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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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36323263 No.36323263 [Reply] [Original]

This is the latest information on Foul Detective Satori
We would like to inform you that it has been officially decided to continue the serialization.
We will announce when the serialization will resume, and the artist who will be in charge of it at the end of next month.
Thank you for your continued support. (Google-translate)
>source: https://twitter.com/thgairai/status/1431869577525297163

>> No.36323344


>> No.36323471

Nice. Though, I wonder how the new art will affect the tone of the story.

>> No.36323566

unless they get fucking warugaki or someone to imitate the original style, it's probably gonna feel a hell of a lot different

>> No.36323636


>> No.36323638

Can't wait to see more 2hus fall asleep

>> No.36323679

I'm living under a rock, what happened?

>> No.36323710

The manga couldn't continue under the original artist so it went on hiatus.
I wonder who the new artist could be, maybe Harukawa will return.

>> No.36323790

Cool. I wonder who it'll be?

>> No.36323923
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>> No.36323965

Artist may or may not died/is dying.

>> No.36324159

I can hear my bones whispering softly...

>> No.36324625
File: 930 KB, 1006x1444, img000017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

harukawa returning would be the best course for me, since I felt like her style did a really good job of differentiating humans and youkai as well as being great at giving off ominous vibes when it needed to

>> No.36324978

Oh shit, at least they managed to get a new artist
Positive thinking

>> No.36327136

Wasn't she still active on Twitter after she quit?

>> No.36327153
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mfw Zounose is the new artist.

>> No.36327406

She is not able to handle the serialization schedule. It's pretty understandable: serialization is fucking rough.

>> No.36327942

Harukawa is a good artist, but I didn't really like her style myself. The way she colored eyes was unsettling (ULiL/AoCF Miko's eyes are devoid of any kind of life) and I felt like the way she drew clothes lacked some detail. Still good, though.

>> No.36328148

Watch the culprit not be mima, and some literal who random phantom.
Better yet, watch the culprit be Youmu.

>> No.36328228

I dunno anon, what kind of VENGEFUL SPIRIT that has been observing and holding a grudge with Reimu since the EoSD incident and is powerful enough to defeat Yuyuko, Patcho, Meiling, Alice and Yukari fits the bill?

>> No.36328237

could be half of youmu too

>> No.36328260

a brand new character with a silly hat?

>> No.36328288

Some character that looks like Mima, acts like Mima, talks like Mima but isn't Mima.

>> No.36328465
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>>Some character that looks like Mima, acts like Mima, talks like Mima but isn't Mima
So Daiyousei.
I can't believe it. Fairies are becoming too strong!

>> No.36329746

Would be absolutely kino and I fucking want this so goddamn bad. Fitting for a more serious manga like CDS anyways

>> No.36329907
File: 996 KB, 2004x1440, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the eyes thing was always interesting to me
maybe I'm just not remembering every character she drew, but I always thought she drew the less human characters with stranger eyes compared to the full humans (and since miko is technically a shikaisen she also counts) intentionally

>> No.36330256
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>> No.36330289
File: 658 KB, 1252x1446, 1629979065467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean... Marisa?

>> No.36330426
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Hell yeah

>> No.36330467
File: 653 KB, 773x1200, totally mima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you mean someone like this?

>> No.36330733

No images this time.
[242]archive.ph dwhI1
[107?]archive.ph j2aKS
And no it's not fucking spam. I do this ever so often.

>> No.36330768

I bet they get Azuma Aya to do the art.

>> No.36331823
File: 80 KB, 509x720, 101331940_2954040321299379_6537920125595549696_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the culprit is mima, what do you think gonna be the reaction of Marisa?, Reimu gonna kill her?, Mima return to be a playable character in future games?

>> No.36331904


>> No.36331959

If it were PC98 Marisa she'd probably be happy but I'm not so sure about present day Marisa, especially considering she's messing with her friends. Reimu won't kill Mima, she doesn't just kill youkai for causing incidents. Highly unlikely that Mima will be playable.

