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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6837429 No.6837429 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6837430

Learn Japanese much sooner.

>> No.6837431

Start hormone treatments so I can become a little girl as soon as possible

>> No.6837434

I just want to go back to high school, I can fix it all there.

>> No.6837433

Drink antifreeze.

>> No.6837436

Jump off a building. My life was boring and I don't want to go through it again.

>> No.6837439
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Anyway, this >>6837431

>> No.6837438

kill myself

>> No.6837449

Grow out my hair and not eat shit so I don't end up looking like a fat butch lesbian and subsequently picked on all through middle school and becoming socially stunted

>> No.6837450

Suicide disguised as an accident.

>> No.6837453


>> No.6837459

Do I posses all the knowledge I currently have? If yes, then I am winner in life and quickly make a fortune in gambling. If no, well, nothing changes because nothing has a reason to.

>> No.6837464

Try to warn the authorities about impending disasters; realize I'm disappointingly ill-informed about happenings in the last twenty years and can only recall a few of the most major ones; feel tortured by guilt every time I see a tragic story on the news, knowing I could potentially have prevented it.

Bad days, man.

>> No.6837465


>> No.6837469


this board is for touhou only

>> No.6837473

Stop going to church.
When I get bullied in primary school, beat heads in with steel chairs instead of staying a repressed idealist.

>> No.6837475

Play a game of pretend with some the neighbor boys,play doctor with the girls and dry hump because I'm 5yrs old and can get away with it.

>> No.6837477

OP is from /r9k/. Reported.


>> No.6837478
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>Tomorrow morning you return to being 5 years old
OP said nothing about going back in time.

>> No.6837481

Tone by ads for a year, Then fuck every girl in each of my classes from kindergarten to 6th grade. Then kill my self.

>> No.6837487


>> No.6837494

Live my life as I always have because I'm five years old and dumb as shit.

>> No.6837496

Eat more so I end up taller and healthier, exercise as soon as my body can take it.
Use my shota status when a little older to fuck hot milfs. Fuck some lolis too while I'm still young.
Get a job when I'm in my teens, and save up the money so I can go into NEET status after highschool.
I'd make sure to make tons of friends I could parasite off of or get into jobs I don't deserve when I needed money.

>> No.6837507

[x] Start the childhood friend route.

>> No.6837511

save childhood money, bet spectacularly on sports outcomes I already know, become massively wealthy and buy the worlds largest figure collection.

Also invest in gene therapy and cloning until the perfect loli is created

>> No.6837512

start dating IMMEDIATELY.

>> No.6837516

Dress in girl clothes and seduce pedophiles into using me.

>> No.6837518

Bet on the Super bowl winner 1989 to present

>> No.6837530

Tell my Mom to leave my Dad and make sure that he can't take my Brother or Me out of school and suck a judge's dick to get custody.

>> No.6837541

Hope I get to keep my memories and skills.

Draw, draw like a motherfucker so that I can be amazing in my teens and god tier in my 20s.

Also, pick up better eating habits at a young age instead of in my 20's.

>> No.6837546

Estrogen therapy.

>> No.6837558

>implying you even know who went to superbowl in those years.

>> No.6837561

Stop 9/11, get Al Gore elected, invest stock in Macintosh

>> No.6837568

Report this thread.

>> No.6837571

If it's time-travel + memories, stocks in facebook, google, myspace (sell by 2006), and avoid the manga section of the HS library at all costs. If it's just time-travel, but no memories, then it's a useless exercise because everything will happen the same anyways. If it's just wake up and suddenly I'm 5, then I get a few days in national spotlight as super-genius until someone figures out I've just got a 15-year head start on my peers.

>> No.6837577
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I watched them all, and the playoffs nigga

>> No.6837582
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Beat the everliving shit out the the bitch who got me expelled from my private school for accidentally scratching her ass when I meant to scratch mine.

Bitch completely ruined my life and I was labeled a sex offender at fucking 9 years old. Fucking religious nutjobs.

>> No.6837586

self-fulfilling prophecy, I presume?

>> No.6837587
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>accidentally scratching her ass when I meant to scratch mine

>> No.6837598

Use my grad-school level knowledge to appear to be one of those child geniuses, get into Harvard at like ten years old, never be expected to fit in socially due to my super accelerated pace and yet still be highly respected.

OP didn't mention anything about going back in time though or anything, if he did then obviously I'd fill in my dad on what's going on, tell him when the real estate bubble's gonna burst, what teams won the world series when, who to invest in etc.

I'd much rather wake up as a female version of myself though, this thread is boring.

