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7050034 No.7050034 [Reply] [Original]

After what he did with the seagulls series, will you give R07 another shot, /jp/?

>> No.7050043 [DELETED] 

Of course, i will make sure to play Ten desires!

>> No.7050133

Definitely. I hope he continues writing the way he does.

>> No.7050142

I liked Higurashi. I liked the first four episodes of Umineko.
Yea, I'd give him another shot.

>> No.7050147

Are you saying ZUN made higurashi and umineko?

>> No.7050150

You lost me

>> No.7050157 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7050163

See you in "When the crab lice cry".

>> No.7050245
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I don't like Higurashi. I don't like any of his other series. I only liked Umineko and he screwed it.

Unless he makes something as relevant to my interests as Umineko no way I will read the when the next whatever cry.
Oh, forgot Bern will be there. I'm 100% not reading.

>> No.7050267


Since I downloaded Umiwacko illegally off the interbutt, sure. It'll be interesting to see what kind of a spectacular train wreck his next thing will be.

If I had actually paid money for it, I would probably be pretty angry at him but as it is I'm kind of chill and amused.

Poor R07 is fast becoming the M. Night Shyamalan of VNs.

>> No.7050269

Go away.

>> No.7050293

The dude's worldbuilding and fate obsession will keep me crawling back regardless. :(

>> No.7050308

Well I've enjoyed his works so far so no reason not to for me.

>> No.7050321

As long as he doesn't turn it into an official shipperfag fic like he did with Umineko and actually sticks to what people give a fuck about, it'd be good. Also, the red herring tsundere is getting old.

>> No.7050328

You will crawl back simply because his games will always be translated fast, that's one of the few good thing about having tons of mindless fans.

>> No.7050335

Yes, I love Zun's writing.

>> No.7050336

Ryukishi07 is the /jp/ equivalent of /a/'s Tite Kubo, you know it to be true.

>> No.7050421

>Welcome to the world of When Wombats Cry!
>The life in an ordinary moonbase is thrown into chaos when mysterious incidents begin to disturb the daily routines of the crew!
>Who murdered the subcommander's male mother? What is the secret of the Asidophilus Room? Why does the wild-eyed loli in a nazi uniform recite the phonebook? What do you get when you cross an owl with a bungee cord? It's up to you, in the shoes of the spunky highschooler Yoshi Bukkake, to find out what contrived bullshit the celebrated audio novelist Ryu Kishi has invented this time!
>Remember: if you don't like it, you're a goat.

>> No.7050444

I'd buy it.

>> No.7050453


>> No.7051795

>what he did
He did great and I can't for Umineko Rei and the new series.

>> No.7053490

is Umineko REI really on the way?

>> No.7053763
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It's called Tsubasa and it's already out.

>> No.7053771

Only if there are a two characters whose names end in -on who engage in identity exchanges with each other, which leads to several murders.

>> No.7053778

No, it's not. Tsubasa is just a collection of Extra TIPS released long ago.
He said he wants to *write* Umineko Rei.

>> No.7053784


Don't forget to recycle characters. Furu Derika and Trente Quatre have to fit into the story somewhere.

>> No.7053787

I haven't read 8 yet, but I'd like to see what he does next. I hope Umineko Rei gives more information about what happened on the island

>> No.7053795
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Don't you mean Trowa Quatre?

>> No.7053798

It won't, that was the whole message of episode 8

>> No.7053809

Even with episode 8, I'll stick around, because I liked Higurashi and ignoring episode 8, I liked Umineko a bit more. I'll stick around to see what else he writes.

>> No.7053813


They accidentaly drifted into the moon base with their suit!

>> No.7053817
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R07 here.

Do you remember our love, /jp/?

>> No.7053826

Havn't read EP8 of Umineko but I've enjoyed it so far, it had it's retarded moments but it hasn't deterred me from any of his future works.

>> No.7053829

Haven't given him another shot since I watched Higurashi S1. He's a cross between Dan Brown and every crossover fanfic writer ever.

>> No.7053855

>Even with episode 8, I'll stick around, because I liked Higurashi and ignoring episode 8's end, I liked Umineko just as much. I'll stick around to see what else he writes


of course they do. To be honest i only anticipate his next work so much because i want to see what will Lambda and Bern do in it


yeah, and i was just curious if he did any updates on his blog about it yet. I didn't visit /jp/ in about 1,5 month

>> No.7054207

Sure. I liked Higurashi and loved Umineko both about 7/8ths the way through, even if he fucked up the last 1/8 on both. Maybe someday he'll learn to write endings.

>> No.7054260

>Furu Derika
I laughed, loud.

>> No.7054270

I liked Higurashi and loved Umineko 1-4. I'll keep reading whatever he writes, and hopefully he won't end up completely FUCKING a series halfway in like he did with Umineko.

>> No.7054288

Well, Higurashi 1-4 and Umineko 1-2 were awesome, but everything after that turned to shit and I hear he's ruining Rewrite now too, so no, I'll remember him for his good works and pretend that he stopped writing afterwards.

>> No.7054328

Is he going to have a new series out in time for August Comiket? Or is he taking a break?

>> No.7054401

new title confirmed:

"When masseuse make banana cry"

itll have a happy ending

>> No.7054422
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Are you all fucking crazy? Umineko is a masterpiece. Sure, 1-4 is best for a casual reader, but the core arcs are still amazing.

I for one look forward to seeing if 07th Expansion come up with When They Cry 5 at CK80

>> No.7054429


There's your problem

>> No.7054445

>When They Cry 5

not sure if gonna happen

>> No.7054461


If you're talking about time constraints, they didn't miss a year between Higurashi and Umineko. Otherwise, I think both VNs were well received, and I don't see why 07th Expansion would quit now. If not at CK, I'm sure we'll see them in some form other other.

>> No.7054470

>Derek A. Fury was just like any other high school student, until one day when a new transfer student arrived and things took a turn for the crazy! When the janitor goes missing and his teacher is found with a ruler crammed through her ears, he takes it upon himself to explore the deepest, darkest mysteries of the school. What is the secret truth of the school principal? Why is the transfer student nervously clapping her hands in the corner? This summer... When the School Bells Cry, tardies will be marked absent...

>> No.7054471


Rei comes first.

>> No.7054477

But back then, he wasn't working on Rewrite, Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni and an as-of-yet-unnanounced collaboration with Studio DEEN.

>> No.7054479


Seriously? That's probably the thing he's worst at in my opinion. The metaverse was a complete mess with no consistent rules, set pieces, characters or explanation. His physical world consists of a mansion.

