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6188004 No.6188004 [Reply] [Original]

Ok. I have the game. I installed the RTP. I have the script. How do I modify the game so the text is in english?

General Touhou Mother thread, I guess?

>> No.6188018

Install the english version

>> No.6188046


Have fun.

>> No.6188058
File: 6 KB, 300x200, TouhouMotherBanner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. True. Found it. Kind of expected it to just patch the japanese one than having to get an already patched one.


>> No.6188070

Fuck the swamp.

>> No.6188076

Enjoy! I really loved this game! Play on Hard or Lunatic! Ignore what they say about it being too hard; it's certainly quite normal and doesn't require grinding either, and you get subweapons! Mostly useless, but hey, it's something exclusive!

By the way, is the thing about Touhou Mother 3/2 a joke or is it for real?

>> No.6188089

Anonymous playing this game now~

>> No.6188094

As far as I know, Mother 4 will never exist, and there's no need for another Touhou Mother game.

>> No.6188100

I only played on Lunatic. Do half the late-game attacks remove shields on Hard?

>> No.6188103

From what I saw of Mother 4, it wasn't any good, anyway. Mother 3 was the best.

>> No.6188115

True, but could always do something with Sariel, ect, as well as other Touhou characters that weren't in Touhou Mother, like Maribel (and maybe actually make Yukari important this time), Watatsuki Sisters, ect. After all, Maribel, being from the real world, could connect to Earthbound. And time could have passed so this could take place after Mother 3; Yukarin's happy reunion with Luca and friends!

>> No.6188153

Touhou Mother was awesome, but that swamp, man
That fucking swamp

>> No.6188157

Something is keeping me from playing this game. I don't know what.

>> No.6188161

Too lazy to install? Put off by Earthbound?

>> No.6188201

So, at the beginning of the game, when it asks you what the bgm is from, does the choice actually make a difference? 'Cause I picked MOF for shits and it didn't have any noticeable difference

>> No.6188214

This game is actually quite fun. Good thing I picked it up.

It lets the game know you are a secondary for not playing the PC98 games.

No. Actually, I do not know either.

>> No.6188214,1 [INTERNAL] 

Of course 4chan dies while there's a thread I actually care about on /jp/


>> No.6188214,2 [INTERNAL] 

same. But on other boards, fucking annoying.

>> No.6188214,3 [INTERNAL] 

Sup athens, long time no see.

>> No.6188214,4 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you saging bro?

>> No.6188214,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6188214,6 [INTERNAL] 

sage seems to be the default posting mode for me on easymodo. I rarely change it.

>> No.6188214,7 [INTERNAL] 

Same, I changed it only to bump this thread the first time

>> No.6188251

Well, having actually installed the game and looked at the "warning"...I know jack shit about Earthbound/Mother besides that it's weird and that Giygas is based on a rape scene.

>> No.6188268

Don't bother playing this, then. Go play Earthbound and Mother 3 instead.

>> No.6188272

Do I reaaaally have too? I'm sure they're great games, but...

>> No.6188279

Earthbound is the best rpg to ever come out of Japan. Play it.

>> No.6188286

You really should. I guess you don't have to, but some stuff is going to lose impact.

>> No.6188303

I don't know...I don't really want too. I've seen some videos and read some wikis, and it looks far to weird for my tastes. Not to mention if I play it NOW, I'll feel like I'm just playing it so I can understand it's Touhou spin-off better, which is silly.

>> No.6188313
File: 78 KB, 640x480, yuukarinneedsmorescreentime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6188327

I'm gonna just throw a guess to the air and say that the author likes to ship Marisa with as many women as humanly possible.

>> No.6188353

To anyone bitching about the swamp:
I agree completely. Fuck that level.

>> No.6188354

That's the natural order of things. He just doesn't like going against the flow.

>> No.6188359

Ffs... I launch it with applocale, select NEW GAME, and BOOM. It fucking crashes. I take it that it doesn't work on vista? :T

>> No.6188374

Wait. By swamp you guys mean the place near Eientei with the exploding trees? Or the mushroom induced trip?

Because both of them were a bitch. And Marisa can't take a hit ffs.

>> No.6188398

No, the place that drains your health and is a ... swamp, is the swamp.

Those trees are easy if you guard first turn.

>> No.6188419

I'm playing on hard. The trees attack faster than Marisa so I have to blast away all the mobs before their HP drops to zero.

>> No.6188428

Nothing works on Vista. Get XP or Win7 or whatever.

>> No.6188459
File: 24 KB, 659x518, nimetön.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the error message, if it helps...