>> No.36332017

Crossboard lingo isn’t banned you know? There is no rule and never will be a rule against it. Besides there are people on this board that say ‘Based’ and nobody complains about that being used. Besides what would you I have rather said? Keyed? Schwayed? Amazing? Kino is universal nu-chan lingo as is based. Has been for I want to say 2-3 years now probably a lot less than that. You hate it so bad? Take it up with the mods. Doubt they will do anything though.

>> No.36332062
File: 32 KB, 375x229, newfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk two years before posting newfag.

>> No.36333488

Marisa allowed her mom Mima to hide within her, to get close to Reimu by pretending to be her friend...

>> No.36333844
File: 267 KB, 1300x790, 1612074996476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll miss these original weird faces.

>> No.36333894
File: 14 KB, 1671x109, Mima's reappearance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still believe in this prediction

>> No.36333906

>she doesn't just kill youkai for causing incidents
Meanwhile the fortune teller bothered no-one and did nothing wrong, but he caught a bad case of being dead.

>> No.36334177

this is the only way I'd want it

>> No.36334206

I thought mima didn't hold an actual grudge past SoEW
and instead resorted to messing with reimu for the remainder of pc98

>> No.36334645

It really depends on how fast and loose ZUN will be with the PC98-canon. Up to now, it's always "canon until it contradicts Windows-era" so it's very up in the air.

>> No.36334849
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>> No.36337100

Reimu doesnt kill them because after a danmaku battle they stick to the rules. I doubt Mima will diedie but how Reimu acts depends on just how dangerous towards Gensokyo Mima is. Plus who knows how candidly Yukari will be about all this, all the youkai in general dont want a vengeful spirit roaming around.

True. The only rule Reimu is strict about is no humans from the village turning into youkai. Even then it’s kinda iffy cause Magicians dont seem to be quite the same as humans but Marisa is fine, she did leave the village so maybe she doesnt count cause of that but fortune teller just wanted to live in the mountains so I would think that applies to him as well.

>> No.36337220

>Magicians dont seem to be quite the same as humans but Marisa is fine
But Marisa is a human, isn't she? It's different with Alice because she's a magician by race whereas Marisa is a magician by trade.

>> No.36337514

Alice is formerly a human, according to multiple sources such as PMiSS, Patchy is the one that was Magician by birth.
Alice acted like she knew Reimu in PCB but by PC-98 canon she's a Makai person and that's not been "directly" contradicted yet so she's not at risk of being murdered by the Crimson Slasher. If it does get contradicted, then it's gonna need an explanation - like she got grandfathered in before the rule was established.

>> No.36337751

Wasn't the issue that fortune teller's method allows humans to become youkai too easily? On the other hand most humans wouldn't want to spend tens of years working hard to become a magician, so it wouldn't throw off the human-youkai balance, or something like that

>> No.36338318

Alice is a youkai magician, former human who practiced magic and became a youkai. Marisa's just a human who does magic.

>> No.36339977

>and nobody complains about that being used
You must be blind

>> No.36340190

Great news!
Cheating Detective Satori was imo the weakest print work yet, but more tourhou is still good touhou in my books!

Also, the Mima dream is still in me!

>> No.36341316
File: 959 KB, 700x1005, C67958C-N1208421N-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty like the original art style, especially Chen's dress being very cute
but it is true that the original artist is kinda immature
I can't help but notice many blanks left in every page, which fail to provide proper atmosphere for the plot
from this perspective I am convinced Zounose can do a better job; he surely knows how to manage serious plots and atmospheres

Azuma Aya currently has her own serialization "Sanae-San Is On The Run!"
would be too tough to have two at the same time

>> No.36341512

Where are people getting Zounose from? I don't think that's very likely.
I'm betting on Harukawa returning, she'll be free now since her manga failed.

>> No.36342740

her manga failed ages ago, I doubt she's coming back suddenly now

>> No.36343340

Her actual comics that she sells were really good, I think it was just because it was a "free" webcomic she slacked a bit. Honestly most people would if they were told to draw like 6 pages a month for some free site.
ZUN doesn't seem to hire the same people for different manga series, only if it's part of a longrunning one (Lotus Asia and Fairies) so I doubt it. He usually just picks randoms.

