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3496222 No.3496222 [Reply] [Original]

So what are you going to do when your parents kick you out of the house, /jp/?

>> No.3496229

Kill myself.

>> No.3496228

The homeless life isnt nearly as bad as its made out to be. You can take it easy all day.

>> No.3496233

Move to Gensokyo.

>> No.3496234

Become delusional due to living by myself with no human contact

>> No.3496235
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I have a secure job, so I'm not worried.

>> No.3496237

Kill them

>> No.3496239

Kicked out? My mother is such a irresponsible adult, she wants me BACK in her house. Fuck that noise, I'll take a sad, ronery /jp/ bachelor's life than be under mommy's rule & watch ever again.

>> No.3496242

Move in with a fellow anon?

>> No.3496248

Buy some vodka, and a gun

>> No.3496249

Tch, I'd start planning with those hobo ex-business executives to take over the stock market.

>> No.3496256

Hey, Anon, I made some tea, you want a cup?

>> No.3496266
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Join the army. Afterwords drift around the world on whatever I can get by on doing various odd jobs in each place.

>> No.3496287


You're going to become Solid Snake?

Are you going to scream "METAL GEAR" in public at random?

>> No.3496401
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You risk failing to become a real soldier and become an emo instead though. And then you'll get lots of fangirl and yaoi action.

>> No.3496409

Not likely to happen, but if it did, probably just move in with my cousin and her parents. They have a big place too.

>> No.3496414

She'll never kick me out, but I plan to kill myself when she dies.

>> No.3496420

Join the army, use training to help start people's revolution back home.

>> No.3496455

You are doing it wrong.
Bury her in your yard, buy yourself some fake hair and pretend to be her to get her pension.

>> No.3496463
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Why bury her?

>> No.3496524

Start collecting welfare.

>> No.3496661

I live with my parents AND collect welfare.

One doesn't exclude the other.

>> No.3497268
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I go to Aniki!

>> No.3497285

I have at least 5 more years. Probably more. Can't care right now.

>> No.3497294

I joined the army like an idiot.

>> No.3497312

Well hopefully I won't get kicked out before I graduate. I still have two years left. I let my mom borrow $6200 dollars and I don't have much left in the bank so if I were to get kicked for some stupid reason I'd be fucked

>> No.3497320

My mother has already told me she would never kick me out as long as I have a job and can give her rent money. She's said numerous times that she's glad I hardly go outside.

She just wishes that I had friends and wasn't so socially awkward.

>> No.3497332

I moved in together with my best friend a few weeks ago, so I don't have to worry about that.

>> No.3497348

I want to be kicked out, so I can start my adventure.

>> No.3497368

>so I don't have to worry about that.

Until you get into a fight and he/she puts you out.

>> No.3497391

I've been thinking about this alot lately, and when they do I will just kill myself. It's not like I matter.

>> No.3497395

Voice of anti-reason (Since most anons will say do eet fgt) But dun kill yourself. You can get a decent job and at least be happy by doing whatever the hell you want with your life.

Yeah it seems hard now. But you can do ALOT with your life.
This trap will be sad to see ya dead.

>> No.3497410

Yep. Everytime I think about killing myself, I remember that it's stupid. Why kill myself when I can kill other people?

>> No.3497416

I have a job, pay my parents rent, and have plenty of friends. I just cant be fucking bothered to go and be sociable.

>> No.3497415

Being able to live by yourself rocks I don't plan to kill myself until I am at least 55 now.

>> No.3497411

Ignore these "voices of reason," suicide is the best choice. Also don't kill others.

>> No.3497414

Haha oh you. I smiled

>> No.3497425

You can also kill a lot of people and then suicide. Best of two worlds, it's all advantages.

>> No.3497447

I have a job and my own apartment. I just wish I had a girlfriend. 2D should be enough, but it's not for me.

>> No.3497459

You are a good person though. Everyone is. Why kill? what will you accomplish?

