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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 241 KB, 580x497, yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6953385 No.6953385 [Reply] [Original]

I really don't understand why people are (In real life, and in fiction) scared of Yanderes.
Whenever I watch an anime/VN that involves Yanderes, the entire show treats him/her in the same way that horror movies portray the main monster/villain, which is to say, utterly terrifying and nigh impossible to stop.


Beyond "To keep the plot going", why doesn't anybody just fucking kill them? Yanderes aren't as dangerous and menacing as people (and characters) make them out to be - once you disarm them with whatever weapon they're holding, whether it be a kitchen knife or pair of scissors, what are you left with? A menacing, dangerous...unarmed loli who's only worrying characteristics are her disturbing homicidal tendencies.

And that's all it really is, a loli with a sharp object. Nothing more, nothing less. On another note, why are people so god damn HELPLESS in Yandere animes? Do they ever think of picking up a gun or even a simple melee weapon and shooting/bashing them in the head when they appear?

But no, they choose to run away screaming "OMGS SU SCAAARY". Do people in anime have absolutely ANY sense of self preservation or self defense at all? Because from my observations, they don't.
I just don't get it.

>> No.6953396


Fucking weekends.

>> No.6953397

But why wouldn't you just have sex with them?
Problem solved.

>> No.6953395 [DELETED] 


>> No.6953399

Thanks for the copypasta bro. I was worried my repertoire was getting stale in this dark, dark weekend.

>> No.6953402

>> Beyond "To keep the plot going" why [...]

Thats the reason

>> No.6953403

This is Japan, they don't have guns. It's also unlikely you have a random knife within feet of you.

>> No.6953405


This aint copypasta, captain.
I just wrote it but a few minutes ago.

>> No.6953407
File: 58 KB, 550x550, 1278158972013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know rite, we have such stimulating and useful threads on the weekdays

>> No.6953408

No you misunderstand. This thread is a piece of shit, and that tl;dr garbage is shit, so I'm making it copypasta.

>> No.6953409

That's how Japan is. Everyone is afraid of violence, so if you're the only one willing to use it, you can boss everyone around as much as you want. Why do you think Japan is the only civilized place left with a large unopposed organized crime syndicate?

>> No.6953416
File: 67 KB, 740x612, 1291847423342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Southern Italy is run by the mafia

Or do they count as uncivilized

>> No.6953418


>That's how Japan is. Everyone is afraid of violence,

Basically this.

>> No.6954860

OP, have you ever MET a yandere? They are fucking disturbing. And yes, I have met one.

There's just something inherently disturbing about them.
