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6425582 No.6425582 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, theres a mouse in my room...
I can hear it stepping over plastic and everything, and I keep seeing it...
Oh god, what if theres more than one?
Fuck, I can't sleep in my room tonight, what if it tries to eat my eyes or it falls into my mouth or something?

What do you guys do to keep mammals away?

>> No.6425586

Basic hygiene, not living in a shithole.

>> No.6425588

Get a cat or raise an army.

>> No.6425589

It's a little late to be keeping it away, it's already there.
>tries to eat my eyes or it falls into my mouth or something?
Thanks, now I can't sleep

>> No.6425593

Post a stream. Just like that one guy did when one was under his fridge awhile back.

>> No.6425597
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enjoy your buboes, OP.

>> No.6425598

Shit like that makes me extremely paranoid..
And scared...

>> No.6425608
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I keep venomous snakes around, rats and mice don't bother me none. I wouldn't worry about the mouse harming you though...unless it gets too hungry or you're somehow blocking the way to it's home. Which in that case it would have to eat it's way right through you.

>> No.6425614

Get a cat. Mice go wherever there are no cats.

>> No.6425616

throw out some traps and clean your crap up.

Its the time of the year when mice invade homes as its getting colder outside.

>> No.6425620

Equip some gloves and catch it with your hands, it's easier than you think.

>> No.6425629

Ask it to take you to Gensokyo.

>> No.6425636

I had a bunch of rats in my house once. Used to be a couple but then they had babies and well, there you go. Eventually they got bored and left. Maybe it was because we kept killing them with traps. Got this one trap that uses D-cell batteries to electrocute them to death. Whenever one would trigger it you could hear BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT until they finally died.

We later found they had got in through a relatively tiny gap (except to rats) between the bottom of the dishwasher and the floor. Next to the wall was a hole to the garage which they originally came from. Fuckers.

>> No.6425640

one time a rat climbed on my bed at night and i felt the weight on the covers so i flung them in such a way that it got catapulted across the room. you could hear the thump as it hit the wall. it started hissing for a while but didn't do anything. guess it learned not to fuck with things bigger than it. COME AT ME BRO

>> No.6425643

A dog would work too, they are faster than mice.

>> No.6425645

adventure time to go look for treasures and take her as a waifu and have many babies

>> No.6425657

Hire a youkai exterminator.

>> No.6425689
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Get one of these. I heard they're powerful enough to snap a rat's neck when it clamps down.

>> No.6425709

>what if it tries to eat my eyes or it falls into my mouth or something?

I imagine it wouldn't try this unless you'd been dead for a few days. Quit overthinking it.

>> No.6425712

My friend uses these and they work great. He smears a little peanut butter on them and always gets them.

>> No.6425715

A wild mouse would stay the fuck away from you while you slept. Or while you're awake, really.

You're a giant ape. It has nothing to gain by "eating your eyes" (you would wake up and probably slay the mouse before it gets to the other eye) and it would be suicide for it to "fall into your mouth". Do you think critters LIKE to crawl in a wet, moist, tight cavern that's constantly bursting out humid air [breathing]? To a mouse, your muted breathing in and out would be a loud booming sound if it were near your lips.

P.s. the concept that people eat "six spiders a year while they sleep" is fiction for the same reason.

>> No.6425722

caught a rat in a glue trap at night. too lazy to bring him to the garbage can outside so i left him there. he cried a while until i assume he died of exhaustion. woke up and was greeted by the sight of a rat head stuck on the glue trap missing a body. other rats had eaten him. the glue trap was also dragged far from where it had been originally.

somewhere in the house is a rat skeleton with no head.

>> No.6425725

ZUN got bitten by a mouse once... Maybe some mice consider themselves heroes amongst vermin, and stealthily infiltrate humans homes and slay sleeping people for glory and lots of food.

>> No.6425727

That's awesome.

I heard a story about a baby who got his toe eaten while his parents slept. Better be careful OP.

>> No.6425741
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You could try to find out how the fuck it got into your room, and just block off the entry before you get some traps (and not the delicious kind). That's what I would do so that I could at least sleep.

If you get up to go chase it away real fast, pay very close attention to where it scuttles off to. It may take several rounds of letting it come out and then following it as it runs away to see exactly where it's going (and you may have to scoot some things to get a clearer view). It'll surely go into the hole it came in through though, unless there's more than one entry (which is unlikely since you only just now noticed it and so it's probably not been there long). Plugging the hole probably won't not solve the problem though, because it could chew another one through somewhere else.

>> No.6425752

I had a mouse in my house for like 2 months, and for the first month it kept coming into my room every night. I actually didn't see what the rat looked like until the second month.

My mother is literally retarded and didn't give a shit about it even though I told her it kept waking me up and shit. She only cared when she found out it was chewing up wood around the house and shit.

