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File: 398 KB, 689x869, 1d09993750956c41842707450dbf9922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6156656 No.6156656 [Reply] [Original]

I am sure i will go to Hell once i am dead. No other way around it i fear.
But i can't be the only one here who thinks that he will go to Hell.
What about you Guys?

>> No.6156669

Why would I go to hell?
I haven't done anything bad and I always try to respect other people and their opinions.

I'm no saint but I'm not a sinner either.

>> No.6156677

I don't believe such a fantastical place exists, so I don't think I'll be going there.

>> No.6156682
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It's not too late to atone for your mistakes, Anonymous!

>> No.6156684

I don't believe in the after life

>> No.6156686

i molest little girsl

>> No.6156690

I will finally be united with my waifu, and we will live happily for all eternity.

>> No.6156691

Who knows honestly? Nobody is sure what the purpose of life is, if God is real we don't know what he meant in the bible. All we can do is believe we are doing what is best for ourselves and live our life.

>> No.6156704

Why would you not go to hell? I am pretty sure you did something sinful that Shiki would judge you to Hellfire. You know that she has a pretty broad definition of Bad.
It sounds good. A place where all Evil people get punished for their sins.
Too late for me. You should look that you live a good life.
Not like anyone ever came back and proved otherwise.
I am glad you found something enjoyable.
I have bad news. you will probably be assraped by some niggers while bathing in your own shit.
There is no purpose in Life. If there is a God he is probably bored and just like we would stare at Ants and kill some, he randomly picks people and gives them misfortune.

>> No.6156712

There is no better place than hell cuz in hell you got no worries.

>> No.6156715
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Too late? Constantine I atoned for his sins and became a Christian on his deathbed and he was named a Saint, why do you think it's too late for you?

>> No.6156721

The cause for the first ghostflower incident was world war 2.
But what was the cause for the one in Pofv?

>Why would you not go to hell? I am pretty sure you did something sinful that Shiki would judge you to Hellfire.

Well she is a wise Yama so if she thinks that I deserve hell I'll accept it and pay for my sins

>> No.6156748
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The fear of Death. You would do anything to get a better place in heaven. Plus, he may have been named a Saint, but not by God.
You don't pray for your sins. You get tortured and killed until your time is over and you are forgiven.

>> No.6156751

>Not like anyone ever came back and proved otherwise.

Your point?

Heaven also sounds like a pretty boring place

>> No.6156758

>You get tortured and killed until your time is over and you are forgiven.
Excuse me if I'm wrong but isn't the exact meaning of "paying for your sins"?

>> No.6156762
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A place where you are with all your loved ones, no pain, no sickness, no hunger, no bad thoughts, war or poverty. And much more.
Yeah, sounds pretty horrible.

>> No.6156769


Don't forget you're in the eternal light of God.

He can literally just point a finger at you and BOOM INSTANT ENTERTAINMENT APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE BRAIN

Hell, get too bored and ask him to give you a light memory wipe. Suddenly you're as fresh as a teenager but still in Paradise.

>> No.6156770

ZUN is jesus, I'm going to Gensokyo when I die.

>> No.6156778

You clearly have never read the King James Bible.

But if your version of heaven is correct.

It sound like it would get pretty boring after a while.

Plus unlike real life I wouldn't even be able to play my video games or my eroge to kill time because there are 'no bad thoughts'

>> No.6156779

Paying depends upon the sin - blowjob in an alley, maybe $50 USD?

>> No.6156789


There are no bad thoughts because there's nothing bad.

You could still have your eroge and video games because those are creations of fiction.

Hell, there's probably thousands of years of backlog to read from long-dead writers.

>> No.6156790

>no bad thoughts
Remember, lust is a sin.
Pretty much anything that feels good is a sin.
I'd rather keep my bad thoughts kthxbai.

>> No.6156791

Ah well, i am not really religious and can say i know much about it.
But isn't that what Heaven is supposed to be? A place where you feel great and are bound by nothing?

So, i am pretty sure you get your VNs and whatever you else want up there. The poin is to reward you for your good deeds and good life.

>> No.6156805


Well if that is considered acceptable behavior in heaven then I have no need to redeem myself to go to heaven.

That is a relief.

