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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 12 KB, 512x384, BadApple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3783975 No.3783975 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking love Bad Apple guys.

Should I upload it to youtube again?

>> No.3783986



>> No.3783989

Of course.

>> No.3783994

The question isn't if, it's how many times.

>> No.3783993

is there a video for the full 5:18 version?

>> No.3783996

Upload one normal one, then upload a techno remix, then upload a piano arrange, then upload one version on an electric guitar, then one on an acoustic guitar, then one on the bongo drums, then another on the xylophone, and finally upload one that's in reverse and claim it has satanic messages when you listen to it backwards.

>> No.3783998

Better yet, you can upload it with the colors inverted.

and then in reverse with inverted colors.

>> No.3784000

I haven't heard the a capella italian version.
Upload it please

>> No.3784001


Not Bad Apple. I promise.
Just some violin and piano track.

>> No.3783997

Bad Apple is even better than Stairway to Heaven

>> No.3784010

>Bad Apple!! Original + GUMI + String + Piano + Blas + Whistle + Acapella + Hammer

That isn't how acapella works.

>> No.3784015 [DELETED] 

I still think it's a terrible video with lazy animation (hurrr, roating 3D models doesn't make good animation), boring transitions that don't make any sense (go learn hot to do it right from KamS, Bad Apple devs), and music that doesn't have anything to do with the characters.

>> No.3784023

I still think it's a terrible video with lazy animation (hurrr, roating 3D models doesn't make good animation), boring transitions that don't make any sense (go learn how to do it right from KamS, Bad Apple devs), and music that doesn't have anything to do with the characters.

>> No.3784031

You should go make a more popular video then.

>> No.3784034 [DELETED] 


>> No.3784032

Oh that made me lol.

>> No.3784036

what's so bad about the apple, anyway?

>> No.3784039

Okay thanks, I'll note that.

>> No.3784044

Why does all the worst touhou doujin music become the most popular?

>> No.3784056

Because art is subjective, and your opinion is obviously different from most peoples.

>> No.3784065

Let's do our own good version of Bad Apple then. It could be something that the primary fans of Touhou could enjoy.

>> No.3784078

/jp/ sings bad apple? Fuck yeah.

>> No.3784084

Fuck no.
Nobody needs to hear that.

>> No.3784085

Calling music like this "art" is a little bit of a stretch.

>> No.3784087

To you.
But, again. That's subjective.

>> No.3784090

A stretch? What? Are you retarded or just trying to be controversial?

>> No.3784103
File: 54 KB, 594x814, 1255272561901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3784114

I am torn apart between the pleasure of seeing someone mention this on 4chan and the pain of seeing someone play devil's advocate for Bad Apple.

>> No.3784118

>"The only works of art America has given are her plumbing and her bridges."

That guy is awesome.

>> No.3784124

>The work is regarded by some as a major landmark in 20th century art.

lol wut

>> No.3784128

/jp/ isn't 4chan?

>> No.3784133

Call me uncultured, but I can't get enthusiastic about anything that I think didn't take any 'talent.' Same goes for those overtly-abstract-to-the-point of-not-having-any-intended-meaning paintings

>> No.3784138

Shift from traditional aesthetic values to meaning, or rather lack thereof in some cases.

When someone first mentioned this work of his, I didn't understand the joke. And I'm french...

>> No.3784153


Alright, I can understand "this is not a pipe" but that's just weird.

>> No.3784156

Hey, you think that's weird, look up '"Self", by Marc Quinn'.

>> No.3784159

People like Duchamp become easier to understand when you apply the concept of trolling to real life.
His works are the real life equivalent of a "What is art ?" thread.

>> No.3784190

>People like Duchamp become easier to understand when you apply the concept of trolling to real life.
This is exactly what it is. Some smug fuck thought he was being so clever by shitting in a can and calling it art, and now everyone is fucking retarded about the definition.

It used to takes people months to years to decades to do one piece. That was art.

That said Bad Apple is still art.

>> No.3784195

I think this is the only one that correctly portrays Reimu with a braid.

