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File: 214 KB, 648x2010, 1264171813790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4333419 No.4333419 [Reply] [Original]

Allright, can people dump those one screenshot pics of umineko to help prove/disprove theories? ill post the ones I have.

>> No.4333422
File: 393 KB, 842x2379, 1262598862069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4333427
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>> No.4333432
File: 339 KB, 642x2975, kinzo battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4333433
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>> No.4333439

>this thread

>> No.4333466

thats all i got.

>> No.4333494

Huh, never made the correlation between the fruit and magic circles.

I just assume by default is was blood.

>> No.4333501
File: 675 KB, 659x2850, culprit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your possible Moon culprit pic.

>> No.4333510

I always assumed it was just red paint, and I don't really see why it would have to be tobacco nuts as you'd have to squish a lot of them to get enough liquid to draw the circles.

>> No.4333516

It has already been known that the boy Jessica mentioned at the "beach" scene in EP3 might be Battler, not Kanon.
It also can be applied to the later scene where Jessica was led to the curtain by Kanon.
In both scenes, her lines were very vague and they seemed to tell us the relationship between Jessica and Battler.

I don't want to make the image, though.

>> No.4333521

> It also can be applied to the later scene where Jessica was led to the curtain by Kanon.
Wait, really?

>> No.4333526


A door in EP1 was painted over in a span of five minutes when Kanon left it bare and then came back.

Seems improbable to be paint, you'd have to lug it around, you couldn't get any on your clothes, etc.

>> No.4333539

Yeah, and there was one time when a servant turned her back, then turned around and discovered a circle where there hadn't been one a moment before.

Basically, we don't know how long it takes to draw the circles.

>> No.4333541

What about spray paint? The problem might be the consistency though. The magic circles are often described as still wet and/or oozing...

>> No.4333542

> you couldn't get any on your clothes
Same applies to the tobacco juice.

>> No.4333545

>he still believes Kanon was telling the truth

>> No.4333548

Well, when she was frantically calling for help, Battler was the first person who came to her mind.

Then again, it's hardly evidence, as he was one of the few people still alive.

>> No.4333550

the juice is probably easier to get out of your clothes then paint. but who knows.

>> No.4333553 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4333561

So did anyone have blood in or around their mouth?

>> No.4333566

"...Yes. .........And in exchange, I will stay by your side as long as possible, Milady. ......The whole time, ......I will talk with you, Milady."
"Talk, ...about what...?"
"............What do you want to talk about...?"
"...Anything that you could tell me about, Kanon-kun..."
"......Well then............I will tell you the story of a cowardly servant boy without courage. .........The story of a foolish and pitiful boy who felt love for a Lady as radiant as the sun, ...and even though those same feelings were confessed to him, ......he lost to his cowardice, and in the end, was not able to be honest with his feelings while he still lived."


"............Yes... Then, ...me too. .........The story of a cowardly girl, ......who couldn't muster the courage, ......to tell the boy she loved that she did love him, much, much more often. ......And, ......the story of how that girl, after being given a miracle by god to be reunited with that boy, .........used that chance to muster up her courage."


>> No.4333568
File: 147 KB, 644x1437, mindfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make of it what you will

>> No.4333573

So... what are the numbers for?

>> No.4333580

Wait why is Kyrie changing to Rosa?

>> No.4333583

Isn't that a glitch?

>> No.4333589

>"............Yes... Then, ...me too. .........The story of a cowardly girl, ......who couldn't muster the courage, ......to tell the boy she loved that she did love him, much, much more often. ......And, ......the story of how that girl, after being given a miracle by god to be reunited with that boy, .........used that chance to muster up her courage."
Damn, as a Jessicafag, this seems really blatant, but when I take off the shipping goggles, I suppose it's not nearly enough.

>> No.4333590

It's the "and then I"... flashback scene in episode 5. Ryukishi07 used the wrongs sprites in the flashback apparently

>> No.4333592

Either a sprite error(Which is very possible, I believe it has even happened in a previous Umineko episode), or for some reason on purpose.

