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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 911 KB, 1840x1840, GoodbyePiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40607905 No.40607905 [Reply] [Original]

> Go to local Anime Con
> Visit "Bring & Buy" Booth
> See Touhou 6-12 casually lying on the table
> Pricetag says 120€
> The 1 is a bit smeared
> Ask cashier what the Price is
> "20€"
She closely looks at the tag again
> "Uh no it's 120€ appearently... no clue why anyone would buy CDs for that price hahaha"
> Leave
> Come back 2 hours later
> Different cashier
> Ask cashier what the Price is
> "20€"
> Give two 10€ notes
> Take CDs and run away

That's how I got th6-12 for 20€ (@_@;)

>> No.40607943

That's a nice story, but...who are you quoting?

>> No.40607985

Myself last Saturday

>> No.40608911

You gave money to a random person instead of ZUN. You're just as bad as those who pirate the games, if not more so.
Should have bought on Steam instead.

>> No.40609063

Why should I be more bad if I bought a legitimate copy? You also don't know if I already bought the Games on steam.

Furthermore, half of the Games I got here are not available on steam ( ̄ー ̄

>> No.40609679

It doesn't matter if it's legit or not, the point still stands that you bought a copy that ZUN himself wasn't selling. What's the point of going to a con and buying the games just for that money to go to some bozos con stand? You didn't even pay full price.
Just wait for those games to come onto Steam if you really wanted them.

>> No.40609754

So your way to play eosd for the last 20 years was to "wait for those games to come onto Steam?"

It's also not possible for everybody to buy a copy from Team Shanghai Alice personally. For every westerner this would involve flying to Japan, visiting and navigating a con without being able to speak the native language and then getting one of the most requested games there.
The person I got the games from, bought them from Zun and thus he got his money, stupid

>> No.40609851

If you can't even be assed to go to Comiket/Reitaisai or stores where they sell the games officially I don't even know how you can call yourself a fan.
Also secondhand stores don't give the money to the creator of the item, how the fuck do you think that works? Either way the funds still don't reach him. You're paying for the guy to keep running the store.

>> No.40609858

You guys are so negative lol
Truly the 陰 board of 4chan

>> No.40610740

They already got the money for the item I bought. It's not like I stole the CDs and then gave money to a random Person lmao

Aside from that I'm still supporting them through e.g. buying merchandise

Also, you can't expect anyone to be able to just go to Japan, idk if you know it, but the majority of the world population can't just spontaneously buy a flight to another continentas well as hotel, etc.

>> No.40611472
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>> No.40611762

ok consoomer now fuck off with your blogposts and neck yourself

>> No.40612044
File: 292 KB, 1208x1506, 20220416_142942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Internet Person I'll listen to your advice ^^

>> No.40612439

dont listen to this retard. if the developers of these games cared to begin with, they would put their shit on more readily available platforms to start. The fact that someone with a fandom as huge as zun's, he has no excuse to not put the rest of the games on platforms like steam/gog/etcetc, and if he wants to cry about a lost sale of a game that he hasn't made the effort to make more available, he can go fuck himself, til then im going to keep buying used or pirate.

>> No.40612664

A real fan would figure out ZUN's bank account number and transfer the money directly so you pay no one other than ZUN.

>> No.40612833

Amazing find, anon. I hope you enjoy them.

>> No.40612923
File: 8 KB, 321x157, 1639928735176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they don't have the obi tucked inside the case you got ripped off

>> No.40613043

such is the way of the merchant >.

>> No.40613078

/jp/ keeps finding ways to impress me on how much they sperg out on minor issues like ZUN not getting his maximum money gain from a fucking anime con.

>> No.40613115

It's like you missed everyone here shitting on pirates during the MoriyaShrine debacle

>> No.40613256

And looks like you missed the Archival Project that was meant to archive games that were likely to be wiped off Moriya Shrine. If it wasn't for piracy those games would not have seen the light of day.

>> No.40613433
File: 58 KB, 800x800, 1642457993118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im just amazed no one bought them in the two hours you were gone.
I would have paid the 120 just to not risk it.

>> No.40613760

Please fuck off back to Twitter.

>> No.40613792

I couldn't give a fuck if you pirate games, but buying shit second hand is pathetic and should always be mocked. I'd have more respect for someone who printed out their own copies of the box art.

The order of legitimacy goes: Buying official > piracy > buying second hand. It is never acceptable to buy data second hand for any reason, and this also applies to modern concepts like clone consoles and buying gameboy roms to play on your switch.

>> No.40614019

>You also don't know if I already bought the Games on steam.
you literally said "GoodbyePiracy.jpg" in the op retard

>> No.40614419
File: 204 KB, 1265x958, 1647191379676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you've been able to get these CDs for not too much anon. I recently picked up the second volume of Zun's music collection, Ghostly Field Club

>> No.40616301

Almost Noone here in germany knows Touhou and the CDs were pretty hard to see on the table. They were in a plastic bag and you had to read the side of the CD cover to see that it's touhou

>> No.40616324

Oh thats great!
I'd really like to have some of the Music CDs but I suppose they are even harder to get than the Games. So I sadly have to stick to YouTube Playlist for those :/

>> No.40617768

I got a bunch from j-list and mercari myself.

>> No.40617799

Yes, adding the exe to the Steam library counts

>> No.40618052

Not really, just use a proxy and search on mercari or yahoo actions. You can find really cheap offers

>> No.40618103


>> No.40618310

Fuck off. If I found a legitimate physical copy of Touhou games at a cheap price I'd purchase it too. I don't give a fuck if it's "second-hand". Keep your autism to yourself.

>> No.40618379

is it really a bad thing for people such a ZUN? do you really think he need money this bad?

