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6508129 No.6508129 [Reply] [Original]

Unhealthy things NEETs should not consume at all:
-Fruit juice (enjoy your diabetes)
-Cereal, rice, bread, anything with grains (enjoy your IBS)

Healthy alternatives:
-Water. Get a coaster, chill it and add ice cubes if you can't drink plain water.
-Salad with no dressing

>> No.6508138

Cereal and sandwiches are literally all I eat

>> No.6508151

please stop killing yourself and eat some steak instead

>> No.6508158

Shut up. You're not my real mom.

>> No.6508162

Eating rice erryday.

>> No.6508169

We talking pathetic Japanese steak or manly American steak? Because from what I hear, no one in Japan knows how to grill.

>> No.6508172

I eat steak sandwiches.
With wine.
Made of bear blood.

>> No.6508176

>>insinuating one type of food will instantly lead to a certain medical condition when in reality they're causes are based upon multiple factors

You can drink you're grape juice and orange juice just fine. Actually they're mostly good for you due to delicious flavonoids.

>> No.6508178

take out the sandwich part and your'are good

>> No.6508180

If you really are a NEET, you will consume everything you manage to acquire and not be picky about it. You never know when you will eat next.

>> No.6508183

They really don't. Ask for anything above "medium rare" and it is either over done or brunt. Seriously, just don't eat it. Plenty of rices, fish, noodles, breads, whatever to eat.

>> No.6508185

>orange juice
one of the worst juices, enjoy that diabetes

manly american steak = health food

>> No.6508200

Fruit juice is okay, just don't drink 8 glasses of it a day.

I think this is the same faggot from the other thread, too

>> No.6508209

If you are asking for "anything over 'medium rare'" in the first place, you are doing it wrong.
A medium steak is already ruined. This is a chemical, scientific fact. A medium-rare steak will cook to medium while it sits on your plate, so ordering medium-rare is already a bit of a risk, in and of itself.

Of course, you can't really order a rarer steak than that in a restaurant anyway, but if you are grilling your own (you should be), you should be going for the perfect temperature, just above "blue rare".

But yeah: Why would you order steak in Japan in the first place?

>> No.6508213

fruit juice is a junk food, have the whole fruit instead

may as well have one glass of coke a day

won't kill you but isn't healthy

>> No.6508223


You won't be getting the fiber that you would from whole fruit, but as far as sugar is concerned there's no difference.

>> No.6508232

you don't make a glass of orange juice with one orange

>> No.6508243


So eating five oranges is junk food?

>> No.6508253

more like overeating a healthy food

while fruit juice any one 'serving' is already overdoing it, so it is junk

>> No.6508257
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Don't eat meat, would you like to be eaten and exploited by Youkais?
No, not sexually speaking

>> No.6508266


Not when it has good nutrients in it.

>> No.6508267

I am scared of diabetes.
I used to pour a cup of sugar into a tall glass of orange juice once a day. Fucking amazing. Now I eat rice, steak, water, and amphetamine. Sometimes when I lean too far forward, my heart does not pump right.

>> No.6508269

So, everyone is arguing about fruit juice, but since when is bread and rice unhealthy? Aren't they in the group you're, you know, supposed to eat the MOST of?

>> No.6508278

Nutricianists change their minds around every decade or so.

>> No.6508291

the bad outweighs the good. even one glass a day of orange juice has been linked to type two diabetes, because all fruit juice has pretty much the same amount of sugar as a soda. people switching from coke to juice are fooling themselves and they should be able to notice how sweet it is, people drinking a glass a day as part of an otherwise healthy diet are kidding themselves if they think it is anything other than a guilty pleasure

>> No.6508296


Depends if it's white rice or white bread, which are worse for you than brown rice or whole wheat bread. It's all about how it affects your glycemic index. Which is why drinking fruit juice which has a lot of fruit sugar isn't the same as drinking soda. Different types of sugar.

>> No.6508306

I already lost like 40kg during the last year. I´m usually eating 5 times a day - in the morning a bit bread + light chesse, at 10am a tomato/apple, a salat for lunch, again some vegetables at 3pm and some bread before it´s 6pm. Afterwards i only drink water.

