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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4640050 No.4640050 [Reply] [Original]

Copied from the thread on /a/:

>According to Sankei news, Chiba Tetsuya and Satonaka Machiko held a press conference to declare opposition to a local ordinance regulating "fictitious juveniles". Numbers of famous mangaka made objection to the regulation that it will severely violate the freedom of expression.

>The regulation was proposed by Tokyo metropolitan government and it intends to restrict the minor characters appearing in manga, anime, movies, and games. Even if the characters are described as adults in the story, Tokyo will judge whether the characters are considered to be minors based on the appearance, backgrounds, and voices. Those characters are defined as "fictitious juveniles" and Tokyo will restrict the sales of the media if it contains sexual expressions of "fictitious juveniles". Mangaka and their supporters are apprehensive that the interpretation of "sexual expressions" can be expanded limitlessly.

>List of opposing mangaka can be viewed here: http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=167631

>And yes, Akamatsu Ken is one of them so pic related.

Now I know this isn't strictly /jp/ related, but it'd presumably have a major impact on the Doujin market. How does /jp/ feel about this?

>> No.4640051

It won't fucking pass, idiot.

>> No.4640052

Get out, MAL devs.

>> No.4640053

My feelings on the subject are thusly:
1. This is an affront to freedom of speech and is despicable
2. This means less Touhou doujins, something that affects me personally
3. However, this DOES mean more shapely women in porns, so its not all bad

>> No.4640060

Well no shit, we came to that conclusion when this first came up, but isn't it a little worrying that this sort of thing can happen in the country of origin? By Evangelical Christians, of all people? The fact they have enough influence to do this in the first place is pretty troubling.

>> No.4640064

No, actually, it means less shapely women and more caricatures with tertiary sex characteristics oversized to absurd levels.

>> No.4640069

>3. However, this DOES mean more shapely women in porns, so its not all bad
The trouble is, it doesn't extend to just loli. Busty schoolgirls, underdeveloped adult women, hell, if they have a childish voice it could be considered 'unacceptable'. Sure there'll be more busty adult women doujinshi, but is it worth the price?

>> No.4640073

Attempt number 5739, nothing will fucking happen. This comes up constantly.

>> No.4640077

I'm just trying to make the best of a bad situation ;_;
I seriously doubt this will pass, though. I mean, haven't they tried doing this before?

>> No.4640080

fucking commonwealth scum

Good thing this shit will never get passed. I wish I could move out of this shithole.

>> No.4640084

>haven't they tried doing this before?
More times then can be counted.

>> No.4640088

>and it intends to restrict the minor characters appearing in manga, anime, movies, and games.
It's not just loli characters. It's also for about 90% characters in mangas/animes. You aren't gonna tell me those girls aren't usually in FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL.

>> No.4640091

You know people have too few real problems in their hands when they get deeply concerned of the rights of imaginary people.

>> No.4640093

I'd be satisfied if they cut with the lolis' age bullshit.
Am I expected to believe a toddler which has the proportions of a man is in fact 16-18 years old ?
I know japanese women are short but this is riduculous, and the more I age the more I find hard to deal with that crap.
If you want to fish into the lolicons' pool then do a fucking lolicon manga/anime, stop putting them everywhere it is unsettling and disturbing.

>> No.4640098


>> No.4640100

Bet you never counted times it passed.

hint google "5 頭身規制"

>> No.4640113
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18 years old

but seriously, you know there are women in real life who are like 4'9 and flat and young faced, while not being midgets or anything. Should they be barred from having a sex life?

>> No.4640117

In a perfect society, they'd be subject to genocide.

>> No.4640119

If a fictional character has some rights and legal status apply, a fictional character has ALL rights and legal status apply. The need to draw arbitrary lines just shows how weak the position is.

>> No.4640124

My sister, she's totally flat, I've seen it myself... it was an accident before you start fapping... but she still looks and acts like a woman and has an average height, your average loli looks like her devevolpment stopped at 12 years old and acts like a 12 years old, hell she IS 12 years but the whole setting forces her to be 4-6 years older.

