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4616620 No.4616620 [Reply] [Original]

I would fuck her

>> No.4616798
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Nice knowing you

>> No.4616824


She's about as smart as a truck of bricks. Convince her this is sustenance.

>> No.4616841

Rumia is pretty fuckable, yeah.

>> No.4616845

why would you do this

>> No.4616850

This. It shouldn't be hard to bullshit her into swallowing your semen on a regular basis.

>> No.4616852

she'd probably just eat you anyway

>> No.4616861
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Daily dose~

>> No.4616863

Feed her something else, and while she's full, do her at full force.

>> No.4616865

nothing that dumb can eat anyone.

>> No.4616874

she isn't dumb, she just isn't that bright

>> No.4616878
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>> No.4616893
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Girl is being prepared~ Please watch warmly.

>> No.4616902

Is it translated?

>> No.4616916


[x] tickle her till she can't breathe then molest her

>> No.4616929

Touhou's can't ever be fucked

Sakuya can just stop time if you lunge at her
Remilia can change your fate
Flandre will destroy you for no reason other tha her amusement
Cirno is an arrogant brat who wouldn't dare talk to you
Rumia eats people like you on a daily basis
Patchy/Hong are the only ones you stand a chance with

>> No.4616930


She's not dumb. She's a child.

And childish youkai are the most dangerous because they don't care about rules.

>> No.4616933


>> No.4616939


but.. children are dumb.. and inferior..

>> No.4616952


>> No.4616954

You'd fuck anything

>> No.4616973


Not dumb, undeveloped. With her power she may become one of the strongest youkai in few centuries.

>> No.4616987


If she does not get eaten be a stronger youkai or killed in the face by angry humans first..

>> No.4616997


LOL no. Meirin is the only one.

>> No.4617011
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I'm fine with that, China is my waifu.

>> No.4617039

>killed in the face by angry humans

Reimu is the only human in Gensokyo who could actually kill youkai.

>> No.4617047


Humans are inventive. They can find a way!

>> No.4617049

lol Rumia double penetration

>> No.4617050

Sadly that will be the only pussy you'll ever get....

>> No.4617061

>She's about as smart as a truck of bricks. Convince her this is sustenance.
Kill little children. Offer corpse to her in exchange for sex.
She will agree.

>> No.4617068

Rumia is shit.

>> No.4617082

At least it doesn't have faceless men

>> No.4617087

No sex, but being friends is fine.

>> No.4617092

Oh hi Rumia

>> No.4617094

sakuya is human

>> No.4617107

I throw rocks at Rumia. She is powerless against my rocks.

>> No.4617123

>I would fuck her.

No, my friend, you would not. What you want to say is that you would like to fuck her. What would actually happen, though, is not you fucking her, but her eating you.

>> No.4617133


She can't permanently kill youkai.

>> No.4617139


But youkai die when they are killed..

>> No.4617141
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I will take my chances.

>> No.4617142

Theory time: Rumia is actually smart and she only play dumb to lure perverted humans to her.

>> No.4617150


ZUN disagree.

>> No.4617158
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I thought I told you to stop doing this

>> No.4617162

Upon seeing that picture my mouth began to water.

>> No.4617169


Uh.. uh oh... why you stalk me Byakuren!? I wanna throw rocks at helpless youkai damnit!

>> No.4617171


>> No.4617257


...Youkai cheat!

>> No.4617304

Exactly. Rumia's scary because she's a child. And children can be really cruel, since they haven't fully developed their feelings of empathy or sympathy. Pleading for your life likely wouldn't do squat to her.

>> No.4617309


This is when you teach then not to be evil by throwing rocks at them!

>> No.4617332
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She'd probably bite your dick off

>> No.4617340


She play with humans the same way human children play with bugs.

>> No.4617352


Ew! evil! Throw rocks at! what does Byakuren see in them!?

>> No.4617367

Here we go again... Rumia is a 1st stage boss and naturally VERY weak. For instance Reimu mentions that she's weaker than average human. I rather believe she'd eat corpses.

>> No.4617380

I am drunk and I am sure I can take Rumia right now!

>> No.4617398

So average humans could take her on, or at least survive.
So...WE would be fodder.

>> No.4617400

>Reimu mentions that she's weaker than average human.

When does she do that?

>> No.4617409


1: Reimu is the most skilled youkai exterminator
2: it was danmaku battle

Rumia is still strong enough to rip normal humans to shreds.

>> No.4617412
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I'd run my hand through her hair, maybe playfully snap her stocking, as she becomes flushed and starts to devour me.

>> No.4617427

>Rumia is still strong enough to rip normal humans to shreds.
Citation needed.

Counter argument: Rumia is weak because Reimu said so.

>> No.4617431

I can kill Rumia. She is no match for my farts after a bowl of leek stew. Only one who is a threat to me then is Mokou. Damn fire.

