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3791321 No.3791321 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ like this game? Probably one of my favourite Total War titles.

I mostly remember how awesome the assassination cutscenes were.

>> No.3791325

Basically Rance without the porn and characters but with real time combat?

>> No.3791333

...kinda. But older than Sengoku.

>> No.3791343

Why haven't you made a Rance mod?

>> No.3791348

Where is my dolls mod?

>> No.3791354

I prefer Medieval 2 engine. Fucking cavalry charges and Mongol Rockets were fucking awesome.

>> No.3791362

This game isn't very moddeable unlike the new games.

I'd fucking kill for a Rance game with Total War gameplay though.

See above.

Yeah, I just wish it was better optimized.

>> No.3791378

I used to own this until a friend borrowed it then moved to South Carolina. Tried downloading it some time ago but the download wouldn't install. Sigh.

>> No.3791387

I think the game has problems with new operative systems.

Unless you get it from Steam.

>> No.3791388

They need to make a ROTK version. Or make a ROTK game with Total War mechanics.

>> No.3791395

I could never get past the second training level

>> No.3791400

The one where you had 1 archer unit and the enemy had 1 yari samurai?

I could never do it either.

>> No.3791402

I wonder if this was sold in japan?

>> No.3791407

You know? That's a pretty good question...

>> No.3791409


What the hell were you meant to do

>> No.3791417

Supposedly you were meant to give your archers the high ground, but that was fucking impossible because you were already going up a hill and you had no time to fire enough arrows to kill them all.

>> No.3791426

It's great as long as you stay away from the expansion pack.

>> No.3791434

Mongol invasion?

I had the Warlord Edition that added it but I always played the Sengoku period anyway.

>> No.3791443

I always just simulated every battle since I was terrible. It's much better that way.

>> No.3791444

Browsing Amazon Japan, there are a few listings for Shogun

Looks like it was sold there

>> No.3791447

Might as well post these since they are fucking awesome.

Ninja assassinations

MOTHERFUCKING Geisha assassinations

>> No.3791455

Well, it doesn't surprise me really. What I'd like to know is what they thought of it.

Yeah, the battle aspects didn't improve much until Rome.

>> No.3791495

yea, but the expansion made the sengoku campaign shit too because of the retarded units it added.

Let's see, you got:

1) Battlefield ninjas. A group of ~30 ninjas who can hide in open terrain, kill anything with massed shurikens and attack a block of samurais in melee and win.

2) Geisha. the ultimate assassin. Easiest way to win on expert is to just get geishas from every province and assassinate just about every single person in Japan.

3) Kensai. Craziest of them all. Once on expert I did nothing but tech and defend until I had kensais with best armor and weapon upgrades. Then I trained 12 kensais. They then proceeded to take every single province in japan alone, with 0 causualities. Most of the battles were against armies of thousands of troops. Of course all the provinces would rebel the next turn since I didn't have any army to leave behind in them.

So overall it's more like Total War: Animu Invasion.

At least naginata cavalry wasn't totally retarded but it didn't really have a role. For (cavalry)archer hunt yari cavalry was better, for everything else heavy cavalry was better.

>> No.3791512

>You retreat to the high ground
>Computer retreats to the high ground
>Neither of you moves for 3 hours.

I could never actually get the computer to attack my guys so I just always went the automatic battle resolution route.

>> No.3791515

Ok, I gotta admit most of the units were retarded as hell (CA seems to have a hard on for "battlefield assassins" like the Arcanii in Rome), but the geishas were pretty fucking awesome. The Kenzai was ridiculous though.

Also, Uesugi was here, all the other clans are losers.

>> No.3791520

thats why you can put time limits to battles.

>> No.3791529

>implying takeda wasn't the best clan

>> No.3791533
File: 68 KB, 200x217, kenshin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it was

>> No.3791552

not enough touhous

>> No.3791553

Speaking of strategy sengoku games, I kind of want to try out one of the Japanese countries in the EU3 Magna Mundi mod.

Convert to Catholicism, turn into a Theocracy, and unite Japan in the name of God. Deus Vult, and all that.

>> No.3791554

Oh fuck yes, I have this in front of me right now. Awesome game is fucking awesome.

It's a shame there's no more official servers left.

>> No.3791559

I never played multiplayer. Was it any good?

I feel bad for not being able to really get into those games.

>> No.3791563

I enjoyed it. The games were a little long, but on the whole, playing against a human who knew what they were doing was more challenging, and satisfying, than playing against the CPU.

>> No.3791566

I bet. I've played a few online matches of Empire and it's something else.

I just wish CA would release the damn multiplayer campaign patch already for Empire, that's pretty much the only reason why I bought the game. I don't even like the setting that much.

>> No.3791577

Was a fun game but I liked Rome more.

>> No.3791582

Rome was probably the best in the series. I wish it had aged better though.