Higurashi did a very nice job of depicting rural Japan, but that was probably mostly him recalling his childhood.

>> No.7054490

it's less than 5 months until next Comiket, meanwhile Ryu is doing new Ougon game, supposedly Umineko Rei and various other projects. I'm just not sure if that's enough time to think up a new setting, story premise, characters and so on.
Would be nice though.

>> No.7054500

>The metaverse was a complete mess with no consistent rules

i thought it's supposed to be like this

>> No.7054509

>I'm just not sure if that's enough time to think up a new setting, story premise, characters and so on.
It's not like his mind was locked in Umineko mode for four years straight, you know? He could've come up with a concept and slowly expanded upon it in those four years, so it would only need the finishing touches to become a complete story.

>> No.7054523

It's sad how deluded the Umineko fags can be

>> No.7054537

Without love, it cannot be seen

>> No.7054559

> fate obsession

right. so far we had a series in which after years of trial and error overcoming bad fate was possible and series in which no matter what you did you were doomed from the beginning.
i wonder what's up next

>> No.7054566

Will either be set in space or in a train that go from Shanghai to Germany.

>> No.7054571

>it's supposed to be shit, that makes it not shit!

>> No.7054597

I heard, he said he wrote ep8 in a month or so, so it's not a problem, especially considering >>7054509

>> No.7054601

A series where a good fate awaits everybody, but is ruined because people lose hope? (With of course the final episode finally seeing everybody hoping for and therefore reaching a good end.)

>> No.7054614
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>> No.7054617

Considering the quality of episode 8, I would say writing so fast didn't really pay off

>> No.7054623

I think it's good enough. Certainly better than 6, for example.

>> No.7054626

You probably just have low standards then

>> No.7054640

not really. I don't really care about your little arguments /jp/, nor do i want to defend anyone. I just think that, whatever the series or author it was, making metaphisycal world a complete mess is very logical since it's not supposed to work the same way that reality in which regular human's mind is rooted in, thus it should be hard to comprehend for such mind
just that.
but it might have been unintentional too, i suppose.

>> No.7054649
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I'm delusional enough to believe that given the poor EP8 reception, Ryukishi has already realized he fucked up big time. So maybe he will try to salvage Umineko with Rei. I know it's not going to happen.
Anyway if Rei is about Battler's ménage à trois with Ikuko and Yasu; then I'll totally read it.

>> No.7054652

well. isn't it basically Higurashi?

>> No.7054681

And how do you think he should salvage it? Would clearly saying "hurr, Kyrie did it" suddenly make it good for you?

>> No.7054696

I like his writing. Higurashi was terrible but some of the stuff in Umineko was very clever and interesting, regardless of closure-related problems.

>> No.7054853

Weather you're deluded enough to think this is good writing doesn't matter in the first place. The point is that it shouldn't be used as an example of world building when he purposely goes out of way of even making an attempt of creating a consistent world.

R07 writes characters and only characters. His setting is used as nothing more than a tool to introduce these disjointed touhou rejects.

>> No.7054874

Battler Culprit theories are good.

>> No.7054889

About Ougon, he said that "he wants to add the new playable characters more in the line with the latest popularity poll"
There you go. I want Rei to be an enjoyable clusterfuck that delivers, but this is an awful wibe I am getting there.

>> No.7055056

which part of

>not really. I don't really care about your little arguments /jp/, nor do i want to defend anyone. I just think that, whatever the series or author it was, making metaphisycal world a complete mess is very logical since it's not supposed to work the same way that reality in which regular human's mind is rooted in, thus it should be hard to comprehend for such mind
>just that.
>but it might have been unintentional too, i suppose

you do not understand?

>> No.7055070

I was saying your post was useless, nobody cares if you think it makes sense or not. It doesn't make good world building.

>> No.7055261

You still doesnt seem to understand. I never said anything about the quality of his writing. I never said anything about the way of his world building.
what is your point again? nobody cares what i think? Of course, nobody cares what I think, what you think and what this and that anon think too. So? I never gave any opinion in the first place.
If something that is not supposed to be consistent is inconsistent you can't say it's bad because it lacks consistency. Simple as that. You can only go and argue that you don't like having such setting in a story or that it's only an excuse for hiding bad writing skills or whatever, as i said, i don't care, but the fact is a fact.

>> No.7055369

So wait, has the culprit been confirmed? Or is it still up in the air?

>> No.7055377

I thought the end theme was something along the lines of "the culprit doesn't matter"?

>> No.7055386


Seriously? I'm still making my way through EP6 and the mystery isn't solved?

So will Rei be a continuation of Umineko?

>> No.7055415

no one knows whats Rei gonna be

>> No.7056287

The culprit of the mysteries should be apparent by the end of 7, the culprits of the real Rokkenjima event are revealed in 8.

>> No.7056733

>the culprits of the real Rokkenjima
You mean Kyrie and Rudolf? and their motive is LOL GOLD? Great.

>> No.7056766

You don't understand.
That's probably the solution to the reality, but Ryukishi left it without a 100% of certainty because the plot of Chiru requires it.
The truth was never revealed to the world, so in the end Beatrice's cat box is still intact, and that in fact was the WHOLE POINT of the plot.
The point was to understand WHY it was better to have the box closed and never revealed.

When I was reading When They Cry 3 for me it was evident that something really nasty happened that day, and that was why Beatrice was so actively trying to make anyone think she was the culprit, even if her real form was exposed.

>> No.7057007

> an as-of-yet-unnanounced collaboration with Studio DEEN.
...It couldn't possibly be Chiru... could it?

>> No.7057017

> I'm delusional enough to believe that given the poor EP8 reception, Ryukishi has already realized he fucked up big time.
No, Ryukishi knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote Episode 8 the way he did. You just have to look at the reaction to Ikuko not revealing the truth to know that he realized many people wouldn't like that sort of ending.

>> No.7057024

> as-of-yet-unnanounced collaboration with Studio DEEN.

-How do you know about it then?


>> No.7057039

Except people didn't shitstorm due to the lack of answers

>> No.7057092

>When I was reading When They Cry 3 for me it was evident that something really nasty happened that day
No shit? Obviously after all those murders, I also expected a grimdark truth. That's precisely why I was somehow disappointed, I wanted some wicked motive not "simply" greed.

>> No.7057143

Well, that's what the game board was also for, the game board tells the mystery of Beatrice, and her life and how fucked up she was, and in fact is kind of a distinction between fiction and reality.
In fact, she was going to kill everyone, but instead, she protected everyone's honor.

