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File: 684 KB, 1280x720, 閃鋼のクラリアス.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33443080 No.33443080 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>33403122

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.33443459

You bastards are going to tempt me into Clarias

>> No.33443492
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What went wrong?

>> No.33443508
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Remake art looks better to me in every way. I really wish the 家族計画 remake had art as good as this.

>> No.33443656

zoomers don't like it.

>> No.33443671

It is kamige, play it.

>> No.33443680
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Why would you talk to your bro about his girlfriend like this? What's the point of making the MC as unlikable as possible?

>> No.33443696

No idea but that line is moderately funny.

>> No.33443706

You're going to steal her, does it really matter how you talk about her at that point?

>> No.33443736

oh no you might play a good game, the horror

>> No.33443760

Yeah but I need to finish some fandisc stuff I'm playing first.

>> No.33443812

have you never played a hiruta game before

>> No.33443907

I didn't know, I thought it was going to be like Tokimemo but with ero.

>> No.33443983

Was normal data carry over included in Clarias? The way I read it the upcoming update adds an award system to further upgrade the characters, not a regular NG+.

>> No.33444102

what the fuck is wrong with that font

>> No.33444158

What's your issue?

>> No.33444227

It's just MS gothic...

>> No.33444312
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only real g's will get this tsuriotsu reference

>> No.33444503

I don't believe they exist

>> No.33444531
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top lel

>> No.33444557

Chapter 2 and Clarias MC is already pissing me off to no end.

>> No.33444794

I chuckled.

>> No.33445726

IIRC Elf made Kakyuusei after getting criticism that both Doukyuusei's MCs are turbodicks and the mechanics encourages the player to be multiple timing asshole because you're bound to stumble to more than a girl's events when moving around, and there's no reason for the player to stick to a girl after fucking her with some exception.

>> No.33446090

I'm probably a slowpoke but have you guys seen the noratoto 5th anniversary announcements yet? The patch with the extra content came out a couple days ago and they announced a 3rd game in addition to a new IP. I'm still in the middle of playing the 2nd game so I'm pretty excited. What do you guys think about it?

>> No.33446272

I hope it has some shimaidon scenes again, and maybe threesomes with the other heroines, and more h-scenes for Nobuchina, honestly I don't see what they can do with the characters anymore beyond porn and gags.
I read the append and most of the 100 neko no okangae fall flat for me, I don't know if I'm just not Japanese enough to get the joke or if they're just not funny.

>> No.33446275

got so mad when he didn't just tell them that the 店 shelly was going to work at is a whorehouse what a dumbass

>> No.33446392

There's apparently 10 new CG included in the patch but I imagine they're just the silly okangae stuff rather than any H content. I checked out a few of them yesterday and they are indeed very japanese. I understand them a lot better than when I first played the game 4-5 years ago but for the most part they're just goofy kanji or misunderstanding-based jokes. I'm not really sure what to expect from their new IP but the one thing I'm hoping for in the sequel is a route for Nobuchika. So if that happens maybe we'll get a scene or two with her and Nobuchina. Story-wise I think you're probably right that it'll mainly be gags and stuff but I think we can probably expect a couple new characters and a new arc similar to what they did with Iris.

>> No.33446785
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They can also do more with Shachi and Orca and wherever they come from, I'm still kind of confused about that.

>> No.33446847

Do any of you guys use a virtual machine to run your VN's?
I'm tempted to set up a Win7 virtual machine just for this purpose because I don't 100% trust my sources... and the whole ¥ replacing backslash isn't really appealing.

>> No.33446966

That's a good pun

>> No.33447008

clarias will be my first baldr style game, will i need a gamepad(I'd have to buy one) for it or are the keyboard controls good enough?

Do they tend to lock scenes/content behind higher difficulties or am i fine to play on the easiest one to enjoy the story?

>> No.33447065
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So what exactly is the gameplay in Dokyuusei? Is it just run around randomly and hope you stumble across the girl you like / look up a walkthrough and just follow it? If it's something that requires you to be absolutely perfect and know exactly what you're doing and trial and error until you make it, I may want to just switch to casual mode. Call me a casual or whatever, but I just don't have a place in my life for that older style of game design where they try to make the game longer by obfuscating everything. If I wanted that I'd be playing rpgmaker games.

>> No.33447296

Yes I do since I use Linux as my actual OS.

>the whole ¥ replacing backslash isn't really appealing.
It's never a problem in practice.

>> No.33447316


>> No.33447336

Dunno about Clarias specifically but I've played baldr games on the hardest difficulty on keyboard just fine before. Everything was direction/motion + attack button basically so it's not like a gamepad is any better or worse.

>> No.33447399

What is even the point of playing a game like this if you're not interested in the simulation aspect?

>> No.33447427

The girls look cute. And I am interested in the simulation aspect, but not if it means it's the main thing I have to focus on. I guess what I'm really asking is if I have a deadline or can take my time and just try to enjoy playing. I've never been good with games with deadlines no matter the genre, I always panic and worry about playing optimally so I look up a guide and that kills the fun, but then if I don't look up a guide I'll always discover I missed something and that kills the fun too.

>> No.33447586

Is he worse than the Baldr MCs?

>> No.33447920

First clarias review up on vndb!

>> No.33447998

Can't wait for aroduc's review

>> No.33448029

Why not conjueror's review

>> No.33448117

Clariasbros...how are you enjoying it so far?

>> No.33448185

Looks like they fucked up the gameplay aspect too this time

>> No.33448218

Niijima did it again!

