which name triggers what. Not necessarily in that order.

In this case, it'd be the engine's job to sort it out. It's already expecting the files to be in this format and all we're doing is changing contents of the values so, yeah...

>> No.3295009

better test which one is used ingame, just in case touching the others breaks something

>> No.3295039

That's a very good point. It should be tested with the script that's been translated up until this point.
Luckily, if it does break something, the values repeat themselves so a simple column replace will take care of that.

>> No.3295163

Okey Dokey, there's the first three lines. See if anything breaks.


>> No.3295291
File: 50 KB, 640x480, nishimura youko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, someone besides just me is translating. Cool.

I figured it out on my own. %truename is the persons true name or in this case their given name, while %name is the person's name given in the window.

That 4th line did it for me. Nishimura is the name that appears in the window, the girl's full name is Nishimura Youko. Youko is the name found in %truename and %st_center_name. Nishimura is what we want translated because it's the name the player will see in the game.

>> No.3295299

So ... can you close the other two text fields for %truename and %st_center_name? I think it can only bork the game to screw with those. We should only be translating section 9.

>> No.3295358

This, please.

>> No.3295623


>> No.3296789


>> No.3297253

I'm back from my nightly rest and... this thread is still here!?!?

I've found a bug in the engine's CSV parser --- it doesn't handle escaping quotes properly if there's a quote immediately following a quoted string, e.g. this crashes the engine:

,,"""This is a test.""",, <- should result in a field value of "This is a test", with the quotes.

But this works, and the quotes show up as expected (only one around the phrase):

,," ""This is a test."" ",,

Notice the ending quote also has to be separated by a space if it's to be escaped. Otherwise it'll appear to load fine, but the engine freezes when it gets to that line.

Keep this in mind when you're editing --- leave a space in front if you're going to start a line with a quote. 「Japanese quotes」 and ``faggot quotes'' are OK though.

I'll leave them open for now. It'll be very easy to revert to the originals if they cause any trouble. There's some stuff in the %seq column that needs to be translated too, mostly menu decisions etc. Also, I don't think it'd hurt to translate everything. Some of the columns in the other tables are just informational, probably as comments to the original authors (e.g. 2nd column in the C table).

>> No.3297361


That's just SO awesome!

But I have a somewhat serious concern. How do you prevent someone from undoing the translator’s hard work?
For example, lets say a translator translates a sentence to “Hi, what are you doing here?”. Later, an other translator rewrites it as “Oh, hello… what are you doing here?” which is a more accurate translation and he should totally be allowed to do. But then some jackass changes that to “lol your mother!”.
What if someone changed an entire column of already translated text to such idiocies just to piss us off?

>> No.3297386
File: 27 KB, 217x250, r11_pcke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think a possible solution would be to save the text each time it is changed. That way it yould be easy to revert it back to a previous iteration. All iterations would be saved somewhere.

>> No.3297399

wikis have a revert thing to prevent that kind of stuff.

>> No.3297438

Yeah, when I read >>3297386, I couldn't help but think "like a wiki?"

>> No.3297501

We call them undo logs.

>> No.3297866
File: 19 KB, 220x330, r11_coco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how many translators are working on this?

Should we try to recruit some from other boards? You know, to speed things up, and maybe take some of the load off of our translators shoulders.

/c/ is populated by very friendly people, and Anzu IS pretty cute... But they might be pulled off by the, you know, incest and stuff. /d/ would totally be into incest, and would be by far the most tolerable of the bunch,... I don't know how tolerable they are about loli though. /r/ would be the correct place to go to avoid being flamed, but when does /r/ ever give results?

You know, I'm starting to think recruiting inside 4chan might not be the smartest thing to do. Maybe somewhere more serious.

>> No.3297907

Note that the site I currently have the system setup on is probably going to be temporary. I'm expecting to have to move to another (probably free) host with more bandwidth as we grow our infrastructure.

>> No.3297910 [DELETED] 

What are you talking about?
> Save the English language on the Internet: www.аnоnтаㄥк.com/ICARE

>> No.3297931

So all that's left is to translate the texts?
I've never seen a translation project progress this fast! Keep it up guys!