First you need to make sure it doesn't have a food supply it can eat from in your house. If you have any bird seed or grains, make sure it isn't snacking on them. If it is it will avoid traps you need to lay down, get the snappy kid and add peanut butter to them.

Also find out where it's coming from in your room and block off that hole with some old t-shirts, that's how I managed to keep it from at least coming into my room at night.

>> No.6425761

>what if it tries to eat my eyes

Are you secretly a zombie or otherwise dead, op?

>> No.6425770

You could always lay down some food for it if you're afraid it will eat you.

>> No.6425775

I've never tried this, but I heard this can be effective asides from the usual traps.

Open an empty can of soda and put a bit of anti freeze at the bottom. The mice should be attracted to the sweetness.

Don't try this if you have pets of course.

>> No.6425784

I had a mouse in my apartment once.
The little fucker was fast as lightning and too smart to be caught by traps.
Then one day I found it dead on the kitchen floor.

I suspect it got food poisoning.

>> No.6425801
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Or it saw you fapping to Nazrin, and had a heart attack from running away too fast to go and fap to her as well.

>> No.6425808
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Death by NTR.

>> No.6425817
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This should do the trick.

>> No.6425821

Is that Panzers?

Nevermind, it is, Source, Hong?

I had four mice run up my leg once, shit was so horrifying.

>> No.6425826
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>> No.6425828

man this image never fails to warm my queer little heart

>> No.6425829


.. I could understand one, like if you were sleeping, but what on earth did you do that resulted in four of them getting in? Stick some cheese up your pants or something?

>> No.6425840
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Many thanks

>> No.6425854



Goddamn it.

>> No.6425862


Also, OP, find mousehole, plug with live wire trap, profit.>>6425829

>> No.6425863


>> No.6425875

Find the holes they're using to gain access to your house.

Stuff them with steel wool.



>> No.6425886

Tastes pretty good.

>> No.6425910
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So I'm from Alaska... we don't have mice up there, too cold, but I'm in the Army and stationed in Hawaii. I live in some old barracks... had a mouse going in and out of some of the rooms on my floor. Eventually it made it to my room, which is usually clean (it has to be or else I'd get in trouble). I never had any experience with the little fuckers but when I started picking up its turds (not with my bare hands, mind you), I had a funny feeling I knew what it was. This went on for a couple weeks but I didn't ever see the little bastard and I became extremely paranoid.

I left town for the Labor Day weekend, and during that time the mouse had found its way into my trash bin, which held only some empty trash bags. It got stuck in there and just sat around or whatever until I got back. That night I when I was unpacking I threw away my old plane tickets and shit and that's when I heard something moving around in there. I didn't freak, I just took the bin into the parking lot and dumped out the plastic bags and stuff. Nothing emerged so started putting the trash bags back into the bin one at a time. On the second or third, the mouse flew out of the bag and ran off into the night. I fucking freaked.

OP, you are in for a lot of cleaning. Mice get everywhere, and they shit and piss, too. You can get sick off of it. You'd be best to launder every piece of clothing in the area, wipe down everything with cleaning chemicals (especially bleach, because mice fucking hate that shit), and especially mop the floors. If you cannot catch and kill that fucker yourself, put out some god-damned traps.

I moved into a different (and cleaner) building since my experience but I still jump at every little sound late at night. The mouse is gone but my paranoia remains. Godspeed, OP!

>captcha: dantone suggests

>> No.6425912 [SPOILER] 
File: 659 KB, 1000x750, 11048287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape the mice.

>> No.6425948


>> No.6425966
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>> No.6425979
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>> No.6425998

what the fuck ;___;

>> No.6426008
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>> No.6426010

Food chain.

>> No.6426032

A god's assistant > A shikigami of a shikigami.

>> No.6426040

A servant of a kyuubi approaching godhood who is a servant of an elder god sounds quite powerful to me.

>> No.6426047

And the servant of a fairly powerful deity isn't?

>> No.6426061

All right, guys, let's put it that way:

2nd stage boss + EX stage midboss > 1st stage boss + 5th stage midboss

>> No.6426064

Her master is a servant of a deity. And no, even Byakuren is just a black magic magician.

>> No.6426068

SO WHAT chen and nazrin are best buds it says so in the bible

>> No.6426082

who keeps commissioning this shit head?

>> No.6426086

Let's not. The only proper way to do this is comparing our love for the characters. Strongest love wins.

>> No.6426091

I think he google mistranslates for free, most of the time. He is so bad I doubt he knows any japanese.

>> No.6426110

Its annoying because people who should translate them aren't

>> No.6426138

Nobody "should" translate anything.

>> No.6426155

Why so much hate for this CGrascal fellow?

>> No.6426159

He does bad translations for free. This pisses a lot of people off.