>> No.7057151

They did, that's why everyone on the witch hunt community lost any trace of interest on the matter.
Which helped Ange.
Also, like those witch hunters, you just don't get the truth, it is written right there in those 8 episodes.

>> No.7057158

I'm talking about real world people, idiot.
Readers didn't shitstorm due to the lack of answer, only because episode 8 was shit and R07 repeatedly insulted the readers while masturbating about his "great" story.

>> No.7057172

>repeatedly insulted the readers
Except he didn't. On the contrary, Featherine\Ikuko ponders how she should finish the story to be enjoyable for readers and praises them for coming to even better solutions than hers.

>> No.7057174

That's why we didn't get to know that Battler was still alive and in fact he was the one writing all those episodes... wait a second...

>> No.7057181

Readers didn't feel that way, why don't you go read the hundreds reviews or all the post in 2ch from even the most loyal fans? Congratulation you are even more deluded than them.

>> No.7057196

That's because most of them are retarded, so the goats metaphor really fits for those of them.
Other sources also confirm that Japanese fandom is much more shittier and dumber than Western.

>> No.7057202

>Other sources also confirm that Japanese fandom is much more shittier and dumber than Western.
That's impossible, the average western Umineko fag is a livejournal dwelling whale, you can't make shittier than that.

And your "sources" are probably shit like animesuki or gamefaqs.

>> No.7057220

And an average Japanese fan is a saint and smartest heaven-dweller, right?
Get the fuck out, weeaboo.

>> No.7057224

In fact this shows how otakus, regardless their nationality, are not able to deal with actual complex story telling.
They prefer fucking Lucky Star and K-On...

>> No.7057227

Funny, because you were the first one who bashed the Japanese fanbase in favor of Western one.

>> No.7057230

Holy fuck, get the fuck back to /a/ you sperg lords.

>> No.7057233
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>people who don't even know Japanese pretend to know about the Japanese eroge/VN fanbase

>> No.7057244

>or all the post in 2ch from even the most loyal fans?
Do you have a link by any chance? I want to laugh a bit.

>> No.7057251

/jp/ doesn't know shit about actual Japanese fanbase.

Maybe it's you who should go back there.

>> No.7057252

Go back to eat your Pocky

>> No.7057257

Average Umineko retard. Accuses people of being a weeaboo when people call his first and only VN shit. Truly hilarious.

>> No.7057267

Average retard. Can't even recognize that that post belongs to a different person.

>> No.7057277

Average retard with no reading comprehension and deduction skills.

>> No.7057280

Why is Umineko fanbase so fucking awful? Might even be the worst VN fanbase out there along with Type-moon.

>> No.7057283

Exceptional retards.

Most things that exist have shitty fanbases. The larger the fanbase, the more apparent this is.

>> No.7057286

I meant:


Guess I can go on the retard list as well.

>> No.7057290

It is an insult to put Type-moon together with dumbass uminekofags. Sure there is a lot of slut thread and power level discussion but at least most type-moon fans accept the games or novels fault.
Most uminekofags are just flat out retarded and usually throw the "stop hating what I like" and proclaimed Ryukishi as a god even when he is shitting all over the umineko readers. Not to mention how bad umineko turned out to be at the end.

>> No.7057298

>Most uminekofags are just flat out retarded and usually throw the "stop hating what I like" and proclaimed Ryukishi as a god even when he is shitting all over the umineko readers.
It has to do with the fact that Umineko is the only VN they've read.

>> No.7057308

I don't give a shit if you are a weeaboo, I just find hilarious how if I say that otakus REGARDLESS OF THEIR NATIONALITY cannot handle complex story lines, your response is some weeaboo shitty attack.

>> No.7057321

>proclaimed Ryukishi as a god even when he is shitting all over the umineko readers
Indeed, he should be treating his fans with respect, giving them nonsensical fan-service, shitty retarded story lines, and an explicit answer to a riddle...

>> No.7057328

>otakus REGARDLESS OF THEIR NATIONALITY cannot handle complex story lines
And this is why you're fucking stupid and everything you say should be ignored. Whoever you are.

>> No.7057331

I bet livejournal whales couldn't hold a shittier discussion than we're having right now.

>> No.7057335

Or maybe he should give us a proper closure to justify those 8 fucking VNs? Umineko retards will try to make any excuses to justify their precious turd.

>> No.7057344

*Face-palm* He gave a proper closure to the story, he revealed all the fucking mysteries, and exposed all the truth... you are just whining because he didn't spelled them out for you, and you still have to use your brain to get it.

>> No.7057346

>When They Shit

>> No.7057351

>giving them nonsensical fan-service, shitty retarded story lines, and an explicit answer to a riddle...
That's what he did you know.
Umineko is filled with fanservice, not the look here are some panties kind but fanservice nonetheless.
And nobody could claim the story isn't fucking retarded, the answer to the mystery was also pretty blatant in episode 6 and 7.

>> No.7057354

"You are stupid because of this comment, that is so stupid that I will not even say what is wrong with the comment, but instead express how stupid this comment is and do not deserve any response, even if I'm responding to it by writing this..."

>> No.7057355

Some things are indeed that stupid.

>> No.7057357 [DELETED] 

>He gave a proper closure to the story, he revealed all the fucking mysteries, and exposed all the truth.
Ahahaha, says the guy who didn't even play the game apart from reading spoilers on /a/.

Gaia called, they want their retard back.

>> No.7057361

>He gave a proper closure to the story, he revealed all the fucking mysteries, and exposed all the truth.
Ahahaha, says the guy who didn't even play EP8 apart from reading spoilers on /a/. Time to report and hide this and 234343 other umineko spam threads.

Gaia called, they want their retard back.

>> No.7057367

> not the look here are some panties kind but fanservice nonetheless
Like what?, look here!, I shopped Battler face and put some white hair, and now it's young Kinzo!...
>the answer to the mystery was also pretty blatant in episode 6 and 7
And there you have most of the answers, in fact, like Ryukishi himself said, Episode 8 was more like an epilogue.

>> No.7057368

Never have I seen such rabid and zealous fanbase as the Umineko fanbase. R07 is a big fucking hack.

>> No.7057370

>answer to the mystery was also pretty blatant in episode 6 and 7
And yet some people still accuse and hate him for not revealing the answer, while claiming to be superior and everyone else to be retarded. Goes to show the iq of haters.

>> No.7057372

One wonders why you didn't just hide it in the first place.

