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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4019912 No.4019912 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4019925

I feel bad for laughing

>> No.4019949

Seeing pictures like this make me feel bad for liking anime and manga.

>> No.4019953


and toohoo and VNs

>> No.4019969

I'm still fine with liking video games though.

>> No.4019989


At least they're having fun.

>> No.4019998

Haha, some are so bad they're unrecognizable. Like that asshole between I Am Disappoint Meiling and Rape Face Reimu.

>> No.4020002

but having fun of front of everyone is like a gaïafag posting on 4chan

>> No.4020006

The little asian Reimu is cute.

>> No.4020007

oh gawd

>> No.4020010


Do you how to type in English?

>> No.4020013

"in", just saw the mistake

>> No.4020100

Sad part is I actually remember this exact scene from AX2009.

>> No.4020111
File: 20 KB, 396x369, uh oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-dad! What are you doing here? I c-c-can explain it!

>> No.4020673
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>> No.4020885

No please.

>> No.4020906



>> No.4020951

I saw the scene from the safety of the second floor (by the escalator).

Kids acting like kids doesn't bother me though; I was mostly disappoint due to the lack of Moriya shrine-related costumes.

>> No.4021026

Goddamn, I was thinking about the possibility of catching a glimpse of Zun!bar all day but I don't even look in the right vicinity.

>> No.4021541

lol wtf?

>> No.4021573

The two who are doing it don't really seem like kids.

>> No.4021581

lol @ Hong Manling.

>> No.4021630

The funny part is, the costumes aren't that bad. Dare I say good, even.
It's just that the people in them are ugly as sin.

>> No.4021661

You're uglier, you fucking faggot.

>> No.4021682
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>> No.4021705

Almost all of them look shockingly normal actually! People just look stupid as fuck when they're dressed up like a cartoon character.

>> No.4021717 [DELETED] 

Well they might not be ugly, per se, but they don't fit their character.
That Pakistani orin and Hong Manling agree.

>> No.4021731


None of those 'people' look normal, who are you trying to fool? Even out of their clothes you could smell the nerd-stench upon them. These are the people who come on messageboards and post about how much they love Character X and gush over them and so forth.

>> No.4021738

Well they might not be ugly, per se, but they just can't pull it off correctly.
That Pakistani Chen and Hong Manling agree.

>> No.4021765

Touhou is a secret club
i am angry

>> No.4021758

hambeast spotted

>> No.4021773

you got a problem with my love of various touhous?

>> No.4021785

Nerd is chic

>> No.4021881

Dunno, some of them look fine, but the problem here is that some of the costumes are so bad they ruin the whole picture. They weren't even trying!

Just look at blonde Cirno, tablecloth-cape Okuu and that guy in the vaguely Chinese outfit who I'm going to assume is Chen.

And the guy in front of Reimu, is he even cosplaying? Did he miss the tranny convention next door?

>> No.4021929

>blonde Cirno
Pretty sure thats PC-98 Alice.

>> No.4022048

Whoops, guess I applied the LOL SO RANDUM XD fanbase filter too fast after all!

>> No.4022052
File: 844 KB, 1600x1200, 3702286539_662f5c57d9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom left.

>> No.4022085

Meh, there's a little bit for everyone, from Actually Pretty Good to Ha Ha Oh Wow.

>> No.4022114

I like Blackyuu and Actual NEET Kaguya

>> No.4022153


... is that a MANnosuke cosplayer in there? The guy with the towel?

>> No.4022166

Kaguya is a !Beard Guy's hime cut is so moe.

>> No.4022171

Oh god ManReisen.

>> No.4022493

Hobo kaguya

>> No.4022923

Letty looks like a grandma.

>> No.4023213

Ha ha that's pathetic, I'm cooler than them alone in my basement pissing in the floor.

>> No.4023260

I actually talked to one of them. He said he was in college.

>> No.4023285

Some just live their entire lives like children, I guess.

>> No.4023444


Reimu on the left - Actually DO WANT.

Alice, Marisas, Letty - Mid tier company.

Everyone else - OH GOD WHY

Blackyuu, Niggasa, Reisen, Yuuka, Aya - I HAVE NO MOUTH AND I MUST SCREAM

Teruyo - Make. Me. Unsee. It.

>> No.4023456

Reimu looks like a little boy. You have good taste.

>> No.4023487

If memory serves that Reimu is like 12 and her mom is somewhere nearby in the shot. If this excites you more I'm glad to have helped.

>> No.4023509


On the LEFT, for fuck's sake.


Thanks, you fucking ruined the single acceptable cosplayer in there for me.

>> No.4023529

Oh, I looked again. The little girl is the one on the right. Congrats.

>> No.4023579

That purple guy doesn't look like a toohoo.

>> No.4023619

I....I don't care. I don't ever want to look like any of the people in that picture in my life.

>> No.4023646

Reimu looks a little boyish, but it's really good.
On the other hand, lol at the weeaboos.
