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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46387995 No.46387995 [Reply] [Original]

What are you guys's opinion of this doujin? It portray Yuugi as a dangerous Oni that go around killing people for no reason, it's a pretty canon-accurate visual of how she would treat random outsider humans that she doesn't care about, and she is also seen in the truest sense: an Oni, harbinger of calamity to humans.

For those who want to read: https://e-hentai.org/s/0417e227ca/2832575-1

>> No.46388061

>What are you guys's opinion of this doujin?
I don't know. I can't read chink.

>> No.46388075

>no reason
She was pissed at Yakuza backed land developers destroying her natural habitat so she went to go deal with the problem the only way that such problems can be permanently dealt with.

>> No.46388079

it's pretty good, i like how most firearms were useless against her, which shows that even modern humanity is still weaker than Onis

>> No.46388147

the fucking ya- oh you didn't post the image yet

>> No.46388270


>> No.46388286

Her last punch was phenomenal
I guess you could say it's quite literally the unexplainable phenomenon

>> No.46388319

Why is there a dedicated "Yuugi kills the innocent gangsters" shitposter? Did something happen?

>> No.46388345

less cutesokyofags mean the board is healing

>> No.46388371

Push back against fans that don't care and want to bang her anyways.

>> No.46388386

Anon. those 9mm and 5.56 are hardy a challenge.
.50AE , 50 BMG, 700Nitro express, 4 gauge shotgun, DU bullets are the standard here, funny tho, she did fell the kinetick transfer of the 12 gauge.
also, she is fighting Yakusas so nothing of value was lost.

>> No.46388501

Ah, so retardation, got it.

>> No.46388515
File: 1.27 MB, 1242x1203, hoshiguma yuugi (touhou) drawn by remyfive - 51de075403f75235a9304880e596199e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46388532

Weird way of spelling coomer threads that happen 24/7
Grimsokyochads are smart since they bring out actual discussion here

>> No.46388572

In the case of an oni, I would say that her propensity for violence is a feature. If you want a more peaceful youkai there are plenty of other choices out there.

>> No.46388592

I'd call your "OMG THIS [insert grimshit here] IS SUCH AN ULTRACANON MASTERPIECE" you keep repeating retarded.
Also, same three done to death points barely count as discussion. Just more truth that anything close to canon (or "canon") here will always be treated as shitposting, as it should be.

>> No.46388605

Read PMiSS, Akyuu says that all youkai have one thing in common and that is that they harm humans in one way or another, negative emotions are their sustenance

The village is a cattle fear farm that is protected and that's why we don't see youkai attacking most humans

>> No.46388618

>Just more truth that anything close to canon (or "canon") here will always be treated as shitposting
By you that is, I enjoy the discussions about actual lore and not tits or ass that your like-minded fellows do.

>> No.46388629

>all youkai have one thing in common and that is that they harm humans in one way or another, negative emotions are their sustenance
Point #1
>The village is a cattle fear farm that is protected and that's why we don't see youkai attacking most humans
Point #2
Now say the last point and be done with it.
>I enjoy the discussions about actual lor
You don't. You just want the same shit you already know about to be repeated ad nauseam.
All lore threads nowadays are just shitposter dens, and you've got but one person to blame for it.

>> No.46388647

The hypocrisy behind your sentence is quite honestly bewildering, but by this point I think most grimsokyochads have learnt that talking with cutesokyofags is a pointless endeavor.
If you hate it so much why don't you go back in one of your masturbation threads instead of deliberately wasting your time here? Nobody's hurting anyone but you seem to like being a drama queen for no reason.

>> No.46388664

>it's pretty good, i like how most firearms were useless against her, which shows that even modern humanity is still weaker than Onis
if that's true then why haven't they conquered humanity yet? surely that would mean more humans to feast on and a greater source of food, oh wait- that's right, gensokyo exist because youkai failed royally so they had to resort in living in a delusional bubble of their own making where their ego can thrive in lies instead of truths

>> No.46388672

If you're the OP, then you're a bigger hypocrite than I could ever hope to be.
This thread is made to provoke people and it does it's job well, for it is a shitpost, like all grimsokyo. It deserves to be shitposted into the ground.

>> No.46388677

>If you're the OP
I'm not, your point?
Not everyone who discuss lore is the same "grimsokyofag" person that lives in your head

>> No.46388689

If you want to discuss lore, what are you doing in the dedicated shitposting thread? Make a thread for it.

