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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6289717 No.6289717 [Reply] [Original]

hello /jp/

Even if your emotions are gone now I take it many of you have been depressed at some point. Have any of you kept a diary? Or still do? What effect does it have if any?

I've never even considered it before but last night I was so lonely and as I lay trying to sleep in spite of suicidal urges it suddenly came into my head that writing down how I felt would have helped somehow. A personal diary, not a livejournal or whatever.

Pic related it was me last night

>> No.6289723 [DELETED] 


that's gay, bro

>> No.6289724

Stop crying like a little emo kid!

Only strong people can make history!

>> No.6289726

I've never kept a diary, but I find it helps to talk about your day and what's going through your head. If you don't have anyone to email or talk to then try the diary, just get your thoughts out somehow.

>> No.6289731

>>If you don't have anyone to email or talk to then try /jp/, just get your thoughts out somehow.

Fixed for most people here.

>> No.6289737


Neither strong people could. Why? The rest tries to pull them down.

>> No.6289745

Start a blog, OP. /jp/ has a blog ring..

B-but, it- its not like we want you to share our lives with us ;_;

>> No.6289761

They were weak. Not enough ambition, they only had obsession.

>> No.6289782

How would I join the blog ring? Do people really read the blogs? It might be nice to join a community but I'm not so eager on having the blog read but it's a little too much to make a blog private...

>> No.6289793


Start a blog at blogger.com then go to
To find us.

Most of us read each others blogs and talk to each other. it is pretty nice to be honest

>> No.6289918

I wish I got upset enough to make a blog about it or something. I don't get upset or happy, I just feel dead, like I'm existing rather of living.

>> No.6289920


And who would read it, anyways?

>> No.6289924



>> No.6289925


I used to keep a diary, OP. It was helpful for trying to collect my thoughts and express how I was feeling. I eventually stopped needing to write things down, but for the time, it really helped me emotionally

There's just something about being able to get things off your chest, I guess, even if you (as I did) ensure that no one will ever read your writing

>> No.6289926

I think it's about time I join the blog ring. I can tell the tale of my soon to become homeless adventures.

>> No.6289928
File: 403 KB, 752x783, 12758558799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn your suicidal urges into homicidal ones. Turn your anger inside-out. Still write, a diary is good, but you need to not let life stomp on you. You need to stomp on THEM.

Fucking CRACK THEIR SKULL INTO THE FLOOR. You have a knife in your house. You may even have something more dangerous. It's as easy as taking a stroll down the street and ramming it into the first person you meet. Most murderers get away with it if it's random. Indiscriminate. Take strength in the blood you spill, it's a new purpose to your life.

Kill as many as you can.

>> No.6289935

Hey hey hey! Take it easy! There is no necessity of doing something like that!

>> No.6289940

The niggers on /jp/ made me so mad today. They shitpost all the time and then they said my post was a shitpost. They're not even real otaku. Autistic faggot motherfuckers.

Today I shot a load into my waifu. Feels good man.

I tried to hold all these personalities today. Still can't do it. Will I never reach that level where I can hold them?

All I did today was play Touhou.

Today I dusted my figurines.

Tried to beat my fap record today.

>> No.6289946

Fuck yes this is best post ever!

>> No.6289969

For some reason I have an urge to rip and tear.

>> No.6289985

This is totally wrong.
But I like it in a weird way. Feels good man. Best post of the day.

>> No.6289988
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 1287090086894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it

>> No.6290004

Too late. They have been haunted.

>> No.6290016
File: 51 KB, 413x466, 18835454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I think you mean't that "we are enlightened"

>> No.6290030
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>Today I shot a load into my waifu.
Way to go, Anonymous-san.

>> No.6290042

Really? Well, drop the knife you are holding in your right hand then.

>> No.6290047
File: 129 KB, 400x500, 1284393839573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you guys.

It'd be constructive to turn that anger outwards, into something productive, but... Is murder productive? Cleansing the world of scum or just looking to drown sorrows in blood and give meaning to an otherwise empty life?

Writing thesis on this. Thanks /jp/.

>> No.6290060

I tried keeping a diary once, but whenever I read anything I wrote, I felt worse. And I was always afraid of somebody reading it.

>> No.6290062

Okay, for now ;__;

Hey, be sure to show that thesis to us. Im highly interested.

>> No.6290066

As I always say, Good and Evil cohexist to create an stabilized order. If there's good, there will be evil, and if there's evil, there will be good. Of course, Good and Evil are relative things.

You can think it's good to kill scum. Others will see you as another evil thing in this world.

Life is an interesting game.

>> No.6290070

diaries are for fags. real men keep their depression bottled up inside until they completely lose it and go on a shooting spree.

>> No.6290091


This topic has nothing to do with otaku culture.

>> No.6290096
File: 86 KB, 694x474, click.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering making a blog, I don't think anyone will read it, I don't think I have anything to blog about, I just need something to do.

>> No.6290132

Open a LiveJournal! It's fun and full of fuckable underage girls obsessed with yaoi. I've banged more of one of them.

>> No.6290156

Write about anything, none of us write much of interest. However blogging isn't the main point of our blog circle though. Pull your weight.

You'll likely be ignored for being late to arriveanyhow.

>> No.6290157

You have nothing to do with otaku culture.

>> No.6290161
File: 73 KB, 230x300, ever283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of /jp/

Other anon. Start a blog. It's fun and thenother guys are great.
