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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 171 KB, 600x800, aberwirklich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6836271 No.6836271 [Reply] [Original]

This is your new sister. Treat her well, /jp/!

>> No.6836274

I always wanted one.

>> No.6836276

You thread was deleted earlier. Do not post it again.

>> No.6836278 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 561x800, my penis can't have this many hairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my little sister can't be this much of a whore

>> No.6836280

Don't want 3 sisters. I'd rather have a servant.

>> No.6836288

Why does Cirno look so spoiled in that picture? Is it just the pose?

Well, doesn't matter, I'd spoil her all the time if she was my imouto.

>> No.6836290


Would you buy her nice things?

>> No.6836295


It's the twintails man.

>> No.6836297


Not him, but I'd give her my second DS and we could play games. That would be fun.

>> No.6836313

/jp/ is so innocent

>> No.6836317

I could use a new sister, my older one is pregnant with a NED. Feels bad to be the youngest, man.

>> No.6836322

Looks like I'm going to have to cook something nice tonight. I can't have my sister going on an empty stomach.

>> No.6836324


None of the acronyms listed under "NED" on Wikipedia seem to fit here.

>> No.6836330


What are you going to make? Pasta?


>> No.6836336


>> No.6836350

"It has a touhou picture so it's fine" logic is not very nice.

>> No.6836360


I see, I see. I was stuck thinking it was an acronym and not just a regular word. "NED" not "Ned" and such.

>> No.6836365

Eh, it was my fault for saying it in all caps

>> No.6836367

I already have 2 little sisters. But I would not mind another one.

>> No.6836370


Do you cook dinner for them, Anonymous?

>> No.6836394

Do you brush their hair, Anonymous?

>> No.6836411
File: 181 KB, 550x513, kanyapyi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6836416

I take the younger one out to the zoo, clothes shopping and to the cinema, she also plays fighting games with me, even though she is terrible. She lets me take pictures of her wearing dresses. I don't get along as well with the other one because she's older.

>> No.6836417

please get rid of her. dont want my house to be more cold than it already is

>> No.6836427

It's too hot where I live, please give her to me.

>> No.6836428


Would you make dinner for them, Anonymous?

If so, what would you make for them?

>> No.6836438

I made a pizza for the younger sister today, I handmade the base and everything. My cooking skills are limited but I try to make nice cakes and stuff for her, it's all part of being a good brother.

>> No.6836440

>I don't get along as well with the other one because she's older.
That's rather depressing.

>> No.6836442


You're such a good brother, Anonymous.

>> No.6836443
File: 198 KB, 600x4000, time travel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I was browsing my folder and found these today.

>> No.6836446

Why are you so obsessed with the food? Wait, are you a little girl who is hungry right now and in need of fuel for your fantasies of anon making food for you?

>> No.6836448
File: 171 KB, 600x800, 1279159585274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want it.

>> No.6836450
File: 75 KB, 600x1000, time travel2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how is your plan going anon?

>> No.6836451

She is 16 and she regularly has boys over when she thinks no one is home, she also acts like a spoiled brat. I am perfectly justified in not getting along with her.

>> No.6836452
File: 193 KB, 500x550, 1279160752290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please modify it to proper sister standards

>> No.6836454


That's nice. I am an astronomical failure at cooking, so it may be good that I don't have a sister.

>> No.6836459

But.. loli haet pizza!

>> No.6836461

Yeah, I figured it was that kind of thing. Still a bit sad, though.

>> No.6836462

Typical normal slut. Work hard to not make the other one like that, anon.

>> No.6836464



Wait, what's that called again? Autogynephilia?

>> No.6836474

I do, she is the exact opposite of the other sister, so innocent and pure. She complains when I try to buy her dresses, because she thinks she isn't worth the money. She has the wonderful combination of being very pretty and having low self esteem. She also bought me Atelier Rorona for my birthday, because she thought I would enjoy it.

>> No.6836479


Did you enjoy it, Anonymous?

>> No.6836483

Ive always wanted a little sister.

If I had a little sister I would watch out for her anytime my mother tried to make her wear anything lame. I would always be there for her anytime she was in trouble or just needed a ride somewhere.

Id always be there to help her with her home work. When she started to get curious about her body I would explain in detail everything she needs to know.

If she ever went out on a data I would stalk her, for her protection, of course. I would stalk her boyfriend and investigate his past. If he was skum, I would plant cocaine on him and alter the cops, wait out side his house in the dark and assault him or cut his break lines.

I would be a model brother, always looking out for her well being, from the shadows.

