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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4263326 No.4263326 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.4263331

Marisa looks pretty cute when she's cowering in fear.

>> No.4263329

take it to /v/

>> No.4263333
File: 350 KB, 566x1400, 1749328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uu mad?

>> No.4263340

Touhou confirmed for /v/

>> No.4263345

You seem frustrated.

>> No.4263353
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It's all a bad dream.

>> No.4263360

Why delete touhou when there's spam 3 threads down?

>> No.4263362

Well then go to /a/. There is an anime for Touhou now, so it is /a/ related.

>> No.4263379


>> No.4263383

There has been a Touhou anime for months now.

But there's been a Touhou game for even longer.

>> No.4263386

There's a game for Fist of the North Star

your argument is invalid

>> No.4263407
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>> No.4263422

it's bad apple.

>> No.4263450

...Our maid is completely drunk. Someone knock her out and... well, you can rape her if you wish.

>> No.4263467
File: 479 KB, 895x1400, 1263045141587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you have against touhou? why do you keep taunting her into deleting those threads? do you really have no life?

>> No.4263483

It was only one thread and it was a metathread.


>> No.4263503

Ah, I'm relieved. Seriously, guys, you should be used to meta-threads dying out of nowhere by now.
The reason that rare danmaku thread died is still mysterious, though.

...What!? I didn't do anything! In fact, I'm more curious as to why this has been happening than you.

>> No.4263543


somefag commented on youtube that if anyone wants to know more about touhou, they should google 4chan jp
i guess that untill the storm is over, touhou is taboo here.

>> No.4263563


Except that /jp/ is still half-filled with Touhou.

>> No.4263588

Shut up faggot, the meido's not going to start deleting threads because of a troll comment on Youtube.

>> No.4263601
File: 111 KB, 750x300, Suika - USB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like anyone cares about youtube comments.

>> No.4263605

shut up grey.
anonymous= not posting with the same name you post on places like facebook... or YOUTUBE.

>> No.4263609

I'm an international superstar, do you really want me to abandon my name just for a couple of lame-os? Deal w/ it nerd

>> No.4263618

Hey Grey we miss you at /k/. Come back and tell more stories about your katanah.

>> No.4263628

I just posted a story about my revolver last night.

>> No.4263633

And now even the Hisoutensoku thread died!
I wonder what's going through our meido's head...

>> No.4263634

Fuck the revolver, we want blades.

>> No.4263643
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Alright, alright.

>> No.4263659

The meido probably likes good fighting games.

>> No.4263652


>> No.4263655

Dear meido:

SWR threads are /jp/ related since it's inception please stop removing them.

>> No.4263663

What the hell is this toy? i know that /jp/ has issues with dolls, but this is way to stupid. i know you are here cuz /k/ kicked you. go back to /tg/.

>> No.4263665

This is the point where we are supposed to lay down and die. I think.

>> No.4263672

touhou is not wanted on /jp/ anymore
we should make our own board...


>> No.4263678

Meido is a slut

>> No.4263687

Please don't speak about my wife in that manner.

>> No.4263697

You know, I wonder what it'd be like if moot split /jp/ into /ota/ku. That way /jp/ could be about Japan.

>> No.4263707

isn't all this deletion just random guys who discovered the fact that reporting a thread 5 times from different IPs for illegal content will auto-delete a thread?

>> No.4263710

That will never happen, because moot is moot.
Plus, /dg/ is better.

>> No.4263711

but /jp/ allready is /ota/...


>> No.4263720

No, because that doesn't work.

>> No.4263721

Why keep silent about that? If it's really true (which I doubt it is), it should be made public because of how much bullshit there's in that.

>> No.4263723

Fuck, they could at least leave the SWR thread alone.

>> No.4263738

Touhou threads getting deleted?

Then why the hell did we get moved from /a/ to /jp/?

>> No.4263754

Easier if all the threads to delete are in one place

>> No.4263783

It's like that time SA rounded their furries up.

>> No.4263824

It's 1939 for you, Touhoujews.

>> No.4263880

More like 1967.

>> No.4263894
File: 32 KB, 512x332, tiananmen-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like 1989.

>> No.4263915

That idiot stood in the way of nationalism.
He should have been turned him into paint.

>> No.4263926

>He should have been turned him

>> No.4263941

I were tried to corrected my past tensed.

>> No.4263975

are you doing this on porpuse?

>> No.4263977

It's funny, because this thread deserves to be deleted more than any other, and yet it isn't.

>> No.4264056

Oh well.

>> No.4264061

Truly a master troll.

>> No.4264077

Don't worry I just got off the phone with the police, they said they're going to arrest moot

>> No.4264151

The police are lazy and corrupt. You need to take justice into your own hands.

>> No.4266867

bumping to front page

>> No.4266883

seems to me more like they are deleting the shitty Touhou threads, good work Janitors.
