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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 296 KB, 1280x720, pofv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6270364 No.6270364 [Reply] [Original]

PoFV netplay thread.
Use Adonis.
Netplay help: http://pastebin.com/4jz10tNh

Hosting: 7500 east cost

>> No.6270446

i am cursed, it says that the game is going to start, but it doesn't even run

>> No.6270456

Troubleshooting list:
>Go to the config in game and make sure the controls for P1 are set to "full".

>Use JP Adonis. Not english.

>If you're using Vista or one of the basic versions of 7, set th09.exe to run in compatibility mode.

>> No.6270462

I've been waiting for these threads. EU or US?

>> No.6270472

Canada EC. >>6270364

>> No.6270483

Yeah, I noticed after I posted that you actually gave your location.

>> No.6270706

GG NoName.

>> No.6270718

Ah, that's enough sucking. Serves me right to play Touhou at 3AM. Good heavens, I couldn't do shit even after focusing.

Good games anyway. You're better than me, but I've got your measure. Let's do it again 12 hours later.

>> No.6270868

Trying this for the first time on Windows 7. Launching adonise from administrator command line, adonise and th09e are both set to win 98 compatibility (tried 2000 and XPSP3). Any other suggestions for this?

>> No.6270930

Do not use the english versions; set th09, not th09e to compatibility mode (still only need to do this if you're running the basic versions of 7). Make sure you have Japanese Adonis too. Aside from that, make sure P1 controls are set to full in the config in game - not the config.exe.
And just in case you're trying to connect: nobody is hosting right now.

>> No.6270981

I'm aware no one is hosting. However it shouldn't be crashing just because it fails to connect. I've also played and hosted many times on my old XP computer, so there's nothing wrong other than the win7 changes.

Trying regular adonis still crashes. I'll try hosting, maybe that'll actually work. It at least doesn't crash immediately.

Hosting USEast, tell me if you can't connect.

>> No.6271011

Adonis will close if it fails to connect. In my experience, freezing at difficulty select has always been one of the problems in >>6270456

>> No.6271024

It opened for me, then saw the standard timeout problems when the other person can't connect. Then when it closed I saw a damn firewall exception. Try again, it might actually work this time.

If not, any recommendations on a good firewall?

>> No.6271114

Great, it works now. GGs.

>> No.6271121


>> No.6271317

Rehosting USEast Lunatic

>> No.6271490


>> No.6271498

GGs. Always happy to have a match against you, but I suspect you aren't in top form right now.

Do respond if you're reading this, T. I'm still holding on to some questions.

>> No.6271528

You seem to say that a lot. I doubt I have much better 'forn' than when I've played against you.

Or I could just blame this chair. It does suck for gaming.

>> No.6271633

I've been sitting with my laptop on the floor these past few months, but it probably isn't good for my health. I'll have to quit sooner than later.

I still hold on to the memory of you beating me almost all the time. I'll have to watch the replays because I don't see how you could have lost with Reimu. You almost won the very last round; I was crawling along the bottom towards your side, desperately holding out for bombing capability which finally came, and the round ended shortly after.

There was an...interesting moment during the Mystia v. Cirno match with me stuck against the side and surviving for an unusual length of time.

>> No.6271672

When did I first play you? I've been in this state for a little over a month now. I think I stopped playing touhou games frequently about a year and a half ago, so did I play you sometime that far back?

I did terribly as Mystia simply because my control sucks. I think both of my deaths resulted from idiotically running into something while charged. I lost as Reimu because I'm not good with Reimu. She has insanely powerful attacks, but too many bullets get spit back, and I can't deal with large numbers of bullets as well with Reimu as I can with Reisen (who also gives back a shitton of bullets). And I lost as Sakuya simply because she's fucking broken, and not in a good way.

Going to sleep. Will rehost after work tomorrow if the thread survives that long.

>> No.6272078

The earliest entry I have under autosave is from 2/27 this year from this thread.


Unless you're the OP then I'm not sure what to think. Awfully large gap between then and the next one on 6/10, and I didn't even start playing until late 2008. I may have not enabled the autosave earlier. However, in the same thread on 6/12 I make this particular post:


So, that's all I can say on the matter.

>I think both of my deaths resulted from idiotically running into something while charged.

Definitely, everywhere. I was on edge and struggling even without making careless mistakes. I must say, I think I would have died earlier if I faced a Tewi who gave me hell like that. Maybe not. It would be nice to switch characters or do mirror matches or something.