>> No.40618384

Now we know we are at least two, but damn I really need to go treasure hunting in anime cons more often

>> No.40618443

It's an indie series, ZUN doesn't have the same amount of income as an AAA series
Opinions you don't agree with aren't bait retard

>> No.40618989

>Almost Noone here in germany knows Touhou
Yes, but you're in an anime con. The chance that someone else knows and would like to purchase the games skyrockets. I'm surprised that you still found them after two hours.

>> No.40622551

The majority of the People on this Con where ganshin cosplayers younger than 20 .- .

>> No.40623092

bait or not, you're literally retarded. do the world a favor and hold your breath until you pass out, preferably standing up so you hit your head on the corner of a coffee table or something.

>> No.40627340

Oh, I didn't know it was that bad.

>> No.40627600

ywnbaw :3

>> No.40628048

Yeah exactly
There was One guy I saw with Fumo sticker on his Backpack. I guess he was the one that brought the CDs there

>> No.40630826

get a job sammy

>> No.40630885

Touhou is NOT anime!!

>> No.40632416

That's not what I meant, dummy.

>> No.40632530

Hey, I am from Germany too. What con was it, if you don't mind telling it?

>> No.40632605

Anime Messe Babelsberg next to Berlin
It was very nice cause it was spread over the whole Film Park

>> No.40633075

I am unsure if I should visit cons again, there are just so many obnoxious people there. Only thing I really did was karaoke. There is nothing quite like singing cgdct op/ed and Touhou songs in front of a lot of normies. Amazing feeling of freedom for me. And then there is also hope to find something amazing like you with the game cds. I think I haven't seen even one Touhou related thing at the cons I went to (they were smaller, 1 day cons). I have met a Touhou fan though.

>> No.40635089

In my experience, it's fun when you either go there with friends or are very extroverted. Otherwise it can be pretty shitty if the attractions are bs

>> No.40635112

What are those?

>> No.40635157

who's baiting whom? I can't tell

>> No.40635199
File: 2.51 MB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Shimoneta - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.34_[2016.07.08_21.05.44].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been saving music on youtube playlists for years and whenever I go back more and more of it has been removed

>> No.40635545

That's why I started downloading all the Videos, that are important to me.
Whatever you do, don't research "youtube-dl Command Line tool" ;)

>> No.40635571

Those stores help create new fans. :)

>> No.40635709

Honest question have you been to Reitaisai? I have. And I'm laughing at you too.

>> No.40635753

People you like to do stuff with and you usually have common interests

You can meet them at places like School, Internet or.... conventions.... hmmmm

>> No.40635866

...and then everyone clapped.

>> No.40635929

CDs nuts stupid ass anon buying old asf games get this old asf headass outta here no cap fr fr ong

>> No.40635954

So do fumo yukkuri meme animated videos, and look at what value those fans bring compared to a real fan.

>> No.40636730

ok but these stores have the physical games and not the fumo videos, which i think is better. just a little bit

>> No.40637282

Every "real" fan started off somewhere

You can't tell me you didn't create/consume some of the stupidest Touhou Stuff in existence when you just discovered it

>> No.40637290

Wow you truly are a Comedy Legend.
Never read a comment as funny as yours before

>> No.40638584

Cute Rin!

>> No.40641781

Zhank you very much! ^^
She really is cute yesyes :3

>> No.40641799

You act so highly and cool because you bought these games second hand but ultimately it's no different than pirating it, except you lost 20 euro for old CDs that may or may not even work. You feeling super special because you own these worthless piece of plastic means nothing. You never was in Japan, you never was on Reitaisai, you never stand next to ZUN and did not personally bought these games from him. You just gave 20 euro to some dumb bitch on some shitty local con in some shithole.

>> No.40642415

No need to be so negative..
Have you ever considered that instead of getting angry at People for doing nothing wrong, you could just ignore them?

>> No.40644961

It's just bait, don't even give him the time of day.

>> No.40645754

>waaah gaitkeeping is bait

>> No.40648295

You're all horrible People jeez

>> No.40648508

There is no meaningful discussion to be had on this board except when new games release. I can't think of any other fanbase that whines about secondary fans existing, but then chastises potential primaries solely due to their method of acquiring the media in question. Especially silly considering there was no reasonable method for paying the developer until recently.

>> No.40648736

It's just one guy and most people in this thread disagree with him. I think people would've been more receptive to this thread in general if OP wasn't an obvious crossboarder starting this thread with a blogposting greentext story. Also he talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.

>> No.40648758
File: 88 KB, 1087x1300, cute-baby-crying-pacifier-isolated-white-background-49636580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talks like a fag
Wah wah little baby get over it

>> No.40648783

Basedjak tier post. Save more stock baby images and cry harder.

>> No.40648803

You and the rest of you goons simply can't keep your autism away from an on-topic thread because of some shit that literally no other board on the site gives half a shit about. Congratulations.

>> No.40648857

And nearly every other board on the site is shit because of it. If you want to welcome every newfag who adds little emotes to the end of their posts I'm sure there's a touhou discord out there for you to join.

>> No.40650204

>some shit that literally no other board on the site gives half a shit about
I'd go as far as saying the entire rest of the internet.

>> No.40653788

Nice find, OP!
Good job on getting the sneaky discount

>> No.40654374

I saw this image on twitter like 2 weeks ago.

>> No.40654413

Will you get even angrier of I start using Emoji?

>> No.40654441

Impossible, the Anime Con where I bought them was from 15-17th of July

>> No.40654463

Thanks ^^

>> No.40658826

Is this thread dead?

>> No.40658860

Possible, I mean it's been up for quite a while, would only make sense to Die eventually

>> No.40659259

No, but feel free to double down on being retarded instead of striving to be a better poster in the future. You can also reply to multiple people in one post, newfag.

>> No.40666544

That's a nice story, but...who are you quoting?