>> No.4617447
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>Since a human's power can't compare to a youkai's in the first place, it would be impossible to put up a fight
>Even though she looks young, she eats humans

>> No.4617450

>citation needed


>Since a human's power can't compare to a youkai's in the first place, it would be impossible to put up a fight


>> No.4617486

>to put up a fight within darkness that renders even torchlights useless.
Next time, don't leave out important evidence.

>> No.4617489


Playing danmaku with her is like playing chess with 5y old girl.

>> No.4617502

>Since a human's power can't compare to a youkai's in the first place, it would be impossible to put up a fight within darkness that renders even torchlights useless.
When quoting something, quote the whole thing. It might hurt your arguement a bit, but it looks much more credible.

>> No.4617504

Yeah, but that's how Rumia attacks as in "this is her job".
You have never seen Rumia attack without using danmaku nor has she said anything about that herself.

>> No.4617515

>a human's power can't compare to a youkai's in the first place

It seems I left out too little. Here, have the important bit.

>> No.4617518

That does raise an interesting point. How would youkai fight outside of the spellcard system, assuming their token ability isn't suited to attacking? Does Rumia just fly up and bite you or what?

>> No.4617524


This sentence means average humans can't beat youkai, and her darkness make it completely impossible.

>> No.4617525
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you guys are all being silly. Rumia likes chewing on people, just like Index. Gensokyo is full of friendly beings that love cake and tea parties

>> No.4617534


She just eats a few chunks off of you.. she can't get more than that....

>> No.4617536


Only few humans can use magic and fly. If youkai's target can't play danmaku they attack in normal way.

>> No.4617543

>Even though she looks young, she eats humans

>> No.4617546

Since we're quoting PMiSS anyway...

>even without wings we can all fly

>> No.4617552

This is exactlly what I would do in this situation.
"Ow, quit it."

>> No.4617609


That only apply to humans with magical powers. Even Reimu couldn't fly at the beginning.

>> No.4617611


Gensokyo humans are much stronger than normal humans. Thus Reimu's comparison about Rumia.

Last time I checked, I couldn't fly or shoot colorful bullets.

>> No.4617629

>Reimu couldn't fly at the beginning.

Different continuity.

>> No.4617632


She was talking about Flandre's wings in that sentence. It only mean that with magic everybody can fly no matter if they have wings or not.

>> No.4617638

If we're quoting PMISS, we're going to have to go with the Monologue too. Rumia's a maneater, sure. As much as one can be in a place where people aren't eaten by beasties anymore and those same beasties play and shop in the human village.

>> No.4617647


Average Gensokyo human isn't much different than outside world's humans. Only few can use magic.

From Marisa's profile:
>it's quite unusual for a human to be able to work magic
>She says this is also due to the effects of the Forest of Magic
>It's possible that in the future she may become a (youkai) magician

>> No.4617652

Not really, it also means that "they all" can use said magic to fly.

>> No.4617665


Akyuu only say that humans are rarely eaten in modern day Gensokyo. That mean sometimes they are still eaten, and body injuries are most likely common.

Besides now that the barrier weakened youkai often hunt in the outside world.

>> No.4617666


Note the "WE".

Akyu is the author. It is written from her perspective. Thus, the "we" includes her. Therefore, Akyu can fly. Akyu is a _relatively_ normal human (no particularly special powers as far as we know). Therefore, all humans in Gensokyo can fly. I imagine it might take training and practice though..

>> No.4617678

Some maybe, but we're forgetting the very purpose of the barrier in the first place. To create a place where mysticism in human beings wasn't lost to cold logic and reasoning in order to save supernatural beings. The number of those that can venture outside is small, but I would put it at close to zero in my view.

>> No.4617680

Gensokyo is a happy utopia in which Youkai and humans live together in harmony. It's slice-of-life, not GRIMDARK.

ZUN agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.4617686

According to Akyuu, the number is 1. Yukari.

>> No.4617695


Akyu is far from normal human. She's 1200 years old and remembers everything she see, ever. And she have inborn magical power.

Typical humans can't fly nor use magic.

>> No.4617703
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>She is 1200 years old
Her memories are, yes.

>> No.4617706


Akyu is not 1200 years old, nor is there anything about her using magic.

Also, Akyu was also writing to an audience of humans. It would not make sense if she talked about "we" all flying unless everyone could, in fact, fly.

>> No.4617717


>Thanks to their magical culture, youkai could easily breach the barrier around Gensokyo. However, they chose not to do so; in fact, they strengthened the seal in order to prevent more humans from entering.
>However, youkai eat humans and natural humans are favoured as delicacies. Teams of cooks regularly venture beyond the barrier to hunt humans. They apply many methods to conceal their existence from humans of the outer world; accidents and people who run away from home... There are too many humans today for anyone to notice when a few go missing.
>Thus, the age of humans and youkai began anew.