>> No.33448342

Is that Luna sama

>> No.33448594

I kinda want to wait for the doukyusei remake to get a new walkthrough so I can get as much girls in my first playthrough.

Think that a new one will be made? I doubt Seiya will make one

>> No.33448643

Eroge writers can't write isekai.

>> No.33448655

Just use an old one? Notthing's changed.

>> No.33448664

Kamige of the year

>> No.33448667

sorceress alive was alright. even though its not actually an isekai.

>> No.33448787

oh ok cool, what about scenes being tied to difficulty?

>> No.33448951

Team Baldrhead doesn't roll that way, you can play on very easy without missing a thing

>> No.33449011

Yuzusoft games feel like high quality literature compared to Clarias

>> No.33449054

good to know, thanks.Ill probably do my 1st playthrough on very easy then, turn it up if it enjoy the gameplay enough.

>> No.33449162

It'd be better to be able to skip the entire gameplay.
They made one game (Material Brave), that was genuinely fun to play, although the story was double ass. Then they made a sequel/fandisc, and changed some things. Result, the gameplay is now double ass as well.

I'm still mad at that game. It should've been so good, with all the gameplay focus and such, but they changed the fundamental way of how combos work, which results into the battle system no longer really working. They also removed the ability to load back right before a fight, and instead use save points, AND made the game crash every 10 minutes. Absolutely great combination.
It'd be better to never have to bother with their gameplay. I know how I was excited about the baldr sky dive battle system at first as well. Felt a bit like Star Ocean 3, and that was great. Well, it didn't last very long, until I realized they did EVERY fucking thing they could, to make the game as unenjoyable as possible with the unlock and upgrade system. The battles also got generally worse, although that also might've just been my impression as I felt the entire game got worse with each route. (final route aside)

>> No.33449185

It's time to pop your delusional bubble bro
Clarias is almost confirmed to be a flop.

>> No.33449222
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>> No.33449331

Doukyuusei playthroughs are pretty short, you’re meant to do multiple runs. Using a guide for that game just sounds like a painful experience

>> No.33449395

It's pretty meh naroukei.

>> No.33449414

In Doukyuusei 1 you wander around and explore the town and you'll get a feel for where people go and their schedules. It does a good job of making it feel like they have their own lives and you're getting involved in them.
Doukyuusei 2 has stupidly strict timing by comparison

>> No.33449429

It'll top sales for now thanks to baldrhead brand reputation and all the stema done by giga before the release.

>> No.33449729

Now that Clarias is a commercial and critical success what's next? Should Giga make it a franchise and deliver Clarias 2 next year?

>> No.33449791

>critical success

>> No.33449816

>critical success
But everyone is complaining about it

>> No.33449850

I don't understand why giga hired fucking moebuta and moeutsubuta writers

>> No.33449939

Neither can light novel writers.

>> No.33449975

Only an irrelevant vocal minority is

>> No.33449980

Still better than eroge writers. Cope more. There's a lot of innovation and polish going on over there.

>> No.33450021

>first reviews drop
>complaints about the gameplay, writing and poor "routes" start to appear

>> No.33450073

Yeah, they're coming up with all sorts of innovative new ways to write self insert power fantasy isekais.

>> No.33450090

>I got this useless skill
>but it's actually op as fuck!

>> No.33450309
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Not good.

>> No.33450417

It's a requirement, specially if it implies the use of chink cracks. With VMs you can create images and snapshots easily, so you can rollback on the snapshot after using the software. There's literally no reason not to use one, unless you have a potato PC.

>> No.33450422
File: 1.15 MB, 1788x1006, 同級生_リメイクnanpa_re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any point to all the random sex I run across people having at the school, or is it just flavouring?

>> No.33450439

Cope more seething contrarian lmao

>> No.33450449

People have sex.

>> No.33450505

but not normally while playing the piano with your feet.

>> No.33450946

It's contrarian to like it

>> No.33450967

No there isn't. It's all the same old shit repackaged.

>> No.33451144

Not me

>> No.33451186

Repackaged a hundred thousand times at least.

>> No.33451202

Wow VNs are so original in every way all the time. Clarias is so original.

>> No.33451303

Twelve Kingdoms is great and is an isekai ln, not every isekai ln is a narou shit.

>> No.33451334

>not every isekai ln is a narou shit.
There's so many of them that I'm sure a couple have to actually be good just from the numbers, the same way that I'm sure that there's probably a good EVN or korean webtoon out there somewhere. But that doesn't mean I can't write the genre off because there's such a horrific ratio of good to shit that you have to spend weeks sifting through crap to find anything half-decent.

>> No.33451384


But you can say that about everything.

>> No.33451506

If you're not interested in the genre, then do something else with your time. People read them because they are fun and entertaining to read. It's even more popular in Japan because it relates to the reincarnation notions from Buddhism.
Else, Twelve Kingdoms and A Connecticut Yankee are good starting points.

>> No.33451510

Will Lupercalia manage to surpass Clarias?

>> No.33451519

Imagine being so out of touch with reality ant not seeing Clarias was going to be a success from a mile away. And even worse, still rage when it happened! lol

>> No.33451542

What is this schizo going on about? I still haven't heard anyone unironically saying clarias is good, be it on discord or reddit or 5ch or egs or twitter.

>> No.33451555

He's the same guy that kept spamming when the trial dropped.
Pay him no attention.

>> No.33451593

samefag schizo

>> No.33451609

I don't think you understand how samefagging works.