My cousin for example, he lives a semi slummy life and gets by through running his own label and promoting bands. He may not be well off but he is happy.

>> No.3497482

Whats an alternative to college/uni whatever you call it in youre country. I dont see myself passing this year..

>> No.3497496



>> No.3497504

Vocational school

>> No.3497505

Vocational school

>> No.3497513

Why is she glad?

>> No.3497523

No, I'd rather die than struggle to survive.

>> No.3497543


>> No.3497564


lol Advent Children

>> No.3497588

I'll just stay in college forever.

>> No.3497624

Be a necro-NEET. Making myself taller with a full bowel/bladder.

>> No.3497680

Trust me anon.
You aren't the only one who struggles to survive. We all do. The thing is to find as much happiness as possible while suffering through life.

>> No.3497763

What if you find happiness in ending that suffering?

Think of it as a bowel movement. To live is to hold it in - that's all fine and dandy at the beginning, but as time passes it builds up and starts becoming unbearable. To die is to say, 'fuck it', and going to have that monster crap. That is true happiness.

>> No.3497773

That's it. I'm putting in a formal request with the upper office to revoke your metaphor privileges.

>> No.3497807


>> No.3497827 [DELETED] 

> Old. I already read this on the far superior http://www.anertalk.com/ (aner = anon) last night.

>> No.3497831

Too much life is a dangerous thing.

>> No.3498136

I would commit a crime like robbery and deliberately get caught and thrown in jail.

If I don't get my ass penetrated it's smooth sailing from there. Free food and shelter. It beats starving to death on a sidewalk.

>> No.3498163

I honestly don't see the point in killing yourself when you're at a low point in your life. I mean, things can only get better from there simply because they can't get any worse, otherwise it's not your lowest point.

No, instead you should kill yourself at the high point of your life, for it can only go downhill from there, and lead to endless disappointments.

>> No.3498168 [DELETED] 

> Old. I already read this on the far superior http://www.anertalk.com/ (aner = anon) last night.
This site rocks.

>> No.3498182
File: 139 KB, 388x421, WOAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bwahahaha, I already got kicked out! It was probably one of the most interesting experiences of my life. I went from living in my family's basement, subject to their various cruelties, to living with my best friend and hitting the town each and every night after work. Sometimes we just took it easy and played xbawks though...

Too bad it was too good to last, he's gotta move to Oregon now and I've got too many ties down here to warrant my departure as well.. I've still gotta get geared for college in the Spring. Because of that, I ended up forcing myself to patch relations with the family and I've moved back in with them for now.

>> No.3498184

Even if you do get raped, you can always just close your eyes and pretend to be the little girl.

Of course then you'll have to explain to T-Bone what oniichan means. That might get a little awkward.

>> No.3498212

Move in with neckbeards who frequent /tg/, /v/, and /b/. Go to college, work at alright job at a shitty as hell mall, party on weekends. Its all good babe.

>> No.3498215
File: 18 KB, 160x225, Youllneverbeaheroofjustice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean, things can only get better from there simply because they can't get any worse

That's what life wants you to think.

>> No.3498219

I'd just go to the next social welfare office and get an apartment.
It's nice to live in socialist Europe.

>> No.3498231

Take it easy, for all eternity.

>> No.3498250


How much do you parents make? I could be collecting welfare while being a neet?

>> No.3498262

I left home years ago. I sustain myself. The NEET life is not for me, I could not stand it more than 1 month.

How any of you can is beyond me.

>> No.3498274

i wonder if you lived the 5 billion years between now and when the sun blows up would your brain fill up.

>> No.3498276

It's simply, really.

you're just a normalfag

>> No.3498277

Your brain can grow and prune away old information to keep recall snappy. It might wear out, though.

>> No.3498279

You can't just be a NEET, it requires much self control and training to become one. The path is long and takes many years to get it right.

>> No.3498284

Read: Be a shameless bastard.

Seriously, you need to be completely devoid of any sense of wrong/shame to live like that. Most people would rather work for their food.