>> No.6836485

Do you hug her regularly, Anonymous?

>> No.6836492

I wish your sister was my sister. Then we could be brothers! Nothing can be more satisfying than knowing you're my brother, anonymous.

>> No.6836493
File: 9 KB, 180x221, aeka2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your sister Aeka?

>> No.6836504

There are a lot of girls with that stereotype.

>> No.6836507

But shes the best.

>> No.6836510
File: 88 KB, 800x600, goddamnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very pretty and having low self esteem
I hate to break it to you but this will probably be a very bad combination for her once she gets older and boys take notice of her.

>> No.6836513
File: 121 KB, 298x411, this paper.....is full of shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aren't you the same guy who asked from what anime she was earlier on /a/?

>> No.6836517
File: 79 KB, 640x480, 22d121f43524570079607d6edb67d3af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy no she isn't.

Here, have some high tier material.

>> No.6836518

I thought it was pretty cool, I liked Cory and the puppet girl a lot. Need to replay it and get the other endings though.

Every time I see her, and I pick her up and spin her around as well, since she is very light.

I wouldn't mind having a half decent brother, my older brother has anger management problems and tried to suffocate me once because I borrowed one of his games without asking.

She is far superior to Aeka, although from what she tells me, she doesn't have many friends at school, I suppose it's because she has different interests to the other girls.

>> No.6836519

nice opinions you have there, to bad i dont care about them.

>> No.6836521

Some boys have already taken notice of her, and she flat out told them that she wasn't interested. I am terrified of when she gets older though, because I know she won't stay like she is now forever.

>> No.6836526
File: 132 KB, 450x450, patchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat almost inexistent mouth.

but no thanks, I have 3 sisters already... and while I'm working they are being lazy little shits.

>> No.6836528

Yeah, it will be pretty bad when they notice her low self-esteem and use it to manipulate her into helping them with their homework.

>> No.6836531

You'll just have to make her yours.

It's the only way.

>> No.6836533

stain her in your colour

it is the only way

>> No.6836534

That's a impossible dream and you know it anon.

>> No.6836535

I already have 5 sisters, I don't need another one!

>> No.6836538 [DELETED] 

Man, you see a nigger sitting next to a cute white girl and you automatically think rape. I feel ashamed of my racist mind. Ill never discriminate against niggers again.

>> No.6836546

I try my best, but I am definitely nothing more than a brother to her. One time when we were holding hands in town, I said 'it looks a bit like we're girlfriend and boyfriend', and she just laughed it off. I guess I should be grateful that we're so close in the first place, my parents let me give her the talk about sex and whatnot, because I get along better with her than they do.

>> No.6836555

Do you have any pictures of her? I wish I had a little sister to take pictures of.

>> No.6836569

Well that sounds wonderful, even though I think your lieing your ass off. Your claim that shes better than Aeka was a dead give away. However I like to keep an open mind and give you the benefit of the doubt.

Buy some black cloths and some make up. Buy a cheap car and make sure no one knows you have it and keep it in carpool parking lots. And a high powered camera. Then start stalking her and her boy friends anytime shes out alone with a boy. Only you can protect her chastity, her hormone driven mind and pier pressure will lead her to do things she doesnt want to. You have to protect her from her self.

>> No.6836579 [DELETED] 

Protip: Never ask brother to give you his littler sister's pictures.

>> No.6836587


>my parents let me give her the talk about sex and whatnot, because I get along better with her than they do.

That is both heartwarming and a little sad. I'm glad you're such good friends.
...but taking pictures of her in dresses is kind of creepy.

It's probably because of the basketball jersey and the gold jewelry that you think that. It's okay. When I see the huge balls attached to the girl's head I automatically think "retard".

>> No.6836588
File: 465 KB, 1410x816, The Most Glorious PNG of All Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One time when we were holding hands in town, I said 'it looks a bit like we're girlfriend and boyfriend', and she just laughed it off.
At least you had the courage to give it a shot and see if she would reciprocate. Keep treating her well, your time with her is short. ;_;

>> No.6836595


Don't get too used to that side of little sisters now. It will only make it harder when she wants to spend her time with some douchebag who obviously only wants into her pants, rather than with you.
The purer they are the more it hurts when you see that they don't notice they are being taken advantage of.
But be sure to make clear that you love her more than anybody. Show your appreciation. Later she won't be that receptive for it anymore.

>> No.6836597

Make sure she gets a man who is good enough for her, then. I was about to say that you should give her to one of us, but I can't even joke about something like that.