>> No.33451627

You're the only schizo here

>> No.33451676

Literal schizo

>> No.33451740

Get better coping mechanism

>> No.33452190

This thread is already as bad as the last. You can tell that /vn/buta raided us.

Realism and this is how old games used to be, full of random sex, you dumb moebuta.

>> No.33452234

There's a /vn/ thread on /jp/ so they are all visiting this place like they are visiting their neighbors.

>> No.33452465

it got plenty of good ratings on egs tho

>> No.33452479

>not even 10 votes in
>already sub-80
>the couple of reviews it has are complaining mostly about the writing and the shitty not-routes
This is shaping up to be a masterpiece alright.

>> No.33452543
File: 526 KB, 640x623, 1614377720725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how you doing today my DeepLCHADS

>> No.33452580

Keep seething at Clarias' success

>> No.33452581

It’s kamige and no amount of butthurt from you can change that.

>> No.33452593

Give it a few days. So early reviews are either super fast readers or people who just CTRL to watch the gallery.

>> No.33452603

And they usually rank it high, like, first reviews tend to be shilling from fans.

>> No.33452659

he is literally just telling the truth.

Im reading it atm and so far its alright but no where near kamige level, luckily i like mecha and most isekai LNs so its enjoyable enough for me. Im sure it gets better later but the 2 egs reviews up right now don't put my expectations very high.

>> No.33452837

is clarias utsuge?

>> No.33452878

is clarias kusoge?

>> No.33452882

Idk man initial scores and reviews are supposed to be high usually.

>> No.33452935

It's in 70s lmao

>> No.33452952

it's depressingly bad

>> No.33453037

I think romeo and setoguchi VNs be decent this year. If, due to a quirk of fate, sca-ji releases sakura no toki it will be better than sakuuta but kusoge nonetheless.

>> No.33453072

I don't know about romeo. All his recent VNs/LNs are mediocre as fuck. He's past his prime ages ago.

>> No.33453074

Someone mentioned a Clarias review on vndb. Not to defend the game or Niijima but the reviewer's a speedreader complaining about lack of inane crap like NG+, true route, battle skip option and later claims that he played on Very Hard but recommends Easy because his thumb hurt. Boo fucking hoo what a joke.

"They" already came here before "they" made the thread. I looked at that thread and it's mostly just the schizo, his friend Hata and their discord friends.

>> No.33453115

>inane crap like NG+, true route, battle skip option
I mean, NG+ should be a thing in a game like this, battle skip existed in older titles and worse than having no true route is that every route ends up the same with just side events for your heroine of choice in the end.
It's definitely getting roasted for a good reason.

>> No.33453143

>very route ends up the same with just side events for your heroine of choice in the end
well that's shit.

>> No.33453145

Romeo+key can produce something decent if not good or kamige.

>> No.33453158

Yeah like rewr-

>> No.33453183

Rewrite was decent.

>> No.33453196

Rewrite wasn't bad by any stretch. Romeo's parts were decent even though shallow from thematic perspective.

>> No.33453227

Rewrite wasn't a 10/10 magnum opus kamige but it was definitely not below 'decent'.

>> No.33453426

Retards actually defending an all-ages kusoge.

>> No.33453567

They should've considered an r18 version of rewrite. I mean it's annoying when characters in it fuck like rabbits but they don't let us fap.

>> No.33453589

>I mean it's annoying when characters in it fuck like rabbits but they don't let us fap.
From memory out of the 5 routes + true only one has off screen sex

>> No.33453593

I'd have paid for Chiwa Saito porn.

>> No.33453710

Are you incapable of consuming any media without simultaneously cooming? Why would no ero scenes make something a kusoge?

>> No.33453771

You see a bishoujo. You spend literal hours getting to know her. Does this make you want to fuck her?

>> No.33453779

Missing relationship development.

>> No.33453885

NG+ was announced pre-release so I don't know why people keep whining about it. Just wait with playing if you need it so much. It's not like it's missing and NOT announced. That I'd understand.
Okay removing a long-standing feature kinda sucks but it's not the end of the world. Maybe the NG+ update will add this?
So all heroines are equal. Sounds fine to me. True route shouldn't be necessary, and it's a writer/director's choice. Something tells me they might release a Grand Route append later. Clarias had a bad development cycle and I think despite all the delays they still rushed it out. The NG+ patch will be the first of many updates unless the game flops so hard they just drop future plans.

The game getting roasted I don't mind if it's for adequate reasons. This review is not one of those: https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/memo.php?game=29478&uid=bidouda2000

>> No.33453943

>So all heroines are equal
Equally bland with equally bland nothing happens routes.

>> No.33454188

Play the game before you say that.

>> No.33454219

Moebutas will overrate any VN with cute girls. I'm waiting for reviews by our trusted intellectuals.

>> No.33454304

Like papa sacred and papa ald? I love their dicks. Especially papa-mama koala dick.

>> No.33454322

>"Routes" are just 2 H-scenes, a few SoL stuffs and an epilogue.
That's what the reviews say. I don't wanna play shit like this.

>> No.33454464

The routes in Seinarukana were like that and I had tons of fun with that.

>> No.33454673

Oh no, only 2 H-scenes? What a kusoge. I'll read some nukige with 60 H-scenes instead. Right?

>> No.33454709
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Is this suppose to be a reference to their other game yourou, or dead days takes place in the same universe? I still haven't played yourou but I know there is a wheelchair lady pretty much like pic related

>> No.33455231

>Oh no, only 2 H-scenes?
you just conveniently gloss over the two other points that show how void the heroine routes are.