>> No.7057374

gtfo back to your moe fanservice shit, umineko is for the deep thinkers who like complex things without pantyshots. only the refined minds like the umineko fanbase can appreciate such beauty

>> No.7057376

That's mainly because the answer is FUCKING RETARDED.

Seriously Umineko has to have one of the worst mystery ever.

>> No.7057380

>Ahahaha, says the guy who didn't even play EP8 apart from reading spoilers on /a/.
Hahahaha... funny, that would be true in most cases, sadly for you I do know japanese, because *shock* I do live in japan.

>> No.7057383


Yeah because it wasn't a mystery. Which is fucking retarded.

>> No.7057384

Maybe you should actually read some real mysteries, especially not the best-sellers.

>> No.7057386

Comparing to what... 20th Century Boy?..

Yeah, that was a good one "Remember that guy we never showed, had no relevance to the story, and only talked about him like 2 times in the whole manga?... he was behind everything"

>> No.7057398

What about Suzumiya Haruhi's take on "And Then There Were None"?

That was also good good "It was all a fucking retarded game who put 2 persons lives in danger for no good reason"

>> No.7057399

I read more of them than you think.
None ever came close to what happen in Umineko.

You are fucking retarded, they belong in completely different genre.

Funny how you Umineko fags never try to defend its story on its own merits, everytime someone call it shit you either go "HATERS GOTTA HATE" or "LOOK THAT STORY NOBODY MENTIONED BEFORE IS SHITTIER".

Show that even you realize deep down Umineko is simply shit.

>> No.7057409

Eeeeerm, aren't you the one saying that "Umineko answer is retarded" without actually saying what is retarded about it?
Why should I "defend Umineko by it's own merits" if you are not even attacking anything concrete about Umineko?

>> No.7057411

Neither Haruhi or 20th century boys focuses on mystery. Umineko is a mystery VN at its core, and yet it fails at mystery. What the fuck, talk about shitty works.

>> No.7057415

>Stop liking what I don't like.

>> No.7057418

Then bring examples of those other great mysteries that aren't shit like Umineko.

>> No.7057426

Then, you haven't read enough.

And going by your definition, you can say that anything is shit, if you don't like it.

>> No.7057430

The maid and butler are the same person and decide to have a big deadly roulette and play with the lives of 15 people because they can't decide between the ginger, the fatass and the lesbian.
Also you have some greedy parents who may or may have not killed to get some gold.
This is Umineko.

>> No.7057434

I think at this point we've established once more how retarded Umineko fags can actually be.

>> No.7057437

Some fag who probably reread Umineko everydays shouldn't say shits like this.

>> No.7057440

The only thing that we've established is that somehow you have managed to carry on a discussion for half an hour and achieved jack shit.

>> No.7057442

Joke's on you, I just got done reading this thread after coming to /jp/ a short while ago.

>> No.7057443

You forgot the insestuous nature of the so called maid, the attempted murdered of the insestuous child by his/her adoptive mother, and other non important plot points.
Also, Monster is the retarded story of some crazy blond who kills everyone because he is emo.

>> No.7057447

Well, somebody did.

>> No.7057448

what does monster have anything to do with this thread? or haruhi or 2th century boys for that matter? are you really bringing up some really really unrelated works that aren't even mystery to defend the shittiness of umineko? holy fuck.

>> No.7057450

Monster isn't a murder mystery at all, stop being so fucking retarded.

And the incestuous stuff in Umineko is telenovela level.

>> No.7057452

>20th Century Boys isn't a mystery.
You're pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.7057457

It's not a murder mystery.
It's a mystery but not like Umineko.

>> No.7057458
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>> No.7057461

Well then fucking say what you mean, or else we'll be forced to interpret your retarded statements at face value.

>> No.7057463

Finally came down to this, first insults other works and then HATERS GOTTA HATE.
And nothing to defend Umineko itself, amazing fandom.

>> No.7057465

>>7054401 make banana cry


>> No.7057468

The hatedom is also fucking retarded.

>> No.7057469

20th century boys is a thriller with a tinge of mystery, unlike umineko which doesn't even resemble 20th century boys the slightest bit, is fully mystery and focuses on unraveling the true culprit behind the murders. how the fuck can you even compare the two? are you trolling me now or are you just that stupid?

>> No.7057470

Now I get why you don't like umineko.
You need EVERYTHING spelled out for you.
When I brought Haruhi and 20th Century boys was to make you aware that not every merit to a story relies on the nature of a certain mystery, but the story as a whole. It was also an attempt to get you to tell me some great mystery, that I would be more that glad to read, but you never did.
The Monster reference was to show you how any plot can be summarized in a way that it sound stupid.

Now you get it?, or do you need some more solutions to my unbelievable hard riddle?.

>> No.7057473

It's the only proper answer to a critic like "it's shit".

>> No.7057475

well maybe you should read the work and not the summary before drawing retarded comparison and pulling shit out of your ass, you stupid fuck

>> No.7057476

You said that 20th Century Boys wasn't a mystery. Regardless of how you plan to dress this up, this is an undeniably retarded statement.

I have never even played Umineko, but I do know that this thread is a fucking eyesore.

>> No.7057479

I have read 20th Century Boys. You said it wasn't a mystery. You are fucking stupid.

>> No.7057481

What you tried to do didn't work simply because unlike Haruhi or 20th Century Boy, Umineko is very LARGELY a murder mystery.

And unlike Monster, the story is fucking retarded summarized or not.

Please try to sell me the story of Umineko in a way that isn't completely stupid if you can.

>> No.7057486

>And unlike Monster, the story is fucking retarded summarized or not.
Fucking awesome argument there. The fact that they don't respond to arguments like that proof is ironclad proof that the Umineko fanbase is made of retards.

>> No.7057487

monster and 20th century boys is as much as mystery as bleach's soul society arc is, for the sake of drawing a retarded comparison if you may

>> No.7057490

>is fully mystery
When exactly did you get such an impression?

>> No.7057491

OH. MY. GOD. Are umineko fags this stupid?

>> No.7057494

Your comparison is retarded, I'll give you that much.

>> No.7057496

>A single Umineko apologist
>A single hater

Suddlenly they are the whole fandom/ haters.

Fuck you two, if you read a typical Umineko thread most of the fans are aware about how shitty Umineko is.

As for me, I can like something I know is shitty and has many flaws just because I like it.

>> No.7057497

Ok, some more SPELLING for you.
I wasn't trying to compare ANY of those, as a matter of fact I like 20th century boys and monster.
Are there still any question about the fucking hard mystery of understanding what I meant including external references in my comments?