>> No.6837601

Graduate from elementary school, middle school, and high school as quickly as possible. Be labeled a child prodigy. Buy stocks in Google and Apple, invest in Gold in 1999 when it hit a 20-year low. Use the benefit of my age to learn Japanese, Chinese, German, Russian, and French.

>> No.6837605

Make a different set of mistakes than the first time around, possibly with a worse outcome. I have all sorts of regrets, but this is the only path.
Oh, and become fabulously wealthy from foreknowledge of the stock market.

It'd be fun to be stuck in a Groundhog Day type scenario which lasted seventeen years, I think. There'd be so many different possible variations on life when it's not limited to such a short time.

>> No.6837606

I'd reset my priorities in skill acquisition.
By age 10:
Start guitar, harmonica, and kung fu lessons.
By age 14:
Start basics of Japanese and Chinese languages. Emphasize the latter.
Let my hair grow out long. That short thing was a bad idea.
Age 15:
Continue the photography I started in freshman year of high school. Do more research. Pay more attention in math class.
Age 16:
Try out skateboarding.
Rehearse more for my stand up comedy presentations. (yes, I did three.)
Try to find a way to stay longer in Japan than just 6 weeks.
Age 18:
Pick a better major than "East Asian Languages & Cultures." Something marketable. Take a minor instead.
Tell Mary that her next two boyfriends will be shit, and she should instead take me and that hot Egyptian girl at her hippie college for a weekend of threesome action.
Age 19:
Keep training with that Muai Thai guy on campus.
Apply to JET; not Interac... stupid shits.
Hold off on buying the Panasonic G1. Might as well have saved up for a Pentax K-x or better yet, a nice entry level Nikon. Ask grandparents for lenses for Hanukah. Better than gift cards.

>> No.6837609

I'd rather wake up as a 12 year old 2D girl version of myself

>> No.6837616

I'd beat up nerds every day. I'll take my time with high school. Maybe stay back a year or two. I'd be the school's banchou. High school and earlier are the only times you can get away with punching people in the face for no reason. I wasted that time studying and shit. I'd use my father's life insurance to invest in successful companies to fuel my lifestyle of beating nerds until I die.

>> No.6837637

Study harder, learn Japanese before I turn 11 or so. Learn different sorts of important trade skills, such as scamming.

>> No.6837738

Rescue my parents. ;_;

>> No.6837768

I would use my unnaturally developed mind to creep the hell out of every adult I meet.

>> No.6837821

I don't get fat after highschool. And I cause a lot of trouble for all the teachers I hated. And I bet A LOT. Since I will know who wins and everything.

>> No.6838133
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I thought about this before, and to be honest, I'd be a completely different person. I'd live life happily with lots of energy and be eccentric knowing I've essentially avoided the hell I'm in now. Any problem wouldn't faze me.

And I get the added bonus of enjoying the 90s and early World Wide Web.

But back to reality, it really does suck being at a dead end. I hate to be vague, but there's just nothing I can do where I'm living. I need to get the fuck out.

>> No.6838147

It's overrated.

>> No.6838154

Get a patent for every major creation in the past 14 years (I'm 19, go figure) that's possible for me to do.

Create them and make infinity money.

>> No.6838156

Stay in high school and never ever play WoW.

>> No.6838159

Save JFK.

I mean. Fuck I'm old.

>> No.6838165

Is WoW really claiming the lives of that many high schoolers? Guidance councilors should be more aware of WoW, or at least give them a second chance. In America, it's not like it's easy getting into a college not filled with niggers if you've dropped out of high school.

>> No.6838190

funniest fucking thing i've read today since the /b/ haiku thread!

thanks :D

>> No.6838196

! :(

>> No.6838215

It doesn't claim lives it just makes you look like an idiot in front of the entire school.

>> No.6838229

You don't go back in time, you just become 5 years old.
So no parents for you.

>> No.6838235

Learn Japanese.
Get a real interest in music, and start playing the electone.

>> No.6838247

>able to relive your entire life

>> No.6838299

That would be pretty sad. If I suddenly became 5 years old, my parents would abandon me on the spot.

>> No.6838327

Damn, I would file patents for every successful invention in the last 18 years. I would be drowning in money and pussy by age 18.

>> No.6838335

never visit 4chan

>> No.6838342

Create 4chan yourself.

>> No.6838363

OP never made it clear whether you just become 5 years old or go back in time to when you were 5 years old

>> No.6838368


>> No.6838370
File: 21 KB, 300x564, violin01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study music harder,that's pretty much it.

Picked up the Guitar like 4 years ago and goddammit do I ever wish I didn't halfass my Violin lessons so much. I never even learned how to read notes back then because that's how little effort I put in.

>> No.6838374


This. Whether I go back in time or not doesn't matter.

