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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4809465 No.4809465 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ watch american sitcoms/series/movies and normal TV? Or only Japanese things?

>> No.4809476

Japan loves 24.

>> No.4809479

I like Seinfeld.

>> No.4809484
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I do not watch TV, the only electronic entertainment I get is from the computer.

>> No.4809483

Some movies. The rest is blasphemy.

>> No.4809480

Just stargate, with some movies from time to time.

>> No.4809482

I watch Pawn Stars.

And Survivor sometimes.

>> No.4809486

I watch full house in japanese

>> No.4809488

/jp/ would cast me out if they knew what kind of western shows I enjoyed.

>> No.4809489

My tv is mainly for games, though I occasionally watch Law & Order: SVU/CI and Forensic Files.

>> No.4809491

I pretty much don't watch TV anymore, no.

>> No.4809493

I used to really love The Office and a few other comedies, but ever since I stopped buying cable, thinking "well I can always download them", I just haven't watched them at all. I still like movies in general, though. Never been a big fan of dramas like Prison Break or 24, however I am partial to Law and Order.

>> No.4809500


FUCK, why would anyone watch Full House? Most rage-inducing shit I've ever seen.

>> No.4809503


I didn't have a tv for the past 7-8 years or so; is that show still running? I enjoyed it a bit when I was younger, but it just seemed to get stale after a while.

>> No.4809504
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I haven't used a TV for anything other than console games in years.

>> No.4809506

I watch sports. All of them.

>> No.4809533
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Adventure Time looks like it might be a not-terrible cartoon.

>> No.4809545

this - saying that, I enjoy watching house and dexter with my mother - that alice miniseries a few months back was good too

>> No.4809552

I used to watch the olympics, especially winter olympics stuff like figure skating and ski jumping. But now watching people perform just reminds me how much of a failure I am, and how I've never acheived anything praiseworthy (and probably never will).

>> No.4809555

I watch House and Top Gear

>> No.4809567
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But for some reason, everyone assumes I watch the Big Bang Theory.

It's annoying as fuck.

>> No.4809579


I haven't had cable, satellite, etc. since 1998 or so, and I'm much more satisfied that way. I can't watch TV meant for the general public now without getting disgusted. News shows and "educational" shows are the the worst due to being chucked full of fallacies and Morton's Demons. The only program worth watching is NOVA, and even then it can be hit or miss.

For my entertainment pleasure I usually just play games, watch some anime, read a book, or browse around the tubes.

>> No.4809588

No, but it is not like I watch a lot of stuff, some 90/80 anime, Gamecenter CX, and recently started Katanagatari.
I want to try a Doctor Who show someday.

>> No.4809619

What? That show is awesome.

"Hey what are you doing?"
"Playing video games"
*Laugh track*
"What are you gonna do after that?"
"Read some comic books"
*Laugh track*
*Another actor enters*
"Hey guys I just 'Insert nerdy shit here'"
*Louder and longer laugh track*
*Repeat for 30 minutes with commercial breaks*

>> No.4809631 [DELETED] 

Leftist sheep detected.

>> No.4809638

i don't watch any japanese shit other than animu because it's boring as fuck and stupid.

>> No.4809640

I just watch whatever is on NBC when I feel like it, I don't know why I can't watch any other channel

>> No.4809669
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What about Scientific American Frontiers, hosted by Hawkeye from MASH?

>> No.4809681

I used to many years ago, then I stopped completly. Watched the ocasional movie every now and then.

Recently (past few months) I started watching some TV stuff: marathoned all of Stargate 1/SGA/SGU(up to latest), Lost, BattleStar Gallactica, House, rarely the ocasional Simpson, all downloadable HDTV rips, I can't be bothered to watch any of them on TV as I don't want to keep up with TV schedules, even if I have access to various premium channels. I also recently have a way to get near-instant access(100Mbps) to BD Rips of various movies, so I may watch one or more movies per day.

I've mostly started this recent habbit because I was running out of good anime to watch, and even though I have an enormous anime backlog, I didn't really feel like watching it at that time. I don't know if the choice was that good. If I had to compare my enjoyment of anime vs tv shows, I'd say I enjoy anime a lot more per average and it usually packs more content even though it runs in less time (24min(-op/ed makes it 20-21) vs 40min), and the themes in japanese entertainment tend to be a bit more interesting to me. If you look at the majority of recent US movies, you'll see most of them tend to be action movies of some sort, even those that actually have a plot. If you look at the majority of recent japanese anime, you'll see that a lot will tend to focus on harem, slice of life, comedy and general fanservice (aside from a few serious shows). I tend to prefer 2D lolis to mindless 3D violence. Maybe I should stop wasting my time and break this recent bad habbit, and spend the time I watch pointless 3D crap working on something.

>> No.4809691

Japan shitstorms over South Park's VA changes.

>> No.4809704


>> No.4809708

Only thing I watch on TV is cash cab and jeopardy.

>> No.4809710


Evangelical fuckwit with a confirmation bias the size of a mountain detected.

>> No.4809714
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The only American drama worth watching is MAN-DRAMA!

>> No.4809719


Meh, some of them are ok, but they don't say ANYTHING that I don't already know.

>> No.4809725

Hahaha oh wow. Seems I was spot on.

>> No.4809726

'Just watched a clip of it.
Wow, this is goddamn awful.

>> No.4809737

The only TV I watch is OGN and MBC.

>> No.4809758
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>> No.4809769

I only watch American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, and Regis & Kathy Lee

>> No.4809767

I watch quite a bit of TV. Sitcoms are fucking terrible though.