In this medium shit like this is generally seen as a negative especially with all the systems they have in place for increasing heroine affection but you shills can keep pretending its a kamige or whatever illusion you have. If it had a grand route like einstein i can somewhat look over half assed heroine routes like that had.

It is a negative point for most people including myself, i will most likely enjoy the rest of clarias since it meshes well enough to my narou isekai LN loving shit taste but ill still find the void heroine routes as half assed and a missed opportunity.

>> No.33455278

And you gloss over the fact that you don't want to read it for those 3 reasons you mentioned, yet you take them as fact even though you have no personal experience with the heroines, routes, writing etc. Read the game or fuck off, parrot.

>> No.33455341

Just give up bro. All reviews and comments point to the same fact. It's not like everyone is mass hallucinating.

>> No.33455382

I am reading it though and enjoying it, im not the guy that quoted those 3 points but they are true.

>> No.33455391

Reminder that our Lord sca-dick decided to not have any heroine routes and he won't let you fuck heroines
But it'll have H scenes

>> No.33455402

You mean like how a lot of kusoge are said to be kamige because the last 2 out of 80 hours are great while rest is shit? Yeah it's always good to blindly trust what others say instead of playing yourself.

If you're playing then fine. Make up your own mind. I'm having a blast with Clarias. Only dislike the MC.

>> No.33455565

Finally Clarias haters show their true colors, they're all just moebuta who want more H scenes and ichaicha for their heroines

>> No.33455625

I found it funny how in sakuuta the protag makes a big deal about being an 一途 for lifetime with the girl he chooses but the reason why he chooses one girl over the other is so flimsy when you look at all the heroine routes. It's just pure 場の勢い and some of the routes don't even have any proper romantic reason.

>> No.33455714

Clarias is already game of the decade
It's all downhill from here

>> No.33455875

First time using seiya saga.
他の全キャラEND後に, is this seiya saga advice that I should do this ending last? Are they usually accurate?

>> No.33455906

No, it means that it unlocks after the other endings

>> No.33455990

Ok thanks, it is weird tho, because I am halfway trough the VN, and all choices listed in that ending walkthrough are choices that I could have chosen.
That's why I was confused, but I will do like you said.

>> No.33456731

Is Oretsuba good? I don't wanna play another kamimeme that gets gpod after 30 hours.

>> No.33456763
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>> No.33456787

Kumiko and juste don't matter. They have massive shit taste.

>> No.33456818

>that gets gpod after 30 hours
It kinda has the opposite problem. It's decent in common route but heroines are short and meh. I think It's also massively overrated.

>> No.33456830

*heroine routes

>> No.33456962

Fucking another kamimeme instead of a kamige. Guess I'll just skip it for now. I'm just in the mood of playing something good that isn't a nukige.

>> No.33457149

>no, you can't have routes
This is even worse than Material Brave in that regard.

>> No.33457170
File: 268 KB, 1024x576, supportive friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just starting https://vndb.org/v7021, the VN quickly establishing the childhood friend as the main heroine, like how she and MC both very close despite not being a couple, being playful to each other and does stuff that draws jealousy from other characters. I like it, I've been looking to something like Aikagi except with more characters in the story and this feels perfect so far. I hope the story doesn't get too serious by adding love triangle drama or something like that.

>> No.33457221
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>> No.33457231

It's literally the peak of the medium.
The common route is 90% of the game and Kobato's route is the only one that matters, and it's good. "Overrated" my ass, you have shit taste if you think oretsuba is anything but godlike, period.
Your loss. Or is it? I suppose if you're a subhuman, it wouldn't be your thing.

>> No.33457361

Ok, moogy.

>> No.33457477

Let's see how chitose's part of common route goes
>he walks in on her while she is dressing accidentally
>he touches her boobs accidentally
>she falls on him accidentally
>he falls on her again accidentally
>a meme character influences all conversations and turns it into a shimoneta fest
Oretsuba is funny. It has a huge build up that leads you on into thinking it is about to take you to kamige realm but in the end nothing happens.

>> No.33457502
File: 184 KB, 997x773, ななついろ★ドロップズ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was going to cleanse my sinful mind but Sumomo is too sexy.

>> No.33457662

I like jackson too but to say oretsuba is a kamige is a bit too much...

>> No.33457718

It's his best work.

>> No.33457773

I hope he someday writes a VN without half assing it. The dude's unironically got talent and a peculiar writing style but nothing kamige came out of it.

>> No.33457904

Then what are his best works?

>> No.33458119

Oretsuba. We don't disagree on this.
I like how he writes SoL and dialogues to express characters when he doesn't do shit like >>33457477.

>> No.33458185

Doukyuusei and clarias turned out to be shit. How's next month for us erogaymers? Is there anything good?

>> No.33458192

Lupercialia, but it seems like it doesn't address a ton of stuff.

>> No.33458244

Clarias is kamige though.

>> No.33458267

Parfait remake...

>> No.33458300

I want to play its common route and kiss scenes again. Maybe I'll use this opportunity to replay bits and parts of it with zoomer art style.

>> No.33458346

Sei Dorei Gakuen 2 is the best game of the month, eroge is for nukige, other genres should just give up already.

>> No.33458393

It's the best the medium has to offer in my opinion.

>> No.33458486

Yukiiro Sign looks nice.
And then there's Wagahime.