>> No.6508310

I eat what I want, we're all gonna die in the end anyway why force myself to eat shit I don't want to eat?

>> No.6508309
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>> No.6508313

>rice, bread, anything with grains

I eat rice or some other grain product everyday.

>> No.6508318

Depends on whether you want to live a shorter live with food you like more or a longer life with food you like less. It's not like every good food has to taste bad though. If you can learn to enjoy water like many people learn to enjoy alcohol you're already halfway there.

>> No.6508316

hm.. to prevent looking like goosh goosh dude? Also dying at the age of 30 kinda sucks, especially when you´re still waiting for japan to produce artifical girls who´re pleasuring you.

>> No.6508324

replace the bread with red meat

>> No.6508332

Japan has been making artificial girls that pleasure people from the 80's.

>> No.6508338

Signs of diabetes:
-Constant tiredness, shorter waking hours
-Very frequent urination
-Outbreaks of common infections very often when previously in similar conditions outbreaks were rare or nonexistent
-Blurring of the eyes
-Thick moustache

>> No.6508340

You guys are fucking nuts. If you get diabetes from a glass of orange juice you and your shitty genes deserve to die . Humans are so amazing because of the multitude of things that they can use for nutrition. People live to 100 eating whatever the fuck they want to and are afraid to blame shitty lifespans on horrid genes.

>> No.6508341

I have:
Morning: 1 bread + coffe (artificial sweetened)
Afternoon: 2 breads + coffe
Night: More coffe, tea and light soda

Also, I eat a vegetable or two between meals

>> No.6508353

taste is relative, what tastes like gourmet food to some taste like shit to others so I can't really vouche that food can taste good for everyone.

Either way I drink a lot of water and tea as a personal preference.

Yeah, basically I'd rather enjoy my life more than living longer and enjoying it less.

>> No.6508359

People did not evolve drinking orange juice. If you want to get genetic in your argument the healthy foods should be obvious: any food that people have actually consumed for tens of millions of years, rather than foods which human evolution has had no time to adapt to.

>> No.6508379

I do consume a lot of sugar but I don't think I'm diabetic enough
-I am rather an insomiac
-I don't urinate that often
-I don't have any outbreaks of that sort
-I was nearsighted since I was young so I'll give you this one
-I don't have a mustache

>> No.6508380

Can you really call genes that don't carry you to 100 years "shitty"? Genes only need say 20 years (and that's generous) to be procreated, and another 20 or so to be parented in order to survive. When it's rare that you can even breed past age 60 or even want to, how can genes that carry you that far really show their benefit in that regard through natural selection?

>> No.6508388

Blurring of the eyes as in a deteriorating clarity. Not a condition you've had since you were young, diabetes usually develops late teens or later.

>> No.6508385


Sounds like a prison. A piece of bread for a meal?

>> No.6508396

People haven't been alive for tens of millions of years. People have been drinking juice for over eight hundred years.

>> No.6508430

I've seen people with juvenile diabetes. Either that, or they just like randomly stabbing themselves with hypodermic needles for no reason in public.

>> No.6508434

Yes, if we are on the topic of having and enjoyable and lifestyle, with lots of open choices, yes.

>> No.6508443

>stabbing themselves with hypodermic needles for no reason in public.
Type 1 diabetes, not type 2. Type 2 is an acquired disease and the type you need to worry about getting if you have to much sugar. If you don't have type 1, you won't ever have it.

>> No.6508458

OP needs to FOAD. This is too much like meta shit.

>> No.6508457


>Myth: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.
>Fact: No, it does not. Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics and unknown factors that trigger the onset of the disease; type 2 diabetes is caused by genetics and lifestyle factors. Being overweight does increase your risk for developing type 2 diabetes, and a diet high in calories, whether from sugar or from fat, can contribute to weight gain. If you have a history of diabetes in your family, eating a healthy meal plan and regular exercise are recommended to manage your weight.

tl:dr sugar can make you a fat fuck but in and of itself does not cause diabetus

>> No.6508460

NOPE. Type 1, of course it isn't. Type 2, all sugar. It just so happens that the fat fucks who develop it, surprise surprise, consume too much sugar.

>> No.6508463

Go back to somewhere other than here with your FOAD and your PMSL and your EW and your IMHO.