>> No.6836600 [DELETED] 

A good brother gives them automatically. As your big brother Anonymous, ill make it my mission to stalk her for you. If need be ill give her a dicking before she wastes her virginity on some random nigger. Thats just how I am, always giving.

>> No.6836602

No thanks, my little sister is such a bitch and she's only 10. She used to be such an angel though, wonder what changed her.

>> No.6836605

She doesn't mind me taking pictures of her, I use them as my desktop background and she thinks it's nice of me. She recorded some voice clips for me to use as windows startup sounds. She means more to me than anything in the world.

I don't have any time stamped pictures of her or anything, but I can post some pictures of her with the face removed.

>> No.6836618

This thread is shit. Reported

>> No.6836621

no you are shit, reported.

>> No.6836622

Never put pictures of your sister even anywhere near the internet. Especially not 4chan, retard.
Not even with her face cropped out. Have some common sense.

>> No.6836626

But the face is the most important part. But yeah don't do it anon.

>> No.6836627

I know it's a stupid idea, but I know that people think I'm lying, and it feels like an insult to my sister, like they are denying her existence.

>> No.6836629

Reported for abusing the report system

>> No.6836631

stfu, I post my cock on the internet all the time and Im still here.

>> No.6836633

Post them for us, please ;_;

>> No.6836639

>like they are denying her existence.
That's because she doesn't exist, you just have your slutty sister and being the hikki you are you created another younger sister that is your ideal image of a perfect sister.

>> No.6836640

As long as her face is cropped out, nothing bad can happen. Also make sure you crop out anything in the background that could give away your location.

>> No.6836649
File: 11 KB, 188x231, but I'm not a cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have a border collie instead, please.

One that doesn't shit.

>> No.6836651

And Don't save in .jpeg - EXIF metadata. .png is perfect.

>> No.6836664

Don't. These guys are freaks.
They will edit their favourite loli onto her face, print out the picture and bukkake your little sister precious memorium. You don't want that, right?

>> No.6836675

Shop a glorious 2D loli on to a 3D's body? Why dont you post a picture of your self so I can surgically shop a pigs head on to your body.

>> No.6836687

.png saves more than one layer of photo information, save it in .jpg so if you censor her face they can't undo it.

>> No.6836693

Looks like both of you are trying to trick the guy with the same purpose of layers.

>> No.6836694
File: 10 KB, 298x298, smile kitty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I needed to illustrate a horrible consequence of him posting that pic.
I thought staining 2D's perfection with 3D was horrible enough. You think my example was lacking?

>> No.6836692 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 227x643, little sister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here she is, I really don't want her boobs to grow anymore. She would look weird.

>> No.6836699

Your "sister" looks like a slut.

>> No.6836705

I actually wanted to point out that guy was a troll, I didn't know I was wrong.

>> No.6836707

It won't, unless you add new layer...

>> No.6836708

I don't know which of you is right or wrong.

>> No.6836711
File: 58 KB, 369x317, 1285643864328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel comfortable in this thread anymore.

>> No.6836713

repost it, the fucker deleted it to fast.

>> No.6836714
File: 1 KB, 46x126, 1295484994902s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here she is, I really don't want her boobs to grow anymore. She would look weird.

>> No.6836717

Look the archive. The thumbnail should be enough for you.

The only part that matters is the face anyways and you can't see it.

>> No.6836722

But I already have two sisters. Why would I want another one

>> No.6836723

I deleted it because all this talk of EXIF data and shit made me panic, I feel uncomfortable now.

>> No.6836725
File: 74 KB, 491x560, destroy_all_hymens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6836729

But I wanted to see her dress. I cant see the details on the dress with a little tumbnail.

>> No.6836736

It's just a flowery summer dress, she has another one that is purple and white, and a more expensive dress made of green silk stuff with black lace.

>> No.6836740

The dress was rather plain what you see in the thumbnail is pretty much it. It's just a solid blue color with flowers or some shit on it.

>> No.6836742

Their trolling you. The image format means nothing as long as you dont have layers. Images dont save metadata, programs save meta data. Even then its not like its saving your address, its regional information, like what timezone you are in. Its also only certain programs that do it, like anything made by microsoft.

>> No.6836752

Made me laugh.

>> No.6836753

One of you all must have loaded it. someone post it again. I have a thing for dresses.

>> No.6836759

Some cameras (phones too) actually save GPS coordinates in the metadata.

>> No.6836763

Thats true for phones but most cameras dont have the stuff to do that.