>> No.33458524

Doukyuusei was bad?

>> No.33458546

I don't read NBR kusoge.

>> No.33458587

I mean, it’s just a remake that didn’t really add much at all even though the art is pretty good. Probably not worth the price

>> No.33458655

>remake that didn’t really add much at all
To be fair, they did insist that it was basically a 1:1 remake other than the system and the artwork. If one wasn't prepared to get 5-second H-scenes, that's on them.

>> No.33458657

My problem with Oretsuba is that Kakeru’s gang + Garuda were so awful. Fuck those guys. It doesn’t help that Hayato’s section is the longest part of the game. If the game was just the other two protags it would have been like a 9/10 in my eyes.

>> No.33458664

>I want to play its common route and kiss scenes again.
What about routes? Just curious cause I never touched parfait.

>> No.33458678

I still think it’s hilarious how they got sumeragi and left the h-scenes just as is. Feels like a complete waste

>> No.33458709

So you say he hasn't written kamige. kbye

>> No.33458769

Some routes are too short to do what they wanted to do with the drama in an organic natural way. Some routes try to adhere to the general template of ichacha+drama+ichacha so much they force useless drama. Some routes are mostly pure comfy fun with minimal drama like asuka's route. When it comes to parfait I only remember all the fun I had in common route+well-staged kiss scenes+rikako+asuka's moe.

>> No.33458866
File: 500 KB, 1280x720, 070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i a brainlet if the clarias battle system is too complex for me
like does anyone actually use all of these moves effectively or do you just mash buttons

>> No.33458876

>Yukiiro Sign
Came out 2-3 months too late. Remind me of it in December.

>> No.33458905

I guess they don't want the purist breathing down their necks if they changed anything. Might also just be a test to see the reception. If they move on to Doukyuusei 2 and there overwhelming request for expanded H-scenes, maybe they'll try it.

Probably will just do another 1:1 though.

>> No.33459003

Based nukichad.
Gera gera gera at these idiots still trying to find kamige in non-nukige in the unholy year of 2021

>> No.33459018

use normal attack when the enemy has a green ! above them
use strong attack when the enemy has a red ! above them
once you break them you can just button mash
dodge attacks with the bayonetta dodge to get an easy in
pretty simple

>> No.33459099

Just practice. I didn't get the gameplay at first but once you do it's pretty easy for the most part. To add to what the other anon said, switching characters mid-battle is very important. Practice with all of them to find a combo that works best for you.

>> No.33459119
File: 595 KB, 1280x720, axe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So since the demo reminded me a lot of Sakura Taisen and the NG+ is going to be added as a patch am I right in assuming you can get every heroine's ending on one playthrough? It doesn't seem to have Baldr's progression.

>> No.33459229
File: 1.21 MB, 800x600, AI6WIN_kmFvugilHZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stuck at this point, already look up a walkthrough but i can't find the locket above the desk or the table


>> No.33459263

More like remaking nekonyan's art lmao

>> No.33459293

>i can't find the locket above the desk or the table
Are you blind? I can see it right there.

>> No.33459339

It seems you can just save on chapter 4, get enough points and just get whatever heroine route you want in the split.

>> No.33459359

I say (((remake))). Triple parenthesis gets the point across way better.

>> No.33459383

When will giga remake baldr force/sky?

>> No.33459385

Just call it demake

>> No.33459401

Who cares about those. Baldr Bullet deserves one more.

>> No.33459569

where ?

>> No.33459580

That's good, I expected to need at least several saves.

>> No.33459655
File: 876 KB, 800x600, 1614536079626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what you're playing but it's not just this? btw on these types of games, can't you just spam click everywhere if you can't find something?

>> No.33459679

So there is no true end that need to be unlocked after doing everything else?

>> No.33459708


>> No.33459741

Bullet needs to be finished, not just remade.

>> No.33459901

With nekopara artstyle

>> No.33459920

thanks it's https://vndb.org/v470

>> No.33459922

Nekopara 5 when

>> No.33460132

hopefully soon i want to fuck the imouto

>> No.33460527

There's going be some lame ass twist like them not actually being related

>> No.33460885

Clarias is kamige.

>> No.33461458

I think it's time for you to find a new game to obsess over and shill. The Clarias train has departed, derailed, crashed and it's burning.

>> No.33461505


>> No.33461519

Amayui 2 is going to be kamige.

>> No.33461530

Wagahime bros ww@

>> No.33461711

Cope? I guess.

>> No.33461717

>Check EGS
>Clarias median went down again

>> No.33462003

>No single review praising it out of 5 posted on egs

>> No.33462011

Who are you quoting?

>> No.33462027

Their thoughts when visiting EGS.

>> No.33462038

I'm meme arrowing

>> No.33462251

Clarias bros... how could this happen...?

>> No.33462285

>pathetic speedreaders don't enjoy the game

>> No.33462399

I’m ready for Not!Majikoi in a month

>> No.33462491

I mean, it looks on the short side and if you did the trial you can probably do one route in a couple of days which means you've actually finished the game.

>> No.33462681

Is there a point to the Cats Eye in Dokyuusei, or did they actually create an entire area, draw and animate a character, and make multiple additional voiced characters, all for the sake of a gag where you waste your money?

>> No.33462696

Kamige Clarias is.

>> No.33462720

Shut the fuck up discordfags.

>> No.33462797
File: 174 KB, 800x600, me_on_the_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33462842

There’s a clarias discord? Invite please?

