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4323404 No.4323404 [Reply] [Original]

So my mother comes into my room today with a disappointed face and says "I just reviewed your account. The money I left in there was for food, not for figures. You're eating, right? I don't see any purchases other than Japanese stores...Don't starve yourself."

How do I get my mother to understand my moe?

>> No.4323408

Eat your figures.

>> No.4323407

You don't.

>> No.4323412


>> No.4323414

1. Open Another Account
2. Take out money mother places into first account into the second
3.Say you're taking it out for food if pressed.
4. Enjoy glorious figures.

>> No.4323416
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Tell her you can subsist on air and love alone.

>> No.4323417

>How do I get my mother to understand my moe?

you are a fucking moron.

>> No.4323418

story is unrealistic. i dont know any mother who would refer to things as "figures". so either she said toys and you're covering up or this is a lie.

>> No.4323419

Your mother is concerned about your health, you bastard.
Try to sympathize, you jerk.

>> No.4323420

You can't. Learn to control your impulses, or get a job.

>> No.4323422


My mother calls them dolls.

>> No.4323428

Remind her that at least you aren't grossly overweight.
Actually, since figs are so much more expensive than food, just how much was she intending you to eat?

>> No.4323435

whats the fucking point of figurines. I don't get it at all.

1-put figure on shelf

you can't even play with them because they're not action figures

>> No.4323438

Go back to /a/.

>> No.4323440


Looking at them. They are very pretty.

Also for geek cred.

>> No.4323441

No, even when I was a kid she'd call my power ranger toys "action figures". If they're not "actiony" they're just normal figures. To her, my Gurren Lagann is an action figure, because it's a robot. My girl figures are just figures. Not sure what she thinks about male figures that don't look buff.

>> No.4323451

Don't let your mother look at your account details, basic NEET common sense.

My mom would kill me dead if she knew what I was spending my money on when I call her up and ask for rent money because "I just couldn't pull through on what I had left over from last month"

>> No.4323464

My family is fairly wealthy. She puts about $50 a week into my account for food expenses. She goes to work and school (this is like the 3rd freaking profession she's going to school for, I don't understand how she can work so hard) so doesn't cook. This means we're usually eating at different times.

I can easily save money in 2 weeks to get figs. I just munch on bread, crackers, the cheapy cheap stuff.

I like them, they're pretty. Also, without them, my room would be empty. Just a bed, computer, and TV.

>> No.4323471

Take it to /v/

>> No.4323485

You could get a credit card and then pay for the figs with the credit card, and then pay off the credit card every month with your food money.

>> No.4323497

OP, why do you starve yourself for plastic?

>> No.4323500

Because moe and love will sustain one infinitely longer than mere food alone.

>> No.4323509
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I was in my room and I was just like staring at the wall thinking about everything, but then again I was thinking about nothing, and then my mom came in and I didn't even know she was there she called my name and I didn't even hear it, and then she started screaming: MIKE! MIKE!
And I go: What, what's the matter?
And she goes: What's the matter with you?
I go: There's nothing wrong mom.
And she goes: Don't tell me that, you're on drugs!
And I go: No, mom I'm not on drugs I'm okay, I was just thinking you know, why don't you get me a Pepsi.
And she goes: NO, you're on drugs!
I go: Mom I'm okay, I'm just thinking.
She goes: No you're not thinking, you're on drugs! Normal people don't act that way!
I go: Mom, just give me a Pepsi, please all I want is a Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me
All I wanted was a Pepsi, just ONE Pepsi, and SHE WOULDN'T GIVE IT TO ME

>> No.4323520

This thread sort of reminds me of when my Saber Lily figure arrived. As I was out at the time when it arrived and seeing a relatively large package arrive, my mother opened it and assumed it was for her.

Was a fun time explaining to her it wasn't for her.

>> No.4323524

Why did she think it was hers?

>> No.4323529


>> No.4323532

Hah! My thoughts exactly.

