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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 89 KB, 551x365, Faggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
448222 No.448222 [Reply] [Original]

Do you Japfags remember The Rape of Nanjing? I do not believe how despicable you people can be. You say you have honor and respect, but what good is it if it's not towards others outside your own kind? How dare you Japfags disrespect us Chinese people. You rip our culture and call it your own, you look like us, you base your government like ours, your art is ripped of ours, your clothes are also influenced by ours. After all that we have done, you come to our land and kill our people? For what? So what if you can build an army of faggots to come fill your perverted fantasies. Forcing our monks to be necrophiliacs by making them have intercourse with dead female bodies...beheading our family men and children, raping our women, bayoneting our pregnant women in the stomachs, among much other atrocities. How dare you. For shame. You lack honor and respect. Please, for the sake of any justice left in this world, don't call yourselves human. Millions of our men and women died for no particular reason, and all you faggots get is two atomic bombs. Your people and culture should just completely be wiped out from the face of this Earth.

>> No.448225

lol internet.

>> No.448229

Because what a nation did at one point in history dicates what every generation thereafter should be held accountable for, amirite?

>> No.448231

BAWWWWWWW more, Chink. Don't make us bomb you, too.

>> No.448242


lol Chinese Emperor

>> No.448235

Unit 731.

>> No.448245

Japfags don't even own up to what they did to us.

>> No.448254

Blah blah I'm a troll blah blah

>> No.448250
File: 121 KB, 450x450, 1208156655532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But China doesn't have an emperor so yeah

>> No.448249

Enjoy yelling at tombstones and decrepit old men

>> No.448252

LOL, they got nuked and even those women looked better than your pig disgusting chink women.

>> No.448257
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>> No.448256

After taking a Japanese history course in University, i've realized how little people know about East Asian History, especially trolls.

>> No.448259

Oh yeah, China has never done anything bad.

>> No.448260

this board is full of weeaboos, not japs. go to 2chan and cry there

>> No.448265




They aren't your provinces either.

>> No.448268

Convincing weaboos to stop appreciating Japfags is win enough for me.

>> No.448269


lol hey, whats with that trip? Chinese Emperor? I'm still cracking up, lol

>> No.448272
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>> No.448273


>> No.448275

Mao killed 40 million Chinks, this is fine by me

>> No.448281

SPOILER: We don't like Japan

>> No.448277

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.448280

Hi, go learn your shit. Taiwan is just a name of the island that the CHINESE people live on. These people wanted independence, but they are all in all still Chinese. Tibet is a little different, but we revived their land from a ruined state to a decent state. We funded their living and education and they want to leave us. How grateful, anything China does for anyone is seen as wrong. Westerners stop being hypocritical.

>> No.448286

I love the Japanese! I love the Japanese!!!

>> No.448289

Yeah? Well, you smell!

>> No.448290


>> No.448291


-Chinese Emperor

>> No.448297

first anti-korean japanese troll and now this.
oh lawd, we're having a ball.

>> No.448300

Mao is also a faggot. His stupid attempt at communism killed many of our own. This man is an idiot. Even after all of his fail, he wanted to stay in power just so he could have power. This man was seen as a god at the time during his reign and it deeply sickens me that he would put himself over a country of 1.3 billion. Fuck that man.

In 20 years, I shall become the president of the PRC and Bruce Lee will come back to life and become my body guard.

>> No.448301

This is as stupid as saying:

>America is just a name of the region that the BRITISH people live on. These people wanted independence, but they are all in all still British.

>> No.448303

So punch in a trip, namefag.

>> No.448306
File: 77 KB, 241x315, 1208157128876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mao killed 40 million Chinks,
NO. I Killed 50 million Chinks. That is why Chinks respect me.

>> No.448314


>> No.448316


>> No.448319

That guy is also a poser, each one of my posts will include a constructive defence for China and my ambition to rule it one day.

>> No.448321
File: 10 KB, 353x260, 1208157240215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so weak! I could never equal Chairman Mao!

>> No.448325

Meiling is totally from Taiwan. It's just that nobody realizes it, because nobody cares about Taiwan, only Tibet.

I bet if there was a youkai from Tibet, everybody in Gensokyo would remember her name.

>> No.448327
File: 82 KB, 499x516, 1208157297615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.448328


Don't listen to him! I'm the real Chinese Emperor.

>> No.448329

回来Sweatshop and start making me more cheap shit.

>> No.448331

lol no

>> No.448333


>> No.448336
File: 42 KB, 350x800, 1208157387385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is this "Chairman Mao" person everybody is talking about?

>> No.448339
File: 21 KB, 300x417, 1208157405849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL I'm the real Chinese Emperor.

>> No.448341
File: 48 KB, 1360x768, 1208157446764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a last note, I must sleep. Communism is only successful if there is complete cooperation and no interference from the rest of the world. Goodnight.

>> No.448351

It's your own fault that your nation didn't follow along with Westernization in the 1700-1800's thanks to your bullshit Confucian way of life. Same with Corea, which was just China's bitch back then.

If you chinks and gooks did something about equaling Western powers by using their knowledge to better yourselves, as the Japanese did during the Meiji Era, you wouldn't have been walked all over by the rest of the world. Blame yourself for what happened to your people due to your ancestors idiocy.

>> No.448345
File: 106 KB, 381x280, 1208157492278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.448344

As my divine right mandated from heaven, I hereby demand a /china/ board. This board is too small to contain my wondrous splendor.

>> No.448348

Oh dear, there can't be more than one emperor. A duel to the death until only one or none is left is necessary, otherwise none of you are emperor.

>> No.448353
File: 111 KB, 840x560, 1208157564044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.448355

Hello. Sage

>> No.448356

Personally, I blame the communist disease.

>> No.448365

It ultimately lies in the stupidity that was Confucianism.

>> No.448371

If you fucktards had actually attempted to be modern, you never would have gotten raped. And look at your stupid asses now? All you do is rip off of Japan in your pathetic attempts to catch up with the rest of us and your shit still looks like crap. lrn2originality better. There's just too goddamn many of you to make anything work right. I almost feel that maybe the Japs need to kill a few million more of you just to help you out.

>> No.448379

Communism has screwed up every country it tainted. Confucianism, not so much.

>> No.448386

Actually, the Japanese knew the Chinese would be able to win against them after 1941, so they had to fight early, before the Nationalists modernizes China. This was their war plan.

>> No.448395


>Oh dear, there can't be more than one emperor. A duel to the death until only one or none is left is necessary, otherwise none of you are emperor.


>> No.448636

fuck this old /n/ faggot shit