>> No.33462859

No. Anyone who has discord, fuck off from this thread.

>> No.33463016

Wow rude. Wish she'd tell me to step in cat poop.

>> No.33464272

I like the track in Clarias that sounds like something from a prog/power metal band.

>> No.33464289

The soundtrack is full of bangers. Though music is something generally great across all Baldrhead titles.

>> No.33464662

i like that one and the one you would hear while the mc is pulling off an asspull victory in your typical shounen anime
there's also an acoustic guitar focused track during the sol scenes that's really good and reminds me of another game but i can't figure out which one it is

>> No.33464669

It's been too long since I played the old ones for me to remember names of places; what's Cats Eye? The cabaret?

>> No.33464846

Did they implement the emotional meter in sex scenes? It would actually fit there too in improving relationships while having sex

>> No.33464895
File: 960 KB, 1920x3240, EMT 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't play the actual good game which is the sequel to a surprise hit

>> No.33465151
File: 2.25 MB, 1788x1006, 同級生_リメイクnanpa_re (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33465182

oh there's definitely a point to that place

>> No.33465221

I-is that a Trump reference?

>> No.33467378

My prediction was something like 65-73. Now I think it'll end at 75.

>> No.33467421

The actual good game is Lupercalia.

>> No.33467497

Need to finish the first one first. Is the last part as long as a heroine part? Only got the idol left before that.

>> No.33467783

Lupercalia is runner up kamige after Clarias

>> No.33467794

I just paid money for Clarias because I am proud of Baldrhead for making a good game.

>> No.33467977

Based and supportpilled

>> No.33468151

bro, you have to stahp...

>> No.33468380

Favorite Clarias character? Mine is Shelly, she is so cute and pure.

>> No.33468410

my favorite clarias character is clarias, i like how she kills robots and shit

>> No.33468440

ルー because purple hair and huge axe. カミュ second. Don't care about the other 3 samefaces.

>> No.33468448

the purple one

>> No.33468558

torrented two copies to make up for your purchase

>> No.33468581

I wish piracy actually was actually like stealing money so I could bankrupt every company I hate before being locked away forever.

>> No.33468847

Great, I hope I figure out what it is soon.
Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing in this game, I'm just wandering around randomly to different places at different times and hoping I stumble across the heroines. I've generally figured out you can run into school-related heroines at school and heroines with jobs at their workplace most of the time, but I still haven't even encountered half the cast.

>> No.33468885

Physical or digital? The only physical eroge I own is the DVDPG version of Dvine Luv, the only one with fully voiced heroines and h-scenes.

>> No.33469354

That's pretty normal in these older games. It's all about trial & error and repetition = restarting the game. Not something people of today know outside of rogue-like repetition. They implemented Casual mode for that reason so zoomers and ADHD millenials can finish the game quickly.

>> No.33469366

I mean, I've played older games before, but there's a reason companies stopped doing this. I guess I'll try a couple of playthroughs and if I can't hack it will become a filthy casual to clean out the rest of the girls.

>> No.33469377

I think it's fine to turn on casual mode to at least check the schedule and see where the girls can be, wandering around aimlessly can hardly be called gameplay and looking at the schedule is the same as looking at a separate guide which everyone did back then.

>> No.33469396

Why would you hurt yourself like that?

>> No.33469442

Times simply change is all. An RPG like Dragon Quest used to have you do literally everything with menus. That would drive most people nuts nowadays and ragequit. Point&Click ADV or raising sims also aren't popular anymore like they used to in the 90s. And the ones still made usually have many QoL changes to make them simpler/easier. It's not really a bad thing as 90s ADV games and stat raising sims were brutal in difficulty and because of system limitations you couldn't just quicksave and try again.

>> No.33469469

PC has no voices
Dreamcast is all ages

So I emulated the DC version and got the DVDPG for the extra voice and ero. Sadly AbogadoPowers never released a definitive version so that's one way to enjoy all the content.

>> No.33469838

Can i hook it?

>> No.33470099

I'd say so. It's like 3 chapters of content.

>> No.33470184

The DVDPG is literally the entire game minus dungeon combat in two discs, like a video playthrough. So no hooking.

>> No.33470189

You have to keep in mind, that back then quality of life things weren't really known. People played games on floppies, sometimes 10 or more, with insane loading times and computers generally were a matter of patience. NES was SUPER limited in what you can actually do with it. A lot of the crap you see on there isn't because they wanted it to be like that, but because it had to be like that to be somewhat playable. The reason why text adventures were popular back then, just like point and click, is, again, because that was one of the few things you could actually do with the hardware.

Times changed though. If you fuck up your menus now (i.e. divinity OS), there's only the dev to blame. And likewise, there are plenty of other things you can do very well. You can see parallels to VR though. That's still very limited and most of the things you get with that is puzzle games, adventures and otherwise very simple things. They have the same issues devs had back then. It's a limited audience and VR isn't that great yet either.

>> No.33471094

>want to progress in Sensei's route
>to do that, I need to progress in Ako's route
>to do that, I need to progress in Natsuko's route
>to do that, I need to progress in Kaori's route
>to do that, I need to progress in Yayoi's route
>I apparently missed Yayoi and have to restart the game to even be able to meet her
Yeah, I can see why they don't make games like this anymore. I'll be restarting and following a guide, because apparently by focusing on the couple heroines I liked I completely fucked myself over and I can't progress any of their events since you need to progress other heroine's events first.