>> No.7057498

my comparison? you mean this guy's
yeah, I agree, they're pretty retarded.

>> No.7057499

No. I wasn't; in fact, as was extremely obvious, I was actually talking about the retarded comparison that you made.

>> No.7057502

I made a retarded comparison in the same manner as the guy who compared 20th century boys and haruhi to umineko. are you retarded or can't you read between the lines to get what I mean or what?

>> No.7057504

People just like to argue and call each other retards to feel superior. Nothing to see here.

>> No.7057505

Your comparison was fucking retarded. I don't give a shit what retarded implications you were trying to make.

You said 20th Century Boys wasn't a mystery.

You are a fucking retard.

>> No.7057506

More like, trolls are trolling umineko fanboys and umineko fanboys get all emotional, loolol

>> No.7057509

Monster and 20th Century Boy are thrillers.
Not the same genre, stop comparing them.

>> No.7057510

so I'm arguing with someone who doesn't even know what is being talked about, nor does he even try to. grow the fuck up

>> No.7057513

Ok, what about "A complex metaphysical novel that discuses themes of truth, reality, magic, illusions, fiction over a murder mystery story mixed with fantasy with 6 different development variants that is based over a real life event inside the fiction of the story, that is allegedly wrote by someone who supposedly died in the incident"?

>> No.7057514

I know exactly what's being talked about. You are trying to troll Umineko fans, and failing because you are a retard who says retarded things.

>> No.7057516

confirmed for another retarded umineko fanboy, despite saying that he hasn't read umineko earlier.

>> No.7057521

You said that 20th Century Boys wasn't a mystery.

You are a retard.

No amount of random allegations is going to change this fact.

>> No.7057526

I love how nobody read this...

>> No.7057528

whatever you say umineko fanboy. also, you're the guy here


>> No.7057530

Or read this

>> No.7057531

I'm glad that you've conceded that you are a retard. Saves me time.

Feel free to make as many more unfounded accusations as you like.

>> No.7057533

I have a question, is it true that fans of Umineko don't play other VNs?

>> No.7057536

He's not, that would be me, and I already explained how I wasn't trying to compare those.
I explained in detail my intentions and that I in fact like those stories, but you just ignored it and continued with your stupidity.
Why does that sounds so fucking familiar to the actual theme of this thread?

>> No.7057541

Because nobody reads a VN, you fap to them.

>> No.7057545

You just fail at sarcasm or whatever you tried to do.
No matter how much you explain yourself, it won't change anything

>> No.7057548

Thank you for your... completely useless comment?

>> No.7057550

I really don't know, I was really bummed out by how he ended Umineko. Used to love reading it up to ep 5, then ep 6 on, I just slowly began to lose interest

>> No.7057566

>It was also an attempt to get you to tell me some great mystery, that I would be more that glad to read, but you never did.
Not the guy you're replying to, but if you want nice classics you should try:
Gaston Leroux "the mystery of the yellow chamber"
John Dickson Carr "the hollow man", "the burning court"
Then there's of course Agatha Christie, Conan Doyle and so on.

>> No.7057580

Not really, you just fail at understanding the sarcasm.
Also, why don't you bring any concrete point?

>> No.7057582

>In fact this shows how otakus, regardless their nationality, are not able to deal with actual complex story telling.

Newsflash, kid: making your story hard to comprehend isn't a good thing.

Especially if you do it out of incompetence, like R07.

>> No.7057588

How terrible and incompetent, he made a MYSTERY MURDER GAME hard to comprehend...

>> No.7057596

Next thing you know, he's gonna do a puzzle with more than 2 pieces.

>> No.7057604

Umineko isn't hard to understand, heck ShKanon was one of the most popular theory by episode 2.

But it's just such a disappointing answer people refused to believe in it till the end.

>> No.7057608
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>hard to comprehend
Thread's getting even more stupid.

>> No.7057622


But that's what
>actual complex story telling
means: the thing is hard to understand, and it's implied to somehow be a good thing instead a sign of lack of literary talent.

True talent seeks clarity, not obfuscation.

>> No.7057636

>he made a MYSTERY MURDER GAME hard to comprehend.
>hard to comprehend.
Retarded Shkanon speculated and 100% confirmed by ep6.
Uminekofags apologist say that there is still hope.
Ep7 came around, shkanon confirmed to be retarded personality of Yasu because of some retarded kids' promise.
Uminekofags apologist say that there is still hope.
Ep8 came around, although I havent play it yet the 50points it got at EGS said it all.
What are the uminekofags apologist gonna say now?
Umineko Rei will redeem the story?

To summarize, great potential start and music, horrible execution and retarded logic and ending.

>> No.7057694

Lulz, that's ALL you got from umineko?, the early discovery of the culprit of the mystery by you and your friends, and then stupidly hoping to somehow not be true?
If that's all you cared about Umineko, then I'm not surprised you didn't liked it.

>> No.7057699

You really can't discern complex from convoluted, now do you?

>> No.7057704

Also, I never said that the mystery was HARD. I said that the story was complex. And it is.
Then some fag interpreted that as saying that just the mystery is the story, forgetting like, 90% of the plot.

>> No.7057713

Tell that to the people who failed to comprehend it for years and angrily argued with the people who had comprehended it to a better standard than they had.

People seem to think the failure to "comprehend" is entirely on the reader. They get offended when it's implied it's difficult to comprehend something they see as shit. So their thought process goes like this:
-Umineko is stupid
-I am not stupid
-I should be able to comprehend a stupid thing if I am not stupid
-Therefore Umineko is not difficult to comprehend

Ignoring the fact that you can have a bad work because it's so convoluted and poorly constructed, making it difficult to comprehend.

>> No.7057714
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delicious tears of everyone are delicious.

I'm sooo glad i revived this thread from page 15 yesterday

>> No.7057717
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Holy shit this thread is horrible.

>> No.7057718

I don't see what is so hard to understand about Umineko, both the meta and mystery part.
I do think it's pretty shitty though

>> No.7057725

What's the Meta-world then? Ange's delusions?

>> No.7057730

Battler's journey into his memories. His interactions with Beato are him looking at her two message bottles and trying to figure out what she's trying to say and who she is. He first misses the point and tries to just say that although he doesn't remember what happened, it can't have been magic like the bottles claim.

>> No.7057759


why can't people understand that nothing in this story is certain so you can't answer questions like this and claim you are right ?

