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3811979 No.3811979 [Reply] [Original]

Is manipulation of density and manipulation of distance really different at all?

>> No.3811992


>> No.3812001

I don't understand the question.

>> No.3812002


I read that as destiny.

>> No.3812010
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>> No.3812011

Inversely so.
You can have a sphere with a radius of 1 meter and a density of 100 moles... or 200 moles.
You can also have a sphere of 100 moles that has a 10-meter radius... or a 10-centimeter radius.

>> No.3812027


i love you watermelon demon, you are so pretty

>> No.3812031
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Of course!

>> No.3812034


I read it as dentistry.

>> No.3812041

This is the cutest Suika I've seen in the while, and she's pretty cute to begin with.

Also I see where >>3812002 is coming from.

>> No.3812043

Huh? Density is now measured in moles?

>> No.3812044

Anyone got pictures of that one dentist touhou doujin?

>> No.3812047
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>> No.3812051

Why moles and not camels instead?

>> No.3812055

say what

>> No.3812060

He is dumb, just ignore him.

>> No.3812061
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>> No.3812076
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>> No.3812091

2/10 Good idea, but too obvious.

Anyways, distance only involves 1 dimension, while density needs 3, so there is no way manipulating them can be similar.

>> No.3812108

But multiple manipulations of distance can be sort of like manipulating density, can it not?

There's also weird stuff like using density manipulation to gather people together.

>> No.3812110

Haha, but no. The doujin I'm thinking of definitely had a dentist in it. I can't remember the name or any of the characters though.

>> No.3812146
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this thread is relevant to my interests.
also, suika

>> No.3812176

How the heck would you manipulate distance? There is no way to change the distance from a point A to another point B. Unless you were to bend the plane to bring the points closer together in the vein of L'Engle's tesseract.
Disregarding this, manipulation of density is more than just distance. As we know, ρ = m/V, so you can manipulate mass as well as distance over 3 axes.

>> No.3812192

>This is the cutest Suika I've seen in the while, and she's pretty cute to begin with.

Have some more:

>> No.3812212

I've been saving that guy's images and forgetting to favorite him for a while now, thanks.

>> No.3812217
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You never see Suika or Komachi in the same room at the same time...

Think about it.

>> No.3812218
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As cute as this?

>> No.3812219

I am not sure what you're getting at.

>> No.3812223


So Suika is superman and Komachi is batman?

>> No.3812232


You never see Dark Saber or Lily Saber in the same room.

Think about it.

>> No.3812241
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On the other hand, fanart.

>> No.3812247

That is also very cute. I don't know which one I prefer to be honest.

>> No.3812243
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>> No.3812251

Can Suika create a black hole so dense she herself cannot escape it?

>> No.3812258
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Komachi about to get beaten.jpg

This is the cutest Suika picture I've seen in a while. I worry that I might have reposted it too much.

>> No.3812266
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>> No.3812288
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I'd her universal bus

>> No.3812289

Fun fact: Galactic red-shift is caused mainly by the fact that the space between galaxies is growing and not because of their relative motion.

That means, if we took two objects which are motionless in respect to each other an we set them apart at a big enough distance from each other, the that distance between them would still grow. The energy density of this system would decrease over time despite the lack of motion.

Cosmology is fun.

tl;dr No, manipulating distance and density can mean the same thing.

>> No.3812307

He already mentioned that manipulation of distance can also be manipulation of density, though. He was just saying that manipulation of density is not always equivalent to manipulation of distance.

Or that's what I got out of it, anyway.

>> No.3812323

I thought that was just because of momentum gained during the big bang. If you magically put two objects stationary relative to each other in space outside the influence of any electromagnetic or gravitational fields, why would the distance between them grow?

>> No.3812331
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I know. It's just that I had my morning espresso and got all excited about ties of real world cosmology with Tohou... yeah.

>> No.3812332


I'd so buy a Suika USB toy that I could plug into my computer to...well I don't know what it would do. Something cute.

>> No.3812341
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The sky is the same everywhere, therefore cosmology is always /jp/ related. Feel free to post about it anytime~

>> No.3812346

We don't know why, it just does. Astronomers found out that doppler shift alone doesn't explain the amount of red-shift in observed galaxies (in relation to their observed velocities). Lookup the Hubble constant on Wikipedia if you're interested in finding out more.

>> No.3812351

We used to think it was because of the big bang, but further research seems to show that the expansion is getting faster as time passes. There's debate as to exactly what's causing this and if it might just be a mistake we're making because of something we don't quite understand, however.

I think.

>> No.3812360

>We don't know why
You mean you don't know why. Someone who really knows what they're talking about probably does know.

>> No.3812369

No, he means we don't know why. Don't make statements about the knowledge of others if you don't have any knowledge to compare.

>> No.3812393
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But we do know why.

>> No.3812405

That may very well be the case. I've only attended some cosmology lectures last year. If it's any indication, the professor conducting those lectures didn't know either and he was as up-to-date in cosmology as you could get.

>> No.3812416

If it isn't well-known enough for us to know (or find out quickly through the wonders of the Internet), it hasn't been peer reviewed enough to be considered confirmed, so if anyone has the answer it's still effectively conjecture at this point.


>> No.3813260

>How the heck would you manipulate distance? There is no way to change the distance from a point A to another point B.

That's exactly what Komachi does.

She mainly does it to lengthen or shorten the length of the Sanzu river depending on how many people will miss them.

>> No.3813269

>How the heck would you manipulate distance? There is no way to change the distance from a point A to another point B.
Einstein is going to kick your ass.

>> No.3813276

Cool story bro

>> No.3813466

You can manipulate density by changing the distance between atoms.
You can manipulate distance by changing the density of the road you're walking on.

>> No.3813543
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>> No.3813557

Suika doesn't really manipulate density as a physical phenomenon, she has the power to gather or disperse things and density-fuckery is just one of the applications. The whole premise of IaMP is that Suika starts a party by "gathering" people.

>> No.3813563

Ever watched star trek ever seen them go to warp?

>> No.3813580

Where's Espeon/Umbreon?

>> No.3813587

In Pokemon S/G of course.