>> No.46388695

Why do grimfags keep forgetting this on purpose?

>> No.46388702

You can't force people to not discuss lore and to be a shithead like you, this board isn't owned by anyone you know?
If you hate grimsokyofags, make a thread for it instead of deliberately going in someone else's thread that is unrelated.

>> No.46388755

Nah, I'd rather stay here, grimfags' superiority complex needs correction. They need to be reminded constantly that no matter how close they get to canon, they will still be just shitposters.

>> No.46388764

Well atleast you do admit on being a shithead though, it's better for me really, when people ask about cutesokyofags being petty, you will be the evidence for it.

>> No.46388798

A drop in the watter compared to years of grimfag arrogance and pettyness.
Fan the flames if you want, it won't matter.

>> No.46388911

>innocent gangsters

>> No.46389065

My theory that I just made up is that youkai as a whole are too dysfunctional to work together towards a common goal like conquest, even of just Japan. Powerful as each may be individually, they will still be hard pressed to take on threats greater than gangsters with small caliber handguns and hunting rifles. Unless they can band together to work towards that singular goal, they will just get picked off by the military until they are forced to retreat back into their bubble and that's if Japan's ally, the US, doesn't get involved.

A lot of youkai in Gensokyo also seem to have fallen to some level of apathy too. They don't feel as though they want or even need a massive source of food when they live just fine on what they have now. In a way it's like a retirement home for them. Even those who were heavy hitters in their day like Yuuka and the oni are fine with this relaxed pace of life. Maybe one day that will change, but not any time soon, given how long they live.

>> No.46389177

Even if every youkai in Gensokyo united I doubt they'd stand much of a chance against the outside world, they are harshly outnumbered

>> No.46389244

I dunno why the thread devolved into this but I just wanna say thank you OP for the good read and thank you >>46388515 for the animation.
Badass Yuugi my beloved

>> No.46389260

I think they could feasibly take a place like Japan. I assume they would only grow in strength as they go, feeding off the fear of the people seeing mythological creatures performing feats of strength and magic that they thought to be impossible. As long as they go about it carefully, simultaneously projecting dread onto the general populace and avoiding direct confrontations with the military, they can probably manage it with minimal youkai casualties.

As mentioned before, the real tricky part comes with the existence of international relations on a scale that did not exist during the height of youkai power in the distant past. Even if they managed to take Japan, its allies like the US probably wouldn't let it stay that way and when they come, they will come with greater firepower than what Japan's defense force has. They might be able to force a youkai retreat back into Gensokyo but who knows, maybe the real lasting legacy of this short lived hypothetical conquest would be the confirmation to the world that the supernatural does still exist and what it is capable of. Maybe that alone would be enough to permanently boost not just the base power of youkai but those of other cryptids across the world too.

>> No.46389602

Just attach a Chaplain/Iman/Rabbi/bhikkhu/Kannush with the platoon nigger this ain't rocket science.
Supernatural Displays Backfire and cause religious revival.

>> No.46389657

>permanently boost not just the base power of youkai but those of other cryptids across the world too.
The display would be a boon for all spiritual matters
>hey dude, check this out, apparently there's Japanese demons roaming around busting up Japan.
>nah, definitely CGI, I've seen better.
This is also a possibility, either this or anons are happy to know demons exist in the flesh and they have something to finally kill. Japan would get crusaded by gaijin.
Or the story that gets spun will be that the youkai are a genetic experiment that went wrong and was illegally conducted.

>> No.46389664

lmao pretty sure that's just a scene from Parasyte but with Yuugi.

>> No.46389745

You niggers ruined this board.

>> No.46389764

List 3 examples of threads that actively enhance the board.

