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File: 3.74 MB, 1754x1492, expectation of gensokyo 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40688404 No.40688404 [Reply] [Original]

So what is this stuff about "Gensokyo isn't what you think it is"? The cast look happy, the incidents are usually youkai playing around and doing silly things, the humans resolve incidents and peace is restored, yet there are people that say otherwise about this peaceful land, why is that?

>> No.40688420 [SPOILER] 
File: 819 KB, 960x720, HAHA, I FOUND YOU!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw shit, here we go again

>> No.40688467

It's something derived from idiots. They disregard canon and insist that you have zero chance with the denizens of Gensokyo despite character interactions and current rules stating outright or insinuating otherwise.
Being an outsider is instant death to them and they seem to magically forget that outsiders can thrive there, and the village is just one way to survive there if you're not competent to survive on your own.
Conveniently, there are less people around now to tell them why it's a stupid take. If you look at the surface, it comes off as nothing more than a method of scaring people or pushing their own headcanon.
Gensokyo is a hard place to live, that doesn't mean it's impossible to live there.
aaaaaand send.

>> No.40688491

You're gonna attract cutesokyofags like >>40688467 - this retard here that hasn't bothered to read up in-depth lore about youkai and gensokyo in general

>> No.40688507

>Being an outsider is instant death to them
That's not what we say at all you utter dumbfuck, once you are stranded in gensokyo it's all a matter of where you can hide, where you can run to and what you should avoid for survival, as long as you're outside the village it's 50/50 death, it's all fun and games till the youkai take notice of your clothes and realize you're an outsider, then you will have a grim fate, mostly eaten

>> No.40688602

Truthfully it could go any way. If you're lucky you'll make it somewhere safe and can go on from there, but if you go the wrong way you can run into some youkai that'd just straight up eat you. Remember, while they're not shown in game or in canon often there are low-level youkai who might just be strong enough to take you down. Mamizou's pipe smoke is specifically used to reveal them.

Even Kanako tried to crush Marisa in a recent chapter of Cheating Detective Satori, to which Marisa says "I would've died, if I wasn't me"

Knowledge of Gensokyo geography and landmarks would obviously help an outsider, but luck would definitely play into it as well.

>> No.40688621

It's pretty simple dear human
>I gap you in gensokyo this night
>You are confused
>Suddenly a random youkai bump into you and eat you alive
>You die and your soul go to higan
>You are judged by the Yama and sentenced to Hell for eternity
Good job!

>> No.40688628
File: 609 B, 59x24, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP do you sincerely believe that nobody checks the number of IPs in the corner? What do you gain from this?

>> No.40688660
File: 9 KB, 718x192, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40688672

update broke the site

>> No.40688684

Cutesokyo fags...

>> No.40688697

I know, it's pathetic to see their attempts to hide their clumsiness by accusing OP of samefagging, they can't defend their sugarcoated cutesokyo and they know it so they resort to ad hominem accusations

>> No.40688698

No more embedded pizza, huh?

>> No.40689587
File: 58 KB, 800x800, 1653691115600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT retards argue whether people are samefagging and over two extremes saying which one is worse not thinking that people are allowed to like a range of Gensokyo interpretations.

>> No.40690058

it's not the land of candy and sugar but it's not hell either

>> No.40690060


gensokyo is a setting where its heavily implied people from the outside are regularly abducted and eaten by youkai, where human deaths due to youkai encounters happen enough to justify the humans paranoia, and where a large number of characters are based on myths or legends or traditions that dont shy away from the fact that they're hostile to humans, with characters like murasa, kasen('s arm), mokou, the scarlet sisters, nemuno and yukari undoubtedly having significant bodycounts attributed to them during their existence

its also a setting where many of those same characters are surprisingly reasonable people who for the most part are civil to humans in the current era, where youkai and humans have been shown to regularly interact in the right circumstances (eirin's medicine, the kappa's sales, festivals), and where a lot of the terror and paranoia humans feel about youkai is outright deliberately manufactured by the youkai themselves to uphold a status quo that the humans would likely destroy if they ever realized how fragile things were

gensokyo isn't a flawless cute happy place but its also not a horrifying murder wasteland, it depends entirely on whose pov you're looking at it from, and how much fanworks want to play up either angle (though there are some touhous who would absolutely murder the shit out of you)

>> No.40690232

Grimsokyo is a reaction to a specific type of touhou fanfiction about how great it would be to isekai to Gensokyo. In all honesty, isekaing to Gensokyo would be extremely dangerous. But if you have some sort of connection to the area, it really is an idyllic and peaceful land. Like an allegory for Japan.

>> No.40690245

Grimsokyo is canon but picrel is retarded, getting eaten by nue or murusa is more likely than being caught in chireiden since you'd have to huh dig deep underground to find yourself in the underworld

>> No.40691762

I hope that's true, though I certainly wouldn't put it past most Grimsokyo advocates to actually be disingenuous.
Either way as >>40690232 says they generally seem to get quite agitated by the interpretation that is roughly on the exact opposite side of the spectrum to themselves, self-insert romance fantasy let's say, and so try to deny or negate it as much as possible. This seems like using canonical information as a stick to beat people with for having this or that interpretation to me, and since it is incredibly easy to identify them (same images, same vocabulary, megalomaniacal fantasizing that rivals their self-proclaimed enemies), it can get slightly grating.
Can easily happen to anyone, you notice something wrong or unsatisfying about a specific way of doing and presenting things and if you're quick to try and turn it right you can end up making similar or more grievous mistakes by just adopting the contrary position.

>> No.40695971


>> No.40697179
File: 388 KB, 740x2915, 1358748761919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like twohoes being in dark situations, it makes me feel funny

>> No.40713023

>this retard here that hasn't bothered to read up in-depth lore about youkai and gensokyo in general
What is the in-depth lore? Doesn't that keep changing?

>> No.40718447

Half of them eat humans, it is canon.

>> No.40719264
File: 186 KB, 600x800, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_weedhollow_dokuran__287fe0cc24b46e0b3b9fd22f86e08de7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40719283
File: 86 KB, 474x632, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_weedhollow_dokuran__bb99e44838d14f79c7e0e3f00fd1756b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40724098

Is… Is that a black and white picture of a youkai?

>> No.40727912


>> No.40732597

Hey I know that artist, he draws pretty neat grimsokyo stuff in general
