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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 86 KB, 552x554, go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6280482 No.6280482 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else on /jp/ play Go? I do prefer Mahjong, but Go is a game I can actually play IRL at my library's weekly club.

I think having a /jp/ room on the KGS server would be fun.

>> No.6280555

The go club in my university's really elitist so I never really got a chance to play with people much, and just lost interest.

>> No.6280568

I love Go, but irl I would be just too fucking lazy to put/switch pieces on the gameboard.

>> No.6280613

>really elitist

Yeah I've noticed that does tend to happen with Go players, unfortunately.

>> No.6280784
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Need to wait until they make a Saki-esque anime for Go.

>> No.6280885

The fuckers all have autism. True fact.

>> No.6280923

Then /jp/ should get along perfectly, right?

>> No.6280939
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>> No.6280968

Hikaru no Go is pretty good.

>> No.6280976

Elitists can't mingle with other elitists of a different group.

>> No.6281011

There's nothing that's stopping you from belonging to both groups.

>> No.6281017

My uni had a go club but I was being antisocial. I used to play online a lot, though.

I'd still probably be able to put a decent fight against anyone but Asians with years of training.

>> No.6281120


I mean an otaku-oriented one.

>> No.6281152

Otaku-oriented? What's your point exactly?

Shitty fanservice instead of games for most of the show? (No, thanks, and fuck you.)
All-girl cast? (Fujioshi are otaku too, silly.)
Something else?

>> No.6281208

Shogi > Go

What are you, 12 year olds? Who the fuck plays Go past gradeschool?

>> No.6281233

>I play japanese chess because I'm a raging weeaboo

>> No.6281248

As opposed to liking Japanese checkers?

>> No.6281260


This right here.



>> No.6281267

People smart enough to keep learning and winning. Whining losers switch to easier games like shogi.

>> No.6281266

I disagree. The only go "club" I know is kgs as a whole, but the vast majority of the people I've played against (and the higher ranking players I've spectated) seem above average (for the internet) mature and socially adept. Sure there is always the overly smug western, voluntarily under-rated 1D that gets a kick out of smothering beginners in "teaching" and ridiculing them afterwards, but those cases aren't really as prominent as you'd expect.

I think a /jp/ room would've been a great idea, for us socially awkward hikkys to get a chance of practicing with our own ilk.

>> No.6281280
File: 96 KB, 800x600, mentos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay fresh!

>> No.6281295

>voluntarily under-rated

KGS's ranking system is just bad in general. Allowing this is the last straw, though.

>> No.6281299


Hikaru no Go is very, very good. It's underrated because the cheap looking animation is deceiving.

>> No.6281312

I don't watch shota shows. Go needs a yuri anime as well.

>> No.6281319

Not saying that the ranking system is perfect, but the way it's done in this case by only playing unranked games and occasionally losing on purpose in ranked games. It's hardly like this way of cheating the system could be fixed in any way short of asking players for their real name and AGA ranking.

>> No.6281323


There's some surprisingly hot chicks in HnG. Like Nase, and the MILF at the Go salon who has the hots for Akira.

>> No.6281325

>cheap looking animation
Well, from episode 4 on. Before that they really tried, but the drop was far too noticeable.
Like Yoakemae after episode one.

>> No.6281331

>I don't watch shota shows.
Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.6281334


God tier op

>> No.6281335


I never noticed the animation ever being good, even early on. But my point is, the animation quality doesn't matter, the show itself is F'in great, and people often don't give it a try because it looks like some shitty Yu Gi Oh esque show.

>> No.6281354
File: 139 KB, 282x1000, Nase_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mmm Nase

>> No.6281367

I kind of prefer "music is my thing" simply because of Akari in thigh highs. Why aren't there any non-yaoi HnG doujins?

>> No.6281386

Oh, so that's what you meant... People really do that? Sounds like too much of the bother to me.

I remember KGS allowing you to simply set your own ranking, was that changed?

>> No.6281403

People on KGS are very nice and polite. Yahoo Go on the other hand is an extremely hostile environment. So many insults and mockery if you're bad. There's also loads of bullies who go around intentionally losing games to keep their ratings artificially low, because they get perverse pleasure out of destroying newbs.

>> No.6281426

It occasionally happens. It's referred to as sandbagging and really, it happens in all games, go or otherwise.

You definitely can't set your own rating. At worst you can estimate your own ranking before the system calculates one for you (by looking at your ranked games, their outcome, and the progress of your opponents in said games). Iirc, in the cases where you estimate your own ranking you'll get a ? next to your ranking. This also applies to people with too few games (usually < 5~10) ranked games for a rank to be calculated properly. Many people won't play ?-ranked players however, so it sort of regulates itself somewhat as a means of sandbagging. Still a problem with the type of "cheating" mentioned in my previous post though, but you can always just look at the game history before you play someone, if it really bothers you.