>> No.3297940


Yeah, I seriously don't understand why they don't just use the tlwiki. It exists solely for this purpose.

>> No.3297959 [DELETED] 


Why not both?

>> No.3297973


Why not both? Progress from one could be inputted into the other and vice versa.

>> No.3298005

I see a distinct advantage with this system. Here's a possible situation with the wiki:

1. Alice decides to start translating a few random lines at the start of, say, ANZU. She opens the article for editing and begins her work.
2. Bob wants to translate ANZU, but a different set of lines. He also opens the article for editing.
3. Alice submits her version, and Bob does so at a later time, unwillingly overwriting what Alice did.

At least here, you're only doing one line at a time. I suppose you could use a wiki with one article per line, but that's... inconvenient.

>> No.3298021


Have you never used a wiki or something? Every revision is saved. As soon as someone notices that the script was worked on by two people at once, someone can merge the two. It seems like you're making things harder on yourself for no reason.

>> No.3298044

That's likely because this engine is relatively simple --- it's not a no-brainer like LCSE but certainly having everything in extremely portable CSV files helps a lot.

>> No.3298361

I'll go rest now, since I don't know enough Japanese to help with the translation. Hopefully the system will survive with all the translators on it.

>> No.3298822

bump for more translators

>> No.3298850

Thanks was looking for this thread.
I'll start tomorrow.

>> No.3298983

This is pretty amazing, /jp/

>> No.3299020

I liked the ceremonial cracking of a pre-released Da Capo last year more.

>> No.3299027 [DELETED] 

Could you give more information?
> Save the English language on the Internet: www.аnоnтаㄥк.com/ICARE

>> No.3299328

bump (is it still bumpable?)

>> No.3299365

Sure, about 20 posts left.

>> No.3299374

I want to kiss Rika's feet.

>> No.3299562


>> No.3300176

It looks like there's already some lines that have been translated, but there's a ton more that need to be done.

>> No.3300675

Sorry had a rough first week back in school. Had to drop 2 classes and add 1. Now at 3 with no intention of picking up more. I plan on translating 100 lines a day which would put Common and Anzu finished in about 4 months if I work alone but that'll give me time for homework, games, and other shit while still making progress.

I'm proud of you all /jp/. This'll be our first successful project together.

>> No.3301263

Fuck yeah.

>> No.3302128

I do believe a brofist is in order.

>> No.3303159

I think we need some uniformity in the translations on this. Someone's translating the 「 into " while someone else is not. Someone mentioned a problem with the " symbols? I'm not sure what that's about because I fail to understand the post.

>> No.3303496

If you're going to start a line with ", leave one space before it. Otherwise you get 3 consecutive quotes in the CSV file and the engine gets confused. Same with ending a line with ", leave one space after it.

Or you could just use the Japanese-style quotes.

>> No.3303520

My bad. That'd be me. Should we stick to 「 or should we use " ?

>> No.3303585

Wow. Would it be too much to expect this thread to be around when the translation is finished?

Also, we most likely won't be moving hosts anytime soon, unless something drastic happens (or if anyone wants to host the system for us...)

>> No.3303718

I would like the " quotes used, the Japanese ones may confuse native readers.

So a space before and after " that'll do.

>> No.3303732

I'm gonna go through the lines and change them to be uniform.
So uh, yeah...

>> No.3303753

Ok, you do that, I'll just translate and leave the old style japanese quotes in.

The wedding quote, I just changed it to happy wedding day since we've got nothing in English of suitable equivalence ... unless someone can think of one

>> No.3303815

Which one is that?

>> No.3303950

8th line

>> No.3303953

Can you clarify the quote business before I go any further?

So the line that contains a 「」set would be inputted as "", """" or what? All I'm understanding is that there should be a space at the beginning of the line if quotes are to be used.

>> No.3303969

I dunno, when I add a space before " I get double quotes out of it "" which looks equally odd. Inserting single " with no space simply deletes them. Perhaps that's the system being finicky and it'll work itself out when it gets to the final edit in game.

I'm thinking a space before " which ends in "" is better than no quotes though. That may just be me though.