>> No.4333593



>> No.4333599

In context. The zombie Hideyoshi error was funnier

>> No.4333601
File: 57 KB, 624x469, Battlerfear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't trust Rosa or Kyrie, nice story Kyrie, shame she never had that fear.

>> No.4333602

Was that fixed for the Episode 6 release? Because if not, that could actually be a clue.

>> No.4333607

She pretended to have it, though.

>> No.4333608

As if we didn't already have enough proof that Battler is dense as lead.

>> No.4333609

Did anyone freeze the other frames they showed to see what they said?

>> No.4333611


Zombie Hideyoshi is the best character in the series.

And W-H confirmed with Ryukishi that Zombie Hideyoshi WAS a sprite error, so yeah

or was it

>> No.4333614

What does this imply? 11/29 is in fall, but it looks like a coincidence.

>> No.4333615

Which we found out via Kyrie again, it's hard to remember she wanted to kill Asumu the way Kyrie acts.

>> No.4333617


07151129 is the code to disable the bomb, friend.

>> No.4333622


Too bad it was said in red that #there have been no hints suggesting that anyone disguised themselves as Rosa

>> No.4333623

The day Asumu died.
Rudolf fucked up again.

>> No.4333634
File: 176 KB, 634x474, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone else on a forum extracted all of them, I don't remember the link but I saved a few.

>> No.4333637
File: 46 KB, 634x474, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4333638


It was said in red in EP5. EP5 =/= 1, 2 ,3 , or 4, for the record.

But i'm not sure what you're getting at.

>> No.4333642
File: 85 KB, 634x474, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4333643

Keep going towards that big spear pointing out the ground.

>> No.4333650
File: 291 KB, 634x474, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4333659

How did you come to this conclusion?
And why didn't Eva disable it then?
Also, wasn't it also the password to the bank cell in ep4?

>> No.4333660
File: 153 KB, 634x474, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one I saved.

>> No.4333663

How did he know about Sakutarou, anyway?

>> No.4333665
File: 106 KB, 637x982, ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Rudolf knows all the secrets of Battler's birth already? Including the fac that Kyrie is his "real mom"? What an ass for keeping it secret.

Then again, I guess if he was forced to eventually say to Battler Hey son, you know how I said Asumu was your mom and you thought I was your dad this whole time?, well.....one day Kyrie and I were walking alongside the rocky beach of the Ushiromiya coast, and... I'd be pretty sacred shitless too.

>> No.4333670

He told Kyrie first!?
No wonder everyone died.

>> No.4333671
File: 566 KB, 645x831, whatever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got tired of Jessitrice fags that keep spewing shit about there not being any real proof for Shannon to be Beatrice. Nobody wants Shannon to be Beatrice, not even me. But I unlike the retards in denial admit it, here's some fucking proof.

>> No.4333677


Oh shit.

>> No.4333680

So what? Do you mean that this dialogue is an inner talk between two 'personalities' of Shannon?

>> No.4333684

What am I missing here, I don't see the correlation.

>> No.4333689

Are there any pics of Zombie Hideyoshi?

>> No.4333694

Notice the white boxes above the text "don't forget it, alright"? Ya, that is only on something that references either a truth or something connected to Beatrice's motive.

>> No.4333695

I watched Sherlock holmes yesterday, that series that made in the 70's or 80's, it was a bone found in a furnace on a big mansion, the lady Beatrice was deadly ill so a maid ran the place.
I missed the last 10 minutes but it showed that someone was wearing a veil & was disguised as Beatrice.
It makes me think, what if the Beatrice that pops up is wearing something to cover her face. In which case even Genji could be Beatrice.

>> No.4333702
File: 75 KB, 645x754, boilerroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4333705
File: 622 KB, 645x995, erm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ya, some more.

>> No.4333714

>Ya, that is only on something that references either a truth or something connected to Beatrice's motive
What? When was it stated?

>> No.4333717

damn, i need to go back and re read these older episodes.

>> No.4333719

Never, but you can come to that conclusion if you look at it all. Why else would you emphasis something?