>> No.33471245

Imagine actually liking crap like this and wasting your time on non-guider boomer runs.

>> No.33471283

I thought I'd at least give a boomer run a try to see what the real experience was like, but honestly it just felt like I was mostly wasting my time running around aimlessly and entering places only to find nobody there.. Even if you just turn on casual mode to see where the girls are, so you know where you're going, that's a massive improvement in QOL. Call me a casual or zoomer or whatever, but I'm just not having fun repeatedly entering every building and hoping one of the girls I like will be there.

>> No.33471295

Just watch spergs calling you out for not putting effort into getting girls LOL.

>> No.33471341

I don't know if trial and error is really the same thing as effort. Just because you're doing something in a manner that takes more time doesn't mean you're accomplishing more.

>> No.33471571

I thought it would just be the final boss with 3 Chikan Stages like the Heroine Chapters but it's that long? Looks like I can't finish it by this weekend then.

>> No.33471640

Lugh is the best tsundere we've seen in ages imo, I really like her

>> No.33471654

The 'final boss' part isn't that long but after defeating her there is a compartively long sequence that sets up the stage for the next game.

>> No.33472310

Lugh, she’s based

>> No.33473659

For me using a guide made the game extremely boring, it made you feel like you were doing chores on a schedule instead of having complete freedom over where you go and figuring it out yourself

>> No.33473903

>apparently by focusing on the couple heroines I liked I completely fucked myself over
Jesus Christ and Holy balloons. This is the whole point of the game: to catch 'em all.

>> No.33475534

Physical of course. I never buy digital shit.

>> No.33476065

Lol clarias turned out to be a disaster

>> No.33476165

Haters are pathetic. Clarias is a great game.

>> No.33476429

Guess it's the first time you're reading isekai

>> No.33476449

kumiko rated clarias as 7/10, literally kusoge

>> No.33476453

I've read over 80 isekai lns.

>> No.33476469

that puts it at the same level as other kamige like oretsuba and senmomo

>> No.33476479

Your rating doesn't count unless you clear the game on very hard.

>> No.33476498

fuck off tree

>> No.33476796

what did reina rate clarias though?

>> No.33477575

Do I need to read Kamimaho first nefore Lupercalia?

>> No.33477659

Why would you need to read one unrelated title before another unrelated title?

>> No.33478211

I'm sorry, is it supposed to be a good thing?
How can you stand reading over 80 isekai lns? Literal shit eater

>> No.33478220

I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

>> No.33478245

I heard they were related.

>> No.33478284

Are you okay?

>> No.33478455

What can I say they're fun

>> No.33478830

I mean I've read all of youjo senki which I guess counts as technically 12, but 80 seems like a shitload.

>> No.33479229

t. couldn’t beat graham hazar on very easy and uninstalled the game

>> No.33479335

As someone said previously, it's a nanpa game. You pursue all heroines at the same time and asshole MC doesn't really love them, he wants to get laid. And the reward is at the end and short. You can't treat this like a normal romance game.

The system isn't that different from modern eroge though. Usually if you play blind (and the game has choices that aren't obvious) you will enter events for heroines you are not pursuing. Whereas in Doukyuusei you have to do these other heroine events to progress on your chosen path because you need to unlock new events by doing those others.

>> No.33479374

Volumes or series? The former isn't impressive but still shows how braindead you must be after all that. 80 series would be... why? It's all the same shit.

>> No.33479391

I like those crappy korean villainess isekai/reincarnation/going back in time plots.
They are so trashy but the girls such cunts.

>> No.33479412

Everything is same shit, dumb fuck. It's not like the VNs you read are super original or anything.

>> No.33479522

No shit. Never claimed otherwise. But isekai is just as braindead and pointless as battle shounen as a genre. Other genre have a better payoff at least. And if I cared about originality at all I wouldn't consume any media like some jaded tranny faggot who only spends time watching vt*bers. I like my eroge as they are. And they have more worth than isekai LNs.

>> No.33479566

I'm not even inherently against isekai, but nip authors put retarded mmo/rpg mechanics in them all the time for whatever reason. Clarias is actually literally a game so it's not out of place or anything.

>> No.33479718

Clarias is pretty simple and boring

>> No.33480134

Clarias is kamige.

>> No.33480186


>> No.33480192

I'm 99% sure all the pointless posts about it are made by the EOP raid group.

>> No.33480234


>> No.33480258

Would like to see a modern version of it. At best, I think ナンパ生ハメ 中出し万歳 is the closest? It could work better with multiple H-scenes (either different positions like the mentioned title or a sex friends kinda deal).

>> No.33480914

I know that now, but I didn't realize it when I started. Also, locking half the heroines in the game behind a single completely missable heroine is a bit much.
But you ARE doing chores on a schedule. All you're doing by not looking at a guide is hiding that from yourself and pretending you have more freedom in what you're doing.

>> No.33481064

Yeah lol. It's just 1 schizo.

>> No.33481882

Not really. I think Doukyuusei’s system is actually pretty lax. If you look at a guide it will say stuff like ‘go to X at Y time’ but the flags aren’t too strict I don’t think. I was able to get most of the heroines in one play through guideless just fucking around and doing whatever. Doukyuusei 2 is a different story though. That game is pretty strict with the time, though I think it’s a better game overall.

>> No.33482470

>abogado powes
a great loss
It is not difficult to understand. Still, I just tried textractor, it hooks and translates fine but I cannot put the game in window mode so It seems uncomfortable alt+tab ing every time.