>> No.6272272

please live

>> No.6273105
File: 34 KB, 357x303, 1283403485482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would have to be my first time seeing this game before. I've played quite a few other games like it. at first I was a little put off.. because it seemed a little like 'Castle Shikigami 2' <_<'
which had the worst dubbing I have ever heard in a game to date. Made me want to stab myself in the ears with a pen repeatedly until the the voices stopped..
In any case.. I digress. Does could anyone link me to a download for this game? O.o

Here's a link for CS2. Enjoy. =p

>> No.6273149

>Does could anyone link me to a download for this game?

I'll give you a tip, try something like "phantasmagoria of flower view torrent".

Stop that.

Any UK/EU players around? I haven't played any shmups for a few months so I'm probably really rusty.

>> No.6273178

I would if I could but this goddamn Win7 refuses to run touhou. I tried everything on the Internets but it still fails peeeh

>> No.6273184

Even running it in windows XP/2000/whatever compatibility mode?

>> No.6273202

Yeah it used to. In my frustration I grabbed pofv from a friend with a flash drive 5 minutes ago. It works but now adonis gets stuck after "Port number 27337 is on hold" bleh

>> No.6273219

Is it holding while you're trying to connect or host yourself?

If it's the latter, I can take care of that.

>> No.6273226

Nah it locks after 2 lines. I doesn't even come as far as that stage where I choose Server/Client/Whatever. I used it play it just fine on /jp/ on WinXP.

>> No.6273255

Well shit. I really hope ZUN makes a new PoFV soon (or built-in co-op already, fucking hell) with working netplay - not only to just ease the process, but to also make people interesting in playing Touhou online.

Oh well, I suppose I'll play some Monster Hunter now instead.

Alone ;_;.

>> No.6274021
File: 806 KB, 2000x1372, f3666a258366b3ce4a1e1459f1904f2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting 7500 Canada East

>> No.6274133

Bump for players.

>> No.6274149

>> No.6274160

No takers?
If not I'll just go to play Higurashi.

>> No.6274181

Oh fuck yes.

>> No.6276206

Hosting again 7500 Canada East

>> No.6276245

Sorry about that. Forgot to reconfigure the keys.

>> No.6276561

Hosting USEast Lunatic

>> No.6276723


>> No.6276729

GGs. You are fucking scary.

>> No.6276748


>> No.6276755


Hosting US Midwest

>> No.6276756
File: 145 KB, 480x359, umeharajprelatedpofv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't resist.

>> No.6276783 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 787x783, 4479473076_bee0e9cfc1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6276783 port 10801

US west/central, continental divide.

Choose the difficulty when you join~

>> No.6276850

Hmm, I'll be back to host in a couple hours after making myself some dinner.

>> No.6276898 [DELETED] 

Rehosting USEast Lunatic

>> No.6277045

You've just been trumped.


>> No.6277136

Good games

>> No.6277148

GGs, I'm beat.

>> No.6277149
File: 181 KB, 787x783, 4479473076_bee0e9cfc1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6277149 port 10801

US west/central, continental divide.

Choose the difficulty when you join~

>> No.6277171

Whoever it is that keeps connecting to me and crashing, please read the pastebin in the OP for instructions on setting your compatibility mode.

>> No.6277265
File: 17 KB, 400x360, cat-cheerup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, that was me. Forgot that I'm on a new HDD and needed to reset everything.

>> No.6277266


Hosting USEast Lunatic

>> No.6277272
File: 221 KB, 787x783, 4479621448_7e811b6e66_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the games, qazmlpok.

Rehosting: >>6277149

>> No.6277331

GGs. I'm making way too many mistakes so I'm done for the day.

>> No.6277356


I need to know where the hell you're getting those pictures from.

>I don't know the game well enough to do a purposeful border breaks for scoring

From what I vaguely remember there wasn't too much trouble with the border placement for item-heavy spots, so it would only be useful for the waves following Lily White. It's always fun to create what-if scenarios, but I'd rather not follow through with most of that stuff for a target that I'm not even certain of. I can already see it turning into restart hell. Hopefully the advantage from the border break will generate enough leeway.

>> No.6277530

Thanks for the games, VgameT~

>I need to know where the hell you're getting those pictures from.

I can time the important collection parts just fine, so I've never had to break to time those correctly. I never have any problems with collection during stage 4 after Lily, especially on Normal, though I know you can supergraze it while breaking borders for a good cherrymax boost. I'm bad at that, so I decided to go with the no border break condition instead of boosting my score a little (or maybe a lot, I wouldn't know).

>> No.6277559

Goddamn it I glance at this thread and see people talking about stuff I didn't even know existed in PoFV. As far as I know it's just "keep tapping Z and move around the bullets".

