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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3430494 No.3430494 [Reply] [Original]


/c/ is so innocent, they didn't even know their favorite characters were from eroge.

>> No.3430495

That's because they're probably underage.

>> No.3430517

>clean pics of cute hentai girls


>> No.3430518

The constant use of the term 'hentai' and 'hentai games' bugs me.

>> No.3430522

/c/ are all gaiafags who post on 4chan because it makes them 'cooler'

>> No.3430528


>> No.3430544

;_; It's true. Whenever I try to find a good thread there, I have to go through a thorny path of "OMG WERE SOOOOOO KAWAII AND NICE HERE XD >_< ^_^", it's just torture.

>> No.3430659

/c/ is so innocent, your post will get deleted there if you say something like "I fapped to this picture", instead of "omg so kawaii ^_^". And before its deletion people will leave comments like "eww", "you pedo", and "gross".

Your posts also get deleted when you ask people to please stop using emoticons. They hate seeing the word "fuck" on their board. And you can't make jokes about any characters. For example, if you call Ange a hamburger, your post will get deleted.

Also, their janitor is a faggot who calls you an "/a/tard" if you disagree with him.

>> No.3430666

That sounds quite interesting. Almost makes me want to post there.

>> No.3430670

Really? Oh wow.

>> No.3430671


They're just asking to be trolled.

>> No.3430672

Do eet. And post links.

>> No.3430689

/c/ is the best board on 4chan. It is relatively free of the pains that plague every other board.

>> No.3430696

Being full of Gaia doesn't seem as "free of the pains that plague every other board" to me, bro.

>> No.3430701

It's not full of Gaia for the most part. In fact, it's mostly silent.

>> No.3430718


Having a sudden urge to troll in /c/

>> No.3430720

I think you'll find it too slow for that.