>> No.36344055

We know ZUN is aware of Zounose now, so it's possible....

>> No.36346261

the issue was he transformed in the middle of the village

>> No.36346457

>Alice acted like she knew Reimu in PCB
I thought it was meant to be kinda vague. She shows up as a midboss a few times before the bossfight with dialogue, so if you’re a rebootfag she can be referring to back then as pc98 or back then as a minute ago.

>> No.36347333

well, she say "old friend".

>> No.36350507

Eh, Alison or Hitori are more likely than Zounose, they've both done illustrations for SoPM or AFiEU iirc

>> No.36352493

Not even Zounose could save that terrible manga.

>> No.36352790

But Mima can!

>> No.36353074

Detective Satummy manga was a billion times more interesting than the borefest that is the whale tittyfuck manga, not even /jp/ bothered to make a thread about the latest chapter lmao

>> No.36353097


>> No.36353823

I think that’s because the translation is now official and hasn’t been posted/freely released

>> No.36353863
File: 1.37 MB, 796x443, Mystic Square Mima Bad Ending.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much.

>> No.36354366

posting ends, I shiggy diggy.

>> No.36354434

pleb taste

>> No.36357950
File: 899 KB, 1200x1722, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just read Ashiyama's "The Gensokyo of Humans"; Ashiyama definitely deserves to win some new jobs (if he wishes)

>> No.36359317

What's ZUN going to do, kill me?

>> No.36360397

i like how much detail they put in their art, but god their style is ugly as fuck

Gensokyo of Humans was great despite that though

>> No.36369956
File: 66 KB, 810x992, 1599834255114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. A Class-5 Kill squad is en route to your location. Run.

>> No.36369959

Who is "they"?

>> No.36374298

Mima is so cool and devilish, I can't wait for her triumphant return and to see how she's characterized in the modern setting

>> No.36382112

She might or might not be the same. Still, you won't know until she appears in the manga. if she ever appears in the manga.

>> No.36386044


>> No.36386122

>if she ever appears in the manga.
It's so obvious she's going to be in the manga, you'd have to deny logic to believe she won't! I have absolutely 0% doubt Mima is going to be with us very soon!

>> No.36389868

me too anon

>> No.36389915


>> No.36398903

I can't wait to see the new art so everyone can yell about it.

>> No.36400814

blubber filled hands wrote this post

>> No.36401051
File: 174 KB, 480x640, 6d2d10ed04ccdc9dee0862fc6e78e2de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm thine bones, brother. Her hour will come. Then the non-believers will be rendered judgement for their lack of faith. Rejoice and steady yourself for the promised day.

>> No.36402186

I can only hope they get an artist that has some experience and can handle serialization.
Although, even if that last artist was somewhat of a rookie, I'll admit that I'll miss the cute new dresses he gave the 2hus.

>> No.36402312

>games are about slaughtering fairies en masse
>manga have no ryona whatsoever

>> No.36402333
File: 51 KB, 419x208, green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting

>> No.36410185

Rin Satsuki, who died during the events of EOSD and still bears a grudge over not getting to be playable.

>> No.36410433

I'm sure ZUN picked someone good, but I wouldn't expect them to be experienced.
It is a damn crime we never got to see if he would have done something neat with Mokous or Tewis outfits.

>> No.36411236

Dumb greentexter, you don't even read the fairy manga.

>Mima return to be a playable character in future games?
Yeah, just look at how many times Yuuka has been playable.

>> No.36411518

Yuuka has never had a spellcard in a photo game, nor does she have one in either of the Grimoires. ZUN forgot she existed after PMiSS.

>> No.36412153

>my favourite Touhou watercolour artists posts Mima
>learns news of Detective Satori's resumption

The signs are all there. The time is right. The ritual can begin.

>> No.36415059

who are you quoting.

>> No.36425289

What artist?

>> No.36425383

Satorin won't be abandoned!

>> No.36426346

Teitoroshin. He's(she?) amazing. It's this one here >>36412273