>> No.46390790

Yeah, cutesokyofags can't stay in their own threads sadly

>> No.46391331
File: 564 KB, 1091x651, Yuugi empathy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's canon-accurate to an extent, but you should understand the content of what you're talking about since the image you posted contradicts your entire post. Evidently you just looked at the funny pictures out of context, maybe not read the chinese translation of it if you can't read chinese バカ.
I don't see anything contradictory to how Yuugi normally behaves, even in canon. That very page prefaces that Yuugi changed for the worse after the loss of her home and all her friends. It's consistent with how she is in canon. We can see this in the latest CDS chapter, she gets mad—and rightfully so—when her home and friends are in danger; but, as it's the present she's amiable and after hearing her out she's willing to help the vengeful spirit who endangered her home.
The doujin states she was kind, but events in between now and this future made her angry and bitter, like a demon. Despite all her strength she couldn't do anything about it. Probably the only thing that can bring her peace is the death which she is looking for; when she says "come and kill me" she means it. The most she feels of anything is when she gets a single wound.
They are innocent! They said it themselves, they run a "legitimate" business as stock NTR antagonists after all.
This was good. I liked that Yuugi has no expressions apart from flipping between emotionless apathy and insanity. Her smile when she did have it never reached her eyes. The onepunch at the end was a lot better in the doujin and an improvement over the MMD it was based on, but drawing something big and complex is a lot easier than animating it.

>> No.46393647

i dont exactly understand the plot of this doujin, yuugi come to the outside world to kill some humans because her home (gensokyo?) is being endangered?

>> No.46393796

didn't know there was a yakuza internet defense force, much less that they posted in /jp/

>> No.46393872

It wasn't the case when the doujin was made but as of now, Yuugi is somewhat of a mob boss herself. It's an easy transition if she was always someone who violently expelled people from her territory.

>> No.46394240

>actual lore
nigger the subject in question here is a chink FANWORK

>> No.46395242

Why did yuugi kill innocent humans? Is she that terrible?

>> No.46395663
File: 542 KB, 1260x1779, 77069216_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to tell you. The page is self explanatory.
- Things were good and Yuugi was nice and normal.
- Then, some event happened that took Gensokyo and the underground away and things were not good.
- Yuugi was crushed under the weight of her loss and became an Oni in the real mythological sense.
- Now she rampages against mobsters and looking for inner peace which probably means dying in battle.
The important thing to understand is in this fanwork, this Yuugi is not the one we know in canon: it's a different character as this one is a pitiable monster twisted by trauma and loss.

TL;DR it's a neat what if story and OP is a faggot.

the fucking yakuza

>> No.46396016

suicide by cop it is then...

>> No.46396194

thanks now im even more motivated to be an anti-youkai human supremacist

>> No.46398502

Based af Yuugi, she should target a military base next

>> No.46401355
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>> No.46404513

Gosh I wish yuugi would come kill everyone in my town, they're all hypocritical assholes

>> No.46404696

You know them all that well?

>> No.46407012

Yes, I live in a shithole.

>> No.46407047

The mental image of fearsome, dangerous youkai being vaporized into atoms simply by virtue of being in the presence of an imam performing the salah or a rabbi performing a shema is absolutely amazing.

>> No.46413300


>> No.46418612


>> No.46419663

or you can bless and engrave the ammunition. like those Eastern Orthodox monks.

>> No.46420027

"erm le youkai kill everyone I hate cutesokyo fags rahhh!!111!"
is the same as coomer threads, faggot

>> No.46420142

People actually talk about canon in these threads, porn threads are barely even touhou.

>> No.46421398

You tell him anon, cutesokyofags are schizophrenically delusional

>> No.46421439 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 800x1100, 1675664374751672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutesokyo or Grimsokyo, I think we can all agree on one thing:

>> No.46421447 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 800x1100, 1675664374751672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutesokyofag or Grimsokyofriend, I think we can all agree on one thing:

>> No.46422382

Canon is the worst part of Touhou, your pride is pointless.

>> No.46423210

no lol they dont
they just talk about fanworks they WISH were canon which is worse than self-aware indulgence
its the same kind of echo chamber delusion like trannies telling themselves theyre women

>> No.46427192

True... True...

>> No.46427586

If you hate canon you hate touhou.

>> No.46427600

yeah, cutesokyofags don't actually care about the series itself nor the context or lore, they just like the female characters designs

>> No.46427614

How about you two go back to your containment threads.

>> No.46429557

No, I like Touhou. Not my fault that canon sucks.
Anyone who has read any printworks is less of a fan than those that played the games.
Game-only primaries > game+printworks primaries > powergap > secondaries > printworks-only primaries.

>> No.46430295

Its fine. I didn't find the panelling or story engaging. There's not many doujins of regular people fighting 2hus, so it's nice to see someone take a crack at it, I guess.

>> No.46431500
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 1710607517297942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yakuza aren't people

>> No.46432261

Not until you guys learn to behave and love eachother !

>> No.46434780

Go back, this isn't fucking /v/ gachanigger.

>> No.46438821


>> No.46443408


>> No.46449845