>> No.4333723

Usually I've found it as kind of like bolding the statement, making what's being said an important part, but I also remember those dots being above some fairly stupid shit.

Guess I'll skim through 1-4 to find those.

>> No.4333730

You should, EP1 is made to be read a second time so you can go "well fuck i never saw that come".
Gaap getting mention in EP1 is one thing.

>> No.4333735
File: 133 KB, 644x502, goldsmith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4333736
File: 52 KB, 627x468, rudolfthatsprettycold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*saw that coming

>> No.4333737

"you spoke those words yourself" probably refers to "not answering your questions..." and other stuff about resisting. That's the most natural way to interpret it.

>> No.4333739

I think that has more to do with the fact that it reminded Beato of something someone else said...

>> No.4333744

It just means that part is supposed to be emphasized, not necessarily that it's important. Think of it like bolding text or something.

>> No.4333745

Off to trying to over read into things again are we? I can't even fucking see how you leaped to that conclusion.

>> No.4333747
File: 59 KB, 628x459, kyrieinvestigationofkrauss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Kyrie.

>> No.4333751

> problems with the boiler
Exploding boiler confirmed?

>> No.4333755 [DELETED] 

They shouldn't burn corpses in their, but was it confirmed in red that it was Kinzo corpse?

>> No.4333757

They shouldn't burn corpses in there, but was it confirmed in red that it was Kinzo corpse?

>> No.4333761

Not at all, I didn't even think it can have any other meaning before reading this thread.

>> No.4333762

It pretty much has to be, considering all the red relating to corpses that has been stated.

>> No.4333763

Ya, but then you have to start asking WHY would you emphasis some of this shit. It comes down that it has to either have great importance to the scene or great importance to the overall story. In these cases the importance to the scene is not enough to quantify using it, therefore it must be important for the overall story.

>> No.4333771

Good point, i just figured they might pull some bullshit like "it was really Beatrice" or something like that.
But i guess he really is Kinzo.

>> No.4333783
File: 95 KB, 1165x724, 1262903046730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4333786

Battler remembers his cousins really well, and remembers Shannon well enough. The only people that Battler basically doesn't recognize or remember anything about are Kanon and Gohda...

>> No.4333792

He also remembers that Shannon is quite different from how he remembered her.

>> No.4333795

I trust Gohda & Krauss seems to immensely, he's the only guy to see magic & flat out deny it.

>> No.4333797


>> No.4333798


pony theory AGAIN??

>> No.4333802

EP4?, don't you remember how Gohda & Kumasawa both escape all the witches & Kinzo then they ran to the cousins.

>> No.4333810

Has this been confirmed for Episode 6?:
That Natsuhi and Krauss knew about the existence of Kuwadorian when they evaluated whether or not the island was suitable for building a resort?

>> No.4333844

>"Boiler explosion confirmed?"

There is a tip about the boiler in episode 6 that says it's possible, but it hasn't been confirmed YET

>> No.4333847


"...Because of the large explosion that happened on Rokkenjima....

Seems pretty concrete to me.

>> No.4333878

Rudolf sold Battler into an eternal loop of sexual slavery to Beato for ten billion in Gold and an exit to a different plot stream?

>> No.4333881
File: 446 KB, 644x482, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And? Maybe I'm missing the point, here but I don't really see anything of any value in that.


This is the second episode, where we were still led to believe that people recognizing her existence was necessary for her to revive. Seems like this is just something related to that, to me.

Counter-argument for Jessitrice in my pic. Where could she have overheard this?

>> No.4333887

My Beloved 0 Beatrice.

>> No.4333899

Current Umineko theories summed up:

> I think you haven't got the slightest idea what this case is about.
> M'lud the strange, damnable, almost diabolic threads of this extraordinary tangled web of intrigue will shortly m'lud reveal a plot so fiendish, so infernal, so heinous ...
> Mr Bartlett, your client has already pleaded guilty to the parking offence.
> Parking offence, schmarking offence, m'lud. We must leave no stone unturned.

>> No.4333913

Denial is a bitch, aint it?

Also how does that shit prove Jessitrice? It's like the Jessitrice fags are getting more and more desperate, and are forgetting what they're looking for in the process.