>> No.6836767

Don't worry, sister-anon, from what I can see in the tiny thumbnail, your sister looks very cute.

>> No.6836769


>> No.6836772

Got a bigger picture? I cant even see her toes.

>> No.6836775


Jesus christ you creepy son of a bitch, can't you just go jerk it to a children's clothes catalog or something

>> No.6836782

>>6836288 I'd spoil her all the time if she was my imouto.
I'd spoil her for marriage

>> No.6836784

I didnt want to jerk it. You see, my sister used to fight with my mother over dresses. My sister had some of the most horrible dresses, do i couldnt really blame her.

The dress in the tumbnail is actually rather attractive looking, from what I can tell. I wanted to compare it to my sisters dresses. This girl is about the same age my sister was when she was forced in to dresses.

>> No.6836786

Get out of /jp/

>> No.6836804

Trying hard, but not hard enough anon. It's ok to say all you want is jerk over it.

>> No.6836808

Ive got porn if i need to jerk it.

>> No.6836809

You guys don't *have* to be so explicitly creepy you know. :/

>> No.6836819

> :/
Uh-huh. Get out.

>> No.6836828

Don't get the wrong idea, anon.
We're fantasizing about her, but only in the purest way. /jp/ just wants an imouto that they can care for and love.

>> No.6836841

Umm, yeah, I want to take care of her as well.

>> No.6836855
File: 15 KB, 281x280, godot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6836912

Not even shitting: my imouto is sexy, worshiped me all her life to this day, and has recently become a voice actress in anime. She'll be an additional voice in the Loveless dub.

>> No.6836929

I have a little sister. She's not incredibly pretty, but actually enjoys my company. We often watch anime and play games together. She's really nice as well, buying me a VN and another game for my birthday. I only wish she'd dress up in adorable outfits when it wasn't to cosplay.

>> No.6836931

I just want a little girl that will love me and look up to me. ;_;

>> No.6836936

I have a question for any imouto-having anons: are you close enough with your imouto that she is comfortable farting around you?

>> No.6836950


>worshiped me all her life

Yeah, okay dude. Those of us with real sisters know this doesn't happen, like, ever

>> No.6836951
File: 51 KB, 396x385, sad_frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never sniff a loli's farts. ;_;

>> No.6836955

She doesn't mind my farting, but now that I think about it, I can't really remember a time she's farted around me. Perhaps it's not audible.

>> No.6836956

I have

>> No.6836966

don't worry
little sister farts smell like vanilla

it's a fact.

>> No.6836971


It does if you grew up in the sticks around people you don't fit in with. Being the only potential friend to each other makes these things happen.

And if you weren't a pervert trying to hump your sister, maybe she'd see you as a hero too.

>> No.6836993
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1292989636481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I was exaggeratedly against the idea of my parents having another child when I was young.

>> No.6837016
File: 53 KB, 1024x768, U_ANGRY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I kept on bothering my parents until they had one little sister.
After that, as a kid, I apparently called her the last babby.

>> No.6837064



No actually that really sucks bro. I'm sorry. I really love my siblings more than anything else in the world. I don't know what I'd do without my brother and sisters ;_;

>> No.6837065

thats cute.

>> No.6837073

>Being the only potential friend to each other makes these things happen.

Yeah, so you meant "friend," not "object of worship." Gotcha

>> No.6837124

I grew up as an only child in a town with most of the population over 55. To stave off the boredom I made up an invisible sister named Lisa and pretended to go on adventures with her when I was a kid.
Feels bad man.

>> No.6837132

I don't feel that bad actually. I know that reality is different from fantasy so my sister would probably be a bother.

>> No.6837140

Its just not every brother and sister that are torn apart because Slavic slave traders have ran off with her so you have to woop some ass. Becoming your sisters "object of worship" just isnt that easy these days.

>> No.6837162

I'm an only child and goddamn proud of it. Helped me shatter my autism as it forced me to communicate with unknown entities.

Not fucking /jp/ related. Reported.

>> No.6837171

>Not fucking /jp/ related. Reported.
Its good that you know your post is not /jp/ related or even related to this thread. Its also nice that you reported your self. Why dont you just delete your thread? Saves me the trouble of following your example and reporting you.

>> No.6837188

Same here.
Still have a bad habit of talking to myself from it.

>> No.6837213


>> No.6837218



>> No.6837220

>Still have a bad habit of talking to myself from it.
I talk to myself when I'm making a decision or thinking something through, I never connected the two but that makes a lot of sense.

>> No.6837226
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1288573384231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