>> No.6156811


PERVERSE lust is a sin.

Pleasure, even sexual, begotten purely of love is not a sin.

Love is the most powerful of the Seven Heavenly Virtues.

>> No.6156818

>nothing bad

Isn't eternal servitude bad?

>> No.6156822


Love isn't one of the seven canon virtues.

Kindness/Compassion is the closest thing to it.

>> No.6156824
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Well, i am glad guys. Seems like we will all meet again in Hell.
At least i won't be lonely.

>> No.6156842

Fapping to eroge is lust

Also the seven virtues is only in Catholic theology yet the image of heaven given in this thread does not reflect said Catholic theology.

>> No.6156873

Everyone has done enough bad things to warrant hell, which is part of the reason religion is so popular.

>> No.6156945


>Fapping to eroge is lust

So no fapping.

You can still read them.

>> No.6156952

Then why play?

>> No.6156956
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You're asking this on /jp/?

>> No.6156960
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>my face when all of /jp/ are idiots

>> No.6156961

I am how you get a Buddha in hell.

>> No.6156991

I will die in glorious battle and be taken to Valhalla!

>> No.6156993
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Of all fictional representations of a judge in the afterlife I think I'd rather have Shiki judging me than anyone else. She takes account of the circumstances and problems leading up to events rather than just judging on the events themselves.

>> No.6157003

Wow, what a bunch of superstitious faggotry ITT

>> No.6157008
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I believe that when we die, we all get to experience eternal life as the little girl. What happens to us in that life is determined by how pure we are. Those of us who refrain from such vile acts as reading porn and playing porn games will spend their lives being elegant, wearing pretty dresses and drinking tea. If we read doujin and play VN mostly consisting of happy, consensual loli sex, we will spend eternity being tenderly loved by our onii-chan/onee-chan/loli friends (choosing whichever pairing you followed most often).
And if you spent your life playing and enjoying Ryona games, then you will spend eternity trapped in an unending hell of trying to escape from painful death at every corner. But no matter how hard you tried, you'd run into a bad end eventually. And then things would reset for you to go through it all again.

>> No.6157012


Hanakanmuri.... ;_;

>> No.6157014
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The only way to win is not to play...

>> No.6157022
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I just want to get punished by Shiki

>> No.6157043
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>> No.6157054

the weirdest thing about Bkub's shiki, is that she always smile

>> No.6157085

If you genuinely believe in hell and think that you'll go there, you should seriously consider repenting. It's not that hard, you just have to accept Jesus as your savior or something like that. If you're not willing to go through that trouble, you probably don't really believe in hell

>> No.6157095

/jp/ meet-up in 7th circle, 2nd round. I'll be the one with the Cirno t-shirt.

>> No.6157098

She probably loves her job.

>> No.6157113
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God is a loli. A really evil and sadistic loli.

>> No.6157117


Except this is not how conservative Christianity work. Pretty much everything that is not working for your God/Church is a sin.

Monotheistic religions are really retarded shit.

>> No.6157118

It surprises me that we still don't have an outspread religion built around the belief that a little girl is God. Haruihism doesn't count for several obvious reasons.

>> No.6157120


Bullshit. Sex, sexual pleasure and lustful thoughts are grave sin unless you are having sex solely for the purpose of procreation. At least in Catholicism.

>> No.6157122

Except that the most influential figures of Christianity just say "fuck the church, they're corrupt, and it's your relationship with the savior that counts anyway".

>> No.6157127


There are many of them. Most of ancient religions were female centric. Amaterasu is often portrayed as a really young girl. And many Mother Goddess cults show her as a child in at least few depictions.

>> No.6157130
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Just like the Pope right?

>> No.6157131


thats boring

>> No.6157134
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I'm Jewish. I don't believe in hell.

>> No.6157155


You still don't want to suffer purification in Gehinnom, do you?

>> No.6157179

There is no hell or heaven. We are all put in a box and buried 6 feet under ground.

Juden Raus.

>> No.6157191

Maybe this world is hell?
Maybe we were bad people in the former world.
And now we are doomed to live in a world filled with uncertainty and disappointment, without any chances for a happy end.

>> No.6157211

When I die, I'll go to gensokyo.