>> No.6277575
File: 19 KB, 400x300, i am a banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurf durf that's because it's not PoFV

I'd delete the post, but easymodo knows all.

>> No.6277592 [DELETED] 

Oh, I would never underestimate your item-collecting abilities, though I can see how the post would have given that impression. Mainly for the CherryMax, yes.

Anyway, finished up a few minutes ago because I died while trying to supergraze midboss Youmu's spell. Fuck that, I don't know when I'm coming back to this.

>> No.6277597

Oh, I would never underestimate your item-collecting abilities, though I can see how the post would have given that impression. Mainly for the CherryMax, yes.

Anyway, finished up a few minutes ago because I died while trying to supergraze midboss Youmu's spell. Fuck that, I don't know when I'm coming back to this.

>> No.6277603




>> No.6277606

> I died while trying to supergraze midboss Youmu's spell.
This has happened to me too many times, but I can't bring myself to NOT try it every single time. The worst part is that it's more rewarding the riskier you are.

>Fuck that, I don't know when I'm coming back to this.
Me neither, which is why I end up working on doing dumber things like more silly pacifist runs.

>> No.6277626

This was exactly what I thought when I saw that image, allcaps included.

>> No.6278248

Invisibump in hopes that this thread will last until tomorrow~

>> No.6278362


These are exactly what I thought when I first saw the image. I had to save it and repost it elsewhere to bring the same joy to others.

>> No.6280592 [DELETED] 

Bump for another day.

>> No.6281284
File: 2.43 MB, 2000x1448, 013387676094f4986af2e723c863ed6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting 7500 Canada East

>> No.6281336

Whoever is trying to connect:
If you haven't already, please read
This should fix crashing at difficulty select.

>> No.6281366
File: 553 KB, 1000x1000, 1284248630626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I allowed ports in firewall settings, I fixed controls to full, using the moon version of adonis, running 1.5 patched version of PoFV, running compatibility mode.

Fuck it, if I can't fix something this simple I don't deserve to have fun.

>> No.6281639

Bump for players.

>> No.6281831 [DELETED] 

Hosting USEast Lunatic

>> No.6282154

Hosting again 7500 Canada East

>> No.6282259


>> No.6282262


>> No.6284427 [DELETED] 

Bump, I'll be hosting tomorrow.

>> No.6286944 [DELETED] 

Hosting USEast Lunatic

>> No.6287076
File: 162 KB, 787x783, 4479532038_32c23d87be_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6287076 port 10801

US west/central, continental divide.

Choose the difficulty when you join~

>> No.6287189 [DELETED] 


>> No.6287277 [DELETED] 

Whoever tried to connect to me, retry, I left for a second to grab food.

>> No.6287522

Hosting USEast Lunatic

>> No.6287551

GG. Sorry, no time for more.

>> No.6287561

Wow, thanks for the games. You're positively beastly. I forgot to run Adonis in the command prompt, so I didn't catch your name. I have a few guesses as to who you could be, though...~

>> No.6287765

Man, Reisen really kills Cirno.

>> No.6287784

They both have really high level 1 bullet output, which means Bpoints like crazy for everybody, and I just cave since Cirno's scope size is tiny and unable to activate enough spirits to survive it.

Thanks for the games~

>> No.6290450 [DELETED] 

Bump, probably going to host tonight (USEast).

>> No.6290654

Any EU players up for some lunatic matches ?

>> No.6292516

Hosting USEast Lunatic

>> No.6292519

Tempting, but I've hogged this thread enough. This thread needs more than the same 3 or 4 people.

>> No.6292619 [DELETED] 
File: 523 KB, 640x480, Congratulations on pressing x for half an hour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting 17723

Haven't done this in a while so no guarantee that it'll work.

>> No.6292622
File: 523 KB, 640x480, Congratulations on pressing x for half an hour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting 17723 USEast Lunatic

Haven't done this in a while so no guarantee that it'll work.

>> No.6292628


>> No.6292629


>> No.6292634


>> No.6292641


>> No.6292661

GG. Sorry, but it's too laggy.

>> No.6292664

GGs. Assuming you quit because of the choppy gameplay. Sorry about that.

>> No.6292672

Hmm, I hope I wasn't ruining it by spectating.

>> No.6292680 [DELETED] 

I can't believe I trashed the second round by backing down into her EX attack. And the generally shitty dodging.

>> No.6292691

Still hosting. I might have fixed something, but I think it'll still be subpar compared to the usual hosts.