>> No.4640127

If fictional characters have rights, then we should be allowed to marry them

>> No.4640130

since when are you not allowed to marry them?

>> No.4640131

If they agree to it, yes. How that would work, I'm not sure, but then I'm not sure why fictional characters would have rights in the first place.

>> No.4640145

No they want to ban sexualization of underage characters. Yes that means if the girl looks 17 you aren't allowed to see any nudity either.

>> No.4640152

Anime will just become about body paint, maebari, and innuendo.

>> No.4640160

>If fictional characters have rights, then we should be allowed to marry them

If fictional characters have rights, they should be allowed to vote as well.

>> No.4640172

I wonder how many will show up on polling day?
Oh wait.

>> No.4640174

Bitches don't know bout my forged votes

>> No.4640181

In abstinence of showing up, their creators may vote in their place.

>> No.4640246

stopped reading here

>> No.4641030
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>Am I expected to believe a toddler which has the proportions of a man is in fact 16-18 years old ?

But what about three year olds that look like adults? They'll be banned.

>> No.4641263

>Copied from thread on /a/:

>> No.4641379

I don't need to google it because you're a fucking moron.
Hint: Maybe you should read your own shit. That has nothing to do with government or law but is Sofurin shit.

>> No.4641480 [DELETED] 

okay, i saw this on the front page of 4chan and had to comment. i admit i watch very little anime but what kind of faggots needs to have overly sexualised pre-teens in thier anime? fuck, this is why most people think anime is just a bunch of nerdy shit pandering to perverts. i dont see why japan has this fascination with putting 12 year olds in miniskirts, that shit wouldnt fly in other countries and its creepy as shit.

but what do i know, im a baka gaijin LOLOLOLO

>> No.4641509

Whatever happened to those eroge laws from like August~?

>> No.4641523

This penalizes thoughts. It's a mind crime, i.e. a law that seeks to define how someone can think by criminalizing aberrant thoughts. It won't pass.

>> No.4641541

Not fucking laws, never were laws. That was review board drama, nothing to do with the law.

>> No.4641544

Thought police confirmed for 2012.

>> No.4641558
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See this?

Enjoy your jail

>> No.4641563

you wish.

>> No.4641824

They must be jailed in Australia. Actually, all female children period are jailed in Australia now. There are just men and big breasted women in regular society there now.

>> No.4641868

If fictional characters have rights, then they should receive welfare checks, too.

I will sue to demand my favorite fictional characters receive their due money.

>> No.4641952

ITT everyone saying nothing will happen forgets this is the nation that banned pubic hair depicted in any media and still enforces pixel/bar censoring in pornographic material.

>> No.4641974

I think you just saved Japan's dying artist industry.

>> No.4642023
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This means characters under the age of 18 will need legal guardians to represent them.

I am now Illya's legal guardian.

>> No.4642835

She is 18 and she ages to 19 and dies ;_;

>> No.4643916

>This penalizes thoughts. It's a mind crime, i.e. a law that seeks to define how someone can think by criminalizing aberrant thoughts. It won't pass.

Why wouldn't it pass though? Remember that we are talking about the country that STILL are censoring genitals when no other country does so. Obviously the country is filled with people too worried about appearance to care for their own countrymen.

>> No.4643943

Y'know, I bet that the absence of sexualized pubic hair is what contributed to this fiasco over EVERYONE LOVES LOLI.

Just saying.

>> No.4643999

wasnt she year older then rin and shirou?

>> No.4644070


yep, Rin and Shirou weren't seniors at that.

>> No.4644246


according to Australia...yes.

>> No.4644260

it'll never pass.

it would be incredibly hilarious if it did though. we'll find out at the end of march right?

>> No.4644661


I think saying they censor genitals is pushing it a bit. They put a thin darkened bar over them because that's what they have to do, not because they feel some great embarrassment in showing them.