>> No.3304012
File: 30 KB, 637x400, junk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this'll help clarify and we can decide which we find better.

When I added a space before and after the line spoken you can see how it ends up. Would you prefer that or keeping the Japanese 」 symbols?

I would personally prefer the "" to the Japanese symbol or nothing at all.

>> No.3304140

Let's leave the Japanese quotes in for now.

I'm currently trying to reconcile the differences between the CSV parser the engine uses, the two that my system use, and the one that Excel uses. Leave the quotes in there to make it obvious it's dialog, but don't use " for now until I get it figured out. Then it'll be a simple search-and-replace.

>> No.3304566

Also, this is just because we want to be able to have the engine read our CSV files. BCS has no problem with this since it doesn't use quoting and commas; it's a binary format.

>> No.3304715

Will do.

Also I started a new thread at 200 posts, guess it's up to 250 now ... I never seem to be on top of things.

>> No.3304793

Where's the new one?

>> No.3304830

I let it die, it's useless. When this hits 250 we can make another I guess.

>> No.3304897

Pretty much got 100 lines of the Common done.
I'll go back and change the " into 「 now.

>> No.3304927

At this rate it'll take over a year.

>> No.3304944

I promised 100 lines a day too. I'm working from the Anzu file.

Patience young padawan

>> No.3304991

200 lines a day
30000 words of text
150 days...

Maybe I gotta up to 200 lines a day unless we get more people to help out

>> No.3305008

Do you think I'd be able to get a decent translation by using Google/Babelfish and then editing the results so it's gramatically correct?

>> No.3305096

Highly doubtful. Something you could do though. Change all the names in the %name field. When you click to edit it it's section 9

Can you recognize names?

>> No.3305123

杏 - Anzu
西村 - Nishimura
美木 - Miki
鎌田 - Kamata
一同 - Everyone
竜也 - Tatsuya
稔 - this is the player default name. I think screwing with it would be a bad idea.
小桃 - Komomo
ココ - Coco

That should carry you awhile.

>> No.3305141

Do we leave that alone inside the dialouge too?

>> No.3305211

I certainly would. I think it's a place marker for the computer to recognize where the player's name goes. I think screwing with it could only mean trouble although I can't get the game to recognize anything but hiragana, katakana, and kanji.

That may be a problem the coders will have to figure out later. For now I'd just leave it alone in all fields.

>> No.3305289

If you did replace every instance of 稔 with Minoru, I can hardly see that actually causing the game to crash or anything. All it would do is effectively kill off the game's name change system. Who the heck cares about a name change system anyway? It could probably be disabled in the executable easily enough anyway.

>> No.3305309

Are there places inside the dialog where that doesn't get replaced with the player's name?

>> No.3305319

>replace every instance of 稔 with Minoru
I did, but then changed it back when I saw >>3305211.

So what is it really? Do we keep it as is or do we translate it? I think it's better to agree upon it now while only a few lines are translated.

>> No.3305333

I'd say leave it alone. Better to avoid changing anything unless absolutely necessary. You should move it around in the dialog to fit the changed grammar though.

>> No.3305336

I'm not a programmer so it's up to you. I have no idea what it'll do. Change it, don't change it, if the game crashes we'll just have to fix it later. If it doesn't crash, score.

>> No.3305455

leave it alone

>> No.3306195

bump for more translators

>> No.3306311

oh, hey, what? ok.

>> No.3306369
File: 121 KB, 554x246, Rechan_shomron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work guys. Going to rest now. I'll continue to monitor progress.

>> No.3306484

I am the idiot that has been translating お兄ちゃん to brother. Feel free to edit that. I'm not sure what style you guys are going for.

>> No.3306495

お兄ちゃん *is* "brother".

>> No.3306530

I give this thread a rating of 80 out of 100. Keep it up, gentlemen.

>> No.3306551

Of course. But some like to keep it as "Onii-chan".

Btw, something seems fucked up after row 90 http://retransintl.freewebhostx.com/transproj.PHP?proj=hatsukoi&file=ANZU.txt

>> No.3306556

What thread constitutes 100?

>> No.3306562

A thread of 100% awesomeness or usefulness. So far the highest ranking thread is the old Baldr Sky thread, with a 90 out of 100.