>> No.6292846

And that's my cue to quit attempting to host. GGs, but I wouldn't mind continuing.

>> No.6292858

Nah, that's my router resetting itself, which it likes to do once every 6 hours or so for some reason. I need to be preparing dinner anyway. Thanks for the games, though~

I can't seem to get back into PoFV, or everybody is just better than me now. This is what I get for playing so much Hisoutensoku.

>> No.6292893

Hosting again. Perhaps it was the spectating, or the distance, but the last game was mostly fine.

I'm sure it's the former.

Based on the entries I'm aware of, GFW didn't really catch your interest? You probably wouldn't be interested in prolonging a single session through scoring, much less on Easy, but it's not so bad compared to grazing in the previous games. And being shorter helps.

>> No.6292902
File: 91 KB, 480x600, 1272816932706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very scrub, midwest

>> No.6292974

>GFW didn't really catch your interest?
Eh, not really. I 1cc'd Hard and beat Extra within 24 hours of it coming out, so it's not that I couldn't pick it up or anything. I should probably just do Lunatic to get it out of the way and maybe try doing some more no ice captures. It's an interesting game, but I just didn't get into it. I've been thinking about doing, at the very least, some no miss Extra runs, but I think I'm just getting impatient since I want 13 to come out already; combine that with the college semester starting up and hours wasted in #hisouten.

I thought your PCB stage 6 run was cute. I can never survive that stage opener on Lunatic without bombing once, nor do I have the balls to go to the POC on Resurrection Butterfly beyond Hard. I should be working on PCB like you have been, but it's restart hell because I'm always mistiming things during either the second or fourth stages. No focus is dumb for timing, but I have to have SOME kind of stupid condition to hide the fact that I'm a terrible scoring player~

>> No.6292991

very nice last match, GGs

>> No.6293000


Good ones

>> No.6293117

I'm sorry you had to watch that.

>was cute
Is a good way to put it, being more a stunt than me actually knowing what the hell I'm doing. At this point the perfect stage runs are becoming pretty redundant, but all this time and I've never figured a better way to handle the fairy spam. Then someone else comes along and doesn't seem to receive any fast bullets. I'll have to try that later.

>I should be working on PCB like you have been

Really, you should be? And working? I wonder why...is it a race? You should show up in other places, then. I hope it's not an arduous task and you enjoy the goal you're working towards, just like SA which you seem to have an affinity for.

>No focus is dumb for timing

And as boring as staying focused the entire time. For PCB, anyway. Go mash your focus button! Look great while pulling off risks and fly everywhere. Also, very nice graze count for your latest run.

>> No.6293389

>Really, you should be? And working? I wonder why...is it a race?
Not really, but there is no point in setting personal goals if you don't work on them.

>You should show up in other places, then.
I probably should, and you told me to go places last time, but I forgot already...~

>I hope it's not an arduous task and you enjoy the goal you're working towards
It's a bit of both. If I get frustrated with mistiming a border during the Prismriver Sisters, I go play something else, be it SA, Hisoutensoku, or PoFV if there are people to play with.

>> No.6296692 [DELETED] 

Hosting USEast Lunatic

>> No.6297728

how about some more of this stuff 17723
middle U.S

>> No.6297731

but for a few games though

>> No.6297983

>Application failed to play.
>Failed to communicate.

>> No.6298673

yeah i stopped pretty quickly after starting

rehosting >>6297728

>> No.6298798

just a few games ;_;

>> No.6298838

one game?

>> No.6298864


>> No.6298880

My body is ready~

>> No.6298927

Wait, what do you do to play network on this shit again?

>> No.6298928

Hosting USEast Lunatic

>> No.6298941

Read the OP.

>> No.6298970

Is there any way to get this to work without Applocale? ...

>> No.6298991

Aight let's do this USEast Hard

>> No.6299057

good games, your way above my skill level

>> No.6299085

GGs. Sorry for the...two inconveniences, was it. First for forgetting to remap the keys, second for having the game minimize in the middle of a match.

>you told me to go places last time, but I forgot already

I thought it would have been more convenient for me to communicate with you that way, but aside from that I can't see any other reason for you to join. The only recent Touhou gameplay discussion in the Shmups forum ends up in the hi score threads, and most of the threads in Shrinemaiden are condensed now. Nothing interesting. The old site had a thread in the hi score subforum for challenge runs, though.

>> No.6299153

Still hosting.

>> No.6299281

GGs, as always.

Done for the night.

>> No.6299290

GGs. I hope Reimu wasn't chosen on purpose because I hit select immediately after ctrl.