>> No.4323535


Ha, I like that song.

>> No.4323536

Because she had recently ordered a used extra large dildo off of ebay?

>> No.4323546

What is the point of little girls? You can't even play with them.

>> No.4323555


>> No.4323557

Yes you can!

>> No.4323553

Get out of my /jp/, tripfag. Go back to your cave, you inferior maggot, go to /a/, irc, or whatever, but get out.

>> No.4323577
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>> No.4323587


Sorry, but that's a little uncalled for.

I admit my post wasn't exactly contributing in any shape or form, but damn. You wouldn't say anything as insulting as that to an anon who posted what I posted.

Now on topic with the thread:

Is it really that hard to tell your parents to mind their own business? Although, saying a number of you are paid for by your parents, it's probably best to use that money for food, and go earn your own money to buy other stuff with. Money isn't that hard to earn, really.

>> No.4323602

>Is it really that hard to tell your parents to mind their own business?

When you're a NEET who's living off their income, yeah.
"It's none of your business"
"Oh, then I guess I shouldn't touch your account at all then. It's not my business, after all."

>> No.4323605


The Revoltech and Figma ones are kind of cool (and relatively inexpensive). I use them as portable models for drawing practice.

>> No.4323630


Yeah, I thought that and continued on.

>> No.4323632

If there's no point in figurines, then there's no point in posters, headphones, and even desktop wallpapers.

>> No.4323660

Just do this

In the meantime alleviate her fears by mentioning you're getting bored of figures and you're looking for a job.

Also, eat.

>> No.4323677

Yeah, I'm actually thinking of doing that. That, or I'll do the credit card thing. I've never had a credit card before, but I guess I could sign up for one.

>> No.4323683
File: 144 KB, 1080x1046, x52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The store down the street sells Suit Sabers (or at least they did this time last year). I thought about buying one.

But my mom said, "no, we have to concentrate on practical things"

So I got this instead.

>> No.4323695

Your mom told you that you couldn't get Suit Savers, but she let you get a USB prostate massage device?

>> No.4323704

underageB&/troll, enjoy your figs and ramen noodles

>> No.4323706


At least you're better at Melty Blood now.

>> No.4323700

What IS that?

>> No.4323710

What's so underage about this? Most people under 18 don't even have a bank account, much less parents that would transfer funds to that account rather than giving them allowance in cash.

>> No.4323723

Not trolling, and I'm 23. The "how do I get my mother to understand my moe?" line at the end was just a joke, but it get's my main point across. How can I get myself out of this situation.

>> No.4323743

Yeah, right, you're a spoiled little shit in the burbs. I know your type. This is an 18+ site, or is supposed to be.
Anyway just enjoy your figs and ramen noodles and quit bugging us that you can't shit and con your parents into buying you more overpriced rich-asshat japanese sex merchandise.

>> No.4323757

I had a bank account when I was 16, and most people who aren't underage don't have shared accounts under the control of mummy and daddy, let alone direct deposited allowance. Right?

>> No.4323807

Well what else does she expect? It's not like you're going to waste money on something stupid like new clothes or shoes.

>> No.4323816

or food.

>> No.4323817


I'm wasting money on clothes, shoes and figurines.

>> No.4323819

Figures are a good investment too, you know. It's very rare that they will decrease in price. Wait maybe a year or two, and the estimated price for it will double. That's assuming that you take good care of the item and make sure not to let any damages happen to it.

>> No.4323832

I have a credit card attached to my father's account. You can't actually get one of these unless you're at least 18.

>> No.4323835

Maybe if you never take them out of the box, but aren't used figs considered crap as everyone assumes they've been hotglued at some point?

>> No.4323845


I've had a debit card on my own account since I was 16. I think it depends on the bank though, more than anything.

>> No.4323914

Well, I've also had a debit account since I was 16. Until I was 18, my father would put money into my debit account but now I use the credit account attached to his.