>> No.3306572

Shouldn't the BEST example serve as 100?

>> No.3306619

brother is fine but I think onii-chan is better

>> No.3306690

Hi, I'm the REchan Projects Manager and I'll be managing this project since it has officially started. Cudder won't be doing any more with this even after her sleep.

I'm looking into this now.

>> No.3306705


I think it's impossible to reach 100 on this board

>> No.3306783

Ok, I found out why the records are being displayed incorrectly after line 92 on ANZU. The fix will take until tomorrow to implement, but for now:


I've rolled back ANZU.txt to get rid of the edits that caused the problem. Make sure you don't have newlines in your fields.

I don't now about the CSV parser in the engine, but it might not like them either.

>> No.3306834

What did you do to our Cudder-chan, you villain!

>> No.3306841

She told me to take over this project before she went to sleep. She's only the CEO anyway, I'm supposed to be the project manager.

I'll be taking my rest now too.

>> No.3306921


Well, some of us care very much about the game's name change system. Personally, it’s very important to me that it be MY name there (or whatever name I decide to write), and not the name of some other guy. It’s all about being able to identify to the main character, to immerse yourself into the game.

>> No.3306971


Oh God, please, for the love of all that is good, please leave お兄ちゃん translated as Onii-chan! PLEASE! I can't stand it when they translate it to "big-bro" or "big brother". It looses it's... feel or charm something.

>> No.3307244

I refuse to do anything else but Onii-chan.

I think it's kind of important to have uniformity as we translated. I put - between names and honorifics if that's what others intend to do, like Tatsuya-kun. Also I think Kampai should be "cheers". It may be the person translating that one instance was worried because the next line said "don't kampai" and don't cheers sounds awkward but we have a word for that in English 'toast'.

I've discovered single quotes work ' it's recognizable by the system so if someone's quoting someone else or if there's a need for quotes within text ' seems to be perfect.

>> No.3308679



>> No.3308691

Oh for the love of...
Just go with the niichan majority.

>> No.3309133

Ideally, you want as FEW translators working on the project as possible. Everyone has a distinct style of interpretation, so this means once everything is first-passed there needs to be lots and lots of coordinating, replacing, and arguing.
Or being content with a translation that seesaws.

>> No.3309725


So it's agreed. Onii-chan is what it's translating to.

That was me and it was specifically due to trying to keep consistency between the lines. I mean, "CHEERS!" IS the proper translation for what is said during the act and "Don't toast..." sounded slightly out of place. But then again, that's just my point of view on trying to leave as much close to the original.
But when you put it that way, it makes me want to change it.

>> No.3309939
File: 24 KB, 220x330, r11_anzu4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I have to ask, this game DOES have a happy ending, right? RIGHT? Because I just started going throug the other games suggested by you guys that would be similar to this one. Games that are more about love than sex, have good stories, and involve loli. And I was shocked to learn that the only translated one in the list, Wanko to Kurasou, is very sad. Apparently, there is even one of the girl who DIES in the game! Now I just... I just can't play it.

So please, tell me, this game is happy right?

>> No.3310021

If it'll help you play through the game and make the decision for yourself, sure. It has a happy ending.

I don't really know, haven't played through it either

>> No.3310040


Obviously I'm asking someone who has played through it.

>> No.3310043

I'm making the new thread, hold on a bit while I concat the info on this one.

>> No.3310076


Yeah, it would be nice if the first post included most of the important information this time. Like the game's info and download link, and also stated that we are translating it and anyone can help or some such. My last tread, and this one here, are not very explicit unless you start reading all the post to know what the hell its all about.

>> No.3310143

Wanko is sad? I didn't find it sad at all. I was the one who recommended it to you so I'm very sorry. For untranslated happy loli games I'd still suggest Oyatsu no Jikan but if you can't read it I can't help.

>> No.3310181

Link to new thread

>> No.3310221


Well, It's what I've gathered by readding some disscussion about it here and there. I've read Mikan dies and a bunch of stuff regarding the girls having a very short lifespan. Anyway, I don't like that sort of stuff, especially regarding cute young girls.
