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File: 13 KB, 460x288, ibex_1250749c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4077975 No.4077975 [Reply] [Original]


How does this make you feel /jp/? Scientists are now resurrecting 2000 year old extinct animals. It had lung problems but it's only a matter of time before that is fixed. Dinosaurs are next.

>> No.4077978


Whoa, man.

I fucking love SCIENCE.

>> No.4077987

I'm glad this technology is being completed before the next mass extinction. Good work scientists.

>> No.4077989

That's nice and all, but this isn't /jp/ related.

...so, when are they going to give us genetically engineered girls with no noses, colorful hair, big eyes, and never physically age over 10 years?

>> No.4077988

>Sadly, the newborn ibex kid died shortly after birth due to physical defects in its lungs.

this is so horrible, science is so wrong....

>> No.4077991

Couldn't they have cloned something a little less ugly?

>> No.4077992


>> No.4077993

They plan to clone a bird next.

>> No.4077995
File: 125 KB, 200x470, Krauss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just turn this island into a wonderful resort, I'm sure nothing will go wrong, and it will make huge profits for sure.

>> No.4077996

In before Christians start crying about how "life had run its course".

>> No.4077997

>2000 year old extinct animals
>Last one died in 2000

You shouldn't be so misleading.

>> No.4077998

Singularity isn't here yet. Give it time.

>> No.4078000


Oh wow,I made the same mistake while reading it. I am ashamed

>> No.4078010

I'll admit: I lol'd.

>> No.4078012

I found the "Waterworld" planet discovery on that site to be more interesting.


>> No.4078013

Well, neandertals and such can be (and were) sequenced and there was talk of resurrecting things like mammoths too if I recall.

Problem with dinosaurs is that they may have been too different for any current reptile egg to accommodate. Not to mention too large for the huger ones.

Uhh dude "life should run its course" can be advocated by everyone. Look at pandas. They aren't going to survive. They shouldn't survive. They're like the posterchild for failure. Fucking pandas.

>> No.4078021

>Brooke Greenberg, born January 8, 1993 (1993-01-08) (age 16) is a girl from Reisterstown, Maryland who has remained physically and cognitively similar to a toddler, despite her increasing age. Greenberg is about 30 inches (76 cm) tall, weighs about 16 pounds (7.3 kg), and has an estimated mental age of 9 months to 1 year.

>> No.4078022

>They shouldn't survive. They're like the posterchild for failure. Fucking pandas.

Way to prove your a child, excellent argument.

>> No.4078024


>> No.4078026

What about _my_ a child?

>> No.4078033



Still, I shouldn't have to explain why pandas have dead end written all over them. All that effort to get the damn things to breed should be a hint. So should be the fact that it primarily eats grass that it can't even properly digest to begin with.

>> No.4078032 [SPOILER] 
File: 223 KB, 600x900, Velociraptor_6001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should all be destroyed...!

>> No.4078034
File: 27 KB, 250x322, fantasy_island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, asshole, what did I tell you about stealing my ideas?

>> No.4078041

They are cute. They should breed pygmy sized ones and domesticate them as pets. Its not like they'd be worse than chihuahuas or pugs.

>> No.4078042

Pandas are cute, therefore they should live.

Everything that isn't cute or useful can go die for all I care. If it turns out to be useful we'll be able to ressurect it in a few years anyway...

>> No.4078048

Hell yeah, Jurassic Park here we come!

Dun dun, dun duuun dundun dun dun duuun~

>> No.4078051

Or we can, you know, use the funding to resurrect much more awesome animals like the Tasmanian wolf because Australia clearly isn't deadly enough as of now.

>> No.4078070

I'm not the person you're talking to but I think your viewpoint is very wrong. When barbarians were bashing Rome they couldn't have even imagined that all that stuff they're trashing would be so valuable a thousand years later. They were strong and Romans were weak, and just like you, they thought Romans and all things associated with them have no place in this world.

This is not how civilized person should behave. You should always preserve entropy, not destroy it covering by some lame 'survival of the fittest' philosophy.

>> No.4078081

The problem is not destroying pandas. The problem is that all that money used to preserve their sorry excuse of a species for another century could be used elsewhere.

>> No.4078102

While the money could do good elsewhere I don't think it's worth wiping out an entire species for it.

>> No.4078114

The species wasn't going to live anyway. They refuse to reproduce, they only eat bamboo (which clogs their pipes like you wouldn't believe) despite being completely capable of digesting anything normal bears eat... They're just not ready to survive.

We're wasting time and resources on something that would have died out soon anyway.

>> No.4078134

Money can't be used better elsewhere. All 3rd world countries have massive corruption. The vast majority of foreign aid money is embezzled. People in 1st world countries don't need more crap, and the poor people can't get by because giving them money would be socialist.

>> No.4078145

Where did I ever say I wanted to give them to the niggers? I'm talking research here, cures for diseases and new technology.

>> No.4078182

I can't wait to see some Steller's Sea Cows, Pygmy Mammoths, and Dodos

Next thing you know they'll be having trilobite etoufee in Louisiana every Thursday night

>> No.4078190

I would like to eat an extinct animal.

>> No.4078216

I'll eat my silly hat if trilobites can survive in modern oceans. Water "pollution" was mostly what did them in (and is currently fucking up similarly sensitive corals), they've got no chance now.

Probably would be cool aquarium species though.

>> No.4078229

Are you seriously implying the only use for money is pandas and Africans?