>> No.4333915

When they say in red in EP6 that there are N people on the island, why are we assuming that someone didn't take a boat and is not circling around the island at the moment or something? It's storm, true, normal boats wouldn't come, but if you're a crazed killer pretending to be dead, there's nothing wrong with getting your own boat and hiding it somewhere?

>> No.4333923

To be fair, both sides have evidence, don't act as if those Shkanontrice pieces posted aren't shaky at best.

There really should be no reason Jessica knows that. And with the conversation between Battler and Jessica, she obviously should know Kanon is her best friend Shannon, so who is the boy she was referring to? Fatass George?

At this point, both camps have enough evidence to make it go either way, no one has posted anything that seals the deal in the slightest.

>> No.4333925

>where we were still led to believe that people recognizing her existence was necessary for her to revive
Except she doesn't get emotional if someone doesn't believe in her. Yet here where someone mentions forgetting her, she does. Why, I wonder?

>> No.4333928

It's not forgetting, though. It's basically ignoring her.

>> No.4333930

Do we have any foreshadowing for such an asspull?

>> No.4333949

What the fuck are you talking about? I don't care about Shkanontrice, but even if it is out there, it's as stable as you can fucking get with Umineko. Jessitrice on the other hand requires you to read into it much farther than should be required, even for Ryukishi. Not to mention there are only a handful of proof for Jessitrice(very shaky proof at that), were as Shkanontrice has more than I care to count.

>> No.4333957

I've pretty much given up on the Jessitrice Shkannontrice push and pull. It's not going anywhere. There are so many other interesting things to discuss.

1. The role of accomplices

2. The possibility of there being other plots going on at the same time that confuse the issue (very high)

3. The nature of the Meta-world

4. The Specifics of the Clusterfuck that is Episode 4 and 5.

5. The Rules, and the basis for what we're being shown.


>> No.4333961

What about if someone died just prior to the storm and someone who knew about it pretended to be them?

>> No.4333963

You seem to have confused Shkanon with Shkanontrice.

Shannon being Kanon is indeed solid, I can't see it going any other way. The added trice, on the other hand, is on an iffy foundation, especially considering how utterly infantile the argument is of switching and deleting personalities on the fly, which has absolutely no evidence of occurring with Shkanon to begin with.

If you have persuaded yourself into believing the only answer is Shkanontrice, that's your choice, but you're wrong.

>> No.4333969

Doesn't work when you consider Knox's rules.

>> No.4333978

Either we a a very shitty troll, or wow are we stupid.

>> No.4333980

That didn't stop Erika from being on the island, now did it?

>> No.4333985

Erika never pretended to be someone she isn't.

You're the troll here.

>> No.4333987


It's funny, cause the opposite is far more likely.

>> No.4333990
File: 48 KB, 319x243, umad23xv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>o fuk, i hv nothing 2 counter wiht! TROL TROL TROLL TROLLTROL

>> No.4334002

Don't even attempt to explain it to them. They just want to push their shitty Jessitrice and deny everything that states otherwise.

>> No.4334010
File: 97 KB, 633x603, 1249119357316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier hypocrisy ITT.

>> No.4334012

The problem with accepting solely Shkanontrice and not including Jessica in there somewhere is that Jessica has to know about Shkanon unless she's functionally retarded or has that condition where a person is unable to recognize faces, which means that a lot of her dialogue which originally was thought to regard Kanon becomes suspect.

>> No.4334016

Fusiontrice or Doubletrice, man.

>> No.4334018

>Erika never pretended to be someone she isn't.
You're retarded, her ENTERING the island is against the rules.

>> No.4334020

>Jessica has to know about Shkanon unless she's functionally retarded

Any other excuses? We already know Jessica is retarded.

Literally. Jessica IS retarded.

>> No.4334024

That just means she's either a culprit or an accomplice. Which we already fucking know.

>> No.4334025

It's not. Each Episode counts as an individual mystery. Erika had no relation to the first four games. (Because she drowned in the world of each one, of course.) Her only connections are to Episodes 5 and 6.