>> No.3791585

On an unrelated note, I remember how my opponent and me were the only two left on the map. I sent a ninja to kill his shogun with a 2% chance of doing it.

And shit was fucking awesome.

>> No.3791589

The only strategy game I really played much was Civ 2. And now I'm on Windows 7 and I can't fucking play it.

>> No.3791594

They need to make a new Shogun game. Fuck Napoleon.

>> No.3791597

Rome would have been good had the battle system not been so broken regarding unit morale.

>> No.3791602

They're not for everyone. Though if you sit down, play an easy country like, say, Castille or Portugal, and learn the game mechanics by simply clicking around and screwing around, you can really get the hang of them in no time. Eventually, though, you'd need to go check out the wiki if you wanted to know more like avoiding inflation or how to defeat France.

>> No.3791603

Windows XP mode?

>> No.3791607

Civ 4 isn't bad really. Don't touch 3 though, it's not very good.

I remember in one of my plays I was going really slow, enjoying the game and stuff, and suddenly I realize I have lilke, 2 heirs only, so I assembled a huge army and went blitzkrieg on their asses.

Unfortunately, my last daimyo died when I was like, 2 provinces from getting the victory conditions.

>> No.3791612
File: 44 KB, 454x432, obvious troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't touch 3 though, it's not very good.

>> No.3791619

Dude, 3 was a gigantic pile of shit.

>> No.3791622

Well, the one I wanted to really get the hang of it was Victoria, but from what I know, it's the most complicated one.

>> No.3791625

What? 3 was awesome. Sure, it had its flaws, but the game was solid.

>> No.3791634

Tried that, it doesn't work. Something about running it in 64-bit Windows, I guess. I may as well get Civ 4 anyway.

>> No.3791641

It's also pretty bad. With seriously retarded game mechanics for the "population units" amongst other things.

EU2 is my favourite.

>> No.3791651

Yeah, Vicky's... difficult. I've been playing Paradox games for... two, three years now, and I still can't wrap my head around Vicky. Way too much micromanagement to worry about in that game for my tastes. I'm hoping that Victoria 2 will be better, but knowing Paradox games, Vicky 2 won't be truly playable until half a year or more after its release.

>> No.3791652

I should start with EU3, right?

>> No.3791661

Definitely. Make sure to get Napoleon's Ambition and In Nomine as well.

>> No.3791669

Eh, i guess I will. Last time I started with a small fucking country because I didn't want it to be easy mode but I really underestimated the game.

>> No.3791674

Yeah, it's really complex. I liked it because of the time it's set on, but it's way too complicated.

>> No.3791695

Cool, a strategy game thread?

So, I recently got into the whole genre playing Rise of Nations and Sins of a Solar Empire, and now I want more. Any recommendations for games where tactics and unit control play more of a role?

>> No.3791704

You mean games less based around construction and more based on unit control?

I think Company of Heroes if you want a WW2 setting or Dawn of War series are what you're looking for.

>> No.3791716


Grand strategy or RTS? Play Homeworld either way.

>> No.3791719

Agreed, homeworld is awesome.

>> No.3791720

Exactly, gathering resources is boring shit. I'll check those out (I've heard much about Company of Heroes), thanks.

>> No.3791721

Also, are Total War games considered Grand Strategy?

>> No.3791750 [DELETED] 

Grand strategy turn-based strategy with real-time tactics.

>> No.3791755

Turn-based grand strategy with real-time tactics.

>> No.3791756

I see, I never really knew how to define it since it's only partially on real time.

>> No.3791774

Both suffer from inordinately bad unit a.i., shitty reinforcing, etc.

Sins of a Solar empire isn't that great, since everyone just rushes, tech research is pretty much worthless most of the time, and nobody wants to play anything other than set team. Good game, in theory, but lack of the ability to defeat an enemy through commerce or culture reduces it to hoping your fleet grinds through and annihilates the enemy.

Static defense are largely worthless, as starbases take too much investment not to be blown out of the water by a moderately sized fleet.

>> No.3791790


Yeah that's what I hated about SoSE. Either you win by quick rush or attrition of grinding fleets into each other...War should be won by maneuver and guile...not brute force...

>> No.3791810

Well, a game where you can win by those terms is Galactic Civilizations 2, and that shit can really rape you in the ass if you set it on hard or higher.

>> No.3791819

I mostly won by making my entire fleet attack their capital(s) and ignoring their other ships. Also, having to take out every single one of their colonies to eliminate an enemy is fucking annoying, as well as when my fleet is wrecking up shit in their home planets and suddenly their fleet appears a million jumps away to start hitting mine.

>> No.3791821


I prefer Napolean. At least we have guns now.

>> No.3791831

The series shouldn't go too far ahead on time though. Total War is mostly about huge armies facing each other, and if they made a game about a world war or during the contemporary era, it would be shit.

I, for one, would like Rome 2 or something like "Asia: Total War" which would be basically japan, china and mongols.