>> No.3784254

The questions Duchamp's works raise are worthy of interest though.
Where can you clearly cut the line between art and not-art ?
Is the Mona Lisa art ? Is a picture of the Mona Lisa art ? Is a picture of a meaningful scene art ? Can an extremely detailed sculpture of a piece of shit be considered art ? Is a wonderful sounding piece of music composed thanks to a computer algorithm art ?
Is modern abstract jazz art ?

>> No.3784266

i'm down

>> No.3784269

Yes. It's only a matter of time before youtube becomes a douche and starts to take them down.

>> No.3784284

>The questions Duchamp's works raise are worthy of interest though.
No they aren't.
>Where can you clearly cut the line between art and not-art ?
If you're not trolling it's pretty easy.
>Is the Mona Lisa art ?
>Is a picture of the Mona Lisa art ?
No. It's a picture of art.
>Is a picture of a meaningful scene art ?
No. It's a picture of art.
> Can an extremely detailed sculpture of a piece of shit be considered art ?
It would be difficult to pull off.
>Is a wonderful sounding piece of music composed thanks to a computer algorithm art ?
No. Music is a performing art. You have to preform it to be art.
>Is modern abstract jazz art ?
What? Probably not. It sounds retarded.

>> No.3784312

Why is the definition of the word "art" an interesting topic? It's just an arbitrary categorization. Whether we call something "art" or not doesn't change its nature.

>> No.3784316

Thank you for your opinion, but I disagree.

Art exists in two forms, one as defined by its creator, and one defined by its audience.

If I truly believe this post is an art, then it becomes one, to me. If another person also believe it is art, then it starts to exist in the second definition provided.

Conversely, if I refuse to believe this post is art, but someone else believes it is, it still becomes art.

>> No.3784350

Your comment has made me lose faith in the curiosity and intelligence of mankind.
What difference is there between a realistic painting and a photograph ? They both portray the same thing.
If you say the workmanship is what makes it art, then drawing an extremely elaborate triangle is art. Hell, Achtung paints lines for a living and his stuff sells for millions. Would you call that art ?
If you say no because it doesn't have meaning then does a meaningful picture constitute a piece of art ? After all, making a good picture requires skill and taste.
If music is an art only as long as it's being performed, then a recording of the Berlin Philarmoniker stops being art as soon as the music isn't being played by people.
Abstract jazz is performed, yet because you don't like how it sounds you say it isn't art. Computer generated music sounds good but because it isn't performed you say it isn't art. Does how good something sound or looks to you seem like a criteria for classifying something as art ? Then do you think that a Rembrandt can be a work of art to some people yet be thrash to others ?

>> No.3784343

You're making an argument for the definition of words in general, not art in specific.

>> No.3784368


>> No.3784375



Obscure music is the best

>> No.3784392

But art is abstract. Abstract things exist only when their definition is accepted.

>> No.3784393

I'm going to say that art has to be created by a person who has the intention of making it. If someone spills a bucket of bright red paint on the floor by accident, you might think it's beautiful (if you're into that kind of thing I guess) but the intention wasn't there, so it's not art. Abstract jazz, on the other hand, sounds like shit to a lot of people, but its players have the intention of making art, even if it's considered ugly and pointless by most.

>> No.3784398

>Your comment has made me lose faith in the curiosity and intelligence of mankind.
Excellent. Another disheartened cretin who thinks everything is art.

You degrade the word the lower the standard is set and people like you love doing that. Just go ahead and set it as low as possible until it doesn't mean anything to be art.

>> No.3784400

What the fuck happened to this Bad Apple thread? Fuck off artfags.


>> No.3784402

So natural formations can never be considered art?

>> No.3784413

Also! I'm wearing a Mask cause i'm keeping with the Japanese trend of disguising your face, even though the reast of my videos show my face. :P

>> No.3784420

The word was always meaningless. "Art," in its purest form, is merely a word used to describe things we think look or sound pretty. In the modern age, it is a foolish term for idiots who wish to play the part of an elitist despite not being elite.

>> No.3784423

>So natural formations can never be considered art?
Actually yes. Even if you're a theist and believe everything was hand crafted by God you wouldn't lump it in with man's pitiful attempts.