>> No.6157227

And then they make themselves the savior. See Jesus, Mohammad, Joseph Smith, etc.

>> No.6157386

Dunno, and I don't care. Only thing I'm sure of is, when I will die, I will die.

>> No.6157450

I wouldn't die even if I was killed

>> No.6158059

>Bullshit. Sex, sexual pleasure and lustful thoughts are grave sin unless you are having sex solely for the purpose of procreation. At least in Catholicism.
This is why i can never repent and believe in Jesus. What God would not allow me to fap to some drawn girls from some anime get raped hard by faceless men? Or other sexual thoughts about girls and how i want to see them getting raped with tentacles or just fucked in many diffeent ways.
I just can't live like any other way. It's all useless.

>> No.6158066

I'm pretty sure I will cease to exist as a person, just like everyone else, since I don't believe in heaven or hell.

>> No.6158084
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I will be reborn as a little girl

>> No.6158101

No anon, you will reborn as a cicada and be part of the X years cycle. You will annoy Gensokyo inhabitants during the summer and release all of your sins with your noise then leave that body once purified.

>> No.6158108

There probably isn't a hell. I mean I doubt god's gonna punish lions for following their nature and killing stuff, I see no reason why we should be any different.

>> No.6158117

A human is not a lion though. It doesn't work that way.

Shikieiki said there is not hell actually, and that it's just something to scare people in order for them to correct their mistakes and repent of their sins, being better beings.

>> No.6158127

A human's still an animal as far as I see. We're not really doing much different. Just following our natural instincts.

>> No.6158138

Not at all. You have the ability to surpress your instincts and actually reflect, think, etc.

A lion is just doing what he is meant to do. A human can control his choices.

If we are talking about the jew concept of god then animals are always innocent, they do not go to hell. They would be in heaven at best.

>> No.6158144
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Maybe hell isn't that bad.....

>> No.6158150

Some can't.
I sure as hell can't stop myself. Been alive for how many years and I'm still the same.

>> No.6158176

Well, following the same concept I said before, God made humans base on himself so humans are not mere creatures of the nature. I think almost every religion puts humans in a different level than animals.

I personally don't believe in religious concepts such as hell or heaven but they are good to keep society under control.

>> No.6158180
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As long as I get to be with Rumia, it doesn't matter to me that much.

>> No.6158184

That's because they're full of themselves.
Or I am. Personally it seems like a compliment to be put on the same level as a lion.

And honestly, the idea about humans being able to change themselves seems to me to be the same as saying even lions can be tamed.

>> No.6158216
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I feel the same way.
In biology class we talked about monkeys and that humans are related to them.
Everyone in my class looked at the teacher in disbelief and some even kept asking if this is really true.(80% muslims by the way)

I kept thinking about it and wondered why people feel insulted about that.

And then it hit me....
If monkey are related to humans then I am related to every single human in this world, which feels terrible.....

>> No.6158219

>implying I can post again.

>> No.6158221

>implying you can post again

>> No.6158224
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goddamn, I wrote a huge post about how I'm going to hell because my sins and how animals doesn't go to hell because supposedly they don't have souls. Now I lost it because of this shit.

well fuck.

>> No.6158225


>> No.6158270

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

>> No.6158276


(it's also a good thing this post was small enough to remember)

>> No.6158284
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>> No.6158288

Servers come back up and you stupid faggots flock back to this shit thread.

>> No.6158303

>people aren't talking about what I want them to talk about

>> No.6158308

All life on earth has a common ancestor.


>> No.6158329

The real question is how did such a being came into being, besides of outside interference or the gods willing it.

It makes no fucking sense to assume it "just happened". No, I do not care how many damn dices you had and how many times you threw them around. It is almost like tossing a coin and expect it to fall standing 100000000 times of 100000000.

>> No.6158347

If your wondering how life came to be look up "abiogenesis".


>> No.6158352

If there is a hell, I'm definitely going there with all of the stuff I've done.

>> No.6158420

No it isn't. Stop pulling numbers out of your ass. And have you heard of the term "argument from incredulity"?

>> No.6158439

The cool thing is how many planets there are in the universe, and how long they've had to do it. Even the most impossible odds are likely to generate life at least once.