>> No.7057766

Why can't you understand that if nothing is certain in a story, there's no point in reading said story? If nothing in Umineko is certain, I can pretend the story is actually War and Peace.

No, some things in Umineko are left uncertain. There's a big difference between some things and everything.

>> No.7057769

I guess they think that with the info at hand you can deduce the most "logical" explanation and then claim it's right as there aren't any other options.

Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.7057776

Except you must know the truth to write the stories, so he can't not remember.

Not to mention that meta-world is real to some degree.

>> No.7057779

>Why can't you understand that if nothing is certain in a story, there's no point in reading said story?
Sometimes the journey is greater than the goal/end.
Disagree or agree w/e

>> No.7057800

yeah, i suppose. But it's more like:
>No, some things in Umineko are certain. >There's a big difference between some things and everything.

but i would the the meta part is the most uncertain of all, you know..

>> No.7057806

*i would say

>> No.7057829

>Why can't you understand that if nothing is certain in a story, there's no point in reading said story?

i..don't really agree. I like it more when some things are left for reader to figure out. Though the fact that it creates debates full of hate is a big downside.

>> No.7057842

I think some people have taken Umineko way too seriously. It's just a VN, it's supposed to be only entertainment.
Of course, it's always more fun to rage and call everyone a faggot...

>> No.7057865
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this thread

>> No.7057882

well. I partially agree, the fact is there is some serious overanalysation going on in Umineko fanbase.

>> No.7057937

Successful troll is successful, R07.
He actually managed to write a story so convoluted that it actually left people shouting/baww'ing at each other about the possibility of developing theories.

"This or that happened."
"No, you can't say that happened because this or that."
"You both are wrong. The actual truth means you can't be sure of anything."

The discussions progressively escalated in meta, right from the start of EP1, until the end, where we are left talking about if we can actually know how meta is the meta. And Oh Coincidence! Umineko itself is about the degrees of meta.

Now, I don't know if he's a mastermind or a poor writer with a ridiculous amount of luck, but he did something incredible. I guess the first 6 episodes are the largest reader-bait in history.
And to top it all, the first 5 episodes moved my soul like no other story, even if it's just a VN from an amateurish japanese writer, and to this day I still love the island and curse its fate.

Bravo, R07. Bravo.

>> No.7057952

This. VNs can't have any depth of story, or any real discoverable meaning or impact. They're entertainment, guys. What next, going to analyze the issue of war as it is tackled in call of duty, or how masterfully the latest anime depicts timeless struggles of the human race?

If you want that, go read a book already.

>> No.7057959

Fucking retarded, one media isn't inherently better or deeper than another just because

>> No.7057966

You are incredibly retarded.

>> No.7057980

And that is the joke. I can't count the number of times someone has implied something stupid, but been left alone aside from someone extracting that point and stating it blatantly just to point how out stupid it is.

Then that someone is called a retard and fucking stupid, the guy who originally made the point is left alone.

>> No.7058009

216 posts, 53 times 'retard' or 'retarded' is mentioned, go figure

>> No.7058148

Oh guys, I laughed all the way down to the last post. Shitty fans fighting over shitty crying seagulls. Made MAH DAI.

>> No.7058163

Because this is what umineko really is.
Come on, pads, roleplaying, multiple personality disorder, imaginary murder, fake murder, listening to other people sleeping, having home incestuous relationship with your cousin bros and cousin sis and much more retarded shit happening just to create a hard mystery murder?
None of these shit will fly in a serious works. It is a joke that so many people take this seriously.

>> No.7058167

This is what happened when your average F/SN fags try to read something slighty more deep

I also lol'ed after people started calling Umineko garbage only after ep vi and after it got popular, how many of you fags actually read the first four novels and didn't skip them because of the anime?

>> No.7058178

Because this is what <insert vn here> really is.

porn, sluts, virgin that can came multiple times during a story, harem, hax, plot device, heroines, tsundere, genderbender historical figure, badly water porn

>> No.7058184

I hope this isn't a serious post for your sake.

>> No.7058191

Umineko is 7/10 as average at best.
It's not the worst VN ever but anyone who call it the best obviously didn't read much
Why do some people obsess so much over it I have no idea.

>> No.7058198


But it's the truth.

Jesus, just look how many people still don't get the truth, or completely ignore half of the cast characterization in favor of the last episodes

>> No.7058213


I liked the first episode of the VN. The rest was shit, the anime was also shit. Deal with it.

>> No.7058219

>porn, sluts, virgin that can came multiple times during a story, harem, hax, plot device, heroines, tsundere, genderbender historical figure, badly water porn
All of these are good.
Contrary to popular belief, I play EROge because of the porn. Having a good and interesting plot is a huge bonus.

>> No.7058228

People who ignore the truth or reject it are usually the fans themselves.

>> No.7058232


Can't you just read a 5 minute doujin?

Do you need to go trough a 40 hours story with like 3 badly written sex scene for fap?

>> No.7058236


That's what /jp/ believes

>> No.7058239

I dont fap to random character that I hardly know.
Umineko has no redeeming quality besides the plot and story.It failed hard on both.

>> No.7058245

This is what I believe and I have seen it with my own eyes.
That's why you fags rejected ShKanontrice for so long, people who proclaimed it was the truth were only casual readers, the huge fans all went NO THERE IS NO WAY RYUUKISHI-SAMA WILL DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS.
Same for the fiction theory.

>> No.7058252


The only truth here is that R07 himself doesn't have a solution for his stupid bullshit so he's just throwing a smokescreen and mumbling.

>> No.7058253

The story is bad, and the main villain is boring has a bad motivation for everything. At least takano was a villain and was insane. I had to exit the game out every 5 seconds for ep7 because it was so fucking boring when the story chapters came up. Kinzos story was good though, and everything after the chapters was good. but the chapters took up the whole game so in the end, ep7 felt like shit.

>> No.7058256


The music?

>> No.7058262

>foreshadowed pratically every fucking twists, including the ending
>doesn't have a solution

>> No.7058265

I agree with you, I wish people would stop being blinded by shit.

Umineko was good. It was not a god send of literature, it was meant for you to read and enjoy yourself, which I personally did.

I believe people who obsess over it are just going through the phase of baby's first VN. People who talk shit about it are just tired of these ass wipes sperging over the novel.

>> No.7058273


Cooking up a bunch of self-referential bullshit that kinda looks like it makes sense if you squint and have enough buyer's remorse is the easiest thing in the world.

Nobody has been able to offer a solution for Umineko that didn't involve ignoring at least half of everything that happened.