>> No.3784426

Never. They can be considered beautiful, but not art. Now if someone takes a photograph or paints a picture of a natural formation, that can be called art, because it's that person's depiction of what he sees.

Or something. I'm too dead tired for a debate like this.

>> No.3784429

I'm just asking how you would define art and find myself rather disappointed by your peremptory answers.
You don't seem to know how to define it yourself.
Something pretty can not be art.
Something that has taken effort to make can not be art.
Something that has meaning can not be art.
What does something absolutely have to have for it to be considered art ?
Where do you draw the line between art and what isn't art?

>> No.3784428

What you're saying is insane. If it didn't have a meaning then it wouldn't have been created as a word in the first place.

>> No.3784443
File: 167 KB, 789x600, sanaerage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is art

>> No.3784457
File: 80 KB, 560x800, 1210505264396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is art.

>> No.3784462


What a bad girl.

>> No.3784476

same reason everything shit becomes popular

>> No.3784479
File: 598 KB, 1311x1515, 1255112677961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolling is a art.

>> No.3784484

>Where do you draw the line between art and what isn't art?
The problem is art has more definitions than any other word. Webster's for example has 16. If you're not a fucking troll it's pretty easy to know which is being used by context.
2. the class of objects subject to aesthetic criteria; works of art collectively, as paintings, sculptures, or drawings: a museum of art; an art collection.

>> No.3784510

This sounds like a challenge to find a word with more definitions to me.

>> No.3784528

the reverse one is trippy


doesn't you're mean 'an art'?

>> No.3784530
File: 16 KB, 512x384, うどんげで「Be MYSELF」[(003782)14-26-33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the video interesting if only because the animation looks pretty good, even if it's silhouettes.

As far as 3d touhou animations go, nothing has topped Udonge's BE MYSELF.

>> No.3784526

Have fun with that.

>> No.3784540

That was quick.

>What word has the most definitions?

>"Set" has 464 definitions in the Oxford English Dictionary. "Run" runs a distant second, with 396. Rounding out the top ten are "go" with 368, "take" with 343, "stand" with 334, "get" with 289, "turn" with 288, "put" with 268, "fall" with 264, and "strike" with 250."

>> No.3784547

Except it can also be defined as something destined to provoke thought and emotion, as a means of communicating or as something that has been crafted to serve no practical purpose.
The huge number of meanings people give to the word art is interesting.
Usually words have one or two meanings.

>> No.3784572

/jp/ - art

>> No.3784601

I think what makes Bad Apple so much better is the animation all has a sense of weight on the characters that's normally lacking from amateur or even professional stuff. It's like gravity really exists for them.

>> No.3784610
File: 64 KB, 778x780, Frida-TheTwoFridas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3784612

I couldn't put my finger on it, but that's probably it. It's made very apparent with all the delicious bouncing going on.

>> No.3784624

why the fuck did that woman never shave her uni-brow why did she immortalize it in so many famous paintings

>> No.3784623
File: 71 KB, 550x781, Hey-Portrait-Margaret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ - art
My 1400's waifu.

>> No.3784653
File: 1.15 MB, 1426x3500, badapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Etc etc.

>> No.3784660

I don't pretend to know what art is, but in a classical sense something was art when it represented a quality of the human condition/emotions, whether through words or sculpture or painting or song.

The association of art with beauty or refinement was only a product of the fact that most of what we find beautiful and harmonious has its origins in nature.

Now obviously, this was challenged when things like photographs and movies called into question the need for traditional mediums, which is precisely why people who saw the need for a redefinition of art to be pretentious, abstract, inaccessible and DEEP came along.

>> No.3784663


The least of Frida's problems were her big eyebrows.

>> No.3784692

The original+hamburger+hammer+aniki+shuzo+ikuzo is the best. Until someone makes it contain PINGAS.

>> No.3784696

Yeah it has so many epic memes how could it go wrong right???

>> No.3784721 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3784893

"x sounds retarded so it is not art''

>> No.3784942

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAViEcyxkD8 > Bad Apple

>> No.3785036


Fucking cool.