>> No.33484189

>game randomly loses all sound when switching music tracks
>have to close and restart it
God this is annoying.

>> No.33485567

Whenever names I recognize get brought up, I start to wonder just how many people in here I know in some form. Feel like due to the scarcity of JOPs out there, at least 75% percent of the discussions going on here are between people who know each other, but are unaware due to 4chan anonymity.

Are any of the non-Baldr Force/Sky GIGA gameplay VNs good? Curious now Clarias has been proven to be trash.

>> No.33485803

I only recognize some of the names dropped, and only because discordfaggots always have to bring them up as if they somehow matter. I wonder more how many anons here are the same retards from vndb I always laugh at because I swear I see the exact same arguments and writing style.

Try Baldr Heart, avoid Bringer. Maybe check out Material Brave, but the gameplay is different from Baldr.

>> No.33485923

>中央値 75
>平均値 76
another drop

>> No.33486037

>You pursue all heroines at the same time and asshole MC doesn't really love them, he wants to get laid.
That's not true for Doukyuusei though
That's why Doukyuusei was known as the game that started out being made a nanpa game but somehow ended up as a romance game
Even at the beginning of the game, MC says he wants to get a girlfriend, not just play around. And his problem is that he sincerely falls for every girl he runs into, he's not calculatedly using them. There's a whole conversation between him and the nurse about that, where he's saying he'll just make everyone happy and she's saying that's not really possible. In a lot of ways he thinks like a child. Very different from the cynical sadistic MC in ナンパ生ハメ 中出し万歳 that uses women on purpose.

>> No.33486141

Another thing that sets the tone of Doukyuusei is that, by the time the game starts, all the women in town already know his history of being a heartbreaker and he can no longer get away with his old antics. With one exception, all the girls get involved with him fully expecting he may be with some other girl a week later. One of the interesting things about the game is the various ways the girls think about that and why they decide to sleep with him anyway. Sometimes just casual one night stands, sometimes falling for him hard enough to think it's worth it, and sometimes they're the one using him.

>> No.33486182

Although the 1999 Windows re-write that the 2021 remake is based on alters a lot of that in weird ways that make less sense and have less impact; it's a real shame they decided that's the version they want to go forward with

>> No.33486187

thats not even hard, after beating lancelot you realize how limited enemies attack patterns are, and in comparison fights for a long time are a lot easier.

>> No.33486188

>,all the women in town already know his history of being a heartbreaker and he can no longer get away with his old antics. With one exception,
At least four heroines have never even met him before the game starts, and there could be more.

>> No.33486305

But that's the thing, "he sincerely falls for every girl he runs into" and consequently has to go after them so you can unlock new events with whoever you go after. "make everyone happy" is harem shit. None of that is real pure love romance. MC is still a player. Being an asshole or child-like doesn't matter, it's about what you do.

>> No.33486334

They haven't met him but they know him by reputation; he's famous in that town (towns)

>> No.33486346

Both Kaori and Reika have absolutely no idea who he is. Possibly more.

>> No.33486353

>"make everyone happy" is harem shit.
That's why the school nurse lectures him on it.
>Being an asshole or child-like doesn't matter, it's about what you do.
I agree, but there's certainly a tone difference compared to something like ナンパ生ハメ 中出し万歳

>> No.33486408

Eh you're right but I didn't want to have to explain every character; it's true for the characters where it would matter
Kaori is just having casual sex with a customer while still continuing her sex work and Reika's having an affair with him, so neither is really in a position where they would be judging him

>> No.33486417

oops I wrote "Reika" too instead of Reiko

>> No.33486601

Not really? All the bosses have pretty unique attack patterns.
>and in comparison fights for a long time are a lot easier
What do you mean by this? Why would a longer fight, meaning more chances to screw up, be easier? Especially considering all the bosses start using new moves when their health drops.

>> No.33486713

>Why would a longer fight, meaning more chances to screw up, be easier?

long time isnt referring to fight length. the fights after his I found much easier for a long time.Since he was just soo tanky in comparison meaning there was more time for me to slip up and get one combo'd especially since you only have one the MC.

>Not really? All the bosses have pretty unique attack patterns.

I pretty much get to see all of them in the 1st try. The hardest part of any of the boss fights on very hard is not making a mistake and getting one combo'd during the longer length of the fights, sure bosses are unique but individually they have limited attack patterns that are easy to cheese.

>> No.33486821

>same retards from vndb I always laugh at because I swear I see the exact same arguments and writing style.

>> No.33486983

Who is best girl in the Doukyuusei remake?

>> No.33487004

they're all pump & dump whores

>> No.33487104

For me it's always Kurumi.

>> No.33487134

any reason in particular?

>> No.33487170

She is your best bro's gf

>> No.33487231

can u really marry the whore in the remake?

>> No.33487291

Did you manage to hook PC Dvine Luv? You can force the game into window with d3dwindower.

>> No.33487292

The 1999 Windows version of Doukyuusei that the remake is based on came out the same year as the Windows version of Words Worth that got a similar hack job applied to the sex scenes. Supposedly that was because it was going to be a console port; I wonder if the same was planned for Doukyuusei 1.
(Doukyuusei 2 was on PlayStation 1, but not Doukyuusei 1. Doukyuusei 1 was on Saturn, but that port was by NEC Interchannel, who had already done the PC Engine port which is what they ported to Saturn, rather than by Elf themselves, so the weird rewrite of Dou1 may have been Elf's plan to put it on PS1.)