>> No.7058294

The music is good but I didnt play umineko for the music.
I expected believable mystery, ingenius murder mystery, believable and unique motive for the murder.
What I got? The cry of a genderless boy or girl because of love and an out of character husband and wife duo that went batshit insane over jew golds.

>> No.7058316

>The cry of a genderless boy or girl because of love

I would have believed a promise from when they were 12 years old could have some impact on the personality of the characters.
I would have believed a character going batshit insane due to love and all that blah we were told about in EP7.
But making the promise from a TWELVE YEARS OLD KID the motive for the WHOLE thing? I know it's Japan, and kids there have powers, live in a rape utopia, and can stop a military unit with friendship. But Yasu was too much.

I still love EPs 1-5, though.

>> No.7058328

It's not the motive itself. It's just what has started all this.
Other roles\personalities and relationships that come with them are just as important for her, so the motive is not only about the promise.

>> No.7058337


It's not the motive, you fucktard

>> No.7058374

So, she blows up a fucking island. One would have to be quite insane to do that, even more if it involves killing all your 'family'.
And Yasu is batshit fucking out of her mind... why? Oh, right, because of Battler's pony.

1. something that causes a person to act in a certain way, do a certain thing, etc.; incentive.

Of course lots of shit happened to her, but I dare you to tell me Battler's pony was not the key.

>> No.7058421

What I really think takes the case for bullshit is that we're supposed to sympathize with her.

Uhh, no, I want her to be killed for the villain that she is! Why, exactly, is Bernkastel painted as "Pure evil" for showcasing this fact?

>> No.7058445

>It's not the motive, you fucktard

That was said with such confidence that you've probably got all this figured out. Let's hear your better informed version. Go on, spit it out.

You can't.

>> No.7058531

definitely. he's a great writer when he concentrates on psychological thriller genre and doesn't try to pull off some weird shit like Umineko. also, his MILFs are delicious. i'd read another Umineko only for the hot moms.

>> No.7058541


There's nothing to figure out, she literally said.

She's said it, she's a pitiable person with gender and dissociative disorder that felt fate was mocking again and decided to follow the epitaph ceremony.

>> No.7058589
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>mfw almost every Umineko thread

>> No.7058619

Don't forget that big amounts of obliviousness are used for this ending, also, the credit card could have had no money

>> No.7058624


>> No.7058705

> but at least most type-moon fans accept the games or novels fault.


You have no idea how many believe F/SN is a masterpiece and epic!!11!

>> No.7058709


Someone greet you with 100 kg of gold and you doubt the credit card?

>> No.7058749

Everything about it would make me suspicious.

>> No.7058787
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Only if he will use more of dem MILFs.

>> No.7058861

If you remember from Episode 4, Beatrice herself stated that the pony -- or rather, Battler forgetting it -- was only one of the contributing factors, and was not in itself the main reason; it merely created an opportunity, so to speak.

So it's more like Battler forgetting his promise was the creation of a spot for the key to be placed.

>> No.7058990

Eh, in defense of R07, I'd remind y'all that the siblings had been thinking about the gold for years. I'm sure a part of them all was going insane for the money from the start. Then they finally find the gold... that's like opening a floodgate, madness galore.
It's still just stretched, but just a bit.

Not discrediting what you say, but thinking logically, if the fucking idiot Battler hadn't forgotten, Rokkenjima -certainly- wouldn't have happened. Yasu not going crazy, therefore no Kanon, therefore no yuri Jessica, therefore no internal conflict, therefore Shannon marries Fat Jooji. Therefore, no Rokkenjima.
It's a catastrophe based on a 12-year-old kid's promise. I could believe the promise, but not if it's the fucking whole thing.

In fact, remember this red:
>Because of your sin, people die.
>Due to your sin, a great many humans on this island die.

>> No.7059007


Actually, wasn't Kyrie the one to come up with the extorting Krauss idea in first place?

So lolgold Kyrie is not that much out of the blue. And of course as anon said the siblings were after the gold for years.

>> No.7059011

>>7058990 sin
Ryukushi keeps using that word...

Even in buddhistic tradition (see: Haibane Renmei) the concept of sin is something against yourself.
Battler's behavior is perfectly justified by his life being messy, I believe.

>> No.7059023


It's not. Forgetting such a thing to the point you won't even remember when stated in your face is not his life being messy.

And even considering he didn't gave it any importance.
Why was Battler's life messy? Because he was butthurt about his father forgetting a woman too quickly. Oh the irony.

>> No.7059026

Motive is about intention of a killer, not just a cause of some event.

>> No.7059053

>Forgetting such a thing to the point you won't even remember when stated in your face is not his life being messy.

Actually, yes, yes it is! Stupid umineko fag.

>> No.7059057


By that logic, the cliff is also the motive.

>> No.7059059

Wiki says a sin is an act that violates a known moral rule.
I don't actually care for the definition, if Beato wants to say it was a sin.
And yes, Battler forgetting is more than justified. I myself am a romantisto, but it's a promise from a kid, for God's sake. You can't make that the basis for the backbone of your story. Even more so when many central characters are adults. I could accept that in some shounen story, but not in goddamned Umineko.

Indeed anon, Kyrie came up with that, IIRC.
Maybe she was a ruthless bitch going after the money after all!

>> No.7059085
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You know, it would be nice to have a discussion about Umineko plot that doesn't end up with people calling each other retards

>> No.7059094

Well, maybe "motive" isn't the word, I admit.
But come on. The Heart R07 kept going on about was some mindless childhood event. Isn't it?

>> No.7059128

It's not about anything romantic. That's why I laugh when the Japanese fandom portrays Beato as some sort of Battler stalker when it's the complete opposite. Whenever Battler seems to be falling in love with her, she pushes him away because all she wants is simple acknowledgment. She never planned for Battler to come back and gallop away with her on a white horse, she just wanted to believe she was worth remembering as a person.

>> No.7059131

That's not possible. R07 made it like that.
Or maybe it is possible, given certain circumstances.
Maybe I should blow up something in the hopes of a non-retard-related discussion having place.
It sure isn't possible on 4chan

>> No.7059133


No, it isn't. And unlike you, I will save the ad hominen.

It's not just he didn't remembered the promise, he doesn't remember Shannon or anything related to her. I wouldn't call it a sin, but Battler was a dick, at least.

>> No.7059149

You have a point, but my argument stands.
Not that I want to get anything out of that.

>> No.7059169

Except he did, moron. Now you're just blatantly making shit up, as expected from an Uminefag.