>> No.6281463


Apart from not understanding why would people do that, I fail to see it as a problem. Better players are usually reluctant to play beginners, since, let's be frank, it's really boring. Especially in go. Being able to play someone more skilled than you is always a good thing.

>> No.6281484

Recently met a guy who can play go, so we might start playing soon.

>> No.6281492

I went on some go server and my first game I got beat by someone named yangwenli.
I knew it was time to stop.

>> No.6281515

The problem isn't really with sandbagging itself, but rather with the attitude some of these players take towards their opponent. Occasionally the sandbagger will proceed to mock his opponent which is destructive to the community, as it might discourage new users. I haven't actually seen any examples of this on kgs, but I've heard about it on other servers.

On another note, while playing stronger players is usally a good thing, often sandbaggers will tend to cut apart their opponents at every possibility they get. By relying on the weaker player to be unable to punish overplays, they might actually play "bad" games and still win. Thus these games will be far less instructive than an actual teaching game, or for that sake playing someone their own level.

>> No.6281533

I used to play on Chinese servers but found out there's no point in playing the go.

most of the Chinese/Korean/Japanese players started at a young age and as a beginner at adult age, the chance of you getting good enough to enjoy the game before it frustrates you to hell is abysmal.

inb4 playing with other casual gaijins.

>> No.6281563

Perhaps the same could be said of all games. You won't won't ever be as good as OOSAKA at Touhou, as good as Kasparov at chess or as good as Koreans at starcraft.

You only need to reach single digit kyu to appreciate the nuances of go as a game. That is, if you're ok with not being top tier.

>> No.6281600

I never played

But I love mahjong, so I would probably appreciate go.

How much effort would it take to set up a /jp/ room?

>> No.6281629


I never played

But I love tiddliwinks, so I would probably appreciate full-contact rugby.

How much effort would it take to set up a /clueless posers/ room?

>> No.6281636

But mahjong and go are nothing alike...

>> No.6281637


I was simply saying I enjoy skill-related games.

No need to be a douche for no reason

>> No.6281644


No shit, I was simply saying I enjoy skill-related games.

For fuck sakes people

>> No.6281653


I was a douche because your post was so goddamn naive. But I'll make a deal with you. I'll stop being a douche if you'll stop being a clueless poser, OK?

>> No.6281668

I have a board and pieces but nobody to play with.
So ronery. ;_;

>> No.6281673


Be like 99% of /jp/ and play with yourself?

>> No.6281705


I'm ok with this

We all just need to get along~


Try having a mahjong table behind you and not having anyone to play with. I need at least 3 friends for that.

Theirs always online though

>> No.6281746

>>Theirs always online though
>>Theirs always online
>>Theirs always

I thought we had a deal. Your promised you would stop being clueless. Don't make me smack you again.

>> No.6281784

Knock it off with the "durr hurr typos = calculated trolling" shit from /v/ or I'm going to have to smack YOU.

>> No.6281876


Calculated trolling? Not quite -- simply stating the facts. And you're going to smack me? LOL, Mr. /jp/! What are you going to use? The pillowcase with the life-sized picture of your cartoon waifu on it?

>> No.6282057
File: 32 KB, 482x403, icy-hot-stuntaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTW, Mr. Internet Tough Guy -- using "theirs" when "there's" is meant isn't a typo. It's an ignorant and clueless mistake at worst, and lazy at best.

>> No.6282110

I was about to say that I've played Go with different flavors of Mentos before.

>> No.6282121

>pillow case

I... wait, what?

>> No.6282136
File: 95 KB, 620x386, 141142-nisan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shirley, you can't be serious.

>> No.6282141
File: 176 KB, 1024x768, Improving-Ones-Chess-Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chess hijack. Anyone up for a game?

>> No.6282162

I am, and don't call me Shirley.

>> No.6282175 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 406x424, 1286656134674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese checkers

>> No.6282185


Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

>> No.6282211

That is the most depressing image I have ever seen.

>> No.6282226
File: 33 KB, 400x299, 20850__448x_dakimakuraevent-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Really? You can't have hung around /jp/ for long -- the volume of fail in this place will make you want to slit your wrists.

>> No.6282228

This entire section is just depressing.

>> No.6282232


>> No.6282239
File: 10 KB, 432x310, de6ebf6c847d15a039621685fc672927_pyzamronery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As I said, the average user of /jp/ reaches a level of fail not previously thought possible. They bring the concept of "loser" to a whole new dimension.

>> No.6282240


Looks like I picked the wrong week to not make Airplane! references on /jp/.