>> No.6838381

Pick up a book on music theory

>> No.6838383

I will learn to play and master as many instruments as I can.

>> No.6838395


after that fails, take a math major instead of computer science.

>> No.6838405
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Oh, please, I don't want to relive everything again! I'm pretty much OK as my life is right now.

>> No.6838455

Learn Japanese sooner and avoid stupid stuff in my life I regretted; like losing my gameboy games at one of my mother's friend's kid's birthday parties I was dragged to because all I did was play my gameboy in the corner while all the other kids played, and I guess one of them swiped my game pouch or something while I was busy staring at the screen. Oh, and stopping embarrassing mistakes like saying "I wonder how her pussy looks" to a game character while my parents are in the room (I think my father said this or something, and I just repeated it later thinking it meant something else in the context he said it in). Man, that embarrassing moment still haunts me, even though I'm sure my parents forgot about it by now and don't find it too big of a deal at all. Y'know, that small stuff that nobody really remembers anymore, but you'll still keep reflecting on for the rest of your life? I'll prevent those. Though, it won't really matter because I'll STILL REMEMBER THEM regardless.

Other than that, there's not much I'd change other than play different games growing up and such.

Really though, for Japanese I'll start early as hell. Day 1 I'll go up to my parents with a hand-written sentence in Japanese (I'm not anywhere close to fluent but I can write a paragraph or so at my current state) and ask them to find me a Japanese class. I'm sure I can persuade them.

>> No.6838467

Prevent the creation of Crunchyroll

>> No.6838490

This and I'd learn as much about information technology and networking as possible.

Using my knowlege of future events and movies would be fun. I'd have spoilers for Return of the Jedi and I'd know when the Challenger is going to explode and top secret shit like when the USSR gets overthrown.

>> No.6838497

Do I go back in time? Then I'd do a shitload of Nobel-worthy research (some of it is really easy when you know the process behind what you're inspecting) before the actual Nobel holders could do it and create Facebook, Youtube and the like; while using the money I earn for hormone treatments and surgery that'll make me a cute girl. By the time I get into high school (I'd choose a private one for girls, of course) I'd be an elegant lesbian ojou-sama hailed as a child genius, and I'd take a cute freshman as my lover.

Since I suddenly returned to being 5, surely there's magic in this world. I find how to use it and become an immortal magical girl (Faustian deal with creepy familiar that wants me to kill witches optional); while doing research is nice and all, it just doesn't compare to such a perfect job. Or better yet, I could combine my current and ideal jobs and be a scientist magical girl, wearing a frilly lab coat and wielding a giant inoculation loop decorated with ribbons as my staff. Instead of blasting people with lasers, my staff would inflict people with coccidiomycosis, anthrax, hydatid disease, guinea worms and the like.

If only ;_;

>> No.6838502

Off myself. I can't even imagine why anybody would want to live their life over again.

>> No.6838518
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>I find how to use it and become an immortal magical girl (Faustian deal with creepy familiar that wants me to kill witches optional)

>> No.6838526

Learn to dance and learn an instrument or something because if I'd have done that when I was a kid, I'd be talented by now.

>> No.6838548
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Spend my life training to be an idol.

>> No.6838552
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I think this through when I go to bed all the time. I'll steal all of the iM@S songs and start a career as a trap idol in the 90s.

>> No.6838553
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>> No.6838571

I'd be very depressed at the fact that I've lost a future I won't be able to recreate.

Assuming by "you" you do you really mean "you", I'd make myself out to be a child genius or some kind of oracle. The problem I see with that is a butterfly effect may cause several of my predictions to be wrong.

>> No.6838575


i was gonna say get a sex change as young as possible

>> No.6838813




>> No.6838892

I warn my father of the cancer he's got. Maybe he'll live if it's diagnosed early.


>> No.6838911


I would tell my father that all those cigarettes are going to fully clog his arteries in 10 years. He wouldn't listen though, so I would have to beg my mother to hospitalize him literally 2 days before he dies (when he was coughing violently over the toilet bowl).

>> No.6838921

I think I'd tell mine that tums isn't a remedy for vomiting blood.

>> No.6838952

This is pretty much it. Other stuff could follow from there.

>> No.6838993

Develop my god complex as a means of combating faggoty insecurities and social anxiety.

Shits been so much easier since.

>> No.6839008

I'd slap your ass off for trying to make me live with you 2 days before I get my freedom.

>> No.6839016

This, and find touhou and /jp/ sooner.

>> No.6839025
File: 141 KB, 444x362, 1291499932692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live like I did till today, take back what I said to some teacher on the phone 3 minutes ago. Thus Im going to school tomorrow in some "special" group to study with asspies and delinquents. Fucking fuck! Eye am frustrated!