>> No.7059175
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>Battler was a dick
Judging by the ending of ep8, he* keeps being a dick.

*Well, whatever new personality he invented for himself.

>> No.7059194

But still, 6 years passed, and 12 is a stupid age. Also, Battler is quite self-centered, I think he's the kind of dick to just forget about what he does if it doesn't sparkle and shine.
It is shown to him quite explicitly, but... I don't know if I wouldn't just forget that shit permanently

>> No.7059195

You're fucking retarded.
If he had remembered in time, nothing would have had happened.
I bet you're thinking that Beato in the end of ep8 was real too.

>> No.7059218

Battler remembered everything except her and how close they used to be. That's a pretty dick move.

>> No.7059245

I'd say it's possible he just barely remembered his cousins, and made shit up on the fly.
"Ah, yeah... I remember when X... shit was funny".

On the other hand, he remembered NOTHING about Shannon, even when he enjoyed the novels so much.
Yeah, it's quite stretched after all.

>> No.7059252
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>273 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view

>> No.7059253


Can you stop just denying whatever I say and calling me Uminekofag and argue like a person?

He doesn't. I haven't been reading EP1 because the voice patch recently, and he doesn't fuck remember about her, he is all "Shannon? ah that maid is still here?" "Oh Shannon but you live at here? lol didn't knew" Not for a single second it's metioned that Shannon used to play with them, he treats her just as a maid. The picture you get about their relationship is not even similar to what EP7 shows, romantic feelings aside.


Yeah but he can remember every small thing about how 3 years old Maria was. Whatever this means.

>> No.7059264
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Yeah, I will. In fact, umineko EP8 was so bad that I deleted tsubasa just after I finished the game, but he did a great job in the beginning and in higurashi.

Also, I wonder if there's a correlation between the fact I found umineko worse since EP6, and BT's death. And I must read his next work to find out.

>> No.7059296
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Battler is incompetent, proclaimed in red. Why do people still wonder about him forgetting some petty trifles is beyond me.

>> No.7059309
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>> No.7059330

That's because I doubt they actually had a relationship. Shannon is a crazy fucking bitch, after all.

>> No.7059379


Shannon being a crazy bitch would only change the "in love" part, the fact is they were in good terms as friends at least.

>> No.7059430

No, filthy maids are not friends.

>> No.7059580
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She met her once a year on the conference,

Battler is just the kind of person that liked to tell bullshit to made great impression on girls, her mother died and shit happened.

Clair even said herself, she was a dreamer.

>> No.7059704

>She met her once a year on the conference,

And his cousins? Oh wait, I'm sure the Ushiromiyas visited each other all the time.
And he remembered her enough back then to buy her mistery books and stuff.

Also, it wasn't Asumu's death, just the hypocrite fact of his daddy marrying too soon for his taste.

>> No.7059722

Asumu's death+his father marrying soon+a new sister
he couldn't forgive his father for forgetting her so soon.

>> No.7059881

He never bought her a goddamned thing. He never liked the mystery genre to begin with! She's just a whiny bitch who decided to project some white knight fantasies onto a guy she had a crush on.

>> No.7059937

He bought her books, genius.

>> No.7059952

"She" was in love with both Jessica and George.
And then she suddenly became buttmad when Battler come back.
None of you realize how stupid this scenario actually is?
Do you uminekofags really accept such bullshit?

>> No.7059959

when do you think ep8 will be finished translated? summer?

>> No.7059966

To add to that, she was incredibly young when Batler left, and even then it was obvious he never disliked her.

And George loved her, and was about to propose.
Thing is, people usually don't go crazy all like that when old boyfriends from when they were 12 suddenly pops up a hefty 6 years later.

>> No.7059972

Eagerly await his next awesome story.

Or maybe it's because your a troll who would hate it no matter what. I've done the whole "point out how stupid" you faggots are. All that happens is that you yell your retarded point louder.

>> No.7060359

How do we know that? If we're supposed to discount every other fucking thing about every other goddamn character(Rosa as an obvious example) then surely her own motivations and "truth" come into question as well, no?

>> No.7062328


She was always in loved with Battler
She latter fell for George with her Shannon persona, it was the chance to left Rokkenjima, forget about all this shit and never come back.

Her feeling for Jessica are nowhere that strong, it's just mildly bisexuality united to gender disorder, and that's why Kanon always lose

>> No.7062346
File: 584 KB, 740x740, pukingmado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you mean to say that you are perfectly happy with how DID works in Umineko?
I dont.

>> No.7062413

50% test patch should be out in two weeks or so.

>> No.7062419

No update on their website.

>> No.7062456

>Thing is, people usually don't go crazy all like that when old boyfriends from when they were 12 suddenly pops up a hefty 6 years later.
She went crazy over the years. But it's still stupid.

Now, I need some clarification of something. I suppose it's obvious, but I kinda forgot many things after raging due to the 'solution':
Somebody threw the bottles with some of the EPs into the sea on October, right? With Maria's handwriting and all that.
But how could somebody write 300+ pages of mystery bullshit so fast, considering she didn't know Battler was coming back until October 4?
I think I should know this, but blah.

>> No.7062460

Not a 50%, but just compatibility patch.

>> No.7062492

>Maria's handwriting
It wasn't Maria's, but Beatrice's handwriting. Maria's diary, that Ange possess, contains a sample of that writing, so witch hunter was able to identify it. This handwriting is also on money envelopes, sent few days before the conference.

>But how could somebody write 300+ pages so fast
Maybe they were written beforehand, but we have no confirmation on that.
Maybe they contain not exactly the same stories as we were shown.

>> No.7062533
File: 283 KB, 640x480, model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not DID, how personalties worked was fucking explained in Umineko like 500 times

>> No.7063020

Wait, what? Source in this pic, please.

>> No.7063056


>> No.7063104
File: 218 KB, 872x588, 1293645980335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7063222
File: 272 KB, 1920x1080, ahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, seriously.

>> No.7063469
File: 188 KB, 966x1110, 1295315912764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's umineko, little fuckhead. What I want to know is who is translating (or maybe porting?) the ps3 version.

>> No.7063585

>too retarded to recognize a joke
>first day on /jp/, doesn't know about the project
Just go back to 2-ch.ru where your scum belongs.

>> No.7063629

Actually, it's not my first day in /jp/ but I did had a lot of time, like 3 months, without coming here, so I hadn't heard about the project yet. Problem? Also, I'm not a russian livejournal-lurking whale. Those belong in animesuki.