>> No.4334026

I'm beginning to like that more and more. At first I thought it was fucking stupid pandering to both sides, but you can make a case for either person to be Beatrice. Bernkastel states in a roundabout way in the EP6 ura teaparty that the Beatrice on the gameboard can be a pawn, knight, king, etc. Sounds to me like she's alluding that there's more than one Beatrice.

>> No.4334028

> Sounds to me like she's alluding that there's more than one Beatrice.
She fucking states that outright in the Episode 1 hidden tea party. "Just because her name is 'Beatrice' doesn't mean she's necessarily 'one individual person'."

>> No.4334032

You can interpret that as being a construct of someones love, which, hurp durp, she is.

>> No.4334041

But why would she state "one individual person"? She could very well have stated that it doesn't necessarily mean that Beatrice is a person. And there have been scenes which showed two sides of Beatrice interacting with each other: First in Episode 4, then in Episode 6.

>> No.4334082
File: 73 KB, 646x505, george.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it was the bank code and that makes george pretty dodgy for ep3, check his executed tip
07:15-11:29 is also the time frame when the twilights are presented (at least in ep2, only one i bothered to verify)

>> No.4334083

In that case, she may be referring to Beatrice being both Kanon and Shannon, since Battler doesn't know better as of then.

>> No.4334091

No, she was talking about Meta Beatrice, not Piece Beatrice.

>> No.4334103


Must I explain this again

"A small golden land will be opened"

Golden land = hell

Hell = lots of fire

bomb explosion = lots of fire

>> No.4334110


Or it could be lots of money.

Which, you know, we actually have solid evidence of.

>> No.4334111

Small Golden Land. SMALL. The explosion on Rokkenjima is LARGE.

In all likelihood it's referring to the safety deposit box in Episode 4.

>> No.4334120


Also remember that we don't learn about the Safety Deposit Box until the next episode, which lessens the possibility that that line is a Red Herring, though it does not eliminate it.

>> No.4334122

Hmm..I never really gave it any thought of who could have possibly killed George.

But the Golden Land represents a variety of things. The words written on the door to the VIP room with gold, Beatrice's perspective, Maria/Shannon, the vaults, etc

>> No.4334123


No explosion human hands create could equal the amount of fires in hell. Clearly.

>> No.4334124

Anime sucks

>> No.4334133

No? How about this.

Golden Land = The room on Rokkenjima with the tons of gold.

"A small golden land will be opened"
The 07151129 is a combination to a bank that leads several people to a lot of money.

Gold generates wealth.

Get it?

>> No.4334188


>3. The nature of the Meta-world

It's a higher plane created by Beato in order to lead Battler to the truth. She does this by creating many what if scenarios about the Rokkenjima incident and challenging him to find the common thread in it and discover who the culprits are.

>5. The Rules, and the basis for what we're being shown.

The Backstory stays the same is probably a rule, and is important. Another one I've been thinking about is how certain people won't kill certain people, parents to their families for instance. Exceptions. Rosa can probably kill Maria in a fit of rage, same with Kyrie and Rudolf. She doesn't care about Battler though.

George won't kill Shannon, same with Jessica and Kanon. Gohda won't kill Natsuhi too.

>> No.4334206

Also, think about the order of deaths etc. For example, a while back I noticed Kyrie is never alive when Rudolf is dead, and vice versa. They live or die together.

>> No.4334215

But in EP4 Kyrie died in the 7th or 8th twilight & Rudolf died in the 1st?

>> No.4334218

Not entirely proven, as the Detective didn't see anything.

>> No.4334221

Well, EP4 is a bit of a clusterfuck, the only person whose time of death we're certain of is Kanon's, who apparently died ninth.

A scenario could have happened like, the six who were killed in the dining room were held captive from the others by the culprit and accomplices, and Kyrie had to tell Battler all that shit about magic, by threatening to kill Rudolf.

>> No.4334229

Well the red text for Kanon EP4 goes,
>Among the five people in Kyrie's group, he was the first to die.
So Kyrie died after the 9th victim.