Q. What does it work on?
A. Windows 98 up to XP should be fine, but it's perfect on Vista. Macs? Impossible.

>> No.6188522

That's why you guard first turn. They explode and you should still have some hp left.

>> No.6188577

It sats that the file could not be open. Methinks that some of the files were not installed correctly due to gibberish produced by the extraction. You have japanese support installed, right?

>> No.6188668

If you mean applocale, then yes.

>> No.6188670

I still remeber the swamp from earthbound, I hate that map

>> No.6188678

It doesn't help that its music is not so good.

>> No.6188681

So how are those subweapons, and how do they work? Went on normal and don't really feel like restarting.

Don't really need any help on the game (though the Patch boss battle is kinda annoying; too slow to heal), but do Lucus and Claus have anymore importance to the plot?

>> No.6188730

Subweapons aren't that useful... except for one fight where the boss has annoyingly high defense. One of the subweapons cuts right through it... but don't worry about it, you aren't missing much.

Lucus and Clause don't have much importance to the plot. The game was originally released as videos, and the guy realized he had no idea where he was going with them.

>> No.6190751
File: 178 KB, 642x485, uberwood2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touhou Mother

I wish there were more touhou remixes in for the boss themes.

>> No.6190756

I was ok with the swamp itself, but teleporting out of it was a pain.

>> No.6190812

Is this part even supposed to be possible to pass through? Am I missing something here?

>> No.6191098

No, it's not there for any particular reason as far as I know

>> No.6191650

I played Earthbound, but not Mother 3, how much will I not understand? Other than Lucas and his brothers' cameos.

>> No.6191880

You'll do fine. You don't need any Mother 3 knowledge to play this, but you do need Mother 2 knowledge for the end. So you're perfectly fine playing the game and understanding everything. Lucas and Claus hardly have any role whatsoever.

>> No.6191903

This takes place between Mother 2 and 3, so Lucas just makes a quick cameo, nothing more, with absolutely no relevance to the plot.

>> No.6192399

I haven't played any Earthbound or Mother 3 or anything. How much will I not understand?

>> No.6192416
File: 262 KB, 895x875, jojomichael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when i play touhou mother and find the jojo manga

>> No.6192426
File: 61 KB, 408x409, 120947165319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Yuuka was my Touhou Mother things would be different around here!

>> No.6192440
File: 48 KB, 643x480, bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A second Yuka appeared behind Yuka!

>> No.6192523

My Yuuka keeps giving free abortions to everyone all the time via Falcon Punch.

>> No.6192543

That's one of the better ones, along with
>Yuka: Don't underestimate flower power...
>Yuka dripped candlewax!

>> No.6195730 [DELETED] 

>...we feel that Gemot Encubed has presented articles with significant bias against us, and this is why we consider them a propaganda site.

Gemot is a propaganda site, guys.

>> No.6195753

So has anyone played the Touhou Live-a-Live?

>> No.6195767

YES! Have new ones been released? I played Mokou, Shanghai, Cirno, Youmu, and Meiling ones.

So unlike Touhou Mother, this is a direct lift from Live-a-Live with Touhou characters, right?

>> No.6197833

How mandatory is Mother knowledge for this? Am I going to miss a reference here or there, or am I going to need to have played something for anything to make sense?
I heard this was designed to fit into the Mother canon somewhere, which worries me...

>> No.6197906

The warning was "huge spoilers" for all those who have not played Mother.

>> No.6197907

Not much, it's mostly Touhou. I never actually beat Earthbound and it was fine

Just look up "Porky" if you want, but you don't need to know much

>> No.6197912

Oooooh! Oh, oh, ok, so if I play this it's going to spoil the masked man's identity or something?

>> No.6197935

That's encouraging.

>> No.6197990

There is only the Masked Maid. So no, I think.

>> No.6198073

I found the mother references to be the most enjoyable of the game, though...
Especially when they all take shrooms and are talking to Iku like Giygas, that made me chortle

>> No.6198093

There's Ran's western chapter, and the fuzzball (kedama?) "prehistoric" chaper, and the next one is apparently 4 chapters long.

Sort of I guess, each one fits the corresponding chapter, but there are a couple differences.

>> No.6198106

What difficulty, /jp/? Last few game's I've played "normal" translated to "stupidly easy," but this is Touhou...

>> No.6198120

It's reasonable on Normal, and another post said Hard wasn't that hard, so up to you.

Though I did find lack of consumable items early on annoying (and the first ones you get are much needed revives where you got them)., but I got through. I'm not really sure if there's a point in buying items later on though.

>> No.6198122

Hard or Lunatic.

>> No.6198125

Hard to make it interesting. Lunatic if you want a challenge.

>> No.6198304

Wow, I'm not good at this.