Not from Perfect Memento. Those are ZUN's words.

>> No.4617719

(Probably) Reimu personally states that Gensokyo is a fun place to be in precisely because every bored dude can go kick youkai ass for laughs.

>> No.4617721

By definition a youkai is something that eats humans.

All youkai eat humans. Rumia is just one of the few Touhous where ZUN explicitly stated it.

>> No.4617722

everyone can argue all they want but no one's gonna have sex with her

>> No.4617734


She saw shitloads of magic in all those years, and she remember all she see with 100% accuracy.

>> No.4617737


I think at this point the "Youkai are Youkai because they eat humans, but you'll never actually find them eating humans anymore" has become a running gag by ZUN. He's fucking with us.

>> No.4617746

Congrats. Now look at what Zun's chosen as canon material. Cola, Three Faires, Inaba, SSIB, etc. The only thing close to grimdark would be CiRL and that's with backstory.

OST even has a chapter having Reimu invite several characters to set up a guts trial. Want to know who's there of all people? Little Miss Maneater. Guess saying and walking are different things, huh.

>> No.4617760


Not really.

>Although this place is a graveyard for those without relatives, because many of those beings are from the outside world, but became lost and ended up here, the growing inclination towards the outside world has begun to gradually loosen the magic barrier.
>Originally, being able to cross the magic barrier was impossible, but that situation is exactly what has come to pass.

>> No.4617765


I think he's intentionally set it all up as a "have one's cake and eat it too" canon: he's intentionally avoided painting it as too GRIMDARK or too UTOPIA, so he can pick which he wants depending on his mood, hat, and how much beer he's had that day.

>> No.4617782

Indeed, and I expect nothing less.

>> No.4617797


Touhou isn't grimdark anymore, it's a fact, but it's also not a happy fairytale. It's in between. And youkai still eat humans, they just switched to hunting in the outside world. That's why humans living in Gensokyo don't have to fear them so much anymore.

>> No.4617804
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>> No.4617805

Am I the only one who would actually invite a youkai for dinner (not me) if they threatened me with eating me? I am a good cook...

I would rather have them eat chicken or beef.

No, I don't care, PETA fags.

>> No.4617806

Yes they can, they just need to learn it.
Reimu, Sanae, Marisa, arguably Alice, all are human (about Alice, it's a bit unclear, so i don't know if i should include it)
Marisa is the perfect example. she built up her skills from zero.
By definition, every living thing can do so as well.

>> No.4617812


Don't forget she's talking from the perspective of one of the most powerful humans.

>> No.4617820


Rumia wouldn't try to eat anybody around powerful humans like Reimu, who kicked her ass before. She may be stupid but she's not that stupid.

>> No.4617828

Hrm. Does this mean all outsiders are fair game, regardless if their encountered on a hunting trip or wandering around in Gensokyo somehow?

>> No.4617838


Reimu and Sanae use divine powers, not magic. Marisa can use magic thanks to the influence of the Forest of Magic, magical mushrooms and other magical tools. Alice is a very special case.

>it's quite unusual for a human to be able to work magic

>> No.4617843

Alice is a youkai. Patchuolli is more likely than not a Lich.

>> No.4617844


>Most outsiders that get caught by youkai either get eaten at once, or get eaten once the youkai lose interest in them.

>> No.4617858

Ugh. I'm sad now.

>> No.4617865


Patchuolli is a magician. They are a species in Touhou.

>> No.4617877



>> No.4617883

Unless they come across the Hakurei Shrine, they either return or go to live to the human village.

Then they are milked for every single drop of knowledge or technology information.

>> No.4617904

you had me at
>milked for every single drop

>> No.4617916

Worth the risk.

>> No.4617917


Youkai can and do live outside of the border. Just like there are magicians, vampires and humans with inborn magical powers in the outside world.

>> No.4617928


Barrier is weakest at Hakurei Shrine and Muendzuka. If you end up in Hakurei Shrine you'll be fine (most likely), if you end up in Muendzuka you are 100% fucked. If you end up somewhere else you are 3/4 fucked.

I'd take the risk.

>> No.4617946

People who end in Muendzuka tend to be scumbags and criminals. They won't be missed.

Either Yukarin (17 years old) gaps you somewhere she finds amusing, or you cross through the Hakurei Shrine.

>> No.4617973

Once again, on day so fine. I see tea party and i begin to rhyme.
What is? what is, happening around here. I panick.

Dark wave sweeped'n i vanished.

>> No.4617988


Barrier weakened so humans can cross anywhere now without Yukari's "help".

>> No.4617989

Oh, no. I'm not getting anywhere near that gap demon. Thats where I draw the line.
Rumia can kill you today.
Yukari can kill you today, tommorow, and every day from now until beyond the end of time, if she wants to, maybe.

>> No.4618019

Yukari can kill you yesterday. just saying.