>> No.6158694

>he doesn't understand superstring.laughing girls.jpeg

in all seriousness, monotheistic gods have been proven false,and math and physics are slowly choking the god of the gaps.

>> No.6158703


in the event christianity was right ,it is still sucks. your choices are:
1.eternal torture
2.being warped into some kind of doll

>> No.6158709


>monotheistic gods have been proven false

Sorry, but when "omnipotence" is in the equation, you just can't logically PROVE it false.

You can prove it's an inconsistency with the entire universe, but that doesn't really matter, because it's omnipotent.

>> No.6158728

Now islam in my opinion is better. you get a shitload of virgin waifus.
Hell I bet shikieiki would give you a harem of monster girls.[the ultimate unattainable goal]

>> No.6158740


then why exactly have we found no evidence of them?

a being such as that would have an enormous heat signature.

>> No.6158741

>an enormous heat signature


>> No.6158742
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It would give off whatever the hell it pleases to give off. Hell, it would only be detectable in the spectra it chooses to present itself.

>> No.6158746

creating the universe ex nihilo would take an unfathomable amount of power.

>> No.6158748


If god can do anything,can god create a rock so large he cannot lift it?

>> No.6158751

I don't think you understood >>6158709-san's point. You cannot possibly prove that an omnipotent being doesn't exist simply because you can answer everything with "he did that."

Like in this case, "why haven't we picked up any heat signals?" (TERRIBLE point, by the way, I don't even know where the fuck you pulled that from). You can answer with "he decided to hide it, he's omnipotent after all."

>> No.6158752

Which *assumes* completely naturalistic ties.

>> No.6158757

There would be no such thing as a rock God could not lift.

>> No.6158758
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Omnipotence means you can do things that don't make sense.

>> No.6158763

I suppose it depends on what kind of religious philosophy you ascribe to but I don't really think so. Unless the Christian fundamentalists are right and then I'm pretty sure we're all fucked.

>> No.6158772

Okay. Okay people.
We know that God is the perfect being.
We also know that nonexistence is imperfection.
Thus, God must exist.

>> No.6158779

,+3 for funny

but you seriously missed the point. it showed that omnipotence itself is a flawed premise,I mean seriously guys.words like that were first used by savages without science.

>> No.6158787

It's not flawed at all. I don't know what you are not getting about omnipotence.

>> No.6158791


>it showed that omnipotence itself is a flawed premise


Omnipotence just doesn't have to obey logic.

>> No.6158793

What's perfection?

>> No.6158801

That argument is at best a logical fallacy. By being the almighty alone, he decides what shit does and does not apply merely on the grounds of "Because I say so".

>> No.6158806
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I was raised Muslim but I drink and I don't pray or anything like that, so I'm probably running a fair risk if that turns out to be the right religion. But if I formally switch or drop out I get punished for being an apostate. Even though I was raised in the faith as a child and basically had no choice in the matter. Not very fair, is it?

>> No.6158814

Whatever the judging being thinks it is. I can eat a nice roastbeef and say "It was perfect!", and indeed it is, for me.

Now, the ultimate being declares some standard to be perfection. You cannot fill the role? Sorry bro, but you are not perfect.

>> No.6158821

I suppose, in a sense, it shows concern for your spiritual well-being.

But, an apostate? You're not writing another Satanic Verses, are you?

>> No.6158824

Don't worry bro. Luther accused the catholic church of being too corrupt and he got called a heretic. And look at what happened: He got laid.

>> No.6158835

"Got laid"? Sounds like he shouldn't have done it.

>> No.6158858

Naw brah. Like, he found a nice lady and had kids with her after getting married. You know, like the bible says priests should be.

Old venerable men, married, who raised their kids well and with no vices whatsoever.

The last time I mentioned this to a priest he called me a devil spawn. I called him a faggot. Which he was.

>> No.6158869

Yeah, sounds like he really got screwed over.

>> No.6158875

I honestly don't care enough to do anything like that. Not like Islam in particular is more fucked up than any other religion no, seriously. And I am kind of "religious" in the sense of belief anyway. I just like my bad habits.

>> No.6158884
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Hmm. Wow. Maybe you are right.

<-- Luther's wife

>> No.6160146
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The afterlife.