>> No.4809779

Lucky Louie was the last sitcom I didn't think was horseshit.

>> No.4809781
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>> No.4809782
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>> No.4809814
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Who doesn't.

GOM has a SC2 beta league going though. Maybe one day they'll call him up.

>> No.4809866
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I hope if Blizzard is going to make the whole LAN part some thing they are going to jew out, that they decide to give it to GOMTV and hold out on the rest of the Kespa fags.

>> No.4809912
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Besides South Park and the BBC (And C-SPAN, but come on, just watch the Washington Journal somedays when trolls come on, that shit's funnier than any sitcom ever.) I can't be bothered with Western TV. It came from when my father grounded me for nine weeks over something stupid like lying about a mug that I drew wasn't really mine as a joke, (For the record, he just throws money at me and hopes for the best.) and seeing the Simpsons as pure evil, (Again, I live with a moralfag of a parent, despite all the gangbang and MILF pron I found in his history.) I found compared to the Vidya, television was an even bigger waste of time.

And could someone explain all the South Park shota on pixiv for me? It has more art than many anime titles (Granted, 14 seasons is longer than 13 episodes.) Does Japan like the little boy even when the show regularly pokes fun at them? I never knew I could be so NAMBLA for the boys before. I would think Trey and Matt would have some idea of this given that they're such fucking weeaboos too.

>> No.4809944

I watch the Science Channel.

>> No.4810270


Nope, I was just reflecting your style of idiotic baseless assertion right back at you. If you really want to do this, go ahead and come up with some empirical facts as to why NOVA is a show for "leftist sheep."
I fail to see how Cracking the Maya Code, Absolute Zero, and many other NOVA episodes are only for people of one certain political leaning; if anything they're for people that actually care about presenting science to the general.
If I had to venture a guess, I'd say you feel that way because NOVA has done some programs on global warming, Evolution, and (un)Intelligent Design. But again, unless you can come up with some verifiable facts that are not from a pre-conceived conclusion, it's not worth listening to you. Same reason biologists don't listen to creationists, geographers don't listen to flat Earth nutters, and so on.

But anyway, that's not the point of this thread.

TV is still pretty horrible in many ways.

>> No.4810317

If I could stand mainstream American entertainment, do you think I'd go through all this fucking trouble to watch Jap shit?

>> No.4810321

Just Japanese stuff. I don't have TV and American television is terrible anyways.

>> No.4810342 [DELETED] 

Gig sent me here. So what's up guise.

>> No.4810371

I think we're not talking about the same program... never mind. I was trollan anyway.

>> No.4810376

Used to regularly catch up on House until it became all that drama backstabbing bullshit that plagued Grey's Anatomy. I tried watching Stargate, but western sci-fi just doesn't appeal to me besides Star Wars and Star Trek. Other than that, I might see Dexter soon. Looks promising.

>> No.4810386

I used have cable TV, but then I realized that I was mainly using it for A) shows I can get for free on hulu and B) background noise. B is not worth $60 a month.

>> No.4810441

Some american series are quite good. Twin Peaks, Star Trek, Dexter...
And I loved Gilmore Girls when I was young.

>> No.4810452

I mainly watch movies and stuff on Discovery and the Science Channel.

>> No.4810487

only NFL and the occasional MLB game, and maybe the history/discovery channels if I'm really bored

American TV is just as shitty as anime. Medical dramas, medical comedies, detective dramas, detective comedies and reality shows. that's about 95% of television on the major networks these days.

>> No.4810495

if you think i ONLY watch/play/lis
ten to things from japan, you mus
t be fuckstupid.  there is a whol
e world out there full of awesome,
 you just have to dig under all t
he shit that is popular.

>> No.4810494

I listen to TV more than I actually watch it, the TV is on (Dish Network) every waking moment, it's too quiet in my room without it.

I watch mostly sports (any sport) and cartoons.

>> No.4811037


>> No.4811047

Bumping a thread so blatantly is obnoxious.

>> No.4811050

I watch The Cosby Show in Japanese, that's about it.

>> No.4811094

I watch Breaking Bad

>> No.4811119
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>> No.4811132

I'll watch Simpsons, House, Seinfeld, The Trailer Park Boys, that sort of stuff. But I generally just download it or watch it on dvd rather than watch it on TV.

>> No.4811133

I'm merely bumping (a few) threads which were about to be deleted by spam (last pages). The thread is about average. I was surprised to find that /jp/ only has a handful of real larger threads going on right now, after going through all the pages.

>> No.4811142

it's always sunny in philadelphia, at least the first few seasons

the red green show was pretty awesome.

>> No.4815189
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>> No.4815233

When Asians say they love FULL HOUSE, it is NOT the family sitcom you all loved!

>> No.4815238

I watch Hockey otherwise I don't watch North American TV.

>> No.4815268

Nope. I stopped watching TV as soon as I got my first taste of the internet back in the 90's.

I like movies, but I don't download them very often.

>> No.4815298

i mainly watch ESPN, USA, Comedy central, and AMC, with various shows here and there.

>> No.4815324

Yukiko is such a lovely slut. Too bad she habitually sets herself up as a victim. I have a raging hatred for that kind of woman.

>> No.4815381

I try to not watch any american stuff if I can. However, sometimes a friend drags me out to the movies theater and I'm forced to watch shit.
The only series I can stand are House MD and New York special unit for the victims.

I'm not American btw.