>> No.3791840


Guns kinda ruined it. Even in Mtw2. Either they were godly defending against sieges or useless on the field since basic light cavalry would decimate them.

>> No.3791842

>Implying there weren't guns in Shogun

>> No.3791845


Protip: the next total war setting will be in the future with modern warfare-oh wait.

>> No.3791851


I think you mean muskets.

>> No.3791852
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1254899869373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shut your whore mouth


>> No.3791858

Maybe Diplomacy will change that. I'm thinking of making a mod where starbases will actually be useful, i.e. cheaper, with weapons capable of actually "reaching" the enemy in a system, with scaling upgrades (cost/usefulness), and balanced by costing supply.

I could call it "Sins of an Awesome Empire"

>> No.3791878

>Implying a musket is not a long gun

>> No.3791901

God you guys make me want to play this. Anyone know a viable download?

Perhaps >>3791387 is right and there's a problem with XP but perhaps not and a random download will result in wasted time.

>> No.3791915

In general, static defenses should be more useful. Cheaper, easier to build/place, and capable of being moved (with a very, very slow speed).

I'm thinking something like giving vasari batteries a boost ability (large timer); advent batteries with prism-like, single powerful beams at long range (long-range annoyance, so your opponent actually gets pissed off the moment he enters the sytem), TEC Gauss guns are fine with upgrades, but they should come earlier, instead of fucking tier 7 research.

Starbases should all move, with the TEC being the slowest, but longest range; advent middle; Vasari fastest, but shorter ranged weapon radius. Weapon upgrade level 2 should be the long-range batteries, instead of the shortest range. And when I mean they "move", I mean like watching a snail crawl would be a race. Still, being able to potentially intercept an oncoming fleet would be helpful.

>> No.3791932

Well, if you can find a torrent to the Total War Eras pack (Shogun + Medieval + Rome), you may be able to run it on newer machines.

>> No.3791970

Wait for Ran no Jidai

>> No.3791979

I think that mod is dead, bro.

>> No.3792068

will your mod make siege frigates not shit?

>> No.3792077

Shogun had the best Strategy maps and the worst Tactical maps. As the series progressed, the Strategy maps have been getting worse and worse, and the tactical maps have been getting better and better. Empire: TW has the best tactical battles, but the strategy map is complete shit.

And the next total war game? It's gonna be fucking western europe. Again.

>> No.3792104

Fuck, I want a games based on the Crusades. Hack author seem to love writing about the Knights Templar so why can't I have a game with that setting?

>> No.3792118

Goddammit you're an idiot.

>total war

>> No.3792120

Fucking this. Damn things are the first to die in a fight, yet without them bombarding takes fucking forever.

>> No.3792128

Fuck you, I haven't played it and I didn't know whether it included any of that.

>> No.3792139

I hope the attention turn back to East Asian history. Rather than ROTK; I was hoping they make a Total War game on Warring states period of China

>> No.3792140

Crusader Kings if you want a bit more grand strategy than what Medieval 2: Total War will offer.

Get Deus Vult (rule of thumb for all paradox games is that they are pretty much worthless until they get an expansion pack) and you can do whatever you want to the Holy Land.

>> No.3792161

It looks like none of the Muslims are playable, which is kind of shitty, but it looks pretty good anyway. Thanks.

>> No.3792179

it's not.

>> No.3792253
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>implying shitty old age japanese muskets can compare to Napolean guns

>> No.3792259

>Not knowing how to spell "Napoleon"

>> No.3792264

>Implying typo is not possible

>> No.3792282
File: 107 KB, 1078x556, 01_macedonian_phalanx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rome was awesome of phalanx.

That formation was so deep tactically, when properly used it's unbeatable, when you do it wrong you get flanked by town guards and get slaughtered. So win or lose is all in your hands.

>> No.3792298


Heh. I love abusing pelasts or archers and decimating Phalanxes. My set it is usually alot of cavalry and missile units when going against Hellenistic factions.

>> No.3792311

I thought phalanxes have very high defense against range attacks since the spears pointing up act as a shield?

>> No.3792323

No. That's retarded. If you wanted protection from missile weapons you used a shield.

>> No.3792329

They have shields too!

>> No.3792331


Pelasts or Velites at the center to pelt them first so they take the bait. Cavalry and archers move to the rear and flanks so armor is ignored.

>> No.3792340

You're suppose to have a lot of ranged units too if you're using phalanx, so that you can do a shoot out against the enemy range units on equal or better footing.

The idea of phalanx is that they can out fight any other infantry in a fair right (if you can keep them from getting flanked), so you need less of them to hold your centre front and you can devote proportionally more resources to ranged and mounted units.

>> No.3792346


Computer kinda sucks at training decent amount of ranged units in RTW. I noticed they fixed it in Mtw2 when every fucking city spams militia archers or militia crossbowmen.
