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File: 139 KB, 1200x1831, Cloche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3537989 No.3537989 [Reply] [Original]

Whatever your favorite piece of music is, this beats it.

There is no argument.

>> No.3537995

I beg to differ

>> No.3537993


>> No.3537996

So the point of this thread is?..

>> No.3537998

Futile attempts at argument, obviously.

>> No.3538000

The point is Shikata Akiko

and if you haven't listened to her Harmonia~見果てぬ地へ~ yet, then you haven't listened to Shikata Akiko

>> No.3538001

Akiko Shikata? I fucking love Akiko Shikata.

Have my theme song in return.

>> No.3538008
File: 819 KB, 2048x1536, rl1354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3538011
File: 32 KB, 512x384, snapshot20080125014319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about no

>> No.3538012


>> No.3538015


>> No.3538026



>> No.3538028

Looks like I'm gonna buy it just to troll you.

>> No.3538031

We have to take that step~

>> No.3538036

Salavec Rhaplanca > EXEC_HARVESTASYA/. > Haruka Naru Tabiji > the rest.

Her orgel compositions are also very nice.

>> No.3538046

What were you expecting? The 360 ???

>> No.3538052

fancy outfit is fancy

>> No.3538062
File: 174 KB, 829x860, 2830162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Akiko Shikata's "vocals" for all of the Shadow Hearts battle themes. And Demon's Gig is god tier:


Her Umineko stuff done with Yoshitaka Hirota is pretty awesome as well.


>> No.3538061


I really like this one.

>> No.3538066

"tower of at" was really good too


>> No.3538076


That song is incredible. I only wish it were longer!

>> No.3538208

is this real???

>> No.3538221

why yes, yes it is

>> No.3538255


How much must one like this game to do something like this?

>> No.3538291

I'm pretty sure the Hymmnos creator (the one who made AT iirc) made public all his pre-game Hymmnos notes. Didn't it take him 5 years or something to make up Hymmnos and AT? The font is also floating around.

>> No.3538295

So if get this right it seems as if the heroines, at least the main ones consist of a loli and a semi-loli and there aren't any ones with boobs, anywhere.
Well, that works for me I guess.

Anyway Ar Tonelico one and two were awesome games.

>> No.3538303

haha, oh wow. that's pretty crazy.

>> No.3538308

You've already 'trolled' everyone by buying a PS3. Enjoy your $599 polished black plastic box.

>> No.3538310

I bet no one cares but I was reffering to Ar tonelico 3 when I wrote that post, I just messed up and missed that little detail.

>> No.3538338

>and there aren't any ones with boobs
yeah, it was pretty obvious what you were referring to

>> No.3538410

Actually, I'm enjoying my $299 matte black box.

>> No.3538431

I was incredulous at first, like most people would be. But when I clicked the link and saw her name, I thought, 'Well, maybe he might be right.'
Good show

>> No.3538440

holy shit when?! Also, I see no cocona, where's cocona? anyways, it looks like whenever it comes out I'm going to have to saddle up and buy myself a ps3...

>> No.3538458

She might be using an alias and is actually the twintail? Or maybe she's the third revytail. Surely, they would give us a Cocona end?

>> No.3538555

It will, most likely, take place on the third tower. I think someone said something about humans being the oppressed ones there, not Reyvateils.

>> No.3538586

